Saturday Evening Gazette/June 7, 1856/Why the Gazette is a Good Advertising Medium

Saturday Evening Gazette, June 7, 1856
4422823Saturday Evening Gazette, June 7, 1856


I.—The Gazette circulates among the best families of this city to an extent enjoyed by no other weekly paper and by few if any of the dailies. It is not left at the counting room where it is likely to be destroyed, but is sent direct to the residences of the subscribers where it is preserved.
II.—The Gazette is not surpassed in its typographical appearance by any paper published in Boston. By rejecting all cuts—equal prominence is obtained by all advertisers, and a perfect uniformity is observed in arrangement.
III.—The Gazette circulates extensively in all the cities and large towns of New England, and is on file in the principal hotels and reading rooms throughout the South and West.
IV.—The Gazette is moderate in its advertising charges, and advertisers, by inspection of its subscription books, which are at all times open, will see that it is supported by those who are consumers and can afford to buy what is advertised.
V.—No advertisements of an immoral tendency are allowed in its columns at any price.