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Religious Books

NA ĊEIṪRE SOISGÉIL AS AN DTIOMNA NUA. The Four Gospels translated from the Latin Vulgate. With annotations and references. Library edition. Cloth, 35. net; by post, 3s. 5d. Each Gospel separately. Cloth, 6d. net; by post, 7½d.
AIṪRIS AR ĊRÍOST. Translated from the Latin of Thomas a Kempis. Library edition, 4s. 6d. net; by post, 4s. 11d.

Some days after the publication of Aiṫris ar Ċríost the following letter was received by Canon O'Leary from the Lord Bishop of Raphoe:—

Ard Adhamnain
Letterkenny, June 7th, 1914.

Dear Canon O'Leary,—Your "Aiṫris ar Ċríost" is about the best thing you have done; you have given us a book for reading that is welcome alike to the Irish mind and to the devout soul. Now we have an Irish Imitation with short clear words, easy flow, and a very great deal of the unction of the original.

During the Crann Eiṫne hour it will be a valuable help to us. The people like to drink in spirituality with their Irish.

The question of Northern or Southern Irish scarcely arises; or if it does, it can be got over, as you suggest, by following the local pronunciation. I hear nothing but praise for your books in St. Eunan's College. What an array of them you have to your credit! May you live to do more and more for God and for Eire, and for the Irish tongue. With many thanks,

I am, Dear Canon,

Faithfully yours,


SEANMÓIN AGUS TRÍ FIĊID. Sixty-one Sermons in Irish on the Gospel for every Sunday and Holiday in the year. In two volumes. Each volume 3s. 6d. net; by post, 3s. 11d.
AN SOISGÉAL AS LEAḂAR AN AIFRINN. The Gospel translated from the Missal for every Sunday in the year. 6d. net; by post,7½d.
AN TEAGASG CRÍOSDAIḊE. The Catechism. With a vocabulary. 2d. net; by post, 3d.

Miscellaneous Writings

SLIAḂ NA MBAN ḂFIONN. A reading book of stories told by Canon O'Leary. The stories are divided into short lessons, each headed by a vocabulary. The book also contains three simple poems, each poem being headed by a vocabulary. Also in Simplified Spelling. 3d. net; by post, 4d.
AESOP A ṪÁINIG GO H-ÉIRINN. CNUASAC A ḊÓ. Second Series of Æsop's Fables in Irish. By Canon O'Leary. Specially prepared for Intermediate Schools with fifty pages of notes and vocabulary, 1s. net; by post, 1s. 2d.
AESOP A ṪÁINIG GO H-ÉIRINN. First Series of Æsop's Fables, by Canon O'Leary. With a vocabulary. 6d. net; by post, 7d. English Translation, 3d. net; by post, 4d.

In Simplified Spelling, 6d. net; by post, 7d.

AN CLEASAIḊE. A modernisation of a sixteenth century story. Edited by Eleanor Knott. With introduction, notes, vocabulary and indexes of personal and place names, 1s. net; by post, 1s. 1d.
LUĠAIḊ MAC CON. Edited by Eleanor Knott. A modernisation of the old tale, "Cath Muige Mucrime." With introduction, notes, vocabulary, and indexes of personal and place names, 1s. 6d. net; by post, 1s.
GUAIRE. Edited by Conall Cearnaċ. A modernisation of the old tale, "Imtheacht na Trom-dhaimhe." With introduction, notes, vocabulary, and indexes of personal and place names. In two parts. Each part, Paper covers, 1s. 6d. net; by post, 1s. 8d. Cloth, 2s. net; by post, 2s. 3d.
BRICRIU. A modernisation of the old tale, "Fied Bricrend." Edited by Conall Cearnaċ. With introduction, notes, vocabulary, and indexes of personal and place names. Paper, 1s. 6d. net; by post, 1s. 8d. Cloth, 2s. net; by post, 2s. 3d.
AN CRAOS-DEAṀAN. A modern Irish version of the ancient comical story Aisline Meic Conglinne. With a vocabulary. 1s. 6d. net; by post, 1s. 6d.
EISIRT. An ancient story given in Modern Irish. By Canon O'Leary. The story of Eisirt is supposed to have formed the basis of Swift's "Voyage to Lilliput," and also to have supplied some ideas for his "Brobdingnag." 6d. net; by post, 10½d.
ESHIRT. In Simplified Spelling. With introduction giving paradigms of the verbs, notes, and a vocabulary, 1s. 6d. net; by post, 1s. 8d. The text only, 8d. net; by post, 9½d.
SÉADNA Pages 1–53. With a vocabulary of 13 pages. 6d. net; by post, 7d.
SÉADNA Complete edition, 2s. net; by post, 2s. 5d.

School Edition, in three parts:—
Part I. Pages 1–105, 9d. net; by post, 11d.
Part II. Pages 106–-201, 1s. net; by post, 1s. 2d.
Part III. Pages 202–300, 1s. net; by post, 1s. 2d.

Complete edition in Simplified Spelling, 6d. net; by post, 8½d.
NIAṀ A Historical Novel. 4s. 6d. net; by post, 5s.
School edition, paper boards, 3s. 6d. net; by post, 7d.
SGOṪḂUALAḊ II. A series of forty-two articles in Irish, reprinted from The Leader. 6d. net; by post, 7d.
CATILINA. Cuntas er Choga Chatilina. O Chaius Sallustius Crispus. 1s. 6d. net; by post, 1s. 7d.
AN BEALAĊ BUIḊE A short play of the time of Red Hugh O'Donnell. 4d. net; by post, 5d.
AN SPRID: BÁS ḊALLÁIN. Three short plays, 2d. net; by post, 2½d.
EÓLAS AR ÁIREAṀ. Arithmetical tables in Irish and English. 1d. net; by post, 1½d.

MION-ĊAINT. An easy Irish phrase book (with English).

  • Part I. On the use of is and , 3d. net; by post, 4d.
  • Part II. On the use of Verbs, 3d. net; by post, 4d.
  • Part III. On the use of Prepositions, 6d. net; by post, 7d.