The following table exhibits very recent mortality statistics, showing the average duration of life among persons of various classes:

  Employment.    Years.

  Judges          65
  Farmers         64
  Bank Officers   64
  Coopers         58
  Public Officers 57
  Clergymen       56
  Shipwrights     55
  Hatters         54
  Lawyers         54
  Rope Makers     54
  Blacksmiths     51
  Merchants       51
  Calico Printers 51
  Physicians      51
  Butchers        50
  Carpenters      49
  Masons          48
  Traders         46
  Tailors         44
  Jewelers        44
  Manufacturers   43
  Bakers          43
  Painters        43
  Shoemakers      43
  Mechanics       43
  Editors         40
  Musicians       39
  Printers        38
  Machinists      36
  Teachers        34
  Clerks          34
  Operatives      32

"It will be easily seen, by these figures, how a quiet or tranquil life affects longevity. The phlegmatic man will live longer, all other things being equal, than the sanguine, nervous individual. Marriage is favorable to longevity, and it has also been ascertained that women live longer than men."