N.B.—Where there are several references the most important is placea first.


Ablution, 259, 83, 271. See Lustration, misogi.

Abstinence, 271, 273. See Imi.

Abstractions, Gods of, 62, 169, 186

Abstractions, few in Japanese, 35

Accession announced to Gods, 324

Acupuncture, 334

Adoption, 45

Adultery, 91, 244, 246

Adzuki. See Bean.

Adzusa bow, 206, 335

Agamono, 261, 306. See Ransom.

Agnostic, 13, 78

Ahidono, 227

Agriculture in Shinto, Preface, 86, 102, 121, 164, 172

Ahiname or Ahimbe, 278

Ainus, 160, 193, 252

Akitsu Kami, 41

Aliases of deities, 22

Allen, Grant, 36

Altar, 217, 218, 227. See Kamidana.

Altro intende, 77

Amagatsu, 263

Ama no hohi, no, 258, 274

Ama no sagume, 109

Amaterasu, 125

Ame (heaven), 96, 142

Ame no hashidate, 95

Ame no hiwashi, 136

Ame no kagase wo, 142

Ame no minaka nushi, 69, 85, 142, 375

Ame yudzuru, 85

Ame waka hiko, 108

Amulet, 258. See Talisman.

Ancestor-worship, 44, 36, 95, 116, 177, 279, 374

Ancestor and ancestress of the Mikado, 271, 296

Animals, 63

Animal sacrifices, 212, 213

Animal food, offerings of, 196, 205

Animal food, impure, 253

Anthropomorphism, 17

Ara-mitama, 31, 33, Addenda. See Nigitama.

Ascetic, 203

Ashinadzuchi, 103

Aso, Mount, God of, 147

Asuha no Kami, 146

Atago, 159, 365, 369. See Fire-God.

Augury, 344

August Grandchild. See Sovran Grandchild.

Augustine, St., Addenda, 198

Avatar, 361, 186

Avoidance of uncleanness. See Imi.

Axe, sacred, 289


Baelz, Dr., 358

Bakemono (ghost), 49

Bakin, 328, 362

Baldness unclean, 253

Bargain with Gods, 212. See also Do ut des.

Bashô, 48

Batchelor, 295

Be (Government corporation), 112, 183

Bean, 190, 165, 193, 309, 312, 313, 342

Beneficent character of Gods, 6, 15, 129

Bestiality, 300

Bewitchment, 300

Birushana, 361

Biso, 48

Black animals offered for rain, 287

Blessing of the Palace, 287

Blood, 213

Bosatsu, 178, 325, 368

Bow as offering, 314

Bow as a stringed musical instrument, 238

Bow in magic, 335, 206, 356. See Hama yumi, Adzusa yumi.

Bowing, 209

Breath put for life, 51

Breathing on, 261–63

Brewer-maiden, 269 et seqq.

Bridge-divination, 341

Brinkley, Capt., 326

Brinton, Mr. D. G., 83, 139

Browning's 'Saul,' 39

Bubbles as a charm against fire, 333

Buckley, Dr., 137, 149, 198

Buddhism, 4, 354, 359, 364, 353, 178, 182, 183, 199, 212, 253, 254, 255, 304

Bun-shin, 21

Burial, 55–61, Addenda

Burnt-offerings, 213, 210


Caird, Dr. E., 46

Calamities causing uncleanness, 255

Caldron-divination, 343

Carriage of God, 222

Caterpillar worshipped, 70

Ceremonial, 268

Chamberlain, Mr. B. H., 2, 24, 232, 305, 326, 344, 357

Chaos, 84

Charm, 114, 189, 337. See Magic, Talisman.

Chiburi no Kami, 197, 315

Chieftain conception of Gods, 19

Chimata no Kami, 188

Childbirth as a source of uncleanness, 251

Chinese philosophy, 92, 169, 234, 244, 264, 305, 323, 339, 342, 372

Chinese religion, 1

Chinese traits in myth, 92, 115

Chinjiu, 65, 326, 364

Chinkonsai, 294

Chi no wa, 264–6

Chronology, 116

Church and State, 200, 274

Circumambulation, 240, 90, 157, 312, 321

Civilization of ancient Japanese, Preface.

Clapping hands, 209, 320

Classes, Gods of, 15, 34

Classes, deified classes of men, 61

Classification of Gods, 15

Clay, God of, 92, 146, 316

Cleyera japonica, 98, 215, 216, 269, 293

Clothing, offerings of, 213, 237. See Yufu, 270, 287

Cock, 100

Communion, 120  161, 211

Comte, 62, 63, 142

Conception of deity, phases of, 16

Consanguineous unions, 250

Confucius, 21

Confucius, cult of, 182, 361

Cooking furnace, 279, 16, 17, 280, 322, 329. See also Kamado and Hettsui.

Corn Maiden, 102

Coronation, 268

Cosmogony, 144. See Creation.

Council of Gods, 98, 124

Couvade, 251

Creation, various conceptions of, 84, 87, 89, 144, 170

Creation of mankind, 82, 171, 174

Creator-Gods, 27, 85, 351, 376. See also Izanagi, Ohonamochi, Musubi.

Cremation, 364

Criminal law, 245

Crossways, deity of, 111, 188, 197. See also Sahe no Kami.

Crossways, sanctity of, 197

Crossways, divination, 340

Curses, 236, 112, 181

Cyclops, 101

Czar deified, Addenda.


Daidai, 313

Daigūji, 204

Daijowe, 268

Daikoku-bashira, 90, 167

D'Alviella, Preface, 11, 165

Dances, sacred, 100, 321. See also Kagura.

Dante, 18, 76

Darwin, 261

Deasil, 90. See also Circumambulation.

Dead, state of, 53, 55. See Yomi.

Dead, worship of, 208

Death, 51, 94, 252

Definition of God, 7, 10

De Harlez, 38

Deification, 36, 10, 119

Deified men, 9, 177, 179

Deluge, 82

Demon, 6, 308. See also Oni.

Demon, pacts with, 333

Demon, and diseases identical, 168, 187, 198

Derivations in myth, 117

Devil. See Demon, Oni.

Diseases. See Smallpox, Leprosy, Pestilence.

Diseases, personified, 198

Diseases, unclean, 252

Divination, 337, 119, 249, 269, 323

Divination, God of, 184

Divine country, 126, 127

Divine right of Mikado, 82, 111, 289, 297, 293, 314

Diviner. See Urabe.

Divorce, 94

Dog-deity, 332

Dolmen, 55, 178

Dondo, 191, 198, 307, 314

Dōsōjin, 191, 193, 197

Double, 52, 140. See also Mitama.

Double current of deity-making thought, 10, 185

Do ut des, 212, 234, 285

Dragon, 9, 114, 149, 151. See Serpent.

Dragon-king, 115, 149, 153

Drama, 238

Drama and narrative, 83

Dreams, 345, 346, 322, 118, 331

Dual divinity, 140, 171. See also Aramitama.

Duplication of offerings and ceremonies, 269, 273

Dwarf-God, 107, 186


Earth-fast stones, 147, 260

Earth-Gods, 142, 283

Earthquakes, 65, 82, 126, 147, 326

Eating the God, 160, 102

Ebisu, 133

Echo personified, 9, 167

Effigy in witchcraft, 331

Ehō, 314

Eight, 90, 103

Eight Gods of Ohonihe, 270

Eight Gods of Jingikwan, 162, 174, 227, 282

Eighty road-windings, 111

Elements, Gods of, 92

Emado, 222, 226

Emotional basis of religion, 5

Epidemics, 187

Esoteric Shinto, 356

Eternal Land, 98, 117

Ethics. See Morals.

Euhemerism, 134, 136

Even pass of Yomi, 53, 93, 95, 107

Evergreen trees, 313

Everlasting world, 52, 70

Evil deities, 6, 9, 139, 314. See Aratama.

Exogamy. See Incest.

Exorcism, 93

Expiation. See Purification, Ransom.

Expulsion of winter, 312


Fatherhood of Gods, 6, 19, 173

Festivals. See Ceremonial.

Fetish, 122, 15, 63, 73, 142

Figures of men as ransom objects, 262, 263

Fillet, 215

Fine for purification, 100, 246

Fine weather, magic producing, 330

Finger-charms, 354, 362

Fire, worship of 159, 315, 92, 156, 184. See also Nihabi, Kagutsuchi, Futsunushi, Homusubi.

Fire, respect for, 329

Fire, purity of, 257, 254, 369

Fire-drill, 257, 273

Fire-ordeal, 112, 113

Firmament, 96

First fruits. See Nihiname.

First Gods, 85

Fissiparous reproduction of deities, 21

Flag of Japan, 39

Flaying alive, 297

Flesh-eating unclean, 253

Floating bridge of Heaven, 87

Florenz, Dr., 3, 65, 263, 294, 296, 297, 300, 303

Folk-lore, 4

Food-Goddess, 160, 19, 119, 102, 321

Food-offerings, 212

Foot-ball God, 199

Foreign demons, measures against, 188

Formula in magic, 336

Fox attendant of Inari, 63, 163

Fox divination, 344, 358

Frazer, Mr. J. G., Preface, 99, 163, 166, 188, 269, 270, 309

Fruit-trees ceremony, 165

Fujihara family, 184, 320

Fujiyama deified, 17, 148, 156, 371

Fukusuke, 48

Funado, 94, 187. See Kunado.

Functions of Gods, 65

Funerals, unclean, 252

Funeral observances, 109, 55, 96, 43, 59, Addenda. See Burial.

Furnace. See Kitchen furnace.

Futami no ura, 130, 131

Futodama, 184, 30, 98, 100, 202

Futsu no mitama, 118, 155. See also Futsunushi.

Futsunushi, 155, 1, 34, 92, 109, 317, 275

Future life, Preface, 235. See also Yomi; Dead, state of


Garlic, power against demons, 336

Gate-Gods, 168, 282, 308

Gateway, honorary. See Toriwi.

Genealogy, 120

Generative power personified, 186

Gender neglected in Japanese Grammar, 22

Geomancy, 344

Ghost, 14, 49, 53, 171, 181, 208, 210

Gideon's fleece, 345

Gion, ceremonies at, 258

Godzu Tennō, 137, 139

Gohei, 216, 264, 304, 354. See Kushi.

Gohei-katsugi, 217

Good-luck, Gods of, 199

Goriōye, 31, 88, 141, 189

Gourd deified, 316

Gowland, Mr. W., 55, 57

Grain-Gods. See Ukemochi and Inari.

Grain, worship of, 160

Grass and herbs, God of. See Kaya nu hime.

Gratitude a source of religion, 5, 183, 210, 268, 269, 285

Great purification. See Ohoharahi.

Greater Divination, 339

Greene, Dr., 375

Griffis, Dr., 127, 194, 198, 260, 331, 359

Growth deified, 86. See Musubi

Gruel-Divination, 341

Guide-Gods, 197

Gyōgi, 361


Hachiman, 178, 19, 42, 325

Hachōji (eight princes), 97

Hades. See Yomi.

Hafuri, 204. See Oho-hafuri

Hafuri-tsu-mono, 205

Haiden (oratory), 226

Haigi or Hahiki no kami, 146, 282

Hair and nails in witchcraft, 332

Haiten (deification), 41

Haku, 202

Hamayumi, 314, 335

Haniwa (clay rings), 57

Haniyasu hime, 146

Harahi (purification), mythic origin, 96; also 264, 303, 317, 365

Harahi-bako, 304, 343

Harahi-tsu-mono, 263, 203, 301, 302

Harahi-tsu-tachi, 306

Hare and Ohonamochi, 105

Harp divination, 342

Hartland, Mr. S., 50, 97

Harvest Gods, 164

Harvest festival. See Nihi-name.

Harvest, praying for. See Toshi-gohi.

Hashira (pillar), 71

Hatsu no hinode, 128

Hayato (Imperial Guards), 115

Haya-aki-tsu-hime, 302

Haya-sasura-hime, 302

Haya-tama no wo, 260

Hearn, Lafcadio, 44, 145

Heaven. See Ame, Ten, Tien.

Heaven-and-Earth, 35, 370, 371

Height equivalent to excellence, 8

Hell, Buddhist, 367, 181, 182

Hemp, offerings of, 213, 264

Hereditary offices, 183

Hettsui. See Kitchen furnace.

Hiko and hime, 20, 38, 132

Himachi, 128

Himorogi, 223, 226, 304, 260

Hirano festival, 279

Hirata, 373, 4, 22, 25, 168, 235

Hirose, 321

Hiruko, 90, 91, 132

Hirume, 116, 125. See Sun-Goddess.

Hito-bashira, 219

Hito-dama, 50

Hito-gata, human figures offered to Gods, 219

Hito-koto-nushi, 41

Hitomaro, 48, 183

Hobby-horses, 222

Hōben, 360

Hogmanay, 312

Hohodemi, 113

Hokora, 223

Holly, 313

Homer, 215; purification in, 295

Homusubi, 93, 159. See Fire-God.

Horses as offerings, 310, 322

House-Gods, 167, 287, 290. See Yabune.

House-cleaning, 313

Ho-shidzume, 315. See Fire.

Huacas of Peru, 9

Human sacrifice, 56, 151, 152, 219, 220

Hyaku-do-ishi, 232

Hypnotism, 354, 349


Ichiko, 206, 357

Ichi no miya, 144

Idea of God, 6

Idols, 71–3, 22

Idzumo, 108, 105, 103

Idzumo Fudoki, 3

Iha-naga-hime, 112

Ihashimidzu, 178. See Hachiman.

Ikadzuchi, 157, 155

Iki (breath, life), 51

Ikigami (living deity), 44

Iki mitama (living soul), 52

Ikudama, 143

Ikukuni, 143

Iku-wi, 154

Imagination, 18, 22, 24, 21, 23, 77

Imbe, 202, 112, I, 98, 184

Imi, 256, 202, 246, 271, 273

Imi-bashira, 167

Imi-dono, 205

Imitative magic, IOI, 153, 330, 99

Immortality, 13, 14

Impersonal habit of Japanese mind, 67

Impetuous male, 141. See Susa no wo.

Implements worshipped, 73

Impurity. See Uncleanness.

In and Yō. See Yin and Yang.

Inada hime, 138

Inao, 193

Inari, 162, 6, 34, 63, 67, 355

Inauspicious words, 255

Incantations, 329, 336

Incarnation of the God in his prophet or priest, 376, 70, 177

Incense, 213, 292, 354

Incest, 300, 64, 91

Individuals, Gods of, 15

Individual men deified, 36, 177

Infinite, 73

Inspiration, 348, 98. See Oracle.

Inugami, 332

Invocation. See Kami-oroshi.

Iron fish-hooks, 115

Ishi-kori-dome, 184

Ishigami, 341

Ise shrines, 229

Ise shrines, festival on removal of, 287

lyeyasu, 183

Izanagi and Izanami, 86, 171, 69, 96


Jevons, 24, 90

Jewels as offerings, 218

Jewel-makers, 185, 290

Jewel-spear of Heaven, 87

Ji-chin-sai, 143

Jigoku, 54, 367

Ji-matsuri, 143

Jimmu Tenno, 116, 115

Jingikwan, 200, 202, 162, 184

Ji no myōhō, 376

Jizō, 189, 191

Junshi (self-sacrifice at tomb), 59


Kadomatsu, 191

Kadori, 92, 115

Kaempfer, 36, 41

Kagami-mochi, 313

Kagase-wo, 71, 142

Kage-zen, 52

Kagura, 227, 238, 101, 184

Kagutsuchi, 92, 159

Kaji-so-sha, 48

Kamado no Kami. See Kitchen furnace.

Kami, 7–10

Kami-agari, 340

Kami-dana, 217, 231, 305

Kami-gi, 165

Kami-na-dzuki, 145

Kami-oroshi, 342, 217, 304, 340

Kamu-be, 207

Kamu-image, 279

Kamu-musubi, 173, 174

Kamu-miso no matsuri, 287

Kamu-naobi, 290

Kamunoko, 206

Kamurogi and Kamuromi, 173, 275, 289, 296

Kaname-ishi, 147, 260

Kangakari, 349

Kan-name, 278

Kannushi, 204

Kappa, 153

Kasedon, 331

Kashihade, 209

Kashikodokoro, 291

Kashima, 92, 155, 157, 370

Kasuga no matsuri, 317

Kataribe, 2, 273

Katashiro, 263

Kaya nu hime, 166

Kedzurikake, 191, 192

Kega (wound or uncleanness), 253

Kidzuki, 145

King-post, 90

Kiri-bi (sacred fire), 257

Kiri-nusa, 296

Kitano, 182

Kitsune-tsukahi, 344

Kitchen furnace, God of, 159, 16, 17, 73, 146, 272, 280, 322, 329. See Haniyasu.

Kiu (festival for rain), 286

Kiujiki, 3

Kneeling, 209

Kōbōdaishi, 361

Kodama (echo), 9, 67

Kogoshiui, 3

Kojiki, 2, 84

Kojikiden, 373

Komagata, 222, 67

Kompira, 230

Konohana Sakuyahime, 112

Ko-nusa, 343

Korea, 1, 102, 156, 305

Koto-shiro-nushi, 185, 111

Kowameshi, 194

Koyane, 183, 20, 46, 100, 101, 201, 317, 339

Kteis, 186, 194, 197, 334

Kugedachi, 348

Kuhabara, 337

Kuji. See Lots.

Kukunochi 166, 167, 290. See Tree-God.

Kumaso, 64

Kunado, 187, 189, 33, 40, 94, 110, 306, 341. See Phallic deities.

Kunari no kami, 144

Kunidama, 143, 144

Kunitokotachi, 175, 85, 68, 362, 375

Kusanagi (name of sword), 104

Kushi, 216, 297

Kushi-iha-mado, 168, 308

Kushinada hime, 103

Kuyebiko, 71


Lang, Mr. A., 61, 108

Language, myth arising from perversion of, 132

Laotze, 38, 361

Laughing festival, 6

Law, 242, 243, 245

Leanness unclean, 253

Learning, God of. See Temmangu.

Leech-child. See Hiruko.

Left and right, precedence of, 129

Legend and myth, 116

Lemuria, 309

Leprosy, 252, 300, 332

Life, God of, 174. See Breath.

Light and darkness myth, 101

Literal-minds, 18, 24, 50, 51, 80, 81

Liturgy, 100. See Norito.

Live bow, 107

Lloyd, Rev. A., 375

Lots, 343

Lowell, Mr. P., 24, 354

Luck, 309. See Tsuina.

Luck, Gods of, 95

Luck-wishing, 287

Lupercalia, 190

Lustration, 96, 259, 294, 295

Lying stigmatized, 242


Mabuchi, 373

Mayeza. See Medium.

Magic, 327, 99, 144, 187, 196, 255, 300, 357 ,

Maine, Sir H., 24

Majinahi. See Magic.

Make-believe, 12, 223

Male who invites, 171

Mamori. See Charms.

Maneki-neko, 48

Man-deities, 36, chap. viii.

Manyōshiu, a collection of ancient poetry, 9, 17

Mari no Kami, 199

Marriage, 66, 90, 91, 137, 140, 248, 249. See Nuptial hut, Wedlock.

Masaya a katsu, 97

Massha, 227

Material souls, 50, 51, 52

Materialized feelings, 332, 333

Materials for study of Shinto, 1–4

Medicine, 144, 327

Medicine men, 203

Medium, 354, 355, 356. See Ichiko, Miko.

Menstruation, 251, 340

Meredith, Mr. Geo., 80

Metal, God of, 92

Metamorphosis, 49, 64

Metaphor, 16–18, 38, 76

Michiahe, 306, 187, 188

Michi no Omi, 119

Midzuchi, 150

Mikado deified, 9, 38

Mikado divine right of, 82, 293

Mikado prayer to, 235, 324

Mikado as high priest, 201, 292

Mikado matsuri, 308

Mikage, 51

Miko, 206, 101, 357

Mikoshi, 222, 225

Mikoto, 20, 85

Mimi, 30

Minagata, 43, 177

Mioya, 19

Miraculous births, 97

Mirror, 218, 31, 72, 134, 291

Mirror-makers, 184

Misasagi, 42, 43

Misogi, 260, 271, 298

Mitama (spirit), 26–31, 8, 9, 49, 188, 197, 293. 294.

Mitama furishiki, 292

Mitama shidzumuru no matsuri, 292

Mitama shiro, 32. See Shintai.

Mitegura (offerings), 158, 211

Mitoshi no Kami, 196, 253

Miwa, 145. See Ohonamochi.

Miya, 200, 223. See Shrine.

Miyakko, 205, 206

Modern Shinto, 376

Mono-imi, 206, 318, 340

Monotheism, 66, 68, 69, 70, 125, 170, 171, 349

Moon-God, 65, 95, 102, 138. See Tsukiyomi, Tsuki-machi.

Moral code, 241, 129, 367, 374

Mortuary house, 109

Mosaic law, 122, 215, 248, 251, 252, 302

Motion and sensation, 11

Motoöri, 373, 4, 21, 24, 25

Mountain-Gods, 147, 92, 284, 289

Mourning. See Funeral.

Muir, Dr. J., 94

Müller, Max, 16, 25

Multiplication of Gods, 67

Mushroom, 189, 312

Music, 56, 93, 238, 270, 273, 292, 321

Musubi, 172, 20, 21, 35, 69, 102, 275

Mystery, 31, 32

Myth, 75, 17, 2, 16

Myth, and legend, 116

Myth, and ritual, 83

Mythical narrative, 84


Nademono, 220

Naishidokoro, 291, 43, 135

Nakatomi, 201, 1, 21, 46, 112, 183

Nakatsutsu no wo, 20–22. See Sea-Gods.

Nakatsu-wata-dzumi, 148. See Sea-Gods.

Nakara, 354

Nakisahame, 92, 199

Nanakusa, 277, 344

Naru Kami, 9. See Thunder.

Nature deities, 121

Nature-Gods and Man-Gods, 15

Need-fire, 259

Needles worshipped, 73

Negi (priest), 205

Ne no kuni (root-country). See Yomi.

Nether Land, 104. See Yomi.

New Year in modern Japan, 312

Nichirin (the sun), 127

Nigi-hayahi, 120, 128

Nigi-tama, 31, 33, 140, 145, 275

Nihabi, 99, 101, 277

Nihiname (festival of first-fruits), 277, 109, 119, 124, 161, 268, 269

Nihongi, 2, 84, 169

Ninigi, 108, 111, 112, 116, 185

No dance, 238

Nomi no Sukune, 48, 57, 183

Norito, chap. xii. passim, 3, 42, 98, 99, 126, 232, 235, 270, 274, 322

North the honourable quarter, 56

North star, 142

Number neglected in Japanese grammar, 16, 21, 121, 168, 169

Number of Gods, 66, 98

Numerals, magical use of, 99, 336

Nuptial hut, 90, 104, 137, 248

Nusa, 216, 218, 318. See Offerings, Kirinusa, Ohonusa.

Nusa-bukuro, 197

Nushi, 20


Oaths, 236

Obeisance, 209, 284, 320

‘Occult Japan,’ 354

Offences, 297

Offerings, 210, 98, 193, 280

Offerings, deified, 119, 161, 211

Offerings, to dead, 60, 211

Offerings, consumed by worshippers, 321. See Communion.

Offerings, symbolical, 211, 276

Oharahi, 305

Oho-hafuri, 205, 177

Oho-harahi, 294, 4, 242, 245, 246, 270

Oho-harahi offerings, 301

Oho-kuni-dama, See Ohonamochi.

Oho-kuni-nushi. See Ohonamochi.

Oho-miya no me, 184, 287, 290

Oho-mono-nushi, 111

Oho-naobi, 290

Ohonamochi, 144, 105, 110, 27–30, 46, 69, 200, 274

Oho-nihe, 268, 364

Oho-nusa, 213

Oho-sora, 96

Oho-toko-nushi, 144, 196, 253. See Ohonamochi.

Oho-tono hogahi, 287

Oho-toshi, 105

Ōjin deified, 178. See Hachiman.

Omens, 119, 126, 325, 345

Omnipresence of Deity, 27

Omohi-kane, 199, 98

Oni (demon), 198

Oni-yarahi, 189. See Tsuina.

Onogorojima, 89

Onyōshi, 365

Oracles, 367, 178, 350, 361. See Inspiration.

Ordeal, 347

O tento sama (sun), 127, 175


P'anku, myth of, 129

Pantheon, 121

Pairs of deities, 86

Parturition house, 113, 112, 114, 251, 345

Patron deity, 326

Peach, 189, 9, 93, 308

Penitence, 260

Perseus and Andromeda, 103–105, 50, 151

Personality of deities, 22

Personification, 5

Personal pronouns rare in Japanese, 23

Pestilence deities, 187

Pestle, a male symbol, 189

Pfleiderer, Dr., Preface, n, 76, 84

Phallicism, 186, 72, 363. See Bean, Chiburi no kami, Chimata no kami, Dōsōjin, Goriōye, Ishigami, Kunado, Kteis, Kedzurikake, Mushroom, Peach, Pestle, Rice, Sahe no kami, Sarutahiko, Shingi, Tama-boko, Tamuke no kami, Tsuji-ura, Yachimata hiko, Yakushin, Wo-bashira.

Pheasant as messenger of Gods, 108

Pictures of Gods, 71

Piebald colt of Heaven, 97, 98

Pilgrimage, 239

Pillar of Heaven, 95, 154

Pillar of House, 89, 90

Pious fraud, 360

Plain of High Heaven, 98, 107, 134

Poetry, Gods of. See Hitomaro, Sotoöri hime.

Polar star, 85

Polytheism, 66

Positive and negative. See Yin and Yang.

Possession, 349, 357

Potsticks, striking women with, to produce pregnancy, 190

Posthumous honours, 53

Poverty, God of, 199

Pradakchina. See Circumambulation.

Praise, 234, 306

Prayer, 232, 162. See Norito.

Prehistoric Shinto, 1

Priesthood, 200

Priestess, 205

Primitive man, 77, 12, 18, 26, 80, 345

Primitive religion, 13, 26, 121, 160, 166, 211

Primitive religion, Shinto not a, Preface

Privy, God of, 167, 289, 314

Processions, 240, 317

Procreative power deified. See Phallicism.

Prophet, 348, 350

Propitiation of evil deities, 305, 315

Prophylactic magic, 187

Providential character of nature Gods, 65, 125, 156, 162

Properties, Gods of, 15

Profanity, 237

Pseudo-ancestor worship, 46

Pure Shinto, 4, 372

Purification, 189

Purity, 247, 343

Purity, of heart, 264, 368, 369, 371

Purity, of language, 271, 255


Qualities, Gods of, 15, 34, 62


Races, 321

Rain, praying for, 42, 151, 152, 180, 286

Rainbow, 87. See Taikobashi.

Rain-Gods, 153

Rain-storm. See Susa no wo.

Ransom offerings, 262, 220. Se  Agamono, Katashiro, Nademono, Scape-goat.

Rank conferred on Gods, 237, 323, 324

Rationalism, 92, 375

Real presence, 217, 27, 72

Red colour, 194, 56, 163, 165

Regalia, 135, 202, 273, 289, 291, 353, 363

Relic, Buddhist, 361

Religion, nature and origin of, 5, 13

Remmonkyō, 375

Repentance, 102

Réville, Preface, 268

Revival of Pure Shinto, 4, 372

Rice-God. See Inari.

Rice in magic and ritual, 189, 288, 289, 334, 341

Risley, Mr. H., 73

Ritual, 1, 3, 268

River of Heaven (milky way), 97, 98, 100, 110

River-Gods, 115, 150. See Water, Rain.

River-weed deified, 316

Road-Gods. See Sahe no Kami.

Rock-boat of Heaven, 95, 117,

Rock-cave of Heaven, 97, 101

Rokkon shōjō, 239, 304, 355

Rudimentary character of Shinto, Preface, 242

Ryôbu, 360, 373


Sacred. See Imi.

Sacred and Secular, 200

Sacred tree, 165, 215. See Cleyera.

Sacrifice, 118. See Human sacrifice, Offerings.

Sagichô, 191, 307, 314

Sagume, 109

Sahe no Kami, 186, 14, 31, 165, 306, 314, 331

Sai-in, 280

Sai no Kami, 191, 195. See also Sahe no Kami.

Saishu, 204

Saiwō, 205, 352

Sakaki. See Cleyera.

Sakamakura, 272, 279

Sakatsuko, 269

Sake (rice-beer) not prohibited, 254, 272, 273, 320

Sake God, 162, 227, 273

Salt, 196, 260, 354

Sammai. See Rice.

Saniha, 350

Sannô, 145. See Ohonamochi.

Sarume, 99, 101, 112, 184

Saruta-hiko, 111, 197, 363

Satow, Sir E., 3, 257, 268, 280, 305, 317

Scape-goat, 302. See Ransom.

Scare-crow God, 71, 142

Scarf in magic, 334

Scotus Erigena, 121

Sea, direct worship of, 9

Sea-Gods, 20, 92, 95, 114, 148, 315, 323. See Uhatsutsu no wo, Toyo-tama hiko, Sumiyoshi, Suitengu.

Sea, old man of, 113

Sects of Shinto, Chap. xiv.

Secular and sacred little distinguished in early times, 200

Sensation in inanimate nature, 11

Seoritsu hime, 302

Serpent-worship, 63, 64, 257. See Dragon.

Serpent, eight-headed, 103

Seven generations of Gods, 85

Sex of Gods, 19, 132, 133

Sexual uncleanness, 248

Shadow. See Mikage.

Shaking in magic, 335

Shakujō, 354

Shangti, 1, 305

Shekinah, 26, 27

Shiho-tsuchi, 150

Shimenaha, 335, 164, 195, 313

Shimpô, 218

Shinatsu tohe, 20

Shinatsu hiko, 154. See Wind-Gods.

Shingaku, 374

Shingi, 193

Shingonjiki, 279

Shintai, 70, 32, 34, 123, 146, 163, 193, 212, 222, 305, 330, 376

Shintaku (inspiration), 350

Shitateru hime, 108, 109

Shōjiroku, 3, 175

Shoulder-blade, divination by, 203, 339

Shōtoku Taishi, 244, 359

Shrine, 223, 366

Shrines of Ise, 226, 228

Silk, 213

Simpson’s ‘Praying Wheel,’ 90

Sin, 102

Siva, 173

Skins, offerings of, 217, 307

Slaves, 207, 221

Small-pox, 163, 194

Smith-God, 99, 101

Smith, Robertson, 211

Sokotsutsu no wo, 20, 22

Sokotsu wata-dzumi, 148

Sono no Kami, 145

Sori-bashi. See Taiko-bashi.

Sorceress. See Uzume, Miko, Ichiko.

Sotoöri hime, 183

Soul, 26, 27, 374. See Mitama.

Soul and body, 34

Soul, Chinese views of, 52

Sovran Grandchild, 111–13, 127, 289, 296, 306

Speal, reading the, 339

Spear as emblem of authority, 89, 111, 144, 278

Spencer, Herbert, 8, 10, 23, 40, 50, 59, 89, 200, 211, 346

Spherical souls, 49, 50

Spirit, 48, 7. See Mitama, Soul.

Spiritism, 25

Spirituality of deities, 7, 171, 173

Spitting, 114, 260

Stars, 98

Star-God, 142

Stars, divination by, 344

Stone as shintai, 71

Substituted offerings, 211, 213, 216  219, 221, 222, 24O, 322

Sugahara Michizane. See Temmangu.

Suha, God of, 43, 177, 186

Suhijini, 146

Suitengu, 65

Sukuna-bikona, 186, 107, 124, 145

Sumera, 20

Sumiyoshi, Gods of, 149

Sun-Goddess, 121, 24, 46, 68, 95, 283, 372

Sun-Goddess's attendants, 183

Sun-Goddess address to Ninigi, 111

Sun-Goddess unlucky to proceed against, 117

Sun-Goddess, an avatar of Buddha, 361

Sun-birds, 136

Sun-crow. See Yatagarasu.

Son-children, 38, 40

Sun-deities, sex of, 132, 133

Sun-mirror. See Yatakagami.

Sun-myth, 80

Sun worship, 1, 41, 83, 99, 128. See Nichirin, O tento sama.

Supernatural, 38

Supreme Being, 69, 70, 123, 142, 171, 175, 180, 182, 305

Surnames, 47

Susa no wo, 136, 96, 1, 14, 19, 21, 95, 106

Suseri hime, 106

Susu-harahi, 313

Suttee, 59

Sword, 72, 118, 157, 219

Symbol. See Shintai.

Symbol in magic, 187, 333

Sympathetic magic, 330


Tabi no miya (reposoir), 222

Taboos, sexual, 250

Taikobashi, 87, 232

Taikyoku (great absolute), 175

Taisha (great shrine of Idzumo), 66, 145, 353

Tajikara no wo, 98, 199

Takama no hara. See Plain of High Heaven.

Taka-musubi, 108, 110, 116, 119, 173, 174, 275, 351, 375

Take-mika-dzuchi, 155, 92, 109, 118, 317, 37O. See Kashima.

Take-minakata. See Suha.

Talisman, 334, 114, 292

Tama, 27, 88, 218. See Mitama.

Tama-boko, 87

Tama-dasuki, 45, 235

Tama-gushi, 216

Tamashii (soul), 49

Tamashiro, 45

Tamuke no Kami, 197

Tanabata, 142

Ta no Kami, 143

Tartar religions, 1

Tatsuta, 322, 370. See Wind-God.

Temmangū, 179, 65, 153, 369

Ten (Heaven), 362

Tenrikyô, 375

Tenjin. See Temmangū.

Tenshi (Son of Heaven), 38

Tenshōdaijin, 14, 125. See Sun-Goddess.

Tentei, 180

Teri-teri-bōzu, 330

Textile offerings, 213

Theogony, 85 et seqq.

Thunder, charm against, 337

Thunders of Yomi, 187

Thunder-God, 157, 9, 41

Tien (Heaven), 21

Tiger deified, 63

Tiger teaches acupuncture, 335

Toko yo no Kuni, 52, 54, 70. See Yomi.

Tomb and shrine, 42, 43

Toothache, cure of, 328, 329

Tori-wi, 231, 233, 43, 128, 165, 309

Tortoise-shell in divination, 339, 340

Toshi-gohi festival, 280

Toshi-otoko, 309, 313

Toshi-toku-jin, 314

Toso, 313

Totemism, 64

Toyo-iha-mado, 168, 308

Toyo-tama, 185

Toyo-tama-hiko, 113, 149

Toyo-tama-hime, 114

Trade-Gods, 48

Trance, 351. See Hypnotism

Tree-Gods, 164, 92, 290

Tree, sacred, 332. See Kami-gi.

Trinity of Fire-Gods, 160

Trinity of Susa no wo, 139

Trinity of Sea-Gods, 148

Trinity Buddhist, 361

Troup, Mr. J., Preface

Tsuchi, 19

Tsuchigumo, 334, 345

Tsuina, 308, 190, 295

Tsuii-ura, 340, 189

Tsuki-machi, 142

Tsukinami festival, 285

Tsukiyomi, 141

Tsumi (guilt), 247

Tsutsu, 19

Tuke, Mr. S., 232

Tumuli, 55, 57, 157. See Misasagi.

Turan, 232

Tylor, Dr., Preface, 24, 82, 96, 257, 259, 333

Types deified, 61, 62, 183


Ubusuna, 47, 337

Ugly Females of Yomi, 93, 187

Uhatsutsu-wata-dzumi, 149

Uhatsutsu no wo, 20, 22

Uhijini, 146

Uji, 47

Ujigami, 47, 65, 184, 231, 279, 314, 331

Uka no mitama, 105

Ukemochi, 160

Umashi-ashi-hikoji, 86

Unity of religions, 362

Uncleanness, 248 et seqq.

Urabe, 203, 269, 302

Uranahi, 337

Utsushi-mi, 31, 72

Uzume, 184, 98, 99, 111, 134


Vairochana, 361

Van Helmont, 332

Vejovis, Addenda

Volcano Gods, 147

Volition ascribed to inanimate objects, 78


Waka-hirame, 128

Waka-midzu, 313

Wake (prince), 20

Wani (sea-monster), 114, 149

Wa Kongo, 353, 367

War-God, 157. See Hachiman, Take-mika-dzuchi.

Water deified, 119

Water-Gods, 92, 104, 154, 284, 316, 321, 322

Weapons as offerings, 218

Wedlock, God of, 66

Weeping Goddess. See Naki-sahame.

Weipert, Dr., 245

Well, 322, 257

Well-God, 153, 227, 272, 282, 313, 322

Well-worship, 16, 313

Weston, Mr., 287, 344, 356

Whirlwind deified, 155

Whistling, 115, 330

White an auspicious colour, 196, 222

Will-of-the-wisp, 50

Wind-Gods, 154, 20, 92, 322

Wintry influences, 312

Witchcraft, 255, 331, 346

Wo-bashira (male pillar), 190, 193, 72, 93

Wolf deified, 9, 63

Women rulers, 133

Wool, offerings of, 215

Wordsworth, 9

Worship, 208, 37

Wounds unclean, 252

Wrestling, God of. See Nomi Sukune.

Writing, introduction of, 1


Yabune, 167, 287, 290

Yachimata hiko, 187, 71, 306

Yakami-hime, 105

Yakushin, 187

Yaku-sute, 309

Yaku-toshi, 309

Yamato-dake, 36, 49

Yashiro, 223. See Shrine.

Yatagarasu (sun-crow), 136, 118, 46

Yatakagami, 134

Yebisu, 48

Yengishiki, 3, 268

Yihking, 344, 363

Yin and Yang, 35, 52, 84, 169, 313, 365

Yomi (Hades), 53, 93. 96, 99, 106, 138, 302, 367. See Ne no kuni, Hades.

Yo-ori ceremony, 262

Yoridai, 355

Yufu, 213, 215

Yufu-kadzura, 320

Yui-itsu, 362

Yuki and suki, 269, 272

Yu-niha (sacred enclosure), 272


Zembla Bogh, Addenda.

Zimmern’s definition of magic, 327

Zōni, 313