Sentimental reciter/The Sailor's Return

Sentimental reciter (1856)
The Sailor's Return
3211691Sentimental reciter — The Sailor's Return1856


When time brought me back to my father’s again,
To our auld cot that stood by the glen side alane:
Wi’ a changed heart I passed by the burn an’ the shaw
Whaur I sported the blythe hours o’ boyhood awa’.

I stepp’d in at the door, and I look’d a’ aroun’,
But I saw na a face an’ I heard na a soun’;
At length frae the room my auld faither crept nigh,
But he kenn'd na the face o’ his ain sailor boy.

I took the wee creepy the first thing I gat,
Syne doon by the ance cheery ingle I sat—
Quo’ I, this shall be my hame for ae nicht I ween,
It is lang since I sat by a peat hearth at e’en.

My faither said, freely yese share o’ my hame,
Wha kens, my ain boy may be seekin’ the same;
He has long been awa’ at the wearisome sea,
And a sailor’s like ane o’ my ain house to me.

Three sisters, a’ young things when I gaed awa’,
Were noo grown to women, an’ married were twa’;
The third wi’ my faither, gay, blythsome and free,
Cam’ in unco weel pleased a sailor to sec.

I had a gude store o’ the rich gowden coin,
For fortune in thae days upon me did shine—
Wi’ a feck o’t, I said, tak’ this present frae me,
And thank your ain boy for’t, sae lang at the sea.

They looked upon ither, while fast the tears fell;
They spak’ na a word, and I maist grat mysel’,
But silent they look’d, gaid an’ cam’ back again,
Amaist fear'd to ask me if I was their ain.

We sat maist a’ night an’ the peats gat a heize;
I thought the auld cot wad hae burn’d wi’ the bleeze.
My sister, wi’ merry heart, tauld me maist a’
That was strange frae the vera day I gaed awa’.

My faither seem’d shakin’ aff some o’ his years,
As be ran o’er his combats, his hopes, and his fears;
An’ in pride o’ auld age cam’ the look and the smile,
That tauld hoo his heart was uplifted the while.

That night I forgat a’ the toil an’ the pain
O’ wearisome years on the dangerous main;
But my mither was gane ere I gaed to the sea,
An' a sigh o' regret passed amid a’ the glee.

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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