Sweet Home; or, Friendship's Golden Altar/You remember
You Remember It—Don't You?
You remember the time when I first sought your home,
When a smile, not a word, was the summons to come,
When you called me a friend, till you found, with surprise,
That our friendship turned out to be love in disguise,
You remember it—don't you?
You will think of it—won't you?
Yes, yes, of all this the remembrance will last
Long after the present fades into the past.
You remember the grief that grew lighter when shared;
With the bliss, you remember, could aught be compared?
You remember how fond was my earliest vow—
Not fonder than that which I breathe to thee now.
You remember it—don't you?
You will think of it—won't you?
Yes, yes, of all this the remembrance will last
Long after the present fades into the past.