Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900/Stanhope, John

1904 Errata appended.

610984Dictionary of National Biography, 1885-1900, Volume 54 — Stanhope, John1898Albert Frederick Pollard

STANHOPE, JOHN, first Baron Stanhope of Harrington (1545?–1621), born probably about 1545, was third son of Sir Michael Stanhope [q. v.] by his wife Anne, daughter of Nicholas Rawson of Aveley-Bellhouse, Essex. His father's attainder in 1552 did not affect his estates, and John was brought up at Shelford, Nottinghamshire, where his mother's household was noted for hospitality and piety. He is probably the John Stanhope who was returned to parliament for Marlborough on 22 April 1572, for Truro in October 1586, and for Rochester on 14 Oct. 1588; but he is confused in Foster's 'Alumni Oxonienses' (1500–1714, iv. 1408) with his nephew John (1560–1611), father of Philip, first earl of Chesterfield [q. v.] On 20 June 1590 he was appointed master of the posts in succession to Thomas Randolph [q. v.] He was also a member of the council of the north and master of the posts (see Border Papers, 1595-1603, passim), and in 1596 he was appointed treasurer of the chamber and knighted. He appears to have had some influence at court, which Bacon sought to enlist in his favour (Speeding, Letters and Life of Bacon, ii. 50). On 16 Oct. 1597 he was elected member of parliament for Preston, and in 1600 was granted the constableship of Colchester. In the following year he was placed on a commission to 'stay from execution all felons (except for wilful murder, rape, and burglary) and to commit them to serve in the gallies.' On 24 Sept. he was elected knight of the shire of Nottingham. His offices were regranted him on the accession of James I, and he was one of the commissioners appointed to treat of a union between England and Scotland. On 10 March 1603–4 he was returned to parliament for Newtown, Isle of Wight, and by letters patent dated 4 May 1605 he was created Baron Stanhope of Harrington. He was made member of the council of the Virginia Company on 23 May 1609, and in 1615 was one of the privy councillors who signed the warrant for the application of torture to Edmond Peacham [q.v.] He resigned the treasurership of the chamber in 1616, and died on 9 March 1620–1.

Stanhope was twice married: first to Joan, daughter of William Knollys, by whom he had no issue; and secondly, on 6 May 1589, to Margaret, daughter of Henry MacWilliams, one of the queen's gentlemen pensioners. By her he had issue one son, Charles, born in 1593, who succeeded as second baron, but died without issue in 1675, when the title became extinct, and two daughters: Elizabeth, who married. Sir Lionel Talmash or Tollemache, ancestor of the earls of Dysart: and Catherine, who married Robert, viscount Cholmondeley (afterwards created Earl of Leinster). The later peers of the Stanhope family descend from the first baron's brother, Thomas.

[Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1581–1620; Hatfield MSS. pts. iv–vi.; Winwood's Memorials, ii. 57, 59; Collins's Letters and Mem. of State, vols. i. and ii. passim; Off. Ret. of Members of Parl.; Lords' and Commons' Journals; D'Ewes's Journals; Strype's Works; Spedding's Letters and Life of Bacon, vols. ii. iv. v. and vi.; Thoroton's Nottinghamshire; Alexander Brown's Genesis U.S.A.; Cornelius Brown's Nottinghamshire Worthies; Peerages by Collins (iii. 308–9 and G. E. C[okayne].]

Dictionary of National Biography, Errata (1904), p.257
N.B.— f.e. stands for from end and l.l. for last line

Page Col. Line
20 i 6 Stanhope, John, 1st Baron Stanhope: for Nottingham read Northampton