
మే me, s. The body.

మేక meka, s. A goat. మేకదిండి mekadindi, s. A wolf. మేకపోతు mekapotu, 5. A he-goat. మేకరాసి mekarasi, s. The sign Aries, in the zodiac. మేకసొరము mekasoramu, 5. One of the seven primary notes of music. మేకపిల్ల mekapilla.s.Akid. పెంటిమేక peutimeka. j. A she-goat.

మేకు meku, 5 . A nail, tent pin, or hook.

మేకొను mekonu, v. a. vide మెయికొను rneyikonu.

మేగు megu, v. a. vide మెత్తు mettu.

మేఘము, మేఘుడు meghamu,meghudu, s. A. cloud.

మేజా meja. s. A table.

మేటి meti, a$. First, chief, excellent, noble, s. A heap. 2. The chief, or head, of a body, especially of under ryots.

మేడ meda, 3- A house of two or more stories.

మేడి medi. s. The glomerous fig tree. Ficus glomerata. 2. That part of the plough-haudie which joins into the plough. మేడితోక melit -ka, s Thar part of the plough-handle which is held in the hand. మేడిసీల meflisila,^. The naii or p n, which fixes the handle to the plough

మేత meta, s. Pasture, forage, food for any animal. 2. Grazing- vide మేయు rneyu

మేతరి metari, s. An eater 2 A maistry, or head of the lower castes, such as of the palankeen bo}'s, washermen, cowherds, toddy drawers, &c.

మేదకుడు medakudu, 5. A meek, or mild man. మేదకురాలు m'dakuralu, s. A meek, or mild woman. మేదతనము madatanamQ, s. Meekness, mildness.

మేదర mcd&iw, adj. Of or belonging to that peculiar caste who cut bamboos, and live by selling them, or bast ets, &c. Made of them. మేదిని medini, s. The earth.

మేన mena, adj. Connected through a paternal aunt,or a maternal uncle. మేనగోడలు monagodalu, 5. The daughter of a man's sister, or of a woman's brother. మేనల్లుడు meualludu, s. The son of a man's sister, or of a woman's brother. మేనత్త menatta, s. A paternal aunt, or the wife of a maternal uncle. మేనమామ inenamama, s. A maternal uncle. మేనబావ menabava,s. The son o^a paternal aunt, or of a maternal uncie, if older than one's self. If he be younger than one's-self, he is termed మేనమఱది ^Q. menamarradi. మేనవదినె menavariine, s. The daughter of a paternal aunt, or - of a maternal uuc;e, if Older than one's-self. If she he you ger than one's-self, she is termed మేనమఱదలు menamHrradalu.

మేను menu, s. The body.

మేపరి mepari, s. An eater.

మేయు meyu, n. a. To eat food, as applied to any animal ; to graze, or eat grass. మేపు mepu, v bans To cause animals to eat ; to feed, or graze, cattle, &?c. s. vide మేత m£ta. మేపించు mepintsu, v. Cans. To cause another to feed animals, or to tend cattle in grazing.

మేర mera, s. A limit, or boundary. 2. An instalment, 3. A quantity of corn, given from the thrashing floor, to the hereditary servants of the village, as their established fees of office.

మేరువు meruvu, s.A bead, suspended from the clasp of a. necklace.

మేలము melamu, s. Laughter, ridicule. మేలమాడు melamadu, To laugh at? to ridicule.

మేలిమి rMimi, s. Pure gold. 2. Advantage, profit,

మేలు melu, s. Goodness, excellence. 2. Worthiness, fitness. 3. Happiness, prosperity- 4- Kindness, benefit. 5. Success, adj. Good, better, noble, excellent 2. Fit, proper. 3- High, lofty, adv. Above, up, interj Expressive of approbat, on. మేలుకట్టు mehikattu, s. An awning. మేలురాశి melurasi, s. A heap of grain ready, or fit, for measurement. మేలుచేయు m'micheyu, To do a kindness, or favor ; to bestow, a benefit. మేలుయెరుగు meluyerugu, To be grateful.

మేలుకొను-మేల్కొను, మేల్కను meluko_ nu-melkonu, melkanu, v. n. To awake of one's self, to be awake. 2. To be on one's gaurd. 3. To be roused. మేలుకొలుపు meiukolupu, To awake another. మేలుకొలుపులు melukolupulu, s. plu. Songs, used to awake the great.

మేలుబంతి melubanti, 6-. An excellent person. 2. A piece of good writing, to be copied by a person learning to write, adj. Excellent.

మేళము melamu, s. A band, set, or company of dancers, or of singers. 2. The music used by them. మేళగాడు melagain, s. A musician, or dancer.

మేళవించు melavintsiv v. a. To mix. 2. To unite in harmony the sound of various instruments.