inset left ({{il}}), inset right ({{ir}}), and their big brother, inset, creates an inset note one the edge of a block of text. In essence it is just a floated HTML <span> with some sensible default margins. inset left and inset right default to floating in the relevant direction while inset lets you specify the direction.


  • {{il|Left note.}}
  • {{ir|Right note.}}
  • {{inset|Left or right note.|float=left/right}}

All the variants also accept margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, and margin-left to set that margin explicitly. They all take CSS units and have reasonable defaults. In particular, for a left-floated note the left margin is zero, and for a right-floating note the right margin is zero. While you can play tricks with funky values for the margins please exercise some restraint: if the defaults for these are not sufficient, then think carefully about whether this template is actually intended to achieve the effect you're after.

To set per work styles for width, and font-style, set a style for .wst-inset-user as an index style for a specific Index:.