Star Lore Of All Ages/The Minor Constellations/Sagitta

New York, London: G. P. Putnam's Sons

4113381Star Lore Of All Ages — Sagitta, the Arrow1911William Tyler Olcott

The Arrow
There's further shot another Arrow
But this without a bow. Towards it the Bird
More northward flies.

This ancient figure is situated in the Milky Way directly north of the Eagle, and has occasionally appeared as held in the Eagle's talons.

"It has been regarded as the traditional weapon that slew the eagle of Jove, or the one shot by Hercules toward the adjacent Stymphalian birds."—Allen.

Eratosthenes considered it to be the shaft with which Apollo exterminated the Cyclops, and it has been regarded as the Arrow of Cupid.

In classical times Sagitta was thought to represent the Reed from which arrows were formed.

The Hebrews, Armenians, Persians, and Arabians all knew it as an Arrow.

Cæsius considered it the shaft winged by Joash at Elisha's command, or one of those sent by Jonathan towards David at the stone Ezel.

Schiller thought it represented the spear or the nail of the Crucifixion.

According to Argelander it contains sixteen naked eye stars, none brighter than the fourth magnitude.

It culminates on Sept. 1st.

ζ Sagittæ is a triple star, and "an interesting system," says Allen.