Background information


A verified copy of an enactment from Hong Kong e-Legislation (HKeL), the official legal database of Hong Kong, is the official consolidated version of that enactment on the stated date. The status of verified copies derive from section 5 of the Legislation Publication Ordinance (Cap. 614), which stated as follows:

5. Status of verified copies of database instruments

(1) A copy of a database instrument—

(a) that is published on or printed directly from an approved website; and
(b) that bears an official verification mark,

is a verified copy of the instrument.

(2) A verified copy of a database instrument is presumed, unless the contrary is proved, to correctly state the instrument as at the date specified in the copy.

Legislation Publication Ordinance (Cap. 614)s. 5

As per English Wikisource practice, no consolidated version are to be created for enactments. The verified copies on HKeL therefore serve as an important reference of development of enactments after gazettal.



This simple template creates a link towards HKeL, and states the earliest verified copy available. Take the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap. 1) as an example, by typing in its chapter number and the date in which the earliest verified copy was published:

{{HKeL-verified|1|24 February 2017}}

one obtains:

A verified copy of this enactment exists on Hong Kong e-Legislation since 24 February 2017.

This also works for enactments that does not have a chapter number, such as Hong Kong Reunification Ordinance (110 of 1997), as long as the unofficial reference number was inputted instead of the chapter number.

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