Searchlights on Health/Ten Health Rules for Babies Cut Death Rate in Two

182576Searchlights on Health — Ten Health Rules for Babies Cut Death Rate in TwoB. G. Jefferis and J. L. Nichols


Ninety-four babies out of every thousand born in New York died last year. Only thirty-eight babies died in Montclair, N.J., out of every thousand born during the same period. Much credit for this low rate of infant mortality in the latter city is given the Montclair Day Nursery which prescribes the following decade of baby health rules:

1. Give a baby pure milk and watch its feeding very closely.

2. Keep everything connected with a baby absolutely clean. Cleanliness in the house accounts for a baby's health. Untidy babies are usually sick babies.

3. Never let a baby get chilled. Keep its hands and feet warm.

4. Regulate a baby's day by the clock. Everything about its wants should be attended to on schedule time.

5. Diminish a baby's food the minute signs of illness appear. Most babies are overfed anyway.

6. Weigh a baby every week until it is a year old. Its weight is an index of its health.

7. Every mother should get daily out-door exercise. It means better health for her babies.

8. Every baby should be "mothered" more and mauled less. Babies thrive on cuddling but they can get along on a lot less kissing.

9. Don't amuse or play with your baby too much. Its regular daily routine is all the stimulation its little brain needs at first.

10. Don't let too many different people take care of the baby. Even members of the same family make a baby nervous if they fuss around him too much.