This is the listing from the complete Index. Typo corrections have been made as they've been found so that any links created from this list go to the correct article.

  1. Abbott, Samuel Warren
  2. Abrams, Edward Thomas
  3. Ackley, Horace A.
  4. Adams, Horatio
  5. Adams, Frederick Whiting
  6. Adams, Zabdiel Boylston
  7. Agassiz, Jean Louis Rudolph
  8. Agnew, Cornelius Rea
  9. Agnew, David Hayes
  10. Ahern, Michael Joseph
  11. Alcott, William Alexander
  12. Alden, Ebenezer
  13. Alexander, Ashton
  14. Alexander, James Franklin
  15. Alexander, Nathaniel
  16. Alexander, Samuel
  17. Allen, Charles Linnaeus
  18. Allen, Charles Warrenne
  19. Allen, Dudley Peter
  20. Allen, Harrison
  21. Allen, Jonathan Adams (1787–1848)
  22. Allen, Jonathan Adams (1825–1890)
  23. Allen, Jonathan Moses
  24. Allen, Nathan
  25. Allen, Peter
  26. Allen, Timothy Field
  27. Allison, Richard
  28. Almon, Thomas R.
  29. Almon, William James
  30. Almon, William Johnston
  31. Alter, David
  32. Althof, Hermann
  33. Ambler, James Markham Marshall
  34. Amory, Robert
  35. Anderson, Alexander
  36. Anderson, Washington Franklin
  37. Anderson, William
  38. Anderson, Winslow
  39. Andrade, Eduardo Penny
  40. Andrews, Edmund
  41. Andrews, George Pierce
  42. Andrews, Judson Boardman
  43. Angell, Anna A.
  44. Annan, Samuel
  45. Anthon, George Christian
  46. Antisell, Thomas
  47. Antony, Milton
  48. Appleton, Moses
  49. Appleton, Nathaniel Walker
  50. Archer, John
  51. Ardagh, John
  52. Armor, Samuel Glasgow
  53. Armsby, James H.
  54. Arnold, Abram Blumenthal
  55. Arnold, Jonathan
  56. Arnold, Richard Dennis
  57. Asch, Morris Joseph
  58. Ash, John
  59. Ashby, Thomas Almond
  60. Ashhurst, John
  61. Ashmead, Albert Sydney
  62. Askew, Henry Ford
  63. Aspinwall, William
  64. Atkinson, Isaac Edmundson
  65. Atkinson, William Biddle
  66. Atlee, John Light
  67. Atlee, Washington Lemuel
  68. Atwood, Le Grand
  69. Awl, William Maclay
  70. Ayers, Edward A.
  71. Ayres, Daniel
  72. Ayres, Henry P.
  73. Ayres, S. C.
  74. Bache, Franklin
  75. Backus, Frederick Fanning
  76. Bacon, David Francis
  77. Bacon, Francis
  78. Bagby, George William
  79. Baker, Alvah H.
  80. Baker, Frank
  81. Baker, Samuel
  82. Baker, William Henry
  83. Baldwin, William
  84. Bancroft, Frederick Jones
  85. Bancroft, Jesse Parker
  86. Bangs, Lemuel Bolton
  87. Bard, John
  88. Bard, Samuel
  89. Barker, Benjamin Fordyce
  90. Barker, Jeremiah
  91. Barnes, Edwin
  92. Barnes, Joseph K.
  93. Bartholow, Roberts
  94. Bartlett, Elisha
  95. Bartlett, John Sherren
  96. Bartlett, Josiah (1729–1795)
  97. Bartlett, Josiah (1759–1820)
  98. Barton, Amy Stokes
  99. Barton, Benjamin Smith
  100. Barton, Edward H.
  101. Barton, John Rhea
  102. Barton, William Paul Crillon
  103. Bartram, John
  104. Bartram, William
  105. Bassett, John Y.
  106. Batchelder, John Putnam
  107. Bates, James
  108. Battey, Robert
  109. Bauduy, Jerome Keating
  110. Baxley, Henry Willis
  111. Baxter, Jedediah Hyde
  112. Bayard, Robert
  113. Bayard, William
  114. Bayley, Richard
  115. Baylies, William
  116. Bayly, Alexander Hamilton
  117. Baynham, William
  118. Beach, Wooster
  119. Bean, Tarleton Hoffman
  120. Beard, Charles Heady
  121. Beard, George Miller
  122. Beardsley, Hezekiah
  123. Beaumont, William
  124. Beck, Carl
  125. Beck, John Brodhead
  126. Beck, Lewis Caleb
  127. Beck, Theodric Romeyn
  128. Bedford, Gunning S.
  129. Beech, John Henry
  130. Bell, Agrippa Nelson
  131. Bell, John
  132. Bell, Luther Vose
  133. Bell, Robert
  134. Bell, Theodore Stout
  135. Bellinger, John
  136. Bellisle, Henry
  137. Belt, Edward Oliver
  138. Bennett, Sanford Fillmore
  139. Benneville, George de
  140. Bernays, Augustus Charles
  141. Best, Robert
  142. Bettman, Boerne
  143. Beyer, Henry Gustav
  144. Biddle, John Barclay
  145. Bigelow, Henry Jacob
  146. Bigelow, Jacob
  147. Billings, John Shaw
  148. Bird, Robert Montgomery
  149. Black, Green Vardiman
  150. Black, John Janvier
  151. Black, Rufus Smith
  152. Blackburn, Isaac Wright
  153. Blackburn, Luke Pryor
  154. Blackford, Benjamin
  155. Blackie, George Stodart
  156. Blackman, George Curtis
  157. Blackwell, Elizabeth
  158. Blackwell, Emily
  159. Blake, John George
  160. Blalock, Nelson Gales
  161. Blaney, James Van Zandt
  162. Blatchford, Thomas Windeatt
  163. Blever, Julius Mount
  164. Bliss, Arthur Ames
  165. Bobbs, John Stough
  166. Bodenhamer, William
  167. Bodine, James Morrison
  168. Bodley, Rachel L.
  169. Boerstler, George W.
  170. Bohune, Lawrence
  171. Boisliniere, Louis Charles
  172. Bolles, William Palmer
  173. Bond, Henry
  174. Bond, Thomas
  175. Bond, Thomas Emerson (1782–1856)
  176. Bond, Thomas Emerson (1813–1872)
  177. Bonine, Evan J.
  178. Bontecou, Reed Brockway
  179. Book, James Burgess
  180. Booth, Charles Miller
  181. Borck, Mathias Adolph Edward
  182. Botsford, LeBaron
  183. Bowditch, Henry Ingersoll
  184. Bowditch, Henry Pickering
  185. Bowling, William K.
  186. Boylston, Zabdiel
  187. Bozeman, Nathan
  188. Brackett, Joshua
  189. Bradbury, James Crockett
  190. Bradford, Joshua Taylor
  191. Bradford, William
  192. Bradley, Samuel Beach
  193. Brainard, Daniel
  194. Brashear, Walter
  195. Bremer, Ludwig
  196. Brevard, Ephraim
  197. Brickell, Daniel Warren
  198. Brickell, John (1710?–1745)
  199. Brickell, John (1749–1809)
  200. Brickner, Samuel Max
  201. Bridges, Robert
  202. Briggs, William Thompson
  203. Brigham, Amariah
  204. Brinton, Jeremiah Bernard
  205. Brinton, John Hill
  206. Brock, Hugh Workman
  207. Brodie, William
  208. Brooks, John
  209. Brower, Daniel Roberts
  210. Brown, Bedford
  211. Brown, Benjamin
  212. Brown, Buckminster
  213. Brown, David Tilden
  214. Brown, Francis Henry
  215. Brown, Frederic Tilden
  216. Brown, Gustavus (1689–1765)
  217. Brown, Gustavus (1744–1801)
  218. Brown, Gustavus Richard
  219. Brown, Harvey E.
  220. Brown, James
  221. Brown, John Ball
  222. Brown, Lucy, see Hall-Brown
  223. Brown, Samuel
  224. Brown-Séquard, Charles Edward,
  225. Brown, William
  226. Browne, John Mills
  227. Bruce, Archibald
  228. Brühl, Gustav
  229. Bruns, John Dickson
  230. Bryan, James
  231. Bryant, Joseph Decatur
  232. Buchanan, George
  233. Buchanan, Joseph Rodes
  234. Buck, Gurdon
  235. Buck, Jirah Dewey
  236. Bucke, Richard Maurice
  237. Buckingham, Charles Edward
  238. Buckler, Thomas Hepburn
  239. Budd, Abram Van Wyck
  240. Bulkeley, Gershom
  241. Bulkley, Henry Daggett
  242. Bull, Charles Stedman
  243. Bull, William
  244. Bull, William Tillinghast
  245. Buller, Francis
  246. Bullitt, Henry Massie
  247. Bulloch, William Gaston
  248. Bumstead, Freeman Josiah
  249. Burbank, Augustus Hannibal
  250. Burnet, William
  251. Burnett, Charles Henry
  252. Burnett, Swan Moses
  253. Burnham, Walter
  254. Burrell, Dwight R.
  255. Burrell, Herbert Leslie
  256. Burroughs, Richard Berrien
  257. Burton, Elijah
  258. Busey, Samuel Clagett
  259. Bush, James Miles
  260. Bush, Lewis Potter
  261. Bushe, George Macartney
  262. Butler, John Simpkins
  263. Butler, Lucius Castle
  264. Butler, Samuel Worcester
  265. Butterfield, John Stoddard
  266. Buxton, Benjamin Flint
  267. Byford, William Heath
  268. Byrd, Harvey Leonidas
  269. Byrd, William Andrew
  270. Byrne, John
  271. Cabell, James Lawrence
  272. Cabell, William
  273. Cabot, Arthur Tracy
  274. Cabot, Samuel
  275. Cadwalader Thomas
  276. Caldwell, Charles
  277. Caldwell, Eugene Wilson
  278. Caldwell, Frank Hawkins
  279. Calhoun, Abner Wellbourn
  280. Calhoun, Samuel
  281. Callender, John Hill
  282. Campbell, Ferdinand Stewart, see Stewart, Ferdinand Campbell
  283. Campbell, Francis Wayland
  284. Campbell, George W.
  285. Campbell, Henry Fraser
  286. Campbell, Matthew
  287. Canniff, William
  288. Capelle, Joseph Philippe Eugene
  289. Carey, Matthew
  290. Carnochan, John Murray
  291. Carpenter, Henry
  292. Carpenter, Walter
  293. Carroll, James
  294. Carson, Joseph
  295. Cartledge, Abiah Morgan
  296. Carver, Jonathan
  297. Casselberry, William Evans
  298. Cassels, John Lang
  299. Cathrall, Isaac
  300. Caverly, Charles Solomon
  301. Chadwick, Janies Read
  302. Chaillé, Stanford Emerson
  303. Chalmers, Lionel
  304. Chamberlain, Cyrus Nathaniel
  305. Chancellor, James Edgar
  306. Channing, Walter
  307. Channing, William Francis
  308. Chapman, Alvan Wentworth
  309. Chapman, Chandler Burnell
  310. Chapman, Henry Cadwalader
  311. Chapman, Nathaniel
  312. Chapoton, Jean
  313. Charlton, Thomas Jackson
  314. Chatard, Pierre
  315. Chauncy, Charles
  316. Cheever, Abijah
  317. Cheever, Charles Augustus
  318. Cheever, David Williams
  319. Cheever, Henry Sylvester
  320. Chew, Samuel
  321. Chew, Samuel Claggett
  322. Childs, Henry Halsey
  323. Childs, Timothy
  324. Chipley, William Stout
  325. Chisholm, Julian John
  326. Choppin, Samuel Paul
  327. Chovet, Abraham
  328. Christian, Edmund Potts
  329. Christopher, Walter Shield
  330. Church, Benjamin
  331. Claiborne, John Herbert
  332. Claiborne, John H. Jr.
  333. Clark, Alonzo
  334. Clark, Daniel
  335. Clark, John
  336. Clarke, Almon
  337. Clarke, Edward Hammond
  338. Clayton, John
  339. Clayton, Joshua
  340. Cleaveland, Charles Harley
  341. Cleaveland, Joseph Manning
  342. Cleaveland, Parker (1751–1826)
  343. Cleaveland, Parker (1780–1858)
  344. Cleaves, Margaret Abigail
  345. Clendenin, William
  346. Cleveland, Emmeline Horton
  347. Cleveland, Thomas Gold
  348. Clymer, Meredith
  349. Coates, Benjamin Hornor
  350. Coates, Reynell
  351. Cobb, Jedediah
  352. Cochran, Jerome
  353. Cochran, John
  354. Cocke, James
  355. Cocke, William
  356. Coffin, Nathaniel (1716–1766)
  357. Coffin, Nathaniel (1744–1826)
  358. Coggin, David
  359. Cogswell, Charles
  360. Cogswell, George
  361. Cogswell, Mason Fitch
  362. Cohen, Joshua I.
  363. Coit, Henry Leber
  364. Colden, Cadwalader
  365. Cole, Richard Beverley
  366. Coleman, Asa
  367. Coleman, Robert Thomas
  368. Coleman, W. Franklin
  369. Colhoun, Samuel
  370. Comegys, Cornelius George
  371. Conant, David Sloan
  372. Condict, Lewis
  373. Condie, David Francis
  374. Conklin, Henry Smith
  375. Conn, Granville Priest
  376. Conner, Phineas Sanborn
  377. Connor, Leartus
  378. Cooke, John Esten
  379. Coolidge, Richard Hoffman
  380. Cooper, Elias Samuel
  381. Cooper, James G.
  382. Cooper, Thomas
  383. Cooper, William D.
  384. Cordell, Eugene Fauntleroy
  385. Cornell, William Mason
  386. Corson, Hiram
  387. Corss, Frederic
  388. Cotting, Benjamin Eddy
  389. Cotton, Alfred Cleveland
  390. Coues, Elliott
  391. Cowling, Richard Oswald
  392. Cox, Christopher Christian
  393. Coxe, John Redman
  394. Cragin, Edwin Bradford
  395. Craig, Benjamin Faneuil
  396. Craig, James
  397. Craik, James
  398. Craik, Robert
  399. Crane, Charles Henry
  400. Crane, William Henry
  401. Crawford, John
  402. Crawford, John Barclay
  403. Crosby, Alpheus Benning
  404. Crosby, Dixi
  405. Crosby, Thomas Russell
  406. Culbertson, Howard
  407. Culbertson, James Cox
  408. Cullen, John Syng Dorsey
  409. Cunningham, Francis Deane
  410. Cupples, George
  411. Currie, Donald Herbert
  412. Currie, William
  413. Curtis, Alva
  414. Curtis, Edward
  415. Curtis, Josiah
  416. Curwen, John
  417. Cushing, Edward Fitch
  418. Cushing, Ernest Watson
  419. Cushing, Henry Kirke
  420. Cushman, Nathan Sydney Smith Beman
  421. Cutbush, Edward
  422. Cutter, Ammi Ruhamah (1705–1746)
  423. Cutter, Ammi Ruhamah (1735–1820)
  424. Cutter, Calvin
  425. Cutter, Ephraim
  426. Cutter, George Rogers
  427. Cuyler, John M.
  428. Dabney, William Cecil
  429. Da Costa, Jacob Mendez
  430. Dalcho, Frederick
  431. Dalton, John Call
  432. Daly, William Hudson
  433. Damon, Howard Franklin
  434. Dana, Israel Thorndike
  435. Dana, William Lawrence
  436. Dandridge, Nathaniel Pendleton
  437. Danforth, Isaac Newton
  438. Danforth, Samuel
  439. Daniel, Ferdinand Eugene
  440. Darby, John Thomson
  441. Darlington, William
  442. Darrach, May
  443. Darrach, William
  444. Daugherty, Philander
  445. Daveis, John Taylor Gilman
  446. David, Aaron Hart
  447. Davidge, John Beale
  448. Davidson, John Pintard
  449. Davidson, William
  450. Davis, Charles Henry Stanley
  451. Davis, Edward Hamilton
  452. Davis, Gwilym George
  453. Davis, Henry Gassett
  454. Davis, John Staige
  455. Davis, Nathan Smith
  456. Davis, Reese
  457. Davis, William Bramwell
  458. Davis, William Elias Brownlee
  459. Davison, John L.
  460. Dawbarn, Robert Hugh Mackay
  461. Dawson, Benjamin Franklin
  462. Dawson, John
  463. Dawson, John Lawrence
  464. Dawson, William Wirt
  465. Dayton, Amos Cooper
  466. Deaderick, William Harvey
  467. Deane, James
  468. Dearborn, Henry
  469. De Benneville, George, see Benneville
  470. De Butts, Elisha
  471. De Camp, William H.
  472. Delafield, Edward
  473. Delafield, Francis
  474. Delamater, John
  475. Delile, Alyre Raffenau, see Raffenau-Delile
  476. Denison, Charles
  477. Derby, George
  478. Derby, Hasket
  479. De Roaldes, Arthur Washington
  480. De Rosset Family
  481. Desrosiers, Hughes Evariste
  482. Detmold, William Ludwig
  483. Detwiller, Henry
  484. Dewees, William Potts
  485. Dewey, Chester
  486. De Witt, see Witt
  487. De Wolf, James Ratchford
  488. De Wolf, Oscar Coleman
  489. Dexter, Aaron
  490. Dick, Elisha Cullen
  491. Dickson, John Robinson
  492. Dickson, Samuel Henry
  493. Didama, Henry Darwin
  494. Dillard, Richard
  495. Dimock, Susan
  496. Dix, John Homer
  497. Dixon, Samuel Gibson
  498. Doane, Augustus Sidney
  499. Dodd, Walter James
  500. Dolley, Sarah Adamson
  501. Donaldson, Francis
  502. Doolittle, Benjamin
  503. Dorsett, Walter Blackburn
  504. Dorsey, Frederick
  505. Dorsey, John Syng
  506. Doughty, William Henry
  507. Douglas, James
  508. Douglas, Richard
  509. Douglas, Silas Hamilton
  510. Douglass, William
  511. Dowell, Greensville
  512. Dowler, Bennet
  513. Downer, Eliphalet
  514. Drake, Daniel
  515. Draper, Frank Winthrop
  516. Draper, Henry
  517. Draper, John Christopher
  518. Draper, John William
  519. Draper, William Henry
  520. Drinkard, William Beverly
  521. Drowne, Solomon
  522. Drummond, William Henry
  523. Drysdale, Thomas
  524. Drysdale, Thomas Murray
  525. Du Bois, Abram
  526. Dubois, Henry Augustus
  527. Dudley, Augustus Palmer
  528. Dudley, Benjamin Winslow
  529. Dudley, Ethelbert Ludlow
  530. Dugas, Louis Alexander
  531. Duhring, Louis Adolphus
  532. Dunglison, Robley
  533. Dunlap, Alexander
  534. Dunlop, William
  535. Dunn, Thomas Dewitt
  536. Dunster, Edward Swift
  537. Duquet, Emmanuel Evariste
  538. Dutcher, Addison Porter
  539. Duval, Elias Rector
  540. Dwight, Thomas
  541. Dyer, Ezra
  542. Earle, Charles Warrington
  543. Earle, Pliny
  544. Eastman, Joseph
  545. Eaton, Horace
  546. Eberle, John
  547. Edebohls, George Michael
  548. Edwards, Emma Ward
  549. Edwards, Francis Smith
  550. Edwards, Landon Brame
  551. Edwards, William Milan
  552. Eights, James
  553. Eliot, Jared
  554. Eliot, Johnson
  555. Ellegood, Robert Griffith
  556. Elliot, George Thomson
  557. Ellis, Benjamin
  558. Ellis, Calvin
  559. Elmer, Ebenezer
  560. Elmer, Jonathan
  561. Elsberg, Louis
  562. Eisner, Henry Leopold
  563. Elwell, John J.
  564. Emerson, Gouverneur
  565. Emlen, Samuel
  566. Emmet, Thomas Addis
  567. Emmet, John Patten
  568. Engelmann, George
  569. Engelmann, George Julius
  570. English, Thomas Dunn
  571. Entrikin, Franklin Wayne
  572. Eskridge, Jeremiah Thomas
  573. Etheridge, James Henry
  574. Eustis, William
  575. Evans, John
  576. Eve, Joseph
  577. Eve, Joseph Adams
  578. Eve, Paul Fitzsimmons
  579. Everts, Orpheus
  580. Ewell, Thomas
  581. Ezdorf, see Von Ezdorf
  582. Faget, Jean Charles
  583. Farish, Henry Greggs
  584. Farrand, David Osborn
  585. Farnsworth, Philo Judson
  586. Farrell, Edward
  587. Fauntleroy, Archibald Magill
  588. Favill, Henry Baird
  589. Favill, John
  590. Fay, Jonas
  591. Fayssoux, Peter Dott
  592. Fell, Edward George
  593. Fenger, Christian
  594. Fenwick, A. C.
  595. Fenwick, George Edgeworth
  596. Ferguson, Alexander Hugh
  597. Ferguson, Everard D.
  598. Fernald, Reginald
  599. Field, Edward Mann
  600. Field, Nathaniel
  601. Finlay, Clement Alexander
  602. Firestone, Leander
  603. Firmin, Giles
  604. Fischel, Washington Emil
  605. Fishback, James
  606. Fisher, George Jackson
  607. Fisher, James Cogswell
  608. Fisher, John Dix
  609. Fisher, Theodore Willis
  610. Fiske, Oliver
  611. Fitch, Simon
  612. Fitz, Reginald Heber
  613. Flagg, Josiah Foster
  614. Fleet, John
  615. Fleming, Alexander
  616. Fletcher, Robert
  617. Fletcher, William Baldwin
  618. Flint, Austin (1812–1886)
  619. Flint, Austin (1836–1915)
  620. Flint, Joshua Barker
  621. Folsom, Charles Follen
  622. Foltz, Jonathan Messersmith
  623. Fonerden, John
  624. Foote, Elial Todd
  625. Forbes, William Smith
  626. Forchheimer, Frederick
  627. Ford, Corydon La
  628. Ford, William Henry
  629. Forster, Edward Jacob
  630. Fort, George Franklin
  631. Foster, Burnside
  632. Foster, Frank Pierce
  633. Foster, George Winslow
  634. Foster, John Pierrepont Codrington
  635. Foster, Thomas Albert
  636. Fowler, George Ryerson
  637. Fox, George
  638. Fox, William Herrimon
  639. Francis, John Wakefield
  640. Francis, Samuel Ward
  641. Franklin, Benjamin
  642. Frazee, Louis J.
  643. Freeman, Nathaniel
  644. Freer, Joseph Warren
  645. Freer, Paul Caspar
  646. French, George Franklin
  647. Frick, Charles
  648. Frick, George
  649. Friedenwald, Aaron
  650. Frissell, John
  651. Frost, Henry Rutledge
  652. Frothingham, George Edward
  653. Fuller, Bridget Lee
  654. Fuller, Samuel
  655. Fulton, John
  656. Fussell, Bartholomew
  657. Fussell, Edwin B.
  658. Fussell, Linnæus
  659. Gale, Benjamin
  660. Gallinger, Jacob Henry
  661. Gallup, Joseph Adams
  662. Galt, Alexander D
  663. Galt, John Minson (17–1808)
  664. Galt, John Minson (1819–1862)
  665. Garber, Abram Paschal
  666. Garceau, Edgar
  667. Garcelon, Alonzo
  668. Garden, Alexander
  669. Gardiner, Silvester
  670. Gardner, Augustus Kinsley
  671. Garlick, Theodatus
  672. Garnett, Alexander Yelverton Peyton
  673. Garrigues, Henry Jacques
  674. Gaston, James McFadden
  675. Gaultier, Jean François
  676. Geddings, Eli
  677. Geike, Walter Bayne
  678. Gentsch, George Theodore
  679. Gerhard, William Wood
  680. Gesner, Abraham
  681. Gibbes, Lewis Reeve
  682. Gibbes, Robert Wilson
  683. Gibbons, Henry (1808–1884)
  684. Gibbons, Henry (1848–1911)
  685. Gibbons, William Peters
  686. Gibson, Charles Bell
  687. Gibson, William
  688. Gihon, Albert Leary
  689. Gilbert, David
  690. Gilman, Chandler Robbins
  691. Gilman, John Taylor
  692. Gilmer, George
  693. Gilmour, John Taylor
  694. Gilpin, John Bernard
  695. Girard, Charles
  696. Girdwood, Gilbert Prout
  697. Glasgow, William Carr
  698. Gleason, Rachel Brooks
  699. Gleaves, Samuel Crockett
  700. Gleitsmann, Joseph William
  701. Gloninger, John Washington
  702. Glover, Joseph
  703. Godding, William Whitney
  704. Godman, John Davidson
  705. Goforth, William
  706. Goldsmith, Middleton
  707. Goldsmith, William Benjamin
  708. Goodell, William
  709. Goodhue, Josiah
  710. Goodman, Henry Ernest
  711. Goodman, John
  712. Goodwin, James Scammon
  713. Gorham, John
  714. Gorrie, John
  715. Gould, Augustus Addison
  716. Gradle, Henry
  717. Graham, James
  718. Graham, James Elliott
  719. Gram, Hans Burch
  720. Gray, Asa
  721. Gray, John Perdue
  722. Green, Horace
  723. Green, Jacob
  724. Green, John (1736–1799)
  725. Green, John (1835–1913)
  726. Green, John Orne
  727. Green, Samuel Abbott
  728. Green, Thomas Fitzgerald
  729. Green, Traill
  730. Greene, Duff Warren
  731. Greene, William Houston
  732. Greene, William Warren
  733. Greenleaf, Charles Ravenscroft
  734. Greenough, Francis Boott
  735. Gregory, Elisha Hall
  736. Griffin, Corbin
  737. Griffin, Ezra Leonard
  738. Griffith, Robert Eglesfeld
  739. Griffitts, Samuel Powel
  740. Grinnell, Ashbell Parmalee
  741. Grissom, Eugene
  742. Gross, Samuel David
  743. Gross, Samuel Weissell
  744. Gruening, Emil
  745. Guiteras, Ramon Benjamin
  746. Gulick, Luther Halsey
  747. Gundry, Richard
  748. Gunn, Moses
  749. Guthrie, Samuel
  750. Haines, Job
  751. Hale, Enoch
  752. Hall-Brown, Lucy
  753. Hall, Lyman
  754. Hall, Moses Smith
  755. Hall, Randolph N.
  756. Hall, Richard Wilmot
  757. Hall, William Whitty
  758. Halliburton, John
  759. Hamilton, Alexander
  760. Hamilton, Frank Hastings
  761. Hamilton, John B.
  762. Hamlin, Augustus Choate
  763. Hammer, Adam
  764. Hammond, William Alexander
  765. Hand, Daniel Whilldin
  766. Hand, Edward
  767. Handerson, Henry Ebenezer
  768. Hanks, Horace Tracy
  769. Hare, Robert
  770. Hargis, Robert Bell Smith
  771. Harlan, George Cuvier
  772. Harlan, Richard
  773. Harlow, John Martyn
  774. Harlow, Henry Mills
  775. Harmon, Elijah Dewey
  776. Harmon, John B.
  777. Harrington, Charles
  778. Harris, Chapin Aaron
  779. Harris, Elisha
  780. Harris, Robert Patterson
  781. Harris, Thaddeus William
  782. Harrison, John Pollard
  783. Harrison, Samuel Alexander
  784. Hartley, Frank
  785. Hartshorne, Edward
  786. Hartshorne, Henry
  787. Hartshorne, Joseph
  788. Harvey, Edwin Bayard
  789. Haskell, Benjamin
  790. Hastings, Seth (1745–?)
  791. Hastings, Seth (1780–1861)
  792. Hawes, Jesse
  793. Hawkes, Micajah Collins
  794. Hay, Walter
  795. Hayden, Ferdinand Vandevere
  796. Hayden, Horace H.
  797. Hayes, Isaac Israel
  798. Haynes, Francis Leader
  799. Hays, Isaac
  800. Hayward, George
  801. Haywood, Edmund Burke
  802. Hayward, Lemuel
  803. Hazlett, Robert W.
  804. Heard, Thomas Jefferson
  805. Hebert, Louis
  806. Heitzman, Carl
  807. Helmuth, William Tod
  808. Hempel, Charles Julius
  809. Henderson, Andrew Augustus
  810. Henderson, Thomas
  811. Hendricks, George A.
  812. Henrotin, Fernand
  813. Henry, Morris Henry
  814. Herbst, Frederick William
  815. Herbst, Henry Herbert
  816. Herbst, William S
  817. Herdman, William James
  818. Hering, Constantine
  819. Herrick, Henry Justus
  820. Herrick, Stephen Solon
  821. Hersey, Abner
  822. Hersey, Ezekiel
  823. Herter, Christian Archibald
  824. Herzog, Maximilian Joseph
  825. Hetherington, George A.
  826. Heustis, Jabez Wiggins
  827. Heustis, James Fountain
  828. Hewetson, John
  829. Hewson, Addinell
  830. Hewson, Thomas Tickell
  831. Hibberd, James Farquhar
  832. Hickey, Amanda Sanford
  833. Hiester, John Philip
  834. Hildreth, Eugenius Augustus
  835. Hildreth, Samuel Prescott
  836. Hill, Edward Henry
  837. Hill, Gardner Caleb
  838. Hill, Hampton Eugene
  839. Hill, Hiram Hovey
  840. Hill, William Nevin
  841. Hills, Frederick Lyman
  842. Himes, Isaac Newton
  843. Hingston, William Hales
  844. Hitchcock, Alfred
  845. Hitchcock, Edward
  846. Hitchcock, Homer Owen
  847. Hitt, Willis Washington
  848. Hoar, Leonard
  849. Bobbins, Joseph
  850. Hodder, Edward Mulberry
  851. Hodge, Hugh Lenox
  852. Hodgen, John Thompson
  853. Hodges, Richard Manning
  854. Hoffman, David Bancroft
  855. Holbrook, John Edwards
  856. Holcombe, William Frederic
  857. Holcombe, William Henry
  858. Holder, Joseph Bassett
  859. Hole, John
  860. Holland, Josiah Gilbert
  861. Holloway, James Montgomery
  862. Holmes, Andrew Fernando
  863. Holmes, Edward Lorenzo
  864. Holmes, Horatio Reese
  865. Holmes, Oliver Wendell
  866. Holston, John G. F.
  867. Holten, Samuel
  868. Holtz, Ferdinand Carl
  869. Holyoke, Edward Augustus
  870. Homans, Charles Dudley
  871. Homans, John (1793–1868)
  872. Homans, John (1836–1903)
  873. Homans, John (1857–1902)
  874. Homberger, Julius
  875. Honyman, Robert
  876. Hood, Thomas Beal
  877. Hooker, Worthington
  878. Hooper, Franklin Henry
  879. Hooper, Philo Oliver
  880. Hooper, William Davis
  881. Hopkins, Lemuel
  882. Horn, George Henry
  883. Horner, Gustavus B.
  884. Horner, William Edmonds
  885. Horr, Asa
  886. Horr, Oren Alonzo
  887. Horsfield, Thomas
  888. Horton, George Firman
  889. Horwitz, Phineas Jonathan
  890. Hosack, Alexander Eddy
  891. Hosack, David
  892. Hough, Benjamin Franklin
  893. Hough, Horatio Gates
  894. Hough, Jacob B.
  895. Hough, John Stockton
  896. Houghton, Douglas
  897. Howard, Edward Lloyd
  898. Howard, Henry
  899. Howard, Richard H. L.
  900. Howard, Robert Palmer
  901. Howard, William Lee
  902. Howard, William Travis
  903. Howe, Elliot C.
  904. Howe, Samuel Gridley
  905. Howe, Zadok
  906. Hoy, Philo Romayne
  907. Hoyt, Frank Crampton
  908. Hubbard, John
  909. Hubbard, Oliver Payson
  910. Hubbard, Thomas
  911. Hubbell, Alvin Allace
  912. Hudson, Erasmus Darwin (1805–1880)
  913. Hudson, Erasmus Darwin (1843–1887)
  914. Huger, Francis Kinlock
  915. Hughes, Charles Hamilton
  916. Hullihen, Simon P.
  917. Hun, Edward Reynolds
  918. Hun, Thomas
  919. Hunt, Ebenezer Kingsbury
  920. Hunt, Ezra Mundy
  921. Hunt, Harriot Kezia
  922. Hunt, Henry Hastings
  923. Hunt, John Gibbons
  924. Hunt, Thomas
  925. Hunt, William
  926. Hunter, William
  927. Huntington, David Low
  928. Huntington, Elisha
  929. Hupp, John Cox
  930. Hurd, Anson
  931. Hurd, Edward Payson
  932. Husk, Carlos Ellsworth
  933. Huston, Robert Mendenhall
  934. Hutchinson, James
  935. Hutchinson, James Howell
  936. Hutchinson, Edwin
  937. Hutchinson, Joseph Chrisman
  938. Hyatt, Elijah H.
  939. Hyde, Frederick
  940. Hyde, James Nevins
  941. Hyde, Miles Goodyear
  942. Hyndman, James Gilmour
  943. Ingals, Ephraim
  944. Ingals, Ephraim Fletcher
  945. Ingalls, William (1769–1851)
  946. Ingalls, William (1813–1903)
  947. Irvine, William
  948. Isaacs, Charles Edward
  949. Isham, Asa Brainerd
  950. Isham, Mary Keyt
  951. Isham, Ralph Nelson
  952. Ives, Ansell W.
  953. Ives, Charles Linnæus
  954. Ives, Eli
  955. Ives, Levi
  956. Jackson, Abraham Reeves
  957. Jackson, Charles Thomas
  958. Jackson, David
  959. Jackson, Hall
  960. Jackson, James (1777–1867)
  961. Jackson, James (1810–1834)
  962. Jackson, John Barnard Swett
  963. Jackson, John Davies
  964. Jackson, Samuel
  965. Jacobi, Mary Putnam
  966. Jacobson, Nathan
  967. James, Edwin
  968. James, Martin L.
  969. James, Thomas Chalkley
  970. James, William
  971. Jameson, Horatio Gates
  972. Janeway, Edward Gamaliel
  973. Janeway, Theodore Caldwell
  974. Janvrin, Joseph Edward
  975. Jarvis, Edward
  976. Jarvis, William Chapman
  977. Jay, John Clarkson
  978. Jayne, David
  979. Jayne, Horace Fort
  980. Jeffries, Benjamin Joy
  981. Jeffries, John (1745–1819)
  982. Jeffries, John (1796–1876)
  983. Jelly, George Frederick
  984. Jenkins, John Foster
  985. Jenks, Edward Watrous
  986. Jennings, Samuel Kennedy (1771–1854)
  987. Jennings, Samuel Kennedy (1796–1877)
  988. Jervey, James Postell
  989. Jewell, James Stewart
  990. Jewell, Wilson
  991. Jewett, Charles
  992. Jewett, Theodore Herman
  993. Johnson, Charles Earl
  994. Johnson, Edward
  995. Johnson, Francis Marion
  996. Johnson, Henry Lowry Emilius
  997. Johnson, Hosmer Allen
  998. Johnson, Joseph
  999. Johnson, Laurence
  1000. Johnston, Christopher
  1001. Johnston, George Benjamin
  1002. Johnston, William Patrick
  1003. Johnston, William Waring
  1004. Johnston, Wyatt Galt
  1005. Johnstone, Arthur Weir
  1006. Johnstone, Robert
  1007. Jones, Calvin
  1008. Jones, Ichabod Gibson
  1009. Jones, James
  1010. Jones, James Robert
  1011. Jones, John
  1012. Jones, Johnston Blakely
  1013. Jones, Joseph
  1014. Jones, Oswald Meredith
  1015. Jones, Philip Mills
  1016. Jones, Samuel Jones
  1017. Jones, Walter
  1018. Jones, William Palmer
  1019. Joyce, Robert Dwyer
  1020. Joynes, Levin
  1021. Judd, Gerrit Parmele
  1022. Judson, Adoniram Brown
  1023. Kane, Elisha Kent
  1024. Kassabian, Mihran Krikor
  1025. Keagy, John M.
  1026. Kearsley, John
  1027. Keating, John Marie
  1028. Keating, William Valentine
  1029. Kedzie, Frank
  1030. Kedzie, Robert Clark
  1031. Kellogg, Albert
  1032. Kelly, Aloysius Oliver Joseph
  1033. Kelsey, Charles Boyd
  1034. Kempster, Walter
  1035. Kennedy, Alfred L.
  1036. Kerlin, Isaac Newton
  1037. Keyser, Peter Dirck
  1038. Keyt, Alonzo Thrasher
  1039. Kidder, Jerome Henry
  1040. Kilpatrick, Andrew Robert
  1041. Kilty, William
  1042. Kimball, Gilman
  1043. King, Albert Freeman Africanus
  1044. King, Alfred
  1045. King, Dan
  1046. King, David (1774–1836)
  1047. King, David (1812–1882)
  1048. King, John
  1049. Kinlock, Robert Alexander
  1050. Kinnicutt, Francis Parker
  1051. Kipp, Charles John
  1052. Kirkbride, Thomas Story
  1053. Kirkpatrick, Robert Charles
  1054. Kirtland, Jared Potter
  1055. Kissam, Richard Sharp
  1056. Kittredge, Thomas
  1057. Kleinschmidt, Carl Hermann Anton
  1058. Knapp, Jacob Hermann
  1059. Knapp, Moses L.
  1060. Kneeland, Samuel
  1061. Knieskern, Peter D.
  1062. Knight, Charles Huntoon
  1063. Knight, Frederick Irving
  1064. Knight, James
  1065. Knight, Jonathan
  1066. Kollock, Cornelius
  1067. Krackowizer, Ernst
  1068. Kraemer, Adolph
  1069. Kreider, Michael Zimmermann
  1070. Kuhn, Adam
  1071. Kyle, David Braden
  1072. LaChapelle, Emanuel Persillier
  1073. Lambert, Thomas Scott
  1074. Lamson, Daniel Lowell
  1075. Landis, John Howard
  1076. Lane, Levi Cooper
  1077. Langley, John Williams
  1078. Langmaid, Samuel Wood
  1079. LaRoche, Réné (1755–1819)
  1080. LaRoche, Réné (1795 1872)
  1081. Larsh, N. B.
  1082. Latham, Henry Grey
  1083. Latimer, Henry
  1084. Latimer, Thomas Sargent
  1085. Lawrence, Jason Valentine O’Brien
  1086. Lawson, Leonidas Merion
  1087. Lawson, Thomas
  1088. Lazear, Jesse William
  1089. Leaming, James Rosebrugh
  1090. Leavenworth, Melines Conklin
  1091. LeConte, John
  1092. LeConte, John Lawrence
  1093. LeConte, Joseph
  1094. Lee, Arthur
  1095. Lee, Benjamin
  1096. Lee, Charles Alfred
  1097. Lee, Charles Carroll
  1098. LeFevre, Egbert
  1099. Lefevre, John M.
  1100. Leidy, Joseph
  1101. Leigh, John
  1102. LeMoyne, Francis Julius
  1103. Leonard, Charles Lester
  1104. Lett, Stephen
  1105. Letterman, Jonathan
  1106. Levis, Richard J.
  1107. Lewis, Dio
  1108. Lewis, Eldad
  1109. Lewis, Francis West
  1110. Lewis, Samuel
  1111. Lewis, Winslow
  1112. Liebermann, Charles H.
  1113. Lincoln, Benjamin
  1114. Lincoln, David Francis
  1115. Lincoln, Rufus Pratt
  1116. Linde, Christian
  1117. Lindsly, Harvey
  1118. Lining, John
  1119. Linn, Lewis Fields
  1120. Linsley, John Hatch
  1121. Littell, Squier
  1122. Little, James Lawrence
  1123. Little, Timothy
  1124. Litton, Abram
  1125. Livingston, Robert Ramsey
  1126. Lloyd, James
  1127. Lloyd, Zachary
  1128. Locke, John
  1129. Logan, Cornelius Ambrose
  1130. Logan, George (1753–1821)
  1131. Logan, George (1750?–1800?)
  1132. Logan, George (1778–1861)
  1133. Logan, Samuel
  1134. Logan, Thomas Muldrup
  1135. Long, Crawford Williamson
  1136. Long, David
  1137. Longworth, Landon Rives
  1138. Loomis, Alfred Lebbeus
  1139. Loomis, Henry Patterson
  1140. Loomis, Silas Lawrence
  1141. Loring, Edward Greely
  1142. Lovejoy, James William Hamilton
  1143. Lovell, Joseph
  1144. Loving, Starling
  1145. Lowell vs. Faxon and Hawkes, See Hawkes, M. C
  1146. Lozier, Clemence Sophia
  1147. Luckie, James Buckner
  1148. Luedeking, Robert
  1149. Lundy, Charles J.
  1150. Lusk, William Thompson
  1151. Lutz, Frank J.
  1152. Luzenberg, Charles Aloysius
  1153. Lyman, Henry Munson
  1154. Lynah, James
  1155. Lyster, Henry Francis
  1156. Macbride, James
  1157. McBurney, Charles
  1158. MacCallum, Duncan Campbell
  1159. MacCallum, John Bruce
  1160. McCann, James
  1161. McCaw, James
  1162. McCaw, James Brown
  1163. McCaw, James D
  1164. McClellan, Ely
  1165. McClellan, George (1796–1847)
  1166. McClellan, George (1849–1913)
  1167. McClintic, Thomas B.
  1168. McClurg, James
  1169. McCosh, Andrew James
  1170. Macrae, Donald
  1171. McCrae, John
  1172. McCreery, Charles
  1173. McCurdy, John M
  1174. McDermont, Clarke
  1175. McDill, Alexander Stuart
  1176. Macdonald, Alexander
  1177. MacDonald, James
  1178. Macdonald, W. H.
  1179. McDowell, Ephraim
  1180. McDowell, Joseph Nash
  1181. McDowell, William Adair
  1182. Macgill, William D.
  1183. McGuire, Hugh Holmes
  1184. McGuire, Hunter Holmes
  1185. McHenry, James
  1186. McInnes, Thomas R.
  1187. Mackall, Louis (1802–1876)
  1188. Mackall, Louis (1831–1906)
  1189. McKay, William Morrison
  1190. McKechnie, John
  1191. McKeen, James
  1192. Mackieson, John
  1193. McKinley, John
  1194. MacLaren, Laurence
  1195. McLaughlin, James Wharton
  1196. Maclean, Donald
  1197. MacLean, John
  1198. Macleane, Laughlan
  1199. MacLeod, James
  1200. McLoughlin, John
  1201. MacMonagle, Beverly
  1202. MacNaughton, James
  1203. Macneven, William James
  1204. McRuer, Daniel
  1205. McSherry, Richard
  1206. McWilliams, Alexander
  1207. Maddin, Thomas LaFayette
  1208. Magruder, Ernest Pendleton
  1209. Magruder, George Lloyd
  1210. Mall, Franklin Paine
  1211. Mallett, William Peter
  1212. Manigault, Gabriel Edward
  1213. Mann, Cyrus Sweetser
  1214. Mann, Edward Cox
  1215. Mann, James
  1216. Manson, Otis Frederick
  1217. March, Alden
  1218. Marion, Otis Humphrey
  1219. Markoe, Thomas Masters
  1220. Marks, Solon
  1221. Marshall, Moses
  1222. Martin, Ennalls
  1223. Martin, George
  1224. Martin, Henry Austin
  1225. Martin, Henry Newell
  1226. Martin, Solomon Claiborne
  1227. Marvin, Joseph Benson
  1228. Mastin, Claudius Henry
  1229. Mathers, George Shrader
  1230. Matthews, James Newton
  1231. Matthews, Washington
  1232. Maury, Frank Fontaine
  1233. Maxwell, George Troupe
  1234. May, Frederick
  1235. May, Frederick John
  1236. May, James
  1237. Mayo, Robert
  1238. Mayo, William Worrell
  1239. Mays, Thomas Jef
  1240. Meacham, Frank Adams
  1241. Meachem, John Goldsborough
  1242. Mease, James
  1243. Meigler, Marie J.
  1244. Meigs, Arthur Vincent
  1245. Meigs, Charles Delucena
  1246. Meigs, James Aitken
  1247. Meigs, John Forsyth
  1248. Mellichamp, Joseph Hinson
  1249. Mendenhall, George
  1250. Mercer, Alfred
  1251. Mercer, Hugh
  1252. Mercier, Alfred
  1253. Merrill, James Cushing
  1254. Metcalf, W. G.
  1255. Metcalfe, Samuel L.
  1256. Mettauer, John Peter
  1257. Metz, Abraham
  1258. Michel, Charles Eugene
  1259. Michel, William Middleton
  1260. Michener, Ezra
  1261. Middleton, Peter
  1262. Miles, Albert Baldwin
  1263. Miles, Francis Turquand
  1264. Miles, Manly
  1265. Millard, Perry H.
  1266. Miller, Edward
  1267. Miller, Henry
  1268. Miller, John
  1269. Miller, Patience
  1270. Miller, Thomas
  1271. Miltenberger, George Warner
  1272. Miner, Julius Francis
  1273. Miner, Thomas
  1274. Minor, Thomas Chalmers
  1275. Minot, Charles Sedgwick
  1276. Minot, Francis
  1277. Mitchell, Ammi Ruhamah
  1278. Mitchell, Giles Sandy
  1279. Mitchell, John
  1280. Mitchell, John Kearsley
  1281. Mitchell, Silas Weir
  1282. Mitchell, Thomas Duché
  1283. Mitchill, Samuel Latham
  1284. Moher, Thomas J.
  1285. Monette, John Wesley
  1286. Monroe, Hollis
  1287. Monroe, Nahum Parker
  1288. Montgomery, Frank Hugh
  1289. Moore, Edward Mott
  1290. Moore, James Edward
  1291. Moore, John
  1292. Moore, Samuel Preston
  1293. Morehouse, George Read
  1294. Morgan, Ethelbert Carroll
  1295. Morgan, John
  1296. Morland, William Wallace
  1297. Morrill, David Lawrence
  1298. Morrin, Joseph
  1299. Morris, Caspar
  1300. Morris, John
  1301. Morrison, Robert Brown
  1302. Morrow, Prince Albert
  1303. Morton, Samuel George
  1304. Morton, William Thomas Green
  1305. Moses, Thomas Freeman
  1306. Mosher, Jacob Simmons
  1307. Mott, Alexander Brown
  1308. Mott, Valentine (1785–1865)
  1309. Mott, Valentine (1822–1854)
  1310. Mott, Valentine (1852–1918)
  1311. Moultrie, James
  1312. Mower, Thomas Gardner
  1313. Moyer, Isaac Shoemaker
  1314. Muir, Samuel Allan
  1315. Muir, William Scott
  1316. Mumford, James Gregory
  1317. Mundé, Paul Fortunatus
  1318. Munn, Edwin George
  1319. Munn, William Phipps
  1320. Munro, John Cummings
  1321. Munson, Eneas
  1322. Münsterberg, Hugo
  1323. Murdoch, James Bissett
  1324. Murdoch, Russell
  1325. Murphy, John Alexander
  1326. Murphy, John Benjamin
  1327. Murphy, Patrick Livingston
  1328. Murray Robert
  1329. Murray, Robert Drake
  1330. Musser, John Herr
  1331. Mussey, Reuben Dimond
  1332. Mussey, William Heberden
  1333. Mütter, Thomas Dent
  1334. Myers, Albert William
  1335. Nancréde, Joseph Guérard
  1336. Neill, Henry
  1337. Neill, John
  1338. Neilson, William Johnston
  1339. Nelson, David
  1340. Nelson, Robert
  1341. Nelson, Wolfred (1792–1863)
  1342. Nelson, Wolfred (1846–1913)
  1343. Newberry, John Strong
  1344. Newton, Robert Safford (1818–1881)
  1345. Newton, Robert Safford (1855–?)
  1346. Nichols, Charles Henry
  1347. Nichols, James Robinson
  1348. Nickles, Samuel
  1349. Noeggerath, Emil Oscar Jacob Bruno
  1350. Norcom, William Augustus Blount
  1351. Norris, George Washington
  1352. Norris, William Fisher
  1353. North, Elisha
  1354. Norton, Rupert
  1355. Norwood, Joseph Granville
  1356. Nott, Josiah Clark
  1357. Nourse, Amos
  1358. Noyes, Henry Dewey
  1359. Noyes, James Fanning
  1360. O'Callaghan, Edmund Bailey
  1361. O’Connell, Joseph John
  1362. O’Dwyer, Joseph
  1363. Ogden, William Winslow
  1364. O’Hagan, Charles James
  1365. Ohlmacher, Albert Philip
  1366. Oliver, Charles Augustus
  1367. Oliver, Fitch Edward
  1368. Oliver, George Powell
  1369. Oliver, James
  1370. Oppenheim, Nathan
  1371. Ordronaux, John
  1372. O’Reilly, Robert Maitland
  1373. Orton, George Turner
  1374. Otis, Fessenden Nott
  1375. Otis, George Alexander
  1376. Ott, Isaac
  1377. Otto, John Conrad
  1378. Ouchterlony, John Ardid
  1379. Ouvrière, see Pascalis
  1380. Owen, David Dale
  1381. Owen, William
  1382. Owen, William Otway
  1383. Packard, Frederick A
  1384. Packard, John Hooker
  1385. Page, Alexander Crawford
  1386. Page, Benjamin (1770–1844)
  1387. Page, Benjamin (?–1829)
  1388. Paine, Martyn
  1389. Pallen, Montrose Anderson
  1390. Pallen, Moses Montrose
  1391. Palmer, Alonzo Benjamin
  1392. Palmer, James Croxall
  1393. Palmer, John Williamson
  1394. Pancoast, Joseph
  1395. Pancoast, Seth
  1396. Pancoast, William Henry
  1397. Park, John Gray
  1398. Park, Roswell
  1399. Parker, Daniel McNeil
  1400. Parker, Edward Hazen
  1401. Parker, Willard
  1402. Parker, William W.
  1403. Parkes, Charles Theodore
  1404. Parkhill, Clayton
  1405. Parkman, George
  1406. Parrish, Isaac
  1407. Parrish, Joseph (1779–1840)
  1408. Parrish, Joseph (1818–1891)
  1409. Parry, Charles Christopher
  1410. Parry, John Stubbs
  1411. Parsons, Ralph Lyman
  1412. Parsons, Usher
  1413. Partin, Theophilus
  1414. Pascalis-Ouvrière, Felix A.
  1415. Patterson, David Nelson
  1416. Patterson, Henry Stuart
  1417. Patterson, Richard John
  1418. Patterson, Robert Maskell
  1419. Pattison, Granville Sharp
  1420. Peabody, George Livingston
  1421. Peabody, James H.
  1422. Peaslee, Edmund Randolph
  1423. Peaslee, Edward H.
  1424. Peck, William Dandridge
  1425. Peirce, David
  1426. Peirson, Abel Lawrence
  1427. Pendleton, Lewis Warrington
  1428. Pennock, Caspar Wistar
  1429. Penrose, Richard Alexander Fullerton
  1430. Pepper, George
  1431. Pepper, William (1810–1864)
  1432. Pepper, William (1843–1898)
  1433. Percival, James Gates
  1434. Perkins, Elisha
  1435. Peter, Robert
  1436. Peters, George A.
  1437. Peters, John Charles
  1438. Peterson, Robert Evans
  1439. Phares, David Lewis
  1440. Phelps, Charles
  1441. Phelps, Edward Elisha
  1442. Physick, Philip Syng
  1443. Pickering, Charles
  1444. Picton, John Moore White
  1445. Piffard, Henry Granger
  1446. Pilcher, James Evelyn
  1447. Pilcher, Lewis Stephen
  1448. Pilcher, Paul Monroe
  1449. Pinckney, Ninian
  1450. Piper, Richard Upton
  1451. Pitcher, Zina
  1452. Plant, William Tomlinson
  1453. Pollack, Simon
  1454. Polk, William Mecklenburg
  1455. Pomeroy, Charles G.
  1456. Pomeroy, Oren Day
  1457. Pope, Charles Alexander
  1458. Pope, John Hunter
  1459. Porcher, Francis Peyre
  1460. Porter, Charles Burnham
  1461. Porter, Charles Hogeboom
  1462. Porter, James Burnham
  1463. Porter, John Addison
  1464. Porter, Joshua
  1465. Porter, Robert Robinson
  1466. Post, Alfred Charles
  1467. Post, George Edward
  1468. Post, Martin Hayward
  1469. Post, Minturn
  1470. Post, Philip Wright
  1471. Pott, John
  1472. Potter, Frank Hamilton
  1473. Potter, Hazard Arnold
  1474. Potter, Jared
  1475. Potter, Nathaniel
  1476. Potter, Samuel Otway Lewis
  1477. Potter, William Warren
  1478. Potts, Jonathan
  1479. Powell, Seneca D.
  1480. Powell, Theophilus Orgain
  1481. Powell, William Byrd
  1482. Power, William
  1483. Pratt, Foster
  1484. Prentiss, Daniel Webster
  1485. Prescott, Albert Benjamin
  1486. Prescott, Oliver
  1487. Prescott, William
  1488. Preston, Ann
  1489. Preston, George Junkin
  1490. Preston, Jonas
  1491. Preston, Robert J.
  1492. Prewitt, Theodore F.
  1493. Price, Joseph
  1494. Price, Mordecai
  1495. Prime, Benjamin Young
  1496. Prince, David
  1497. Pryor, William Rice
  1498. Pulte, Joseph Hippolyte
  1499. Purple, Samuel Smith
  1500. Putnam, Charles Gideon
  1501. Putnam, Charles Pickering
  1502. Putnam, Israel
  1503. Putnam, James Jackson
  1504. Putnam, Mary, see Jacobi
  1505. Putnam, Sumner
  1506. Pynchon, Edwin
  1507. Quinan, John Russell
  1508. Raffeneau-Delile, Alyre
  1509. Ramsay, Alexander
  1510. Ramsay, David
  1511. Rand, Benjamin Howard
  1512. Rand, Isaac (1743–1822)
  1513. Rand, Isaac (1769–1819)
  1514. Randolph, Jacob
  1515. Ranney, Ambrose Loomis
  1516. Rauch, John Henry
  1517. Ravenel, Edmund
  1518. Ravenel, St. Julien
  1519. Ray, Isaac
  1520. Raymond, Joseph Howard
  1521. Raymond-Schroeder, Aimée J.
  1522. Rea, Robert Laughlin
  1523. Reamy, Thaddeus Asbury
  1524. Reber, James Wendell
  1525. Reddy, John
  1526. Redman, John
  1527. Reed, Walter
  1528. Rees, William
  1529. Reese, David Meredith
  1530. Reese, John James
  1531. Reeve, James Theodore
  1532. Reid, David Boswell
  1533. Reid, Peter
  1534. Reid, William W.
  1535. Reiter, William Charles
  1536. Reuling, George
  1537. Revere, John
  1538. Rex, George Abraham
  1539. Reynolds, Dudley Sharpe
  1540. Reynolds, Edward
  1541. Rich, Hosea
  1542. Richardson, Alonzo Blair
  1543. Richardson, James Henry
  1544. Richardson, Joseph Gibbons
  1545. Richardson, Maurice Howe
  1546. Richardson, Tobias Gibson
  1547. Richardson, W. A.
  1548. Richmond, John Lambert
  1549. Ricketts, Howard Taylor
  1550. Ricord, Alexander
  1551. Ricord Family
  1552. Ricord, Jean Baptiste
  1553. Ricord, Philippe
  1554. Riddell, John Leonard
  1555. Ridgely, Frederick
  1556. Riggs, John M.
  1557. Riley, John Campbell
  1558. Rives, Landon Cabell
  1559. Robbins, James Watson
  1560. Roberts, Algernon Sydney
  1561. Roberts, Milton Josiah
  1562. Roberts, William Currie
  1563. Robertson, Andrew
  1564. Robertson, Charles Archibald
  1565. Robinson, Charles
  1566. Robinson, Fred Byron
  1567. Robinson, William Chaffee
  1568. Roby, Joseph
  1569. Rochester, Thomas Fortesque
  1570. Rockwell, William Hayden
  1571. Rodgers, John Kearny
  1572. Rodman, William Louis
  1573. Roe, John Orlando
  1574. Rogers, Arthur Curtis
  1575. Rogers, Henry Raymond
  1576. Rogers, James Blythe
  1577. Rogers, John Coleman
  1578. Rogers, Joseph Goodwin
  1579. Rogers, Joseph H. D.
  1580. Rogers, Lewis
  1581. Rogers, Patrick Kerr
  1582. Rogers, Robert Empie
  1583. Rogers, Stephen
  1584. Rohe, George Henry
  1585. Rolph, John
  1586. Romayne, Nicholas
  1587. Roosa, Daniel Bennett St. John
  1588. Ross, George
  1589. Ross, James
  1590. Ross, James Frederick William
  1591. Ross, Joseph Presley
  1592. Rosse, Irving Collins
  1593. Rotch, Thomas Morgan
  1594. Rothrock, Abram
  1595. Row, Elhanon Winchester
  1596. Rowan, Walter Hawthorne
  1597. Rowe, George Howard Malcolm
  1598. Ruschenberger, William Samuel Waithman
  1599. Rush, Benjamin
  1600. Russ, John Denison
  1601. Russell, John Wadhams
  1602. Sachs, Theodore Bernard
  1603. Sager, Abram
  1604. St. John, Samuel
  1605. Salisbury, James Henry
  1606. Salisbury, Jerome Henry
  1607. Salmon, Daniel Elmer
  1608. Sands, Henry Berton
  1609. Sargent, Fitzwilliam
  1610. Sargent, Joseph
  1611. Sargent, Lucius Manlius
  1612. Sarrazin, Michel S.
  1613. Sartwell, Henry Parker
  1614. Satterlee, Richard Sherwood
  1615. Saxe, Arthur Wellesley
  1616. Say, Benjamin
  1617. Sayre, Lewis Albert
  1618. Schadle, Jacob E.
  1619. Schaffer, Charles
  1620. Schmidt, Henry D.
  1621. Schroeder, Aimée J., see Raymond
  1622. Schultz, Sir John Christian
  1623. Schuppert, Moritz
  1624. Scott, Upton
  1625. Scribner, Ernest Varian
  1626. Scudder, John Milton
  1627. Scudder, John
  1628. Scudder, John Anderson
  1629. Scudder, Henry Martyn
  1630. Scudder, Nathaniel
  1631. Scudder, Silas Doremus
  1632. Seaman, Valentine
  1633. Seely, William Wallace
  1634. Seguin, Edward Constant
  1635. Seguin, O. Edouard
  1636. Seiler, Carl
  1637. Selden, William
  1638. Selden, William Boswell
  1639. Semmes, Alexander Jenkins
  1640. Semmes, Thomas
  1641. Senkler, Albert Edward
  1642. Senn, Nicholas
  1643. Sergeant, Erastus
  1644. Sewall, Lucy
  1645. Sewall, Thomas
  1646. Seybert, Adam
  1647. Seymour, William Pierce
  1648. Shakespeare, Edward Oram
  1649. Shapleigh, Elisha Bacon
  1650. Shattuck, Benjamin
  1651. Shattuck, George Cheyne (1784–1854)
  1652. Shattuck, George Cheyne (1813–1893)
  1653. Shaw, Charles Stoner
  1654. Shaw, John
  1655. Shaw, John Cargyll
  1656. Shecut, John Linnæus Edward Whitridge
  1657. Sheldon, Alexander
  1658. Shepard, Charles Upham
  1659. Sherman, Benjamin Franklin
  1660. Shew, Abram Marvin
  1661. Shew, Joel
  1662. Shipman, Azariah B.
  1663. Shipman, George Elias
  1664. Shippen, William (1712–1801)
  1665. Shippen, William (1736–1808)
  1666. Shoemaker, John Veitch
  1667. Short, Charles Wilkins
  1668. Shotwell, John T.
  1669. Shrady, George Frederick
  1670. Shumard, Benjamin Franklin
  1671. Shurly, Ernest Lorenzo
  1672. Shurtleff, Nathaniel Bradstreet
  1673. Silliman, Benjamin (1779–1864)
  1674. Silliman, Benjamin (1816–1885)
  1675. Simons, Benjamin Bonneau
  1676. Simpson, William Kelly
  1677. Sims, James Marion
  1678. Skene, Alexander Johnson Chalmers
  1679. Skillman, Henry Martyn
  1680. Slack, Elijah
  1681. Slade, Daniel Denison
  1682. Slayter, William B.
  1683. Small, Horatio Nelson
  1684. Small, William Bryant
  1685. Smallwood, Charles
  1686. Smart, Charles
  1687. Smith, Alan Penniman
  1688. Smith, Albert
  1689. Smith, Albert Holmes
  1690. Smith, Andrew Heermance
  1691. Smith, Andrew Murray
  1692. Smith, Ashbel
  1693. Smith, David Paige
  1694. Smith, Elihu Hubbard
  1695. Smith, Francis Gurney
  1696. Smith, George
  1697. Smith, Gouverneur Mather
  1698. Smith, Henry Hollingsworth
  1699. Smith, James
  1700. Smith, James Morven
  1701. Smith, Jerome Van Crowningshield
  1702. Smith, Job Lewis
  1703. Smith, John Derby
  1704. Smith, John Lawrence
  1705. Smith, Joseph Mather
  1706. Smith, Nathan
  1707. Smith, Nathan Ryno
  1708. Smith, Peter
  1709. Smith, Samuel Mitchell
  1710. Smith, Solon
  1711. Smith, Thomas Croggon
  1712. Smyth, Andrew Woods
  1713. Snow, Albion Parris
  1714. Snow, Edward Sparrow
  1715. Solly, Samuel Edwin
  1716. Somers, John
  1717. Somervail, Alexander
  1718. Spalding, Lyman
  1719. Spalding, Matthias
  1720. Spence, John
  1721. Spencer, Pitman Clemens
  1722. Spencer, Thomas
  1723. Spitzka, Edward Charles
  1724. Spofford, Jeremiah
  1725. Squire, Truman Hoffman
  1726. Stabb, Henry Hunt
  1727. Stamm, Martin
  1728. Staples, Franklin
  1729. Staughton, Janies Martin
  1730. Stearns, Henry Putnam
  1731. Stearns, John
  1732. Stebbins, Nehemiah Delavan
  1733. Stedman, Charles H.
  1734. Steeves, James Thomas
  1735. Stein, Alexander W.
  1736. Steiner, Lewis Henry
  1737. Stephen, Adam
  1738. Stephenson, Benjamin Franklin
  1739. Stephenson, John
  1740. Stern, Heinrich
  1741. Sternberg, George Miller
  1742. Steuart, Richard Sprigg
  1743. Stevens, Alexander Hodgdon
  1744. Stevens, Edward Bruce
  1745. Stevens, Thaddeus Morrell
  1746. Stevenson, Henry
  1747. Stevenson, Sarah Hackett
  1748. Stewart, David
  1749. Stewart, David Denison
  1750. Stewart, Ferdinand Campbell
  1751. Stewart, Jacob Henry
  1752. Stewart, James (1799–1864)
  1753. Stewart, James (1846–1906)
  1754. Stewart, Morse
  1755. Stiles, Henry Reed
  1756. Stiles, Richard Cresson
  1757. Stillé, Alfred
  1758. Stillé, Moreton
  1759. Stimson, Lewis Atterbury
  1760. Stockwell, Cyrus M.
  1761. Stone, Alexander Johnson
  1762. Stone, Richard French
  1763. Stone, Robert King
  1764. Stone, Warren (1808–1872)
  1765. Stone, Warren (1843–1883)
  1766. Storer, David Humphreys
  1767. Stoy, Henry William
  1768. Stribling, Francis Taliaferro
  1769. Stringham, James S.
  1770. Strong, Nathaniel
  1771. Strudwick, Edmund Charles Fox
  1772. Suckley, George
  1773. Sutherland, Charles
  1774. Sutton, George
  1775. Sweat, Moses
  1776. Sweetnam, Lesslie Matthew
  1777. Sweetser, William
  1778. Swett, John Appleton
  1779. Swett, John Barnard
  1780. Swift, Joseph Kinnersley
  1781. Swinburne, John
  1782. Tackett, John
  1783. Taliaferro, Valentine Ham
  1784. Taliaferro, William T.
  1785. Tate, John Humphreys
  1786. Taylor, Charles Fayette
  1787. Taylor, George Herbert
  1788. Taylor, Henry
  1789. Taylor, Isaac Ebenezer
  1790. Taylor, John Winthrop
  1791. Taylor, Robert William
  1792. Taylor, Thomas
  1793. Taylor, William Henry
  1794. Tebault, Alfred George
  1795. Temple, John Taylor
  1796. Tennent, Gilbert (1742–1770)
  1797. Tennent, Gilbert (1800–1855)
  1798. Tennent, John
  1799. Tennent, John (1732?–?)
  1800. Tennent, John Van Brugh
  1801. Tenney, Samuel
  1802. Tewksbury, Jacob
  1803. Tewksbury, Samuel Henry
  1804. Thacher, James
  1805. Thacher, James Kingsley
  1806. Thacher, Thomas
  1807. Thayer, Proctor
  1808. Thomas, Amos Russell
  1809. Thomas, Charles Widgery
  1810. Thomas, James Carey
  1811. Thomas, James Grey
  1812. Thomas, Joseph
  1813. Thomas, Richard Henry
  1814. Thomas, Robert Pennell
  1815. Thomas, Theodore Gaillard
  1816. Thomas, William George
  1817. Thompson, Abraham Rand
  1818. Thompson, James Livingstone
  1819. Thompson, Jesse C.
  1820. Thompson, Mary Harris
  1821. Thompson, Robert
  1822. Thomson, Adam
  1823. Thomson, Samuel
  1824. Thomson, William
  1825. Thorndike, William Henry
  1826. Thornton, Matthew
  1827. Thornton, William
  1828. Tiffany, Flavel Benjamin
  1829. Tiffany, Louis McLane
  1830. Tilden, Daniel
  1831. Tilton, James
  1832. Todd, Archibald Stevenson
  1833. Todd, Eli
  1834. Toland, Hugh Hughes
  1835. Tolmie, William Fraser
  1836. Tomes, Robert
  1837. Tomlinson, Harry Ashton
  1838. Toner, Joseph Meredith
  1839. Torney, George Henry
  1840. Torrey, John
  1841. Touatre, Just Charles
  1842. Towles, William B.
  1843. Townsend, David
  1844. Townsend, Solomon Davis
  1845. Townsend, Wisner Robinson
  1846. Trail, Russell Thacher
  1847. Trask, James Dowling
  1848. Treadwell, John Dexter
  1849. Treadwell, John Goodhue
  1850. Trenaman, Thomas
  1851. Trevett, Samuel Russell
  1852. Trimble, James
  1853. Tripler, Charles Stuart
  1854. Triplett, William Harrison
  1855. Trowbridge, Amasa
  1856. Trudeau, Edward Livingston
  1857. Tryon, James Rufus
  1858. Tucker, David Hunter
  1859. Tufts, Cotton
  1860. Tufts, Simon (1700–1747)
  1861. Tufts, Simon (1727–1786)
  1862. Tully, William
  1863. Turnbull, Lawrence
  1864. Turney, Daniel
  1865. Turney, Samuel Denny
  1866. Turnipseed, Edward Berriam
  1867. Tuttle, George Montgomery
  1868. Tuttle, James Percival
  1869. Twitched, Amos
  1870. Tyler, John
  1871. Upshur, George Littleton
  1872. Vallée, Thomas Evariste Arthur
  1873. Van Burden, William Holme
  1874. Vance, Ap Morgan
  1875. Vance, Reuben Aleshire
  1876. Vander Poel, Samuel Oakley
  1877. Van de Warker, Ely
  1878. Vander Weyde, Peter H.
  1879. Van Gieson, Ira Thompson
  1880. Van Rensselaer, Jeremiah
  1881. Vasey, George
  1882. Vattier, John Loring
  1883. Vaughan, Benjamin
  1884. Vaughan, John
  1885. Vermyne, Jan Joseph Bastianus
  1886. Von Ezdorf, Rudolph H.
  1887. Waddell, John
  1888. Wadsworth, Oliver Fairfield
  1889. Wagner, Clinton
  1890. Wagner, John
  1891. Waldo, Albigence
  1892. Wales, Philip Skinner
  1893. Walk, James Wilson
  1894. Walker, Clement Adams
  1895. Walker, Henry O.
  1896. Walker, Thomas
  1897. Wallace, David Richard
  1898. Wallace, Ellerslie
  1899. Wallace, William B.
  1900. Walter, Albert G.
  1901. Wanless, John
  1902. Ward, Richard Halsted
  1903. Ward, Thomas
  1904. Warder, John Aston
  1905. Ware, John
  1906. Warfield, Charles Alexander
  1907. Warren, Edward
  1908. Warren, John
  1909. Warren, John Collins
  1910. Warren, Jonathan Mason
  1911. Warren, Joseph
  1912. Wasdin, Eugene
  1913. Washington, James Augustus
  1914. Waterhouse, Benjamin
  1915. Waterman, Luther Dana
  1916. Waterman, Sigismund
  1917. Waterman, Thomas
  1918. Wathen, William Hudson
  1919. Watkins, Tobias
  1920. Watson, Beriah André
  1921. Watson, Irving Allison
  1922. Watson, John
  1923. Waughop, John Wesley
  1924. Wayne, Edward S.
  1925. Weber, Gustav C. E.
  1926. Webster, James
  1927. Webster, John White
  1928. Webster, Noah
  1929. Webster, Warren
  1930. Webster, William Bennet
  1931. Weeks, Henry Martin
  1932. Weil, Richard
  1933. Weisse, Faneuil Dunkin
  1934. Welch Family
  1935. Welch, William Wickham
  1936. Wellford, Beverly Randolph
  1937. Wellford, Robert
  1938. Wells, Brooks Hughes
  1939. Wells, Ebenezer
  1940. Wells, Horace
  1941. Wells, John Doane
  1942. Wesbrook, Frank Fairchild
  1943. Wesselhœft, Conrad
  1944. West, Hamilton Atchison
  1945. West, Henry S.
  1946. Westmoreland, John Gray
  1947. Westmoreland, Willis Furman
  1948. Wey, William C.
  1949. Wheaton, Charles Augustus
  1950. Wheaton, Levi
  1951. Whelpley, James Davenport
  1952. White, Charles Abiathar
  1953. White, Frances Emily
  1954. White, James Clarke
  1955. White, James Platt
  1956. White, James William
  1957. White, Samuel Pomeroy
  1958. White, William Thomas
  1959. Whitehead, Richard Henry
  1960. Whitehead, William Riddick
  1961. Whiting, Joseph Bellamy
  1962. Whitman, Marcus
  1963. Whittaker, James Thomas
  1964. Whittier, Edward Newton
  1965. Wickes, Stephen
  1966. Widmer, Christopher
  1967. Wiesenthal, Andrew
  1968. Wiesenthal, Charles Frederick
  1969. Wigglesworth, Edward
  1970. Wilbur, Hervey Backus
  1971. Wilder, Alexander
  1972. Wilkins, Edmund Taylor
  1973. Wilkinson, James
  1974. Willard, DeForest
  1975. Willard, Sylvester David
  1976. Williams, Charles Herbert
  1977. Williams, Elkanah
  1978. Williams, Henry Willard
  1979. Williams, Nathaniel
  1980. Williams, Obadiah
  1981. Williams, Stephen West
  1982. Williams, Thomas
  1983. Williams, Thomas Henry
  1984. Williamson, Hugh
  1985. Willson, Robert Newton
  1986. Wilson, Ellwood
  1987. Wilson, Henry Parke Custis
  1988. Wilson, John
  1989. Wilson, Thomas Bellerby
  1990. Winslow, Caleb
  1991. Winslow, Charles Frederick
  1992. Winthrop, John
  1993. Wishard, William Henry
  1994. Wislizenus, Frederick Adolphus
  1995. Wistar, Caspar
  1996. Withington, Charles Francis
  1997. Witt, Christopher
  1998. Witthause, Rudolph August
  1999. Wolcott, Alexander
  2000. Wolcott, Erastus Bradley
  2001. Wolcott, Oliver
  2002. Wood, Edward Stickney
  2003. Wood, George Bacon
  2004. Wood, Isaac
  2005. Wood, James Rushmore
  2006. Wood, Thomas
  2007. Wood, Thomas Fanning
  2008. Wood, William
  2009. Wood, William Maxwell
  2010. Woodhouse, James
  2011. Woodruff, Charles Edward
  2012. Woodward, Joseph Janvier
  2013. Woodward, Rufus
  2014. Woodward, Samuel Bayard
  2015. Woodward, Theodore
  2016. Woodworth, John Maynard
  2017. Woolley, John
  2018. Wooten, Thomas Dudley
  2019. Worcester, Noah
  2020. Workman, Joseph
  2021. Wormley, Theodore George
  2022. Worthington, Edward Dagge
  2023. Wright, Hamilton
  2024. Wright, John
  2025. Wright, Joseph Jefferson Burr
  2026. Wright, Marmaduke Burr
  2027. Wright, Thomas Lee
  2028. Wyman, Jeffries
  2029. Wyman, Morrill
  2030. Wyman, Rufus
  2031. Wyman, Walter
  2032. Wynne, James
  2033. Wynne, Thomas
  2034. Wythe, Joseph Henry
  2035. Yale, LeRoy Milton
  2036. Yandell, David Wendel
  2037. Yandell, Lunsford Pitts
  2038. Yates, Christopher C.
  2039. Young, Aaron
  2040. Young, Daniel S.
  2041. Young, John Richardson
  2042. Young, Joseph
  2043. Young, Samuel
  2044. Zakrzewska, Marie Elisabeth
  2045. Zimmermann, Heinrich
  2046. Zollickoffer, William