Tak your auld cloak about ye (3)/Donald's Visit to Auld Reekie


3322258Tak your auld cloak about ye (3) — Donald's Visit to Auld Reekie


An-auld Hieland couple sat lone by the ingle,
While smoking their cuttie and cracking awa;
They spak o' langsyne, their daffing whan single,
The pranks o’ their childhood, their auld age and a’.
To his wife he bragg'd a’ his bauldest o’ actions,
When be was a sodger for Geordie the Third;
How the fae fell afore him—the leader o’ factions;
And Donald he grat whan his fae kiss’d the yird.

Yet Donald was bless’d, and his wife heard wi' pleasure
His stories o’ dangers, his brulzies and toils;
My Country!” he cried, “is my best dearest, treasure.
And, Mary, thou’rt next—for l lo e thy saft smiles.”
These puir happy bodies—their broom-cover d dwalling
Stood far frae the warl’, its tidings and cares;
Nae news ever reached their sung little cottage.
Except whan a paegman stapp'd in wi' his wares.

A droll gabbie packman cam in ae hairst morning,
And he spak, while he dichted the sweat frae his brow;
“Hech, Donald! ye'll no ken the King has arrived in
Auld Scotland—the lzn' e' the bauld and the true."
Then Donald’s heart looped wi’ joy at the tidings,
And Mary did dance and Donald did sing:
"Come, Mary, and gie me my bannet and plaidie,
I'll be d—d if I dinna see Geordie our King!"

This work was published before January 1, 1929, and is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

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