Talk:Devonshire Characters and Strange Events/William Lang, of Bradworthy

Vicar William Lang


From searches made I find the name of Lang's daughter to be "Dorothy"and other indicators present one Agnes Parre as being his wife.

NOTE the following extract Devon County Council 24 Jan 2005 ... Coverage: Devon . Bradworthy . Clergy . Lang, William . ... That one William Lang, Clerk, Vicar of the Parish of Bradworthy aforesaid having for about 18 years .... That he causeth Dorothy Lang his daughter to catechise ...

Additionally There was a change of the name for the church from that of St. Peter (a holy well so named is at the rear of the church)to the Church of St. John the Baptist.

Furthermore confirmation re name change can be found at...;jsessionid=E07F984066D491A07C399A27613774BD

A wooden panel listing the various Vicars interestingly gives the sordid details of Lang's termination of tenure... "William Lang, removed for alleged misdemeanour's. Probably died in prison. King James 1"