Suggestive programs for special day exercises/Memorial Day/All Hail Old Glory

by Prof. Geo. W. Waite, Sup’t of schools, Oberlin, OH

2506330Suggestive programs for special day exercises
Memorial Day — All Hail Old Glory
Jason Elmer Hammond



[Air:—“Columbia, the Gem of the Ocean.”]

All hail! starry flag of the nation,
The boast of the brave and the free;
We hail thee with glad acclamation,
Our hearts and our hopes are with thee.
Yes, peerless on land and the ocean;
Revered by the loyal and true;
We hail thee with steadfast devotion—
Three cheers for the Red, White, and Blue!
Chorus:⊣:Three cheers for the Red, White, and Blue!:||
Our Old Glory banner, forever!
Three cheers for the Red, White, and Blue!
In days when the war cry resounded,
When Liberty’s name was assailed,
Thy foes were full often confounded.
Thy cause, glorious banner prevailed.
The century past chants thy praises,
And when brightly shall dawn every new,
Each son of Columbia raises
Three cheers for the Red, White, and Blue!

Thy prestige shall check insurrection,
 Whoever shall lift up the hand;
Thy name shall give ample protection,
 The length and the' breadth of the land.
The bonds that enslave shall be broken,
 Wherever thy folds are in view,
Proud flag! thou art Liberty’s token—
 Three cheers for the Red, White, and Blue!

Thy fame shall grow bright with the ages,
 While cycles of years roll along,
To cheer when humanity wages
 Its conflicts with manifold wrong.
Our children shall cherish thy story,
 Their children thy praises renew.
Till nations unborn share thy glory—
 Three cheers for the Red, White, and Blue!

If e’er to the ordeal of battle,
 Pair Freedom shall issue her call,
’Mid cannon and musketry’s rattle,
 No star from thy azure shall fall.
Shall freemen desert thee? No never!
 We pledge here our fealty anew,
The star-spangled Banner forever—
 Three cheers for the Red, White, and Blue!