Soldier poets, songs of the fighting men

For works with similar titles, see Soldier Poets.
Soldier poets, songs of the fighting men (1916)
various authors
1894518Soldier poets, songs of the fighting men1916various authors






Copyright, Erskine MacDonald, in the
United States of America

First Edition, cloth, September 1916
Trench Edition . . September 1916


THIS volume has grown out of a suggestion made by a firm of booksellers who were inspired by a letter in The Times in April last, headed "Soldier Poets," which directed attention to the fine spirit animating the poems by Corporal Streets, whose sonnet "Gallipoli" had appeared a few days previously. Slowly and without effort the scheme of the volume has matured and several distinct features have evolved.

Although this representative collection is not an anthology—it consists of work hitherto unpublished in volume form of a number of "soldier poets" brought together within one cover—the contents have assumed a certain homogeneity. They define, record and illustrate the aspirations, emotions, impressions and experiences of men of all ranks and branches of the Army, and they reveal a unity of spirit, of exultant sincerity and unconquerable idealism that makes the reader very proud and very humble. And if some of them deal with home themes by way of solace amid the horrors of war, the poems are essentially war poems, revealing the soul of the soldier going into battle, describing incidental scenes, focusing the feelings, both individual and general, of a unique body of fighting men. For one may claim that this volume represents the soldier as poet rather than the poet as soldier. It is typical of that intensification of feeling and concentration of expression developed by military service in the defence of country under extraordinary conditions which have yielded a surprising volume of fine poetry. "I know of no one to compare him to but the Archangel Michael" was said of the poet-paladin Roland. The noble Achilles of the West has to-day many brave peers who face battle with a song, Michaels and Rolands of civilization.

Any objection that, since practically all men of active age have been drawn into the Army willy-nilly, the term "soldier poet" is ambiguous, has already been met. Even a cursory glance at this volume will show that the authors are soldiers whose military service dates back in most cases to the early days of the war, if not earlier, and not conscript poetasters who have found a new stimulant to jaded literary exercises. The note of pessimism and decadence is absent, together with the flamboyant and hectic, the morose and the mawkish. The soldier poets leave the maudlin and the mock-heroic, the gruesome and fearful handling of Death and his allies to the neurotic civilian who stayed behind to gloat on imagined horrors and inconveniences and anticipate the uncomfortable demise of friends.

What seem to me to be the characteristics of this volume give it more than a literary and temporary value. When the history of these tremendous times comes to be written, the poetry of the period will be found to be an illuminating index and memorial. And the historian will be least able to neglect the poetry of the camp and the battlefield, which reflects the temper and experiences of our great citizen army. The spirit that has turned our soldiers into poets is the spirit of the V.C.—brave and debonair, but neither melancholy nor mad. It is not a new spirit, but a new bright efflorescence—a survival and a revival. "The half-men, with their dirty songs and dreary" were stricken dumb by the storm—at the most, they whimpered in safety with none to heed them: the braver spirits were shocked into poetry and like the larks are heard between the roaring of the guns—the articulate voices of millions of fighting men, giving to poetry a new value and significance.

For many months this new verse—vivid, definite, concentrated, and not a mechanical echo any more than a striving after new or bizarre effects—has flowed in from all parts of our far-flung battle-line. Scores of slim volumes and hundreds of separate poems have come from men in the Army—from France and Flanders, Gallipoli and the Soudan, Egypt and East Africa. The published volumes have not been laid under contribution, but some of the poems collected here have appeared in The Poetry Review, in which a greatly appreciated feature has been made of contributions by soldiers, while we are indebted to The New Witness for permission to include typical poems by Lieutenant Geoffrey Howard and the late Lieutenant W. N. Hodgson,[1] M.C., who left Oxford to join the Army and found a grave in France in July last. About the same time Lieutenant Victor Ratcliffe[1] was killed in action near Fricourt, and as this volume is going through the press we hear that Sergeant Streets,[1] who was a miner before he enlisted in August, 1914, and Corporal Robertson have been "missing" since July 1. This is their priceless legacy. No further introduction or commentary is needed.

Galloway Kyle.

"The Poetry Review" Office,
September, 1916.


H. D'A. B., Major, 55th Division (B.E.F., France) PAGE
Marthe 15
The March 15
Givenchy Field 16
No-Man's-Land 17
The Counter-attack 18
Joseph Courtney, Lieut., R.A.M.C.
"As the Leaves Fall" 19
S. Donald Cox, Rifleman, 2/5 C.L.R., London Rifle Brigade
To My Mother—1916 22
The Song of The Happy Warrior 22
E. J. L. Garstin, 12th Battalion, Middlesex Regiment
To the Rats 24
Lines written between 1 and 2.30 a.m. in a German dug-out 25
Julian Grenfell, D.S.O., Captain, Royal Dragoons
Into Battle 27
To a Black Greyhound 29
The Hills 30
Hymn to the Fighting Boar 32
To the Mussourie Race Club 34
Wilfrid J. Halliday, Private, 13th Battalion, West Yorks. Regiment
The Grave 36
The Awakening 37
The Red Cross 38
The Gleam 39
To-day 39
G. Rountree Harvey, 2/A.M., Royal Flying Corps
The Maid of France 41
Mother of Sons 42
Geoffrey Howard, Lieut., Royal Fusiliers
The Beach Road by the Wood 43
"Without Shedding of Blood ..." 45
England 46
Malcolm Humphrey, Lance-Corporal, A.O.C.
Hills of Home 48
Dyneley Hussey, Lieut., 13th Battalion, Lancashire Fusiliers
Youth 50
Security 51
Courage 52
The Dead 52
Joy 53
Mirage 54
E. Hardress Lloyd, Lieut., London Irish Rifles 55
John Lodge, Lieut., 8th Battalion, Bedfordshire Regiment
God and the Child 56
On Zeppelin Picquet 57
To Our Child Unborn 58
"Edward Melbourne" (W. N. Hodgson, M.C.), Lieut., Devon Regiment
Durham 60
Before Action 61
Back to Rest 62
George C. Michael, Lance-Corporal, R.E.
An April Song 63
The Hon. Evan Morgan, 2nd Lieut., Welsh Guards
What of the Dead? 65
The World's Reward 66
Sydney Oswald, Major, King's Royal Rifle Corps
The Dead Soldier 68
Dulce et Decorum est pro Patria Mori 69
The Attack 70
The Aftermath 71
The Battlefield 72
A. Victor Ratcliffe, Lieut., 10/13th West Yorkshire Regiment
At Sundown 73
Into the Night 74
Optimism 75
Alexander Robertson, Corporal, 12th York and Lancasters
"We shall drink to them that sleep" 76
A Midnight Reflection in a Hut 77
To an Old Lady seen at a Guest-house for Soldiers 79
H. Smalley Sarson, Private, Canadian Contingent
Raindrops 80
The Armed Liner 80
The Village, 1914 81
The Village, 1915 83
To Sister E. W. 85
The Shell 86
C. H. Sorley, Capt., 7th S. Battalion, Suffolk Regiment
Fragments 87
Prometheus Vinctus Loquitur 88
H. Spurrier, Private, Royal Warwicks
The Charge at Neuve-Chapelle 90
The Guerdon 92
John William Streets, Sergt., 12th York and Lancasters
Youth's Consecration 95
At Dawn in France 96
Love of Life 98
An English Soldier 98
A Soldiers' Cemetery 99
A Lark above the Trenches 100
Gilbert Waterhouse, Lieut., 2nd Essex
The Casualty Clearing Station 101
E. F. Wilkinson, M.C., Lieut., 1/8th Battalion, West Yorks. (Leeds Rifles)
Dad o' Mine 102
To "My People," before the "Great Offensive" 104

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Memorial volumes are in preparation for early publication.