Supplement to the Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Editions of the Encyclopædia Britannica/Arnaud De Ronsil (George)

ARNAUD de RONSIL (George), son of an eminent surgeon, at Paris, and some time Professor of surgery in the College of St Côsme. On account of an accident that occurred while he was practising midwifery, he removed from Paris to London, where he acquired great repute by his operations, and his writings on surgical subjects. Before his time, the treatment of hernia had been but imperfectly understood; and the surgeons of this country are indebted to the observations of Arnaud for many of those improvements which have since rendered their practice so successful in this branch of the art. The following is a list of his principal works: 1. Traité des Hernies ou Descentes, 2 vols. 12mo. Paris, 1749. 2. Observations on Aneurysms. London, 1750. 3. Instructions on the Diseases of the Bladder and Urethra. London; 1763. 4. A Dissertation on Hermaphrodites. London, 1750. These were afterwards collected, and published, with additions, under the title of Mémoires de Chirurgie, avec quelques Rémarques sur l’etat de la Medicine, et de la Chirurgie en France, et en Angleterre, 2 vols. 4to. London, 1768. 5. Remarks on the Use of the Extract of Lead of Goulard. London, 1776. Arnaud died in 1774. (E.)