Scofield Reference Bible Notes
by Cyrus Ingerson Scofield
3916484Scofield Reference Bible Notes — JamesCyrus Ingerson Scofield

Book Introduction - James edit

Read first chapter of James
WRITER: James (See Scofield "Matthew 4:21") , called "the Just" mentioned by Paul with Cephas and John as "pillars" in the church at Jerusalem Galatians 2:9. He seems to have been, as a religious man, austere, legal, ceremonial Acts 21:18-24.
DATE: Tradition fixes the martyrdom of James in the year 62, but his Epistle shows no trace of the larger revelations concerning the church and the distinctive doctrines of grace made through the Apostle Paul, nor even of the discussion concerning the relation of Gentile converts to the law of Moses, which culminated in the first council (Ac 15.), over which James presided. This presumes the very early date of James, which may confidently be set down as "the first Epistle to Christians."--Weston.
THEME: By "the twelve tribes scattered abroad" we are to understand, not Jews, but Christian Jews of the Dispersion. The church began with such Acts 2:5-11 and James, who seems not to have left Jerusalem, would feel a particular pastoral responsibility for these scattered sheep. They still resorted to the synagogues, or called their own assemblies by that name James 2:2, where "assembly" is "synagogue" in the Gr.). It appears from James 2:1-8 that they still held the synagogue courts for the trial of causes arising amongst themselves. The Epistle, then, is elementary in the extreme. To suppose that James 2:14-26 is a polemic against Paul's doctrine of justification is absurd. Neither Galatians nor Romans was yet written.
James' theme, then, is "religion" (Gr., threskeia, "outward religious service") as the expression and proof of faith. He does not exalt works as against faith, but faith as producing works. His style is that of the Wisdom-books of the O.T.
The divisions are five:

  • The testing of faith1:1-2:26
  • The reality of faith tested by the tongue, 3:1-18
  • The rebuke of worldliness, 4:1-17
  • The rich warned5
  • Hortatory

CHAPTER 1 edit

Verse 4 edit

mature and complete. (See Scofield "Matthew 5:48").

Verse 14 edit

"Temptation" is used in two senses:

Verse 15 edit

sin Sin.
(See Scofield "Romans 3:23").

Verse 17 edit

Two words are used in the original for "gift," the first meaning the act of giving; the second, the thing given.

Verse 20 edit

(See Scofield "Romans 3:21").

Verse 21 edit

(See Scofield "Romans 1:16").

Verse 26 edit

(Greek - θρη̑σκος[1] = outwardly religious).

Verse 27 edit

"kosmos" = world-system. James 4:4; John 7:7 (See Scofield "Revelation 13:8")

CHAPTER 2 edit

Verse 1 edit

the Lord of glory the Glory, i.e. in the sense of Hebrews 1:3 as taking the place of the shekinah.
with respect In the presence of Christ the Glory, earthly distinctions disappear.

Verse 5 edit

kosmos = mankind. (See Scofield "Matthew 4:8").

Verse 9 edit

Sin. (See Scofield "Romans 3:23").

Verse 11 edit

Sin. (See Scofield "Romans 3:23").

Verse 14 edit

(See Scofield "Romans 1:16")

Verse 21 edit

(See Scofield "Romans 4:2").

Verse 22 edit

(See Scofield "Matthew 5:48").

Verse 23 edit

Imputation is the act of God whereby He accounts righteousness to the believer in Christ, who has borne the believer's sins in vindication of the law.
(See Scofield "Philemon 1:18").
righteousness (See Scofield "Romans 3:21").

CHAPTER 3 edit

Verse 1 edit

teachers, knowing that we shall have the more severe judgment. Cf. Mark 12:40.

Verse 2 edit

(See Scofield "Matthew 5:48").

Verse 6 edit

(See Scofield "Matthew 5:22").

Verse 18 edit

(See Scofield "1 John 3:7").

CHAPTER 4 edit

Verse 4 edit

"kosmos" = world-system. 2 Peter 1:4; John 7:7 (See Scofield "Revelation 13:8")

Verse 6 edit

Grace (imparted). 1 Peter 2:19; Romans 6:1; 2 Peter 3:18

Verse 8 edit

Sin. (See Scofield "Romans 3:23").

Verse 12 edit

(See Scofield "Romans 1:16").

Verse 17 edit

Sin. (See Scofield "Romans 3:23").

CHAPTER 5 edit

Verse 1 edit


| title    = Scofield Reference Bible Notes
| author   = Cyrus Ingerson Scofield
| section  = James
| previous = Hebrews
| next     = [[Scofield Reference Bible Notes/1 Peter|1 Peter]
| notes    = 


Book Introduction - James edit

Read first chapter of James
WRITER: James (See Scofield "Matthew 4:21") , called "the Just" mentioned by Paul with Cephas and John as "pillars" in the church at Jerusalem Galatians 2:9. He seems to have been, as a religious man, austere, legal, ceremonial Acts 21:18-24.
DATE: Tradition fixes the martyrdom of James in the year 62, but his Epistle shows no trace of the larger revelations concerning the church and the distinctive doctrines of grace made through the Apostle Paul, nor even of the discussion concerning the relation of Gentile converts to the law of Moses, which culminated in the first council (Ac 15.), over which James presided. This presumes the very early date of James, which may confidently be set down as "the first Epistle to Christians."--Weston.
THEME: By "the twelve tribes scattered abroad" we are to understand, not Jews, but Christian Jews of the Dispersion. The church began with such Acts 2:5-11 and James, who seems not to have left Jerusalem, would feel a particular pastoral responsibility for these scattered sheep. They still resorted to the synagogues, or called their own assemblies by that name James 2:2, where "assembly" is "synagogue" in the Gr.). It appears from James 2:1-8 that they still held the synagogue courts for the trial of causes arising amongst themselves. The Epistle, then, is elementary in the extreme. To suppose that James 2:14-26 is a polemic against Paul's doctrine of justification is absurd. Neither Galatians nor Romans was yet written.
James' theme, then, is "religion" (Gr., threskeia, "outward religious service") as the expression and proof of faith. He does not exalt works as against faith, but faith as producing works. His style is that of the Wisdom-books of the O.T.
The divisions are five:

  • The testing of faith1:1-2:26
  • The reality of faith tested by the tongue, 3:1-18
  • The rebuke of worldliness, 4:1-17
  • The rich warned5
  • Hortatory

CHAPTER 1 edit

Verse 4 edit

mature and complete. (See Scofield "Matthew 5:48").

Verse 14 edit

"Temptation" is used in two senses:

Verse 15 edit

sin Sin.
(See Scofield "Romans 3:23").

Verse 17 edit

Two words are used in the original for "gift," the first meaning the act of giving; the second, the thing given.

Verse 20 edit

(See Scofield "Romans 3:21").

Verse 21 edit

(See Scofield "Romans 1:16").

Verse 26 edit

(Greek - θρη̑σκος[2] = outwardly religious).

Verse 27 edit

"kosmos" = world-system. James 4:4; John 7:7 (See Scofield "Revelation 13:8")

CHAPTER 2 edit

Verse 1 edit

the Lord of glory the Glory, i.e. in the sense of Hebrews 1:3 as taking the place of the shekinah.
with respect In the presence of Christ the Glory, earthly distinctions disappear.

Verse 5 edit

kosmos = mankind. (See Scofield "Matthew 4:8").

Verse 9 edit

Sin. (See Scofield "Romans 3:23").

Verse 11 edit

Sin. (See Scofield "Romans 3:23").

Verse 14 edit

(See Scofield "Romans 1:16")

Verse 21 edit

(See Scofield "Romans 4:2").

Verse 22 edit

(See Scofield "Matthew 5:48").

Verse 23 edit

Imputation is the act of God whereby He accounts righteousness to the believer in Christ, who has borne the believer's sins in vindication of the law.
(See Scofield "Philemon 1:18").
righteousness (See Scofield "Romans 3:21").

CHAPTER 3 edit

Verse 1 edit

teachers, knowing that we shall have the more severe judgment. Cf. Mark 12:40.

Verse 2 edit

(See Scofield "Matthew 5:48").

Verse 6 edit

(See Scofield "Matthew 5:22").

Verse 18 edit

(See Scofield "1 John 3:7").

CHAPTER 4 edit

Verse 4 edit

"kosmos" = world-system. 2 Peter 1:4; John 7:7 (See Scofield "Revelation 13:8")

Verse 6 edit

Grace (imparted). 1 Peter 2:19; Romans 6:1; 2 Peter 3:18

Verse 8 edit

Sin. (See Scofield "Romans 3:23").

Verse 12 edit

(See Scofield "Romans 1:16").

Verse 17 edit

Sin. (See Scofield "Romans 3:23").

CHAPTER 5 edit

Verse 1 edit

Sin. (See Scofield "Romans 3:23").

Verse 4 edit

the Lord of sabaoth
i.e. Jehovah of hosts.

Verse 16 edit

faults Sin. (See Scofield "Romans 3:23").
righteous (See Scofield "Romans 10:10").

Verse 20 edit

Sin. (See Scofield "Romans 3:23").. (See Scofield "Romans 3:23").

Verse 4 edit

the Lord of sabaoth
i.e. Jehovah of hosts.

Verse 16 edit

faults Sin. (See Scofield "Romans 3:23").
righteous (See Scofield "Romans 10:10").

Verse 20 edit

Sin. (See Scofield "Romans 3:23").

  1. strong="G2357"
  2. strong="G2357"