Scenes and Hymns of Life, with Other Religious Poems/A Prayer of Affection


        Blessings, O Father! shower,
Father of mercies! round his precious head!
On his lone walks and on his thoughtful hour,
And the pure visions of his midnight bed,
        Blessings be shed!

        Father! I pray Thee not
For earthly treasure to that most beloved,
Fame, fortune, power:—oh! be his spirit proved
By these, or by their absence, at Thy will!
But let Thy peace be wedded to his lot,
Guarding his inner life from touch of ill.
        With its dove-pinion still!

        Let such a sense of Thee,
Thy watching presence, thy sustaining love,
His bosom guest inalienably be,
        That wheresoe'er he move,
        A heavenly light serene
        Upon his heart and mien
May sit undimm'd! a gladness rest his own,
Unspeakable, and to the world unknown!
Such as from childhood's morning land of dreams,
        Remember'd faintly, gleams,
Faintly remember'd, and too swiftly flown!

        So let him walk with Thee,
        Made by Thy spirit free;
And when Thou call'st him from his mortal place,
To his last hour be still that sweetness given,
That joyful trust! and brightly let him part,
With lamp clear burning, and unlingering heart,
        Mature to meet in heaven
        His Saviour's face!