Talk:Guru Granth Sahib/Siree Raag

in siree raag the word mehl is wrong. it is mahalla. mehla means a woman. when your further link a woman then it expands to the family, husband son daughter and the whole family etc. It never comes again in any other sub sections of siree guru granth sahib as the son daughter or husband as any sub section of siree guru granth sahib. on the other hand mahalla leads to the house town village the world and the universe itself and to siree guru granth sahib itself.further to this discussion the house ( Ghar) is used in siree guru granth sahib time and again. so the word mahalla means a section of a village or a town or siree guru granth sahib is correct.

siri rag. Read and compare


by swarn singh bains

God is one. He is realized by guru’s grace.

Tune siri First Master House 1: If I had a palace made of pearls, inlaid with jewels. Scented with musk, saffron and sandalwood, a sheer delight to see. Do not forget; it means nothing if you do not miss God. ||1|| Without missing God, may my soul be set on fire and burnt.  

15 I asked my guru and understood! There is no other place to go. ||1||Pause|| If the land was a mosaic of diamonds, and the bed was encased with rubies. You enjoy the company of heavenly beauties wearing jewels. Do not forget; it means nothing if you do not miss God. ||2|| If I was a mystic sitting in trance and show miracles! Bring out the invisible at will, so that people are hypnotized by it. Do not forget! It means nothing if you do not miss God. ||3|| If I was a king, raise an army and sit on the throne. Have the authority to issue orders. O Nanak, it is just bowing hot air. Do not forget; It means nothing if you do not miss God. ||4||1|| Siree Tune, First Master: If I live for millions of years and the air was my food and drink. If I live in a cave and never see the sun or the moon and never sleep even in dreams. Still I cannot fathom You. How can I describe Your greatness? ||1|| The true formless Lord lives in that place. You listen from others and preach others; it is accepted only if it pleases Him? ||1||Pause|| Cut the special grass again and again and put into the mill to ground into flour. Burn it to ashes with fire; still I cannot fathom You. How can I describe Your greatness? ||2|| If I was a bird flying high in the sky! No one could see me, neither I eat nor drink anything. Still I cannot fathom You. How can I describe Your greatness? ||3||Page 15. O Nanak, if I have tons of paper to read, I read and am hypnotized by that. If I had unlimited amount of ink and I could write as fast as the wind. Still I cannot fathom you. How can I describe your greatness? ||4||2|| Siree Rag, First Master: Whatever I speak is pre-ordained whatever I eat is pre-ordained! Going to different places is pre – ordained, pre ordained is listening and seeing. Breathing is pre ordained; does not matter whether you read or ask someone. ||1|| O elder; cleanse yourself from the enticement of worldly wealth. The ignorant has forgotten the name of God. He goes nowhere. ||1||Pause|| Life and death come to all. Death over rules everywhere. No one can accompany you where the account is audited. Those who cry at death just tie the bundle of straw; ||2|| Everyone talks about his greatness, no one says any less. No one knows its value. Cannot become great just by talking. O Lord; you are the true master of all beings in the whole world. ||3|| I am the lowest of low O Nanak, You are always with the lowest of low. Who can I compare you the greatest of the great! Where the humble reside; You bless them. ||4||3||  

16 Siree Tune, First Master: Greed is like a dog; lie is like filth, cheating is like eating rotten corpse Slandering others is like putting filth of others in your mouth. The anger of a wicked person is like fire. O my Lord, I keep on admiring myself for no reason. ||1|| O elder, say only which brings honour. Those who do good deeds are good. Those who do bad deeds are bad. ||1||Pause|| The pleasures of gold, silver, women and the pleasure of the fragrance! The pleasure of horses, beautiful beds, the house, the pleasure of sweet treats and the pleasure of hearty meals of meat. These are the pleasures of the body, where is the place for the name of God? ||2|| The words that bring honour when spoken are acceptable. Harsh words bring grief. Listen, O ignorant and fools mind! Whatever is acceptable to Him is good, everything else is a tell tale. ||3|| Wisdom, honour and wealth are in the laps of those; in whose hearts God dwells! What to praise them, they are already great. Why bother questioning them. O Nanak those without the grace of God cherish neither charity nor the name. ||4||4|| Siree Tune, First Master: God the giver has given the colour of falsehood. Intoxicated by the worldly pleasures for a few days you forgot death. Those who found the truth are sober and protected in God’s court. ||1|| O Nanak believe; there is God! Serving Him attains peace; you shall go to His court with honour. ||1||Pause|| As liquor is made fermenting jagry! Same way Godliness is attained fermenting truth. Page 16. I admire those, who listen and explain the truth. Your intoxication will be accepted only if you reach the destiny? ||2|| Those who recite God and do good deeds; fragrance of truth comes out of their body. Then you should be happy. It is the greatest gift. Tell your sufferings to the one who enjoys the comfort and happiness. ||3|| Why forget Him who gave you the soul mind and life. Everything is evil without Him including what you wear or eat. Everything else is false. Whatever pleases You is acceptable. ||4||5|| Siree Tune, First Master: Burn emotional attachment, grind it into ink and make intelligence into paper! Make desire a pen, mind a writer, ask the guru and write what he says. Write and admire His name again and again. There is no limit to it. ||1|| O elder, write this and understand whatever you write. Where the account is asked for, the truth prevails. ||1||Pause|| Where admiration is acknowledged, happiness and enjoyment prevail. The mark of greatness appears on the faces of those who have the  

17 true name in the heart. It only happens if you earned it; does not happen blowing air by talking. ||2|| One comes one goes and people call them generals. Some are born beggars, and some hold vast courts. You find out when you go there, that everything is useless without His name. ||3|| Worried about the fear ahead, the body is getting weaker and weaker. Those called the kings and princes are seen reduced to dirt. Nanak says when you depart; all false attachments are broken. ||4||6|| Siree Tune, First Master: Believe that all tastes are sweet. Hear that the tastes are salty. Say what you want, but what you swallow that affects you. Joy of thirty-six course food is one that is the name of God; the blessed gets it. ||1|| O elder, all these pleasures of foods are useless. The food that gives pain by eating is really a bad food. ||1||Pause|| Colourful wear, mind and body dyed white and give lots of awns. Wearing the blue clothes means to cleanse the soul and walk carefully hereafter. You wear the belt of contentment and called the rich and handsome. ||2|| O elder, all these pleasures are useless. The wear that gives pain, is really the bad clothing. ||1||Pause|| Travel riding an iron clad horse wearing gold ornaments. Bow and arrow and arms are your power. You travel with band and army in honour. That is how you show off. ||3|| O elder, all these pleasures of rides are useless. The ride which gives pain is really a bad ride. ||1||Pause|| The happiness comes reciting the name of God, which happens by God’s grace. Page 17. The command that appeals to you is the true command. Anything else is too much. O Nanak, the true emperor does not take advice. ||4|| O elder, all other sleeping pleasures are useless. The sleep that gives pain is really a bad sleep. ||1||Pause||4||7|| Siree Tune, Master: 1 Body made from saffron, the tongue of jewels, and the fragrance comes out of breath. With the symbol of bathing at sixty-eight pilgrimages on the forehead; he thinks the mind and body is enlightened! Praise God’s name like weaving a cloth is the true virtue. ||1|| O elder, all other wisdoms are useless and irrelevant. If you earn hundred times illicitly, only collects elicit earnings. ||1||Pause|| People worship you calling you a divine saint and beg for every worldly thing. You are admired and included in the class of mystics If this adornment is not accounted for in God’s court; all worship is useless. ||2|| No one can forget those who are adorned by the true guru. They have the treasure of God’s name in them. They attain that status  

18 reciting God’s name. Recite His name, believe in the name. Truth remains truth forever. ||3|| If you do bad deeds, what kind of life is that? All intelligently done deeds are burnt. You shall depart crying. O Nanak if you forget God’s name, you will know what happens in His court. ||4||8|| Siree Tune, First Master: The virtuous spreads virtue; the virtue less suffers in pain. If you long for a true spouse, cannot get the right one doing false deeds. No boat no raft, cannot find Him, because the true beloved (God) is far away. ||1|| My Lord sits on an unshakable perfect throne. If God fulfills it, the devotees achieve immeasurable truth. ||1||Pause|| God’s abode is beautiful, full of gems, rubies, pearls, diamonds surrounded by gold. How can I climb the fortress without a ladder; same way climbing through guru’s teachings you can climb to divinity. ||2|| Guru is the ladder, guru is boat, and the guru is the raft of God’s name. Guru is the boat to carry me across the world-ocean; the guru is the sacred shrine of pilgrimage at the holy river. Those who appeal to Him get cleansed bathing in the ocean of truth. ||3|| Only the perfect can be called perfect. He sits on the perfect throne. His perfect place is beautiful. With His grace the hopeless turns into hopeful. O Nanak if you meet the perfect one, why would your virtues diminish? ||4||9|| Siree Tune, First Master: Come, my dear sisters; let us get together and embrace each other. Let’s get together and tell stories of our all-powerful Husband Lord. All virtues are in our true Lord; we are all virtue less. ||1|| O Creator, all are in Your power. Contemplate guru’s teaching. If I achieve You what else do I need? ||1||Pause|| Go, and ask the happy soul-bride, how did you entice your Husband Lord?” I enticed Him by simplicity, contentment and talking sweet! The beloved husband Lord is realized by listening to guru’s teaching. ||2||Page 18. How big is Your creation, how great is Your blessing. How many are Your beings and creatures, who praise You day and night. How many are Your forms and colours! How many high and low classes? ||3|| Meeting the true one the truth wells up. The truthful absorb in truth. Understanding generates honour; through guru’s teaching the other affects are erased. O Nanak, the true Lord shall unite you with Him by Himself. ||4||10|| Siree Tune, First Master: The good rises high the egotistic dies in the bud. The evil start serving you if you place your faith in the true guru. The grace of the carefree God can renounce the useless schemes! ||1|| O  

19 mind, the falsehood disappears finding the truth. How can you be fearless without fear? The guru-willed merges with guru’s teachings. ||1||Pause|| You can say as much as you want. There is no limit to it. There are many beggars but giver is only one God. He who controls life and death! You achieve peace enshrining Him in the mind. ||2|| The world is a drama staged in a dream played out in a moment. Like minded get together and the opposite minded get up and go. Whatever pleases Him happens; no one else can do anything. ||3|| The guru-willed believes in it. Buying the truth is the genuine buy. Whoever buys the truth is honoured by the perfect guru. O Nanak, he will know if he purchased the genuine article! ||4||11|| Siree Tune, First Master: When likeminded meet each other, they admire each other sincerely. It leaves a permanent tint like the dye of a deep red colour on them. They get contentment finding truth by reciting the name of God all the time? ||1|| O brother, become the dust of the feet of the humble saints. Find guru through the congregation of saints that bestows salvation. ||1||Pause|| Where God resides is a palace on top of a beautiful place. By doing truthful deeds one falls in love with the door of that palace. The guru-willed consoles his mind contemplating with the inner God. ||2|| Doing deeds with flickering mind generates other hopes and anxiety. Cannot eliminate uncertainty of mind without the guru. Once you recognize yourself. God cleanses you by his grace. ||3|| Cannot remove the inner filth without the guru. Cannot live in God’s house without Him being there. Contemplate guru’s teachings and abandon other hopes. O Nanak that is how you attain salvation. I admire those who attain it. ||4||12|| Siree Tune, First Master: The life of a discarded bride is worthless, because she is robbed by duality. It is like the wall of mud that crumbles little by little and falls. Cannot attain peace without guru’s teaching. Suffering does not end without the beloved Lord. |1|| O ignorant; what is the idea of doing makeup without the husband Lord? Page 19. You do not find shelter anywhere; suffer punishment of lies in God’s court. ||1||Pause|| All knowing God does not forget. He is the true farmer of the universe. First He prepares the land, and then He plants the seed of the true name. The priceless treasure is achieved reciting His name. You get what you earn. ||2|| Just knowing the guru, you do not understand what he does, what is his character. The blind forgot God’s name. The self-willed is in utter  

20 darkness. His birth and death never end. Dies and reborn again he suffers in vain. ||3|| Bought sandalwood for smell, applied perfume, put red dye on the head in the hair. Applied saffron, sandalwood oil for scent and betel leaf and camphor for breath. If the bride does not appeal to the husband Lord. All this was a waste. ||4|| The enjoyment of all pleasures is futile and all makeup is useless. Till you contemplate guru’s teachings. Going to guru’s door has no use. O Nanak, she, who loves her Husband Lord is a happy soul bride; ||5||13|| Siree Tune, First Master: The body left behind is scary when the soul goes out from inside. The burning fire of life is extinguished and no smoke comes out. The five senses depart painfully that were engaged in duality. ||1|| O ignorant; recite the name of God. That is the essence of virtues. Arrogance, possessiveness and enticement are all robbed by ego. ||1||Pause||. Those who forget the name of God by engaging in other activities? They die engulfed by the fire of greed and duality in the mind. Those protected by the guru are saved; the cheats cheat all others. ||2|| Love vanished affection departed; hate and opposition died! I am tired of egotistic deeds, false attachments, worldly wealth and anger. You realize the truth if it is in your fate, the guru-willed find no hindrance. ||3| Find the truth by searching the truth through guru’s teaching. That person does not take birth or dies, nor comes or goes. O Nanak he goes to God’s court with respect and honour. ||4||14|| Siree Tune, First Master: The body is burnt to ashes but the mind is still running after the worldly pleasures. Demerits are again in the forefront and falsehood is still the motive. Without guru’s teachings people are doubtful. Duality drowns all with the boat. ||1|| O mind, recite guru’s teachings whole-heartedly; you will swim across. Those who do not realize God’s name will die and reborn again and again. ||1||Pause|| The body in which the true name abides is pure. The body dyed in truth, the tongue enjoys the taste of truth. God’s true glance of grace gives contentment. You do not have to reheat it. ||2|| From the true Lord came the air from air came water. From water He created the creation; He abides in each and every soul. The pure does not get dirty; imbued by guru’s teachings attains honour. ||3|| When the mind is content with truth, then God blesses with His grace. Page 20. The body is dyed by true God’s love; the true light is in the mind. O Nanak, bad deeds disappear; then the guru bestows honour on  

21 them. ||4||15|| Siree Tune, First Master: O Nanak, the boat of truth sails across contemplating guru’s teachings. All those caravans filled with ego will come and go again and again. Stubborn ignorant will drown; the guru-willed will swim across. ||1|| Without the guru, how can anyone swim across to find peace? Keep me as You please. I do not have anyone else but You. ||1||Pause|| I see fire burning in front and lush green behind. One who creates also destroys. True Lord pervades in each and everyone. He shall unite us with Him in His true palace by His grace. ||2|| With each and every breath, I recite Your name I never forget You. More the master dwells in the mind; more the devotee enjoys the nectar. Mind and body are Your O Lord; I will merge in You by giving up ego. ||3|| The one, who created this universe and the atmosphere. The guru-willed will find the divine light; the self-willed will wander in darkness. Divine light is in everyone, can be realized through guru’s teachings. ||4|| Applaud those who have realized God. They have merged with the true Lord. They have been enlightened by it. O Nanak, contentment attains reciting God’s name. My body mind and everything is in His hand. ||5||16|| Siree Tune, First Master: Listen, O my mind my friend; now is the time to meet the Lord. As long as there is breath, there is life; this body will exist till then. Without virtues it is useless; the body shall crumble into a pile of dirt. ||1|| O my mind, take advantage and go home. Guru-willed praises God’s name; the heat of ego disappears. ||1||Pause|| Get connected by listening. Writing and reading eliminates pain. Greed always generates more ignorance and the disease of ego is useless. The carefree God is unweighable; He is realized through guru’s teaching. ||2|| If a person has hundreds of thousands of intelligent ideas, respect and love of Hundreds of thousands! Cannot obtain peace without true congregation. Without God’s name the pain and worry well up. The guru-willed attains salvation by reciting God and searching his soul. ||3|| By selling the body and mind to guru along with soul and head as well. Searched the universe but got satisfaction only by searching God. O Nanak the guru has united me with God. ||4||17|| Siree Tune, First Master: I have no worry of dieing and no desire of living. You take care of everyone by keeping account of every breath and food one eats. O God; You live inside me; judge me the way You please. ||1|| O my mind; the mind straightens up by  

22 reciting the name of God. The inner fire is extinguished; the guru-willed attains divine knowledge. ||1||Pause|| Page 21. You know the inner self meeting the guru and it eliminates all doubts. O friend; the house you are going to go! you have to die living to live. The beautiful divine music can only be heard through guru’s teachings. ||2|| Hearing the divine teachings the ego gets eliminated. I admire those who serve their guru. Enshrining God’s name in the mind it goes to God’s court with you. ||3|| Wherever I see I observe Godly and worldly powers together. The body is bound by three qualities. Whoever comes plays that play. The troubled one departs painfully, the self-willed cannot realize God. ||4|| O detached mind; God resides at home, can be realized by true love. Once a person has the taste of true knowledge; he never feels hungry again. O Nanak divinity attains by conquering the mind and never suffers. ||5||18|| Siree Tune, First Master: This ignorant greedy mind is enticed by greed. Guru’s teaching does not appeal to faithless. He keeps coming and going due to ill will. Meeting the devotee of the guru, realizes God the treasure of virtues. ||1|| O mind, renounce your ego and pride. Serve Lord the guru of all then you shall be honoured in God’s court. ||1||Pause|| O guru-willed, recite God’s name forever and realize the wealth of God’s name. All happiness of God’s sublime essence is attained joining saint’s congregation through divine wisdom. Always every day, recite the name of God following guru`s teachings. ||2|| The false practices falsehood like a dog; he is stuck in slandering the guru. Lost in doubts suffers badly, the devil of death beats him to pulp. Self-willed never attains peace; the guru-willed is enlightened and satisfied. ||3|| You do ill deeds here. Do good deeds, it will be written in your fate and accepted. God`s seeker serves the guru because guru’s teaching is the highest knowledge. O Nanak, never forget His name, you will be awarded graciously. ||4||19|| Siree Tune, First Master: Forgetting the beloved even for a moment, the mind is afflicted with terrible diseases. How can honour be attained in His court if God does not dwell in the mind? Find peace meeting the guru. The ego is converted into virtues. ||1|| O mind, always praise God. It is the real knowledge. Those who never forget the name of God; are rare in the world! ||1||Pause|| The soul merges with soul, mind with mind intuitively. The violence and ego have disappeared as well as skepticism and sorrow. Guru-willed  

23 in whose mind God dwells; is united with God by guru’s grace. ||2|| If a person becomes humble, God enjoys dwelling in him or her. Do not fall in love with the one, who is going to go. Guru-willed is like a married person with whom God enjoys the bed like a spouse. ||3|| Page 22 Eliminating all four fires the guru-willed becomes humble and attains the divine nectar. Enlightened inside enjoys the nectar and gets fulfilled. O Nanak, make friendship with the guru. Attain truth and go to God’s court. ||4||20|| Siree Tune, First Master: O beloved, recite the name of God. Learn from the guru and say God. If mind is touched by the touchstone of truth, it will weigh correct, never fall short. No one can put a price to the priceless ruby that is in the mind. ||1|| O brother; God the jewel is in the guru. It is realized through guru’s congregation praising guru’s teachings forever! ||1||Pause|| True wealth of God’s treasure is obtained through guru’s teachings. As fire extinguishes by pouring water, same way the greed disappears becoming servant of servants (humble). The devil of death will not touch you; this is how to swim across the terrifying world-ocean. ||2|| The guru-willed do not enjoy falsehood because they are truly dyed by truth. The faithless does not enjoy the truth. False enjoys the falsehood. Imbued with truth shall meet the guru. Truthful gets absorbed in the true Lord. ||3|| God the invaluable diamond, emerald, ruby and jewel is in the mind. The wealth of true merchandise the name of God abides deep in every heart. O Nanak, the guru-willed finds the diamond by the grace of great God. ||4||21|| Siree Tune, First Master: The inner fire of doubt never dies even if a person wanders all over the world. If the inner filth is not removed, the life and the robe you wear are worthless. Nowhere else is it possible to worship God without the teachings of the guru. ||1|| O mind extinguish the inner fire through guru’s teachings. Enshrining guru’s teaching in the mind eliminates ego and greed. ||1||Pause|| The mind is a priceless jewel; can be realized by reciting the name of God. God is realized by joining the true congregation and reciting the name of God with love. Achieve inner peace by being humble; get absorbed like water in water. ||2|| Those who do not recite the name of God are full of ill will and will be born and die again and again. One who does not surrender to the guru; drowns in the terrifying world-ocean. This jewel the soul is priceless; and it goes in exchange  

24 for a shell. ||3|| Those who enjoy the taste of guru’s teachings are truly wise persons. Meeting the guru, they cross over the terrifying world-ocean. They are honoured in God’s court. O Nanak, they are happy in whose mind divine tune wells up through guru’s teaching. ||4||22|| Siree Tune, First Master: O businessman, purchase and take care of the priceless merchandise. Buy that merchandise which will stay with you forever. The merchant ahead knows it. He will test the merchandise. ||1|| O brother, recite the name of God with love. Take priceless earned credits of God’s praise with you. God dissects it. 1||Pause|| Page 23. Those who do not have the real merchandise; How can they find peace? By making counterfeit deals, the mind and the body also become counterfeit. Like the deer caught in the trap, they suffer in terrible pain and cry! ||2|| The counterfeit deals do not get sympathy. They cannot realize the Lord the guru. The false have no status or honour. No one succeeds through falsehood. The counterfeit do counterfeit business; they die and reborn in disgrace. ||3|| O Nanak, guide your mind by admiring guru’s teachings. Those who are imbued with the love of God`s name, do not doubt any more. Reciting the name of God a person earns for future. The carefree God lives in the mind. ||4||23|| Siree Tune, First Master second House: Wealth, beauty and youth run around only for a few days. Like the leaves of the nelopher tree, they wither fade and finally die. ||1|| O beloved, enjoy youth as long as you can because this gift does not last long. Not enough time left, tired, worn out and the body has grown old. ||1||Pause|| My beloved friend has gone and slept in the graveyard. I the double minded also have to go. I am crying aloud. ||2|| Haven’t you heard the call in your ears O beautiful soul? You have to go to in-laws; you cannot stay with your parents forever. ||3|| O Nanak, you sleep at parent’s house; understand how the robbers rob in broad daylight. She lost her bundle of merits and taking the bundle of demerits with her. ||4||24|| Siree Tune, First Master, Second House: He is the taster the juice and the drinker. He is the well-dressed bride. He is the bridegroom on the bed. ||1|| My master imbued in love is pervading all. ||1||Pause|| He is the fisherman the fish the water and the net. He is the lobster, He is the pearl inside. ||2|| He is very handsome O sister soul-brides; He is my beloved. The bride enjoys the groom every day; see my plight? ||3|| O Nanak, please listen to my  

25 prayer: You are the lake You are the swan. You are the lotus You are the admirer and enjoyer of beauty. ||4||25|| Siree Tune, First Master, third House: Sow the seeds of goodness in this body field. Irrigate with the name of God. The mind the farmer, grows the name of God in it. That is how divinity is achieved. ||1|| O ignorant! Why are you proud of worldly wealth? Father mother children the whole family. No one comes to help in the end. |Pause|| You do evil useless deeds. You can recite the name of God only by giving all up. When self-discipline austerity and meditation are disciplines; the mind opens up as a result. ||2|| He lives for twenty weeks and lives by three worldly qualities, and death waits for him. Instead, if a person searches for God in twenty-eight scriptures! O Nanak, this is how the salvation is attained. ||3||26|| Page 24 Siree Tune, First Master, third House: Sow seed of priceless teachings of the guru with intent in the soul; irrigate every day with treatment of truth. Grow honesty O farmer. This is how you understand heaven and hell. ||1|| Do not think that you can realize God by mere talks. You have wasted the life in the pride of wealth and beauty. ||1||Pause|| Treating body like muddy water, mind like a frog, you cannot fathom the beauty and fragrance of a lotus. Bumblebee the teacher speaks the truth every day but you cannot understand it, because you do not want to! ||2|| To say or to listen to His name is like the wind blowing, when the mind is dyed by worldly pleasures. Those who recite God`s name with love; God bestows His grace on them. ||3|| Fast for thirty days, pray five times a day, it cannot erase the name of devil. O Nanak, follow the true path, why are you collecting property and wealth. ||4||27|| Siree Tune, First Master, Fourth House: The master who created the universe looks after the creation; also is merged in it. He who has water and land tied together is the admirable Creator! ||1|| O Mullah, death is inevitable. Be fearful of the Creator. ||1||Pause|| You are a Mullah or a Qazi, only if you know the way to salvation! Higher education cannot guide a person to salvation. ||2|| He is a real Qazi who renounces ego makes one name his destiny. God the Creator exists, shall exist, neither gone nor will go. ||3|| Pray five times a day and recite Quran or Bible. O Nanak, the grave is calling, eating and drinking is finished. ||4||28|| Siree Tune, First Master, Fourth House: It is like the dogs, one male and one female together. They keep barking continuously without a reason?  

26 Falsehood is like a dagger; robbing the carcass. I wander like a hunter in the wild, O Creator! ||1|| I have not followed good advice nor have I done good deeds. I am deformed and disfigured. Your name alone can save the world. This is my hope and support. ||1||Pause|| I slander others day and night. I steal from other’s houses. I am a low life! Lust and anger prevail in the wicked minded. I wander like a hunter in the wild, O Creator! ||2|| I have evil thinking although I look like a prince. I am a cheat cheating the world. I think I am very smart but I am carrying the load of sins. I wander like a hunter in the wild, O Creator! ||3|| Neither I did anything nor understand anything, I take everything for free. How can I show my face to You. I am a sinner and a thief. Humble Nanak says by witnessing. I wander like a hunter in the wild O Creator! ||4||29|| Siree Tune, First Master, Fourth House: There is one and the same soul in all beings. No one is created without soul. Page 25. As is the thinking so is their way of life. There is only one account, due to that you keep coming and going. ||1|| O soul, why do you play clever tricks? Everything is accounted for! God does not delay. ||1||Pause|| The beings are Your and You are theirs. O God; who else they complain to? They will complain to You if You come to them. Because You are theirs and they are Your. ||2|| We create bad impression by talking ill. You graciously weigh everything. Where there is desire; there is the real thinking. Without good deeds every action is a loss. ||3|| Nanak requests humbly; what type of person is a learned person? One who realizes his or her self, will understand this. One who contemplates by the grace of guru? Such a learned person is accepted in His court. ||4||30|| Siree Tune, First Master, Fourth House: You the river know and see everything. How I the fish can I find the end? Wherever I look, I see You. I will die if I abandon You. ||1|| I do not know the fisherman or the net. Whenever I feel pain I recite Your name. ||1||Pause|| You are in me but I thought You were far away. Whatever I do; do by Your grace. You are watching yet I deny my actions. Nothing takes place without Your grace. ||2|| Whatever You give, that is what I eat! There is no other door, where I should go. Nanak offers one prayer: This mind and body are Yours. ||3|| You are near far or in the middle. You see everything hear everything; You are the Creator of the universe. O Nanak, whatever appeals to You is acceptable to me. ||4||31|| Siree Tune, First Master,  

27 Fourth House: What did you do or said, yet you are proud. The gift is in the hands of the giver. If it pleases Him, He gives, if not then He does not. Nothing happens by the saying of a created being. ||1|| He is true; truth pleases Him. The spiritually blind are unripe. Unripe fruits are worthless. ||1||Pause|| One who creates the trees looks beautiful? The way He makes them; that is the name of those trees. The type of flowers and fruit, it is going to bear is already written. As we plant, so shall we harvest and eat. ||2|| The wall of the body is temporary so is the soul in it. Intellect without good thinking is tasteless. O Nanak the taste will sweeten, only by His grace. Without God’s name there is no honour. ||3||32|| Siree Tune, First Master, Fifth House: The undeceivable cannot be deceived a sword can wound neither. I live the way God keeps me. The greedy soul keeps wandering. ||1|| How can the lamp be lit without oil? ||1||Pause|| Read Granth Sahib or Puranas; whatever devotion one has that is how much he absorbs. The fire burning inside is extinguished by knowing the truth. ||2|| This is how adding oil lights the lamp! Enlighten yourself; then you realize God. ||1||Pause|| When the lesson is digested. You shall find peace, by doing service (selfless service). Page 26. The whole world continues coming and going. ||3|| Be at service in the world. Then only you sit with honour in His court. Says Nanak; raise your arms in joy! ||4||33|| Siree Tune, Third Master, First House: God is one. He is realized by guru’s grace. I serve my guru single minded with devotion. True guru is the shrine where you can get your desires fulfilled. Achieve whatever fruit you wish by his blessing. Recite His name, long for His name. Achieve peace of mind by reciting His name. ||1|| O my mind, tasting the sublime essence of God eliminates thirst. Those who have enjoyed the taste of God have attained peace of mind. ||1||Pause|| Those who serve the guru obtain the treasure of God’s name. Once the taste of sweetness of God enters inside; the ego and pride disappear. The soul enlightens and achieves inner peace. The cleansed soul recites the name of God and gets accepted in His court. ||2|| Those who serve the guru are rare in this world. Eliminate ego and worldly attachments and enshrine God in the mind. I admire those who are in love with God’s name. Those who collected the treasure of His name are content forever. ||3|| Obtaining God’s name through the guru eliminates the thirst of emotional  

28 attachment. God’s name enshrines in the mind. I am detached from the world in my home. I admire those who enjoy the taste of God’s name. O Nanak, receive His blessing by His grace that is the truth. ||4||1||34|| Siree Tune, Third Master: You make many disguises. Yet practice deception from the bottom of the heart. You will never reach the destiny; get absorbed in filth after death. ||1|| O mind, remain detached in the midst of your household. Whoever practices self-discipline truthfully gets enlightened. ||1||Pause|| Conquer the mind through guru’s teachings and attain salvation staying home. Recite the name of God; it will guide you to meet the devotees of God. ||2|| If one celebrates with thousands of women and rules a large empire. You cannot find peace without the guru. You will keep taking birth and death. ||3|| Whoever wears God’s name as the necklace by the grace of guru? The mystic powers and wealth follow them around but they do not care about it. ||4|| Whatever pleases God happens. Others cannot do anything. Nanak lives by reciting His name that God gave him intuitively. ||5||2||35|| Page 27. Siree Tune, Third Master, First House: Everyone belongs to the one who rules the universe. The guru-willed practices such deeds so that the truth is revealed in the heart. Those in whose mind the truth dwells become truthful. One who realizes truth shall not depart from it and attains salvation. ||1|| My Lord! I have no one but God. Guru is truly the God; God is realized through guru’s teachings. ||1||Pause|| One who receives guru’s lesson attains divinity. God unites him with Him. You cannot meet Him any other way. You will be born and dead again and again. One God abides in everyone and pervades everywhere. Whoever receives God’s blessing. He merges with the name of God. ||2|| The scholars and astrologers read and debate ill-conceived ideas. Their intellect and intelligence is perverted, they cannot understand because they are engulfed by greed and corruption. They keep taking birth again and again and get tired of wandering. You get what you earn. No one can change it. ||3|| Serving the true guru is a difficult task. You have to self-surrender by giving up ego. One meets with God through guru’s teachings, and the service is rewarded. Become enlightened by touching the enlightened. The soul merges with soul. Those who have earned in the past, they meet the guru. ||4|| O mind, do not talk about hunger. Do not cry; one who created the life gives everyone to  

29 eat. The carefree is always kind, He takes care of all. O Nanak, the faithful understands and finds the door to liberation. ||5||3||36|| Siree Tune, Third Master: Those who listen and believe in God’s name; they attain salvation. They praise God through guru’s teachings and obtain his blessing. Those attuned to guru’s teachings get cleansed; I admire them. Those who have God enshrined in the heart are enlightened. ||1|| O my mind, recite the name of immaculate Lord. Those who have earned previously, they miss God whole-heartedly. ||1||Pause|| O Godly saints, watch carefully; God lives at stones throw. Those who follow guru’s teachings realize Him and see Him ever close. God dwells in the minds of the virtuous. He stays away from the unvirtuous. Without virtues the self-willed repent in frustration. ||2|| Those who believe by listening to guru’s teachings, they recite God in the mind. Reciting God all the time, the mind and body get cleansed. The tint of enticing pleasures is temporary. Feel pain when it disappears. Those who are enlightened by God’s name become immortal. ||3|| Page 28. They do not recite God’s name earnestly even after taking this sacred birth! The steps are slipping it is time to go. There is no place to go. This opportunity shall not come again. In the end will repent after departure. Those who receive God’s grace rise being attuned to God sincerely. ||4|| Everyone attempts by seeing others but the self-willed does not understand. Those devotees who are pure at heart, their service is rewarded, sing, read, the praise of God every day, get absorbed in Him by praising Him. O Nanak, those who are attuned to God they speak the truth. ||5||4||37|| Siree Tune, Third Master: Those who recite the name of God intently through guru’s teaching? Their faces are forever glowing in the court of God. They drink the nectar forever by falling in love with the true name. ||1|| O brother the guru-willed is honoured forever. Always recite the name of God; it washes away the filth of ego. ||1||Pause|| The self-willed do not know God’s name. Without the name they lose honour. They do not savour the taste of guru’s teaching; they are attached to something else. The worms of filth fall in filth and get consumed in filth. ||2|| Those who are in harmony with the guru enjoy the fruitful life. Their families also attain salvation; blessed are the mothers who gave birth to them. Those blessed by God recite His name. ||3|| The devotees who recite God’s name become humble by eradicating ego.  

30 They are pure inside out. Truthful merges in truth. O Nanak those who miss God through the teachings of the guru are accepted. ||4||5||38|| Siree Tune, Third Master: God’s name is the wealth of God’s devotees. They do this business by learning from the guru. They praise the name of God forever. Priceless merchandise of God’s name is their resolve. The devotees who recite God’s name by guru’s grace obtain unlimited bliss. ||1|| O brother, make your mind understand; O mind, why are you lazy? Recite God’s name! ||1||Pause|| God’s love is His worship, if the guru-willed thinks correctly. One cannot worship God in duplicity. Talking duality is useless. One who has discerning thinking, does not mix with others. ||2|| The servant who enshrines God in the mind is God’s devotee. He places his mind and body in offering before God by giving up ego. Devotees who are accepted by God are great they never lose. ||3|| Receive this only if you earn, do not receive without earning. Page 29. Whole creation is hungry. Only the blessed are the one whom he unites with Him. O Nanak, the guru-willed realizes God and remains absorbed in the name of God forever. ||4||6||39|| Siree Tune, Third Master: Name of God is the ocean of happiness; the guru-willed realize it. Miss Him all the time and get absorbed in His name with ease. When the mind is imbued with truth; the tongue sings God’s praises. ||1|| O brother, the world is unhappy engaging in other activities. Find peace in the refuge of guru, by reciting God’s name night and day. ||1||Pause|| The truth does not get dirty. Mind gets cleansed by reciting the name of God. Guru-willed realizes God through guru’s teachings, God’s sacred name enshrines in the mind. Guru lit the fire of knowledge and the darkness of ignorance disappeared. ||2|| The self-willed are polluted with filth of ego greed the unwanted desires. The filth cannot be removed without guru’s teachings, they will die and reborn to suffer. Engrossed in the ill-conceived play is neither this side nor that side. ||3|| Guru-willed, meditator self disciplined and content, falls in love with God’s name. O guru-willed; always recite the name of one God! O Nanak, recite the name of God the support of every soul. ||4||7||40|| Siree Tune, Third Master. The self-willed engrossed in emotional attachment, cannot detach him from it. One who does not contemplate guru’s teachings is not respected in God’s court. Imbued with God’s name, the guru-willed gives up ego. ||1|| O my mind that is how the  

31 desire is fulfilled forever. Serving the guru burns the desire; he remains detached in his home. ||1||Pause|| The guru-willed does good deeds, enjoys happiness and feels sad due to separation from God. Always worships God day and night and becomes worry free by eliminating ego. Fortunately I met the company of devotees. Attained salvation and found peace and joy. ||2|| He, who enshrines God’s name in the heart is the devotee and a renounciate. Fire of ignorance does not bother inside because he has given up ego. Guru revealed the treasure of God’s name. Enjoying it fulfilled me. ||3|| Whoever found it has done so in the company of devotees through good fortune by missing God. The self-willed wanders without knowing the guru. He is filled with ego. O Nanak, those attuned to guru’s teachings are dyed in love of God’s name. Cannot do it without devotion. ||4||8||41|| Siree Tune, Third Master: All the priceless merchandise is inside; it can be acquired sitting at home. Only a few guru-willed can become habitual of reciting the name all the time. Priceless treasure of name is in abundance; only a few lucky ones acquire It.||1|| O my mind; give up slandering, ego and useless pride. Page 30. O guru-willed, recite God all the time, one and only one God. ||1||Pause|| The faces of guru-willed become happy contemplating guru’s teaching. They enjoy peace of mind here and hereafter reciting God’s name. They attain salvation living at home through guru’s teachings. Those who turn away from the true guru shall be blemished. They suffer pain forever and get caught in the net of the devil of death. They never have peace even in a dream; they are worried and get burnt. ||3|| One Lord is the giver to all; He bestows all blessings. No one else has any say in it. He gives as He pleases. O Nanak the guru-willed receives it. God knows it. ||4||9||42|| Siree Tune, Third Master: Serve the true master He shall bestow honour. He abides in the mind by guru’s grace and drives away the ego. This mind stops wandering by God’s grace. ||1|| O brother, the guru-willed, recite God’s name! The treasure of God’s name abides in the mind forever and reaches the destiny. ||1||Pause|| The self-willed is blind spiritually and physically; he has no place to rest. He wanders in the life again and again like crow in an empty house. Get enlightened by guru’s teaching and obtain God’s name through his teaching. ||2|| Three worldly qualities are poison of ignorance, so are the worldly pleasures. The greedy worship someone  

32 else. They read scriptures and cry. They die stuck in filth; they are neither this side nor other side. ||3|| Enticed by the worldly wealth they forgot the father and care taker of the universe. They are ignorant without guru; they are at the mercy of devil of death. O Nanak, they shall rise through guru’s teachings by contemplating the true name. ||4||10||43|| Siree Tune, Third Master: Three qualities are worldly attachments; the guru-willed achieves the fourth stage. God unites us with Him by His grace and God’s name dwells in the mind. Those with good deeds are united with the true congregation. ||1|| O brother, guru’s teaching is the true path. Truthful practices truth, merges with truth through guru’s teachings. ||1||Pause|| I admire those who have recognized God’s name. I self surrender to them and follow their will. They get benefit of reciting God’s name and get absorbed in His name. ||2|| You never reach the destiny without obtaining God’s name from the guru. Find such a guru, who shall lead you to God. Live in peace by destroying evil. Whatever pleases Him happens. ||3|| As much devotion one has towards the guru that much peace he or she attains. Do not forget that, only a few have the real devotion. O Nanak two bodies become one soul. It happens through guru’s teachings. ||4||11||44|| Page 31. Siree Tune, Third Master: Those who Search for poison by neglecting nectar and serve someone else. Those who lose faith do not understand anything; they suffer in pain night and day. The self-willed ignorant do not miss God. They drown without water. ||1|| O mind seek God’s refuge forever. If guru’s lesson abides inside, then you do not forget the Lord. ||1||Pause|| This body is the puppet of worldly pleasures. It does evil deeds in ego. They keep coming and going through birth and death, the self-willed lose their honour. Serving the guru attains eternal peace and soul merges with soul. ||2|| Serving the guru brings peace and one’s desires are fulfilled. Abstinence, truthfulness and self-discipline cleanse the body, enshrining the name of God cleanses the mind. Such a person remains blissful day and night. Finds peace meeting the beloved. ||3|| I admire those who seek the refuge of the guru. Attain honour in God`s court and merge with truth. O Nanak, God`s grace unites the guru-willed with Him. ||4||12||45|| Siree Tune, Third Master: The self-willed performs rituals, as the widow wears jewellery. Her husband does not come to the bed, grows weary as the time goes on. She cannot reach husband`s  

33 palace, she cannot find the door to it. ||1|| O brother recite His name single minded with love. Join the society of saints; recite the name of God and find peace. ||1||Pause|| The guru-willed is a happy soul-bride forever. She keeps her Husband Lord enshrined in her heart. She talks sweet, she is humble; she enjoys the Husband Lord in the bed. Admirable is the pure soul-bride; who has infinite love for the guru. ||2|| By good fortune, one meets the guru as a result of previous deeds. Sufferings and doubts are erased from inside and peace obtained. One who walks in harmony with the gurus will, shall not suffer in pain. ||3|| There is nectar in guru’s will. Only a few receive it. Those who receive it drink it. Their ego is eradicated. O Nanak the guru-willed; recite His name and unite with God. ||4||13||46|| Siree Tune, Third Master: Those who offer their body and soul, they realize their Lord. They perform the same deeds as the happy soul-brides do. With ease you shall merge with God. He shall bless you with true greatness. ||1|| O brother; cannot worship God without the guru. Without the guru, worship is not possible, even though everyone may long for it. ||1||Pause|| O innocent bride; you will keep taking birth and death forever through duality. Cannot sleep without the guru, and spend the night twisting and turning. Cannot find God without guru’s teaching. The life is wasted away in vain. ||2|| Page 32. I wandered all over doing egotistic deeds. The wealth does not go with me. The ignorant does not recite God`s name. The devil of death will tie and take you away. Meeting the guru obtains Godly wealth, and recite God`s name in the mind. ||3|| Attuned to God’s name become pure by the grace of guru intuitively. Mind and body dyed by the love of His name, the tongue enjoys and recites. O Nanak, the colour that God has applied from destiny never fades. ||4||14||47|| Siree Tune, Third Master: Worship God by His grace. Cannot worship God without guru. Those whom He unites with Him realize and become pure. God is true; true is His sermon; merge with God through guru’s teachings. ||1|| O brother why did you come to the world if you do not worship God? Did not serve the perfect guru; you wasted your life away. ||1||Pause|| He the bestowal of life and happiness, unites us with Him by his blessing. What the poor souls can do or say to anyone? God bestows honour and guides you to His service. ||2|| Seeing the family, you got attached to them. They do not go with you  

34 on departure. Found the treasure of virtues by serving the guru but did not know its value. God is my friend and a companion. Will protect me in the end. ||3|| You may think or say in your mind but the ego does not vanish without a guru. God the bestowal is the life of His devotees. He dwells in the soul by His grace! O Nanak, by His grace, God bestows admiration, awareness; God blesses the guru-willed with honour. ||4||15||48|| Siree Tune, Third Master: Blessed is the mother who gave birth, blessed is the respected father. He obtained happiness by serving guru, the pride and arrogance have vanished. Standing at God’s door the humble saints serve Him and find priceless gift. ||1|| O my mind the guru-willed; recite the name of God. When guru’s teachings abide in the mind; the mind and body become pure. ||1||Pause|| He came into my soul by His grace and united me with Him by His grace. Praise Him through guru’s teaching and get dyed with His tint with ease. Truthful merges with truth; blended with Him, shall never separate again. ||2|| Whatever is to be done, the Lord is doing. No one else can do anything. United with God after a long time. It happened because guru took me under his wing. He makes me complete the task; no one else can do it! ||3|| Mind and body dyed in His love; eliminate the ego and other useless deeds. The name of carefree formless God enshrines in the mind forever. O Nanak, He unites us with Him through guru’s infinite teaching. ||4||16||49|| Siree Tune, Third Master: Lord of the universe the treasure of excellence is beyond comprehension. He is not realized by mere words but by rooting out ego from within. Page 33