
చే che, postpos. vide చేత cheta, s. The hand ; as చేసంజ్ఞ chesamjna, A sign of the hand. చేకుఱు-చేకూడు, చేకూడు cheknrru-chekudu, chekiiclu, To succeed. 2. To obtain ; to acquire.

చేకట్లు ehekatlu, s. Bracelets, composed of coral and gold beads.

చేగ chega, 5. Strength. చేగలమెకము chegalamekamu, An elephant.

చేట cheta, s. A winnowing basket. చేటచెవులమెకము chetachevnlainekamu, s. lit. The beast with ears like a winnowing basket.

చేటకొల్లారు chetakollaru, s. A square yard, with houses on three sides.

చేటు chetu, s. Destruction, ruin, perdition. 2. Misfortune, disaster. చేటుగాలము chetugalamu, A disastrous period.

చేడియ, చేడె chediya, chede, ■ s. A woman.

చేత cheta, j905^)05.This postposition^ sometimes contracted into చే che, is the sign of the ablative termed instrumental.

చేత cheta, s. Doing; an act : action.

చేతనము chetanamu, s. An animal, or existent being.

చేతి cheti, adj. Bitter. చేతిపొట్లతీగె chetipotlatige, The^ plant termed Trichosanth.es laciniosa, used as a stomachic laxative medicine.

చేదారము chedaramu, s. Loss, waste, diminution.

చేదు chedu, 5. Bitterneess. adj. Bitter.

చేదు chedu, v. a. To draw in, or up, with each hand alternate! v ; as in pulling in the string of a paper kite, or drawing up water in a pot, from a deep well.

చేద cheda, s. Drawing in. or up, as above.

చేను chenu, s. A field of dry grain only. 2. A crop.

చేప chepa, s. A fish. చేపరాశి cheparasi, The sign Pisees.

చేపు ch^pu, v. n. Milk to flow. s. The act of milk flowing.

చేమిరి chemiri, s. The sour milk cast into fresh milk, to make it curdle.

చేయి cheyi, s. vide చెయ్యి cheyyi.

చేయు cheyu, v. a. To do. 2. To make. 3. To cause. 4. To perform. 5. To frame, v. n. To be worth.

చేయించు cheyintsn, v. Cans. To cause to do, &c ఉపకారముచేయు upaka- ramucheyu, To do a favor. వాడుమాటప్రకారముచేసినాడు vadumata- prakaramrichesinadu, He performed his promise.

చేరు cheru, s. The native soup, usually termed Muligatany ; more pro- perly Melugutannir, from melugu, Tam. pepper, and tannfr, water.

చేరు cheru, v- n. To arrive ; to reach a destination; to De received ; to come to hand. 2. To be attached to , or connected with. 3. To be added, or joined to. 4. To be in- cluded in. 5. To be assembled, or collected. 6. To enter as a member, among any particular class of men, or into any sect, or profession, v. a. To lean upon.

చేరబారు cherabaru, v. n. To arrive. 2. To assemble together.

చేరుకొను cherukonu, v. Comp. To lean upon.

చేరుచు, చేర్చు cherutsu, chertsu, v. a. To cause to arrive, or reach. 2. To join, unite, mix, combine, include, add to, or accumulate. 3. To assemble, or collect others, in a body. 4. To admit as a member,in- to any class, sect, or profession.

చేరిక cherika, s. Junction, union. 2. Approach, contiguity, proximity. 3. Familiarity.

చేరువ cheruva, s. Neighbourhood. 2. An assemblage ; an army, consi- sting of infantry, cavalry, elephants, and chariots,

చేరుగొండి cherugondi, s. A female treated as a wife, without the re- gular marriage ceremony.

చేరుడుబియ్యము cherudnbiyyarnu, s. Bice not perfectly pounded.

చేఱ cherra, s. The hand, held so as to contain any thing. చేఱెడు cherredu, A handful,

చేఱు cherru, s. A string of flowers, &c. 2. A chain. 3. A rope. చేవ cheva, s. Strength, courage, force. 2. Hardness. 3. The heart of a tree.

చేవాడికాడు chevadikadu, s. A thief, one of the light fingered caste ; also an off-hand story teller.

చేష్ట cheshta, s-. Gesture, posture. 2. Grimace. 3. Behaviour, manners.

చేసి chesi, postpos. From, by. This postposition is found in books only, subjoined to verbal nouns, or to nouns denoting inanimate things. This word is also the past verbal participle of the verb చేయు cheyu, v.