Titled Proper Poem.

Template for poems for personal use (by Alien333, tell me if it messes up or needs to be updated).

This is {{ppoem}} except it makes a title, but I also put here in general things I would like for poems. Means I will also use this on not-title pages sometimes.

  • 1/title the title of the poem.
  • 2/text the text of the poem.
  • st/start and e/end are passed, respectively, to the first and the last poem delimited by >><<.
  • All the rest is also passed to ppoem.

The full parameter names always take precedence over the abbreviation if both are available.

If text and 2 are not given, 1 will be assumed to contain the text (title will always be the title).

This aims to factorize formatting, with the title having class .ws-poem-tpp-title and the first words[1] .ws-poem-tpp-first-words.

(This template will not make empty titles or poems.)

Other things:

  • >><< (on its own line) delimits centering, meaning makes the centering of different parts of the poem independent.
  • Relative indents: +[digit]> (at beginning of line) indents the line exactly the length of the line respectively [digit] lines above (for 1 line you can just do +>).
  • ; (at beginning of line, as many as you want) does a reverse indent (opposite of :)
  • _..._ (on its own line, instead of a stanza break): makes a break [number or _'s] lines high




{{tpp|Showing Everything|
{{fqm}}There is often
A quotation from another poem
Centered apart
Other Times,
:The Start
Has Very
:Short Lines
But then it gets much longer
(Only do this if in the original,
It is centered differently)

Sometimes, after a while,
And often irregularly, it 
does this.

^>And the next stanza picks
Up where the last one left.
Other times,
+> It's not on
A Stanza break, or even
It picks
Up on a line
From a while ago
+3>Like this one does
Other times, in plays
Most lines are indented
Except for the name of those speaking

;{{sc|Someone else}}
And it would be a bore
To indent all the other lines
So it's simpler to reverse indent
Those that are annoying
I think that's it—no, it's not
Because sometimes you need
Longer stanza breaks}}
Showing Everything
"There is often
A quotation from another poem
Centered apart

Other Times,
The Start
Has Very
Short Lines

But then it gets much longer
(Only do this if in the original,
It is centered differently)

Sometimes, after a while,
And often irregularly, it
does this.

does this.And the next stanza picks
Up where the last one left.
Other times,
Other times, It's not on
A Stanza break, or even
It picks
Up on a line
From a while ago
It picksLike this one does
Other times, in plays
Most lines are indented
Except for the name of those speaking

Someone else
And it would be a bore
To indent all the other lines
So it's simpler to reverse indent
Those that are annoying
I think that's it—no, it's not

Because sometimes you need
Longer stanza breaks

No description.

Template parameters

Title1 title

The title to put on top

Text2 text

The text of the main poem

Ende end

Same as ppoem's end

Suggested values
close follow stanza
Auto value
Startst start

Same as ppoem's start.

Suggested values
open stanza follow
  1. selected by the pretty consistently applied criteria of at least two letters a word at a time. The first words class is only applied when there is no HTML/mw formatting on that line