4428762Sophocles — Bibliography1912Francis Storr


I. Editions:—

Aldus (Vienna, 1502), editio princeps, by A. P. Manutius; Brunck, 4 vols. (1786–9); Musgrave, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1800); Erfurdt, 7 vols. (1802–25); F. H. Bothe (Leipsic, 1806); Heller und Döderlein, 7 vols. (1825); Hermann, revision of Brunck, 7 vols. (1823–5); Wunder, 2 vols. (1841); Blaydes and Paley, 2 vols, in Bibl. Classica (1859–80); Dindorf, 8 vols. (Oxford, 1860); Lewis Campbell and Evelyn Abbott, 2 vols., new and revised edition, 1886; Jebb, 7 vols. (1884–96).

II. Translations:—

G. Adams, 1729 (in prose); T. Francklin, 1759; R. Potter (1788); T. Dale (1824); E. H. Plumtree (1865); R. Whitelaw (1883); Sir George Young (1888); Lewis Campbell (last edn., 1896); A. S. Way (1909, in progress). Also Oedipus Rex by B. H. Kennedy, E. D. A. Morshead, Gilbert Murray. Antigone by J. W. Donaldson, E. H. Pember, Oedipus at Colonus. The best French translation (prose) is by Lecomte Delile; the best German by Solger.

III. Subsidia to study of Sophocles:—

Lexicon Sophocleum, F. Ellendt; Genthe, Index Commentariorum; Hense, Studien zu Sophocles; Patin, Études sur les Tragiques Grecs; Lessing, Leben Sophocles (a fragment); Schöll, Sophocles Leben und Werken; “The Theology and Ethics of Sophocles,” by Evelyn Abbott in Hellenica. Thirlwall on “Irony of Sophocles,” Cambridge Philological Museum, vol. i.; T. H. Warren, “Sophocles and the Greek Genius” in Essays of Poets and Poetry; “Sophocles” in Lectures in Greek Poetry, by J. W. Mackail; “Introduction to Sophocles,” by J. S. Phillimore in Athenian Drama; “Griechische Tragödien,” by Wilamowitz-Möllendorff, vol. i.