Sour Sonnets of a Sorehead & Other Songs of the Street/Sorehead Sonnet Four

Sour Sonnets of a Sorehead & Other Songs of the Street
by James Percival Haverson
Sour Sonnets of a Sorehead
1632860Sour Sonnets of a Sorehead & Other Songs of the Street — Sour Sonnets of a SoreheadJames Percival Haverson

Sorehead Sonnet Four

At night when I am goin' home to eat,
I nail a car an' decorate a strap,
An' I would even think that was a snap
If someone wouldn't camp upon me feet.
If I should get a purchase on a seat,
Some ancient dame will tumble in me lap
Er else a fairy wid a pretty map
Tips me a smile—It's always got me beat.
The motor stops, you light upon the floor;
It starts again an' rolls you in the dirt;
Your pants is bust, your hat's a hopeless wreck,
An' just when you are feelin' good an' sore
Some silly mutt will ast you if you're hurt—
Oh Gee, that makes a feller feel his neck!