St. Joseph's manual/Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

St. Joseph's manual (1877)
by Rev. James Fitton
Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
4239489St. Joseph's manual — Devotions to the Sacred Heart of Jesus1877Rev. James Fitton





T object of the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is to honor the ardent charity with which that divine heart has always been inflamed for mankind. The faithful servants of God have in all ages practised this devotion ; but since the last century it has been much more extensively diffused, in consequence of a revelation made to a fervent religious, in a convent of the Visitation, in France. In 1803, his holiness Pius VII. approved an association of the Sacred Heart, established in Rome, granting it special indulgences, with the privilege of aggregating to itself other associations of the Sacred Heart throughout the Church. To be received into a confraternity of the Sacred Heart, it is necessary to apply for admission to the clergyman, who is empowered to this effect, and who records the names of applicants in a. register kept for this purpose.

The particular intention of this devotion is, to make reparation for the outrages committed against the Heart of Jesus during his mortal life ; outrages which continue to be committed against him in the adorable Eucharist, which is the sacrament of his love.

It was for this end that our Lord revealed to venerable Sister Mary Alacogne, that he wished the festival and devotion of the Sacred Heart to he instituted in the Church.

It is related in the life of this holy nun, that, being one day in prayer before the blessed sacrament, Jesus showed her his Heart surrounded with thorns, surmounted by a cross, and placed upon a throne of fire ; and that he said to her : "Behold the Heart that has so loved men, and has spared nothing to testity its love for them, even to the consuming of itself for their sake ; but, iMpturn, receives from the generality of mankind nothing but dishonor and ingratitude. What afflicts Page:StJosephsManual1877.pdf/539 Page:StJosephsManual1877.pdf/540 Page:StJosephsManual1877.pdf/541 duties proper to their condition, they may be more and more inflamed with the fire of thy divine love. Amen.

Received at . . . . , on this . . . . day of

________ __________, Director.

Live, Jesus! live and let it be
My life to die for love of thee. Amen.


O MOST amiable Heart of my divine Redeemer, considering thy infinite love for all men, and for me in particular; in view of the oppressing grief and other pains thou hast endured for my sins; in view of the most precious blood thou hast been pleased to shed for my redemption; in view of the excessive love thou hast shown us in the institution of the most blessed sacrament of the altar; and in view of those infinite perfections which make thee so amiable, I, N., do this day consecrate myself to thee without reserve for the remainder of my life. I consecrate to thee my body, my soul, my thoughts, my desires, my words, my actions, and my sufferings, desiring thereby to contribute to thy greater glory. In particular, I consecrate to thee my heart, with all its motions, desiring it may love thee alone, rejoice in thee alone, and breathe for thee alone. Receive it then, O divine Heart of Jesus, purify it, sanctify it, and inflame it with thy most pure love, that it may no longer act but by the motion of thy love; nor suffer, but for thy love; grieve only, because it loves thee so little; find its only joy in thy love; desire nothing but a continual increase of that love; and fear nothing but the extinction, or even a diminution, of that love. In a word, make my heart like to thee, that by thee, with thee, and in thee, it may eternally love the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen.


O MOST amiable and adorable Heart, centre of all hearts, glowing with charity, and inflamed with zeal for the interest of thy Father, and the salvation of mankind! O Heart, ever sensible of our misery, and ever ready to redress our evils; the real Victim of love in the holy eucharist, and a propitiatory sacrifice for the sins of men! Seeing that the generality of Christians make no other return for these thy mercies than contempt of thy favors, forgetfulness of their own obligation, and ingratitude to the best of benefactors, is it not just that we, thy servants, penetrated with the deepest sense of the like indignities, should enter upon a due and satisfactory reparation of honor to thy most sacred Majesty? Prostrate, therefore, in body, and humbled in mind, before heaven and earth we solemnly declare our utter detestation and abhorrence of such a conduct. Inexpressible, we know, was the bitterness which the multitude of our sins brought on thy tender heart; insufferable the weight of our iniquities, which pressed thy face to the earth in the Garden of Olives; and insurmountable thy anguish, when, expiring with love, grief, and agony, on Mount Calvary, with thy last breath thou wouldest reclaim sinners to their duty and repentance. This we know, O dear Redeemer, and would most willingly redress these thy sufferings by our own, or share with thee in thine.

O merciful Jesus, ever present on our altars, and with a heart open to receive all who "labor and are burdened! " O adorable Heart, source of true contrition, impart to our hearts the true spirit of penance, and to our eyes a fountain of tears, that we may bewail and wash off our sins, and those of the world. Pardon, divine Jesus, all the injuries, reproaches, and outrages done thee, through the course of thy holy life and bitter passion; pardon all the impieties, irreverences, and sacrileges which have been committed against thee in the sacrament of the eucharist, from its first institution. Graciously receive the small tribute of our sincere repentance, as an agreeable offering in thy sight, and in requital for the benefits we daily receive from the altar on which thou art a living and continual sacrifice, and in union with that bloody holocaust thou didst present to thy eternal Father on Mount Calvary from the cross.

Sweet Jesus, give thy blessings to the ardent desire we now entertain, and the holy resolution we have taken of ever loving and adoring thee, after a proper manner, in the holy eucharist, thy sacrament of love; thus to repair, by a true conversion of heart, and a becoming zeal for thy glory, our past negligence and infidelity. But thou, O adorable Heart, who knowest the clay of which we are formed, be thou our Mediator with thy heavenly Father, whom we have so grievously offended. Strengthen our weakness; confirm our resolution; and with thy charity, humility, meekness, and patience, cover the multitude of our iniquities. Be thou our support, our refuge, and our strength, that nothing henceforward, in life or death, may separate us from thee. Amen.


HAIL, O sacred Heart of Jesus, living and quickening source of eternal life, infinite treasury of the divinity, burning furnace of divine love! thou art my refuge and my sanctuary. O my amiable Saviour, consume my heart with that burning fire with which thine is ever inflamed; pour down on my soul those graces which flow from thy love, and let my heart be so united with thine that our wills may he one, and mine in all things conformed to thine. May thine be the standard and rule of my desires and of my actions. Amen.

Let us pray.

O GOD, who, out of thy immense love, hast given to the faithful the most sacred heart of thy dear Son, our Lord, as the object of their tender affections, grant, we beseech thee, that we may so love and honor this pledge of thy love on earth, that by it we may merit to love both thee and thy gift, and be eternally loved by thee and this most blessed heart in heaven, through the same Jesus Christ our Lord, thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

O SACRED HEART of Jesus, overflowing with all sweetness, to thee we recommend ourselves and all our concerns, parents and relations, our superiors, benefactors, friends, and enemies; extend thy care to all such as lie under any affliction, and to those who labor in the agony and pangs of death; cast an eye of compassion on the obstinate sinner, but particularly on the poor souls in purgatory, and also on those who are engaged in the holy confederacy of honoring and worshipping thee. Bless these in particular, O bountiful Heart, and bless them according to the extent of thy goodness, mercy, and charity. Amen.


MOST amiable Heart of Jesus, beloved object of our most tender affections, may all honor, glory, love, and benediction be ever given to thee. Be thou our comfort in adversity, our guide in prosperity, our safety in dangers, and protection against all our enemies, visible and invisible. Amen.


The ensuing four and twenty acts of adoration to Jesus Christ in the Blessed Sacrament may be recited by way of reparation for all the offences committed against him by mankind.

1.JESUS, our Lord and our God, ever adorable, O that we could be present in all the churches throughout the universe where thou art not adored as thou oughtest to be, and where thy inflamed love is not repaid with gratitude worthy of thy majesty! We fly, at least in spirit, to these holy places now profaned, and offer on thy altars there the fervent love and adoration of thy holy Mother, in compensation for the injuries ever done thee by the Jews, by hereties and bad Christians. Eternal praise and thanksgiving be to the most holy and most divine sacrament.

2. O Jesus, true Sun, that enlightens the Church, and raises into a flame the hearts of thy servants, we adore thee; and to repair the sloth, indifference, and tepidity of so many thoughtless persons, who, though favored with the presence of so burning a luminary, remain cold, insensible, and inanimate, we offer up to thee all the inflamed desires of the seraphim. Eternal praise, &c.

3. We adore thee, O eternal Wisdom; and to repair the gross ignorance which has caused us to offend thee, we offer up to thee all the knowledge of those most enlightened spirits, the cherubim. Eternal praise, &c.

4. We adore thee, O most meek and merciful God; and to repair all the sins of anger, passion, and revenge, highly offensive in thy sight, we offer up to thee the peace, mildness, and tranquillity of the thrones. Eternal praise, &c.

5. We adore thee, O sacrament of love; and to repair all the thoughts and criminal desires conceived even at the foot of thy altars, we offer up to thee all the pure affections and chaste desires of the dominations. Eternal praise, &c.

6. We adore thee, O immaculate Lamb, that takest away the sins of the world; and to repair all the irreverences, gazing at dangerous objects, and disrespectful postures during the time of holy Mass, we offer up to thee the profound respect of the choir of virtues. Eternal praise, &c.

7. We adore thee, O source and origin of all sanctity and innocence; and to repair the abominations committed by wicked priests, who consecrate and receive thee in the state of mortal sin, we offer up to thee the profound adoration and holiness of the powers. Eternal praise, &c.

8. We adore thee, sovereign Lord of the universe, to whom all knees, both in heaven and earth, should bend, all reverence be paid; and in order to repair the many blasphemies against thy honor, we offer up to thee the praises and homage of the principalities. Eternal praise, &c.

9. We adore thee, Saviour of the world, to whom all fidelity and glory is due; and to repair the sacrilegious communions and treacheries of so many false consciences, we offer up to thee the fervent and faithful zeal of the archangels. Eternal praise, &c.

10. We adore thee, the delight of heaven and earth; and to repair the neglect, indifference, and contempt which mankind show of that loving invitation by which thou callest them to thy sweet embraces in the holy eucharist, we offer up to thee the ready obedience, contempt, and happiness of the angels. Eternal praise, &c.

11. We adore thee, never-failing Bounty and Goodness; and to repair man's offensive diffidence in thy tender mercy, we offer up to thee the steadfast reliance and assurance of the holy patriarchs in thy promises. Eternal praise, &c.

12. We adore thee, O amiable Jesus, and revere the sacred mystery of the blessed eucharist, revealed by thy divine word, taught by the Church, and proved by miracles; and to repair the doubts which men have had of thy real presence in the holy sacrament, we offer up to thee the due submission shown by the prophets to thy divine oracles. Eternal praise, &c.

13. We adore thee, most tender and most amiable of all fathers; and to make reparation for the errors and infidelities of thy own children, we offer up to thee the faith of the apostles. Eternal praise, &c.

14. We adore thee, most loving Shepherd, pattern of true charity; and to make reparation for the designs of revenge conceived in defiance of thy divine prohibitions, we offer up to thee the patience and prayers of the martyrs in favor of their persecutors. Eternal praise, &c.

15. We adore thee, inexhaustible fund of treasures; and to make reparation for all the robberies committed in thy churches, we offer up to thee the rich and bountiful donations of thy devout servants. Eternal praise, &c.

16. We adore thee, O most watchful Advocate; and to make reparation for the many negligences of those who have any authority in the Church to correct the abuses and irreverences there committed against thee, we offer up to thee the exact attention and careful solicitude of holy bishops and prelates. Eternal praise, &c.

17. We adore thee, O God of infinite majesty, whom we can never sufficiently adore and reverence; and to make reparation for all the impious oaths pronounced against thee, we offer up to thee the pious discourses made in thy honor by the holy doctors of the Church. Eternal praise, &c.

18. We adore thee, O hidden God; and to make reparation for all the contests, disputes, punctilios of honor, and scandal, by which thou hast been offended, we offer up to thee the humility of the holy confessors. Eternal praise, &c.

19. We adore thee, eternal Priest, whose delight is to offer sacrifice; and to make reparation for the insults and affronts done to thy priests, religious, and virgins, we offer up to thee thy own invincible patience, together with the true and fervent zeal of all good priests and apostolic preachers. Eternal praise, &c.

20. We adore thee, true bread of angels; and to make reparation for the sins committed against thy command of abstinence, we offer up to thee the fasts and temperance of the holy anchorets. Eternal praise, &c.

21 . We adore thee, O God of all purity; and to make reparation for all the sins which have hitherto been committed against the virtue of purity, we offer up to thee the modesty and penance of all holy religious men and women. Eternal praise, &c.

22. We adore thee, amiable Spouse of our souls; and to make reparation for all the lukewarmness and indifference shown by many, particularly in time of holy communion, we offer up to thee the raptures and ecstasies of holy virgins. Eternal praise, &c.

23. We adore thee, most worthy object of the love and affection of men and angels; and to repair the profanations committed in thy churches by the effusion of so much innocent blood, as also to make some atonement for the poor and indigent manner thou art entertained there, we offer up to thee the piety of all the blessed saints, and the distress and want in which thy persecuted servants were. Eternal praise, &c.

24. We adore thee, Son of the ever-glorious Virgin; and to make a general reparation, as much as lies in our power, for all the indignities thou hast suffered from men since the institution of this adorable mystery, we have recourse to thy holy Mother, looking upon her as, under thee, the greatest and most secure refuge of sinners. Eternal praise, &c.

O Queen of heaven and earth, hope of mankind, who adorest thy divine Son incessantly, we entreat thee, that, since we have the honor to be of the number of thy children, thou wouldest interest thyself in our behalf, and make satisfaction for us, and in our name, to our eternal Judge, by rendering to him the duties which we ourselves are incapable of performing. Amen.

It would be advisable to recite those acts every Thursday or Friday. Their number corresponds to the hours of the day and night. In each of these hours, the most amiable heart of Jesus, in the eucharist, is offended and insulted throughout the world. This recital of the above acts is a reparation of honor which we make for such offences; nor can it seem too much. However, if, on account of other occupations, it should appear so, fail not, once a month at least, and particularly on the feast of the Sacred Heart, to acquit yourself of this duty. You will do well also to observe the following most easy practice : You have, perhaps, a number of friends, and these are equally engaged with you in this holy devotion. Take to yourself one of these acts; divide the others amongst your friends; let each of them recite daily and offer up to God a respective act of adoration. Nothing can be more practicable, nothing more agreeable to the amiable and offended heart of our divine Saviour, or more satisfactory for so many offences daily committed against him.


It is composed of Five Decades in honor of the five wounds of Our Lord.

1. The Method of saying it.

ON the Cross: The prayer of St. Ignatius.

Soul of Christ, sanctify me.

Heart of Christ, enliven me.

Body of Christ, save me.

Blood of Christ, inebriate me.

Water flowing from the side of Christ, purify me.

Passion of Christ, comfort me.

O good Jesus, hear me.

Hide me within thy wounds.

Never permit me to be separated from thee.

From the malignant enemy, defend me.

At the hour of my death, call me, and cause me to come to thee,

Where with the saints and angels I may praise thee for everlasting ages. Amen. — (300 days' indulgence.)

On the largo beads, say:

Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart like unto thine. — (300 days' indulgence.)

On each of the small beads, say:

Meek Heart of Jesus, be thou my love. — (300 days' indulgence.)

At the end of each decade, say:

Sweet Heart of Mary, be thou my salvation. — (300 days' indulgence.)

Concluding, say:

Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us.

Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, pray for us.

May the Sacred Heart of Jesus be everywhere — (100 days' indulgence.)

2. Indulgences gained.

This Rosary may be said to be a treasury of indulgences, since the prayers which compose it are so privileged as to require but a few moments for their recitation, and by saying which, with proper dispositions, we gain 20,200 days' indulgences.

3. Other Advantages.

There is no need of any particular set of beads, other than the ordinary — that of the Blessed Virgin. Besides which it can be said anywhere, and at any time, according to each one's convenience, and also help to enkindle devotion in our visits to the Blessed. Sacrament.



1. I WILL give them all the graces necessary for their state of life.

2. I will establish peace in their families.

3. I will console them in all their pains and trials.

4. I will be their assured refuge in life, and especially in death.

5. I will shed abundant blessings upon all their undertakings.

6. Sinners shall find in my heart an infinite ocean of mercy.

7. Lukewarm souls will he rendered fervent.

8. Fervent souls shall rise rapidly to greater perfection.

9. I will bless those houses where the image of my heart shall be exposed and honored.

10. I will give to priests the talent of moving the hardest hearts.

11. Persons who propagate this devotion, shall have their names inscribed in my heart, and they shall never be effaced from it.

Heart of Jesus, have mercy on me.

Agonizing Heart of Jesus, have mercy on the dying. — (100 days' indulgence.)


All who are impressed with an affectionate love for the adorable heart of Jesus, and share in its afflictions on account of the ingratitude of mankind, are invited to perform these nine days- devotions, to make some atonement : 1st, for sins committed by their parents, relations, and families; 2d, for sins committed by the congregation of which they are members; 3d, for their own particular sins, and the faults of those whom Providence has placed over them, in order to teach and conduct them in the way of salvation. It is also recommended to pious Christians to make this Novena frequently during the year, in order to make some atonement for the great ingratitude done to Jesus Christ in the blessed eucharist.

Kneeling before the Blessed Sacrament, or a picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, endeavor to divest your soul of all worldly concerns, let your attention be fixed on his inflamed heart, and, making the sign of the cross, say the following prayer:

O SACRED Heart of my dear Redeemer, I adore thee with all the powers of my soul; I consecrate them forever to thee, with each of my thoughts, words, actions, and my whole being. I offer to thee, O divine Heart, all those acts of adoration, love, and glory which thou didst render to thy eternal Father whilst in this mortal life. Be thou the repairer of my deficiencies, the protector of my life, my refuge and security at the hour of my death. Grant me, through the merits of that anguish and bitterness which for me thou hast suffered through the whole course of thy mortal life, a perfect contrition for my sins. Grant me a constant disgust of all worldly allurements, an ardent desire of eternal glory, and a lively hope of partaking of thy infinite merits.

O most loving Heart of Jesus, I present to thee these my humble supplications, not for myself only, but for all those whom I earnestly recommend to thee in this Novena.

It is my ardent wish, O my dearest Lord, that all may join me in spirit to serve and obey thee. Accept these my humble petitions, and graciously grant my request through thy infinite mercy. Impress us, O Lord, with due sentiments of gratitude for the beneficent tenderness of thy divine Heart to us forlorn sinners. Receive us in the yet gaping wound of that loving Heart, that in it we may admire thy divine attributes, practise thy heavenly virtues, find the effect of thy sacred passion, and our poor, afflicted souls be thereby encouraged to shelter themselves within thy sacred wounds.


O HEART of Jesus, infinitely merciful, ever desirous to communicate thy divine love to our cold hearts, thy delight is to remain forever with the children of men. For this reason, O amiable Redeemer, thou hast instituted a peculiar sacrament of love, in which we might find the treasure and source of all heavenly blessings, through which we might enter into the sanctuary of thy inflamed heart, and there meet with secure repose in life, and sweet comfort in death. With these most bountiful dispositions, thou hast vouchsafed to reside on our altars, to be our constant sacrifice, in order to avert the anger of thy eternal Father, excited by our repeated sins. Hither thou continually invitest us to come, and partake of this heavenly food, which none but an infinite love could have prepared. What is there thou couldest have done to gain the heart of thy people, and hast not done? But how insensible, O bountiful Redeemer, have we been of those great blessings and favors! We have shown irreverence, disrespect, and even contempt before thy divine majesty, in whose presence the saints and angels bend with awe, and the heavens themselves tremble. Whilst offered on our altars, the same offences, the same indignity and ingratitude, are committed by those very people who have often been fed at thy sacred table, nourished with thy own substance, and on whom thou hast placed the love of thy heart.

O amiable Heart of my dearest Saviour, who can express thy affliction at the sight of such ingratitude? But how long, sweet Jesus, will thy adorable heart be thus despised and contemned by wicked man? How long wilt thou permit thyself to be betrayed into the hands of thy mortal enemies? How long wilt thou suffer their scorn and contempt of thy majesty in the adorable sacrament of the altar? Sorely afflicted at the thought of these injustices and sacrileges, I cast myself with all humility at the throne of thy mercy. Graciously hear, sweet Jesus, thy servant, who, in behalf of the whole Church, here presents to thee thy own adorable heart, inflamed with love for these thy persecutors, and praying for thy enemies: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."

Most merciful Heart of Jesus, propitiously hear the uninterrupted supplications of thy saints and angels, of thy holy martyrs and confessors, in atonement for these repeated insults and injuries, while, in satisfaction for the same, I offer the following tribute of reparation on my own and their part.

Here say any five acts you please of the four and twenty, beginning page 536.



ALMIGHTY and eternal Father, permit me to offer thee the Sacred Heart of thy dearest Son, inflamed with the love of thee, and wounded with the love of us. Receive, O merciful Father, this divine heart pleading for us through that ready obedience to thy holy will by which he subjected himself on earth to all our miseries, pains, and afflictions. Receive, in satisfaction for our sins, that love of his sacred heart which caused him to undergo for us that cruel flagellation at the pillory, that tormenting crown of thorns. Receive that divine heart which, through love of us, embraced the heavy cross, and bore its weight to Mount Calvary. Receive, O eternal Father, that most inflamed and humble heart of Jesus, which, through love of us, laid itself on the hard wood of the cross, and offered its sacred hands and feet to cruel executioners, to be transpierced with iron nails. Behold, O heavenly Father, this sacrifice of love, offered to thee for us poor sinners in the heart of thy dear Son; it is wounded, it bleeds, it expires, through the infinite love it has for us. My God, if we have offended thee, will not the sight of this heart suffice to appease thy anger ? Receive it, O merciful Father, in atonement for our many offences; it is most worthy of thy love and everlasting complacency. Amen.

Then conclude the Novena by the following prayer:

MOST amiable Heart of Jesus, beloved object of our most tender affections, may all honor, glory, love, and benediction be ever given to thee. Be thou our comfort in adversity, our guide in prosperity, our safety in dangers, and protection against all our enemies, visible and invisible. Amen.

O SACRED and adorable Heart of Jesus, furnace of eternal charity, ocean of infinite mercy, consolation of the afflicted, refuge of sinners, and hope of the whole world, I most fervently adore thee, and unite my heart, my affections, and supplications to the perpetual homage thou thyself, on our altar, renderest to thy eternal Father.

Most amiable Heart, which hast loved us with an eternal love, supply what is wanting in my love, and receive my desire, at least, of loving thee with all the ardor and sincerity thou so justly meritest. But remember, O adorable Heart, that thou hast not disclosed thyself to us only as an object of our adorations thou desirest much more to engage our love, and to become the ground and tender motive of our loving confidence. For this end thou wert pierced through with a lance on the cross, and for the same purpose thou remainest a daily victim of thy own love on our altars. O infinitely compassionate Heart of Jesus, which was overwhelmed with sorrow in the Garden of Olives, at the view of our spiritual and corporal miseries, I recur to thee now with all the confidence thou desirest I should repose in the extent of thy power and the riches of thy mercy. Convinced that those things which are impossible to human means are infinitely easy to thee, and relying with an humble, steadfast faith on the sacred words of truth itself, that whatever we ask the Father in the name of Jesus should be granted, I now most humbly implore, in that adorable name, in virtue of that promise, and through the abundant mercies of the sacred heart of Jesus, the particular favor I petition for in this Novena.

Specify it.

O blessed St. Gertrude, and all ye glorious servants of Christ, who, while on earth, were particularly devoted to the sacred heart of Jesus, join your prayers with mine, and implore the object of the petition which I now make, and specially offer up through }our intercession. Beg likewise from this adorable heart, which has dominion over all hearts, and could in a moment change the most obdurate, to have com passion on those who are in the dreadful state of mortal sin, and to open to us all the treasures of its mercy at the hour of our death. Amen.


FIRE of the heart of Jesus, Inflame my heart.

Charity of the heart of Jesus, Fill my heart.

Strength of the heart of Jesus, Sustain my heart.

Mercy of the heart of Jesus, Pardon my heart.

Patience of the heart of Jesus, Forsake not my heart.

Reign of the heart of Jesus, Establish thyself in my heart.

Wisdom of the heart of Jesus, Teach my heart.

Will of the heart of Jesus, Dispose of my heart.

Zeal of the heart of Jesus, Absorb my heart.

Immaculate Virgin, pray for us to the heart of Jesus.

Adorable Trinity, we thank thee for all the graces with which thou hast loaded thy servant, the Blessed Margaret Mary ; and beg through her intercession for the favors we hope to obtain through this Novena.


ETERNAL FATHER, suffer me to offer thee the heart of Jesus Christ, thy beloved Son, as he himself offered it in sacrifice to thee. Receive this offering for me, as well as all the desires, sentiments, affections, movements, and acts of this sacred heart. They are all mine, since he offered himself for me, and henceforth I wish to have no other desires but his. Receive them in satisfaction for my sins, and in thanksgiving for all thy benefits. Grant me through his merits all the graces necessary for my salvation, especially that of final perseverance. Receive them as so many acts of love, adoration, and praise, which I offer to thy divine Majesty, since it is through the heart of Jesus that thou art worthily honored and

glorified. Amen.


LORD, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Jesus, hear us.
Jesus, graciously hear us.
God the Father of heaven,
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
God the Holy Ghost,
Holy Trinity, one God,
Jesus, whose merciful heart is substantially united to thy divinity,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, whose pure heart is the temple of the blessed Trinity,
Jesus, whose heart is the principle and centre of all perfect affections,
Jesus, the love of whose heart for us is so great that no man can ever comprehend it,
Jesus, the love of whose heart for us is so great that neither the angels nor saints shall ever understand it,
Jesus, the love of whose heart extends itself even to the greatest sinners,
Jesus, the love of whose heart rejoices all the Church triumphant,
Jesus, the love of whose heart consoles and sustains all the Church militant,
Jesus, the love of whose heart comforts and delivers the Church suffering,
Jesus, the love of whose heart for us comprises all possible love,
Jesus, the love of whose heart for us is that of a true friend,
Jesus, the love of whose heart for us is that of the most generous benefactor,
Jesus, the love of whose heart for us is that of a brother and sister,
Have mercy on us.
Jesus, the love of whose heart for us is that of a true spouse,
Jesus, the love of whose heart for us is that of the fondest of parents,
Jesus, the love of whose heart for us is that of a Creator and a Saviour,
Jesus, the love of whose heart for us infinitely surpasses all created love,
Heart of Jesus, plunged in a mortal sorrow in the Garden of Olives, at the consideration of our ingratitude,
We adore thee.
Heart of Jesus, pierced on the cross by a cruel lance,
Heart of Jesus, from whence issued the holy Church, thy Spouse, as Eve was taken from the side of the sleeping Adam,
Heart of Jesus, adored from the first by thy sorrowful Mother,
Heart of Jesus, adored by the beloved disciples,
Heart of Jesus, adored by Magdalen,
Heart of Jesus, adored by those who laid thee in the sepulchre,
Heart of Jesus, adored by a multitude of heavenly spirits,
Heart of Jesus, adored by thy apostle Saint Thomas,
Heart of Jesus, adored by all thy apostles and disciples,
Heart of Jesus, triumphant and glorious at the right hand of thy eternal Father,
Heart of Jesus, adored by all the heavenly court,
Heart of Jesus, living and glorious, though concealed in the divine Eucharist,
Heart of Jesus, adored on our altars by all the true friends of God,
Heart of Jesus, despised and unworthily profaned in the holy Eucharist,
We adore thee.
Heart of Jesus, cruelly outraged by Jews, hereties, and bad Christians,
Heart of Jesus, ocean of goodness and abyss of mercy,
Heart of Jesus, impregnable fortress of all those who seek refuge in thee,
Heart of Jesus, inexhaustible source of all graces and blessings,
Heart of Jesus, more brilliant than the sun, more beautiful and perfect than all creatures,
Jesus, by the sorrows of thy adorable heart, grant us the perfect contrition of our sins:
Graciously hear us.
Jesus, by the wound and blood of thy divine heart, grant us grace to begin a holy life, and to persevere therein till death:
Jesus, by the ineffable joys of thy tender heart, comfort us in our trials:
Jesus, by the infinite love which inflamed thy heart, grant us an increasing love until death:
Jesus, grant that we may always dwell in thy infinitely loving heart:
Jesus, help us by thy power to conform our hearts to thine:
Jesus, unite our hearts to thine during life and in eternity:
Jesus, so strengthen the union of our hearts with
thine that we may be always ready to lose and to suffer all things, rather than offend thee:
Jesus, inflame us with a holy zeal for thy glory, the triumph of thy Church, and the salvation of souls:
Jesus, give us a firm and prudent zeal for overcoming evil with good:

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world, Pardon us, O Jesus. Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,

Hear us, O Jesus.

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,

Have mercy on us, O Jesus.

Jesus hear us; Jesus graciously hear us.


O ADORABLE Heart of Jesus, heart created expressly for the love of men! Until now I have shown towards thee only ingratitude. Pardon me, O my Jesus. Heart of my Jesus, abyss of love and of mercy, how is it possible that I do not die of sorrow when I reflect on thy goodness to me and my ingratitude to thee? Thou, my Creator, after having created me, hast given thy blood and thy life for me; and, not content with this, thou hast invented a means of offering thyself up every day for me in the holy Eucharist, exposing thyself to a thousand insults and outrages. Ah, Jesus, do thou wound my heart with a great contrition for my sins, and a lively love for thee. Through thy tears and thy blood give me the grace of perseverance in thy fervent love until I breathe my last sigh. Amen.

  1. This Novena should he commenced so as to end on the eve of the first Friday of the month. Make a spiritual communion, if unable to make a sacramental communion, adding thereto an act of reparation and intimate union of the heart of Jesus with the heavenly rather.