Saturday Evening Gazette, June 7, 1856
A Wedding
4527498Saturday Evening Gazette, June 7, 1856 — A Wedding

A Wedding.—We last week received a note announcing to us the marriage of our esteemed correspondent, Miss Anne T. Wilbur, (whose contributions have often graced our columns) to Mr. Joseph Wood, of Marietta, Ohio. The change in her domestic relations will doubtless withdraw her from her literary pursuits in a measure, though we still hope to see her familiar mark in our columns. We wish her all happiness and prosperity in her new sphere, with a gratified remembrance of past pleasant association with her. Prof. Wideswarth hands us the following as an ovation tothe bride:

A bridal wreath!—bring flowers that I may braid
A fitting garland for her honored brow:
Bring green Remembrance from its quiet shade,
And Friendship’s deathless blossoms from the bough;
Bring Truth’s white roses from their garden tree,
And laurel leaves that Genius best should wear,
Bring Admiration’s blooms whose constancy
Turns to the sun with a devotion rare.
Pluck blessings for her from the upper spheres,
And sprinkle them like dews upon the rim,
That the fair green may not decay by years,
That the bright flowers may not with time grow dim.
Thus be my wreath an endless floral round,
Within whose circle may all joy be found.