Talk:Henry Ford: Why I Favor Five Days' Work With Six Days' Pay

When was this piece published?


There is only attribution of the author. Nothing about when the piece was published.

The source, World's Work, is attributed, though unreferenced.

== This article contains a full Citation. The Five-Day Week in Industry: A List of References Compiled by Laura A. Thompson, Librarian, U. S. Department of Labor Monthly Labor Review Vol. 24, No. 1 (January, 1927), pp. 237-241 (5 pages)

== Article Citation:

Henry Ford: Why I favor five days' work with six days' pay. World's Work, October, 1926, v. 52, pp. 613-616. Authorized interview by Samuel Crowther. Discusses the economic value of leisure. Reprinted in Monthly Labor Review, December, 1926, v. 23, pp. 1162-1166. ==