Information about this edition
Edition: The version with archaic spelling comes from a 1972 Reprint from AMS Press New York of 1872 Fuller Worthies Library edition edited by Alexander B. Grosart. This is not available online (as far as I know). The version with modern spelling comes from The Oxford Book of English Verse 1250–1900, edited by Arthur Quiller-Couch, 1919. It is identical to many other modern printed versions of this poem.
Source: The Fuller Worthies Library edition is not available online, as far as I know. The modern version from the Oxford Book of English Verse is available at . There is also a modern version taken from an American edition at .
Contributor(s): Cowardly Lion
Level of progress: Some help is needed with formatting, in case it's possible to have both versions side by side.
Notes: Some editions break the lines in half and publish this as a thirty-two line poem instead of a sixteen-line poem.
Proofreaders: Cowardly Lion

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