Usage edit

This is the header for The Hong Kong Government Gazette.

{{HKGovGazette header
|date     = 
|date_c   = 
|vol      = 
|vol_c    =
|number   = 
|number_c = 

Example edit

{{HKGovGazette header
|date     = SATURDAY, 11TH NOVEMBER, 1893
|date_c   = 日四初月十年已癸 日一十月一十年三十九百八千一
|vol      = XXXIX
|vol_c    = 九十三
|number   = 50
|number_c = 十五

Parameters edit

All template parameters are required.

The day, followed by the date of publication, written in capital letters, in the format of SATURDAY, 11TH NOVEMBER, 1893
The volume of the publication, written in Roman numerals capitalised (e.g. XXXIX).
The publication number (e.g. 50).

The parameters with "_c" at the end indicates the Chinese version of the parameter, written from right to left.