Seventeen lectures on the study of medieval and modern history and kindred subjects/Index
Abbots, 269, 270; disappear from parliament, 259, 269, 287, 288, 356.
Abelard, 138.
Accursi, Francesco, 179.
Acre, history and capture of, 161, 164, 171, 177, 179 sqq., 186, 187, 190.
Acworth, battle of, 348, 359.
Adam of Petitpont, 138, 139.
Adamnan, 296.
Adrian IV, pope, 125.
Albericna Gentilis, 67.
Alcock, bishop, 354, 357.
Alcuin, the letters of, 62, 127.
Alexander II, czar of Russia, 86.
Alexander III, pope, 125, 306.
Alexander IV, 167, 186.
Alexander VI, 338.
Alexandria, captured by Peter I, 194.
Alexius Angelus, 160.
Alfonso the Wise, 123, 168, 210, 307.
Alice, queen of Cyprus, 171 sqq., 175.
Alison, sir Archibald, 60.
Amalric I, 119, 144, 163-165, 170, 171, 173, 178, 179.
Ambrose, French poem of, 154.
America, study of history in, 69 sq., 116, 380.
American War of Independence, 336.
Andrew, king of Hungary, 172.
Andrewes, bishop, 326, 327.
Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, the, 79.
Anglo-Saxon ecclesiastical courts, 298 sq.
Annates Bill, the, 256, 257, 280, 281.
Anne of Beaujeu, 366.
Anne of Brittany, 366.
Anne of Cleves, 260, 288.
Anselm, S., 135, 144.
Antioch, 181, &c.
Antiocheis, the, 68, 146, 151.
Apostolic Constitutions, the, 295.
Aquinas, S. Thomas, 90; De Regimine Principum, 178, 212.
Archdeacons, 132, 133, 139, 300 sq., 302 sq.., 314.
Arches, Court of, 310, 319.
Armenia, the Greater, 159.
Armenia, the kingdom of, 158 sqq., 182, 186, 187-190, 197-199, 204.
Armenian Church, the, 160.
Arms of Cyprus and queen Elizabeth, 204 sq.
Arnold, Dr. Thomas, 7, 383.
Arnulf of Lisieux, 128.
Arsacidae, 159.
Arthur, prince of Wales, son of Henry VII, 350, 351, 367-368.
Arthur of Brittany, 126.
Articles of, 258; of, 260, 287.
Arundel, archbishop, 356. lord, 280.
Ascelin, bishop of Rochester, 132.
Assize of Darrein Presentment, 303.
Assizes of Jerusalem, 166-170, 173, 178, 179, 187.
Atterbury, bishop, 6, 331.
Audley, lord, 350.
Audley, speaker and chancellor, 244, 248, 271, 272, 276, 281-284, 289.
Augmentations, court of, 259.
Augustine, S., on Researchers, 114.
Austria, the House of, 215, 228-230, 337.
Bacon, Francis, 246, 247, 338, 347, 348, 359, 360, 365.
Bacon, Roger, 311, 314.
Bagdad, khalifate of, 1S8.
Bagratidae, the, 159.
Baker, Thomas, 6.
Balance of power, 225, 334.
Baldwin, archbishop, 120, 131, 144, 146.
Baldwin of Boulogne, 159.
Baldwin III, king of Jerusalem, 119.
Balliol, John, 219.
Bancroft, archbishop, 328.
Bangorian controversy, 331.
Bartholomew, bishop, 134, 146.
Basel, Council of, 309.
Bath, earldom of, 350.
Bavaria, the House of, 215.
Beaufort, cardinal, 151, 185.
Becket, archbishop, 78, 117, 120, 122, 125-127, 128, 130, 134, 139, 143, 144, 145, 147, 152, 154, 183, 301, 303.
Bede, 8, 150, 296.
Beeke, Dr. H., 383.
Benedict of Peterborough, 120, 125, 148.
Benedict of S. Maur, 154.
Benefit of clergy limited, 319, 362.
'Benevolences,' 359, 360.
Berengaria, queen, 161.
Bernard, S., 132, 133, 138.
Bernard Andreas of Toulouse, 340.
Berytus, 171, 174 sq., 181 sq.
Bigelow, Mr. M., 380.
Bishoprics, new, under Henry VIII, 269, 287.
Blackfriars, parliament at, 269.
Blacketone, sir W., 362, 365.
Blount, Bessie, 245, 254.
Boase, C. W., 375.
Boccaccio, 190, 195.
Bohemond III, 161.
Bohemond IV, 177, 179.
Bohemond V, 173.
Bohemond VI, 179.
Boleyn, Anne, 245, 254, 256, 257, 260, 270, 277, 279, 283, 285, 286.
Bologna, University of, 138, 139 sq., 300, 302, 320.
Boniface of Savoy, archbishop, 305, 308.
Boniface, S., 297.
Boniface VIII, pope, 186, 189, 216, 308.
Bosworth Field, battle of, 338, 347, 355, 361.
Boucicault, marshal, 199.
Boulogne, expedition to (), 358, 363, 366.
Bourges, Pragmatic Sanction of, 309.
Boutario, E., 66.
Bracton, 304, 305.
Brady, Dr., 67 sq.
Bray, sir Reginald, 354.
Breakspere, Nicolas, 125, 132.
Brewer, J. S., 57, 378.
Brittany and Henry VII, 358, 366, 367.
Britton, 305.
Brown, Master Thomas, 120, 133 sq., 147.
Browne, C, applies for leave to proceed as Bachelor and Doctor of the Canon Law at Oxford (), 331.
Brunner, Dr., 63, 380.
Brunswick, House of, in relation to literature, 3.
Bryce, prof., 10, 39.
Budinger, Dr., 380.
Burchard of Worms, 297 sq.
Burgundy, treaty of Henry VII with, 349, 366.
Burrows, prof. M., 10, 30, 52, 375.
Burton, Robert, 153.
Cæsarea, 177.
Calais, garrison of (), 364.
Cambridge, Bp. More's MSS. presented to, 4.
begins the study of Modern History, 6.
Civil and Canon Law at, 311.
degree of LL.D. at, 320, 330.
Camden, W., 6.
Campegio, cardinal, 254.
Camville, Richard, 162.
Canons of , 327.
Canterbury Letters, the, 128 sq.
Canterbury under Henry II, 145.
Capgrave, 191.
Caraman, the grand, 202.
Cardon, Signer, 380.
Carlyle's Frederick the Cheat, etc., 60, 81, 92, 116, 378.
Catherine Howard, 288.
Catholicate, the Armenian, 159.
Cawdrey's case, 326, 328, 329.
Caxton, William, 339, 340.
Celestine III, pope, 166.
Chancellors, lay and clerical, 327.
Chancery, Court of, 321.
Chaplains, domestic, of noblemen, 143.
Chapuys dispatches, 272, 279, 285.
Charles I, king of England, 109, 327, 329.
Charles II, 329.
Charles IV, emperor, 193, 211.
Charles V, 227, 228, 235, 254, 290, 337, 368 sq.
Charles VI, king of France, 197, 199.
Charles VII, 226.
Charles VXII, 228, 335, 337, 366, 367.
Charles of Anjou, 179-181, 186, 204.
Charlotte of Bourbon, queen, 200.
Charlotte of Lusignan, queen of Cyprus, 203 ; marries Lewis, Count of Geneva, ib.
Chester, colonel J. L., 70.
Chicheater under Henry II, 146.
Chronique d'Outremer, 154, 163-165.
Civil and Canon Law, 301 sqq., 319 sqq.
Clement V, pope, 308.
Clement VI, 197.
Clement VII, 277.
Clementines, the, 308.
Clifford, sir Robert, 349.
Cobden on Thucydides, alluded to, 86, 106.
Coke, sir E., 272, 302, 306, 326, 328, 329, 332.
Colet, John, 342.
Columbanus, 296.
Columbus, 340.
Committees of the House of Commons, 325.
Comneni, the, 221.
ComposteUa, 127.
Confirmation of Charters, 179.
Congé d'eslire, 327.
Constantine, legislation of, 295.
Constantine Monomachus, 159.
Constantius, king of Armenia, 189, 197.
Constitution, the English, medieval growth of the, 223.
Constitutions of Clarendon, 303.
Convocation under Henry VII, 359, 360; under Henry VIII, 277 sqq., 319; silenced under the House of Hanover, 311.
Comaro, Caterina, 203 sq.
Cosack, Dr., 38.
Coulanges, Eustel de, 66.
Court of High Commission, 324-326, 329, 330.
Court of Requests, 324.
Coxe, archdeacon, 61.
Cramer, Dr., 7.
Cranmer, archbishop, 244, 245, 249, 256, 357. 261, 284, 286, 322.
Creighton, prof. M., 379.
Crimean War, the, 59, 104, 238.
Crofts, sir Herbert, 327.
Cromwell, Oliver, 109, 330.
Cromwell, Thomas, 244, 245, 248, 249, 256-260, 271, 273-275, 278, 282, 284, 286-288, 290, 319.
Crowland Abbey, 148, 340.
Crusades, their character and results, 157, 221 sqq., 226; turn of the tide which had led them on, 177; their last days, 181.
Cyprus, the Latin kingdom of, 160 sqq. Church of, 163, 166; conquered by the Turks (), 204.
Damietta, 190.
'Dark Ages,' the, 81.
David, Master (canon of S. Paul's), 139.
Decretals, the, 312, 319 ; forged, 297, 298.
Deoretum, the, 300, 302, 305-307.
Degrees in Canon Law, abolished by T. Cromwell, 319; cf, 323.
'De heretico combureudo,' the writ, 329.
De la Poles, the, 335, 347, 350-352.
Dene, archbishop, 354.
Derby, earl of, 349.
Despensers, the, 361.
Dialogus de Scaccario, 133, 150, 152.
Dicey, prof. A. V., 38.
Dionysius Exiguus, 296, 297.
Dissolution of Monasteries, 258-259, 261, 270, 286, 287.
Doctors' Commons, 325, 332.
Doctors of Civil Law, legislation of with regard to, 320; 325, 330.
'Domesday, the New,' 46.
Dorset, lord, 348.
Dover and its Chronicle, 145.
Draco Normannicus, 68, 147, 151.
Drake's Eboracum, 64.
Dugdale, sir W., 8.
Dümmler, prof., 62.
Duns Scotus, 212!
Dnnstan, 79, 297, 300.
Durham under Henry II, 149.
Dynham, lord, 354.
Earle, prof. J., 79.
Eccard, J. G., 3.
Edward I, king of England, 51, 118, 151, 164, 179, 180, 183, 185-188, 190, 210, 212, 219, 255, 280, 339, 365.
Edward II, 186, 188, 220, 317.
Edward III, 151, 190, 194, 197, 219, 317, 344, 365.
Edward IV, 338, 344, 349, 355, 356.
Edward V, 347.
Edward VI, 234, 269, 321 sqq.,344 sq.
Egbert of York, 296.
Egremont heads a riot at Thirsk, 348.
Eleanor, queen of Castile, 123.
Eleanor of Aragon, queen of Peter I of Cyprus, 196.
Eleanor, queen of Henry II, 121, 178.
Elizabeth, queen of England, her ancestry, 205, 234, 268, 322; her ecclesiastical policy, 323-326, 331, 341, 344.
Elizabeth, queen of Edward IV, 204, 346, 348.
Elizabeth of York, 345, 366.
Elton, C. I., 380.
Ely, chronicle of, 148.
Empire, the, in the Middle Ages, 214 sq.
Empson and Dudley, 248, 354, 357, 360 sq., 370.
Encomium Emmae, 68.
Episcopate, the, under Edward VI, 321-323, 327-328.
Erasmus, 260, 339, 369.
Etaples, peace of, 366-367.
Executions for religious causes in England, 329.
Exeter under Henry II, 146.
Extravagants, the, 306-308.
Eystein, archbishop, 124 sq..
Faculties of the Canon and Civil Laws at the Universities, 311.
Fairfax, sir T., 330.
Famagosta, 162, 164, 166 sqq., 187, 193, 195, 196, 199, 200, 201, 203.
Fantosme, Jordan, 154.
Fell, bishop, 6.
Female education, a suggestion for, circa , 185 sq.
Ferdinand and Isabella, 335, 337, 350, 361, 368, 369.
Ferrers, lord, 355.
Feudal polity in Cyprus, 163-165.
Fisher, bishop, 258, 276, 284.
Fitz-Neal, Richard, 120.
Fitz-Stephen, William, 147, 152.
Flammock heads, a rising in Cornwall, 350.
Fleta, 305.
Flodden, battle of, 244.
Foliot, Gilbert, 120, 128, 139, 146.
Foliot, Robert, 143, 147.
Fortescue, Sir John, 178.
Fountains Abbey, 124.
Fox, Bishop Richard, 248.
France, historical activity in, 65.
Francis, duke of Brittany, 366.
Francis I, king of France, 228, 283, 290. 352,
Frederick I, Barbarossa, 125.
Frederick II, emperor, 164, 166, 172, 174, 175, 210.
Frederick III, 212 sq., 335, 336.
Frederick the Great, 231.
Freeman, prof. E. A., 57, 58, 111, 117, 133, 379, 384.
French Revolution, the, 237.
Froisaart, 192, 193.
Froude's History of England, &c., 57, 117. 290.
Fulk the Good, quoted, 119.
Fulman, W., 6.
Fyffe, C. A., 379.
Gairdner, J., 379.
Gaisford, dean, 8.
Gale, T., 6.
Game Law, an early, 363.
Gardiner, bishop Stephen, 244-245, 249, 261, 283.
Gardiner, Samuel R., 57, 379.
Gamier of Pont S. Maxenee, 154.
Gaveston, Piers, 335.
Genealogical study, its importance, 50.
Genoa and Venice, their rupture and its effects, 177, 180 sq., 185, 192, 196, 200 sq.
decline of, 199.
Geoffrey of Brittany, 123.
George I, king of England, his reign and character, 2 sqq.
George II, 4.
George III, 4, 329.
George IV, 4, 245.
George V, king of Hanover, 4.
Gerard la Pucelle, 143.
Germany, medieval, 214, 220.
Gervase of Canterbury, 145.
of Chichester, 146.
of Tilbury, 122, 144, 147, 151.
Gesta Regis Henrici, 147.
""Ricardi, 154.
""Stephani, 151.
Gibson, bishop, 6, 331.
Gilbert of la Porrée, 138.
Giraldus Cambrensis, 68, 120, 139, 141, 144, 147, 152.
Giustiniani, 251.
Glanville, Gilbert, 144, 146.
Glanville, Ranulf, 144, 147, 150, 304-306.
Gneist, Dr., 380.
Godfrey of Bouillon, 167, 222.
Golden Bull, the, 211,
Gorham cage, the, 332.
Gratian, 300, 301, 302, 307.
Great S. Bernard, a glimpse of the, 128.
Green, J. R., 57, 58, 377 sq.
Gregory IX, pope, 306, 308.
Gregory XI, 197.
Grey of Codnor, John lord, 194.
Grim, Edward, 145.
Grimm's collection of Weisthümer, 64.
Grosseteste, bishop, 118, 306.
Guest, Dr. E., 378.
Gustavus Adolphus, 230.
Guy of Lusignan, 162, 166, 170, 173, 178.
Guy of Lusignan, king of Armenia, 197.
Hallam as a historian, 109.
on the Statute for Proclamation of Fines, 363.
Hampton Court Conference, 327.
Hanse Towna, German Scholars and history of the, 64.
Hapsburg, the House of, 227, 228.
Hardy, sir T. Duffus, 378.
Hare, sir Nicolas (Speaker), 272 sg., 289.
Hayton I, king of Armenia, 187 sqq..
Hayton II, 189.
Hayton the Monk, author of Flower of the Histories of the East, 188.
Hearne, Thomas, 6, 8.
Heeren and Urckert, 61.
Helena, queen of John III of Cyprus, 202 sq.
Henrietta Maria, queen of Charles I, 108.
Henry I, king of Cyprus, 173-177.
Henry II, 180-182, 187.
Henry I, king of England, 119, 151, 361.
Henry II, his descent, character, literary culture, Sec, 118 sqq.; diplomatic activity, 124-127, 210, 303. 339.
Henry III, 178, 186, 210, 219, 308, 316.
Henry IV, 198 sq., 367.
Henry V, 185, 357.
Henry VI, 151, 337, 344.
Henry VII, 227, 248, 251, 252-253, 264, 269, 334-371.
the Hercules of the twelve labours, 338.
his courtships, 339.
his title to the throne, 343 sqq.
his marriage, 345.
dynastic complications, 346-352.
constitutional history, 353-365.
scanty materials for history of, 353.
his ministers, 354.
House of Lords in his reign, 355.
new creations, 356.
his avarice, 357.
his parliaments, 357 sqq.
his savings, 360.
legislation of his reign, 361 sqq.
his foreign policy, 365-369.
his character, 369-371.
Henry VIII, 205, 227, 228, 241-291.
military events of his reign, 243.
his character, 244 sqq.
his person and abilities, 247.
his ministers and council, 247-249.
his finance, 249-253.
the divorce, 253-255.
supreme head, 255, 318, 323.
ecclesiastical measures, 256-258.
defender of the faith, 259 sq.
ecclesiastical policy, 261-263.
legislation, &c., 262-265.
political executions, 264.
practically abolishes Canon Law, 318 sqq.
his parliaments and their constitution, convocation, &c., 269 sqq.
his dealing with the two Houses, 273-274.
the 'Long Parliament' of –, 275-286.
later Parliaments, 286 sqq.
general view, 290-291, 322, 341, 351 356, 356, 369.
Henry II, king of France, 228.
Henry IV, 229, 290, 344.
Henry VI, emperor, 160, 164, 171, 174.
Henry de Jacea, 139.
Henry of Beaumont, 130.
Henry of Blois, bishop of Winchester, 144, 146, 301, 302.
Henry of Huntingdon, 152.
Henry of Lancaster, 185, 191.
Henry Plantageuet, son of Henry II, 121 sq.
Henry the Lion, 3, 125 sq.
Herbert, archbishop of Compsa, 134.
Herbert of Bosham, 143, T46.
Herbert of Cherbury, lord, 290, 351.
Hildebrand, pope, 300.
Historic Monuments, preservation of, 50.
Historical MSS. Commission, 50, 64.
Historical Review, a, suggested, 54.
History, ancient and modern, compared, 14 sqq.
Hodgkin, Thomas, 380.
Hody, H., 331.
Hohenstaufen,the, 125, 181, 214, 220.
Holcot, E., 314.
Holland, prof. T. E., 35, 67.
Honorius III, pope, 167.
Hooker, Eiohard, 325, 327.
Hook's Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, 57.
Hospitallers, the, 170, 171, 177, 180 sqq., 195.
Howden, 148.
Hubert, Walter, archbishop, 131, 144.
Hübner, Dr., 62.
Hugeson (legate), 150.
Hugh of Nonant, 143.
Hugh, S., of Lincoln, 120, 144, 148.
Hugh I, king of Cyprus, 167, 171, 172.
Hugh II, 177.
Hugh III (the Great), 166, 176, 177 sqq.
Hugh IV, 187, 190-192.
Hugh de Puiset, 136, 149.
Hugh of Lusignan, 192.
Hussey, prof. E., 8.
Hussey, sir J., 274.
Ibelin, the House of, and its members, 165, 167, 170-175, 179, 180, 200.
Ingulf's History of Crowland Abbey, a forgery and its results, 46.
Innocent III, pope, 137, 216.
Innocent IV, 175 sq.
Innocent VIII, 338, 345.
Intercursus magnus, 368.
" malus, 368.
Investitures, the struggle of the, 220.
Ireland, poem on the conquest of, 154.
Irnerius, 300.
Isaac Comnenus, 160-163, 170.
Isabella of Anjou, 171, 173.
Italy, opportunities for historical research in, 67 sqq.
Ivo, bishop of Chartres, 297-298, 300.
Jaffé, Ph., 62.
James I, king of Cyprus, 198 sq.
James II, 164, 203.
James III, 203.
James I, king of England, 326-328, 345.
James II, 331.
James I, king of Scotland, 367.
James III, 367.
James IV, 338, 349, 360, 367.
James V, 244, 310.
Jayne, F. J., 375.
Jerusalem, kingdom of, 164, 176, 179, 204.
Jocelin, bishop of Salisbury, 143.
Johanna, queen of Castile, 338.
Johanna, queen of Sicily, 123, 126, 161, 197.
John, king of Castile, 197.
John I, king of Cyprus, 180.
John II (Janus), 199 sq., 202.
John III, 202.
John, king of England, 121, 123, 218.
John, king of France, 193 sq.
John XXII, pope, 190, 217, 308, 311.
John of Ayton, 308, 309, 330.
John of Gaunt, 191, 344.
John of Hexham, 133, 149 sq.
John of Lusignan, 197.
John of Oxford, 127, 146.
John of Poictiers, 130 sq.
John of Portugal, 203.
John of Salisbury, 68, 120, 128-133, 137 sq., 143, 144-146, 152, 153 sq., 301–303, 314.
John the Faster, 296.
Johnson, John, 331.
Jordan of Chichester, 146.
Joseph (of Exeter), author of the Antiocheis, 68, 146, 151, 152.
Journals of the Lords and Commons, 271.
Julius II, pope, 338.
Justinian, 296, 301, 302, 304, 306, 310, 322.
Katharine of Aragon, 245, 254, 277, 284, 286, 321, 338, 346, 367, 368.
Kennet, bishop White, 6, 331.
King, bishop, 328.
King de facto, adherents to, not to be attaint of treason, 363.
Kinglake's War in the Crimea, 59.
Kington, T. L., 10.
Kitchin, dean G. W., 58, 114, 375, 380.
Kovalefski, prof., 380.
Laing, Robert, 375.
Lambeth, college at, proposed by archbishops Baldwin and Hubert, 131.
Lambeth degrees, 330.
Lancaster, House of, 151.
Lanfranc, archbishop, 135, 144, 300.
Lanfrey's History of Napoleon, 60.
Langton, archbishop, 151, 305, 308.
Lappenberg, Dr., 62.
Lardner'a Cyclopædia, 61.
Latin, the, of the twelfth century, 152 sqq.
Laud, archbishop, 329.
Laurence, abbot of Westminster, 147.
Law Schools of London, 306, 307.
Lee, archbishop, 284.
Leibnitz, 4.
Leo or Livon, 160.
Leo I, king of Armenia, 187.
Leo II, 189.
Leo III, 189.
Leo IV, 189 sq.
Leo V, 197 sq.
Leopold, duke, 170.
L'Estrange, sir Hamo, 165.
Lewis VI, king of France, 226.
Lewis VII, 125.
Lewis IX, 176, 187, 210, 212, 219.
Lewis XI, 226, 366.
Lewis XII, 351, 367.
Lewis XIV, 230 sq.
Lewis of Bavaria, 210, 217, 311.
Libellus de Recuperatione Terræ Sanctæ, 185.
Liebermann, Dr., 38, 380.
Lightfoot, Hannah, 108.
Limasol, 161, 174, 182, 200.
Lincoln, John, earl of, 338, 348.
Lincoln under Henry II, 148.
Locusts, a plague of, 186.
Lombardus of Piacenza, 143.
London, merchant adventurers of, 364.
London under Henry II, 146 sg.
Longchamp, William, 126, 137.
Lothian Prize, the, at Oxford, 37 sqq.
Louise of Savoy, 338.
Level, viscount, 347, 348, 356.
Ludolf of Suchen, 184, 191.
'Lues rehabilitandi,' the, 110.
Lusignan, the house of, 163 sqq., 177, 178, 190, 204, 205.
Luther, Henry VIII against, 247.
Luxemburg, House of, 215.
Lyndwood's Provinciale, 308-309, 325, 330.
Macaulay as a historian, 108.
Magna Carta, 361.
Mai, cardinal, and the Draco Normannicus, 68.
Maine, sir H. S., 35.
Mandeville, sir John, 196.
Manorial and spiritual courts in Anglo-Saxon times, 299.
Manorial map of England, a, 51, 64.
Manuel Comnenus, 160-162, 168.
Manx Church, the, and Dr. Munch, 67, 124.
Map, Walter, 139, 144, 148, 152.
Marco Polo, 188.
Margaret, daughter of Henry VII, 365, 367.
Margaret, the Lady, mother of Henry VII, 334, 338, 346, 349, 371.
Margaret of Austria, 338, 369.
Margaret of Burgundy, 338, 347, 348, 350, 352.
Maritime and matrimonial jurisdiction, why associated, 309.
Marney, H., 274.
Marsilius, 314.
Martyr, Peter, 322.
Mary, the Lady, daughter of Henry VII, 368.
Mary I, queen of England, 234, 319, 322-323. 344.
Matilda, daughter of Henry II, 123, 125.
Matthew, dean of Chichester, 146.
Matthew of London, 120.
Matthew Paris, 79, 307.
Maud, empress, 147.
Maurer, G. L. von and K., 62, 63.
Maximilian, emperor, 211, 227, 262, 335, 337, 338, 351, 360, 366–369.
Mazzeriis, Philip de, 192, 195.
Melrose Abbey, 149.
Merlin, Prophecies of, 68.
Migne's Patrologia, 65.
Molesworth's History of the Period of Parliamentary Reform, 59.
Monasteries, historical activity in, under Henry II, 148 sqq.
Montfort, Simon de, 78, 118, 219.
Monumenta Germaniæ Historica, 4, 28.
More, sir T., 244-246, 248, 253, 256, 258, 272-275, 277, 283, 339, 342, 363, 365, 369.
Morton, archbishop, 317, 342, 354, 356; his 'fork,' 357, 358, 359, 360, 363, 369.
Mosheim, J. L. von, 3.
Mountjoy, lord, 288.
Moyle, sir T. (Speaker), 272, 289.
Mullinger, (J. B.)'s University of Cambridge, 311.
Municipal and local history neglected in England, 64.
Muratori, 4.
Naples, the queen of, and Henry VII, 338, 369.
Napoleon I, 237.
Nares, Dr., 6, 383.
Nationality, the idea of, 235 sqq.
Neill, bishop, 329.
Neophytus de Calamitatiius Cypri, 160–162.
Netherlands, revolt of the, 229, 235.
Nicea, council of, 295.
Nicephorus Phocas, 160.
Nicholson, bishop, 5.
Nicopolis, battle of, 202.
Nicosia, 161-164, 166, 167, 171, 172, 174, 175, 185, 187, 192, 199, 200, 202.
Church of S.Nicolas, 185.
Nigel of Canterbury, 144, 145.
Nonjurors, the, 331.
Norfolk, dukes of (temp. Henry VII and VIII), 245, 248, 249, 261, 277, 279, 280, 287, 364, 356.
Norman Conquest, the, 78, 217, 218.
its effects on ecclesiastical system of England, 300 sqq.
Norman-French of Westminster, 310.
Normans and English, amalgamation of, 129 sqq.
North-country lords, Ogle, Dacre, and Scrope, do not appear in the earlier parliaments of Henry VII, 355.
Northumberland, John Dudley duke of, 321.
earl of, killed at Thirsk, 348, 368.
Norway and Sweden, kings of, send embassies to Henry II, 124.
Nowell, T., 383.
Ockham, 314.
Odo, prior of Canterbury, 145.
Oissim, king of Armenia, 189.
Order of the knights of S. Thomas of Acre, 182-186, 205.
Ormond, earl of, 356.
Otho, constitutions of, 308.
Othobon, constitutions of, 308.
Owen, S., 43, 375, 380.
Oxford, civil and canon law at, 310 sq.
drops the canon law degree, 319.
study of history at, from the Reformation to George I, 6 sqq.
under Henry II, 141 sq.
ungracious reception of George the first's benefaction at, 6.
Oxford Historical Society, the, 376.
Painted chamber, 269.
Paleologi, 202.
Palmer, archbishop Richard, 134.
Palmer, archdeacon E., 376.
Pandects, the, 300, 305.
Papacy, the, of the Middle Ages, 215 sq.
Paper, effects of the use of, instead of parchment, 336.
Paris, archdeacon of Rochester, 133, 145 sq.
Paris, University of, 138, 139, 150.
Parker, archbishop, 6, 325, 329.
Parliaments of Henry VIII, anecdotes of, 289.
Paston Letters, Mr. Gairdner's edition of, 56, 369.
Pasture land and tillage, 363.
Patrick, S., 297.
Pauli, Reinhold, 62, 68, 378.
Pavia, 302.
Pearson, prof. C. H., 116.
Pearson, R., claims to be admitted Doctor of Civil and Canon Law at Cambridge (), 330.
Peckham, archbishop, 305, 308.
Penitentials, the, 296 sq., 298.
Percy, Henry lord, 193.
Percy, sir Henry (Hotspur), 198.
Pertz, Dr., 28, 68, 146.
Peter I, king of Cyprus, 169, 192-197, 200.
Peter II, 196-198.
Peter de Helie, 138.
Peter des Roches, bishop of Winchester, 183.
Peter of Blois, 119, 120, 122, 127, 128, 136 sq., 143, 144, 147-149, 151, 153.
Peterborough under Henry II, 148.
Petrarch, 195, 200.
Pheasants, date of their introduction, 363.
Philip II, king of Spain, 229.
Philip IV, king of the French (the Fair), 182, 219, 335.
Philip VI, 219.
Philip, archduke, 338, 351, 368.
Philip Augustus, 218, 219.
Philip of Antioch, king of Armenia, 187.
Philip the Chancellor, 195.
Philippa, Queen of Edward III, 193.
Philosophy, scholastic, its aim, 211.
Picot, G., 66.
Pilgrimage of Grace, the, 253, 286.
Pisa and England, 201.
Plague in Cyprus, 191, 199, 200.
Plantagenet kings, long-suffering of, 213.
Plumpton Letters, the, 369.
Pocock's Burnet and Records of the Reformation, 57.
Poland, partition of, 21, 236 sq.
Powell, F. York, 380.
Præmunientes clause, the, 287.
Præmunire, statute of, 261, 253-255, 275, 277, 278, 283, 285, 308, 317, 318.
Prerogative Court, 324.
Printing, effects of the invention of, 336, 340.
Prizes, historical, at Oxford, 36-39.
Proclamation Act, 287, 288.
Provisions of Oxford, 178.
Proxies in the House of Lords, 270, 271.
Prynne, W., 8, 302, 306, 329 sq.
Puritans, the, and the Court of High Commission, 325 sqq.
Ralph de Diceto, 122, 126, 131, 139, 140, 147, 153, 182.
Ralph de Serris, 131, 143.
Ramsey, chronicle of, 148.
Ranke, Leopold von, his place in historical literature, &c., 57, 58, 62.
Raymund of Pennafort, 307.
Recognition of Henry VIII, as supreme head, 277, 278, 279.
Record Commission, the, 12.
Reformatio Legum, the, 322.
Reformation, the, 228, 231, 252-262, 277, 318 sqq.
Reginald of Châtillon, 161.
Reginald the Lombard, 143, 146.
Remittal of Loans Bill (), 275.
Renaissance, the, 335.
René of Anjou, 179.
Research, endowment of, 41 sq.
S. Augustine on the advocates of, 114.
Revue Historique, the, 66.
Rhodes, knights of, 190 sq., 193, 196, 199, 202, 203, 205.
Rich, sir Richard (Speaker), 272 sq.
Richard, canon of S. Paul's, 147.
Richard I, king of England, 121 sqq., 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 170.
his Latin biographer, 68, 152.
Richard II, 197, 198, 220, 365. 134, 152.
Richard III, 151, 338, 347, 355, 356, 361.
Richard l'Evéque, 138.
Richard of Bury, 314.
Richard of Cornwall, 176, 185.
Richard of Devizes, 146.
Richard of Hexham, 149.
Richard of Ilchester, 127, 128, 146.
Richmond, Henry Fitz-Roy, duke of, 254.
Right or rights, the idea of, in the Middle Ages, 210.
Robert of Gloucester, uncle of Henry II, 120.
Robert of Melun, 138, 139.
Robert of 'Salesby,' 133.
Robert of Toulouse, 193.
Robertus Pullus, 132 sq., 138, 139, 141, 145.
Robinson, J., bishop of Bristol, 5.
Rochester under Henry II, 145.
Rochford, lord, 278, 279, 281, 282.
Roger, bishop of Salisbury, 144.
Roger Niger, 147.
Roger of Hoveden, 120, 125, 139, 147, 148, 149, 150.
Roger of Pont l'Eveque, 130.
Rogers, J. E. Thorold, 57, 380.
Rolls Series, the, 11, 28, 379.
Rome, medieval, vast importance of, 67.
Roos of Hamlake, John lord, 198.
Thomas lord, 198.
William lord, 191.
Roses, Wars of the, 219.
Rotrou, archbishop, 122, 130.
Rous, John, of Warwick, 363.
Rupin of the Mountains, 159 sq.
S. Albans, 148.
Saladin, 160 sq., 165, 170, 171.
Salian Law, the, 64.
Salisbury under Henry II, 146.
Sanuto, Marino, 177, 180, 186.
Sardinia, kings of, 205.
Satalia, sack of, 193.
Savile, sir H., 6,
Savoy, Lewis of, and his House, 200, 203, 204.
Schanz, Dr., 380.
Schmid's edition of the Anglo-Saxon Laws, 62.
Scott (sir W .), Ivanhoe and The Talisman, 47, 92, 114.
Seebohm, F., 380.
Selden, J., 6, 302, 306, 329 sq., 332.
Seljuks, the, 158, 159.
Sembat (historian), 188.
Sembat, king of Armenia, 186, 189.
Seneca, study of in the twelfth century, 153 sq.
'Sentences,' the, 319.
Sforza Pallavicino, 200.
Sharrock, Dr., 330.
Sheppard, T., 327.
Shirley, Dr., 10, 24.
Sickel, Dr., 62, 380.
Simeon of Durham, 150.
Simnel, Lambert, 347 sq.
Simon of Apulia, 137.
Simon of Poissy, 138.
Sis, 159, 182, 189.
Sixtus V, pope. Book of the Decretals drawn up under, 308.
Skene, W. P., 380.
Small States in the Middle Ages, 213.
Smith, prof. Goldwin, 7, 383, 384.
Smith, sir Thomas, 272.
Smyrna, captured (), 191.
Societies, the Camden and Surtees, 50, 55.
the Harleian, 51.
Sohm, E., 63.
Somerset, Edward Seymour, duke of, 261, 321.
Spanish succession, war of the, 230 sq.
Speakers, temp. Henry VIII, 271-274.
Spelman, sir Henry, 329.
Spence, J., 383.
Spiritual courts, attack on (), 281.
Stafford, Humfrey and Thomas, 347.
Standish's case, 318.
Stanley, sir William, 349.
Star Chamber, 270, 276, 285, 324, 338.
its foundation, objects, and history, 362, 364.
Statute against heresy, 260.
of Appeals, 257, 263, 285, 286, 320.
of Citations, 319.
of Morton, 304, 306, 307.
of Submission, 286, 320.
of Uses, 255 sq., 280, 281, 282.
of Wills, 255 sq.
Staughton, N., admitted Doctor of Civil and Canon Law (), 330.
Stephen, king of England, 137, 302 sq.
Stratford, archbishop, 308.
Struve, B. G., 3.
Succession, Act of (), 362.
Suffolk, Charles Brandon, duke of, 246, 249, 289.
Suffolk, Edmund de la Pole, earl of, 350, 351. 360, 368.
Suffrage under Henry VIII, 271.
Surrey, Thomas Howard, earl of, 348.
Swart, Martin, 338, 348.
Swerre Birkbain, 125, 148.
Sybel, H. von, 60.
Tanner, bishop, 5, 6.
Tartars, the, 186, 188 sq.
Templars, the, 162, 165, 177, 180 sqq.
Temys, T. (M.P. for Westbury), 271, 282.
Teutonic knights, 182, 183, 206.
Theobald, archbishop, 120, 130, 138 sq., 142, 144, 301, 302, 303.
Theodore, archbishop, 296.
Theodosian code, the, 297, 298.
Thirsk, riot at, 348, 358, 359.
Thirty Years' War, the, 229, 235.
Thomas, Peter (legate), 192-5.
Thoros, king of Armenia, 189.
Titian, 204.
Tours, the schools of, 138, 139.
Tozer, H. E., 379.
Trades unions anticipated, 316.
Tricolumnis, the, 120, 147, 151.
Tunstall, bishop, 279, 288.
Turcopoliers of the Knights Hospitallers, 185, 205.
Turnham, Robert of, 163.
Tyrrell, sir James, 351.
Uberto of Milan, 144.
Universities, the, under Henry VII, 339.
under Edward VI, 321 sq.
under Mary, 323.
University Extension Scheme, the, 113.
Urban III, pope, 144.
'Vacabunds and beggars,' 363.
Vacarius, Master, 120, 136 sq., 139, 141, 302, 303. 306.
Vasa, Gustavus, 228.
Vatican, the treasures of the, 67 sq.
Vaughan, H. Halford, 383, 384.
Venetians, the Pope, and the knights of Rhodes, their alliance, 190, 195, 196.
rupture between them and the Genoese, 196, 201.
annex Cyprus, 203 sq.
Vergil, Polydore, 340.
Vigfusson, Dr. G., 69, 380.
Vinogradoff, prof., 380.
Vinsauf, Geoffrey, 152.
Visitation of the two Universities by T. Cromwell, 319.
Wages in , 364.
Waitz, Dr., 28, 63, 380.
Wake, archbishop, 6, 331.
Walpole, sir K., 5.
Walter, archbishop of Palermo, 134.
Walter, Hubert, 144, 149.
Walter of Coutances, 126, 137.
War, private and public, in the Middle Ages, 217 sqq.
Warbeck, Perkin, 338, 348-350, 352, 360, 367, 368.
Wardship of heir to the throne, 173, 177.
Warham, archbishop, 244, 245, 248, 256, 272, 276-279, 281, 283, 310, 342, 354, 360.
Warwick, Edward earl of, 335, 344, 347, 348, 350.
Warwick, Thomas de Beauchamp earl of, takes prisoner a son of the king of Lithuania, 194.
Wattenbach, W., 62.
Waynflete, bishop, 311.
Welfs, the, 125, 220.
Westphalia, the Peace of, 233.
Whistonian controversy, 331.
Wilkins, D., 331.
William, king of Sicily, 123, 134, 137.
William I, king of England, 166, 300.
William II, 361.
William of Champagne, archbishop, 131.
William of Conches, 138.
William of Malmesbury, 149, 379.
William of Newburgh, 125, 149.
William of S. Mere l'Eglise, 137.
William of Soissons, 138.
William of Tyre, 119.
William of Valence, 306.
William, sub-prior of Canterbury, 145.
Winchelsey, archbishop, 305.
Wolsey, cardinal, 234, 242-246, 248-249, 252-254, 258-259, 263, 269, 271, 273-275, 290, 342, 369.
Wood, Antony, 310, 330.
Wriothesley, chancellor, 244, 248.
Wydville, Edward, 366.
Yonge (Miss), Chaplet of Pearls, and Dove in the Eagle's Nest, 47.
York in the twelfth century, 149.
York, Richard duke of, 347, 348.
Zouch, lord, 356.