Sweet Hellen of the Dee/Robin Shure in Haerst

4508485Sweet Hellen of the Dee — Robin Shure in HaerstAnonymous


Robin shure in haerst, I shure wi' him
Fient a heuk had I, yet I stack by him.
I gaed up to Duase, to warp awab o' plaiden
At my father's yeat wha met me but Robin?

Was na Robin bauld, be't I was a Cotter,
To play sic a trick, & me the El'er's douchter,
Robin shure, &c.

Ribin promis'd me a' my winter's victuals,
Fient a haet had he, but twa trumps and a whistle.
Robin shure, &c.

Now I'm Robin's bride, free frae kirk-fo'k bustle;
Robin's a' my ain, wi's twa trumps and a whistle.
Robin shure, &c.


Falkirk—T. Johnston, Printer.