Tales from the Arabic/Alphabetical Table of the First Lines of the Verse in the “Tales from the Arabic”

Tales from the Arabic
Volume 3

by unknown author, translated by John Payne
Alphabetical Table of the First Lines of the Verse in the “Tales from the Arabic”
2516002Tales from the Arabic
Volume 3 — Alphabetical Table of the First Lines of the Verse in the “Tales from the Arabic”
John PayneUnknown


N.B.—The Roman numerals denote the volume, the Arabic the page.

A DAMSEL made for love and decked with subtle grace, iii. 192.
A fair one, to idolaters if she herself should show, iii. 10.
A sun of beauty she appears to all who look on her, iii. 191.
A white one, from her sheath of tresses now laid bare, ii. 291.
After your loss, nor trace of me nor vestige would remain, iii. 41.
Algates ye are our prey become; this many a day and night, iii. 6.
All intercessions come and all alike do ill succeed, ii. 218.
An if my substance fail, no one there is will succour me, i. 6.
An if ye'd of evil be quit, look that no evil ye do, ii. 192.
Assemble, ye people of passion, I pray, iii. 31.
Awaken, O ye sleepers all, and profit, whilst it’s here, ii. 234.
BEARD of the old he-goat, the one-eyed, what shall be, ii. 231.
Behold, I am clad in a robe of leaves green, ii. 242.
But for the spying of the eyes [ill-omened,] we had seen, i. 50.
By Allah, but that I trusted that I should meet you again, ii. 266.
By Him whom I worship, indeed, I swear, O thou that mine eye dost fill, ii. 213.
DAMASCUS is all gardens decked for the pleasance of the eyes, iii. 9.
Drink ever, O lovers, I rede you, of wine, ii. 230.
EL Abbas from Akil his stead is come again, iii. 108.
Endowed with amorous grace past any else am I, ii. 253.
FAIR fall the maid whose loosened locks her cheeks do overcloud! iii. 191.
Fair patience practise, for thereon still followeth content, iii. 116.
Fair patience use, for ease still followeth after stress, iii. 117.
For the uses of food I was fashioned and made, ii. 223.
“Forget him,” quoth my censurers, “forget him; what is he?” iii. 42.
Fortune its arrows all, through him I love, let fly, iii. 31.
Full many a man incited me to infidelity, i. 205.
GOD judge betwixt me and her lord! Away, i. 48.
God keep the days of love-delight! How dearly sweet they were! i. 225.
God keep the days of love-delight! How passing sweet they were! ii. 96
God knows I ne’er recalled thy memory to my thought, iii. 46.
HAD we thy coming known, we would for sacrifice, i. 13.
Haste not to that thou dost desire; for haste is still unblest, ii. 88.
He who Mohammed sent, as prophet to mankind, i. 50.
His love he’d have hid, but his tears denounced him to the spy, iii. 42.
His love on him took pity and wept for his dismay, ii. 210.
How long, O Fate, wilt thou oppress and baffle me? ii. 69.
How long shall I thus question my heart that’s drowned in woe? iii. 42.
How long will ye admonished be, without avail or heed? iii. 40.
How many, in Yemameh, dishevelled widows plain! i. 50.
I AM content, for him I love, to all abide, iii. 25.
I am filled full of longing pain and memory and dole, iii. 15.
I am the champion-slayer he warrior without peer, iii. 94.
I clipped her in mine arms and straight grew drunken with the scent, iii. 125.
I fear to be seen in the air, ii. 255.
I marvel for that to my love I see thee now incline, iii. 112.
I saw thee, O thou best of all the human race, display, i. 46.
I swear by his life, yea, I swear by the life of my love without peer, iii. 21.
If I must die, then welcome death to heal, iii. 23.
If, in his own land, midst his folk, abjection and despite, ii. 196.
I’m the crown of every sweet and fragrant weed, ii. 255.
In every rejoicing a boon[1] midst the singers and minstrels am I, ii. 258.
In my soul the fire of yearning and affliction rageth aye, iii. 65.
Indeed, thou’st told the tale of kings and men of might, iii. 87.
It chances whiles that the blind man escapes a pit, ii. 51.
It is as the jasmine, when it I espy, ii. 236.
LET destiny with loosened rein its course appointed fare, iii. 211.
Like a sun at the end of a cane in a hill of sand, iii. 190.
Like the full moon she shows upon a night of fortune fair, iii. 191.
Lo, since the day I left you, O my masters, iii. 24.
Look at the moss-rose, on its branches seen, ii. 256.
MAY the place of my session ne’er lack thee! Oh, why, iii. 118.
Me, till I stricken was therewith, to love thou didst excite, iii. 113.
Midst colours, my colour excelleth in light, ii. 258.
Most like a wand of emerald my shape it is, trow I, ii. 245.
My flower a marvel on your heads doth show, ii. 254.
My fortitude fails, my endeavour is vain, ii. 95.
My fruit is a jewel all wroughten of gold, ii. 243.
My heart will never credit that I am far from thee, ii. 275.
My secret is disclosed, the which I strove to hide, iii. 89.
My watering lips, that cull the rose of thy soft cheek, declare, iii. 134.
NO good’s in life (to the counsel list of one who’s purpose-whole), i. 28.
O AMIR of justice, be kind to thy subjects, iii. 24.
O friends, the East wind waxeth, the morning draweth near, iii. 123.
O friends, the tears flow ever, in mockery of my pain, iii. 116.
O hills of the sands and the rugged piebald plain, iii. 20.
O thou that blamest me for my heart and railest at my ill, ii. 101.
O thou that questionest the lily of its scent, ii. 256.
O son of Simeon, give no ear to other than my say, iii. 36.
O’er all the fragrant flowers that be I have the pref’rence aye, ii. 235.
O’erbold art thou in that to me, a stranger, thou hast sent, iii. 83.
Oft as my yearning waxeth, my heart consoleth me, ii. 228.
One of the host am I of lovers sad and sere, ii. 252.
PEACE on thee! Would our gaze might light on thee once more! ii. 89.
Peace on you, people of my troth! With peace I do you greet, ii. 224.
QUOTH I (and mine a body is of passion all forslain), iii. 81.
RAIL not at the vicissitudes of Fate, ii. 219.
Ramazan in my life ne’er I fasted, nor e’er, i. 49.
SAY, by the lightnings of thy teeth and thy soul’s pure desire, iii. 19.
She comes in a robe the colour of ultramarine, iii. 190.
Sherik ben Amrou, what device avails the hand of death to stay? i. 204.
Some with religion themselves concern and make it their business all, i. 48.
Still by your ruined camp a dweller I abide, ii. 209.
Still do I yearn, whilst passion’s fire flames in my liver aye, iii. 111.
THE absent ones’ harbinger came us unto, iii. 153.
The billows of thy love o’erwhelm me passing sore, ii. 226.
The crown of the flow’rets am I, in the chamber of wine, ii. 244.
The Merciful dyed me with that which I wear, ii. 245.
The season of my presence is never at an end, ii. 246.
The two girls let me down from fourscore fathoms’ height, i. 49.
The zephyr’s sweetness on the coppice blew, ii. 235.
They have departed, but the steads yet full of them remain, ii. 239.
They have shut out thy person from my sight, iii. 43.
Thou that the dupe of yearning art, how many a melting wight, iii. 86.
Thou that wast absent from my stead, yet still with me didst bide, iii. 46.
Thy haters say and those who malice to thee bear, iii. 8.
Thy letter reached me; when the words thou wrot’st therein I read, iii. 84.
Thy loss is the fairest of all my heart’s woes, iii. 43.
Thy presence honoureth us and we, i. 13.
To his belovéd one the lover’s heart’s inclined, iii. 22.
’Twere better and meeter thy presence to leave, ii. 85.
’Twere fitter and better my loves that I leave, i. 26.
UNTO its pristine lustre your land returned and more, iii. 132.
Unto me the whole world’s gladness is thy nearness and thy sight, iii. 15.
Upon the parting day our loves from us did fare, iii. 114.
WERE not the darkness still in gender masculine, iii. 193.
What strength have I solicitude and long desire to bear, iii. 20.
When in the sitting-chamber we for merry-making sate, iii. 135.
Whenas mine eyes behold thee not, that day, iii. 47.
Whenas the soul desireth one other than its peer, ii. 207.
Wind of the East, if thou pass by the land where my loved ones dwell, I pray, ii. 204, 271.
Would God upon that bitterest day, when my death calls for me, i. 47.
Would we may live together, and when we come to die, i. 47.
YE chide at one who weepeth for troubles ever new, iii. 30.
Ye know I’m passion-maddened, racked with love and languishment, ii. 230.
Your coming to-me-ward, indeed, with “Welcome! Fair welcome!” I hail, iii. 136.
Your water I’ll leave without drinking, for there, i. 210.

  1. Tuhfeh.