Semiramis and other plays/Semiramis/Act 1

3896776Semiramis and other plays: Semiramis — Act 11904Olive Tilford Dargan


Scene: Within the tent of Menones, on the plain before Nineveh. Left, centre, entrance to tent from the plain. Curtains rear, forming partition with exits right and left of centre. The same at right, with one exit, centre. Couch rear, between exits. From a tent-pole near exit, right centre, hang helmet and a suit of chain armor. Sola parts curtains rear, left, and looks out, showing effort to keep awake. She steps forward. Sol. Hist! Armin! Haddo!

(Enter two guards, left centre.)

                               Still no news?

Arm. None, lady.

Sol. Oh, Artavan, what keeps thee?

Haddo. He will come.

Sol. Semiramis is sleeping. I am weary,

But I ’ll not sleep.

Arm. Rest, madam; we will call you.

Sol. My lord shall find me watching, night or day!

Arm. Two nights you have not slept.

Sol. Ten thousand nights,

I think, good Armin.

Had. We will call you, madam.

Arm. With the first hoof-beat ringing from the north!

Sol. (At curtains, drowsily)

I ’ll be—awake.

               (Goes in)

Had. She ’ll sleep now.

Arm. Ay, she must.

Had. And I ’d not call her for god Bel himself!

Arm. Hark! (Goes to entrance)

           ’Tis a horseman!

Had. (Following him) Two!

Arm. Right! We must rouse

The lady Semiramis.

Had. Make sure ’tis he. (They step out)

Voice without. Is this Menones’ tent?

Arm. (Without) Ay, Sir! The word!

Voice. God Ninus!

(Semiramis enters, through curtains right centre)

Sem. Artavan! His voice!

(Enter Artavan, followed by Sumbat who waits near entrance)

Sem. My brother!

Art. Semiramis! (Embracing her) Three years this kiss

Has gathered love for thee!

Sem. Has ’t been so long

Since I left Gazim?

Art. Ay,—since Ninus called

Our father here, and Gazim lost her dove.

Sem. (On his bosom, laughing softly) The dove of Gazim,—so they called me then.

But now—(proudly, moving from him) the lioness of Nineveh!

Art. A warrior’s daughter!

Sem. And a warrior’s sister!

O, I have prayed that you might come! The king

Is gracious—loves the brave—

Art. Our father?

Sem. Ah!

Art. He ’s well?

Sem. Is ’t day?

Art. Almost.

Sem. At dawn he meets

The Armenians on the plain.

Art. Then he is well!

Sem. He went forth well,—and brave as when he drove

The Ghees from Gazim with his single sword!

But—oh—he needs you, Artavan, he needs you!

(Comes closer speaking rapidly)

I ’m with him night and day but when he battles—

I buckle on his arms—cheer him away—

And wipe the foe’s blood from his mighty sword

When he returns! But I ’ve a fear so strange!

At times he ’s moved quite from himself,—so far

That I look on him and see not our father!

If I dared speak I ’d almost say that he

Who never lost a battle shrinks from war!

Art. (Starting) No, no! Not that! You borrow eyes of fear

And see what is not!

Sem. But I ’ve felt the drops

Cold on his brow, and raised his lifeless arms

Whose corded strength hung slack as a sick child’s!

O, it is true! And you must stand by him!

Fight at his side! I thought to do it! I!

See here, my armor!

(Moving with him to where the armor hangs)

                   When I had this made

And swore to wear it in the fight, ’t was then

He yielded—said that you might come—

(Sound of trumpets at distance. They listen)

                                       The charge!

Art. I go to him!

Sem. (Taking a paper from her bosom)

                 Take this! He ’ll understand!

’Tis some direction later thought upon!

Art. My wife is safe—

Sem. With me! Three days ago

She came. And now she sleeps—

(Points to curtains, rear left)

Art. In there? One kiss—

Sem. Nay, nay, you go to battle, and should keep

Steel in your eye, not woman’s tears!... Who comes

With you?

(Looks toward entrance where Sumbat stands)

         O, Sumbat!

(He advances and drops on knee. She gives him both hands and he rises)

                     Welcome! But no time

For gallant greetings! We are warriors here!

(A roll of battle is heard)

Art. We go!

Sem. Ride! ride! The battle over, ye

Shall meet the king!

(Artavan and Sumbat hasten out. The noise of departure brings Sola to curtains)

Sol. What is it? Who was here?

Sem. (Absorbed) They ’ll reach my father!

Sol. Not Artavan?

Sem. Ay—he.

Sol. And gone—my husband!

Without a word—a look!

Sem. The battle calls,

And he who wears ambition’s spur must ride!

Sol. Ambition! O, you think of naught but war

And glory! Hast thou no heart, Semiramis?

Sem. I’ faith, and love thee with it! (kisses her)

Sol. Trifle not!

Hadst thou a heart thou couldst not live a maid,

So beautiful, and never dream of love!

Thou ’rt some strange thing—

Sem. What, wilt be angry? Come!

I ’ll tell thee all he said—thy Artavan,—

Ay, every word, and how his eyes grew soft

With dimness sweeter than their vanquished light

When thou wert his dear theme!

(They move to curtains. Semiramis stops and listens)

                               Go in. I ’ll come. (Sola goes in)

Sem. (Listening) Is that a chariot? My father!... Nay!

He ’s safe with Artavan! Whatever comes

His son will be his heart and bear him up!

Safe, safe, Menones, and thy grizzled locks

Shall wear their laurels to an honored grave!

(Noise of approaching chariot)

It is a chariot! Can it be the king?

(Chariot stops without)

Armin, who is it comes?

Arm. (Appearing at entrance) The Lord Menones.

(Semiramis sways, steadies herself, and waits. Menones enters, livid and trembling. In form he is large and mighty, but is grey with age. He staggers over to couch and sits upon it, groaning heavily. Semiramis looks at him in silence. Then approaches and speaks in a low terrified tone)

Sem. You fled the battle!

Men. Oh!

Sem. You must go back!

Men. Too late!

Sem. (Gaining courage and putting her hands sternly on his shoulders)


Men. We must fly!

Sem. Fly! Never!

Men. (Rising) Come!

The chariot! The king will leave my race

No blood on earth!

Sem. If it be coward’s blood

’Tis better lost!

Men. Come, come! We yet can fly!

Sem. Back to the battle! There I ’ll go with thee!

Men. I can not! Oh, the terror ’s here—here—here!

It clutches at my heart!

Sem. Tear out thy heart

And keep thy honor whole!

(He falls on the couch, shaken with suffering. She kneels by him pleading passionately)

Sem. Up, father, up!

You must go back! You know not what you ’ve done!

Our Artavan—

Men. Praise Bel, he ’s safe in Gazim!

Sem. No ... he is here ... he came, and rode to find you.

Men. He came? Gods, no!

Sem. Nay, true! He ’s in the battle!

Now you will go! You will go back, my father!

He does not know the plan! He can not lead

Without your counsel! Come—your voice—his arm—

And all is safe!

(He rises; noise of battle; he sinks shuddering)

Men. No—I ’ll die here—not there!

(Semiramis stands in despair; then lifts her arms praying)

Sem. O mighty Belus, give me back my father!

(She listens with sudden eagerness and goes to tent door)

False! false! They’re verging south! North, north, ye cowards!

(Rushes to her armor and takes it down. Shakes the curtains right, and calls)

Dokahra! (Throws off her robe and begins putting on armor. Enter Dokahra, right centre)

Dok. Mistress!

Sem. Buckle here! Be quick!

Men. You shall not go!

Sem. You have no might or right

To stay me now!

Men. You will be lost!

Sem. Lost? No!

Did I not plan this battle? Haste, Dokahra!

Our lives are in your fingers! Courage, father!

(Going, Dokahra still adjusting armor)

The king has smiled on me—I do not know—

But there was such a promise in his smile—

And if the victory ’s mine he will forgive!

Dok. This rivet, mistress!

(Noise of battle)

Sem. Artavan, I come!

(Rushes out. Sound of chariot rolling away. Dokahra looks stolidly at Menones for a moment, then turns through curtains, right. Menones presses his heart in pain, moans wretchedly, and draws a blanket over his body)

Men. Is this the form that bright Decreto loved?

But where the soul, O, gods! (Lies shuddering)

Voice without. The King!

(Menones draws blanket over his face and becomes motionless. Enter the king, with Vassin)

Nin. (At entrance) Stand here!

Godagon, haste! Ride to Menones; say

We wait within his tent; his messengers

Will reach us here.

(A rider spurs off without. Ninus and Vassin advance within the tent)

Vas. Your majesty, suppose

The Armenians gain, you ’ll be in danger here.

Why come so near for news?

Nin. For news, good Vassin?

I had a better reason. Semiramis

Tents with her father.

(Points to curtains)

Vas. Ah!

Nin. The sun will break

Through there!

Vas. My lord—

Nin. She stirs! She comes! Wait—see!

(Dokahra’s gaunt figure appears at curtains)

Vas. A false dawn, is it not?

Nin. Your mistress sleeps?

Dok. (Abasing herself)

No, mighty king!

Nin. She ’s up? Then give her word

We’re here.

Dok. She ’s not within, my lord.

Nin. Abroad!

So soon? She ’s on the general’s business?

Dok. And yours, O king! She ’s joined the battle!

Nin. She!

Vas. Ha! ha! Do you believe this?

Nin. Ay ... ’tis so.

I know her spirit. Here ’s mettle for a queen!

(Menones uncovers and half rises)

Vas. You would not make her one, your majesty!

Though she should lead your troops to victory,

Still is she but your general’s daughter, and

Assyria’s crown is given of gods to gods!

Nin. And Ninus knows to keep his race untainted.

But all the jewels of a king, my Vassin,

Are not worn in his crown. Some in the heart

Are casketed, and there this maid shall shine

For me alone. Were she of heavenly race—

Men. (Starting up)

She is, my lord!

(Ninus regards him in astonishment)

Nin. What do you here, Menones?


Men. (Trembling) I am ill.

Nin. Ill, sir? Ha! Now I know!

Your daughter leads while you couch safe in tent!

She sought to hide your shame! O, what a heart!

But you—

Men. I led, my lord, till illness seized—

Nin. Too ill to fight, but not too ill to fly!

Hound! hound! My troops are lost! I ’d kill you now

But ’tis an hour too soon! First you must be

Of every honor stript!

Men. (Kneeling) My lord and king,

I know that I must die, but hear a prayer

For my brave daughter’s sake! Betray her not,

Lest thou offend the gods that gave thee life,

For she, too, is of heaven!

Vas. Ha!

Men. I swear

’Tis true! My lord, Decreto was her mother!

She met me on the plains of Gazim when

This aged figure was called fair, and youth

Still fed its fire to manhood’s prime;

Our babe she left upon a mountain crest

And sent her doves to tend it through a year,

Then bade me scale the mount and take my own.

I did, and named her for Decreto’s dove—


Nin. What precious tale is this?

Vas. He thinks to fright you from the maid, my lord.

Dok. (Falling at the king’s feet)

O king, ’tis true! Ask thou in Gazim—

Nin. Go!

(Dokahra vanishes through curtains left rear)

Nin. ’T will take a better lie to save your head!

Men. My head? Thou ’rt welcome to it! ’Tis not that!

But she—my daughter—

Nin. We will spare her life.

Men. (Calmly) It is my prayer that she may die with me.

Nin. Not while we love. If e’er she lose her charm,

We may remember that you were her father.

Men. (Furiously, forgetting himself)

She has a brother yet!

Nin. A brother! So!

We ’ll look to him as well! Thanks for your news!

Men. (Towering up) Though every god in heaven gave thee blood

Yet would I spill it!

(Lifts his sword; suddenly drops it and falls, pressing his heart. Ninus and Vassin watch him silently until he is still)

Nin. Dead?

Vas. (Stooping) Ay, dead, my lord.

Nin. I would have spared him though I threatened death.

Vas. Have spared the coward? Why, your majesty?

Nin. Semiramis has spirit passing woman’s;

I have no hope to force her to my arms,

And I ’d have wrought her heart to tenderness

By mercy to her father. Love is my aim!

All else I can command—but that—Guards here!

(Enter Armin and Haddo)

Not you—my own! But wait—a word! Where sleeps


Arm. (Pointing) There, O king!

(The body of Menones lies behind the king and Vassin, unseen by the guards. Exeunt Armin and Haddo. Enter the king’s guards)

Nin. Take up this body.

Place it within.

(Guards go in with Menones’ body)

Vas. What would you do, my lord?

Nin. You ’ll know in time.

       (Re-enter guards) Hark! You saw nothing!

Guards. (Bowing to floor) Nothing.

O mighty Ninus! (Exeunt)

Nin. I will have her love!

Vassin, this story of her goddess birth

Is true!

Vas. How knows your majesty?

Nin. It speaks

In all her motions. Every glance and grace

Revouches it. E’en your dull eye must know

Her beauty is immortal, though her life

Is forfeit to the clay and must have end.

Vas. Thou ’lt find another fair! Youth blooms and goes!

Nin. Not such as hers! Her brow ’s a holy page

Where chiselling Time dare never set a mark!

The sun hath been her lover, and so deep

Hath touched her locks with fire no winter hand

May shake his kisses out!

Vas. Why, thou ’rt in love!

(Confused voices without. A messenger runs in and falls at the feet of the king)

Nin. Speak, sir!

Mes. Assyria wins! The Armenians fly!

They ’ve lost their leader—

Nin. Khosrove! Is he taken?

Mes. Taken or slain, I know not which, but know

He leads no more the enemy! They fly

Before Semiramis!

Nin. Semiramis!

Mes. Ay, all was rout until she reached the field

And spurred the—

Voice of herald without. Victory! A victory!

Ninus is god and king!

Cries. A victory!

(Enter herald)

Herald. Assyria triumphs o’er his enemies!

Nin. Is Khosrove taken?

Her. Slain, the people cry!

The soldiers hail Semiramis their chief,

Call her a goddess, drag her chariot,

And shout and swear by Belus’ ruling star

To be her slaves forever!

Nin. So they shall.

Vas. Your majesty—

Nin. Peace, Vassin! Wait and see!

(Noise and cries without as Semiramis is drawn toward the tent in her chariot)

Nin. Ho! Guards!

(The king’s guards enter. Ninus passes to right centre, facing entrance opposite. Guards station themselves on each side of him and in his rear. Semiramis enters, followed by officers and soldiers. Her helmet is off, her hair falling)

Nin. Hail goddess!

(Semiramis looks at the king in astonishment then glances fearfully toward Menones’ room)

Nin. Hail, Assyria’s queen!

Sem. (Faintly) O king—

(Ninus advances to her. She kneels before him)

Nin. Kneel down, Menones’ daughter! Rise,

The bride of Ninus, nevermore to kneel!

                                       (Raises her)

This victory is proof, if proof I need,

That you are a true daughter of the skies,

Mate for the mightiest throne!

                 (To soldiers) Cry festival!

The feast of triumph and the wedding revel

We ’ll hold together! Go!

(Exeunt soldiers, cheering without)

Nin. (Taking the hand of Semiramis)

                         To-day thou ’lt come?

Sem. (Withdrawing her hand and bowing her head)

I am my king’s.

Nin. (Passing to exit) The royal chariot,

Within the hour, will take you from the tent

Unto our palace.

(Exeunt Ninus and attendants. Semiramis stands dazed. Sola comes out softly and looks at her)

Sem. (In rapture) Ah, my father ’s safe!

I ’ll tell him!

(Hurries toward curtains right, rear, and stops at exit)

               No ... I ’ll wait. This joy is dead

If Artavan be lost!

(Sola springs toward her with a cry)

Sol. Be lost? Ah, no!

Where is he? Oh, not lost!

Sem. He pushed too far

Amid the flying troops.

Sol. And you—you stole

His last look from my eyes!

Sem. He may be saved.

For Sumbat followed him. He must be saved!

We ’ll hope till Sumbat comes.

Sol. O, you know naught

Of love!

Sem. I was his sister, Sola, ere

He made thee wife.

Sol. A sister! O, such love

Is nothing! Thou wilt smile at it

If ever thou ’rt a wife!

(Semiramis is removing her armor. She stops and looks questioningly at Sola; then shakes her head)

Sem. Nay, Sola, nay!...

Help me with this.... Somehow my heart is gone

And armor ’s for the brave.

     (Putting on her robe) Now ’t has come back.

But beats and whispers like a maiden’s own.

I am but half a warrior.... Do not sob.

Sumbat will bring us news.... Ah, he has come!

(Enter Sumbat)

Sol. (Rushing to him and looking into his face)

Oh, lost! (Flies, sobbing, through the curtains, rear left)

Sem. Speak.... Is it true?

Sum. I fear it is.

I could not save him, and they bore him off.

Sem. Alive?

Sum. Alive!

Sem. A prisoner! Not slain!

Then we may hope! I ’ve captured Husak’s son!

Sum. Khosrove! Is he not under guard without?

A man most fair ... of lordly form, and young?

Sem. ’Tis he! Have him brought hither instantly!

To Husak word shall go on swiftest steed

That I will yield the prince for Artavan!

(Exit Sumbat)

He ’s safe ... if there be time ... if there be time!...

Husak, the Fierce ... but he must love his son,

And will be merciful to save him. Ay....

So brave a son. Now I recall his face,

It would have made me pause had not my eyes

Been dim with triumph.

(Enter Sumbat, followed by officers with Khosrove. The officers fall back, leaving the captive before Semiramis. He is stripped of all armor, and clothed in a scant tunic revealing a figure of marked strength and grace. He stands erect, but with head bowed, and his arms bound to his sides)

Sem. (Gazes at him) Ah!... (She advances a step)


(At sound of her voice he lifts his head and looks at her with eager recognition)

Sem. (Stepping back) Armenian!

Khos. (Proudly) Armenia, by your leave!

I am my father’s house.

Sem. I ’m glad ’tis so.

Then he should value thee.

Khos. He does.

Sem. So much

That he will spare the life of Artavan

If we spare yours?

Khos. Who is this Artavan

Who evens me in price?

Sem. Menones’ son.

Khos. Menones? Governor of Nineveh?

Who fled my sword, fear-cold, and pale with terror?

Insult not Husak with so poor a suit!

That coward’s race—

Sem. Am I a coward, sir?

Khos. (In sudden dejection)

These fettered arms make answer, princess.

Sem. Nay,

I am Menones’ daughter,—Artavan

My brother!

Khos. Not the Assyrian princess? O,

Forgive me, lady! I am proud to be

Thy brother’s price!

Sem. What surety have I

That Artavan still lives?

Khos. My word.

Officer. His word!

O, noble madam, it is known to all

That Husak takes no prisoners of war.

They die before his tent.

Khos. Such is the custom—

Sem. O me, my brother!

Khos. But I can avouch

That Artavan still lives.

Off. Trust not the word

Of captive foes, my lady. By what means

Can he know this?

Sem. Speak, sir.

Khos. To you alone

I ’ll speak.

Sem. Nay—before all!

Khos. Unto no ear

But thine.

Sem. Wouldst save thy life?

Khos. Perhaps. Wouldst save

Thy brother?

Sem. Sumbat, wilt advise me?

Sum. Trust him,

And hear what he would say.

Sem. Out then, my friends,

I pray you.

(All go out but Semiramis and Khosrove.)


Khos. My father swore to me

Before I led his troops ’gainst Nineveh,

All captives should be held at my disposal

And bloody custom waived. I would not speak

’Fore all, lest I should rob fierce Husak’s name

Of terror which is half his sword.

Sem. But now

He thinks you dead.

Khos. Not so. I ’ve sent him word

By a sure mouth that I ’m unhurt and held

A prisoner.

Sem. O then my brother ’s safe!

How gracious art thou, Heaven!

     (Steps towards entrance) Sumbat!

Khos. (Stepping before her) Wait!

Sem. What more?

Khos. All—everything—there ’s nothing said!

Ninus will spare me not! ’Tis thou must save me!

Sem. I! No! The king!

Khos. Not he! Is Artavan

Grown dearer than his hate to Husak? Nay—

Sem. Sir, fear not Ninus. He will grant my suit.

Khos. He will? You—you—

Sem. I ’ve saved his army!

Khos. (Relieved) Ah!

No more than that?

Sem. Enough!

Khos. No! ’T will not wipe

Revenge from out his heart,—and you have saved

But that your father threw away.

Sem. Peace, sir!

Khos. There ’s but one way for me—escape!

Sem. No more!

Nay—not another word!

Khos. I must escape—

Sem. Not one!

Khos. That word unsaid slays Artavan,

Spoken it saves him! Once in Ninus’ power

I have no hope of life, and with me dies

Your brother.

Sem. (Scornfully) Do not fear!

Khos. I fear? By Heaven!

Think you this heart is not a soldier’s own

Because ’tis captive to a woman’s sword?

A woman’s sword! O little had thy sword

To do with my defeat! Unarmed thou wouldst

Have taken me—for ’t was thy beauty struck

My weapon to my side! (rapidly and passionately)

                     When I bore down

Upon your chariot, I could have swept you

With one arm from the world! But suddenly

A missile struck your helmet and dislodged

The glory of your face before my eyes,

Your hair ran gold, the shining East looked black

Behind the star you made upon its breast!

I knew thee for a goddess, and stood still

Meek captive to thy wish! O blest am I

To learn thou art not greater than myself,

But so much less that I may lift thee up!

Fly with me—be my queen—

(Semiramis tries to speak)

                           Go, call them in!

I ’ll shout above their heads to reach thine ears!

O, trust to me! In me thy brother lives!

Come, and thy fallen father shall be brave

Beneath Armenia’s smile! Here thou mayst save

His life, but ne’er again will he know honor!

Help me to fly and save three lives in one!

Give me to Ninus—give me up to death,

And with a father and a brother lost,

Though thou wert worshipped ’mong thy country’s gods

Still thou couldst not be happy!

Sem. Sir—

Khos. But come,

And they are safe!

Sem. (Bewildered) What do I hear?

Khos. O, come!

Dost know what love is, daughter of Menones?

It is the fire that dead puts out the light

On every hearth, living makes all the world

One altar feeding incense unto Heaven!

It gives the soul to life, breath to the soul,

Pulse to ambition, strength to warrior arms,—

(Struggling with his fetters)

Such strength that they may break all captive bonds

To clasp their own!

(Breaks his fetters and attempts to embrace her as she retreats gazing at him as if fascinated. She escapes him, and throws off her bewilderment. He drops to his knees holding out his arms to her)

                   And love I offer thee!

Sem. Sir, I forgive thee, for thou knowest not

To whom you speak!

Khos. Know not!

Sem. I who am now

Menones’ daughter, ere the night shall be

The bride of Ninus, king of all Assyria!

(Khosrove rises, bows before her, and stands with silent dignity)

Sem. You—you—were saying—

Khos. Nothing, royal madam.

Have you not friends without?

(Semiramis hesitates, goes to door and calls)

Sem. Sumbat!

                         (To Khosrove) Thou ’rt safe!

Khos. (Ironically)

Assyria’s queen should know!

Sem. She does!

(Re-enter Sumbat and officers)

Sum. Unbound!

Sem. Ay, he is free! We only wait the word

Of gracious Ninus. Guard him until then,

We charge you, Sumbat. Keep you nearest him.

(Exeunt Sumbat and officers with Khosrove)

Sem. My father now! He must have heard the shouts

Of victory, yet still he hides himself.

... The king asked not for love. He is Assyria.

I would not lessen him by love. Not yet....

’Tis my triumphant arms he weds. The heart

Must sleep....

Voice of guard at entrance. The king approaches!

Sem. Ah!... The king!

His word, and all is done. I ’ll speak to him

Before I see my father. Then I may say

‘Thou art forgiven, and Artavan is safe!’

... And Khosrove ... safe.... The royal chariot!...

O, mother, send thy doves—I am once more

A babe!

(The king enters alone)

Nin. Art ready for thy king?

Sem. I am—

And yet—a word before I go! Thou know’st

That Khosrove is my prisoner—

Nin. Khosrove! He!

We thought him slain!

Sem. Nay, sir—

Nin. A prisoner!

O, welcome gift! We ask no other dower!

Sem. But, gracious lord—

Nin. (Turning to entrance) Ho, Vassin! Khosrove ’s taken!

Go! Find him out and drag him straight to dungeon!

Bind him with chains until he can not move,

Till we ’ve devised some bitter way of death!

Vas. (Without) I haste, my lord!

Nin. At last my enemy is ’neath my feet!

(Returning to Semiramis)

And ’tis to thee we owe this gift of fortune!

... You’re pale, Semiramis.

Sem. O king—

Nin. (Taking her hands) And trembling.

Dost fear my greatness? Nay, thou ledst my army—

Sem. O, if for that thou ow’st me aught, grant me—

Nin. Whate’er thou wouldst!

Sem. My brother, Artavan,

Is Husak’s captive! Thou canst save him!

Nin. I?

Then he is saved! But how! Tell me the way!

Sem. Husak will yield him up for Khosrove!

Nin. What

Send Khosrove back alive! Not though the gods

Commanded it! Alive! ’T was Husak slew

My father, and his son shall die! Ten years

I ’ve sought for this revenge! And give it up

For a green lad fresh from the fields of Gazim?

Sem. A warrior, sir, who ’ll win thee many a battle!

And crest thy glory with meridian stars!

He ’s worth the price though pity lent no coin!

Save him, my lord! A bridal boon I ask!

Give me my brother!

Nin. A bridal boon I ’ll grant.

Thou lov’st thy father?

Sem. (Choking) You know—that he—

Nin. I know.

Sem. Great king—

Nin. One thou mayst save.

Sem. O gods!

Nin. Thy brother, or thy father? Thou mayst choose.

Sem. I know my duty, sir. I choose my father.

Nin. A noble choice. We are not harsh, my queen.

The people know Menones’ life is forfeit,

And know how I have sought for Khosrove’s death;

Did I spare both for your sake they would say

That Ninus’ scepter is a woman’s hand.

(Shouts of rejoicing without)

But come! The chariot waits. The people call.

Sem. First will I tell my father that he lives.

He ’s waiting there the summons to his death.

Ah, I must thank you sir.

(Takes the king’s hand and kisses it. Goes through curtains, right, rear. Her cry is heard within. She returns.)

                         Too late! He ’s dead!

Cold, cold, my father! Oh!

(Sobs, her hands covering her face)

Nin. (Removing her hands and putting his arm about her)

                           Thou ’rt not alone,

My bride!

Sem. (Withdrawing and kneeling to him, her hands upraised)

         O king, leave me my brother!

Nin. Nay!

Did you not have your choice? You ask too much.

Sem. (Rising) Ah, so I do! I should demand, not ask!

Nin. Demand!

Sem. Ay, king! ... ’Tis true I ’m not alone.

My goddess mother is again with me

As when this morn my heart exultant rode

The tides of triumph! When the heavens rolled

And like a stooping sea caught up my soul

Till ranged with the applauding gods it clapped

My courage on below! You offer me

A place beside your throne. I offer you

The hearts of all your subjects now my own,—

The love—the worship of your mighty army!

(Cries without)

They shout my name—not yours—great Ninus! Hear!

Shouts: Semiramis is queen! Semiramis!

Sem. I bring a hand, with yours inlocked, shall reach

O’er Asia’s breadth and draw her glory in!

A heart ambitious with immortal beat

To make Assyria greatest ’neath the stars!

And in return I ask my brother’s life!

Give me your promise Khosrove goes to Husak,

Or leave me where I stand—Menones’ daughter!

Nin. (Slowly, reading the determination in her face)

I promise.

Sem. Swear!

Nin. I swear it!

Sem. (Relaxes, falls at his feet, and reaches up, clasping his hands)

                               O, god Ninus!
