Talk:I oppose loosening the rules designed to promote and protect diversity of media ownership

Information about this edition
Edition: 2002
Source: Federal Communications Commission
Contributor(s): -- Cirt (talk)
Level of progress:
Notes: Aaron Swartz. (November 5, 2002). "I oppose loosening the rules designed to promote and protect diversity of media ownership". Proceeding Number: 02-277. Name of Filer: Aaron Swartz. Attorney/Author Name: Aaron Swartz. View Filing: Comment on MM Docket # 02-277 (1). Type of Filing: COMMENT. Exparte: No. Date Received: 11/05/2002. Date Posted: 11/14/2002. Address: 349 Marshman Highland Park, IL 60035.;jsessionid=DqQ4TY7HyTBNbP23RqpzcrwpSx3dDqRJp72DNNnvzFqvhQXdhTmZ!1675925370!1281169505?id=5508457578 and;jsessionid=l3tvT2pfz5HptL8d0MfXfg9GqB9r0X2km1j2f1pwMpq5Q7rlcsjz!74404766!1565474435?id=6513307442