Suggestive programs for special day exercises/Memorial Day/Cover Them Over


Cover them over with beautiful flowers;
Deck them with garlands, those brothers of ours;
Lying so silent, by night and by day,
Sleeping the years of their manhood away;
Years they had marked for the joys of the brave,
Years they must waste in the sloth of the grave.
All the bright laurels that promised to bloom
Fell to the earth when they went to the tomb.
Give them the meed they have won in the past;
Give them the honors their merits forecast;
Give them the chaplets they won in the strife;
Give them the laurels they lost with their life.
Cover them over—yes, cover them over—
Parent and husband and brother and lover;
Crown in your heart these dead heroes of ours,
And cover them over with beautiful flowers!

Cover the faces that motionless lie.
Shut from the blue of the glorious sky;
Faces once lighted with smiles of the gay—
Faces now marred by the frown of decay;
Eyes that beamed friendship and love to your own,
Lips that sweet thoughts of affection made known,
Brows you have soothed in the day of distress,
Cheeks you have flushed by the tender caress;
Faces that brightened at war’s stirring cry.
Faces that streamed when they bade you good-by;
Faces that glowed in the battle’s red flame,
Paling for naught till the Death Angel came.
Cover them over—yes, cover them over—
Parent and husband and brother and lover;
Kiss in your hearts these dead heroes of ours,
And cover them over with beautiful flowers.

Cover the hands that are resting, half-tired,
Crossed on the bosom or low by the side;
Hands to you, mother, in infancy thrown;
Hands that you, father, close hid in your own;
Hands where you, sister, when tried and dismayed,
Hung for protection and counsel and aid;
Hands that you, brother, for faithfulness knew;
Hands that you, wife, wrung in bitter adieu.
Bravely the cross of their country they bore,
Words of devotion they wrote with their gore;
Grandly they grasped for a garland of light,
Catching the mantle of death-darkened night.
Cover them over—yes, cover them over—
Parent and husband and brother and lover;
Clasp in your hearts these dead heroes of ours,
And cover them over with beautiful flowers.

Cover the feet that, all weary and torn.
Thither by comrades were tenderly borne;
Feet that have trodden, through love-lighted ways,
Near to your own in the old happy days;
Feet that have pressed, in life&rsqquo;s opening morn,
Roses of pleasure and Death’s poisoned thorn.
Swiftly they rushed to the help of the right.
Firmly they stood in the shock of the fight;
Ne’er shall the enemy’s hurrying tramp
Summon them forth from their death-guarded camp,
Ne’er till Eternity’s bugle shall sound.
Will they come out from their couch in the ground.
Cover them over—yes, cover them over—
Parent and husband and brother and lover;
Rough were the paths of those heroes of ours—
Now cover them over with beautiful flowers.
Cover the hearts that have beaten so high,
Beaten with hopes that were born but to die;
Hearts that have burned in the heat of the fray,
Hearts that have yearned for the homes far away,
Hearts that beat high in the charge's loud tramp,
Hearts that low fell in the prison's foul damp.
Once they were swelling with courage and will,
Now they are lying all pulseless and still;
Once they were glowing with friendship and love.
Now their great souls have gone soaring above;
Bravely their blood to the nation they gave.
Then in their bosom they found them a grave.
Cover them over—yes, cover them over—
Parent and husband and brother and lover;
Press to your hearts these dead heroes of ours,
And cover them over with beautiful flowers.
One there is sleeping in yonder low tomb.
Worthy the brightest of flow’rets that bloom.
Weakness of womanhood’s life was her part.
Tenderly strung was her generous heart.
Bravely she stood by the sufferer’s side.
Checking the pain and the life-bearing tide;
Fighting the swift-sweeping phantom of Death,
Easing the dying man’s fluttering breath;
Then, when the strife that had nerved her was o’er,
Calmly she went to where wars are no more.
Voices have blessed her, now silent and dumb;
Voices will bless her in long years to come.
Cover her over—yes, cover her over—
Blessings, like angels, around her shall hover;
Cherish the name of that sister of ours.
And cover her over with beautiful flowers.

Cover the thousands who sleep far away—
Sleep where their friends cannot find them today;
They who in mountain and hill-side and dell
Rest where they wearied and lie where they fell.
Softly the grass blade creeps ’round their repose,
Sweetly above them the wild flow’ret blows;
Zephyrs of freedom fly gently o’erhead,
Whispering names for the patriot dead.
So in our minds we will name them once more,
So in our hearts we will cover them o’er:
Roses and lilies and violets blue,
Bloom in our souls for the brave and the true.
Cover them over—yes. cover them over—
Parent and husband and brother and lover;
Think of those far-away heroes of ours,
And cover them over with beautiful flowers.

When the long years have crept slowly away,
E’en to the dawn of Earth’s funeral day:
When. at the Archangel‘s trumpet and tread,
Rise up the faces and terms of the dead;
When the great world its last judgment awaits,
When the blue sky shall swing open its gates,
And our long columns march silently through,
Past the Great Captain. for final review,—
Then for the blood that has flown for the right,
Crowns shall be given, untarnished and bright.
Then the glad ear of each war-martyred son
Proudly shall hear the good judgment, “well done.”
Blessings for garlands shall cover them over—
Parent and husband and brother and lover;
God will reward those dead heroes of ours,
And cover them over with beautiful flowers.