Songs of Love and Rebellion/Lucifer, the Morning Star

1710491Songs of Love and Rebellion — Lucifer, the Morning Star1915Covington Hall


He was the first to face the wrath of priesthoods and of kings;
He was the first to make his mind the judgment-place of things;
He was the first to question, first to feel the steel of might—
Lucifer, the Morning Star, the splendid and the bright!

Around his shining spirit, lo! the priests of earth have thrown
A shadow and a terror that belongs to kings alone—
A demon demons made him, crowned him prince of Utmost Night—
Lucifer, the Morning Star, the splendid and the bright!

Through ages upon ages, they have cursed him day on day,
But fearless and unconquered he has held them all at bay;
Forever and forever he has faced them in the fight—
Lucifer, the Morning Star, the splendid and the bright!

Hail to the first of rebels! To the chieftain, strong and brave,
Who sounded first the bugle-call of freedom to the slave!
Who never yet has faltered through time's long and dreary flight—
Lucifer, the Morning Star, the splendid and the bright!