4593618Songs of the Cowboys — Glossary1921N. Howard Thorp


Baquero (vaquero) A cowpuncher
Blocker A large loop made with a rope
Bronco An untamed horse
Broom’y, broom tails Range mares
Buckaroo A cowpuncher
Caballada A bunch of horses
Cabresto A rope
Chaps, chaparreras Leather leggins
Cincha A girth for saddle
Corral A pen or enclosure
Crinolina Hoop-skirt. An expression used to describe spinning a rope
Cuarta A whip
Dale vuelta Used in giving turns of rope around saddle horn
Freno A bridle
Grazin bits A snaffle or easy curb
Jáquima A halter
Kack A saddle
Lasso A loop, or to catch
Latigo A strap from cinch to saddle
Maguey A Mexican catch rope
Manada A bunch of mares
Maverick An unbranded animal
Mesteño A wild horse
Montura A saddle
Morral A feed bag
Mustang A wild horse
Outlaw A horse which has been spoiled in breaking
Reata A rope
Remuda A bunch of saddle horses or relay
Rodéo A round-up
Slick An unbranded calf
Taps, tapaderas Stirrup coverings
Tarp A canvas bed sheet
Vaquero A cowpuncher
Waddie A cowpuncher
Willows Range mares
Wrangler A man who looks after and outfits saddle horses