Terræ-filius: or, the Secret History of the University of Oxford/Terræ Filius No. V

Terræ-Filius. No. V.

Σκληρόν σοι προς κέντρα λακτίζειν.

Saturday, January 28.

I Find that the reverend Dons in Oxford are already alarm'd at my appearance in publick, as may be seen by the following letter, which no body there can doubt to be genuine, when he reads the particulars it contains. w Terra-Filius. "t;ne buildings at .alii-Souls and Chrifi-Ohu?�h col. ,' lefts, tho' long at a ?and, were now like to go "o?i that contri.bufions came in apace l that ea? "day brought w:th it its benera&ion; and there- ,' fore, the ma? 0/7 God doubted not but that very "loon oxford ?vould be j?ught tear, wen i? Oxford. "In this, and in th!s only I agreed with his Cor?a- "leney, our preaching advocate. "It is expe&ed here, that you will vindicat? "your?lf againR this gro/i, foam. ing divine, whole ,' name I need not mention; it ?s fufficient to tell "you that he is a grave * H�,?t? of a college. if ,' you do your felfjultice in this, you {hall ha?e "more intelligence from ' .Where is not a wore! in the ?oelifts language, which bas more envy and ill-will attending it, than Reformation: it has indeed a terrible found, and ?ons much uneafine/i and ill humour in the minds -. o5 my loving countrymen and fellow-fubjeCts. Re. formatica neceffarily implies corruption.and moll pe6- pie are as loath to 'hear of tl,eir own faults, as they ?te willing to difcover tho�e ol; others. I never card .of any Re.?rmation either in church or date, ubliek or rivate, but what was ttrenuoufly o po- P p . P {id by thole, whom it a?.&ed molt, with popular d:mour, and unjutt infinuauons. A madman never thinks himfell mad; and a l?e:vgate bird can't abide to hear of the Se?ons. The bed: men, and .the belt things in the world, have, moil of them, rocknames fix'd upon them, to

Terr-Fitim', v, render them odious or ridiculous to the'common ?a?; which a ertain et o entlemen whom love ancl honour, have a deve? knack at doing: the]/ can ?frly explain liberty into licentioufnefi, mercy into fear, juttice into cruelty, wiflom into chance, and chance into wifdom. In the fame manner �orm?tion bei_? ?n h?rmlefs, unexceptionable word ?)-F?:elt; they ?ve chmg_ed it in.to.i.noth?, which c?rries a very bad found ?ong w?th it, l N Nov By this rehgious fright of hand, they haw per. (ua&d many ignorant ix?le out of their fenres, made them believe that to reform is to .aemotifi, ? that to redrexq grievances is to commit ?'tevances; aucl that to punifh offen&xs is to o?pms the inn0. cema'he eentlemen of the univerfities have �ucceede3 wonder?ully, by the help oF th? lege,.?.rn.ain, _u?on the weakneff and ignot. ance ot mankma. 'l'ney have perfuadcd the mulumde, that a or mentary zi[�tation of' the univerlitie? w? prove the �- - �' ' ii cermn and total exttqrauon of learning and rd g- on. - And oh! that it were the multit#de that they have thus perfuaded ! To fuppo. rt this delufio. n, ?.ey keep their ,:,?,?, aecl o?evances to themielves .as much as they ?an""i �r ?-?g corruptions and grievances, of which themfdves are the authors, they axe fo rnod? not to &fire any redre? or remedy: they think an ill bird which befouh his own nejt, _and there.fore tenderl hufh u their ownfcandalous ra6hces, the y P P . andYbrand all complaints and informations a.g?nft them, with the infamous name of difobedienc�, undutifulnefi, and ingratitude,, ?. to their alma This trick, as fhallow as it is, has kept man)i I!oneft gentlemen From difco.veting wtrat they cout ?ot heF? coMemr/me in 'their hearts: they will not r - them.

v. Terrte. Fi!iu. themfe!ves l:e oonfpirators in fraud; neither will they in orra ainft their brethren, which the thinig difi?onourable and fcandalous: all men dare not com- bat with a!umny and ill ufigei all men are Werra-FdlusS. You ?e, reader, that I had no ?ooner undermke? this task, but.l railed a ne? of holy ?0 and hor- nets about my ?rs? an huge old drone, grown an exee?ve bulk upon the fpoi!? o? many year?, has thought fit, you ?e, to ?tI me t?r?i?le begore his learned audience, at st M?ry', church Oxvouu. it is, it feems, an HE?L?sM A?rZMPT endsyour to bring about a reformation o? the verfities; and ir is DAR?O and ImvlOU? in ?e tO fide ray, If a FRtE-Tm?ER and a FREE-SP?AKER: poor man? poor man? What, art a?aid ! ?ould tell talcs out of fchool, how a certain fat do?or got be3-maker with child, and plaid ?veral other un- lucky pranks? That would be D?Rx? and indeed. No, no, never tier rhy l?lg mani I love a ?retff ?omm? myfelh and I never &fire any better ulige in the world, than as I do unto others, to do?te unto m?felf. 8o? erat in z'otis. Howeve(, the next time you mount the pulpie aforefiid, what, if among? all the ?ying fins this wicked age, you fl?ould men,?on and adulter, and give them a entle rebuke, or Never f?r, the women wall t[mk neer the fo worfo of you? they know you are ?ldom in earne? there: betides, you know, ?ople wili be apt to guefs at twenty fooli? reafons why tho).tm tra? gre?om, in Drticu?r, are le? out of'the 1ogue. , ? - Now will I be judg'd by the borld, whether Ouch ? ?iend as I have proCd myfelf to be to this pi? do&or, dearyes, in return for all his feevice:i: fuch unkind ufige and fcurvy ap?llations as I met with f?om him i but rome m? ? the

won't fhew you common good manners, u�e theta .never fo civiliy: ! proreit, I have a vail ref?�? for all the reverend t?ead? and governors of colleges hai?s in both univerfities? and I am refolv'd, it illall not be my fault, ifr there is any mi[uruterflanding be. I am glad, with all my hear?, to hear that the new buildings at �hri.#-Church and ?11-$ouls col- leges go on again, and that contributions come in apace, as mention'd by the do&ori but I would not have them fet their minds too much upon ne?, qua. drangles, and empty libraries, and i?acious halls, and coftly chapels, and painted windows, and marble ?'lltar-pieces? and large cellars, and fine gardens, and flable,, and co,,cl?-houp,, and p, mmer-houp,, &c. fly, do&or, I would not have them fpend all their time in contriving and gaping at there things; but ?et apart, at leaR, one day in a quarter of a year, the lot ttudies of phiIofophy and religion. 1'11 affure you, I have heard rome bitter men, friends to the univerfity, obferve That, of late years, ?iences and arts hax e dedin'd in Ox?rd, in propor- tion as their fineries have increa?d. Nay, I myt?lq, when I fee a fellow mightily be- �patte?'d with lace and embroidery, am very apt to fufpe? his infide, and fly to myfelf, I warrant you, that fellow there has room enough in his nod- rile. But how, will you fay, can I compare the fa- mous uuive?fity of Oxvo?n to a ridiculous Londo?: Fop? I will conclude this paper, which i write in vi'.;- tlication of relyfell againt? the afpe?fions or' my ene. mies, with telling you a merry f?ory,?and a very When I had publifh'd my two firf? papers, I ?unter'd about town, like o, her half-fl?eet au:hor? from one coffee-houfe to another, and mingled my- fell in all the/r ca?, to hear what wa? hid of my .. lucubrations.

lucubrations. I will not here give an account o� what various turns of mortification and plealure I we.nt through upon this occafion? but will only ac- quaint my reader with one paf?ge: going into a certain famous coffhe-hou? not t?r t,'om Temple- Bar, I law a chfter of' gentlemen talking together? as loon as I got amongft them. one of them ask'd whether they had ?en the new paper, call'd T err,?- Filius ? To which an eminent 0 x v o R r? profeffor, who was prd?nt, anfwer'd, that he had, and could ?ffure them, upon his aflronom/�al word and ?our, that there was nothing in it, but lies, and impudence, and �currility ? 0 x v o ?t r?, laid he, is a learned and blaretie/3 fociety. What, fiid another gentleman, ate there no abu�es, Sir, no corru?tion?, no frauds, no debauchery, no difloyalty, no perjury', nothing of this nature in Oxford? None, at all, re- plied the learned prolixflor. No, faid the gentleman again ? not in M E a ? o ? college, Sir ? Hum ! why, indeed, quoth hk profeffor?ip upon this, yes, really, I have heard of firange doings there. And ought nor, faid the gentleman, thoii: flrange doings to be correc"kd? Sir, fiid the profeffor, we have nothing to fay to Merton college; we don't look upon it any part of the univerlity ? they are all rank

?anc?cs, $zr, and �o brufla d off ,n a pailion.

?$ ?Ferr?-?ilius. ? o v?; T E R R,;E-F I L I U S. N � ,?ui? tulerit Gaaccao? de fiditione ?luerentes .? Juven. It LL t __ ._"?- -'- ' -? O Y A L T Y and veneration for crown'd 1:.?.?? i b,ad, are two things for wbichOx- I?.?_ L .?.: vonD has mo? ex?ava ?ntly celebrated , g t?? it?ff of Ate years. St. M, ? ?'s pul- pit tin? eternally with th?s fulfome t?ick, efpe?lly upon the thirtieth ?ua?, and the twen?-ninrh of Mq; at which ?m? (afi? a long-wind? def?ipfion of the hot- mrs and cflamitis which were occafion'd by the ?rg ? and of the glory aM hap?inefi which were re- immoral honour the ? of tit ?r?$?t?, in ?r- x, ,.?, ohtfin'd by their inviol?]e adherence ?o the ?yal ?u?, even (?s o?e off them not lon? a?o ?alb. Bu? it is vemarkdble tMt they never talk fo much of loyalty, as when they are pr?chiug up treafon ?d re?]iion: the ?rfon I alluded to in the laR par&. gnph is a notorious infl?ce of this; whb, about ?o y?rs a?o, pr?c? a f?mon fu? of nothing el? but fMidon an] compliments u on his old . ' p ? her, which [?moa the Lord?-ju?ices of the r??m ( in t? King's ablenee) ordet'd the vice-chancellor ? pro?te accox?g to ?e Katute, though be was

o Terr-Filiu 9 ?ot plea?d to o?ey_ their orders. A full ac�ollrlt this fhall be the ?ubje& of Come future papers, l ?e a proper opportunity. By l?yal7 is generafly underaoo3 a firm and dy afie&ion to the lawful prince of our country, Co as ?o be ready, upon all juff occafions, to ven?re our iives and tortunes in h?s ?rvice: but finee, in thef? days of ?k?ion and divJfion, there are alway? two and rometimes more contendin ?rties, and fince bo?h or all o? thcte parties call their own caufe the ?u? caufe, and their own tide the right fide, the word 1oyaby, like innumerable other words, is come a meet found, without any certain meaning for as there is no common point agreed upon, where t?alty ought to centeri or, which is the time, as me rights and titles, and powers of Kings are eve- ry day dit?uted, upon which only the meafures loyalty depcnd? lo alt and d?ioyalty, proceeding out of d}?rent mouths, have a? equivocal fignification, and ?e pe?etually jumbled and confus'd. Thus 0 x v o a n was always remarkable for it? loyalty; that is, it always ef?uk8 one fide or was always warm and a&ive, and meddling ?n the intereR o? tbme ?h. ourire prince, or tyrant, or ufur- per, or rebel, or inva&r, or pretender; (in defiance? many times, o? oaths, abjurations, and deeee$ to the ?ontrary,) who beh? thus honour? with its trona e, was immediately dubb'd a ?nter patrie? ? g and became the anointea of the Lord. To tflk of Oxvo? loyalty in any other fenfe dull banter and wimace? the En?iflJ hi?ry of black in?ances of its per:'erfene?s and difobedien? to good princes? and oF its tartly and adulation to bad ones ? of its perpetual murmurings again? all governments that did not make much of them, and of its humble fubmi?on, and dutifd refignation to thole which were flways adding to its chaters privileges.

30 Terre-Filiu. vx, It is indeed a place which has been �o much noted �ot fa?ion and turbulency of f?ifit, that it became a monkifh proverb? Chronica fi pen]}s, cum t?ugnant Oxonienfes, t'ofi t?au�o$ me?$, volat ira per Angligincn�ea. You fee, reader, what ,dmbidexters in loyalty thet? .boafling [choolmen are i whatever they call the right, ?s infil!ibly the right i and whatever they call loyalty is undoubtedly fo, though to your ?yes it may look like quite the contrary. Thus, an ?gnorant fanatick may perhaps call it treafon, and /bdifion, and the Lord 'knows what, for a parfort, at this time of clay, to preach in defence oI' the Pretender. But, fly the reverend g?nmen, he is our rightful heredi. tar), King, and therefore it is loyalty to defend his title againit all the wicked powers of this world. fly, Izut, flys the fanatick, why then did you fwear him out of his ellate? Does it become loyal fub- je&s to abjure their hwful rince, and fwear to the Ufurper in poffeflion ? Undoubtedly, flys fither minick, provided perjury is the only method left to reftore him.: it is n& indeed, flys he, juflifiable ad hoe, as ?t is a ?vicked oath? but it is juftifiable, stuo.?d ill#d, as it conduces to a good end. It is plain, therefore, that they are the loyaleft lads alive at Oxrouu? for they will take oaths, though never fo bad5 and break oaths, though never fo gooc15 they will lye, fhuffle, evade, prevaricate, and t?ick at uothing to ?referve their lo?'alty.---To make this plain to a demonttvation, I will give ]you a sketch. of their loyalty for a few years pall. What chuld be a greater mark of'loyalty !n the forts of /fis, than their publifhing a decree, m the reign of Charles II. condemning, as unthrifii? and darrmabk, all manner of r?fianee towards pnnces, even in cafes o? the utmol? extremity ? What could difcover

w. Terra-Filiz:s. difcover greater refignation and fubmiffion to Got? and his vice�nt? And yet, did they not diffover as plain a mark: of their loyalty in breaking that decree the very next reign, and joining with the prince of Orange again? King ?ames, and in placing him upon the throne .--And did not we I&e another equal mark of their u'?/haken loyalty, in oppofing the prince o� Orange after they had invited him over, and fix'd him upon the throne, gotlowing King ?ame$ in his exile, which. th 7 had octorlon'd, with their prayers and pious wifhes ? During the reign of' the late Queen .aN N/?, their loydty had feveral turns and fetches; but toward the latter end of her lif?, it difco?er'd ittklf firmly feetled in her interell, by openly, el'pouting the cauf� of her Rival. "l'heir condu&, fince the acceffion of his prefent majetty, is �o frefh in every body's roemot D that, 1 lear, it will be thought impertinent to repeat. �ome inthnces of' it. It is well known, that Ow?, the rebel, 'ann companions, were entertained publickly by' molt of' the H?-aos of collegesi that they walked oh. out the ttreets, at noon.day, with the mob at their heel?, huzzaing King Ja?s and the Duke o?' O,?o?n for e?,er, and no lJsu?u,u?s, in defiance of' the govern. merit and the friends of the government? that the f?w' friends it had there went every day in danger of their lives from them and their abettors i that they a&ua!ly befieged Oriel college, and demanded' out o['it two gentlemen, remarkable for their zeal ?br the protefhnt fuecetlion, to facrifice to the mob? that they inlifted great numbers of ?uclents and' others in the Pretender's caufe; that they marked all the hort?$ there fit for fervice, and waited only for th? news of' the Duke of OUMo?r?slanding in the wett; upon the firit reception of which, they defiga'd toil[ C ? off,

?ffina body to join him{ I need not mention tha? the I're?e?der's health ?a$ drunk openly and unrefer- vediy in all places; and that a gentleman of Mertou ?tlege was put into the bl?ck book for drinking K. G?o?o?'shealth, and obliged to plead the benefit of the a? ?fgrace to get his degt?, after he had been [ep? out of it t?o year? fbr that heinous o?nce? that all fi'tmons, publick f?ches, and declamations ?cre fiuff'd with ?eproaches and infults u?n the King and his minidry ? that they ?relented a knomn Wromoter of the Pretender's ?ufe in Ireland with a do?or'? aezr?e. u?n the very day of the King's corona:ion; a?:d that, at lad, a regiment cf dra- goons m?ch'd into Oxvoa. fword in hand, to pre- v? their t;fing ?n op? rebel!ion.---Are not all thc'? v?y phm and undotable marks of the lied- fafi loyalt? =d age&ion which our teamed old mo. ?her p-?e?es to crown'd heads, and the anointed of the ?d ? I? was ?lly e?e?ed by the King's fri?ds ?v, whg fio? tge vko]ent ?ock of there com- motions, t?t as loon as things were fettle& rome ?eth? would ? t:ken by the gov?nment to e?a- bl:? the protefiant inter? in the univerfiries upon u la,ting foundation, by logping away the dififfe? und fofl?orn mem?rs of tMt corrupted bo?y. They ?hougnt that this wm? an op?rtunity which could not ? r?ed5 a provo?fion which could not ? put up; that the honour due to the King, to his fimity and admin?tion, which w?e all treated in -fuch a conmmel?ous manner, demanded at l?ff rome ?ub)ick r?ration; and that difcouragement, p?fe- ?tton, and ruin ?odd not for ev? continue to be the reynard of loyalty and zefl for the ?rot?aut fu?. But, I know not by what ill ?te, that pr?ok?g ?[ortuni? xva? flipp'd ? the Kin's friends remain g . ?11 ??'d, md the ?n?s hono? ?r?aed to this

tab ?y; which is Co far from having any good ,.fie& upon their d. efperate minds. that they infute the forbearance which has been us'd towards them. fligmatizing it with the name of fear, and boa? their uiumphs over the Whigs, whom they oppreti with impunity, and'over the King, who _riflers "ther? to ufi his friends i? ]9?ch a manner, without any r? ttraint or any apprehentions. TERK-F!LIUS. N �. = - :Tantan? animis coelejtilSus ira ? Virg. W ?. ? z,l E s r? A r. February, 8. i=-??) E XT to their in viol able Fautrrr to prince. s, U }? ? g r M t �?r among? themfelves is another darli? attri. . g . ?? bute, which our academical patriots apply to theml?lves, and fl?all b= the fubje& of th?s days pa We are told by them, in a declamatory manneri that locicries of' learning are quiet and peaceable fo- cieties i ?hat the fiats o? the mules maintain none but good-natur'd and ct';ri?an principle?, fuch as concord. harmony. and brotber? affe?ion; that the gowa breathes nothing of firire and contention, o{ fiaud and treachery. of riva}y a,d ambition5 that k ha$ none ofthot? jarrings and bickerings w?ch mo- c ?

4 Terra. Filings. left other communities; and that our uniCerfities, for inthnce, (the molt famous focieties of learning in the world ?) are an undeniable proof of this ob- fervation. This has at fira fight,.a very plaufible app?rance, nnd has, no doubt, in d x world of i?orant fdites to the belie[ o? it? they ?mk ?t ought to be, ?s they are told it is. and knowing nothing to the contrary. they ?ieve ?t it is fo: thus are all hlfe- h?s e?bli?'d. But ?though ?dg?ns are to be catch'd thus. to ?e& the hme '?ulity ?om or.rs, who have hv'd among? them for any time, is fuch conrum- mate, bnefic'd--(l know not what to ?11 it,) ?ch h?den'd ?ontery, as no men in the world, but our ?all fchoolmen, could be guilty blu? for them whila I relate it. The mo? doquent an3 ?enownea Bdety o? ?e? and ?fier-?omen, when they get hr enough out of town, among? their filly count ac uain- ? q._ rance and relations. may fay, with a bold dogmaucal ?r. that o{ all neovle the? live the mo? comforta- ? ? and iovin I ?o [ther. ?nd that Billin ?ate is the ? ne?bMurh? in the world l that they have none ? thole idle fqmbbles, and downi? difputes t?e, which ?e fo ?equent among? the dames and ?mm?s in coun=y villages; and they may add, that as'they all d? alike in ?fi?, it is their bUffhers ?d intereft to a?ree amongR themeIves, and not call w?re and?ch. an3 hll to fcratching, and iearing, and pulling off' one another's caps, when they o. ught to be vending their commodities. This woula �ound very probable to folks who know no better: but to tell iuch thin?,e?O any one, who has N'en frequently there, and an eye and an ear wireels of their noify harangues, and bloody skir- mifl, es, is fuch a piece of impudence, as even an ?yfitr-?om?n would bhth to ix: guilty of.

s �r,e-F)l$ts. As �oarfe as the a?plicafion may ?em, I do not uef?ion to rove it a ?rery ju? one5 na, I will q P .. . Y. . prove that oxford out-does B,,'lingfgate m thxs point, thou h their ovon ??aifes are fo ?rodi iousi for the g . g y will not ?clc to tell us fine bombaf? flories of their unanimity and brotherlYthlOVe upon the very �pot, anc! at the very time � ar e kicking and cuffing before our eyes.--Such is the toodeity of matricu- lated goryomen. There academical oy]ter4vomen world fain ?r�uacle us, that they live ?n a ftriec union? that they are- the belt ancl earleft of' his rnajelty's .fubjecOcs ?that they never ditturb their country, nor mterru?t their own 1tudies with unchriltian jealoufies, or perfonal altercations i that they are all of the time opinion in religion, gov.ernment, and ?hilofophy.; and that, in /hort, there is fo entire an harmony amongIt. them? that were the Roman tyrant now alive, he m?ght in �ome meafure cornpleat his cruel wifl?, and d?ltroy the whole community at one blow. Whereas, whoever reads Wood's.antiquities, (who'. was partial enough in confcience on their fide) or any .other hillory of Oxford, will find them almolt continually e. ngaged in fa?ions, tumults, riots, and law-fuits, e?ther amongtt theml?Ives, or with the- townlinen, or titangers, who came to/&tie there: nay, he will find,that they �ometimes came to pitch'd battles, and kill'cl great numbers on both fides, in defiance of their ttatutes, and frequent admonitions', from their forereigns to the contrary; as well as of' chrittianity, and .t. ne precepts of our holy religion. It would be ri&culous for me to croud �uch a pa-. per as this with tedious quotations at large to prov? � every thing: I fay i my defign being to reduce the .Oxvoun hiltory to a i'mall compaq, and to make it intelligible to the commonef? readers t for which tea;on I ?all mention only the general heads, ancl.' appeal for the truth of particulan to thole many vo

36 erra-Flius. lumes which have been written upon this �ubje?, de[, ing any per{on to falfify my account in any redial point. In thof volumes he will find a full relation of their dix effe quarrels between the city and the uni- vofity; ?erween one part of the univcrfity and ano- ther, covce?ning de&ions, private rights and privi- leges, or onl,, upon piques a,,d unreafonable grudgesl of quarrels b?tween the chancelto: and the fchoiars; between the clerical and lay 1tudents: between the clergy at:d the Jews; between the fcholars and the mendicants; between ttudents in one faculty and fl'udenrs in another taculty, and between fludents of the time facult?; between: fcholars or' different na. tions, or of d?fierent counties in the time nation; ?md of tome quarrels or other, between rome body' or other., in the univerfity, aimoil in a regular un- interrupt ed fucce.?7on. I mull own, that the fchohr?, in molt of their tlifputes and quarrels with the towntmen or aliens, ufualty came off the bali at laft, and brought their ?dverfariesdown upon their maxrow-bones to them but I wou!d not have them ?wagger too much up- on this. as if they were there?bre always in the right ? for the fondneii and partiality of molt princes, a?: that time, towards ?elig?ous ?minaries and eccle- �ml!ical perfons was very of're, the only teafort ?hat ?hex were not ie?'erd) Dnitl,'d, as m many cat?s they det?rv'd i notwithflanding 'hat they were acqui? tecl by the King regnant, or the Pope, (whole cat?fe they were tcrving) with impunity, and, per- haps, with marks of honour. At the famous riffration of Maudlin college, in King las?zs IFs time, the bifc, op of 6'hefler told the ?e'[lows in a fl'eech; "That their/bciety had ,? been long exercis'd in the methods ot: quarrelling; "had always been troubled with faSious tpirits and u t�lt}' mutineers, ever fmce the reftoration of the

"late King: that they had encouraged quarrels "amongthemfelves; quarrels between themfelve? "and prefident; quarrels at length between them- "felves and rifftot. That by thet? l?eps, from quar- "rellin with the prefident and vititor, they had g . . "at Iaff advanc'd to the higheft p?tch of mfolence? "to quarrel with their prince, and affront his ticred "majetty'." Which ?l mention the rather, becauf'e it came out of the mouth of a flranch Troy_ church. man, wfi'o wouId not furely havepronounc'd fo harth a ceniure upon one of the chid colleges in Oxvoun, without a fufficient fhundation. They will not, I prefume, anYwet this charge, by asking me, whether I will allow tho? proceedings, which the bifl?op reproach'd them with, to det?rve the reproach ? becaufe moff people are conyinc'd, by their late condu&, that the), ha.e themfelves hear- tily repented of ?hote proceeditems. The time fpit,.'r of U?^?n?T� continues amon. gt? them tti115 OxvoaD is jut? .the time in its anUent and in its preknt ftarc? Whigs and Tories, Georgites and 5eacobites, orti:o.ox and unorthodox are not the only dif?in(Rions ? but they have alfo their variou.? divifions and fubdivifions5 we ?e Whigs engaged againl? Whigs, Tories againfit To?it's, mat?crs againR doffors and hea,is of colleges, x9,?ior fi'llows againf't junior fellows. one college againf[ another college, and man), colleges 0gainf? themfifives. Their great unanimity t?em ? to be this? they ne- ver quarrel till they /all out; and are always very s?nanimous, as long as they are of one mind.? ?. Other u?ani;zJit than thisknow I none, unlefs it be ?n bullymg the under. graduates, and infulting the t?refint government.

  • A?liffe, ?d. I.I?ag.

If it should be objected, that it is impossible for any society in the world to live in a perfect state of unanimity, without some animosities, jealousies and dissentions; and that it is therefore ridiculous to rail at the universities for what all other societies are liable to; I answer, very true; nay, I will go farther, and own, that I do not think such a strict unanimity at all commendable amongst students and philosophers, who ought to pursue truth and knowledge, without any regard to the opinions of others: I do not think that it is one of the duties of brethren. But ought not any men to be laugh'd at, for giving themselves such strange airs about a thing which is not in its own nature commendable, and which they are so entirely destitute of, if it were?

The only unanimity, which would be really praise-worthy in an university, is an unanimity to grant all men freedom and toleration in their principles and opinions, which would be the greatest help and encouragement to knowledge; and which, for that reason, I despair of ever seeing established.


Adhuc sub judice lis est.

Saturday, February 11.

GRIEVOUS and terrible has been the squabble amongst our chronologers and genealogists concerning the Precedence of Oxford and Cambridge. What Deluges of christian ink have been shed on both sides in this weighty controversy, to prove which is the elder of these two learned and most ingenious Ladies? It is wonderful to me that they should be always making themselves older than they really are; so contrary to most of their sex who love to conceal their wrinkles and grey hairs as much as they can; whereas these two aged matrons are always quarrelling for seniority, and employing counsel to plead their causes for 'em. There are old Nick Cantalupe and Caius on one side; and Bryan Twyne and Tony Wood on the other; who, with equal learning, deep penetration, and acuteness, have traced their ages back, God knows how far: one was born just after the siege of Troy, and the other several hundred years before Christ; since which time they have gone by as many names as the pretty little bantling at Rome, or the woman flat w? hang'd tother day in gnglan?! for ? and twenty Husbands. Oxfa,d fly they, was the daughter o? ? an old Brit? King who all'd her kom one Name, Care Me?'i;k, alias Greeklade, [eeehla?, alias ?idyeen, alias Bello?qtum, alias ear, d, ?ias Oxfordl as all ?t m?s children have ?v? names. So was Ca?;&idge, fly oth?s, the daughter ?ne Cantabet, a 57a? rebel and fugitive, who ?ed h? Ca?rm, t, flias Cantabridge, a?as Cam- ?idge. That I may not a?ont either of th& ?ld I u'J}} not ?ke upon q?e to deride which of the ?o hath mofi wrink.es in her backfide. Who knows but that they may be twins? they are fo much alike in their tempers and complexions, that it is not imp, obabte. But wheth? it be fo or not, or fuppofing that neithe? of them is half fo old as ?,e would be th(,ught to be, I am lure they are?th o? enough to be much bette than they are. From the ntiie? accounts that we have of there ?o con?ending Grannies, they were untoward crofs. ain'd ba gages t;-om children ! have read fome- F g � wkere, t?'a? m,? Oxenlord b?d her ?ather Km . . ?Iss?vu?cu kid her breech, Nfore ff, e was four )'east oad i a?..d t?at ming Ca?,tab us'd monfieur Can- t,ebrr, I.er gt?cr, but t?t,le ?teri but as it was l?ng ago, a?,d as I have forgot my author, I will n?t =flkxcra'e the t?uth of it. Never' he]c!s, it is certain from all hiflori?s, both friencs ar.d l?es, t?at fince they have come to wo. ma, 's cidate. ,he? ha, e Et-tn a couplz o'f the a?ranrc? v?o:.s el:at e, cr ma?e., ater. In [oiiticks and reli- gion x, ho but :he', ? Nothing was lawthl or or- ?ox but ?'?t ?hcy, for?,oth, nomin,,:ed fuchi ?d no Fublick ?m.u:'es cou.d t e?ight but what ?ey Nd an h?nd in. Kit. dS md }rinces were God's immediate

7err, e-Filittr. immedia,e vicegerent,, or the minivers of the vili rightful governours, or ufurpers; mercifhl lets, or abominable tyrants, jua as they happen d to pIm? or dil?leafc them; tho' ir is worthy mark, that ,o monarchs ever feem'd to pieaFe them fo well as thok who difpleafed all their fubjeOs be- fides; for whenever they were not the peculiar ?ourites of the ?o?n, the Cro?n never ?r right upon his or her head who wore it: to adjua which ?oricvance, they n)ade it their butine? to talk trea- n from morning to night, and fpirit up their neighbo.?rs to rebellion; tbr being women, they knew tbeir petticoats would prote? them, take what liberties they pleas'd. In Religion they were as whimfical and as pofitiw as in politicks5 rometimes they would be of on? [eligi. n, and rometimes of another, ira5 as it cama into their old crazy noddies; but were alway? violent in th? defence of that which at any time they pro- left'd, and implacable again? thole who oppos',' ilarring, bmning, and glbetting, one year, all petforts holding fuch opi-nions, and the next year, perhap? f=ring all thole in t?e time manner, who did not hold the very time opinions. in this vexatious and mi?hievous courk hav? there our reverend old mothers conrinu'd for feveral centuries, wnngling themfelves about trifles, and fetung. mankind together by the ears about ?pemnent quarrels and altercations. I cannot find that either of them were ever ?'d, tho' they would perfuade rome. vifionary peo?o at they are, both marry'd very well to a perton whom I don t care to name i which I know to b? faire, the fiid perfort having long tince taken ano- ther holy lady to ?x;ife, who has prov'd but a bad �pou�e to htm? and ! don tthtnk he would en�ou rage l?ol?ga?g. Married or not marry'd, they ham

4= Terr,e-Filius. both had abundance of children, whom they adop- ted, and undertook to bring up in learning and the fear of the Lord i but initcad of' that, have educated them in i noraace and wickednet}, teachin them g. , g to be juft inch ill-natur d, troublerome brats as them- ?P1gego And. indeed, it could not be otherwit?; for they' had always the rod in their hands, and woe be to him that would not do as his mother bid him, If any of them were naturally ever fo well di�- pos'd, they were brow-beaten, and us'd like dogs, tit1 they learn'd their duty, every day threaten'd to be turn'd out of doors, unduti�ul chit? ! as they ought to be, and as fcverai have been a&uall t?r- , Y red. But then it muff be confider d, that where one would fiand it out till it came to this, twen- ty chore rather to be fondled up, and call'd mo- ther's l?ou.n toys at any expence i martyrdom not being now in half' the vogue that it haih formerly �,'e have, in particular? two remarkable Inthn- ces of'a couple of unlucky young rogues, who ot . g into their mother's good graces? and by that means into good preli:rment, merely by their impudence and abufing mankind; betides which, they have likewit? got the reputation of the belt men in their relpec"'tive times? and are flinteel for their pains. The molt reverend Dr. William Laud, and the reverend father William, are the men I mean; the firft of whom having play'd the tyrant over a col- lege fbr rome years, came at lalt, by the meth. ods jutt before mention'd, to tyrannize over his prince and the who?e nationi bringing in due tinfe, by pt. ting on foot wicked rneafi?rer q' all ]?rts, the firft to a block, and the laft into ei,il war and de13Iation: indeed, it mutt be own'd, he led the wa]/himthlf

Terr.Filis. 4't by an untimely end, being overtaken in the full ca- reer of his iniquities, by the ?uf? vengeance oF 3.1- migh*y God. The other is ttill living, and will not ( I hope ) ever have it in his power to carry �o high an hand over us5 bur he has been aiming ar it, and in the ttation which he is now in, is ac2ing as much ty- ranny, and more moral difl?onetty than his prede. ceffor ever did; for which, of cour�e, he is accoun- ted madam /;" /? s be!? boy, and ycleped the father of th.at. Jbdety, which for t?enty years he has been tinning. The firft thing that we hear meritorious of him is, that he quickly fpent a good eftate left him by his natural parents, and then went to pillag!ng his college as fall as he could5 upon which, his mo- ther, who adopted him, thought him a proper per- fort to manage her affairs, and put into his hands all her papers, books, and ready cafh, relying folely up- on his prudent and juft adminiftration ? every groat the had' in the world came into fither Wilb'am'? hand, and loon went out of them again; for there is a certain imbecility in his fingers, which will not fuffer him to keep any money between them? as he once told an High-German 21rtifl, who gave him'h piece off money, and bid him keep it in his han'd if he could: Prithee, friend, fiid he, don't trouble me with thy money ? all the world knows 1' could never keep a? 7 money in my hands in my life t3ut gi?e it my brother H----le yonder, and I'll gage be keep? it fail enough. . . His doting mother, inftead of' reinting th?s un- thriftinel; and inditecOt management, loves him the better for it, and hugs him the clofer to her bofom; lffuck, good may it do him, flys the poor old wretch i I rejoice tba't I have/? ?,orthy a child to fpend ?vbat I h?ve g.ot i'I take it ver? kindly 0fBiily, that he

will make so free with me; and thereupon gave him another good place, which he quickly brought to sequestration.

But what pleases the good old gentlewoman most of all is that Billy is a very learned man, and talks Latin and Greek to her now and then, and abuses the dissenters, and the bshop of Bangor, whom she hates like so many toads; for to say the whole truth, father William knows very well how to please her, and wheedle her money out of her pockets, he knows, if he gains her heart, he may command her purse.

Upon the whole, either these venerable old mothers must have their hands tied behind them, or the nation will run mad.

N. B. Lest any of the squeamish criticks, so numerous in and about this metropolis, should take offence at my calling father William madam Isis's best boy, and at several other such expressions which seem to clash; know all men by these presents, that children in the universities eat pap, and go in leading-strings till they are fourscore. TERR.FILIUS. N O IX. Pueri$ dant crt?ula $!andi Doca'oRv-s, Elementa velint ut difcere prima. I-or. W I?DIqESD& �, 2Ve$ruary xS'. Find. when a man opens his mouth in a good cau�e, % ,ot difficult to find thole who approve what, perhaps. they would not them�el?s have dared to appear in. A bold patriot in a tenate has, by this means, often brought men to avow his fe, mmenrs, who before were either fufpec"'ted o5' bei,g of a con- ttary opinion, or at lea{} lay, till then, very clotk in the point. 'Tis with many held a dangerous thing to appear the firit againft a t&ming majo, ity, which only the want of courage in its opponents o�cafions to be thought fo. Since my publi?ing the few papers ! have done, I fee, with rome plealure, the few occult points which I have touch'd upon, and the truth.? I have utre?'d, in relation ro our .41ma mattes, aflimted to b., fundry of their children? tho' I own it is chiefly bv rich'as, being come to man's eftate, have left their mothers, and tkt out in the world on their own bottoms. There are, indeed, �ome few, even unde, the very no? ?f the good dames/, who l,ave

46 Terre-Filiu'. dar'd to think themfelves wrong'd, and atterted the birthright ok' free Engl?men, and of free Chriltian;, to think fi)r themfeivesi and fuch a 1tir hat, ethef: made already, that divers off their mothers be?d fer. rants are very much ahrm'd at it, and are fludying ways to keep all fuch dangerous enemies to tound education, as freedom of fpeecb and thouggt, out 0F their family. Thanks be to God, this detign hag not been wholIv brought about l but theth enemic? of ours have fciw'd fo many tares among the grain, that our country, to whom the benefit of thouid belong, cry aloud for their right, Oh tkm tl.e lord of the oarveil would come, that he might de. flroy the la3o?,rs of ti. el$ ill-dej?ning men, that to whom the t?ower is given, would fiparate the from the e?il. There is no expe&ing that weeds which have ken deep root. and begun to feem part of the fi:ould t< pick'd away bit by bit: the blydr? is no: to be de?roy'd, unlel} you firike off all the heads once i for whiif? you are lopping off one, another of coutfe fucceeds: and ?o apply; if' you were to turn out one Jacobite H--d of a college, another as bad is ready to ?ep in his room. I ?zl] not make their principles in {late the fubje& of' my preiint difcourfe? I have gi��n rome account of them in a late paperi and, indeed, if I had not, they are too flagrantly fpread abroad to need my difp'.aying; it is enough to dwell upon the long and uninzerrupted �cene of more pri':.,ate enor- mities, to conrider and ?ecommend to ev. ery confideration v:hat has been, and mutt. be, the c0r.- t?quence on the lives of E;:gliflm:en, from an cd,?- cation confitting in tolerated ignorance and all fo?t; of immorality. tNs, I think. ought not to be tedi and I, in the name of the prefent age and terity, call loudly upon every one of my country' men, who is, or hoN:s to be, the parent or dif?.0-

/?r of a fon, o?' what quality or condition foevet, to lay it to heart. I know there are many living, who have been eye.wimeffes, I wifh I could nor fly inflrances, the mi/i:h/efs that have from hence accru'd. Many are, indeed, ingenuous enough to own the great conveniences, which, by long encouragement in i:!le- ne?5, the.re pretended nur!es of heroes and patriots have brought u?on them. There are many within and without me walls of our unieertities, who know and will acknowledg?e (and let any hod5, de- ny it who can) that the education of a perfort of' diltin?ion at Oxvouo, inftead of being, as it ought, the molt firicily' taken care of, is ot-'all the roof[ neglehted; a nobleman may bring any thing from. college but learni.ng5 but there is generally cffccq:ual care taken that li:i'G-- fhall not want temptations to en'ice him from ftudying too hard. A gentle? man-commoner, if he be a man of fortune, is loon told, that it is not: expee"ted from one o!' his form to mind exercifes: if he is fiud?ous, he is motore, an.ct a heavy booklib fellow' if he keeps a cellar wine, the good-natur'd ?bllows will indulge him, tho' he fl?ould. be too heavy-headed to be at chapel in a morning. Thus we ti.e even religion in as lit- tle elteem as morality' wi?h 'era, ?ho', perhaps, it is a little more pretended to, or talk d o?, by them. There is a lower form or two o?' youth, who come in for a child's part in the bofom o{' the�e our tender mothers; their behaviour towards thelh is of a medley kind, according to the dcfigns they' have upon 'era; only one fixt maxim prevails, 295 0 that have m 0 money muff have leafi te.,.rning. tlo not fay, that every poor young f'dlo?r iS on the contrary ifiltrue�in any ufet?l or beneficial know- led�but i,f he be one ,,uho promi�es ,.veil to O/and his mothers friend hereafter, or a friend td:the thur?b, (which is a word, they make ufe of to nif-y

48 Terra-Fili: nile) ' one that is none to the fi4te,) then I aft'ufo you no care is wanting, no labour is finred to com- plete him in their darling principles. If' he will but laugh at oaths to his King, and think tho�e facrecl to the univerfity, all is like to go well with him all little faults are c?nniv'd ati only, if he gets drunk, he mull be lure to talk treafon, and damn the Whigs: if'he tin'es a w.-.re, as long as he does but love the church as well, he may enjoy both i de. grees, na? holy orders are ne?,er deny'd for fuch peccadilloes; and from llep to/tep he goes through the tivour of all his mother's heft children to a c0-1. lege iiving. There is a cullom attributed to the colleges of jefuits abroad by many writers, that they have al- ways fome referv'd tenets to the fociet,y, which they trul} but to few hands l many filvo s {br trifling fins, and many t?cret method? of turning great crimes into little ones i and it is a known maxim, That no novice is to be entitled to any Ihare in the ttewardflfip of thelb m�1teries, till he is capable of adding one to the number' then, m /bn, carl in th lot among us, let us all have one Imrfi, we fhall tr:ciou, fitbrian,e, ?ve fiJatl fill our H o v s i! s ?vith There is another locicry in his majetty's good town of' Lom?; one ?tonathan 14"--d. is head of the hour, who approve and apply this pra?ice to tittle. I wifh, fbr the fake ot the honeit among my countrymen, there were no more. I have fl?et'.:n, I think, a pretty plaufible tea/on for the care that thet? tender mothers take of their babes, and fairly acquitted them of any de- ignormcci t, bat, I think?/peaks itfilf, tl? wealthy

mutt nor be too wife; t'harpers wouki n?' ??t ?aming-?bles, i[ ?e men o[ fortune knew bite. Whate?rer ! have here laid down, I rubmir to t/m �enfure of the t?vereft judges. The unbiaf'd will, that I hope, bellcore and agree tbe? grievous?eaor.- rnities fland in need of refo.rmation: the fuffe.5. ers by

hem are, and will be obhged to pray for It l the

attors and abettors of them, as they julfly dread, will, by that means, to fly no more of' them, be fhewn as they are. Tha?ik God,. we have feen.a little the lhte of a profperous ?illa,n fallen from height, and reapi? the reward due to his crimes. 1 would not b e thought to have alledged any' thing in prejudice to thol? gentlemen who may' pretend to be feverdy 'cenfure?t in what I have 'rhe matters of fa& are true, and, God help us, ndt few in number. i make no a!lufions to particular men: let the firicken deer go weep; let the Fee i?:noceat take warning. I fpeak to the world, and hope for the regard of all t.hofe whot? interell it is to take care of the education of youth, whom I. with to t?e in times-to come brought up in founder and honeRer principles than has been of !ate the pro&ice. What can the prefent a?, or the next, from us, and ours, upon whom the misfortune of our ca?: is fo very hard, that either we mul? our youth at home, by our chimney-corners, put them into poffeffion of' our e?tes, inll'ru&ed no better than gr,ooms, without one qualifies- our tion, From the knowledge of mankind, to make figure in the world won y their birth and fortuae? or by knding them to the pretended feminaries of virtue and learning, prottimte them to the bale .figns of thole whol? buffneff we fee it has been. and ?s, to enfnare th. em into all the traps that giddy boys an be caught lai and make them, at any rate,. the D' to&

Teme-Filius. o tools of tl?ir ambition and eraf't? at l?ff by takin ? that ?y ?I1 not f? o? goM example before ? ?es. I ?nk ? thee our comphints ?e fo fin? ?ey ?ve b? t? pla?y acknowl?g'd to be go by yhe ?tai?$ co?u8 of the ?fons acefled, ?ho f?bid ?th to ? f?okm mder the fevere? pe. ?fies with? ?dr li?s; it will &hove the .among ? ? pro? time, ? conrider a little how ? the e? may go, when under the ?we of a ? ? ram, who, withore birth, or pierenee m?t, f? ? ?r d?or$ md t=ch?s of youth, who are to ? our ? o?m?t ? ?ame. We have ? o? hM mm w? ?e Mm pmc?e: ? m?gnate$i I= us take mr? if ?ble, that no N?, no uqeau ?dpl? ? N?'d into ?em through the mati- do? ?m of Come who ?k it a glory to corrupt t? ?'b? monO m, and compri ? ?d land to make a profdyte. If there dangers are not pre- vented, as well as forefeen, where fhatl be found the honour and dignity of our nation in years to come ? Who mutt prellde at our council-boards? Who mutt Ipeak-the fm? of our people ? and where will be The freedom of Ya:gl?, when it {hall, in future times, be t;amilh'd l}om thefe nurt?ries of bigotry, with men only bred up to bring about the irafry enw of their teachers ? It is our happine? that we have now a King find parlhment, who? every a&ion aims at doing good; whom no def.?ns, t ho' ever fo cunningly laid, can over-reach. They are a&trated and ifffluenced by the publick goo d. I believe every good f?bjeOc joins in my wit'nes, that we may fee the.happy effe& 0f their counfels in the exemplary punWnment of the greater offenders. I rely alfo on the hopes that the time principle, (! mean the good of' the nation, the welfare and happine? of future ages,) as well as'the private regard and Fatereal care which moft of greater

o xx. Terra. Hlis. 5 greateli among us are aiSCted with, will influence them to enquire a little into the chara&er and con.. du& of men, before they pfit into their manage- ment the greater of tr-lts. the well-bein,', and rio. hour of thern�elves and their chtdren; that we {hall in the next generation fee, from the diligent enquiry which {hall be molt leafonably made into thi: a'ffai;', a race of men bred. up in the fM& difdpline of vir- tue and morality, :n the_improvements of learain . . . ? and the .lutt?,bfervance of thoti rules, which (though, l?y the pref?nt pra&ice oi' our mothers, they feem to be of no cohlhquence) are the role foundation upon which we can build, or our pollerity hope to fee a great, a wife, and an honeft man. TERR7E-F I LIUS. N o X. = .. ,?Oualet ego ?vel �luvienm. Jut. ... ??Y the munificence of various perIons, well affe&ed.t.o learning and knog- ]edge, 'there ,r. now founded at OX- FOrD ie&ures and protEfl'orfifips o 'all or moff ot' the arts,.fciences, and cuities in the world, wit h_ profitaN: illaries annex'd to them. But it is very merry to, ob�erve how re olte,'oufly there places are di�vo? 1 . PP P - of.: raftcad of' thole per�on?; who are thoroughly vera'd in each refpe6tiv� art, fcimce: c.: faculty, they D z are,

are, for the generalit'y. beRow'cl upon �uch as are utterly and notorioufly ignorant of them, and never them their 1tudy a their lives. Whey are yea away, as penf?ns and finecures, to any body that can make ?isgood intereli for them, without any rdlZ& - to abilities or chara&er in general, or to what faculty in particular he has apply'd his mind. I have known a profligate debauchee choi?n pro. ?d]'or of, moral philofopiiy; and a fellow, who he. vet look d upon th?:;?hfa? ' his life. profhflbr 'y g . . them for it, but Greece. and ruth-like v?Yuable er. Don Bellimui? of records: we' have had likewi?: numbcriers profeffors of Greek, Hebrew, and a?,abi&, who farce underltdod their mother-tongue: -and, not long ago, a Famous gametier 'and ?er was defied M--g--t prod:flor oF d?vinity'? tb great. it feems, is the analogy between dufflag ,m i?s, and aiing o,f'e? i or between' tiring may ?e?ate?, and fa. wng of ]buls ! I often areale royfell with confidering what con. fadon it world make in the world, if all lodeties took the time method., or rather the ?me anti-me- thod; for inft?nee? what apr. etty fet'of'tradefmen ?nd artificers {hould we have m any corporation,? it �Tay/0r took aplxentices to m. ake them l?la?kfrnitb?i or if.?enfie O/fp/n waa appotated to teach 'the art and ?yfiery 6f bad?,t-m?li?$ .? and fo, on in all o. ther tri&s and vocations. "' ': .... Would uo? the world have hugh'd; iF l�icdini had FofqYd the ?ien? of G?attbnl or, iF mo. t? W?boum had ?t up for a guardi? Of y?,g . Or fuppofe-again, that: Will WhlJton enould be l?tch'd upon to preach Lady Moye?s fermons at St, l'?d't, i? der'race of the tr/?ity i and that Dodot W?terl?rd

$?terland, in his room, fl?ould harangue the Wit? at B#tton' $ about mathematJcM demonflratio?s : would not, d'ye think, ?ch genius fucc?d wondeffu?y its hey undertaking? Amo?g? all t? croud of Ox?rd pro?r?, I ?n- not &� diflingui?ing their ?o?t?i profeffor, f?inting Tom o?' Maudlin, who had lately that ho- nour con?rr'd upon him b? a majority o? thewko?e univerfity, at the interce?on, and upon the e? reque? of great numbers of celebrat? t?fl6 who xvere bed acqminted with his)yet talents ?a hid- ?Im capadties. WMt i?vi?le cha?m? thia reverend may have tg recommend. him fo univerfilly to t'he g?d ?aces of the ladies, God ?d they only know tbr v?le ones I am Cure he has none, I wide, after all, that th? haee not made a for thereCeives, if what I am infbrm'd ?be true. (rig.) that this dignif),'d bar3 has ungratefu]ly turn'fi the va? torrent of his wit againa his makers, feverely hm oon'd tho?, w? fix'd the immortal taurel-.wreath upon his bro?a. All the produ&ims which I have f?n o[ his (except a few dull verfes in print, not ?orth mew timing) are !. TI?� HA?OVE? Tua?,, to the Tune ./1rid a howling we will g?, will go? &c.

?. Verfes upon the Chevalier's pi6h?re.

3. Vert?s upon the death of'the young prinm .?ll which I once defign'd to communicate to the world, as a fpecimen in what a flourifhing date the dMne art of?oefy is at pieCent in Oxvounl but I a.m obt?g'd to Cl?"ccline it? the did feveral elaborate ??cccs being as impudent as they are ignorant, and D' 3

% Terr-Fitius. x. as ptenfifulIy fraught with ran? venomous nea/bn, as they are with dul?efi and ?mpotence. To publifh them, would be to throw fi. Ith and ordure in the face of the government. What Tom ttro?n fiid to another Tom, who had ten times more wit and fen? than our MaudI'm Tom, comes into my head? whenever I think of ?l'att ! ?vrite ?ndari&$ and ? damn'dr Write ei?igrams for cutlers, &c. N:?y. even that Grul?fireet � province is above his re?ch; I know nothing that he is fit for, but Bil- li,,?;ate fermons, ?d inf?ptions for Mg-houfe wa?s. l,de?,as things ?ve ?n manag? of late years, it does not ?gnify a firthing who our pro?rs and leSurers arei Oavus will ? as we? as OEdipus to ? do nothing, but recdve a certain ram of mo. hey ev?y 7?r for his negli?nce and ?rjury: a m?efine-c?,re does not r?uire any ?t?ordi? a- Nii?i?. Nay? if it ? refo?v? by the O?-d con- vo?tzon, as ?t feems to ?, that the youth under their ca?e ?all be k?t very ignorant, in order to make them very d?'aut, I think they have made an admirable choice for that putpole. The of colleges, d'ye ?e, ?ing, moR of them, long- headed men, wgue Iogi?!iy upon this poSnt; thu5, A men that un?r?q?ds his bt?nefi, can (if he pI?fes) in?& others in it; and who knows but t?t out off p?v?f?e?, or rome whim or other, & may be tempted to do his duff e ergo,?.it is not ?fi to t?,? him. But a man, who knows nothing of the matter ?m?lL ?not (if he would) t?ch others, accor- drig to the old maxim, ex nihilo nih?t fit ? he can ?o no m?iff ; ergo, he ?all be our ma?.

x.. Terra-Filius; How faithfully they obt?rve this trult Which repofed ir? them by their fuperiors,'and how, rious they are not to /ha.trey the leaft glimp? d ernicious li ht am0n tt the rattle-&i?i?d, p g, ,g . young fellows o? the unn, erhty,' thq? foIJotving:. letter, which. occafion"d tfiis paper, will difcover. Wadham-college, Jan, SIR, To the Authorof "I Hope you intend to acquaint the world, ?. " monglt other abufes, in what manner the " pious deligns of thol? good men, who left us "nit our p.ub!ick ?,?ures, ave anfwered. Y e?r- ,' day- morning at nine a clock, the bell went ,' u?tally for ]-ec'ture? Whether for a rhetorical ?r "logical one, I cannot tell i but I went to the' "fchools, bi with hopes of being in, rtru&ed in "one or the ,they, and having faunter d a pretty "while along the quadrangle, impatient of the lee.- "turer's dehy,! ask'd the ma?or (who is an offi- "cer belonging to the fcho6Is) whether it wa? "ufual now and then to flip a le&ure or fo: his "anfwer was that he had not f?n the ?ice of' any "lec2?urer in any faculty, except in poetry and mu- "?&, for three years patti that all le&ures betides "were entirely negle&ed: both of great conf'e- "quenee! efpecially the fir?, as it is performed "by fo ingenious and accomplifi?'d a proficient! "Every thur?lay morning in term time there "ought ? be a 3livi'nity le&ure in.the divinity fchool.? '? two gentleram of'our houfe.. went oM day?, D 4 ' ' "liear

hear what the learned ptoireffor had to hy upon that fubje&; thek two were )oin'd by another ?,.?.fltr ?jr at;rS, who without a:rogance might think they underRood tliviuity enough to be his auditore? and that con?quently his le&ure would not have been loft upon them: but tl',e do&at thought otherwil?: who came at luff, and was very much furprized to find that there was an audience. He took two or three turns about the fchoo}, and then [aid, ?dagifiri, lno?El at?ditore$ ; r4?erea, 'uxta le S$ do?orem Bcu, UtR, tre? ;;on facm!?t colle?i? valete ? and �o w?nt'awa�. ' ' "Now ir is monl'/rous, that notwlthftanding thel? publick it&roes a?e fo much negle&ed, we are all of us, when we take cur degrees, char- ged with and puni?ed fbr non-appearance at the r?ading of many of them; a formal d?p?tion is rnd by our reft&ire dean?, at the time our g,a? ia proofS, br our n?.ap?ce at there , t?t le?tes. and it is with di?c?t? rome on? of the cong?fion me induc? to gr?r it. Strange order? ?at ?ch le&rer ?ould flare his fifty, 'his hundred, or t?o hun&ed pounds a y?r to TM doing nmhing? md that we [the young fry) �?d ? obl? to ray mon? for ?ot hearing fuch l?? ? w? nev? ria? nor ?er tom. "Pray, Mr. Ta,-Fnaus, be fo kind as to "in?-rt this as foon as it will fuit with your con- ? P. $. The F?ce-cbancellor has prohibited all "? co?e-houfis to take in your paper, under TER. R/E-

Terræ-Filius. No. XI.

Ergo in concilium proceres——
Atque utinam his potius Nugis tota illa dedisset
Tempora sevitia.


Wednesday, February 22.

OF all the sumptuous Edifices which of late years have shot up in Oxford, and adorned the habitation of the muses, the new Printing-house, commonly called Clarendon's Printing-house, srikes me with particular pleasure and veneration: it is, I do assure my reader, a most magnificent and stately pile of building, suitable to those great ends for which it was raised. This is the midwife in ordinary to Alma Mater, which delivers the profound genius's of the university of all those voluminous offsprings, to which the common wealth of letters is so much indebted and obliged.

Concerning the origination of this useful fabrick, divers rumours are gone forth; some say, the money, which was appropriated for this end, being embezzel'd, it was carried on at the charge of the university treasury: others, that certain books were sold for the fourth part of the prime cost, to defray this expence; which procedure was, I suppose, founded upon this politick supposition, that when they had got a new Printing-house, they could never want new books; but by what means soever it was built, my lord Clarendon has the honour, and we, his happy posterity, the invaluable benefit of it.

I should think it an undertaking well worthy the laborious Mr. Hearne, to give the world an account, from year to year, of the many incomparable tomes, which issue from that illustrious press. This, I apprehend, would do great honour to the unversity, and to its learned authors, since the catalogue would not be crouded with any of those heretical, pernicious, and free-thinking tracts, which are the noisom spawn of other modern presses: we should find there no ill-meaning Essays upon human Understanding, no Oceana's, no Hypotheses of Liberty, no descants upon Original Contracts, nor enquiries into the State of Nature, no Appeals to the Laity and common Sense in matters of religion, no vindications of Conscience and private Judgment, no defences of Resistance in any possible cases, no apologies for the Revolution, and the present Government, &c. to sully the Academical Types, and reproach the solemn Imprimatur of the unversity——New, accurate Editions of primitive Fathers, and antient Chronicles, or modern sermons, and long systems of Logick, Metaphysicks, and School-divinity are the solid productions of this august Typographeum——Such are the effects, and such the advantages of restraining the licence of the press! How would letters flourish? how would arts revive? how would religion lift up her awful front? and how would the church rejoyce, if such a wholesome check were put upon the press throughout the world?

But Printing is not the only, nor the principal use, for which these stupendous stone-walls were erected; for here is that famous apartment, by idle wits and buffoons nick-named Golgotha, i.e. the place of Sculls or Heads of colleges and halls, where they meet and debate upon all extraordinary affairs, which occur within the precincts of their jurisdiction. This room of state, or academical council-chamber is adorn'd with a fine pourtrait of her late majesty Queen ANNE, which was presented to this assembly by a jolly fox-hunter in the neighbourhood, out of the tender regard which he bore to her pious memory, and to the reverend Sculls of the university, who preside there; for which benefaction they have admitted him into their company, and allow him the honour to smoak a pipe with them twice a week.

This Room is also handsomely wainscotted; which is said to have been done by order of a certain worthy gentleman, who went to Oxford for a Degree without any claim or recommendation; and therefore, to supply that defect, promised to become a benefactor, if they would make him a graduate; accordingly, as it is said, workmen were employed in great haste, and the Sculls, lest they should be behind hand in gratitude, in as great haste, clapp'd a Degree upon his back; but the story unfortunately concludes, that when the Graduate was created, the benefactor ran away, and left the good-natur'd Sculls to pay the joiners themselves.

But what is it to me, who paid for it? or by what means it came to make such a figure, as it now does, both within doors and without? It becomes me better, as an historian, to acquaint posterity what uses it is put to, and what momentous affairs are transacted within its walls. I ask pardon therefore, and proceed.

Here as I said before, all the weighty business of the university is settled: if any sermon is preached, if any publick speech or oration is deliver'd in derogation of the church, or the university, or in vindication of the protestant succession, or the bishop of Bangor, hither the delinquent is summon'd to answer for his offence, and receive condign punishment; as Mr. Maurice, fellow of Jesus college, lately did. In short, all matters of importance are cognizable before this tribunal; I will instance only one, but that very remarkable.

A day or two before the late Queen died, a letter was brought to the post-office at Oxford, with these words upon the outside of it; We hear the Queen is dead, which, being suspected to contain something equally mischievous within, was stopt, and carried to the vice-ch—ll—r, who immediately summon'd his brethren to meet him at Golgotha about a matter of the utmost consequence: when they were assembled together, be produced the letter before them; and having open'd it, read the contents of it with an audible voice; which were as follow:

St. J—n's College, July 30. 1714.

Honoured Mother,

I Receaved the Cheshear chease you sent ma buy Roben Joulthead, our waggonor, and itt is a vary gud one, and I thanck you for itt, mother, with all my hart and soale, and I pomis to be a gud boy, and mind my Boock, as yow dezired ma. I am a fising lad, mother, and have gott prefarment in college allready; for owr fextoun beeing gonn intoo Heryfoordshear to see his frends, he has left mee his depoty, which is a vary good pleace. I have nothing to complayne off, onely that John Fulkes the tailor scores me upp a penney strong a moost every day; but I'le put a stopp to it shortly, I worrant ye: I beleave I sholl do vary well, if you wull but send me t'other crowne; for I have spent all my mony at my fresh treat, (as they caul itt,) which is an abomminabel Ecstortion, but I coud not help itt, when I cum intoo the cuntry, I'le tell yow all how it is. So no more att this present; but my sarvice to our parson, and my love to brother Nick and sister Kate; and so I rest

Your ever dutiful and obedent Son,
Benjamin Numps.

When he had done reading, the Sculls look'd very gravely upon one another for some time, till at length Dr. Faustus, late of New College, got up and spoke to them in the following manner.


The words of this letter are so very plain and intelligible in themselves, that I wish there is no latent and mysterious meaning in them. How do we know what he means by the Cheese, which he thanks his mother for? or how do we know that he means nothing else by it, but a Cheese? Then, he desires his mother to send him t'other Crown; now what, I conjure you all to tell me, can he mean by that other Crown but the Elector of Hanover; especially since he tells us on the outside of his letter, that the Queen is dead? These Rebels and Roundheads are very sly in every thing they do: they know we have a strict eye over then; and therefore, if this Benjamin Nump should be one of them, and have any such ill designs in his head, to be sure, if he expected to succeed, he would not express himself to be understood. So that, with all submission to my reverend Brethren, I think we ought to sift this matter thoroughly, for fear of the worst,——

and sat down.

Then Father William rose up, and apply'd himself, with his usual majesty, to Dr. Faustus, in these words.

Brother Faustus

What a notable fine Speech hast thou made. Thy wise noddle is always finding out mischief where there is none meant; thou art always jealous of plots, and crying out murder before thou art hurt. Who, but you, would ever have dreamt of treason in a Cheshire-cheese? I warrant you, you smell'd a rat in it. Come, come, be advis'd brother Faustus, thou art a very cunning fellow, we all know; but don't let thy great knowledge and sagacity exert itself upon every petty occasion; don't think thy wise character obliges thee to start difficulties where no creature besides can possibly see any. As to this Ben. Numps, I know him very well: why, he was enter'd but t'other day a servitor in my college: poor fellow! I'll engage for him he is no plot-monger, as a less Conjurer than you, brother Faustus, might have easily seen, by his sending his news on the ouside of his letter. Heresy and Rebellion are not his consitution. However, if you think fit, we'll send for him, and reprimand him for his folly.

Then a beadle was dispatch'd for Mr. Numps, who appeared, and being rebuked by the committee, acknowledg'd his fault full of sorrow and contrition, and humbly ask'd pardon for the same; which, without much opposition, was granted; and he was thereupon dismiss'd; as was likewise this high and mighty assembly.

It is said that Mr. Numps, who is since enter'd into holy orders, lives somewhere about town, and in an excellent preacher——of Dean Young's sermons.

Terræ-Filius. No. XII.

Veluti in speculum.

Saturday, February 25.

ONE of my ocrrespondents calls the Sculls of Colleges the Directors of the university; and I have my self, more than once, made use of that allusion already; I am sorry that the iniquity of the times will allow me to draw the parallel so close as I think I can do in this paper. Let us try the Experiment. Several hundred years ago (suppose, for instance, in old King Alfred's reign) certain straggling scholars, who liv'd and studied at Oxford without any regulation, or at most only an inconsiderable number of them, not yet incorporated, form'd a scheme amongst themselves, and offer'd it to the King, in which they proposed, That if he would grant them such a charter, and such privileges as they desired for encreasing their capital stock, and for establishing a publick nursery of youth, they would requite his benevolence, by furnishing his subjects with a vast quantity of learning, loyalty, good manners, religion, and other useful commodities, to the value of several millions, of which they stood grievously in need. They represented several advantages which would accrue to the publick by this new scheme, which, in those days, was call'd (without intending a pun) the Oxford scheme; as th[?] particularly, it would save us the great expence, and trouble, and scandal of sending our children abroad for education; that when we had a publick seminary of our own, we should export great quantities of academical manufacture to other countries, instead of importing it from thence, which was always esteem'd a beneficial branch of trade; that young men are apt to learn abroad principles incompatible with our constitution, and to assimilate with the nations amongst whom they are educated; and several other reasons, que nunc perscribere longum est.

On the other side, it was suggested, that it was too great a trust to be reposed in so mean and contemptible a body of men: that it would be of dangerous consequence to let them engross and monopolize all the learning in the kingdom; that it would put it in their power to instil what principles they pleas'd into the minds of youth; and by that means to give to government disturbance, whenever their ambition, or resentment, or caprice should prompt them to it; and that, in short, they would grow too powerful and restiff to be managed.

Notwithstanding all which, what with the interest they had, or made amongst the courtiers, and what with the plausibleness of the thing at sirst sight, their proposals were accepted, and a charter was granted them fuller than they desired.

When they had carried this point, subscription-books (by them call'd matriculation-books) were open'd, and most of the nobility and gentry subscribed their sons and their wards into them; presently their stock rose, and happy was he that had any thing in it! Every old hunks and miser unhoarded his dea treasure upon this occasion, and thrust it into this fund, in expectation of vast dividends of learning and philosophy, which being novelties in those days, consequently bore a great price; scarce was there a country farmer, or a chimney-sweeper, who had rak'd a little money together, but must come into the fashion, and make one of his boys a parson, or a philosopher; nay, some sent whole colonies of male-heirs thither as fast as they could beget them, and were seiz'd with an insatiable avarice of letters and religion; insomuch that people began to think, that in a short time they should have nothing but Plato's, and Seneca's, and Aristotle's in the nation.

This scheme met with such popular encouragement, that, in imitation of it, several Bubble-schools and academies sprung up and aped it in all its proceedings; they too produced old obsolete charters, or bought new ones to teach youth in the same faculties, and took in subscriptions in the same manner that the other did. Those persons, who could not raise money enough to come into the grand Oxford fund, jobb'd in these little bubbles, one of which, call'd the Stamford bubble, flourish'd hugely, and began to vye even with the Oxford stock; insomuch that the Oxford directors looked upon it with a jealous eye as a dangerous sucker to them, and were forced to petition the king to put down and annul all bubble-academies, particularly the Stamford one (as Wood expresseth it)[1] ne vetus eruditionis fluentum exaresceret; lest the antient fountain of learning should be dried up: in pursuance of which request, the King order'd a proclamation to be publish'd, requireing all masters and scholars studying at Stamford, to return to Oxford, under pain of confiscation of goods; nam nolumus (inquit rex)scholas seu studia alibi infra regnum nostrum, quam in locis ubi universitate nunc sunt, aliqualiter teneri; for we will not (said the King) have any schools of seminaries of learning within our dominions, but where the universities now are; and farther, to extirpate the Stamford-bubble entirely, they made a stature, obliging every candigate Teme. Fi!i,us. 6 7 now in fo? forei? univerSties, and had only pub- lick ?hool$ to m?t and d?pute in? but in progrefs of rime, fo ?amour'd of this t?heme were ?veral ?Bn?, that when they died, they left their eftares to ound little univerfities, under the rear univerfi- ty, ?11ed colleges, and to rupert an head, and a certain numb? of fellows. ?hefe fewal colleges, or private f?cietie?, make up co?e&ive!y the pubtick univerfity, and the he?!? and governors of the? colleges are alfo the gover. ? and dire?or? of the univerfity: the rhaned!or I efttern only a titular ?overnor,-the ,ite-?aneell? anf,?ers to the fub-g?[rnor? the pro-viee-rhan?elkr to the deputy-governor, and the heads of colleges to tie directs. ? puffue the para?el thiefore, let us examine wheth? there dire?ors have not broke their trufi, ?nd do not dereryc puni&ment as well as the o- thers: or rather let us examine whether they ought n6? ?b!ickly to ? examin? wheth? they have ?ok? it or not, tinct fiey lie und? fuch ?ioI?e fufpicions of having broken it; and no more than this could be fiid of the others? fill they had ,x?ined. I concei? the rum of ?he charge again? the 8outh.fla d?reflors to be this: that they have e?fi- dioufly broken a gr? nu? ?epofed in them, b? the gov?nment and the proprietors? that under of ?y?ng the nation's debts, and incr?fing publick wtflth and publick ?it, they have ?Iunder'd the nation, and funk publick w?lth and publick cr?it to the 1owe? d?gs; that they ?ve either fiaudu. lently e?bezzeI'd to themfelves, or unwarrantably fquander d away (they know not how norto whom) the money and ?ock of thole p?Fons who chore and hired them to manage it for their advantage; t?t they have ?en g?Ity of in[?mous practices of all

all forts; that therefore they. ought to be ?ni?hed in the molt rigorous manner. Now, if tt can Se pro?'ed, in like manner, that the other dire[tor? have as pmfidiotdly broken as gnt?t a truR repofi?d in them by'the go?'ernmenr, xhe nobility, gentry, ar.d commonalty of �ngland; that under pretence of advancing natior. al religion and learning, they have iatroduc'd national irreligion and ighorance; and i,?Oead of promoting loyalty and.- peact, have encom? d treafon and diflu, bance; that they have debauch d the principles of' youth, infiead of reforming them; that they have embezzel'd or fituandred away great ihms of publick money, and that they have been guilty of wicke." and in?mous ?ra/i'ices of' all forts; ought thO not, like?vifi, to ?ni? in the moil rigorous manner? To ?�, that this b? not yet Seen proved. is ridi- culous, till we have had an opportunity of proving itl the iniquities o? the $ontb-j? direc7ors, as much and as confidently as they were talked of befora the ?.d?ent met, were not prov'd till the parliament meet: aud when. the parliament fl?all be .pleafed, to take the eondu& of the other direrlots into as firic'/ examination, I doubt not that they will rill- cover as great mirmaria ement and as man ------ Nothing which I have here laid down in ?cneral coneem,.'ng eitk'r the so?th-?a. or tl?. Oxfird di- ?'e&rs can. be made to incluzle ever}? mdMdual of either fort, them are, ! hope, fome-?iltle? men ot? both, tho' I fea?, far zut-numbet'd by, the guilty; and therefore roethinks they ought. to pray }ora _pub:ick ferntiny, that their ehara&er$ may no longer rafter in bad company. - From hence it will be eafy to judge, ?h37 the a- cademical d/re8ors are/b terribly againl? (I do not fly afraid of) a =ifitation; namely, for the time mffon that their brethren of the South-j?a abhor the name of a/?cret c?nmittee, This

This is the chara/ter of the/? dire/tots in their ublic k caFacityl if' you take them in a more rate wew, amongIt thetr fello?,s m the,r refpeO. iv.� colleges, you may define them thu. s, ' .-? ^ diregot, or $ e u t. t. of ? college, except as be fore excepted, is a lordly llrutting creature, who. thinks all bene=th him created to gratify his ambi. tion, and exalt his glory i he command? their hom- age by uting them very ill. and thinks the be?t way to gain their adoration, is to pinch the!v belli.,s, and tall them name6 as the moil tyrannical princes ha?te al?vays the molt loyal fubjec2s; he is very vicious and immoral him?If, and thei'efore will not pardon the k'att trip or mircarriage in another i he is a greif ?rofligate, and conf_equently a great difciplinarian; he ?etri. ges in fraud and thamelefnefs, and is ,lever pro- pe?',ly. in his element, but when he is either. m?ttmg wi .cke.dn? him�elf, or ?unifhing the corn- miftion of It in others. �

TE RR.;E-F ILIUS. N o XIII, Maxima q:?.?ue damns Sz?tv?s eft ple? fuperbig Jtl?, 4Sbte{,4 A VlN G in my Ia? ?r, given rome ? ? account of the tev=?d ?ulls of colleges,

  • H*

. ? I proc?d meth?ica]ly, in this. to th?r ?? F?T=?, who ?e the next ?and?s of the unive?ty, or, m cagy on the the derks m the Oxford direhots. It is ?cu?r to thel? l?m? heM-?ieces to ?ew mo? reft, and give more encouragement to their ?iiykgneb, t?n to their fludents or felbws,which, I fup?}, t&y do, t?t the f?ipture ( of which al- fo they are t? Dm?cxo. s } may be fulfll?, which flys, ?e th? is l? a?gfl you a& t? fame Fat? Wi?a? ? ?ver ?tter pleas'd than when he i? drinking a ?Ie md talking over matters with Mr. j o. ?, Ns Mm, who I mu? conffe? d? is a v? ?nt? we]-br? ?ffon, and ?t his n?kcloth with as froart an air as Mr. ?kj. Fat? Wi?i?, to ?ew ?s kindneff to Mr, Jo?., ? made him m?c0? of his co?ege, a fine- ? ?rth twm? ?unds a y?r, which is more t? m! of t? j?iors make oF their Some

xxn Terva. Filis. Some people al�o think that Mr. Jo?.?, having lht'd fev,?l y?rs in fo good a ?rvice, is h?s ma?'s nq feive?er, finc? the d?th of a eeltam who ?d him in W?t ?d? and that he rome- times fupplies the deficiencies oF his avil !?. For my ?rt, I declare, with all the fincerity in the world, that I don't my. Mr. lo.? his ?1 ce' . .. _ y . .a ,forI ,?ver heard ?ut that the fellow was a very hon? felto?; which is more thin I can fly of rome of his betters. Dr. Lime-Kiln, the block-head o? a nei?hboufin? co]ege, is another Inflance of this fort of'compIaiZ fince: when he was, rome time ago, Vice-cban?el. br, he more than divided his power an? authori? with his !atquq, i? I may fo call one in of fo W?t an honour. No buffneff could be done ? hour Mr. F?s s aSwce anti conlent, nor any f?s ?mitted upon bufinffs without pret.?ous ap- mtion to him, and paying fuch previous ?es , the ?id Mr. F?, ?ould? in his great &mand? it is fib {ai?, that this dignify'd valet has often furnifl?d his ma?er, or collegue, with confldmble thins. I-have lately receiv'd two lett?s from two dif- ferent Gentlemen (who tell me, that they were for- roefly of Dr. LimvKiln's college ) complaining the infolence of tMt doughty S c u ? s and his Man F z ?, who, as one of them intbrms me, is a and in ev?y a&, that ?1ongs to his mailer, fueh ?.ni?ing ?r?gu?rities, ?rt?ribing orde, &c. to expre? himmig WE wi? td?e c?re that (uch man ?all not ha=e hb dew?; Or, Wz ?i!l intro. du?e another mu?er ff li?ing in the college; givin? himfelf an air of parm?ip with the reverend ? die his ma?er in the government off the college. The other gentleman t?s me, that having blig'd t?s ?vo?ed $ g a v, who compIfin'd oF st to

Terra-Ftius, his mailer, he was told by the do&or, That rather have ?d h? &?k, ? a:bed ?h awhore ?mt to h? s?i md t?t-? to ?1 for it. It is in every body's mouth, what this worth l gentleman fiid, when his mailer went out of ?ice-chancdlorJ?ip ; ? rej?'ee, fiid ?, that W?- Dr. Da, ?o?�s. of l?xeter, is a?o very famous fol his familiarity with his ?otmtm, whom he make? his confident. Once upon a time, the late bifhop of ' going to pay do&or .Dv. zBo, zs a -viiit, found him in his lodgings by a lettie ttarving fire, with a ruff figkt candle before him, �moaking a pipe cheek by joul with his man Taom?s. As loon as mlr lord came in, up leap'd the fallow in a gr?fi? hurry, and was going out of the room l but his mailer, Sit ,do'van T?oslxs, fit dou? and frnoM? your t?it?e out; kerr s no body but my lord biJ?. and he ?on't ta?e it amifi: Tuo?,?ss is a ?ery boaO, �ood-natu?d 1o?v. try lord, a?d ]braetimes I make him [it and frooak a ?ite ?ith me for ?om an?. Come, , , . . . ? . lord, ? tl drrak hu health, if you ?kajk With all my heart, fiid his Iordfl',ip, and t3 ie ?vvat round. Dr. F?.sy?s, late of lge?v. Co!lege, was anot?, ,of the? obliging co]ege noddks; but there is a good teafort to I? given ffr his dvility to his groom? for though he be never fo much a tani'?r?., as fa- ther wilh9?m calls him, yet nvo heads ar[-better than ?e all the world over. was man)' years dirdled, in all ki$ proce.?lings, blick aad private, by his ?atkr, who :s fake ex- ? i?, ?rtlakidge. peli'd

cll'd for defrauding the college, with a pious intent to enrteh it, It they would ban,. tip h?s p?O:ure, as he deftred, in their hall, and pray for him amongit their other benefaO:ors. T. hus in all gre?t faroilks, as well as in the? antl other colleges, there ever were, and ever will? fuch infolent flares kept to domineer over th ' matters clients. and levee-men, and �ometimes over their mailers themfdves. When SI?ja?t/s, that courtly villain, whom we read of in Tacitus, was in his profperity, it. was e/teemed a very great honour to be ac?tuainted with his door-keepers, and meniaI-t:rvants. Etiam 8a- trium atelue Pomponlure venerab4mur: libertis etuo. a?tte ac janttonbm elm notej}ere pro magnifi'co accipie.. b?tur *. There Ox[ord j?otmea agree with the S'outb-j$a. u?uledings exa&ly in this, mat they grow rich fur prifingly falter than other peoples firrants. I have too much re�pe& for the chief characters of all ages and all countries, to call any unfeemly refleXohs upon the dunghiI, from whence they hoe fpmng5 and I often wonder at the f'olly of' many men, who would be thought wits, when hear them �comf'ully call a rifing great man an up. fi?rt, a mujhroom, and a thing of y. efierday, as mat- ter of dffgracei whea 'tis plain, fi:om experience, that we gentlemen of the mob have_ .always been the ableit perions at the helm of' a?rs; which is fuch an honour to our illuftrious obfcurity, as I can- not help being very proud of. It is a finruling maxim in ?gilding, th. at a fuperttr.utture cannot be fupported w?thout a f0undauom Book ?9'ery.

s o xx v. Terrte..Eliur. 7 a ?hilo.fopher, or a fiilor: but at length birth-right: prevailing, I was tint to Oxford? pholar of a colo /ege, and my elder brother a cab?,:n4oy to the TE R R�-F ILI U 13. N O XIV'. i m?nt to ?rote?t and ?courage fi'i?n&, i.q a maxim which ?ax pre- ysi'd in all wi? nation,. It i? founde? on re.on and ?liey, . well bundan[ly eon?rm? by the e?perimm 0? the eonm?y pra&?, wNeh h. con?tly end? in the immNent dmg?, if not in the total delrue. ti0n o? ?ofe fu?t?l fl?t?n, who ?vg put in ?ecution. We ought in e?y to fup?fe, tht all nors, whaSev? this or ?hat ? may think of them, efi?m themfelve? ufi and lawful vernm?': I do not m?n wiol?t ?furp?n, or ?rei? (who ?nnot pretend to exercife a ju? government) but only fueh ? m'e cali'd pariiav?ent,,? and heredi- tary ?emoni ?v=nors de jure, ano governor? [ago. E a Thi?

?6 Terre-Filiu. o Ttfis �up?ofition cannot t?e thought unreafonab'.e Iv any party, becaufe it only fuppofes all parties.h0- ?fi and fi?cere in their different interells and pro. reidohs. All governors therefore, whether de jure, or leac7o, believing themfclves engaged in a juft caut?., ought to encourage, or at leaft to ptote& tho]? per- ions e�pecially who have tliftinguifl?'d themfelves in the time caulk. This cxpe&ation alone could ani. mate them under adverfity to risk their lives and fortunes in defence of it ? and if they'find thcm- felves dduded in this expeCtation, whenever there need-of thdr afiilhnce again, they will fit down tamely under their prefent .misfortunes, rather than run any hazard in. behalf-of a let of men, who, they know, will not eafe them of one burthen, but m?:art? lay heavier upon them? thould they attempt. I will {late the c? wider ttill, and fuppolk even jr?reign irroader$, or wio!ent ufurl?er$ in ?offeff?on the government, who cannot pofl?bly [:elieve them- �dves to be iufi or la?�ul governors; yet as there men, by lala?ble fpeeches, and artful difguifes, may lztf?e many well-meaning people, that they are promoting the publick good. and .thereby &aw them into their interefisi I maintain, that it i?, the duty even of' thofi: ufu pets or invaders to �upp0? thofe well-meaning, mirtaken men, who fupported them in their tmjut? poffettion,. and to prote& them from the infults o1' their enen?es, tho' .they hapFer. to be the friends of their.country. I need not have put the calk fo .fir, but that t was willing to l'hew how much &en. villaira a, 'oblig'd to defend thatk who are their friend?, no, knowing them to be rillfins. We have no w upon the throne a King, whom believe to be as jultly and lawfully our King, as th, eaufe o?' publick good, anti the conlent of the wh0I mti0z

?ation, by their repreFenratives, ?n ?veral parliaments ?t?mb?cd? ?n make h?m. Under this belief I'have [worn to obey h?m, and I defign to obferve that 0ath? part o? which obliges me to d?ovor ?ll ?1 ?cret traitors a?d conspirators ?gainfi ?s ma- ita./$ ?er?n and ?owerrtn?ent 3 fuch trailors and co? fp?rators I conceived thole perfons to he, again? whom I undertook this paperi I thought it my t] there%re to difcover them, as I had fwom to and I think that at lea? I de?rve impnaiff for .pains. Yet has it been of hte malidoufiy reported both h publick and private, that fereral of the Bi?ops have petition'd the King to CupprOs a' feandalous pa- per cMl'd T ?RR m-F ? ? ? u ;, highl? r?e?g, Sine of our figacious news-writer? r'eprclent it, o? the t?o aniz'erfitie?,tbe cbr?ian religion, aad the reformation. By whom this is done, or with what intent, is eafy enough to gue?; but the artifice is fo thin ?d ridicubus, that no b?y, I think, can ? deceiv? by it. It cannot however be an improper time to pro- ?uee rome of my proo? againfi the ?$ns with whom I ha?e enter'd the li?s? from whence ma? appear, whether I who relate, or my let who publi?es? or thq who a& hch enormitNc$ a ain? t?b government? ought to be under a g . PP henriohs f?om ?h? go?emment.? IK for ?ce? ? may be ju.?e in my o?'n care, to be puni?M IVhig: and Tories too for the time thing, is, I think? a little too hard ufige ? 'tis hch fore.flroke and firoke play, as I cannot po?bly under,and. One of my principal evidences is a fermon pr?eh'd May ?9, 17?9, which ! promis'd to give an accoant 0?'when a proper opportunity offered itfilf': aceor- Anti, I willbe in with it next ?edne ?. In th? mean trine, I wdl prefent my reader wtfi hme hr. fie ?ccadifios, which may ferve for coaatenl prooffs,

or corroborations of my main charge: the first of which shall be an epistle from a gentleman in order to a certain Head of a college, in which he stood candidate for a fellowship, and carried it.

N. B. It was written just after the late duke of Ormond went away.

Vir coIeMifflme, ? ?ha_? fanta rerum ?ertur?atbne, me Ben ti rejfcit memorial t'pero equidem dum Ecclefia? tYatrono$ tav?eribu? in]9!tuumur male? ut mihi e!u[dem mi? ra, fayore tu?o a lure j?o ?daata !uget, ? nose religionl trb cave?ifque fuis te?unt fan?M te?ebriono, ? ?erfus a?? primb ?a. tela librant: ?a?n ? ?u u ?t v?gtlant?a ?ra lit?ar? ?tfena? ?otuit, ten? tna de o? a ?or?Ittr d?tatt ua ton ultras, e? ? ?to ulmi. ?t, t??um n?t h? umvt?t?, ?-cujm ,icem gefffig tuis ?rith aliqu? refpondebit E?. ' ?os Exu?. Welices t ?? acuBs tam illuflre o?e?t ur ?lumi f?tiore? t q?s praceptis ad virtutem)r. m? ti? tamen e omet-i e ?5ci ?mus ! , me in o- uet?em tuarum laudurn eaoptari no? md?gnum 6itreris: hot fu? t? $er, eficio afterurn me ti3i in omni re mOtera ger?e, & quantum edltgii great. entire ?rom?'ere ?romitto. Sum, Vir colencliffime, Tui favoris ftucliofifllmus.

In E?/?]s? thin: Right ?vorfi?ilful N the pre?nt great and general eon?ffon, gratefful remembrance of your b?e?h&or Sir x?n Be?t revives my drooping fpirirs; for I hope. that whil? ilI.min&d men throw the trons of our Church into dungeons, I, who am a mi- nitier of it, may, by your firour, find refuge under King ?tfred's roof. How, alas? are the mo?ls of the Co?gv cbang'd? O?r widowed Ohur& now f:ntibly feels its lofsi our Faith laments the want o?' her Defender, and Reli?on, being overca? in a cloud of impiety, the fanatical uncleminers of creep out of their dens and caverns, and fir? of all oot their arrows aDin our univerfity: never. thdefs, if any one? ?igilance could have defended the ?cred cau? of learning, yours wout? c?tainly tare done it. ?ow ?oldly you eonfulted ?ts honour, whil? th 0 in authoriq thunder'd again? us, thi? unive?ty ?all wime? f? you; and the Most sos? gxlu?, whom you rometime re crea- ted, fixall, one time or oth=, reward yo? merito- rious eondu?. ?appy are they who have fuch an illu?rious ample before ,heir ey?] more ?ppy they, who by )'our precepts are tram? up to virtuel but moR happy ?ould I be, i[ you would e?eem me wo?th? to be chofen into the number of thole who tell forth your prai?s[ So gratefully will i acknow- ledge this obligation, th? I promire ro promote, as much as in me lies, the good of the college, and ?o 3e a thorough.?a?ed ?onform? to your ray a?io;Is, I woOiful four ?or?ip'? ? bu?ble ?etitloner;

8o Terre-Filis. v. One of C. C. C. in a publick f'pcech, when was proCtor of the univertity, jul? after the King's tlceff.,on, having abufed Dr. A,?t.?vvt!, and given ? the wor!t charaSer his �p!een and invention could furnifh him with, had the/? remarkable wor& in it:/-1;./2? medih ad a ut,?t a?'c7at viam ; abe.::, di/?edat; cot?vz?xus? ?mRS.?. By theft metho, ls .?aves his way to Coua? 3?,o;?e; let ?im go i tootab fi?it t?e Anoth= pro,or, about three years ago, in f?ch, told the univerfity this mebncholy flor),; Zb ventron ? ut Ecc?zs?a ab eo, ?ui titulo honv?ur, ?ene diruta fit. ?ings, fiid are e?e to that pail, that the C?u?cn b demol?/? by him ?ho has the honoar to m ?e flile,i the Dswue? of it. It is im?ble to reinemir all the infinmtions ? ?efle?ons of this nature, for the la?fix ye=s; v? few pub?ck f?che?, declamations, or !r. mo?, were ?thout them i rome have bern full o? nothing e?i as in particuhr, the ?ous fir- m?.?, of wNch I am to give ? account in TERR�.

TERRE-FiLIU$. N O XV.. ttic Iratat e? Deos 0 Pv.j�R.?a'. Jmr. March P'O N the twenty-ninth"oi e ? ? r 9, the reverend poetical gentle man, whom I have �everal times- had oeeafion to mention, preach'el ,' a notable fermon upon this (as we find it written ir? the thirteenth chapter of the prophet" ttofea, and 'at the ninth' ver?,) 0: libel,' tbo? haft' d?royed thy ]3If, but in me is thine help., From which words he undertook to prove, that' E?La?t,, our modern !jqae!, had al.fo de ro 'd it el or (as he more elegantly worded ?t) was gmlty civil and I'piritual ?lyCmurder ; which.he intr?duc'd' by oblirvi"ng, that as when a tingle perfort falk his,otto hands, or, (as the text flys,) de. firoys himj}lf : ? it ?s call'd fimp!ej31f-murder5 �o, when a whole civil' locicry falls by its own hands, or deflroys it191 f, it is' civil klf murder; and fo-ag?in, when ? u?hole etta- blifh'd church falh b its own hands, or defiroys itfil it is (otritu?l �el�.murde, A{ ?vhat pa�cul?r time our Brlgi? l/9ael bru'd its hands inks own blood, he thought it

1.cid, qo? that &y, to acqu?nt us? purpofcly avoid- rag, through his whole ?rea?hraent, to mention the of 0o lqames m'?el or King Charles i ufing, inClead thereof, the?: and fuch-like general expr. e. ffions, as the u ur er, the rightful heir the royalexde, the exi lea monarch, &c. betides whxch, he tingled out fuch incidents in his defcripfion of this our flare of civil and fpirltt,:a! fidtide, as bore a nearer =11ufion to later times than to tho? former ones, which the occafion of the day fuggeffed to him; exhibiting to his gaping audience an unjult parallel between Kisg Charles I. and ]amet I[. and between Oliver Cromwel a?d King This mof.:ld )?lie. murder we committed, ?t ?ems, firll, ?. our aifibedience to the CauRca i and, fe- dreally, our i,,jufliu to the l. By our a,/bb?die?ce totheCavncu ? to prove which, the Cosvoc?x;ov did he, u,a: filehe'd: a-u/our holy mother ?va$ ?ot permitted to take �oun]}l for herOIC. Poor old lewdman! what a fad thing that wai? gent to fhut her holy lip; up .-_nd not �uffer her to tell winter-evening tales of witches and apparitions in a chimney-corner, as /he us'd to do!.-- to be Cure, good man! he did not glance this obliquely upon the pre?nt government for timing her fo now. Seemingly, fiid he. the bifhop? were de?rig'd by a lay- ?er?tntokrabte impudence again! that the vile beafis the people lhould offer to turn a q irated gentleman out of a good diocefe, and an tdied coach and f?x? onl for refufmg to romi to be ? re&l i o? upon any other Fretence whaff0- ever !--Here again without doubt, the preacher did not think of the lay-deprivation of bi?opsat the Revolution. Bt.t, he added, ?e ought t? hie d} God, that many q't?o]} r?ere? d?riv? fithm ?d ?ri=att? ordain f?d ?r?ns, ? ? to maima? the i?alua?le

xv. Teme. FiliSts. 8' rain minitiers, to who/} valid and eflleadou$ prayers ?ve may t?iouflyfu?oi?o!?_the Reftoration was in a great mealare owing. It fills out very luckily for this 1oral preacher, that all his initantes agree with. �ome- thing nosy.a-days. We all know that there Is now in tee world a ?t of t?ng!i.? hiehops, prielts, and deacons, behind the curtain, who are perpetuatinl? for us this invaluable bl.e?n of a regular u?)nterru?5 tedfutee?on 5 and putting up valid prayers for anb- ther R?atto?; but that our ?tho&x pr?eher the? in his eye, would ? avaiu &urch, ? re?ealing the la?s ma& for it? and allowing a Yolerafion to all per, ns, ?ko them?lves Protefiants; the' under that name ?ere inclMed, ?ho did not believe the reefired trines ol ethe Trinity. Where this was aim'd, is ve_ri/' plain, flnce in �rom?d's days feveral.l?_r�ons, whi? did not believe the receiwt do6trines of'the Trinity, were �o fir from being, toleratM, that they were profecuted with the utmof[ rigour. I!. By our injufii?e to the Kmo, which, did he, conrifled in keeping hi.m out of his rightful and here. ditary dominiom i ?ohtek they did upon there prind- Fir/}, Vox l?Ot?uli eft v0x Dti; which has fmce ,.been ?ged by the eburth as m argument for hered, tury right. Secondly', $alus pol?ul ! e? fieprema lex. ?hiuily, Hereditary rtgbt u,?t be it a?de. Which rome White-.boobies have thought to be the and not principles of the Revolution, of the Oliveria ufurl?ationi but what cannot ignorance and whiggila fee?- lgay, fikl he, many fithe Xlng5 ?iendt them?}Iv?

FirIt, What moji o[ them had takm the Oaths t,? the ufurtxTr__ . Secondly, wh?t it ?ould c? the nation ? great ?'hir?y, ?at t? Kin ann his imds ?re u- t,8,1 to ? g ? cliff=eric reli 'on rom ?hat ?a? e. All wNch ?ivolous gc?s he fully anf?ered in a �e? words. Yo the firfl, viz. That moil of the Kins's friend, 13ad taken the oaths to the ujitrper : He anfwered, I .?thrant it i but betaup th? had done a wicked unjuit ing, muff tbe?/ther?fbre continue in it ? Wretched bldeed muff tbei} eafe be, ?vben their al?ology becomes their aggravation t Here was an abfolufion from oaths, flap. dafl? at once, for the young ?hdents to carry home they hare next an occalion for perjury. ?gaintl As to the fecond of theta, viz. That it ?vould the nationa great deal of bloodfl?ed to refl?ethe King: this objeaion, fiid he, is of jufi as much weight, if a ?er?n who bad broke a Limb jhou!d cbufe to be to)me pain tn the ]}tting of it.. To the third, That the 1ling and his jrriends evere $[?ted to be of a different religion from what voas ?en" erally Fofqfi'd here, he anfwered roundly thus: $upt?fimg it to bejb,yet is there no more weight in it than in an ? the reft; or it could not be denied ,y,f . that he had a jttfi hercalgary right to_ be our King: No?v jullice is of a divine eternal. nature, and cannot with he difper?d ?u?_a any account ? to do injuttice un- der preterze of religion, b to obey God's laws ? ?ng .?3od's lawS: We muff not, ?fiid he. do injultice to PrelD"oe the &fi church, or the ?}efi religion in the tn .?-ufii?e, ?d de? u?n it ?us:

xv. Terre-Fili.s. Though 1'/'peak ?ith the tongues ff men ?d of gets, a?a ha,.e not ju?ice, ? am become as ?unding brafi, or a tt?kl?g c?mbal. ?nd though I hz?e the gi? of propheq, a?l un&r. fland all my?eries, and all knowledge i and tho' I all faith, fo that I could remo=e m?,ntaim, and have not ju?iee, I am nothing. ?dthough I b?flo? alg my good, to?ed the and though I give my bo o to be burned, andha?e not ju?ice, it pr?teth me n?thing. Ju?ice fu?reth long, a?a is kind; }u?Jce envieth not i juflice vaunteth not it?, is not ?Od Doth not behave itbg un?emO, feeketb but her o?n, is not carlo pr?oked, tl?inteeth no evil, ?e 'oyceth not in ini u O, but re 'oiceth in the truth. , ?eareth all t?ings, belie=eth alI things, hopeth ?mgs, en?reth all things, Rts?oaE?n all things. Tile word REs?oetva was delivered in as remarka, blea manner as it is printed, le? (though it was none off the apoKles words) ?is learned audience ?ould not apprehend his meaning; and therebrehe shunfired it oat among? them with an emphafia that could not efcape the ?allowe? apprehenfion. There was one thi?, which I obferv? plea?d them extremely? it wasa melancholy reprdentatmn of the condition of our exiled Monarch: He mas, ?id the preacher, in .a mournful ?ile, obligedto der ?bou} the earth, like a fugitive, from aatio? to nmion, and flora on? people to another peoplei nay, his roal li e was not out of danger, the ufurper ?mp]qed ricans to ?q. lay htm, and fl?ed h?, blood :'but th? hand Orovi&nce, fiid he, guar&th the lives ff Kings, and proseSeth' them from ?he lice ?their enemies. Mean ?hite, fiid he, the ufur?r fitccte&d roufly in all his un&rtak?gs : he ?as viSoriota in his ?an, ana artful in his tt?ties; the greatO ebks courted bh A?a?c?s3 [tNs ?as whfi? th?

86 Teme-FiIus. xv. ?uadruple alliance was on foot ?] and the Briti? nn. tiaa, eyre under ufar?tion, ?'as ?t inglovious. ?e ?ere, indeed. fiid he, fiw?ral to r?orv t?e g?g; b?t t?ty ?ere either ? unad=i?d. ly ?egun, o rot executed, and at Iut? fini?ed, that thq fi?ed on? to aggrana,?e the e? ? in ?ffe?on of? .-. Of t? ?ve ?rt?ate men, th? att?$ to r?e the_hwful ?eir, ?me ?ere b?i?ei ?thers ?ut to &ath, an{ the Oates of both ?ated, which brought great fums into the ufur. ?'s )me indeed had their lives f?ared, exchequer ait? ? ? ?I;?. or 3teau? their ?ates. were not ?h takNg from them i but this on? ver?ed what the Wifemm]ays, T?t the mercies of t? wickfl l?ut it will/5, remembred, to the lafiing honour this univerj?y, that during the ufurpation, this table body continued con?nt and true t? the royal exile, evera whilR armed form were within our walls. He condu&d with an exhortation to his brethren, not to clefpair tnxl_er the greater evils, but to wait with patience in lure and certain hope, What H E that fhall come, will come, alut that all theft things ./hall b, brought t? aft. This is a faithfu? account of his difcou/!? Ul?On this octalion, wNch I leave my readers to coniCder �f fill next Saturday; when I will acquaint them with the ?ings agai? it. TERR?.

xv'x. Terra-Filius. 8 7 TERR/E-FILiUS. N' XVI.

-- i I __

0 ! Tempor? ! 0 ! Morer ! Senatu? hot intelligit, ful videt, H:�tamen =ivit ! Cicero. ,_.___?H. E �ermon which I have anatorniz'd

n my laft paper, cannot puzzle the

der? any more than it did the auditon ic to find out its meaning: it was uni- vexfilly received in one x?n/?, thou?.h with different emotions. I, who heard it my !e'if, never ?w fuch a variety of countenances as upon this occafion; fome./?m ?te with their eyes fixed in amaze and indignation upon the reverend preacher; others difcovered a fort'of pain and fear for their chain. pion; rome difdain[ully freiled, and fhewed a f?range mixture of malice and fatisfac"tion; whilR others looked with fuch traiterous vehemence, as if- they w. oukl have ruled upon their libelI'd King, were he within their reach, and, like Shepherd, have fmot? ?ir?-to. the heart. It was applauded for the bo/de.//, the/n]/guarded, and r/off extd!ent fermon againR the government, that had been preached even at Oxj?rd, �ace the King's accellion i all'waved their caps to the preacher, as tyaff? through them out of theehurcli, in teltimony of their approbation i his health was the roar of the ?ight, anil'his abilities the burthen of their con vet. �uon.

$8 Teme. Filius. xv, Several gentlemen, well affe&ed to the King, and his adminiaration, who were prefent at the delivery of it, and took down an abftra& of it in. writing. waited for Come time in expe&ation that the zice. cb?cellor, or Come of' the do&or? or governors of the univeffity, would take notice of fo impudent an infult upon the government, whole creatures the ? are; but finding that nothing of this nature womd be done, the reverend Mr. Meado?caurt, Fellow ?denon college, waited upoi? the and comp',ained of a ]3ditious xSrmon preaeh'd b Mr. Wh . on upon the day ufored,d, defii':ng that his notes might be demanded, and that he might be puniff. ed according as the Statutes dire&ed. To this the vice.ckaneellor anfwered, that he was at church himt?lf, and that he did not obferve any thing j?.litious in the �ermon, nor had any do&er or Hea:t of a dollege complained that there was; and therefore he bad him particularize any lva,?ge, in which he apprehended thefid#ion was couch d. But Mr. Meado?rcourt reply'd, that he would not char . . any particular paffige, ,becaufe ?f he d?d not do exa&ly in the preacher s words, he might deny it to be his do&fine, and �ape jullice; and therefore he charged the tenor of the whole ?rmon with ?,li- tio?, and deftred that his notes might be examined, and that then the fiditious paffiges would appear. Th:s complaint and requ? was the more reafona- b!e, l:ecaufe, but a few months before the vite-than- ee.'lor had demanded Mr. MauriWs notes, upon a corn- Ynt made inlt'afermon which he reach'd, that it contained �omcthmg contrary to one of the Arti- de? of the church ofl?gland, without any particu- hr allegation; and he was prohibited to preac'h with- in the ??in&s of the univerfity upon that account. Yet in the prefent care, the vic?.tIsantell?r abfo. iute. l� refu.fed to demand the preacher's notes with- out a pam?ax charge i though the.flatute in this

s �, Terra-Fiiius. 8 9 ca�e flys, that if complaint be made .?gainlt any mon to the vice-chancellor upon reaj?t:able ground of fufpicion (ab aliqito rationabilem fuf?icioni? eat?m a erente) that it contains any thin difagreeable or contrary to the do&r, ne, or d,fc;phne of the church of �?:,gland, the vice.chancellor fi?all demand an exa& copy of the f?rmon, and call to his affiflance fix other do&ors of divinity, (of whom the Regitzs project, ff he heard the �ermon, fha!l be one,) who are to conrider whether the complaint is )uiti and if it is, to punifh the offender with prohibition, (to preach within the precincts of the univerfity,) or with recan. tation: but, flys the ttatute, if the t?rmon is p? ec- ted to tend tofidition, that then the vice-chancellor, with only one more do&or of divinity, fl?all puni(h the offender by fine,!?ublick recmtatio?, or imFi?n. But the misbrrune of the {tatute is, that if the vice-chancellor ea#not fie Jedition in a fermon, tM be{? eyes in the wofifi beffles avail nothing; which was our particular misfortune in the care of our rioration. preacher. The vM. chanceLtor having ref'ui?d to proceed on a eneral complaint thou h, as i obf'erved, hedk'i . g _ ( g

n the cal? of Mr. blaurke) the complainant drev?,

up the fo. ll.o. wing charge,. and delivered it in wfi.Sng to the vt?e �bav?eltor, v ?z. "I Charge it upon Mr. lift.---on, that the gane- '? ral fcope and defign of his late fermon was to ". afperFand blacken the adminiltration of his ma- ".lefty King G?o,as, by a partial and wrelted re-_ "pret?ntation of all the a&ions and circumttances "the refint Rei n, as arallel to what ha ned du- . p ?. p?pe .. 'r rm the ufur anon of' C?o?,?w�r.t,. I char e _.g. p g . "1,kew?�e with maintainin t?veral pofitions tend- "rag: to arraign the julhce of the late glorious Revo- .'?!uiivn, and-to rubyeft the foundation on which

�ra. Fi!ius. xw. it fiands: I therefore require, that the �ermon be immediately called For, and examined by the, pro. per judges; and that the offender be punifl? tl in fuch a manner as the 1tatutes dire&. I?ichard Meadowcourt. Neither did this charge in writing fitisfy the vice. ?hancellor. any more than his verbal one before; nor could he be prevail'd upon to proceed againIt preacher, defying the complainant to acquaint the Government with his refufa15 bidding him, in a fcomful manner, take his courfe. Do you, ?id he, ?hat you thb, k )'our duty to our Kin ,'and I ?wll do Y. g ?hat I think rn? duty tithe umverfity. Upon this t}pult?. Mr. Meaao?v�ourt ?nt an ab- riva& of the �ermofi to one of his majetty's princi- ? ' licretaries of Rate, with a letter in,brining him, iir!?,t meafure$ he had taken az the.?htutes dir?ed, ?1 ?hat ill fucce? he had met w?th f?om the . This abflra& was afi:erw.ards artcited by fwen or ai�ht gentlemen ol r the unwerfity, five of whom ?,tere clergyram, who offered to give their oaths to

he .truth of what they att?ed, and will, ! believe,

.till do it, fl'?ould it ever be required. The right houourab!e Gentleman, to whom this lett? w.?s lent, ?hOUgl?e?� affair of fuch impor- tance. that he laid it re the Lords jufiices of' the nation (the King being then ahroad)'who immedi. ately difpatch'd a merleget to the wire. chancellor, commandin him to roceed accordin to ttatug g _ p g againfl the preacher. This unexpet!ed command being brought to tl?e vice-chancellor, he thought it not advifeib]e to refu? any longer to do his duty; and therefore, having muf- The right honourable ?ames �raggs, Efq;ter,cl

xv. Terrx. FiIius. 9 ter'd together fix other grave do&ors of divinity, (though, in ?s of fldition? only o?e is required by ?mte, a? before mention'dO the pr?cher was ?nt for to Gdgoth?, where they met fbr this purpofi, and his notes were deman&d ? not without fufpi- don among? rome ?er;ons, that notice was giv? him .over-night to l?[e them, or get romebody to ? them away. But the? are only fufpicions.? However, Mr. preacher ap?r'd, and co?[cientioufly depos'd upon oath, that he had loft his notes, in which care the flatute requires, that the pertbn comp?in'd nf fl?all be ?amin'd upon oath, as to ?he ?rticulars he is charged with, or of which he flands ?(pe&el. Some. thin of this nature was done, and the tefutt of it g feat back to the Lot& j?iee? but in fo ?r?arica. ting and un?tisfa8o?f? manner, that itconvinc'd them of the ta?ious fp?rit which r?gn'd ut O?rd? not amon: ? the Lad? only (as.hath oftm aong young km ?cioufl? pr?t?d?) but ev? mong? ? ?1? go?m ?d ?et?a? do?s of the universe. Up? this comumelio? behavior to t? Gov?n. ment, romething was thought neceffiW to ? done for the ?efirmat?o? of the unive?ty, and much talk'd of at tha? time? but it has, i fup?fe, been ? lo? po?-pon'd tq oth? buffneff, that at la? they ?v? qmte forgot ?r. Ae the end oF the year, the ?ice-chaneellor, in a pub?.i& fpeech, triumph'd over the Government, and infulted Mr. Meadowcourt, calling him debtor tur- ?ulentus, ?u de petaluma poetices profe?re, in ara. tiane accurat?m? tyrannidis m?rias depinge?te, ca?- ?uefius efij & quum ip? delatari inobediens ?ui, ad ?x?u?eos ?udic? provasvit, fpr?t? mt? autk?rJ- rate, reto uramenta ua ; ? turbulent In ormer, ?y, for ?f?ying in a moil accurate manner the mi. ?rie: of tyrannl; and ?hen I ?ould not obey the in-

Teme-Filius. x jSrmer, appeal'd t? foreign 'udges,.in contempt ?f n 7 authority and hi$ a?n oath? Mean while, th? is the man, O ye ?higgs and ?ons of libeft' ! 0 'e gre?t tMker$ t? Kin? Ge?a6? and the Fotefiant riteteflon I thk?, I fly, is the man, who for pr?ching up peq.7, re&llio;?, and bandage to the youth of ihe natlob, tot abuli?tg ?e King, reviling his government, impeachi?g his right, and ?m?ring him, and his glorious prede- eeffor King William, with ,he wor? of all tyra?t? and ufut?rs, gains c?eem and encou?ement, and ?pularity among? us? enjoys at pre?nt a good place, ?d a good fefi'?ip, and lives in daily expec- tations, and und? daily promif? of nexv prefement? and new honours !? Whfl? tho? few, thoro v?y [?, who, in op?fition to fpiritual ?icked- ?e?, dar'd to aff?t the ?u? of the Kin to ?hom ,? t? they had f?ora, and to og?fe the perCon, whom theIt had ab{ured. are left to the ? and vengeanc? o?'tho? ?, whole defies in the hte ?s ? w?ch'd and d?: ?me of t?m have ? t? ?ees ; Come their[e?3ip?; Come ? ex?B ?, and Come ruin'd? all Mve fuffer'd for t?r z? one way or other, eithe in their intereft6 their bv?e?, ? reput?ivn?; n?e, t?t I know bye ?n rew?d? for it, nor even prote&ed their forme common right? ? but they lye deCpairing und? dereli?ivn, and the �ins oF pref?t? or the t?ors of approaching ?lamities.

TERRz'E-FILIU S. N �I. dudendure eft, ut illuflrata ?eritm patent multicju? k PxRjvmo liberentur. Lacq::. ?t? T adminilters great comfort to me, un- ? I ?l* der the fatigues of my a,a,temieat war. fare, that altho' rome right grave and fe- ?? rious pc?ns find fhult with my manner of wrinr?g, none of' my fa&s againf? the univerfity have been contradiCted by any o1: my cor- refpondents. What I have urged in my third paper concerning matriculation is fo juft and reafonable, that it has occafion'd the two �ollowi,g letters;both of which will ferve to explain and 1trengthen what I have fiid upon that fubje& ? to which end I now make them publick. ?IRs "'T' Hough I know it is commonly fiid, tha? "I. whatever is elhblifh'd by the authorit,,, of "fo learned a Body as the univerfity o%ht to be ?' free from the cenfur�: of any private yerfon; yet y Ihum.

94 Terra-Filings. "I humbly conceive, that what :you or I ?all "t?ite, ?nnot jufily be oftenfive to them. if they "? really lovers of ?th, and not maintaints of a "fi?n; be?ufe the ?v? and m?e rind adver- "?ie? we ?11 ? to their errors, fo much the ', ?tt? fdmds are we to them. The error? (to "ufe no wor? a fitS) wh;ch I ?11 mention, are "the oaths and fub?rOtions impos'd on every one "? at his ?mitt?-e into, and tal. i?g �delree in the "univ?fity. The ?rmer of thffe you hint? "?me time agoi but I think it is of fuch impor- "tan?, that ?t ought to ? more fully mn?ed on, "W?tev? dimini'?es or takes away the reverence "or obli?don of mt?, doe? at the time time "loire the ?on? ?nds of human fodety. Now, "fmce an m? is Fo Dieran a thing, I think it is a- �' ? ? t?t it o?ghr to ? re?rv'd for "aM we}? ?ons. Wh?h= this r?e ? oh- "f?'d in the unive?ty of Oxeo,?, will ?R ap- "? ?om the? pra?. If any one t?t is fix- "t? ymrs of age comes to the univ?V, he "obtig'd by ?mte, ?fore he ? be Mm?tt?, fo �' l?nly to f?vm? t?t he will obferve all the ?a- 7 mte? aM ?oms of the artivOry, t?ugh he

? ne?= f? nor knows any thing of one

"?em; or, ? ?dibras ex?eff? To & he k=oms not ?bat, nor "for'till after he has fwom this, be has no itatute- ,' book given him. I am not wiling to make any ,, refit&ions of my own upon this pra'Odee, and "Onall therefore only tell you what ^reh-bifimp ', ?11otfou flys when be is numbering up the dif- "ferent kinds of P�ujURV ,s. In like man?r, flys

xwn Terra. I3'lius. he, he ?s gudty of ?enurv'. u, � ,. . ?..?h?t he ?s nor toorail. --- ? "tevtat? he i. n?..?..._ . 7'v, ?ga reajonabl "ther ?.-- -'- "?'? ?v.?e?r�Now, ,, r..r.5._,?,? a man ?ay ?e tiid to be mor,.?t.. '-?, ?]w?ao? t?rtai? that h. ?,? ,. -'7 n?eation of thole w?'r?_, ?,_'5?'? to tny. c)n. -? ,?.u me?r runs thither. "However, to ?etv the ltkeliho? of an o "?5?g the? Oatutes, I mall only mo.?-?_? "--?cn e?ery ?udent is obli?ed -fi, --'?7 ?" oqe, not to go a &er or haan-hunting, nor to o :o any "l?e of the ?ce-chancelIor. ? p' " out the t?vem' i?, al?-hou?, o? robatto- o w' "But this is not the wor �. . "But what may? we not expe8 flora ? "?ard youths as there are ? T t--- '., ch .for- ?; ? . hey Will cert ' � t,?e exc? O?IVtR'S ?rt?r (who us'd .tff,?I? uo oeler. ?Ine erer? day de a?i ?i?i,), ? & quoli?et e?te) "tinct they on fo loon and ?fi}? determine fuch "matters as the? are. However, left they ?outd ? ?o? too .vain 9f their abilities, I ?all reco ?ena to them 10me reflea;?-_ ? - . .m ?c ?t:ons or t?e In ?r. Locke, in his E?- ot -- .... . ?e? per, ns, flys hq however the ma e a?d ,eat t 7 5 fiem hi h -. :? . ?. theOlves, are con?'a .-.- o? t?ot?ght, t? that ?hich ?ouM be the ?f ma?, the,r underl?-?: .... - .. fieq part "is t$? to ?op?ate truth ?ithout kno?l?ge

gion of their con?, ?d mt? ther?ore fwa#o? dow? k?ow?g ?'ha't ?h? are made of i or like the Common ?,'?i?, of aa arnO, thq m 4 ? their ?armd, and courag? as their leaders direr, ?ithout e=er examining, or ? much as knc?ing the cau;e thq contend for. ?udibrm exprefies partly th? finfe thought thus: To an un?noavn church-di.rci?li?;e ; W engage, ?nd after un&?and. ?t is, i?aeed, the?lf fame c 0 ?th their$ that fwore t' & ?era'?. ,c I flail to this ?to&ice too beg leave to "again the words of the fore. nam'd Arch-bilho?, in "the timepage' Wheu a man,fays he, is ?ncertain "whether ?rhat he f?ears to, be true, this like?vife is "perjury; for men ought to be certain of what they "a?rt upon oath, and ?ot fwear at a ,?nture. Now, "to fly that thefe gentlemen of t:vet=e years old, ,' fwear and fubfcribe to theti d?ffcult and abfirt{} �' points? otherwife than at a venture, i? what I "think the fearIce of thefe learned impofers them- "feNes wou?d even blufh at. Nay, the very tta- "tutes themI?Nesfeem to me to �uppofethem igno- �' rant o? the? articles when the 3' fubfcribe to them, ', fince 'tis the chief end of their rutore ut inlti. �? tuant cos in rudimenth religionis, ?5? doFlrin? arti- "ctdi$, in.One& Zonal. anno ?y6z. editis. That they "may initiate and inftru& (not confirm) them in the ', rudiment, of religion and articles of faith, fit forth "? the? of London, x know

xw. Tm',.Filha'. 97 ?' I know 'ris commonly urg'd by the/? youths, "m defence of their fw?aring thus, thac conf?e- ,' rin? t. hdr age, they may fly with the poet, ,c &t?I?ravt, menter? iniurat?m gero. I fhat! re- ,' ply fo them in the wfrds of the uniteriley itiilf, "m her own explication of this oath: $i quit in "n#& tortice ?trbo?ur? tiffit, 0 ad ju?nnffun? ,, ardr?utn a.?rt non obligandi i?ipthm, non. ideo ', 'urii trimine extuf?turn rt?udere ? &bet. "f?ar? ?it?ut intoning to lay !?u mmcl uuder ?ni. "o?ligation, he mull not tloer?fore thinl? bir?]?lf "c?f?l?o? ? �?ilt of Pt?j?Y. !f any one thinks ?vere, " I ?ve ?n too in ?ewiag that ? ? univ?fity (?e defign of which is to in?u? "men in virtue and mor?ty) d?s aimoff una- "void?ly fubje? all its mem?rs to dduble Psi. "lwv Of Arch-bi?op ?lb?pn has rightly "'what ?rjury contiffs in,) I ?all only reply, '? 1? you think fit to commum?te what i have "now ?t you, you may expe? farther "wi? rome refitions on the method ? ?aking Dur? ?:c, j, "P. 8. You mention in on? ofyou. r papers, that "the V--------r of OxFoav, Ins forbid all the col- "fee-hour'es there, to take in poor T?_?,x-, under "the halt of being di common'd: pka�e to re- pe y o . commend to hun, or !?s friends, " ?he follo?,in g '.' fmtenc� of bithop W?ylor, a htc member of that F ? t?ailrer-

Terr,e-Filius. xvx. "tmi?erfity;. Forbidding th.e t?ublicmlon of "which there is rmthi?& ?mpious, fly he, implies "e?ther that ?re dJflru? our cauj?, or d?rufl our ? ?l=es ? our abideits: ?d it is but ?n ilhterate "? to th?t that f?h in?reR and u ? tht author, and ai?}ut, his ?ritings: ? t? eon?aq, ?S he, 't?ill }t fo?d that the "?riee =i? ? ?b?d ? a condmn'd or a forbid- ? ?m?. SlR? iT Hough I have been your eonfhnt reader, and, by fatal experience, am convinc'd of the truth of'what is alledg'd againft the uni- ,, verlity of Oxvouo? yet my own private buffneff ,, hashitherto orevented my being your corref_?ndenti "and.I have, 'fore againlt my will, been obliged to �' defer a ha?pine? which I have long ?romis'd "my fell. '- In your third paper, you have treated of the ,c oaths which are impos d on young ftudents; but ,? there is one inflance o the knavery of rome of ,' the great men o! the univertit)?, which certainly "muR have efeapd your knowledge, or doubtleE ,, )ou wou!d have thought it too flagrant to have ,, been omitted. "Whm I was matriculated I was about feven- ', teen years of age, and confequently entitled to "take ill the oaths i accord.ugly I �ubfcrib'd the "thirty-nine articl?s of religion. (tkongh, by the ', bye, I did n:?t kno? that I had done it titl near fix "months afterwards) and the then V--Ch----r u Dr B .... n, comin? ot:t of the convocation- '� hot, ?:, Itc, ok the o.,r]?. of fu?rema?, and of .,$ obt?v:ug theftam;o, Irsvileges, &c. of the uni- - �?_ vetfity,

Terre- Fi. liur. 99 "verfity. After which the do&or tign'd my "t?icu!?tion paper, tettif),ing that I had nifo taken "the oath of' allegiance, though not one word o? "it, or his majelty Ki,g G?-oR?E, was then men- "tion'd. ,' "$houl,d you, upon the publifhing this letter, be "reproach d as an inventor ol: ?thoods, and the "thing ,be obje&ed againIt, as what was never "pra&is d in the univerfity, be but fo kind as to "acquaint the world with it, and 1'11 then openly "afterr what ! now only give you a private inti-. "marion of. "If this hint can any.ways be �ervlceable to you, "you are welcome to ?t, and may promill: }'our "tell' the future correfpondence of, $ir? PHILALETHE? From the lqrfi of there, I think, it appears, that according to the notions of three of the grea?eR men that our country ever Ned, ^rch-bifhop willot- .?r? bifhop �urnet, and Mr. Locke, the direSots o? ? the univerfities ([or ?rjeant Miller has prov'd the fame of Gam3ridge) cannot evade the charge o[' impoting PrmJ?R� upon all their members,/'rid of' initiating: thole of ?ur youth, who are to be the guardiar?s. and ornament o?'the commonwealth, in the impheir guilt of that ?oor]} of crimes. I need ?ot add, what every reader will naturally deduce in hil own mind, that? if this henious charge be a tru? F{{? tcharg:,

xoo Terra. Filius. � charge, it is no woMer that there is fo much fraud, corruption, breach of truff, and eonter?pt of oaths as is at?ffent, and has. been of late years, too vitibl L .common among{? usl for when:once this 'great bar-. -ri& is byeken throug.h (and .what can tend more to' it, than ft?ch pra&ices m t?e publick �chools of the na- tion?)humanf valery has nothing to maintain itfelf, but arms force, and the au.thofity of arbitra? legions. . The. 'lafi of there letters I PUblifh beeau{? k men- ttom two ?--ti?s, which I took notice of in my mmr? u! m r?ricul?io? viz. I. That many, I might?fiy, that molt gentleroes �re trot appri?'d, at tl?. time wlz-n .they. f. ubfiril?/the

  1. ldr.?.-nine artide?, thiit they do fu}fctb; them; of

which I have had feveral perfoml initraces amongfl: my acq?tanee. And, . . a That the oath of allegtnnce to King ?$ often e?Mtdi or ?nt, at leal], o?n evtuIecl five or fix years ago. ! conf? an ?s letter is not a voucher of' the truth of any fa&, and? therefo?,?'i/. do or disi?gve it, as he thinks that I can afttin: him is, that it is a gt#u/ne-Je.?.?er, and ? to my handsinit as I publilh it. B?-?'ttigl. ?j?. which couiif?s of ?rgsonmt upon the l?ra?lice of the uuiverfity, is not liala!? t? th? I wtql ?1o�e my obfervafions utam th?-fulf'.;e&?. in {i me future ?, with giving the t?? a 9, of ottr tlnlv? ttatutea? ?l'O?-wl:iich -hi will,

red how rar?imt/0ufiy_they obferve them, ...He

fee whetlser, in a word, P�ajuRz is nat the f?u?, s?msg?d. dds confluence of m?ritsiJsthm ? ".or (to ? a cant term into plain-.l?ng///h).w. hether ever/?t do?$ uotfu&#/? ruth/o/t -, -

T E R R ]E-F I L I U S. N �!l. ' " '--------ld.dr?itror ?'?O?rime in wita 0 utile, .t nequid nimis., T?. And. T is an opinion general!yprefam'& and admitted to be true, that terO gw?t the ?orld; whichl however, ?s not fo very plain to' me, but that it may be worth an idle fellow's while to examine, it,it-be fo true as we are told. There are cer- tsjul r other fpri.ngs of' human ae"tions, which ?ve a re'at ?are jn the affairs of the world. The deftre ?nrnt is the ticret caufe of all heroic and ?aous enterprizes, and is reckoned a fuflleient equi. val?nt for the lofs of' quiet, and. molt other articles d i?,.happy life; to this fatal pnnciple are confiantly' fidifiCd:the choiceft fpirits, the flower and omd- mmrof every age, millions of' lotdiets, and authors. i? .,is of' prevailing authority with �ome and?"ia-fo much r. eputat_ion as to be c.I?m'd by?ll. The:unhappy fodety of' be? ?f/vi.t, m .?ort-?qeld? have n.ot yet been brought to difcla?m the condugt

Terve4'lius. xvx. or: this as their governing principle. I was lately ask'd by a near Telation of mine, who has been a tenant there rome time, if', in my confcience, I thou?oht he and his brotherhood ought not to trufted ?v?th thesr liberty, as well as the tribi? of t?ulra?ts, fia3fcrib?r?, &c. I own, I was going to grant him his point, when he run on fo oddly, .again? the condu? of the adminillration, in rome ?a,,e particulars, that prov'd to me the Poor man muff geeds be very mad 3 I fl?ook my head in to. ken of rnjt compaflion and fuperior reafon, and left faire, It mull not be forgot, that there are rome a very few) who are under the direr:ion of an odd ?rindpte enough; they call it their con/iience: I be- lieve the term is unii?telligible antl obfolete, excc N to a few of my dffci?les within the liberties, with whom I ?all at Fretint leave iti only adding, that this inci?',e (however aukwarcl and hnta_ftic they rr, ay th?k ?:} would have a very good elFeft: m a dignify d clergyman, or the Head of a college. And I mull do a certain :?enth the jullice to fly,, that I lino,;, above or.e or two of that reverencl body, who ure raves to this princi?leat this very day. I fi eak what I think the trtah,and I don t care whethera.n? body believes me or not. But from my ?wn little obfcrvation I have been ??t to think, that mankind is molt generally under the power of another principle, which is of infinite variety, and partakes frequently of rome one or other ?f the forego' ing principles, and yet is in many re- fl?eO?s tlifferent frown an]of them:? 'tis what ! fhall at prefent ditiinguifh by the name of Fltr?ot,?, or that irarticular bent of mind? that obftinate turn of fondntis and inclination, ?,hich altooil every one �eel? rome time or other, for �ome favourite trifle, rome good that .?.lls chiefly in the fancy, and is of- ten inconftttent esther with intereft, re?utation, ?ea- iotl,

xvx, 7err,e-Fihus: xo fon., or virtue, or all of theft'. The gratification thn humour, whatev, er it'be, is generally what we, �mean by the word I le?rei and yet we are fo tily friends, and at-?ce with our d?r whimties? that' we make ?i?. to call our humour by ? better name, and endsyour to ju?ifv it (at I?}) to our felves, by dir?uifing it under f?me of the more cious titles above-mention'd.. 'Twou'd be endlel3, as well as impertinent, toen- ter into a detail or divifion of the variety of humour. The r?der will eafily recolle& his own pleafure?, and tho? of his acquaintance, and by what falfe lo- gick, what plearant 10phifiries every one ju?ifies hiv particular' inclination. For my own part, I am afraid I mu? conrider my?lf (among? multitudes o?' other people in the beginning of'ti?}) as under the condu& of humour rathe? than any thing el&i for I be!ie?'e I $a:l ncve? ke thought to have made a proper court to my in- terea, by enuing into a ra? unadvif:d war with the ?uit?u? and ?werful provinces of ignorance and' idlene s, per?ur and profanen O. Could- I have kept my countenance, or not 1oK my temper, at the fo. lemn fialking gravity, which, with an air of liner- rance and pious contemplation? cove?'d the deficien- cies offi? and honefi?, T?n.?-F?LtUS might now have lived in lure an?certain ho?s of Ning one day a fellow of acollbge, and in the receipt of twenty ?unds a y?rj but tinct it was not my humour, I mu? endsyour to repair the lo? of that comfort- ab',e cxpe&ation, by perfuading my reader that i =m a con?iffor ?r the unprofitaNe intere?s o? truth an8 liberty. and publick go?; a chara&er fomewMt fin- tique and ?idieulous enough. 'Tis, however, a pleafute which I wou'd not ex- change fbr any other, to think, that the world ?ou&d with people as wrong-h?dyd as myfclt; and fuch too, as dare to p?evere m the? error? F q �with

fi? me ?nds in Mieving him?!f ??? right, the ?tO i? to cliffover we are ?'the wrO'.?_? ? g? om?ny? aM I ?eve I am not w?, aft? hayingrate than [arely fuf? h?mfdf to ? ?ong, h? fo?d ?ends enough in the ?me ?Mifon to vog him in the right. None ?ow ? well as the unhappy the true va- he of comfy in misfortune: the mo? forlorn wretch ? me ?Id is he tMt is ?utM alone. No?;n in the o?I ch?a&? oqoiminals endues them fo milch to oneanother, as the hkenefi of iheir crimes. find I ?ave b? told that the cclebrat? Mil- t,? never ent?ed into convolution aMut c?? and writings, b? dffcov?'d (unknown to him?f?haFs ) that the blindn? of tho? g?t men ?ad an unaccomrable ?are in the ? aM honour' ?Mch ?e Eagl?man ?id to the memory of the For my own ?, I don't well know how to ?mt or ?Memn the mi?kcs ofoth?sas I oug[t.. Who? hasaMndon'd hisintere?, and eohfulted' on- ly his ?umour, has rm?in'd me to his fide,mud is juffifimfim of my own condo&. For this r?fon'i am quier? than oth? ?ple und? all adminiflra- tionsi and fore?, tht I am likel to pals my time, as well pl?s'd as moR ? his maj Ry's fubjeOs ?re: but ?xt to the mnrolati'bn I mc?ve ?om t? lent eoudu& of affairs, I find by hittorian?, that l-l?uouu, with the advimtages.ol,' power and racy, has had as great a lkare in the events of fdr: met times, as at preterit: this mull needs make the. ?g///h hiltor/to me the molt entertaining book in the world. There I meet wit h k!ngs, who have judg'd fo ill, as to believe they had an intereft apart from that Of '?' their people; and that it was worth thdir whik/' to fupport a hma4tea?theunital?iesof thdrfu,h-

je&.s for jufiice. To ranbrain thls trifling bur?.,. be it i'etnhmbred, that Crowns have been often bazarder,- ? l?metimes lo. lt. W?tever ihtteries may have !g'/n F?id to �uch kings, while living, pof?erit? does ti.Of? remembe? them either as great princes, or honeff When I read of a minltier, (whether of' a rap?- dous, or n negligent, unknowing b#mour) whet' unm�onabl� pi?J'um'd upo n his prince's 'flyour.- which, in the progre? of the ?it%ry: appears to be too weak, or too fickle to pmte? htm.; roethinks I attend the noble Lord to his �mffold with as much f?vel]ing fitisfitc'tion as the injur'd Commons who i6c!i'a him. There have been parliaments. too, or parties in them, who for meer gratificauon of the popu? humor, have inveteratdy_ pufh'd the ruin a fa- becaufe he was fo, and wathout vourite? roeeft _ hopes of a better to �ucceed hm) as far as an abfo- lute rupture with the prince, and the mi�eries of' a civil v?ar, Caprice and burnour has;e been fatal in the fubje& as well as the cro.wn, an.d have, from. both, di&ated fuch violences in polittcks, as have often overthrown the profperity of this nation, and entail'd r real misfortune upon it. ! re?! t?e lndmauon of redafling rome of my hiftorical literature to my readers, which would b? matte of fireat fitisfa&ion to my fell, however it might fare-with them. But the profeffion of quill hath lately dealt fo much in this fort ot ware, that I fhall for once conquer my' humour, and conclude, that if reafon be the belt gift from heaven to man, 'tis bale and ungrateful for him. to reign himfell to an), other conduct. Reafon. is the teft of humour; and that humour which is unrealamble, ought to be fcandalous. He that is guided' by reafon, ho, wever imperfe&, will pail a .-: Y$ ' is

,o0 Trr,e. Filiss. s�x. a contempible, uncertain creature, o?en to much tion himf_dt? and is of confequence to others only by chance. TERR]E-FILIU$. N �. Y buffhers has hitherto been w. holly with the male delinquents in our ?mzer]tte:i but I am adv?sd by a friend, that I ?ou!d not, i� I &riga a general refbrmation of manners? negl�& the other part of the fpccies, I remember? old gentleman has often told me, that he could gue? at the character of a man, aM the figure he marie in the world, by obferving that d his miflrefs There is fo much truth in this, that women are the caufe of more than half the good or ill ae'?ions of a man's bef? days: they ?re ottt very looking-gla?s? we drefs our febes at them ? and many times, like ?l. are?., unf9rtunately fill in love with our �dves from the figure we make at this decdtful light.. If a man's mif?re? is kind, it is to be feen inkira m every trifling a?ion o� t-he ?}? !_f csuel? no l?kaf?r� has its right talte to h m:

'-xz Terre. Filitt'. . o 7 and of fo ill con�equence are both'thet?extrearns a y?ng man', who ?ould ? minding his im?e? ment, that the one mak? him mue? too vohtfie to apply himfe}g the other too ?upid and fplenatie to take any delight'in his bufine? or Rudies. I knew a promifing Lad, who came to the verfity, after having ?n approv'd thro' one oFour her fch0ols, as a dili?nt and ing?ious feholar: he was the very favourite of his maker, and I have heard h}m ?bnd)y commend his fir? ?eps in th? world of learning: I knew him for rome time, after ?e came among us, maintain the time chamber; chamber, and himf?f whH? he kept his . employ'd Was in it: the m ?sfor tune that ?ttended him was, ind=d, that the poor young fellow did not drefi fmcs} nay, often was really dirty: by degreeshe got ac?amtedin the univerfity with rome oftho? who call them- felves the beaux efprits of the p}ace; of the? he foug.?t the _onverfiuon, fir? or, t of'curiofity and ?pes of improvement, 'till in?nfibly he forgot that motive which had brought him among them. He ?w, though he cou)d not agree they had a va? deal of learning, that they had yet ?d lindn. . . y g ? not abundance of w?t, indeed, but very rich lace,, red:' ?oc?i?gs, fil?-button'd coats, and other things, which ?nRitute a man of tae in Oxford. All thi;_ I fay, be fiwi and as they are moR of t?]em good-- natur'd ?ello?s, was not o?nded at their dre-?, eaufe he lik'd the men. And tho' it was a while be?bre he ?egan to copy after them, yet thing is more cer{ain, than that'imitation follows' approbation. They were continua{3v crvine the? ? little more line?. To this the ?or youth had little to fly; he percei?'d the pro&ice was t?elg aDin? him, but did not well know ho? to co?e up to it. He ?as a }ad ,?f good ?n?, and ?onf?ed this air,orion of him?lfWould m?e him' F 6 be

! ?mc ? ?& O? ? aC?t? T? w? n re- a ? to ov?mme ic: ?ys ?, ? ? ? of his ?? t? ?uv??, we m? ?d out' �omebody for him to pk'a?. Immediately the hint was aken: G--d, DM?, t.?ysone, did you never �c? mi? ?'/?vi?, one o� our top toat?s ? No, quoth ?, ,n{,?f? a? h? window. Well, Faith, flys he, to t,.?. {he likes you, I my ?e!� heard h? fly in pub- lick company," I have ?ten fl',ew'd lVlr. "?:vcr? dmcsi every body flys, he's a man of fire? "it is a thouFaud picks he's �uch a florcu." This bait w?s �o l?p?ly {aid, it could ,?ot hi{ ccedi?. i-!� was wavc,'ing in his own opinion �orei but ?ornen (at onc? �o grca? is their power to do good or harm) in an initau? turn'd the ' f ca{c. My gc_ntleman very toodeftly (tho' wifhi,?g not ?o be ufidccdv'd) cry'd, I am �ure y. ou jeff: a allq?atiou of r? con?ry clc?:d up this �crupk aud immediately he cry'd, did you ever talk with {?cr ? Has ?e wit? �o long his real'on h.e{d him. B? when t'other ?nfw?'d, lhe has the wbit? nt?/?, j?_? ?am/, the r?v.? {?rm?noe eye?, .the poor youth ?gh'c?, ?md. �mii'd, and hiufh'd, ahd put him?l�into all ?e ?,ety oF poilures that this new idea co.u{d .,?te.--To be lho' rt, ,?o ?PPO? could he eat n,gtui home he were, walk',t ?bou? his chamber, � and talk'd aloud to himfeif? a? lafi, threw his wig hm the fire. aM. like a mau of'reYo{ution, cry'd, ,i--d, rl! so pe h? to ,?ro?,. ?hus was the fatal blow ftruck. See; ? y?. fak ?lcs, wht mifchiefs ye m?ght do unknowing, when your charms are only ?lk'd of in your fence! Hov? much g?ea?r theu mui? I? your in-

9 flueace,! when yofi':?rni yore. t?lves in al! the ?'?: of'?ty'fo?,? :?nqueR ? The un?ppy y?uth,l lm h?e f?kiug,o? he?his?efolu?n of?'n? ?nvinc'd ofw?t ?epl?'a ?!f fd 'much in ?e thofigh?s o?: ? n?gy: ?g ?erc? w? f?t to (all ?is ?iends o?t'm ? umve?Vr?fitally a?Riag h?m to pro- mte'?s ?iO; whi? while he was his own con.. darter, ?hi? t?ever had Rrain'd); he fear'd the ?ef- mm..wo? ?hink him ?az'd by this fudd? c?ge foi 'to ?11?a?e this, it was buzz'd a?ut, th? our ?rt ?le& Md an eftate fallen to him born a d?t r?non, and that as loon as he was of age, money' w? ? ?ery plenty wi?h him. There?nrce?ed- t?t?is tomake ?.?t?dy to ?rni? ?m with al{ ?ter?s ?o e? ' egulp the ?mp?e?, milli- n?, all courted h?s cuRomi fo kind, fo g? tur? are t? ?rt of ?Fle in oxford, that the? ne? re're to ruin any young gentlem? Beho? ?m fien equipt; his {ru?y[rit?:, fince t? ?dd not have an opportumty o? making the faii ?male acquainted with the a?ir. w?e, the firR to dechre among ?e mt?t ?. bli?'aMUt the town, that Di;k was fm?tten, and thq w?e lure, dreR at Mi??. The Girl was nor difpl?d io ? the obje& of his flame; tM nt?, &cau? this wonder, wrought natgralq as they th?ght, bore the thee of a miracle. This was turfi? ? Sail into a yufiter, and ?e thought that a mucg gmteel? metamorphofis, than the G? in-z-.'; to ? ?fl; The indu?y o[" his brother f?arts: b?ought them together; ?ch was pl?s'd the? ?ne? not why, unl?, ?caffe theg thought the' other was ?. As f?n as th? interw? was over, ,. they'dunreal to themfilves every !?k that hd md fitifi? themfilves with a redprocal w?ich ?ey ?ci? ?ey had infpir? each other ? ?t& So f? i?ocen? ill-condu? erring.

x x o Terre-FJ!ius. .xx. erring. From this happ 2, day Dick's books become of little other ule, but to lay his bands- and ruffles on i a?ieu to all thoughts of' advancement in learn, ing, he had nobler vieva?. Yet tO un{b?tunate was he by what he retain'd of hit former reading, the foil heid fo much. of what had been already fown, that when it be- nme no longer cuttivatrd, it now and then put forth a blade amongit the weeds, which refembled that of the true t?ed, but had none of' its int?infick worth. His brain? which could not all on a �udden ?come barren, now and then pro- duced a former, a letter to Corinnn, which dwindled by d .egrees from bad to worth, till at laf[ he could not find any thing better than an epithet to toatt his mittrefi. In this unhappy 1tate he hnguifhes at pre/?nti the girl is ?bnd of his addreffes. and the publick notice that is taken of her by this. poor lover l the only good luck that attends this pair zs, that neither of them have (fince the amour comment'd) had ufe enough of thought to conrider of the danger, nor fpirit en9ugh to fpur them to the plealure of a more lift& uo:on, Now I have told this tale, I would not have any of my readers think I deiign to bear hard upon that i?x, which is the perfc&io? of the fpedes; for the bad ones, cen{'ure is of no force with them, nor would I remember the,:.e are fuch in the world, but as a foil to the good. I would only warn the belt of them from being influenc'd by the thoughts of' p!eafmg and being a?e?ble to a perfort in the fiate of the gentleman ! have been talkin? of; on whom they can have no defign, which prudence warran. rs, or k, hich wiilom can :pprove. Let ?fhem a?m their dar s on a more proper part of mankind, and always tot a greater value on thdr power, than to cxe?cife it on poor boys. ! havcfaiditcando.them- fdvc?

?�. Teme. Filit?s. ? ? ? Elves no oct; and if'the ur e tlnt the}, do it h f?rr, the an?er of the fPogs xs not m th?s p'a? i!l applied, L?de? ? It m,?y be ?ay to yo?, ?ut 't)s death to the?. TERR/E-F I LIUS. N � .?uid dighum tanto feret hie promi?r hiatu? Hot. $ a T U ? D a X', March H E K E is not (fiid a fl?rewd wag} a moreun�omt?onthingin the world than common finfiD and ! will add to the a rodox, by adding, that th?s uncommon thing, called common [_enj?, is no where more uncommon, than (where it ought to be molt common) in our nurferies of literature and By common en e we ufually and jufily undetfl-and the faculty to d?fcern one thing From another, and. the ordinary ability to keep our felves from being impofid upon by groli contradi&ions, palpable in- canfillencies, and unmask'd irapot%re. By a man of common enj3 we mean one who knows, as we . /i fay, vohtte from black, and chalk from cheefi? that troo and two make j$uri and that ?; mountain i? big- get tb?n a mole-bill; in fhort, when ?te fly a man.

ch?; a ?&?, whch mo? mm tend to, Mt what v?y f? d?e: for tommou f$?, as ?{or?. define, is w?t ?e mo-R ? ?d ufl?m? think t?mfdv? ?ff?'d y? ts it in ,the moil l?rn? ofim wanting; am? ? ?hout it, and moil of us ?umt? deface Of it i &ch obflades ?d pr?ju?s lie ia its ?y, ,h;t it is attain? (if at all) with .gr?t ?g- ?, ?n, and anxiety; and wh? att?n?? c?ly ?nfld?ion]) it ?mcs accom?n? wit? ?fimy ? ?ntempr. " It wo?d, no d?bt, ? thought a v? untore- nerly and ungentleman-like thing m me, ?o ?ukl I call the whole univerfity of Oxfor d a n o ef f?ds, or fay that they are not endued with eomraeafinjh and I thank heaven I am better bred than to ?y any thing that nvay feem ./hockingl though, by the bye? a m?h better writer, and a finer Gentleman than I getend to be, oiled all the =oddf_o ! but I? was an atben, ?/ou will tiy; and, God forbid,that �hrifliam fhould know no better than he?tbau ! I &fire, however, that my good bruding may not be interpreted as an evidence og their =if dom; fmce it cannot be elteemed any morea proofof'that, than it is of the chafiity of certain ladies reftcling at Bil. lingfgate, or of ?he integrity of certain g?ntlemen, who ufed to meet in Br?dfireet, that I do not, out of the nicene" of my mture, call ?em a lrarceI of Wh--es and R--e?. It i? n/ruM for us to nil at what we do not poffefi: a m?n ?uz; ? fla?e'thinks it im?flible for ?ny.. ? iu .?ee to ? an ?fl maa; an ug? old hag. hat? a Feteyoung ?man? ? a brok?game. fi? ? a m?fl av?on m art& ?rO. In m?n?, whm I h?r t? addl? ?lb ?d griy .... and

xx. Terr.Fduts. x ?hat the? aze de?ttute of thole things whch ?- ?'biSt? againK. �. ' ii?'?"iea?, w?tever 6rtion of camram ? efijo? them?lees, they take ,?f?oal care to ?0? ?o? unde their ?iti?n, Mving ' to keep it mnummble h?ge voliimes by them, written on parpole to ob- fcure the und.erfianding of their pupils, and to obli- terat? or confound all thole impreffions of right ancl wrong which they bring, with them to the univer- fityl their./?vera! fyl?ems of 1ogick, meta?hyficks, ethicks, and divinity are calculated for this detign, being filFd up with inconfiftent notions, dark cloudy term?i,ani! uhinte.lligible definitions, which ten.d not to inRruc"q but to perplex; to put out the light reafbn;'not to a?f? or flrcngthen iti and to palliate fa/./h?/od, not to difcover trnth. l?y th? help of there cant words, and this Jeamed girlbed(h,'?operv maintain'd it fell and it? fuperfii- tion?'for (fi?fiv' c' eutur/es in Engla?d? romething very ' '"' tho' call'd by another name, does flit! If amongft: us, and the whole butin�? of our Education !?ems to be to defend thole abfur. diti?i and im?fitions which we have, 1on? ago, re- nouacgd'. f'bt there Js nothing fo tn.confi?cnt with e0r?/?rj]?; but:they can prove ?t to be true; nor ? ?iny t' hi-nff fo demonltrably true, but what, by this'?l?'ei?F?al hocus-t?esu, 'they can prove to he f?'i.' a ?afona131? dil?in[tion ,s always ready at hand to 'affi(?-t?rfi" at'a'pinch; and, if' they have ocea- lio0 toretra? what t?�y have before allowed, apret. , ?i?11'-<?ro,.6.gh?/t?-dt?,'?i'ou will l?r�?ate the This?ff og ?h -k? I? ick (as it is raol? . ul]?) ?s-.the ?fie? ?t m t? wor18 5 for it r?utres nei?'?r mmml ?rts, nor a?r'd larain& to makc any :one'a komp' l?t' ma? of its a ? ?o? ,.. is t? oily �?'?i? ue? to ?ve-' at a ?- .. ? - __

4 Terr,c-Filius. f�&ion in it? a?d even that may upon occgion be difpenl?d with :, as by the following account of the method of their dit?tations at Oxford will ap. The ?rf?$ of this argumentative drama are three, ?iz. the ottv?ent, the aej?ondent, and the Mod?. r?. The O??onent is the perfort who flways begins t? attack. and is thre of lofing the day, being alwa) (as th? ?ll it) on tM wron? fide of the queflion? ?o' off,times, that fide is ?l?bly the tight tide, aycotdmg to o? ?ern philofophy aM dffcove rle$. The Ref?on?nt fus ov?-againg the opponent, and is pre?r'd to deny whatev? he a?rms, and alwa)s ?mes off with flying colours? which muff needs make him enter the ?fls with great fortitude and ?epidity, T& MMermor i? ?e hero, or-prind?l charafter of t? ?ama, and !s not muc? unlike the godde? l?fi?0ri$, as defcrib'd by the poets, hovering between two armies in an engagement, and with an arbi. tr'ary nod, deciding the fate of' the field. There is this riflerenee, indeed, between the military comba- t?nt? and our f?hod combatants, that the latter know the iffue of thdr conflifl; before they begin? which the form?r do not. This M?alerator firtits-about between the two ?ardycham??ons, during the time of a?ion, to t?e that they do not wander from the quefiion in ely bate; and when he perceives them deviating from it, to cut them fhort, and put them into the right road ?gain; tbr which putpole he is provided with a gl'eat quantit)' of rubble term? and phrat?s of ar?, fuch a?, quoad &?, ? quoad iliad, form#brer c? materialleer, ?r?ti�.?men.?ali.ter i? tranj2endaliter, ??ualiter & loote?tialiter, dire?tb ?5' ?er fl, rtauc7i? ?3' per acu&m, entitati?..b O' {uidd?t.,;t.i�?i? .&c.. all which

which t would explain to my .E,?$1/FI, reader with all my heart, ifI could. Having defcrib'd the ptrj3ns of' this ethico-logico. phyfico-n?etaphyfi'co-tt?eologi?al drama, I will now give �ome account'of the drama it fell, or rather of the method of condu&ing it. /lcad?mical di ?utat:ons are two-fold, ordinary and extraordinary: ordinary difputauons are tho? whtch are.privately perform'd in colleges every day, or twice or thrice a week (according to different cu?oms or f?atutes) in term-timei extraordinary difputations I call thofe which are perform'd in the publick fchoots of the university, as requifite quali- fications {'or degrees: the method of both is the time, and equally arduous is tl, e performance. But I will conrifle my account to the publick difputa- lions, becaufe more roleran aM importart than the other. When any peffon is to ?ome up in the fchools to difpute (l?ro formS) for his degree, he is obliged by flulute to fix a p?per upon both th.. gates of the ?hools, before dg'ht'a clock in the morning, figni- f in that he is to difi ute in the afternoon upon yg , p tuch a queftion (which is to be approved of by the mailer $f the fihools) with his own name, and tl:te name of the eoll?ge or hall to which he belongs. All fiu&nts in the univerfity, who are above one year?; {landing, and have not taken their Batchder o a,ts de ree? are re uired b a ftatu'e to be re- (,f ).g q. .Y . ., x%t at th?s a?fulj31ernmty, which ?s dchgn d for a publick proof of the progret? he has made in the art o tea onin ; tho', h? th& it is no more than a formal re?el,non of a fet o� fyllogifins upon lsme ridiculous quellion in 1ogick, which they ge, by rote, or, perhapb only read out of their ca?s, before them with their notes in them. Thffe commodious f&s of fyllogifm$ are calkd $xumas, and defcend from undergraduate to under- �rad?are,

x 6 Terrm-Filius. xx. graluate, in a regular fuc?fllon: �o that, when any candidate for a degree, is to exerci? hi? talent in argumentation lie has nothing elk to do, but to en- quire amongfi his friends for a ftring upon fueh ov j?ch q fl?efiion, and to get it by heart, or read it over ?n his tap, as aforefaid. I have in my cuR?dy a book o.f/irings upon molt or all of the quefiion. s difcu?'d m a certain college, very famous for their vatioeb?atPv? faculty; on the firtt leaf of'which are thffe words. Ex d0n0 Richardi P----e prim? (21a? From whence it appears, :hat this R?d?ard ?. ; wa? ? great firing-matter, and by his beneficent l?- boars l?ad furaifh'd. his fucceffors, in the fir? d?ji, with a fuffici?at mheri?ce of fyltogifms, to be as.good logitJam aS himfall, witl?ou? ?ing any Behold, Io?,ing reader, the whole '? of leg?, as it is ?ught in the m? famoua uni? v?ty in the world? and judge for ?y ?, wbe- t? ? ?havd Steele h? not def?ib'd i t ?.jufily ? his dedi?ti? to 'the ?0?e', thus: , "This m?h? may ? ?'d t? art o( "?i?gas the moderat? of the d?te ?s.at l?fure? "a? ?y well ?ough be fup?$'d to & "k?ed ra?gt. 'Tile ?ue?n is'the ?li of . cont?. "tion; and hewins;-wfio ?s him?able to keep "up the ball l?ge?. Afrllogifm firik? i?to "tums it M? to the op?nent: ?d ?o,. "? ?s of tho?, wh'o have time to fit m&r. ira '? t? t&iadge of thegme ? it ?, ?th

TERR.iE-FILIUS. N O XXI. - ,?ldi?#s ju?e in 7er? Maoxs?m. Itor. ?.?,?itt? Forgot, in ?.y lalt paper, to mentioa ?" I?'that our t/?/fit? ?.o ?}? t u of arts and ? ? ? fdences took a. ?ruc.?ar liking to an old I '? heathen atb?ifit?al philofopha', one.,,M.'fio- "?ti.? tie by names to who? muRy fyt?ms of !ogive, rbet?rick, ?diti?k?, a.nd ethi?s, the was tach ? Wedded, that fhe conlhtuted them the lha- _ dards Of'thole.arts to all fuc .c?ding generations? and I I>? fiitute obliged. her r?atrtc#lattd ifl'ue t.o ?c!/hainlain all' his pn'iateti,al do?ri.nes, right ? wrong,together, to t.he latt gafl? of their breath, ? ? dr6?'of' the.'tr' mk i and st was fu. rtber ena?t- ot, ?bi?-the.'?uth6rity afor?id, that, ,f any I?.? llhotllit:l?f.?e.to dil'l?ute .or deny t.he $tagyrite s l?inio?fi ' 'ii?t lmblick exerct!L the laid exercife fhoukl ! -- '- .a, - � l n0t ]?- l?r?':ltorr? ', ann moreova', that the auda- [ry frith c?c?i a: rum, which eg_ery ?htlof'ophtcal l?rtn$?}? does not care to pay, for pretending to Ibe w{fer', {haa his forefathers. ' , This ?ld ?' pi'�'?;-wa? undoubtedly a very l?.ned man in his time, and has left t?venl notable i? I?._.?�, I will fuppofe, in his behalf, that

we hat,,e ha<l nothing like them publifhed ever fince, except (abft tnvidi? verbo) the inf?ired books ot t?e Nerv Tefi-?ment ? though a very able Logician, and an Ox}niar, too, nay, atO a-member of a col- lege, where arfotle has no rea�on to corn lain of P di?efpee2, has been heard to declare, that the B z s T l?ole that ?au ever written, except the Bi? L Z, WaS For my part, I cannot agree with this learned gentleman, but firmly and orthodoxly balieve that .drifiotle, as by law eltablifh?, is the bef? author, that ever let pen to lva?r: I have indeed often heard out c?..unrryman, ?obn Locke, laut in com?e. tition with him; but to me it �ee?s very plain 'dmt ?riflotle was a deeper fihol, r than l.o?ke, be. eanfe he wrote in Greet (which was his rr, ot?Ser t?ngue) and a better churchman, becaufe i,fi of a ?hr.'flia?. But, as great a f-fiencl as I am to this old he?ehe? bbilq?.?her, l can fee no teafort to believe every thing he ?5'?, nor to fwallow ,his truths and hi? fal. bhoo,ls _toge?her? I wou!d there bre humbly propore a re. ?rmateou of learning from the philq3I?hi?l popers', which prevails at ?re.?nt in our 'unive?fiti'e?5 ! would have no more a ? infMIibil?ty pretended to i? ?hefehools, ?l?an m ?he �hur�h? no ?bfolute dererrol nauon of fpeculative points tepofed iu any ma?, or body o? ? rnen? but I would have an univetfil tolera- tion allowed to, al! tl'u&nts and lovers of trmh, ? ?q,aire impartially a?ev it, and to clifpute ?'?eely a- bout it? I would have all inexplicable jargon, iufig- nifieant terms, and empty phr?ology? v?th whJe? uur dif?utatiov,? have been ?o?.?: encumber'd, banifh'? from the f?hools ? and, in a-few words, 1 wouk have our learned education, which at pre. fent roar wo far into n?et?l?h)?a! and /?v?;?ble regions, re duced to ?at#r?l teafin and ?ommou finfiS

xxf. Terre-Filis. 9 I am glad that, ?n �ome eol!ege? in oxlgrd, thi, reformation o? learning is alreaqy begun l where, I hmr, it is ufual For the tutors, in.their le?res-u on man? points oF phiioFophy, to tell their pup& j? in the -fchools, they mu? hold ?nch a fide of the argument; but thai the ottier fide is demonSably the right fide. - 1[ tNs hon? 'fpirit oF reformation ?ould pre- vail, we might cx? ro f? 'plain truth and fin?re knowledge flouri? in our uni?,erfities, infi?d of f? Iraming and di!?uis'd ignormce. But, fay, the rigid difciplinarian, fl?alI we have no ?ted rule tb go by ? no fix'd method o? deciding our difputes ? What endle? animofities and qua?eN ?lI arit? amongtt ignorant and obfiinate men, i? we ? all k? to our own licentious im?inatio? and anre?rain'? judgments? To 'this I anfw? that if we have any dated rule 0r fixed method off deciding difputes, b?des the force of truth and conviSion, we had as g?d not ?ifpute at all? if ?r?otk i? to ? our go[pel, let us ?en turn to the words of ?otle, and not rend the ?ripatetiek eh?ch with ne?lefi fchifms and di- vifions, , But if an unigertl l?erty were altow'd to fleNte u?n all fubjeas with ?ce?om and im?rtifli?, I tould pot be in any gr=t pain for the coafequence. It is, indeed. pretended, that ?ri?vtle's authority was fir? ?f all e?abh?'d, to pre?'ent thole quarr!ls and =kirmi?es which us'd frequently to happen m the univerfiries ?twecn different parties of.fcholars, ?ho m?ntain'd ,di?t o?nions, and fcorn'd to yield eith= of them to the or'her; in which eat they utd to adjoin from the f?hoMs into rome neighMuting field, ?n8 ?h=e fini? th:-ir ?ebate? with more convincing argum:nts, and more?an- fwerable ?l?g?mt. In

o Terr-Fili. 1?I �, .In theft ?/em/?al &bates (properl r fo call'd )it i,, fiid that many lx:rfons were fo thoroughly, conht8 by their antagonifts, that .they never open'd thei, mouths in controverfy ?gam. nor ever hunted ano. ther q?ffti? through the wild marauders of moo,? To reitore ?re the publick peace, snd to keei? the fchohflick dillrotations from coming to and blood!bed, it was found n?y to eftabltt? rome unerring role ff ?bilo./b?bie?,l f,,itb, and refolv� the dedfion of all controverfies 'into fome certain metl?. This is the belt account that we Imve of the o. ' 'n snd in?tution of the ?r/.//otd/ad dominion in the umverfiues; we mutt dillrote to no i?,rpo]?, bc- ?u? o?r a.catemical pre_d?rs could not _ilif_pute -.vitho?t going to/oggerbeMsi and thus t? folly ?ur forehthers ( like Zdam's fin) derives ulmn us the unhappy nef_?ty _of &fen?l abfuratis, of ?opagatmg mirhood. . Whillt our education coutmues in this ?te, it i, impo_tli.ble that truth, or knowledge, or l?ming fixarid mctel; the moff that we can expe? from it, or what it pretends to, is otfly to maintain the ground out forefathers got, and to make us as wit as don .dr?otle, mcl no wirer; with this on!ucky ch? ?mnex'd.to it, that we mull t?k? his and his Folly, his D?tams and his a?rg#mmtt: in the Lump together:: - ? A?sTox�Lz?fimdit?rtv. tara?e p,ri?at,uevr.,, d?i. ar, fr? virili d,?. d?re toae?gr *. To fill up the remaining Fart of this fms,' upon a common quezon, as tt was clWp,ta t three years ago i Dr. B----.n being then vice-

  • Vii. Smut. T,t. Vl. $,?. z.


xxh Terr.Filiu,. t lntrant Ol,?,o?�?s, K�st, o?n�?s? ? MO- DERATOR. Opponens. I?ro?ono ti?i, domine. bane (viz.) -..---- ?u datur agtio in difiam Refpondens. Non datur agtio in difians. Oppon. Datur aftio i? diflam ? eraa failer& Ref?. Negatur ante?ed?ns. Oppon. Probo antecedentera $i datur fiuxu? wirium Agentis, eum difiat A- gens, turn datur attio in diflans. $ed d?tur lquxtu ?irium agentis, eum diflat Ergb datur attio in diflan?. Refp. Negatur minor. Oppon. Probo minorera; ,,? .Vice-Cancellarius e/? agen$l

Sed datur fiuxta virium Vlce-Cancellarii,

eum 'a?at Vice-Cancellarius. ,. ? ?rg?., daturfiuxu? virium a,?e?ais, ?um difla.? ,. , agens. "ReCp. Negatur minor, ., ..;?.Oppon. ,- �robo minorera; �. ?i di�?utans ?amijii?, vel aIi{?is * G?lero indu- ' tu? timer. ? patitur. dgto ,'?tio inter Vice- ? . Cancellatium ? dfpatanteln vel Galero in-

dutum, t?m datur fl..?xm wrium Vice-Can-

eellarii, cure difi.':t V:ce-Cancellarius. Bed dift?utans Parvifiis '?el aii?ui? Galero ind?- tuz timer O' p?titur, dato fpatio inter Vice- Ca?,eellatium 0' difputantem ?el Gaiero ia- dutum : Erg? d?tur fluxur viri?n Vice-Cancelhrii differ Vice-Cancellariu,. �? Wearing of ftats in the univerfity is puni?hable by thtut�.

Terrve. Filius. o xx. Refp. lg?gatur Rtm minor, t?m /?quela. �Oppon. Confine minor ex t?erfitIiffimA ?lcademi? difii?olintl C.)' experienti?i O' valet/?quela, !trio. niam incutere timorem a!icui eft agere in all- _Moderator. Difiinguradum tfi ad tuam probatio- Terror hen proedit k jtuxu five ex e?tuviis Vice-Cancel]ariii fid BedeIll fortitan ( viz. Whilt--s (.5' M--ck Muff---nus) * bacu- li$ l'#is incurine terror?m. ?Et dico, j}ctmdb, quod iraaginatlo Dif'putan. tis fibi-b;cutiat 'terroremi ?luipp? m'hil eft materialleer terrific#m wel in Bar--o /n Whil�--ro, ze! (utcUmIue ol?et}))in Mufl'--dino; fit quamy;5 formalit}r. ! chore to give my reader the foregoing firing, a? a �pecimen of our learned difputations at Oxj?rd; beeau? it was really a ne? one, ( which, I affure /aim, is a very rear rarity,) and was? I believe, g made by the dif�utant himfdf. I give it him en- .tire, with all its apdafarm and refponfis, and repe- titions, and difiinSion$, that he might fee how exa& they are in the management of an aqkrumcnt, and how skilfuI in �pinninl? it out to a due'length, with alI the auxiliar); redut:?!ances of words and-form.

  • The lieaa'le? of the univerfity carry/ilver Stave.?

in their hands.

TERR-FILIUS. N o XXIL Par no?ile F r? a ?e ? ? ?. S ? tr u r? n A X', March E I N G infform'd, that what I have cur�orily/hid in one of my papers concerning a gentleman ( Mr. Meadow- court) of Metton College, viz. that ke ?va: put into the B!ack Book j?r drink- ing King Georg,"s bealth, and obliged to plead the benefit of his blajefiy's ^? of Grace to ?et hi? de ree, a ter he had been k? t o?,et o it two )'ears_for that hemotis c?ace: I fay, being reformed that th-is charge has been fturdily deny'd as a 5ifhood at Oxford, I will give the reader a true account of the v?hole ma!ter, from beginning to end. . i confer, ?t does not di�pleat? me to find the go?ned gentlemen �o willing to conceal or evade this ?nblent, and timoff: incredible tranfi?ion: it looks ?s if' they had �ome modefry left, and wereaflnmecl to own what they cannot poffiS]y juflify. As this atfiir was occafion'd by a �ociety of' gen- tlemen, call'd the Confiitution clab, it may be ex ?&ed that I fhould give an account of ' that �ocie- tyl b. ut I defign to do this at large in a paper by it fell, m which I will full), explain the motives o? O ? its

Terrx. Filius. xxx. -its inilitution, the unblameablenefi of-its condu&, and the realohs of its dedenfion i fo that at prefent I will content my fell wi?h premifing in general, that-this locicry took its rife f}om the iniquity of' ?e times, and was intended to promote and culti- vate friendfhip between all fuch perfons as favoured our prefent happy conltimtion: they thought them- felves obliged openly and publickly to avow their 1o alt, and manifeit their fineere affe&?n to King Y Y . Gzo?to� upon all proper and becoming occafions, ? to check, as much as in them lay, the vail tor- rent of tr?_.Con and clifffie&ion which overflowed the univerfity. They thought it their duty to Lull poffible marks of refl?& to thole faithful .cvts, who were feafonably ?nt to that place, by the fi?our of the ?,_vovemment, to prote& the quiet Fart of the King s e?s, and to �uppre? the tu- multuary pra?ices the ?rofeti'd enemies to his

h?Iajeft�'s perfort and government; and for conltant-

!y adhering to what they thought their duty in there points; and for no other cau?, that they can apprehend, they have been fo unfortunate as to be- come obnoxious to the univerfity, and to feel, ma- ?y of them, the iivere effe&s of their rffentments. This fnort account of the Confiitutio? Club fuffident for our prefent purpo?, to which I now t, ?eeed. On the ?9th of May ?7?6. in the evening, the Cmflitution CIub, and feveral officers in colonelHan- ?d/de', regiment, met together at a tavern. Whilf[ t?'y ?er? drinking the King's and other loyal healths, �everal �quibs .were_thrown iii at the win- ?ow, which burnt rome of thetr doaths, and the room with fire and froink, Betides this, they v?re continually infulted with loud peals of hiffe? ?nd conchmations of d0?vn voith the Roundheads, from the gownmen, and ?ther diforderly l?eople in the /treet i of which they took no notice. They

continued together till about eleven a dock, or n? quite fo late, when Mr..r-Iolt of Maudlin college, $ub.?roc?or at that time, came, and making up to ' b Mr. Meadovocourt ( who happen d to e Reward o{: the Club that night ) demanded of' him the reft'on. of their being at the tavern. Mi'. Meadowcourt role up, and told him, that they were met together to commemorate the Reftoration of King Charles I1. and to drink King George's health; and that they ould be obliged t.o, H ? ? if he would be plea?d ta ink King Georges health with them; which the I'ro&r, aRer Come intreaties, comply'd with. After which, one of' the captains went to him, and de- fired him to excu? the fcholars that were there, romifin that he would take care that no har:? or diforder 1t?ould be committed, and then waited up- on the Pro,or down flairs. The next day Mr. Me?dorocourt was Cent for by Mr. Holt; who, when he came to him, told him, en rl= to him t that he had f, ook wor ...... he ni__gEt be.?_re, that were affronting and improper to be fpoken to' a ProFtori that however, he would not inti? upon the affront, nor take any adt, antage of him fox, words, which he attributed to the effi:&s of wine, but that his brother I'ro8or Mr. White of �brifi. Church college ( though the words were not fpoken to him, nor in his preiince) was very angry with him, and had delir'd that the power of taking Cog- niz?nce of? and proceeding againIt all that was done that night, might be transferred into his hands? that l?e was therefore no longer a party concerned in this affair, but advifed him-as a friend to go to Mr; White, and, in �ubmiffive terms, to make his peace with him. Mr. Mead?aourt an�wered, that he knew no occafion which he had given Mr. White to be angry with him; that for any improper word? which he might �peak the night before, he begg'd his [Mr. Holt's] pardon, and affur'd him? that what-

Terr,e-Filiut. ever Inc fpoke, it was not with any defign to affront himi and deftred him that, fince Mr. W,tJite did no: take him at the tavern, and fince he him?qlf' was ?he only �er�on, whom he had any .way offended, he would be pleafed not to deliver h?m up to I4%ite, but inflic'? upon him what punilhment he 'Sought dr, which he would willingly fubmitto. I-le prefs'd him, as far as was p.r. oper, to cogent to if, is, but was not able to prevail. fr?The Reader cannot help remarking, that there 4' nting anct imprqer words, about which all thi? ?ir was macle, were only thole which are printed in Iralick characters, deftring the Proflor to drirl?} X? .:g Georges health ?vtth the company. They may, for ought 1 know, be im?roperl andl don't in the teatt doubt, but that they were affronting: but yet, n, et?inks, the j9?bmi?on which Mr. Meadovcourt rn-ce was enough to appeafe an ordinary rc�ent- ment. The d=v ft:t?owintt, Mr. Meadovaeourt waited on r.,r. 1? taae, to whom he was now ai'fign'd over iay I?lr. Holt. I will not believe fo unchril?ian a thing of Mr. White, as to fuppofe that he deftred the proi?cution of Mr. Meadovacourt,.in order to gra- tii?r an old grudge againPc him l though, by his be. ing fo very cffaotu in fuch an ill-natur'd off:ice (which motif peop?e wou?d rather avoid than t9ele) he has given occafion to fuch an uncharitable re- flexion. ' Mr. 3?'e?doroeourt, the firll time he waited upon 1Sir. White, found him in a molt ungovernable pail f[on l infomuch tkat he ofien brandit?ect his arm at him, and told him, that the members o?' the Confli- rution clu$ were the molt ?ro?ate fellows in the univerfity, and all deferred to be exlael]'d, for lPre- tenCling to have more loyalty(very profligate in- deed !) than the tell of the ufiiverfity; he wondered ? - could l?ow tb? 2, ?ho, were but an handful, of men, have

Terra-Filis. 27' have the im udence to o ore them?lves to �uch a P PP majority? and declared, that there were ten Worie? in the univerfity for one Whig. He fiid, that Mr. Me?.dowcourt had been notorioufiy guilty of keeping colnl?any with officers i that he was a railercant, and" had committed the molt flagrant crimes that ever any perfort had done bef'orel that he made it his buffhers to oppo�e the univerlity5 that he had been guilty of Rebeldon againff the univertity, and much more to the fame purp6fe? telling him, that the ho- nour of the univertity, the authority of' magiltrates, and his o?.vn ca?j?ience (good man !) obliged him to proceed againll him with the utmolt rigour and re- verity. On the morrow, he went to him again, as he had ordered him, to pay him fo:.ty fldllings, the mul& impos'd by the thtute, for being found out of his college after ni?e a-clock at night i though, by' the way, it is very tardy indited upon, unleti fi'ora poor Rourdheak. He told him, when he paid this money. that he muff not expe& that this would be all the punifl?- merit that would be infli&ed on him, though it was not yet determined after what manner he fhould be proceeded againif; that.there would be a very llri& terutiny made into hL charaeqer and a&ions5 anct that if any of tho�e fac% which had been char 'd againit him, could be found out, he might de;grit! upon being ex?dl'd. In this mild and gentle manner was Mr. Meadova- court treated i and in the lame mild and entte man- g . her mutt every one expe& to be treated, till things are altered, who dill'overs the fame zeal for the pre- lent government, and the proreliant �uccefllon. SeVeral perfons of note in the univerfity interceded with Mr. White in behalf of Mr, M'ea&vatourt, and deftred him re.be reconciled to him i amongff whom were a moll noble Duke and Mar?#ifi, who were G 4

piedfed to ul? prefling in?ances to Mr. White in this matter: I ha?'e heard (but do not aver the ?ruth of' it) that Mr. White gave their Lordfl?i?s his word, that he would put all up, and proceed no f?rther; though, �oon a.fter this, Mr. Meadowcourt heard that he-hd put him into the t?lack ?ook, and fentenced him to be kept back from his degree for t?o y c?ar?. The ?lack Book is a rcgii?er of the universes,, kept by the Pro?r, in which he records an), who a?o?t? him, or the unhrerfity? and no p?r�on, who is f? recorded, can proceed to his .degree, till ?? ?aL.v?,,:? ?_?.i,0.?0,, Wh?. p?t ?.m. ,n, ra,?,rac. non i ,?u,.? mm? ?e entered accordingly in that book. T E R R ]E-F i L I U $. N �II. .-----.bnexorabile Faturn. R. Meadovacourt finding Mr. ?r?ite thus inexorable and unrelenting, had l?ut froall hopes that any interceffi- on would prevail with him, after t?o noble Ixrd? had been fo un- handfomely dealt by; and therefore he fubmitt? to his burthen, red- contented without his degree, and without Imov?g for what reftOhS he was detained from ic 'till

?till the two ?/e?n were almoR exp?d. He then thouffht it tiine to belet into the f?cret of his crimes, that tie might beable to makes defence againR them, and therefore he waited upon the then l�o?or, Mr. .8t.eed (of/ll{.Souls-C'oilege) the day on which lard down h?s office, and deftred leave to tranfcriM a copy ol- what Mr. White had laid to. his charge, and regitter'd in the Black Bo0k? which Mr. steed readily conl?nted to, and received him with much kindhers and humanity. When helooked.into that dr?fful and glbora r lurae, it furpriz'd hxm to find hzm?lf made anffver?- hie, not'onl? for a charge o{: crimes pl?aeed toN, own name, but alfo for a charge of crimes placed to another gentleman's name; both which charges, I will mak? ublick, left the jealous reader_fhould fufpe& them P . to be worfe than they are, or that ! It,fie the worft part of them. They are drawn up in Latin, but I will infert them :n ?ngl?, for the uli of all my readers. ?tune' :? - L E T Mr. Cart)' of rYniverfity-�o!lege b? kept from the degree, which herinrub for next, for the �pace' of oar ?:hole year. I. For pro�haning, with mad intemperance, day, on which heought, with fiber chearfu!nefi, to have commemorated the Reitoration of' King Charles II. and the roynl fimily, nay, of monarchy it&if, and the church oflCngland. II. For drinking in company with thole perCons; �bo inj31ently banff fitheir loyalty to King George, and endearour to render aimoR all the univerfi?y, he-- fides themfelves, fufpe&ed of difaffe&ion. III. For calling to ether a great' mob of" o g . . . pep as if to ��e a fl?w? and drmklng ?mp:ot!$ emcratior,?

Terra-Filis. out of the tavern window, againtt xqverat worthy _lX?ns, who m the ?1t frien,ls .to th, Church aug }t? icing; by this means, provoking the beholders to return them the ?me abufesi from whence follow- ed a &tellaNe breach of the peace. . IV. For refufmg to go home to his college a?ter mine a. clock at night, thOUgbhy he was more than once commanded to do it, the ?unior Pro??or, who came thither to quell the riot. catcheel V. For being at the fame phce again by the senior I�ot?or, and pretending, as he was admo- tfifhecl by him, to go homei but with a defign to come and drink again. L E T Mr. ?,t'ta?brocourt of Met. ton-Got!cue be kept back from the degree which he fland? for next, for the/'pace of two years ; nor he admitted tofup- igicate .{br his grace, until he conf?ffes his mani- fold crimes, and asks pardon upon his knees, VI. Not only for being an accomplice wit!? Mr. Cany in all his faults, (off rather crir?es) but alfo, VII. For being not only a companion, but like- ? a remarkable a?ettor of certain o?cers, who ran up and down the l?igb-fireet with their fword? dra=n, to the great terror of the to?nfmen and i?holars. ' Vlll. }'or breakt'?g out to that d?gree ofimI?ude#ce, (when the Prottor admonifhed him -to go home from the tavern at an unfeafonable hour) as to corn- maud all the ,company, with a 1oucl voice, to drinl? ?g G�ou?u? health. Job. W,, Proe. Jun. Of all the? pompons articles, Mr. Mtado?co#rt mvns himfelf guilty onll of the luff, wiz. What ?as caught out of_his college at at? unfiatutat}!e hour, (for which !ae laid forty jbilltog?, which i? the

hairy annex'd to that crime by the fiatate) and that ke did drink King George's health in the ?r?fince of the Pro∨ which being d?m'd an a?onr, he ask- and to ? his rdon for it, offend make him ? . . other honourable flusharon. But, as to all the other articles, he utterly denie? himfell to be ?ilty of any of them, having many undeniable te?imonie? to viMicate his innocences whenever he ?ould have an opportunity? ?rticularly, in anfwer to what is alled?'d a? him in the venth article [which relates to him fingly] Mr. Meadowcourt f61emnly declares, that he was fo fae from being ?n abetter and encourager of an ucho�- rices, as are menuon d to ru? u ?nd down t? ht h- . P g ?eet ?th drawn fwords m their hands, to the great terror of the to?nfmen and chdars, fi that he was not even an eye-?itu? of them } and he cllallenges an of thole ma animous tow?fmeg or ?hotam w?o were fn htend at the fight of there naked g . fwords, to fly that they fiw him e?ther as an courager or a Com?nio? ?f thole o?cer$, in what- ev? was done by them m the Rreet, whi?, no doubt, they would have done, if they co?d, after he had ?ut them into fuch badi& fear. In th?s, and every oth? ?rt?cular (exc?t thole two before-mention'd) he c?ld undeniably have purged him?lf ?om the guilt laid to big charge.? But proving and d?r?ng are not academical th?s of proceding--; the dull {brms of Hall being too tedious for the litergti to ?bfcrve.? If you would be mquitted by them, you mult plead guilty, <d rubmir. ?pon the expiration o? the t?o yea?.�, Mr do?co?rt made application to the then Proaa, ]nve tofgpplicate for his grace, and procced to his (mailer o? a?s) degree. The Prof,'s antwet wasi that he thought it rea?nable he ?ould have leavc i but t?t he codd not grabt it him? wigout Mr. , G 6 ?it?'?

=, Terra-Filius. W/?iu s con/?nt? and ?at ?e ? go himfel? to ?. ?hite, ?d f?k to h? in h?s ?f; accordinv. ly ? wmt the ?me &y to. Mr. ?it?, who to?d Nm, ?ar he w? ?ng Mr. ?e?owcourt v?. ?utd now pr? to Ms de?ee i but t?t it was ?? ? to ?d?t Mr7 ?olt (to ?om ?g's health ?us &?) a?ut it, to know whether he would con? ? ?; md tht he would ?te to ?. ?olt, (?ho was ?en at the Bath) and a?r h? wifi his anfw?. ?me time aft? this, Mr. Holt ?turn'd to Ox- ?r? ? h?hg r?eiv'd a letter ?om Mr. ?�ourt ?nmmg this a?, fent for him to his ??, and affur'd ?m, that he ?d refoled born the NOn ? not to ?ke Nmfelf a p?ty in thi, ?ir; tht he ? r?'d it entirely into ?ite's bads, ?d th=etore co? not refuma it, ?ithout f?in? to withd?w ?t ?nfidence which [g had ?fore ?Iic? in Mr. ?ite ? tht for his own he r?uir? no fitig?ion to D givm to him ?'his ?nfeat ?t ?g with blr. White's con- ?X;e =d thr ,t was impI,'d in w?tfoev? ?o?d ?i? {t to a&. Mr. ?wev?, Ngg'd of him, that ?ncc Mr. white ?? u?n it, he would be plcas'd tO [p?k to him, ? kt him know t?t he ?d receiv'd h?s?Sio? ?d w?s wing to let Mr Mtad?urt 'h?ve hi? ?i which Mr. ?olt promis'd, ?d took ?ve of Mm at t?t time. To m?e ?o?t o? the ?orI? they neither ,?m inte? that Mn Mt?&?to?rt ?o?d his digtee; Mr. ?/hite could not do it without Mr. Holfs con.eeat? and bit. Holt had kft it en. t?y to ?. ?ite, who, for all t?t, would nor ?n?n himf?g ?it?ut Mr. Holt, t? begi?nb?g_ r,?dVd t? be no ?ar? .? Thus ? the? ?y it a?t, ?ndmg Mr. Me? ' ?ds?

. errands; till, at hf?, having jumbled tl?,r leam. ed noddle? together, they l?nt him a ?per, conta?n- inl? the following articles, which they infitted upon to" be read b?' Mr. Meado?co#rt in the con'?o? eation-houri, before he lhould proceed to his de ?geeo I. I do acknowledge all the crimes Iald to my charge in the Black Book; and that I deferred the ?uniCnment impofed on me. II. I do acknowledge that the ttory of my being ?unifh'd on account of my affe?on to King George, and his illuttrious boutS, is unjult and in- jurious, not only to the Reputation of the 1'togtot, but of the whole univerfity. III. I do profe,t; fincerely, that I do not beliew that ! was punifh d on that account. IV. ! am very thanktiff for the C?tts�� of the univerfity, in remitting the ignominious part of the punilhment, viz. begging pardon upon-my knees. V. I beg pardon of ?llmighty God, of the Proc- tor, and all the Mailers, for the offences which I have committed refpe&ively againff them; and I Foreire that I will, by my fhture behaviour, make the bed amends I can, tot having offended by the wo? of examIdes. Modef'c ! reafonable! candid ! and honourable tiemen ! I ffand affonifh'd at Mr. Meado?veourt'.? fdnacy. at, d perverfenefi, that he fhould refufe to .c.O?! ply with �uchfair and e uitable terms! Alas! it q. �7'?o? ? too evident that hehas, indeed, play'd the ram , ?,[?nfl the univerfity; a.d been notorioufiy

?inv company with

.5?'?ld and ?ntumaclou? wrcich ! how mfy would ?.?.?ve ken for ?m (?iog to a?ademi?g

Terr-Fils. xxn. tom) to conf-? himfciC ?ui? of crim? o? which he kn? ?d co? prove To ?ow the ? ?vin? ?as ?u? and ar?i?y To de?e, m the ice of the e?wcati?, that a fi? was fa?e and ?an&lous, which was noto. vious aM de?nfir?le To nothin??ut ackno?Iedge &men ? wh?e he had experi- ?c? ?uekyi and to beg pardon of tho?, whom ?as not co?cious How ?y, I fly, would all this have been ?y on? t?t h? Hv'd f?en or eight y?rs within the fou? of C?-Cburcb To?, and und? the !uit?on of fo good a Woman ? But ?atriculado?, like divers other good t?i?s, is quite t?n away u?n Come ?. Meado?co?t having rc'e?ed this fubmi?on, def?nd? mr rome ume ot ever obtaining his de- of ?meel but d? 7 weighing the henioufne? his of- ccs, ?d t? time whm ?ey were committed, fin? which his majcRy ?s ? plmfcd to publiflt ? Ac] of ?race, he was advitcd that he was inclu. d? in it i and that amon? his fello?fit$je?s ? ini- quit, who had talkedtree, n, drunk treh?n, plotted ?d rebelled ?a?r,? h?s maje?y, he m?ght alfo hope to find mercy ?om it, for in?lently bo?ing of his k 'dr to Ns maje?y, ?d auaadou drinkin his ?.?, . . ?fiY. majc? s ?e?lth to one of his majcfly s wt?egerenv. This m?h? ?efbre hc refolv? to try? but m?dng ?th new dignities u?n this oc?on, mu? r? the ?ic?s to my n?tl which wi? TEKIUE.

?�v. Terr?e-Filius. x'i $ T E tk R ?-F ILI U S. N o XXIV.

[ervetur ad imum

?.ualis ab intepto proce?rit ?, tibi contier. ttor, SAWUat?AV, ?tpril 7. .?? N purfuance of th.e adyice given to Mr. �,? i'? Meadowcourt by his fr,ends, to plead his Majetty's Ac� grace in the Vice-(2han- ,P?,$? cellor's court, which they inform'd hilu extended to thot? pretended crimes,which were regiltred againIt him in the Black Book j he went to one B-----r, a 2?ro?or of the court, (not ? i?ro?or of' the univerfity, who is a quite different officer )and retain'd him with a fi?e, giving him the following inltru&ions: That he Onould cite the two i?rottors (of the uni- verfity) to give their realohs in the court for conti- nuing his na?e in the BIm? Book; and, upon giving their realohs, he enould plead the aft of grace in his behalf, and petition the court to decree, that hia name mi?:ht be blotted out. He at firit fcruplecl to cite the ?0?0rs into the court, and required to b? - conrider-of allow'd a great .deal of time to this nic? and ticklifhafh?r, ( as he call'd it } but, upon Mr; Me?do?ourt's refuting to .?gree to uny dehy, and prefling him to proc'eed wtth all pO_ffible expediti- ou? he t?romis'd to follow hi? iultru?i?. --

xt6 TerrFili. xxtv. gthen the day came, on which ?r: M?Mo?oun d?'d ? ? ?o?d ? brought into ?e eoun, ? wmt m 8?r, whom he ? framed, to know whether he h?d circa the two/,,?r?: ? told him that he had not l that he (Mr. Mendora. a?un) was too hafty, and would do his caufe harm by going on fo faR; that he had been with the Vice-Chancel/or, and inforrn'd him of the whole ca?; that the Vice-Chancellor had promis'd to conrider of it l and that he could_not, by_any means, proceed, till he had known the Vice-Chat? cdlor's thoughts of the matter. Finding h?s buffneff eras likely to be carried on but flowly, under B.----r's management, Mr. Meg- do?eourt went from him to one lq-.--ll, another proflor of the court, and told him what he want- ed to have done, without mentioning any thing of his intention to pJead the a? of_ grace: lie feem'd very ready to un&?take the caut?i but fiid, that it ? too hte to fend a dtafion to the pro'ors that day; and that he would not fail to do it the next week. From him Mr. Meadowcourt return'd to ?8.--..r, and told him, that his bufinet? would-not admit of any delay; and therefore . hoped that he would not take it ill, ff he try'd whether it .was pofllble for another proflor to bring it fooner into the court, than he found he was /nc!iaed to do. To thi? /?-----r gave lVlr. Mend?w?ourt a civil anfwer, and le? him. In the afternoon t'l---.11 came ?to him, and fiid, that he had talk kl with the _.dj?.?r of the court; that his was a very tirklijb bufm? i.that he did ?ot lmow what to flit to it; that ?t was never known that the l?roftor? had been put into the Court; that it was a dangerous thing; that he mull take time to confder whether any thing could be done in it, or not? and that? in f,�? ?e-bad much

?atev make ?me acknowledgment t? Mr. White, fill that Mr. Meada?auvt was able to fly to him now could not prevail with him to undertake his caut l and he f6und, by what he fiid, that he had been te?ify'd and difcourag'd both by ??r, ?nd Upon this, Mr. Meadowcourt refoled to offer his ca?e to the tea of t?e ?ra?ors, and try wh?h? they would all reje4? ?t: wherefore, the nex? morn- ing he went to ? ?n of ?ll-8ouls college, of ?e?-Inn hall, and I?m of Maudli? colle?e. The fir? of the? told him, that he w? going out of town, aM ?ou18 not ret?n aDm before the end of the term. Br?n fiid, that it was a tidel? cafe? that he �ould be glad to ferve Mr. ?e?do?cour6 but wa, afraid of bringing himfell into a ?rape, and of obliging the univer?ty. find I. , m wa? o? opinion ?, that it was a very nice care, and ?' 'd that he mi ht be excu?'d _ gg g from being concern? h? Thus was his mu? reje&ed by all the the Vice-Chancellor's court was ?ut againa him he was precluded from all aceels to julice, and in- jurioufl with-held from claim?g the benefit of a law, to which there tory men, perhap,, ow d the ower the e,'o 'd to do him this injury. P Y JY . He then waited upon the V?ce-Chancell?, told him, that he had a cau? to be brought into his court; that he had apply'd him?if to a? the ?rocT? of the court, that none of them would un- e?take it; and that therefore be ?d the fayour of him to a?gn him a proSot, artclio obI?e him to bring his caufe ?nto the co?t. ?ir, fiid the Vice- Chancellor, what ?s your cau? ? he anfw?'d, that he wnuld ha?e the t?o pro,on of the univer?ty.ci- ted to give their r=fom in the ?ourt for

/? mine in the ?lack Book. ?is, ?id ?he Vice- Chantdior, is ?uch a caufe ? none of t? pro?ors of the rou? } thought it fife to appear in) that ?not Nen ?own that the pro,ors (of the =e?) w=e e? cit? m app=r in the tourti and that his n?me was continu? in the Bta& Book, t?u? he ?8 not given Mr. Whit? fitisfa&ion. Mr. Mea&?ro?rt to? him, t?at he dented the pro8or? mig& ?e thor re?ons in the court. Your bufme? ?d the Vice. C?ncellor, is not with the pro&rs, but with Mr. White, who put you into the Black B?g and you are to make up the matter with him. Mr. Meadowcourt anfw='d, that he not think that he ?d any thing to do with Mr. Whitei that his complaint lay again? the proctors in o?eei that he w= dire&ed by his friends to pro- ? a?in? them ? and that he thought himfell o- blig'd to follow the? dke?on. - ?, ?d t? Vi?-Ohanc?lor, you are ill di. reS? that he would advife him to go to White, and &fire him to take his name out of tile Iliatie Boole, and to enter his fatbj?dt. Mr. IVleado?- tourt told him, that he had waited upon Mr. White often enough already? that he infilted upon unrea- �onable terms of fifisfa?ion? that he had been very ill us'd by Mr. White, and that he would not con- cem himfell with him, nor fpeak to him any more abo?t it; but that he would proceecl in the court, if he (the Vice-Chancellor) would give him leave; that if he wou!d not rgeiVe him leave, he had no more to fly, and muff ?ft fatisfy'd? Upon this Mr. Meadorocourt was going away i when the Vice-Chancellor fiid, Sir, I -do hot fly that I will not give you leave; I will conffder of' it? and you lhall hear from me in a day or two's time. ! forgot to mention, that B. 'r, when Mr. Me?a?nveourt w?t to him firIts fiid, That he thought that he ?d. a right to plead the a// of grace i and that

xxv. 39 that he afterwards intimated to Mr. Meado?eourt? that the .d./]�br and the Vice-Chancellor were of the time opinion. I cannot therefore but ?ribe this dilatory and evafive con&& of the Vice-Chancellor, as well as the combination of' the .e/f?ffbr and prog:tors of the court, to a confcioufnefs that Mr. Meadon, eourt was entitled to the a? of grace, which they fear'd would relieve him from the injuries he had long lain un- der, and de rive the univerfity of their-promitkd . P triumph and revenge, from the hopes they had of forcing him at laltSo comply with-a bale arid fcan- dalous form o5' fubmiflion. .When the Vice-Chancellor found that Mr. Mea- dovteourt was refolved to plead the n8 o grace, and not fubmtt to l?lr. l/Fbtte, h?s next arerice was to make him plead it privately to him and Mr. White, and not m the court? being alham d, I fuppofe, to have it known that he obliged a gentleman to plead

  • .he benefit of fu?b .an a? u?n fuch an occ,?on t

but Mr. Meadoro?ourt infitted ,upon pleading it in the court, which he was advisd 5vas the only legal way ? and told the Vice-Chancellor that if he would not ?:ive him leave to proceed in his court, he flmukt lookSupon it that his court was fhut up againt? him, and that he was deny'd a privilege which every . member of the unive!fity had a right to. /it lefigth the Vice-Chancellor att?gn'a him a ?rottor, Whom he ordered to cite the two prottor$ hf the univerfity into the court5 as loon as the pro?r had done this, the Vice-Chancellor ordered him to uneite them i and the.n, after much a-do, or- &red him to cite them again, and t?nt Mr. Mea- dowcourt word that he had agreed to let his caufe be brought into the court on fuch a day. accordingly Mr. Meadovvourt went to the court, and one of the ?rogtors of the unive:fity appeared and left the l?la?k 13ook with the a'ljp]pr: u?.on reading

Terra. Filiut. xxv. readin? over the pretended charge o1: crimes re?if'- tred i? it, and Mr. Meadowcourt's plea, tke//?3r decreed that his crimes were wiped off lay die aC/of $ra?e, and that his name fhould be put out of the illark Boof. The next eongrtgatio? (which is a meeting of' the members of the univetfity to grant degrees) he flood )?r his grace, which was deny'd (as was fur. pe&ed ) by Mr. White. The fecond time he fIooel for his grate, he was deny'd, as it was fuppofed, by a mailer of nrta og yef_us college. the who denies any body his grace, But :g?fOn being obli I to give his realohs for it the third time, and having nothing to alledge againIt Mr.!tlea- dowcourt, tinct the a?, of which he pleaded the be- nefit, took place, his grate was granted the third time he flood for it; mid the next eongregatio; h: Was prefented to his degree. _ ' Thus aid he at length efm?_ out of the hands of his mercildi enemies and l?_fecutors, who, by this one inihnce, in every i?ep they took, feem'd deii- rous to convince people what hardlhips, injuries, opprefflons and difcoura meats, they keep m 1tore for thole men, who h?lent?y dare to affront the univerfi?y, by honouring King George anfl the l?ro - I ha?te pur/h? this affair through all its various fcenes corruption, and prevarication, fairly a?d f parthlity, honelily, without concealing any thing ur which was_ g'd againIt Mr. t�lcad?eourt? or char- ging the o2Fcen of the univerfity with any method (h0we?,er ?emingly tov/ufl and arbitrary) which they did not take upon'this octorion :?and I now leave the world to ju :, whether I have not made dgMr. Mead?court fuffered all my �ge good, that this for his affe&ioa to King G?orge? and was o- i:ligetl tO plead his majelty's a& of'gra? for drink.

?�v. trerr?-??l;u,i x4g ing his mafe[ty's health; the chie? article again? him in the?t/ct Boog and on which (even there) the ?mte? ?re? is laid, being, that he procee&d) ?tth a ?ud voice, to drink King George's h?lih/ T E R R.,E-F I'LI U $. N �o6'mmo �?rta,? mero. WEDN�SDAY, alpril ?,{,4?{,4?HE Oxroat? Po�vzc.?t. C?t?s ha? $ T ? o?e, m?= g? ? i? = ?e?- ? ? pa?r? ?d u?er'd fev?l ?oems and mif- ?? cellahies into the world, with the lick fin&ion of its recommendation:it puzzled me a long time to find out what ?rfons this in enious valet was corn os'd og and where g ? 7 ? . . they a?embled toget?eri I thought tt a httle Rrange, tht I ?ould have av'd fo l?g in Oxford, and ne- ver .heard of fo remnrkaale a ca?al of ?its; and more ??,'that.afte 'I Nd hard of thin in a Nick news-?r. 'I was aill as much at a Ion'to know who t'h? w?e, or at what place they as before. My euriofity was ?ry flrong within me. md haunted me night and day to be fnform'd; for this pur?, ? enquired arnoriga all my frieM?, aM f?'d no ?ms to fitisfy my glfi but could not

erra-Filius. xxv. not hear any tale or tidings of them: however, ha- ving the lYarficular happine? to be acquainted with Mr. C u u x.r., who has had the honour to receive fi:veral obliging letters from there gentlemen, which were inf?ed jn the Eve)?b?g-pofl, in commendation of him and Ns celebrated authors, I thought I could not fail of being infotm'd by him in each particular concerning them. Accordingly I waited upon him one morning, and recluefted this fayour of him; he very civilly deftred to be excus'd S for that the gearbroth had [Mill e 'oin'd him to keep their names !ecret; that/}veral perforts of quahty had tint to knova, ?vho they were, ?ut he durfl not, ]$r his life, di]?over them to any creature living. He added, that the ?vorld might expe? fevera. l excellent things the fame hands, .and l?artieularly a hrge mifce!lany, then in the t?rejS, but that beiag all perrins of_ the beJ? &Jli?ion in the univerfity ; and as tbq tlo laid he, only for their amuj?raent, I doubt very much, yahether eq/en then the gentlemen will �ug}r them. fdves to be }novon. ?'his difippointment macle me utterly fiefpair o� ever making any di�coveryl and therefore from that time i forKre all firth= enquir/es. ^rid yet (�uch is the waywardneff of human life! ) what the utmott labour and iMultry could not accomplith, a racer, unaccountable accident brought to i and when all the vifib!e means in the light world had fail'd, chance, almighty chance, profper'd my withes, and gave me a full account of ? in- .//ituti?, l?s, anil?mem3?r6 of' this renow3n'd fo? ciety, as alto fome of their molt confideralile pro theohs; all which i? i? my duty to communicate to my reader i but ho? he will pardon me, if (for certain teaforts } I cannot oblige h?m with the ./?crvt by which I made this difcovery. Divers eminent and molt ingenious ge.ntlemen, true lovers md judges of poetry, having w?th gr.eat grief

xxv. Terr,e-Flu. grief ob.?rv'd that noble art declining in (its ann?t feat ?d fountain,) refo!v'd, if ?oSble, to reftore it to its priRine rigour and glory, 'uRly apprehend both trom reafon an? J ., that a ?t?tal k?ure, once a term, though never fo judiciom, was not fu?ient; ?d ?t the theoq of ?y art was defe&ive without the ?raSieei and therffore they thought the her method to forward this de?ga, would ? to in?itute a weekly re=ting of the finer entre s and beauxe r?t? of the unt?er ?ty, at a certain place, to be appomt? by them, The? they ?ight debate the cau? of poe=y, and put ?ts laws into re?lar executiom This proporal w? immediately a?ated to i and the next quedion was, ?here to meet? This oc?fion'd a ?ort debate, rome fp?king Nhalf of the King's ?ead, and rome declaring-for the Gro?n? but they were both oppos'd by ot%ers, who prefum'd, that the Three Tuns would fuit them much ?tterl in wNch they carry'd thek point, aM the Three Tuns was thereup? n9minat? the p?ce of meet?g? u?n thffe two provifo's, That Brad?te ?0Mdke� go? wine, and ? pretty w?eh at the bari both ?hi?h are by all critic,s al? d b? of indi? en able u? in poetill opmtions. . ?'fi . , Th?s dub. is m?fel}aneoufiy composd of ?fons of all ?cult?es, md p?fons o? no ?ealties, as law- yers, par)ns, ph?ikns, gentkmen commoners, &c. and is Riled a ?eie?. for th? reform?tio? a?d. ?r?ement g the ant?ent ?t ?d royfiery of Rhyme. making. _ . The pre?nt memNrs are t?e reverm? Dr. bones, Dr. giw, Dr. eraff? Mr. Pet? Gram?o, ?a$ 8?"an, Mr. ?d?ard ?u?ian, Mr. ?g!e, Mr. Timothy Triplet, Mr, Oliwr Point, ?a?iel ?afy, Mr. d?ex?nder W?g, .?. ?am?s $tanza, ?r. ?o?b parq?uet? ?. ?o?J Wharto? and

x44 Terra-Filius; xxv. ?t their firR meeting there had like to have t?en ?. warm contell between the aforelaid Mr. Wh?,?0n und Mr. Rich, who flood candidates for the dent's chair; and tl? members were in rome per. plexity which of the two they fhould ?efer to that .honour, having both of 'era dillinguifh d theintONes tn an uncommon manner: but at lull, they came to a refolution, neroinc �omradi?ente, that i.t did of right belong to Mr. Wirerton, in. confiderat,on o1: his niority, and of his profe?r.17? in theefame ?',t; with this claufe, however, in fayour of Mr. Rich, that the Ibdety did not by this intend to fuggelt that the fiid Mr. Wharton pOffeffes any fuperior talents, skill, or abilities, in the fiid art, to him the fiid Mr. Rich. 'I'his was eRecreed a very prudent and politick daufe, as it revented all manner of bickerin , jea- lofty, and emulatmn, m point o� honour, between the? two gentlemen, which might otherwife occa- fion t heats and animofities amon the mem- grea .. g . bets, xvho would of' courfe dtvMe them?lves into Fart;es, rome on one fide, and fome on the other, as their particular finales, interefts, or.prejudices, led them, to the a?parent danger, if not the total dif- folution of the fociety. Whereas, by this cautious method, the honour of both parties was preferv'd untouch'd; and though Mr. Wharton took poffeffion of the chair, yet Mr. Rich was declared ?s good a poet, and the next fuc- ceffor. Having f?led this difpute, they appointed a corn- reittee, to prelrare fuch laws, as fhould appear necef- ?y for the prefervati.on and good order of the dety? 'rhis Committee was cumpol?i? of the brefaid Mr. litleering Rich, Chairman, Mr. Pete? Cramboo Mr. Thomas $admnn, Mr. Edward Irufiian: and Mr. Daniel Ea?; who drew up the followi orders, to be obey-?d by all perfoas belot?ag or to belong to the fai'd foalcry, I.

xxv. Terra. Filiuii. I. That no lx'ffon ? admi?d a m? of tKia rodeta, without Lett?s T?moni? t? ?ns oF cr?ir, him?lf in rome tMe, t?t?b, drigal, ?nagram, aer?iek, tragedy, o?e?, farte? or epi? II. That no p?f? ? admi?d a 'mem? of this fodety, who ?s any vi?ble ? ? liwi?, 6r can f?nd five fi?illiags per annu?. &.proprlo ; efiabli?ed m?im, that n?' IlL That no member do lxefume tO discover the /icrets of this fedcry to any body what?ver, up- on pain of expulfion. IV. That no member, in any of hi.s poetical h,-., ?brat. ions,'do trant?re6 the roles.of ,drifterie, or any critick, othor found. antien.t or modern, under l?ain of having Ns fiid lucubrauons burnt? in a full d?.b, by'the hinds of thefmall-13eer drawer. .lr: That no member do ?relume 'in anyof,his. wnun s, to refle& on the church of England, as . . law e?ffablifb'd, or either of the two famous urnvet, rifles, or upon any magiRrate or member of the time; under the pain oF having his fid ,wnang$ burnt as aforefiid, and beifig himfilf'expeli'd. -" VI. T. hat. no tobacco be fmoaked' in ins 'foolery; the .fum?gatton thereof being fuppo,?d to.?:loud the poet!cal f, icul. t�, and to clog the fubtle wheels Of the ' ' ' ?magmauon. VII, That no member do repeat an}' veffes, with- out leave'firR had and obtained from .Mr. ?reftdent. viii. That no !vetfen be allowed above the fpace of one hour at a time to repeat. I'X. What no efton do print any. of his without the'apprbbatwn' ot' the ma3or part of /beiety, under-pa- in of expulfion. - X, That eveiy meshbet do fubfh?ibe his n/me to the foregoing articles. H When

4 6 Terra-Hlius. o xxvo ? th? ?veral ?&'rs were reported to the' ? by the commtttee, rome obje?ions were made to thret of them. Firf[ Dr. Cr_a?. s objee'? ngainf? the ?xth; that }ging a very firman, antl o�agr?fi c_onf?itution, he himably aplXehended that the u�e of tobacco would aan5, off th6? noxious, heavy particles, .which turn the ? of Iris fa?y, and obltru? his tutelleflual tle was ? h this ?by a phyfidan, his Mend, who confirmed-what he fiid3 upon which a claufe was ordered ? 'he inferred, to impowet the/aid Dr. Craff?. to enjoy the free tt? of t0$a?0. Provided neverthek?,that he finoak in a corner of the room, ?'as not to offend the reft of the company. Then Mr. l?anu/uet made his objection againft the ?raud artle? .aff/dgiug, that he could not, with a fife.con!kience, declare, that he? had no ,u?6le. way of //x?; or that .he could not f!md five/hillrags per a? & p'opri?. But he was quickly made eafy in .?. by Mr. t'refutou, who .wfth'great judgme?,? ex- phin'd the mture of' that article, by obfer?ing, That as Go? is the ply a?l?or and d??o?r 4 ?11Th?ngs, ?e earmot in a ftrigt fra]?, call any thing our own; nor ]?y_ that ?ve ha?'e any riffhie ?ay o� li. lng, our dai?y l?readbeing the bat?ty ?f his invitible hand i and there- fore, laid that pious ?'ffui?, you ?ay, fd.?- eo_nfiien. tt'?, de? that yOU have no v?fi?/e Way af lt?t'rtg i 111!d that. ]tOll CallflOr fL?d five ]billings per armurn de prqmo, though according_ to ,a?a human tati? you are worth/?,e t _I?u�? d pata? a yea/. Lat?y, lVlr. ?oz?y Triplet objeOed againt? the humt latt attic!e, upoa the ?le reprefentation, that he could not ?rite, and therefore could not $ompltr with the !h'i& letter of the law? but he off'er'd to let his mark, if that would do; which wa., accepted without any helitation; it being truly

xxv. Terra. Fillm'. All there di?eulties being remove&, the fev?l articles ?vere ordered to be fairly engrof?.d, andpa'_me,/, to be hung up over the raantle-piete m their dub- room, for the ufe of the members. And then they pa!d their reckoning, and adjournS' till that daygven-n?gh.t. The minutes of' their proceedings/hall be the jea of our n?xt. TERR/E-FILIU$. N' XXVL ? ? ? memos being me?, an8 ?. ?? ff?t .?ving aWum'd th i t?i,, ? '1' ?] prdimi? humphs ? d ?und ?? bmrd i after whid? Dr. C a, s s ? s? '?? .parlance of the ?w? ?an? tO h?m, as mentionca in our la?, refit d to a fnu? com? o? the room, where a little table ?as placed for him, with pi?es and robatto u?n it: then the ?ndled/,it ?rms i and as he was ghz?g his a z with

-.?rith a.ba//offui?erfine ?oax, which he always car- ries in l??ket for that u�e, he a!arm'd the room with a Iml of laughter, which dzew the eyes .-of the affembly towards him, and made all oi ? them v.erlr folIicitous to know the conceit which eel at; but the do&or was not, for feveral minutes, �able todo.it, the fit continuing upon him, and gro.w. ing louder and'louder.: at hit, when it bega n to in- termit, he mad? a-tNft to .reveal the cau? of his ,mirth thus; Why �entlem?, laid he..--ha! halha!---

?hygeralemen, I fay, .the !?rettiefi El?igram ! ha! ha!

.t' [a,j,.tln i?ratiqt �t?igram k,o?n-this ball of wax here, .ha! ha! ha!--that ever heard i$ your. lives. ,' .Sly' tha?-ddtor Crafl'us!? Then the doctor com- ?a;d his countenance, and/landing up, with the g?oax in his right haM, Fonotm� fol-

1o?ing.diRieh with an hemick era?hafts.

?/s wax, d?el?e, ?ith r?hich my l?}e r glad:e, the belt wax I ever m'd iu Mi my days, Ha ! 'ha! ha ! Ho? d]ye like it, gentlemen t--ha! ha-!

fia! .rs it not zery .pretty., gentlemen g---Very rett

?itl:cutfiattery, ddtor, ?raid they all; p . '? ?er? excellent, rod. ed. Upon which the do&or fmi!ed'pleafinfly, and lighted his pi?e. . Then Mr..dlex?der Tag &fired to be m?ormed, whether the fifth article, which prohibits all ti?na ? ?he church of England, as by ta? eftablip'd, excludes the:? of' the heathen deities in his fian?m. pofitions ? which was anfwer'd hi?m in thene] gatme5 ?t being, as they obfeWd, impoffible to excel in /vue:?_etry wii:hout them.-Upon which Mr. Tag ?rln?dagreat deal ofjoy i telling them thathe had

almof[ �nifh'd a long lythalamiurn? which fhortly �ubmit to .their examination. By this time their .l?etieal Nooa began to late, and/hteral members repeated their extempora?y. reft'e, with rear fluency and applaufei always firIt dearin�eigr throats with a �s o? Port, and a loud= /-/era! During the fir{t part of the nigh't their thoughts= were romething gloomy, a?d run u on'degies ancl? . .! } Ona?hs upon lining as well a? dead me?; but you,' will find them brighten' up as the night advances, and the bottles increafe. They begin withfatire and:' funeral lamentation; but end with love, fmuttinefi,? and a f.o?g. ?gempli grati?: On Pzxz? R?x?ZL of Oriel !-?re lies l?---4al Peterr . Of Oriel, the:?ater, Whom death at li?fi has eaten ?" Y.6us it the biter bitten. Of him nothing i? memorial, l?&t that be vaas Wellova o? Oriel/- tl?n old ]o. l'ullen of Maudlin-ttaii? Here lies Jo. Pullen, Wrapt up in fg?olle? )taeob t?ob.?rt, l/eeper of'the Here lies Jacob Bobart, Ot? the cook of St. ?obn's college.'- fiere lies the honefi Cook front edlege,' Who chous'd u, of eight hundrsdpo? ?'? m I knowledge.

Ttrrt-Filies. x�. Thc?j?ur were all written by a,?g?tl?, who Inns, on many oc?o di?ingui?d his tat!e Of wit and humour. On Mr. l?.--?II of Maton coiled. E'?e?e? Connt Who raah a darrm'd This aIlucles to their !ate R!eSion of?lla?s, and writtin by that poignant and moft farcaftical &rammatifi, Mr. Oliver Point. /in epitaph u?n the Whigs. ther :' so, f,?, ?,, ?t I,,1t, ?, ? ot?'?ro?,rtb,,?,t, 2liat born to be hang d, they world never a'ro?trdtl. Upon one's pulling out an empty/?ur./?. ,a,/. ?pty ?ur/? is t/? ?,?f/pu? q'all, Gee.pt it be black P?: ?f Edmond-HalL When this hP, epigram, which was alfo written by ?/h'. POllaT, was repeated to the dub, it was objec- ted by a great critick, that Mr. Purj?, as he call'd him, fpdl'd his name Pear]?, and that therefore thc whole fi/?. of the i am was 1of?i but Mr. Point ?. epgr . reply"d, that ,n thel? performances it was .fufflc,enl m confult the ea? only', and that, at leaif, ?t was a true ? to & ft?ken i tho', perhaps, it mighl loii

lot? rome of' its ]?It in the r?adi?g. !a' wM�.h' h?' had the confeat of' the board. � On Dot'tot G------"s back-dt?'. ?thin upon her ha& is lald chopping, firapping Chambermaid. This atfo was written by Mr. Do&or marrieda &amberraaid. On the Lady ?ades and Dr. Fr--?. Jades tires, and kills all animals that ride her, ?rom Baboon Tom totbe Oxoninn S�ider:, 1 r own, I cannot underRand this epigram? but as it was written. by no teii an hand dian the'Vrqide?it himfoil, I mull �uppo�e that there is romething very' cutting contained 'in it, tho' my .ignorance cannot find it out. ' Mr. Hails mighty ?anll notedit * tickling Mayfi thou continue like thy ver?, and ?e ?r You?. This v?s written by Mr. ?ames stanza, and ?a.$ mightily apphuded, when rehe'ars'd: but whether :t ?,as defigned. by way of' Satire or l'anegyrlck? this deponent cannot ?ofitivdy ?t forth. . He wrote a poem to Mr,

erra. Filius. N �I. Au fim'ao?t's qfita?h. l?/rMcn by him/?lf. ?or ?te, ? ?remh ?r Church ? State, ?o Mr, To?vn? the fitme-cutter, now Nayor. By Dr. Cr,ffu.,. Tom mO fn?, gentlemen, fiid the do&or, tbnt mn going ? ?te, ? &?k, ? a ?rk night,and f?t ?o t?e ?etor g?t?.--U?n w?& he Upon rome rerf? ofI?tber W?lliam. W?.,y ?,er?s are immortal, 0 ! my frier?, I:or he wb? reads th?m,. r?ds thtt? to no end. There verff=s were FuR made and fpoken in the Ordh?titgaud now repeated before tM t?oetitalfotiet) with great and juftapplaufe, by the revexmnd Dr. DaY. On BELINDA. l?rlght as the �un. a?d gentle a, the moon, Whet3 thi? ,t midui ht fl?ines, und. t?t at noon, , g , Belinda fires the breafi, ?nd charms the fightl 7thra let us toafi her round from noon to night. Mr.

Mr. Paroquet wrote there with his diamond ring upon one at the glasses, and handed it about with great success.


Since in religion all men disagree,
And some one God believe, some thirty, and some three;
Since no religion, call'd by any name,
In ten, nay, two believers is the same:
But since in woman, from the days of Eve,
All nations, tongues and languages believe;
Since in this faith no heresies we fine,
To love let our religion be resign'd,
And Cælia reign the Goddess of Mankind.

This last copy was written by Mr. Edward Fastain; which being voted heretical it was burnt by the hands of the small beer drawer, in a full club, and the author was expell'd, according to the laws that cafe made and provided.

Mr. John Jingle acquainted the Club, that he had made a song, and would, if they pleased, sing it to them, which was uno ore desired.

The Jolly Gownman, an excellent new Ballad.


Of all the vocations,
Trades, crafts, occupations,
Which men for a living find.
The Gownman's?the best,
To captivate Woman kind.


?o Xl V I, II. tf? fieelk eat, ?ral d. rink, Of no fludies e'er the fair ladie? to ?lenfi. III. $tateCman's a dr#a'ge, ttis allions that roar to th? akf ; Bay he ?lans fahemes,

D?s ?[ the? i? his dre.a.ms,

iV'. I'r_ay ?h.at is the Soldier, whoJ? f?:rits gro.. 3oldtr Worn o? in the ?s, ?d ?d ?'? ?h ?ars, ? ht ?ar a ?ai? V. I? he in tondition

to a? aloung lady rig? t

VL Or tillbg hia groutlgs, ?' ? .,. idly ? li?s /alia=. vii. Zut_=? of t?e Gown; ' /? ? Oxfoid

N�. Terra-Fi!ius. ?tthough ?e tan't ?,? We may lie ?ith ?nr ?eigh?r5 ?ife? This long occalion'cl a great cleal o!: mirth. in company, and was the ]all performance.that !s fit be communicate8 i for the night growing late, ?ncl their heads being addled with. the good creature, what followed was too fulfome for the eyes of m? ehafie readers; and therefore, mol? benevolent ?tieu till next $at#rday. P, 8. ! forgot to talie notice, that Mr. Grwe? neur, fecretary of the Cttra, wa.s ordered to return, lVIr. curll a letter of thanks, m t? name of tl? me. tubers, for his kind prefen.t o! ? an ex?lent book, int,tuled, The pleafures of Coiuo? i or, thenightly f?ortj; ?je lreau?i and &fire hun to print the raid letter.

T E R R]E-F I L I U-S: N? XXVII. r? Soentieos not?m? rqa Cinzdos? Ju L . .?.?:Am under the deepePc concern to find ? ?. by rome of your late learned lucubrati- �i. I ? ons, t. hat T�x?-Fn,?vshasunwitfing- ?' ? 'ly, g?ven you any. n?Con to. exl?_ e? your 'n?fentments. agamft him m 7o ?vere '?d unm?a mariner. It :s what I little ex? from you, or my Rimd; Mr? Mxs?, with whom i intended to. Neferv. c a good undefftanding, and to live in.lxtf'e? amity i having been hitherto of opinion, that ?,e wexe both imbark'd in theftme un- dertaking (tho? in a diffax'at way) offind?ag ?itb eur b?er$; a fubje? fo copious ?d inexha?fr?- hie, t!? roethinks we bre? of' tl/e quj'11 ?1? of us, pick a tolerable livdihoocl out of i?, ? m. ?isag one au?other? and railing at one ,

xxvI. err,e-Filius. But the blind fpirit of filf-interett and ambition is too vifible in ?me of our profel?on, who endea- rour to ?groffand monopolize the who?e b?n? of flol? at m?nkind to themfdvesi which-I would have dtvided into fewa! branches, and portion'd. out amongR u, in th? following manner. Yhe Pov? ?nd the P?tx?t?, with all his ?imds and adherents, both .at home and ?road, to tM ?ing-V? i ??ntrk, to the Vofi-?oy , t? ?erma?s and tile ?re?bytertam: to M?se's Jou,sa?, the Prot? tanu ? the ?al?tinate, the Bi?o?.of Bangor, and ?reflnt MinOry : to the Fr?e-Thi?ker, the Plague and }he &uth-sea: and to Drrg-filim, ?he t?o. ' My only di?culty is, how to provide. for the- Lobno, Joule,t, unlefi he wi? accept of th? Cgu?, ?n the more of the late Independent Whig, of glorious memory? which I fc? he will not ?re to do, after fo .maflerO an hand i and what co?rms me in this, ?s, that at prefinb he intrude?. into your o?ce, and fiems to fit up again? you,. for the afterions of the tommort peqk, by takin? to task c=tain D!?ze?o?s and O?,z,s, who ?-' ?ng'd to you, and which was a privilege you have enjay'd for therefive y?rs h? pa?: this is what, I'fuppo?, has put you fo much out of humour late, and makes you, like other ?evi? ?ople, at ewy body you meet. I am told, that he get, ?ounfi ,of you every week; anti that in a ?or? fim? t?e ?ery name of the late great and celebrated ? good ?imd, would have Nen lo? had not ?zpedient ?en htdy thought of to ?evive his fame among? his loving and well-belove? Ra?ble, by ?fing among? them, in a popular manner, I own this defi? of the Lo?o? Jou? ?o. ?e the br=d out of your mouth, and ?un awa/? ?i? all yo? m?le-eontvnt ?uflomert was wy

N ? xxlrII. bandrome, anti enough to vex any author aliv�i but, tbr God's ,fake, let the/addle be laid ul?on the right borj$i don r let me fuffer for Cato's offenccsi fince from my fitting forth in the world, in this pub- lick manner, I have been very careful not to' in- crouch ulmn the p?ivileges or rerogatives of any my fdto?-d?bblers in ink i and can fifdy fly, that, in the courfe oralmolt thirty papers, I have not had, at molt, above nine andt?ent) throws upon the court, which is fuch a trifle, as. was never den?y?l to any ?uthor wl?ffoever, to g?ve a fpirit to his writings, and promote their j?le. I will venture to appeal to your fell, whether, in your opinion, I have not flu& dole to my .fu. bjeEt, and kept up to the d?gn ot my paper, wNch was, you know, to make the univer/Mes look as black as I tan; (with truth and juflice I mean.) And why you thould fo highly relent my doing this, (fince do not injure you, nor pretend to interfere with you? in blackening ano?erpt of,ne?) feems to me verg furprizing and unaccountable. You know, molt learned driflarebu$, that there is not a penny to be got, in our way, by vicks or vinjications of any fort of men in for which teafort it is, that mo? of Our weekly, Ibalf-weekl, and o,her our eriodieal productions, conill'[ chiefly of fatire, [ar?afm, aria rebtdees to our ' Flattery is a fulfome, oftenfive thin to j'_u,ort. the multitude, our iMu,'gent readers; and' e�pecl'?ll?y fi?ttery of dre?'t men, whom they are taught, from' their c?adJe. always to �ufpec"t of?oguery and evil de- fignsi it is this c,.'rious, p?ing humour, and this. j?cu? perfuafion of the popu]aco, to whicll we are all ooag d for our far-,?,ead fa;?,e, and our full liea ? ? ou and your haughty rival, t.h? London-Seo#r- nat, furn'? them ?ith ?otitkvl diet, .for which they rewa d you very welli the Indq?endent Wb;g �ubo tilted u?n the courtfly of hia scadexs, in b�Iiev!ng-

zi �? ?. Terrte. I?li?s. ? ? 9 that the clergy hnvtfaultt, as well as other men; and I hope to keep ?yfami? by ?ing to the bot- tom of the e?i], and ?ewing mr loving ?untry- men, that mo? of the torru tion$ Of the der genial, ?d of other particular ?rfons are owm? primarily to the co?uptt3ns of the Dmvzasxw?Es. - W?t i$ thee in all this, moR l?rncd Sat you ?ould take fo heinoufiy ill of me, as to make you call, ? your laR week's paper, to the $CAVE?OZRS within the bilh of mortally, to remove that nynnce, that lum? of dirt, the Terre-Filius, out ?f tbe fight and f?dl � the ?blick I Wh?,t h it to. m, i? t? publi&k 1ov?to run their no?s into and nafline?? Do not many of us live by it??Be- fi?, if you once give th 0 (ellow$ fuch an nutbo- a W, who knows ho? far they may proc?d in'the execution of' it, a,here they will ttop, or ?hom they will �pare ? . . When I ?hold you m another hgD, i am ?1? more amazd, that ARxs?e, us, the famos. eri- t?, h?criri? ARIStARtHUS, ?ould fi? fault with another, for finding hult with any one, ?dy ? the ?orM ; ?nce I have r?d of one c?s, who atp?red to immortalky by criticifing on Ho?, who is calP? the brighteft omnment of ?icalbod2; and l have hc?rd ?fafiother g?isrs? ears, who, nor long ago, fe I Foul on the Dr. B?er?r, who is alfi call'd, by many?rfons, sb? &igbte? ornament of tbh age or nnti?n. I pre- �e t?t you, Sir, are tome relation of there gen. tlemen; and why you, who derrend ?om a whole. mily of criticks and Foes to bright Men, ?ld an?y with me for trading m the ffep? of your ce?ors, ' an, aria attempting ?o. get reputatmn an? ?reaa, ?y makingfru ?i;? my ?etters, ?uz?es

Terr.Filius. N �ll? My modefly'will not fuffer me to believe that .37m defigu'd me lb great a coml?liment, as feems. tacit/), to refult to me from your late condun, ?i?. that fiRm'aucuus having taken his revenge of' Hosza and Dr. Bzsvx.?v, he could find no other writer fo worthy to fall his fierifice, as (fNu'e.. my blu?s!) poor Whatever was your inducement. to ufe me rigorous a manner,.I. am lure you merit the. thanks of the univerj7ties, which, I hope, they will not for. get to return you in the moft j?lemn mannev? for' .?our noble defence of' tlto? ?ntient bodies, again?. the revengeful cavils ?nd afperfions of ,one ext?!l',t. as you alledge, from Oxford, for j?andalous beha- I cannot, by the w?y, forbear wontiring, the fage/?um-^u. cuo?"fboukt fpeak with contempt of any author upon that account: ?xpu?on?is moll. ?inly a v?y ?amous thing; but will fly t? a man, who has ?en'bmnd? in this man- n&, is for ever ?erwrds inc?bteoffpeakjng trutb,. or writing e?mon ?n? e Surely, ?6ple a? not the w?fe for eom?m? lbr my pat, I v?ly ?ieve, t?t even a ?n, who h? fl? in-t?, (which I think romething more ? amous than . t?on) may till continue a ?e?t?le. ?ter, and an h?efi m? ? my, I my f? kn? t? men, who ?ve Mth ?ac'd ?at woo&n e?n?ee, a? yet are? at this ?me, ?ought the Fo?ere? ?fons to ? re- taimd m ?e ? of ?e Church, t? C?gy, ?d ?trfftits. But to fete; you n? ?, at ? d?bt that this burning and fhining. light, thi? brJghtq? earnest of the rJnivtrj?ty, will be very grateful to you � for your fervic? to .him, whatever the may be it fell: for as bright an orna?.ent.as he' ?, you, Sir, are the firit man, who has. appeared p. ub- !ickly m his defence a?.'. ?e mi?eprffmtauons

of his enemies} you, Sir, are the firit man who dubb'd him with �o illuftriou? a title. I congra!u- late you upon fuch$ Client, and I congratulate upon fuch an ?dzoc?te] It is impoltlbl� for the world to judge aright Of your deJir?in$s herein, unle�s it is in[brmed hoxv ba�ely this re?leren?lorn?rneI?t has been traduced, and how fully you def?ga to. clear up his chmaetex every particular. As I am willing to give-y. ou all5 the afliltance I tan, and as no body more h'?artily wifhes you �uc- celiin it', I will draw up the charge againIt him in form, that you may cliffbarge it in the manner of' de!Jtor and creditor; if in this, I am obliged to men- tion rome things too ?o?king almoit to be named, it mull be remembered that I. do it only to give you i an opportunity of jultifying him. To begin therefore,' It is malicioufly ob)e&ed by the enemie? oF the univerfity of Ox?rd, that her brighteft ornament haa fro,m? fiis y. outh ?p, .even 'un.til now, indulged him- fe]f m all the ]uxurJes? foil:es, common vices, and mof[ of' the moxe uncommon iniquities of man- kind. That he has adorned.the univerfitv, for .thet?firty years, or more, with the moft pr6fligate examples of fraud an;! ?'orruption.. That, in one inflance only, he plundered the ?erfity, of,.. whioh he is the i?r?g?t?fi orII?$rIIeIIt, Of the rum of three-thouf and potends i bclides other finallet booties, and more concealea depredations. It is objeCted, that he has defrauded the college (of. which ho is head and governota') of divers-flarra toa great, value, a?d- other. wile oppteffed it in diver? notorious and enormous inRances. That he embezzled to him�el?; one whole be?- ?ior?, offi, tty or?'xty-?.ounds ?er a;:nun?, given fbr ' -

feveral good utis, for t?vdz'e or fifteen years togc. thor. That he encleavour'd to melt down all the college. ?olate, and convert it fraudulendy to his own uf& That he governs his college arbitrarily, unjuttl?',

red unflamtably; and tMt by manifold other frauds

and abufes, he has aimoR brought it to bankru?,y and ruin. That being left guardian to two young worn_on, he fordE/detained their fortunes in b.:$ hands, atier they came of age, to the great prejudice of one, and to a/molt the rum of the other and her Husband, B. wt,tever there might i?e in this rome iq? of ?his ?nq a?t t? wee? ? a ago.) That he will i0ay no/;o?, if he can hdp it5 that he will cheat every' body, if they do nor take care; ttut that he will[tick at nothing to gratify his pride and his belly. . That in general, he is a bad clergyman, a. bari chriltian, a bad neil?hbour, a treacherous friend, a ty- rannical governoften unjult ttewar&, an imnloraI liver, and ? difhonefi man. That as to his inward pfinci.'?tes, God only what they are; though by Ds o?n praOdces, man may/udge ot them. This, molt learned .?lrifiar?#s, is the charaBet, which the perfort, whom you call the tvigh. tO orna- ment of the univerfity, bears amongf} raany people; if ?t ?s hzs luff c?ara?er, that wftuore Mother not, I am'lhte, &r?fi of/'?cb era#meets; unlefs I could fuFpofe her(what I b!ulh to mention)a cora- ?on Bawu, eh.,.t glories i? h,r ]hame. But I hope .. ?,ou will cony,ace the world tha? he is fpotlef. s

xxvs. Terrs-Fi'lius. x 6 and innocent in all the!? and all udder particulars; that his enemies have unjufdy ca? the/? afpeJfions upon him, and that he is a perflgt an and upright man, one that feareth God, and el?beweth e,.il. ! would adw/? you to let about 'th?s cornmerida hie work as loon as poffible, because I meet with ?pIe every day who aver there things to be true; will never be fitisfy'd to the contrary, till he is openly jufli�y'd before the world. If ou do this e e?ualtS, ou will a rove our /?If the heft friend, and the ereateR champion, that the univerfity and her reve?nd ornament have had this many a good day ? and I dare l?romi? you a. .?050r's degree for your pains.

164 lq �H. T E R R/E-F ILI U $. N XX�IIIo l'arcite v?ttcz?uM ai?ndere crimen in omne?. Ovid, .?I?.; .?re?:?ti.:i T is with the utmoft r?lu&ance that .?i :.ti- ever open my mouth, or draw my pen

-?- I ? ligainf[ WOMiI?KINI)i for whom I have

? ? fo paffionate a veneration, that even the ?,?'?l?,?"?: ?,orfl gartofthem often find me too ten- ' der hearted towards them, and get the better of myoth?hculties. But as I'liavetaken _t?on m y t?if the char?er of a general Rearmet, i illall i?a.ve' the misfortunes of numberleft younK?en to anfv&r for, if I conceal any thing v&ich may be' for their advant' e, or ti e an a?u es in the tl?u?h cometted by ? faireft offenders. . with all This mull ftand for my apdo_gj reafon' able perforts otboth rexes, f?r what for the t?lick (which over-rules my own, natural tender- neff) prompts me to utter, in the fullowing paper?- concerning the Oxvos? It is one of the misfortunes off. eva, that ?s great a pli/her. and refiner of men as, it pretends to l?e, it is a fore enemy to hurd./?udffand ?hilo]b?isnl drudge- ry. It is a moR arbitrar}; palllon,.kn.d wherever it gets po?ffion ofa man'g breal}, it. ro?s the who? man; and fo far is it from piti %ith any of ?ts ting conqu:tt to ?ufi?efi or kaming, that, like other ambi- tious tyrants, amidtt vaR empires, it grumbles at its awn ?..?.rny, and fearches. a[t? new acq?ilitions.

xxvtt. Terra. FiIi.s. rConfcious of this truth, our wife forefithers took purge the feats of learning of there t? as, there dangerous decoys of youth ? as ' and precaution could not do this intirely, made aJtatute," prohibiting all "fcholars, as we grad'a?tes as undergraduates, of "receive in ?mous or/9?_ ?ea/ed women, with whom "all feholars are 1tr?8?.forNd to keep company, "either in their own Ix!rate chambers, or at ttle ?' houres of any :roof men." I fuppo?:, it will be objefled, by the $ M A aT S, or oihets, that this flatnee extenas only to common ?rofiitutes, or ?igkt.?valkers, and not to tho? divine .eaturea d!gn, ified by the name of Tosvrs: but I th?nk that ?t ?ndudes all fufpe?ed women, and efpe- daily the To?s?s, for the tollowing reffons. ?, Becauii it was not the only de/i? of the fia- tui? to reltrai, n the fchola?s from debauchery (from which, th9(:e, they need no forcible refttaint!) but to prevent ?hem alfo from negleSing their fludies, ?nd enteritt?, into fcandalous marriages ? of which they are in ?o danger from tommo? firum�et6 and .merceoary fi}eeet-w alkers; 2. Becaufe there was no octorion for a 1tatute ?aine? common whores, any more than a aintt hou e- g. ? ?Tealers wx! ?iek-?odeets, which are all pumlhable by the ia?,? -of the la?d. . ? Becau? I haven bettero?inionof the Wow?me? 0? ?zfrd, (who.are, many of them, matriculated men) than to belteve. that they would. entertain in their houj}s fuch..fi/thy drabs? though ?t is probable enough, that they woeaid marry their daughters to aclv?n'fage, if they. could i in which ! can fee no greit ?m ? the?r?t,, '

x Teme-Filit.. xxv 4. Be? I have a ?tt? opin?n of the t?, t? to belie. re that t?g would k? company with?ch caule. and I think it a f?ndal to the uni. ,e? to ?and in n? of a ?tute, w?ich fuppo?$ that any of h? hopeM1 ehflflren me add?&ed to fuch' W?cr I am in the r?ht h mr explication of this flatute, or not, I am fare t?t I have on my fide the authority and ?ncu?ence oF on? ?t? men, the ?f? men, the mo? Icarn? men, and the mo? pious men, thmgh one of the moa fortmate ram, that this, or p?haps any other country' ? fiw ? no Ie? than a King and a to whom a a Ma?r ? the loyal ?iverfity of O?ord adh? fo iramove. ably, whiI? li?in ? whole memory, now he is dead, (he fo affe&ionat?.y reveres? and: who/? injun&?ions and admonitions, above tho�e of all other m?m, {he holds fo dear, that I am perfuaded no advice of his will I? defpifed thrre, none of his precepts reR What was his opinion in the prefent ca? ma?/ be feen in a letter of his to the uni?erfity of CaM- BRm?�, entituled? King CHa?Es the Firfi, his lnflxu?ons to the Vice- Chancellor ?nd Heads ef Cambridge, J?r govern- met. t, &c. ?hic? are m CH?RLES Rex s I. ,, ?hat all tho? dire&ions and orders .of' our fither, bteff? of memory, which?at my time were fen.t to our .fiid tmivedity, be du}I obferv'd and put m execution. I1." Whereas we have been infor/m'd that, oF late years, many itudents of that otlr tmivertity not- regarding their own birth, degree, and have made divers contra&s of marriage with men of r/?,'?.?e, and of no good f?me? {n that town, to thetr great difpara?ment, ?e difcontent

Terr-Filius. 7 or their parents and friend.t, and the difl?.nour of' the government of tha our univerfO': We will aM ?mmand you, that at all times heveafte? any TAVER?ER, INN-HOLDER, or VICTUALL?R? or any other &h?bit?t ofth ,own, or withi? the jurifdi?ion of the univ?ty, ?1 k?p any ?gkter oi oth? ?om?n in his hour, to wl?om th=e ?a?l rffort any ffholars of that unwerfity, of '? what condition foev?, to'?if-fpmd their time, ?' or oth=wlf to m?b?bave them?lves in marri- "ugt, with?t the conlent o? thole, who have the ardiafii and mir;on oF them; that u on no- flee thereo? you do p?e!nfiy convent the febolaf ? ?holars,and the fiid ?ominor mom?,thut ? fuf?e?ed, heft,re you; and upon due examination, ?' you find can! therethre, that you command the laid . ?o?an or ?om? (according to the form of your ,, 'ehart? again? ?omen de malo fuf?s) to ? move out of the unive?ty, and tbur mil? off the �s? fim?; and if any refufe pliantly to obey your ?, commands, and to N order ? by you therein, that ,? you thin bind them over, wsth fureries, to upper ,, ?fom tM Mrds of our privy-council, to anfwer ,t their contempt, and fuch matters as ?all ? ,, je&? agai? them. And if any re? pref?tly ,, to o?y,-to im?i?n them, till th? eith= remb?}. ?e or pufia fuch-Mnd, ?itb funties. "Lafily, W? will and command, a mpy ?,, thet our ?reaion? be deli?M to the mailer ?,, er?y tol?ge, and that he cauR the ?me to be ', ?li?to tMfe of his .?8Iege, and then ,, rtg??d in the reg?n of their colleges, and duly ,, obf=v'd and ke)fby all ?rfons whom they con- Jacobus Faber, regi!'trarius,

The rea&r may fee this letter in a book, intitul? Carnal. a, or The b_?fterie$ of State, (what page I cannot fir, lx?ufe I have not the book by me) or Cambridge. 'In this wi/? manner did that ble,?d Mar9,r, and t encourager o lu?rnln, inflrugt his univer& Cam?idgt: whether he f?t the time mflvu?i?m to Oxf?g I onnot find, though it is wy likely he did b?t' if he did not, we ?n impute it to nothing but th?s, ?hat the time complaintsa?infi Ox?rd had not tach d his reyal ears; for, as his maje?y. had the time ?f? for ?ath his unionrifles, fo there ?on to doubt? tht he would have r?ch'd out the time/at& 0 ?dvi?e to tkm both, hd they both fi? in need of it. H?ppy is it for the. preknt ?afion of Ox?r2 Toasvs, the ?'?g Cu?uzs I. (fo much unlike t?t acco&plifl?d Ge?tlem?, his fon,) was l?g ?,v?hid in the duff! Were that rigid Kin now my mind midiyes me ?r?gely,?hat I ?d loon ?e an end of?il the b?11? and ket?g$ at Oxford; that fevnal of nut moff cde- ?t? md right Nautifd madams wo?d pluck th6r fine f?h?s, and bet?[e themfel?es mfl livdihood; or make thdr ?rfonal ap?uce b?- fore the ? ? bb m4e?y's pfivy-councit? to f?er their ?ontem?t, a? fuch matters a?3oald But Hz is d?d ? and the 8e?ll?, as much a? they tflk ?r him, at vine c?ta?fl?)m, have .fi enough for h?m, or have too much re? for the ?die?, to take his advice in this ?ic?r. I do not ch?ge a? the Ox?rd To?s?s ?th the ?e ill f?e, or the ?me ?1 d?g? ? nor ?ould ? ?efieond :?tico, p. 38.

knowingly, char�n? o?c o? th?m with ?ny one th?ng. o? which ? Js ?uiltl?: but an Ox?oR? ?oas?, in the commo? ?cept?on oF tMt ?r?, '?s ?uch ? creature I ?m now go]n? to d?cri?. She is bor,. ?s th? ?ing ?ys. o? mean ?t6 be- ing the daughter of fume info}eat mechanick? who fincies him?If a Gentlemanl and refolves to keep up his family by marrying his gift to a earbn, or a schoolma?er: to which end, ?e and his ?-? call her ?etq MO, as loon as ?e knows what it means, and ?nd her to the daneing-fi?ol to I?rn to hold up her h=d, and turn out her toes: fl?e is taughb 't?om a chi?,.not to play with ?y of the dirty boys and girls m the ?ighbourhoodi but to mind h? .dancing, and have a gr?t refpc& for the Gown. Y?is fbundation being 'hid, fl?e goes on fi? enough o?.herfdf. without any finher a?ffance? except an hoop, a gay/uit of do?hs, and two or three ne'? briand .[mocks. Thus equipt, ?e frequents all the &ll? an'd p?!ick walks in Ox?rd? 3here it is a great chance if ?e does not, m time, meet with !ome raw coxcomb or other, who is her humble fervant; waits upon her home; calls upon her a- ?in the he? day; dan?les after her from place to piace? and ?s at laR, with fume ?t and managemint, .drawn in to mar? her. She has impudence, --? therq%e'fhe has She is ?ruud,---therefore {he is we!l-bred; 'She has ?qne eloath$, . ? therefbre {he is genteel;

?he would rain be a

�not a

i7o TERR-FILIU$. N �X. ?i ??LL ?g�av ams ?ve to have every_ thing ?.?.. ?i ?e?t a?ut t?m, ?d theftore, bring ? ? ? ?u?g fi? t? give their ?ats a?d ? BL?S?IM, C?MONT, and CA?, ?o?s ? the fp?did ? of t?ee mot nob? Du?; ?d to i?? ?oth? ? of ?m (in their .o?.?i?ons, as ?r as the oth?) the reverend Scv?s of 0?o? ?vc ? GoLa?Xa, .? the? ?)RDINANTIA. I have, in a/ate l?ix'r, given ?.me account of' the ? of tllofe important ai?mbhesi and I def?a? in this, m do tie time of the latter. ,?_ name of any ,parti? .?dd/ng or a, partment ?lgre t? $odh meet, but of the scutl? t?e- mfc, li?es, when fo met or afl?mbled together; m-night' the Ord'm?nti?. is at 'St.?o?'s ?11?; t?mowow'at ?-ssd?, t? ?t3ay? ?n?t?; and the ?ext imm?Ate pr?ec?r ? ?et?; it ?g ,,(? ?y ? ? k ) a m?tmg ,of the h?ds of hou?, ( ?ht}h ?].t?a?t, ?t ? t?t n? 0 ?eld

?: the trigrags of o? ? ot? q t?em; :o p:tl?' Church, and di?urb the Univenity. -I t.? the reade, in my diOrration u?n ?raafa?d there; but I mu? add now, that it is fir?' propos'd and canva?'d at the Oumsa.?ia; as al? ?t &figns are hatch'd and nurs'd in private cabi. nets and runtos, betore th? are brou ht to mat?i. 3 g and executed in the p?li?k ?ate, or the ?dd o? bat?!e. As Ord?r?gntia therefore is the fi? -council ? t? ?i?e?, or (to make ufe o[' my ?mer ?lufi?n) the i?cr& committee of the Ox otd dire?or?, ir no wonder that ?1t the Heaos of colleges are not udmittea, or will not be admitted into fUCb a ty? for it is equally true, that a Image deters the ?mpany o[ an ho?e? ?n, as that an h0? ? ?te?s the company of a But as all' the Heads o[ colleges do not belong m ?s nightly club, fo rome peffons, who ave not .?[co?es, nor G0?mne?, ?e admitted into it? K ?s '?e?'d a ?eat fayour, and never confere'd oa ?y but ?o?, who?e princyes are w?t kno? ?nd their. at?achme? to the univer?y undouN?. �I? this happy numar is 'Squire Blu?de? of 8t. and that lit?e f?u? thing, which he calls b?s ?o -who hav? fi-e?uently the honour to ?t in council .wi?h the wif? Head-pieces of t?e unive?fity, ? cr?ck a bottl? wi? the fa?rs of karning ?d ?g?n, The 8fluire ?nd h?s fon a? ? alike? ?ve that'young Mr. ?a?as w?ars better donthe, and a ?entee]er man thin his 5ther ? for whkh h? ?s. -obl?ge? to his ?uto?. ?. M ? m v?o s of St. ?11ege, who ? the of good v?y q?inte?nce d?g; from him he l?n?. that preety ?Ort that ?It.uprightne? of mien, that aw?ble ? ? h? ? m? ?at ?eom?g ?i?ge ? ' �

haySour, which have endcard the Doltor to ientlemen and pretenders to ?o? manners; ? r?em? t?t the oM ?tleman, tho ?e ?g ?ot 6 we?-br?, has as mn? ? as, his fort, a? ?'? full as we?, =?t? m ?u?li?k ? p?vate, u?on. �bj? w?t?. '" 1 ?ve ?d it ?d, t?t the O?m?r'tX but one fault to find in him, which is indeed'i?'vefy bad one i and that is,/q'e does ?ot mal. e his pieads ?ueborae enough When they go to t}e him. They are perfo9dy tiff .sf]/'d with his fen./? and his hogeft)/'; they know likewife, that he loves the church .and' the univerjTty; but the devil of it is, they know to9, by w.oe�ul experience, that he loves his money and ki$ wine &ttar. Dellvuti. ive avarice ! how many noble �pirits' thou adulterated ? many a poor belly haft thou: gri: peal, and many a good - intrigue hall thou: f?ed?, �rhou it was that made c---!l a ]�w, and a Certaiii great m?, on the otl=, ?e thdwat?r, a ?Ti &l,l J, . Rebel Oven, and by others the Ox vogx? though an u.nfinc?f?a ?a?n?, and a)O141er, yet be- ing engaged m the caut? and ?:rvice of the was another member of'the OuDm?,,and mlgh- tgy carefled there, as rome perfons have-not iirtiplecl ?o fly, till general P?.r?,�? eam? with his Dragoo.ns, and frightened him otit of his quarters: In the fame manner Ou?ma??I,S Is .the general rendezvous or phce of entertainment, into all I3regners, travellers, and o ? u � ? s,, who 4eetl recommended ?om Au go ? u, agint .r0d, hce. c!,! but I cannot, upon any terms, believe the 1tory which I heard, of a cert.? lp?rfon's riffling, in. cog. ?t oxt3ra? and ficquenting .the ordiuamia, the latter 'end of the/dR reig? ,who u?ed to &ink the I'ov?'s h?th; though I urn_ told-, that there is a "-' living

to mean thofi ?bi? hon? ? the ?min?ti? of the of them berg g?d"?burcbmen) ?We reckon th? fubje&' "?n?otb'? Lane. The t?tagiom n? fo ?iolently arthis place well ahted, <d the ?, ? ?k aoin; but we?e a?id the warm wea. tlgr: we cannot yet hear, whether the eontagion-?s .c?l. at Xidney. It?l? and _Rt??, !.!alii all communicalaon with-th? 6oar?fm?. bei..n? : eat off, from whom we ffed..to have oar :ntd}? he.nee. W. he_ Toafit are fcoariag ? and a�w.trim, tnmg thetr be? gowns and ix-rectors againR t? �mmer,. and intend. to make a fp.kn?d app?. ? ifnflCe. li' 6otgotb;?. Yel?&y tl?$t?//$Tmetl?re upon,.i?l?., ck burtoefl, andf nit vt? late: we do not what is the rffdt of. thek co?atiom; odr?'t? they drank tbm $ottb$ a-g?e; but we.-?e ?a?. . ?e Tu? Yefi?ay. m a ?11' dubii ?g?, nt?t-?r?t?te? that a ?, p?? ', and ?li ef?al!/tho? humid a?,?, a6 w?e o?Wd to ?immMiat? ?;.?ht memos, by the ?ds of.th? ?mmo? We have a butt of,ex?ll?t ?t-? now?b?ch ?hich Dr. C?$ffm ?y? isle ? ? ?s m O?or d ev? ? & t? h?s'D?a ? ?r&'d hi?elfh ac?p? tY?a ?), ?t?d ? tintit, gestlime?,d?e.fe?'..

This put the Dottot into an e.xcellent good hu- mour; but he grew a little p?wfh as f6on as he lighted his pipe; the tobacco not being very good.-, &veral new members were admitted this night. Lynn's � e-blouJ?. This aftemoon, a notnil Smart 0? .. of Chri? Church College, as he was writing a billet. doux, had the misfortune to blot one of his r?eswith a fpot ofink; which put thegentleman into fo great a dif6rder, that he threw thellandilh through the win- dow, lhmp'd alx;ut the room for half an hour to. gether, and was often heard to fly, I ?vo#der that ?tl?m$ tatmot fu?d out j3m? cleaner method of con. 7oq_ing their thoughts! and that .he ?vifh'd he Jnight be Nown up ?hervove he ?oent, ?f he ever ran& uJ? 4that filthy liquor again, though the diffie_afure o] the ?vhole fair ]?x ?oas tke �onj}quence: let Prigs a/n/P?ants, j?id he, fee? all the nafiy manufagturt to themf?kves. ?---rCdlege. Several fellows of'this college hating Iod?'d an/ippeal with the proper rifftot (as mennon'd in og?r laf?} again- ' ?t .Dr..Dry$ones, !:hdr greene Head and G? err?ur, com plainrag o fiereval arbitrary andunJtatu. ta?It l?ra?.iees ot that revexencl okl dergy.=aman, we that m her defence, lmr, fl?e calls the complainants a,/)_ ?un 4Gom, t?rbulent and unruly j?11o?s, &e. and defttea his Lordfl?ip'? (the ,?tor's) advice how. to She manage them. flys farther, in her jultification, that all her .proceedings are warm_need by the advice and ?batton of the Heagt of h0t?i and that �ne has got a certificate [.?m'd by many of' them, terri- tying that the .l?.s go%emed ?er college accord!rig to flamen_, of which, it feems, they are. better judges than the :Fe//o?,s themgive.s,. Notwuhltanding all .which, it is gen?lly believ d here, that the vifitor ?s go'_mg to fit his ?tthrt? a good - example; and that thi feverrod defendant will be 0nortly feat a ,? �mo

xxxx. 7'erra. Filitts. .x living man in the world, who will make oath .that ]ae .was, at a certain time, and at a certain place,. in .company with the af'ore?id certain per, n, together With ccrtain'/-/ead? of' colleges, whenfuch an health �went round. N.B. I do not undertake to Iorodu?e this living man, Of fuchexcellent uf? and eonvenlence'to the uni- -oerfity, and h.er friend? is this night?fefii?al, xi, hich appears to be mttituted for divers great and worthy parpot}s, and particularly, belide?_tliol?' a/ready inenti- oned, for the initiation of young $cur.?.s into the my.- !teries of'their buffneff in the government of' their �ollegesl of which the hiltory of poor Dr. Du?rBosz? will furniih us with a. late remarkable .inltane. e. Dodot Du?ruoN�s is buta young Scu,.x., though an old man, being. but lately advane'd to the govern- ment of a college m OxFORu: he fpent _the greateli part of his lifein'a vimridge in Sometflx'f hire, which ?s the 1tatmn he feems clefign d for by nature, butby great Imrfimo?y, and living fingO, he grew ? rich, that the Fellows of the college,to which he former- ly belonged,.thought it.worth ;the!r while, upon tho death of their hte H?-au, to mwte Dr. Du?uo?s out of the eou_ntry? to, come to oxford, and �ucceed Nm i which the dodot thankfully acCepted? and he was accordingly elec';ted their Hv. su, . In this office he behaved very well for rome time, and aCted like a man in his fenfesi but being admitted into the Oanmss? he loon altered couri:, and began to tyrannize like his brethren, whole example and advice he would kequently urge to his Fallows in anfwex to their remonflrances and ?i?mplaints, tellifig them that the He,Ds of houfes d, lie might do what ht pleafed in his own to!lege. It, dying upon which, th.e. poor old creature exercifed an abfo'lute authority:in h?s college,. in contempt of all fiatutes? which were no more than dead l?tter$ in hi.'s eye?i trampling Under hi, feet the will of his I t Irons.

? ? 4 Te?,e. Fili?. h* x x nil

. h?h.?.?t the

with him ?m the Os? Thk hs, at hfi, h'ought upon him the re�entmen?, of his Fd/o?s, who, tired out with Oppreffion, ill ufi? have apl? to their Viiitot againff him m?l iris commonly ?li?!.t!?c hc wil[beex?lled. T E R.R?-F I'L/?U'S: N �;

as 'cau? d the old ?d?ngl� to ?e wa? ? ?th a ?{of mint ch[efl? compo? d of ?ran one, ,,? $? ?, ? ?' ?. ��? , t& ?e?rve the gendemeu O? the college ?om a-m;? li nit, whi�h i$ ?Jd to be ?at?M to them, ., ', ot long aeo two gentle?en of the ?me (?g? and ?g?ulm,)' ?oth eq?lly ?ufi? ?r Pu? l?k Ze?ure? Ro? ?ndidates and 6om?titbr$ fo? '?mmmar{?e 'le?ure, Which was then vaunt. the preten?ons w?e romewhat ?ncom?ofi, acquaint the publick with them, and with the thod ofcanva?nff for academical o?ces. , ,. ' ' ;?he' ?rfon to. horn bo? of there wor? one oFthe ?m� ?mo with me?eur? the candidates he? w? prefi d h?d on ?th fides for h=s and-very much ?rp?d on wMch to beRow One eyeing, in the Common.raam, the ?didate? ?ubu?t, he ?n't re?' me h?s rotraft; for ! have ? dr_tmk.?ith him tav?#ty. time?--.T?venty times ! Hugo; what's twenty times ? By G--d, I b?n drunk with him agove an hun&d times; and d?n him, if ?e ferules me 'his intee?, he ia the �ile? fcoundrel alive. ay, huh fiid Iubulu:, ?ave ,?bor'd toother,. as-wall as drnnk together. And fo hav? ? too, anfwer'd Hugo, and bern ?t ?together into the ba?in.?He?n tha d?t? grew very warm, and arommts fl? tNek about the room, to prove w3i& was more worth man, and the greater 'rofii ate. . y P g wNch was fo well fupported on ?th fide? tha? they were forced at ?R to ae?mm?ate the mat tea) leR a. thid man, a fid jbber blockhead, thould ruti away ?with the place from them both?: wherefore it ' ,y ,' and , between was..?ra:d .,b ?th.e-parties aforeBi&. .chat: in confideration oftweary. gut/teas: of good and lawful

lawful of Greet Britab, weal and .t?..ly tb ?e ?d Bugo, b r the ?d ?bulu?, the fled ?u?d ?iemte, trans'r, ? make ov? all. his:in-. t? to the hid E?bn&?i which was ?or? totmeal, and inttrloprs were kept out. , ,.._ � r.?--n't Gdb, ge. It appears that our Cook wha dial ?me time arm has run the college in debt eight: bundred .pounds ?r upwards wit.h ?ver.al trader- men, who furnifl?ci the coCege w,th proviffons. and particularly with ?,iael all wlfich mull be paid ouC of the frnall revenues of the college. This fuddeu bbw occafions the.more fpeculation, becaufe the. C0?k ought not to have been trulted with buying tha ?oviiqom of the college, a particular officer ing afligned by t!atute for that purport; who, iit? mairauon of his l?etters, makes his place afmemr? It is much feared that this is not the/aft blow /hall feel of tbt l'?rne On the goth olr?snnAr?hl},thcrevere?d Dr?ri? fl?e. in a '&t? orati?, ff?m in O? c?a?l, nbdlio,. (for which a ?ia ?m is gt? u? for ev?) abu?d the Bi?op of B?g?, ? ? t? ?efa? ?d ?fol?t man? ? ?, ?ing ?m gifan, a ?fe flatten, ?d.-tbe ? of all mtnn. Such is the rede& which fo? ?p? ?1 themt?t?'cs ,he fo? memos of t? Ea hnd) en,ertain of ?p.?oi?nt; which is ?eem- one of the molt eftintial do?mes of the ?.f' En.gland. " ' What arid tedlow ff, ould I have been thought, if ! bad. ia a publick fveecb; taken the l/berry to any right reverend Bifl:op of the �lmrcb of Englandg der fuch a ca?:, the Bifbops had, 'indetd, l?'d the Kin l to fup?refi Ttau'?-Fp-?ds.,

Who ?have been as iufamoully li&Iged ilt:?Ox?n/, ' wi?ut my ?d-io their Ch?r?h of Efig4nd ?p?L?h?crs, arc.no? quite fo. regularly, and i?t?te? confuted as. they ought'?o t? Dr. Bri?one, ?o ? Is fu?? ac .this ? h?m, wh? has not bcea ?ame?, in a p?d mvn? '?o. ?nd into ?c wmld this e??his ?rdigi? to ?e ?mmWd i?to a thing puMy reafon. able. ?nd t?e Church of England has t& peculiar to fie men ma? T?c?.s and Go?z?o?s ? communion, who eith? deny ? ?y at? the ?rtides of the chfifiian ?etigion. But it is to ? re. .u?td to it, as extranmus adventitious panide$ 'the human baO, ?e haoe been )ea?ing of, yet art ?ot of the Effence of it. n?r t?er into itj Identity HOPED, THERE MAY BE A OLORIOU$ ?ESURRECTION .. Pra? obf?ve, ?, that t?e? ram, on whom this ?i?ous c?rge is }aid, of denym S or ?yi? ?, ?e? artldes of t? C?ri?ian re?gioa, lnd ?it? ?m whom? (it i$ hO? by this rcv?nd pa?or of .?urch ? England) there may bea glorious Re?rreSi. ?i a? the W?tgs and Gowu?oas of the Ch..?rtk ?f,,E,, nglaM. Well fiid, moji orthodox lipilgo?alian t ' ,The reverend Mr. ?zard, of?he time collet, e, wa hi! month, de&ed Promr ff the umverfity tbr the ?nfuing year, notwithlhncling that he is obliged by a college lhtute, to take. his Batchdot of Divinity's de- gree next Term, wNch, by a 1tatute of the univer- fity is made incompatible with the I'roSorfhip: to re- move which obth.de, the ?reftdent and fi:Ilow$ &riga to dif?enfi with iheir ?ollegeflattat ? tho' by' , _. : - ?..?,.

a-clatt?'in'?at 1tatute, it is d?-c? ti} b& ?;.d? ?; ?- ?k. ? thdrad? ?d be at a 1o? to tim out t? m?n?g of this condu&? I ?hink fir to acWaint ?, t?t [ti$ M ?d? to ?elude aaother.Gmtl?: ?u 1? Stall ?t office. The E?d of the Firfi ?dame.

ERR.-FiLLUS: Or? The S E C R E T iSTORY OF THE Univerfity of Oxford; IN Several: To which are added, R E M A R.K $ upon a late .Book, entlded, q)niverfity Educattou, by R. N ?w ?r o ? D. D, Principal of Hart-HalL %' o ?.. ,ii. Me is departed, indeed; but hit Ghoft fiill hovers about the Groutsd, haunts the Place of his wo?t- editbode, diffurbs the everal,4 artmenu with unfeafonable l/ifits avd firange Noires, and �cares all tho39 who never exF?ted his Return to this Region any more. , N?:wx'os'$ Univ. Edue, LONDON; ?ri?tedforR. i::'..a?c?.?,,,t, under7'om,sCoffe?o ftoufq in Rt?}I-$trcet, Co?e#t-Gardett. lVi. Dcc.

Numb. XXXI.


Qui mihi Discipulus, Puer, es, cupis atque doceri, Huc ades, hec animo consipe dicta tuo. Qui mihi.

Wednesday, May I.

To all gentlemen School-Boys, in his majesty's dominions, who are defign'd for the university of Oxford, Terræ-Filius sends greeting:

I am so well acquainted with the vanity and malapertness of you sparks, as soon as you get out of your schoolmaster's hands, that I know I shall be called a fussy old fellow, and a thousand ridiculous names besides, for presuming to give you advice, which I would not, say you, take, if I was a young fellow myself.

But being a very publick-spirited person, and a great well-wisher to my fellow-subjects, (whatever you may think of me,) I am resolved, whether you mind what I am going to say N xxxr.. Terre-$'di.ns.. f_e//o?vs? who think the. m.?ves obl,g?d m point of honour and common civility to mak? you damnable bM: the next night you are treated as a?illl a?in. aM perhaps for three or fou night? aft=warns. gloffousway of living beipg new to you, it yonfirms ? notion ion had conceived, upon t?owmg away vo?fatth?b, that you ?e no longer ?s, but it your own difpo?, and at lber? t6 foiow your own inclinations. But kt us now fu?o? this h?nq ?te? of jol?t aM drunkennefs over 5 .you are ai?itttd intone co? ?ge, md ?atriml?td into the univerfity; you hava ?ken ?e oaths to ob?rw the Ratutes of both ? bye fubf?ibed thir? nine articles of religion, and ?aid your?es:in ?ort, I will fupNfe yo? no g= angers, butfiudnts, adopt bes of our aerable A?ua And now, you? ?ntlem?, ?ve me leave to on my ma?eri? ?ce, and to inflru& you how you are tq demon ?our fdves in the fiation Ion are ro- tered into, md what fort oF behaviour ?5 exFe? from you, according m there oath? md ! know ?ry well that you go thither prepo?fi'd with a ?n?uine (but i?orant) opinion, that you ?re to.hold fa? your ?in?les, w?tever they are, that you sre to follow w?t in yo? ?onfdentt you think right, md to difdaim what you judge ?rong that thi? is the only way to thrive in this ?orld. ahd to be happy in the n?t, }u? as your filly ?oth=s and fuper?itious old nurfes have taught you: ?n the fir? ?hce th=efore, I advife you to ?ake off ?his chil. spreju?te, md to dif?ge ?o? felves from ch fcrupulousnoti? .for you may take my word t for it, that o?erwife ?t ?s a million to one t?t milearty. B a

4 Y'erre. Filius. N* xxxz. For, it is a maxim astrueasitiscommon, o mttny ?nen, ? ma? ?.?d? i but a?ong? ? th? numbsleft di?mt options of minkrod, there ?s never, at any one time, b?t one ot thole qpinions which is -?'d onho&x; ? theefo? 7on ?ve your ?ancy the rdns, =d let you? 9? judgmmt determine yo? o?nions, what inM?:e ?d{ ?s it, wh?er you ha? ? ? hit u?n ?t ?gle, individual opinion, which ' at ?t 'eu? =its of time, N vo e, =d w?& it is thefore y?r mt?e? to ?e } But ?5 wit? aa yo? dili?nce and finc?ty, you ?ould m? the, r?ra ?is, t?hppy ?b?nig o?inion, ? f?ewel to fll ?our ?tux? ?mf?s, to your ?, your t?utation and g?d ?ame for et? a?- ?i I m?n if Ion ?e fo w?k, ?d Fo much b?ott? with ?uafion, ? to thNk it 1o? du? to Your oily ?fe wiy ?=e?re ? to a? flong with lou confd? tb?n?s bl?nthes, r=dy to r?- ' ' ?, t?t ?ou pl? to '?amp upon c?ve any ?mpr?ou . them; for I would not ?ve } ou ad0?t ?y ?rti?- 1? fy?em, howev= ?p? a?d prevailing it may f? ? ? at grffmt, ?ufe tt may ?ter, md then w? p?ve h? to you; for, as much a? they ? of ?eddinefi md immu?abili? of principle? at OxFo?tt?, evexy body knows that Po?,?_?t?t was for orthodox many ?es the teS?on there; t?t ?rotefian- film (with much di?l?, and forely a?in? their ?s) fucc?ed iti that, not long they were Rgoa ?mo? ? Wrens, and now =lmoR all To?s, and, for ought we 'kno? wi? e? long be Wa? n.? Nev= t?ore ?lain yo? opini?s, but t o? declamfiom'?, that you are cburt?en, and t?t ?oa ?e aa fie church believes. ?o5 ?m?, you ?ve fubf?'d the thirty antflesi but ne?_ ?enture to explain the ?n?, in which you fubf?b d them; Nou? there are va- t?a f?s i fo m?, ?d?, t?t f?ce two men

N O xxx. 7'erre. Filh$. underftancl them in the fame, and no true church- man in that, which the words bear, andin which they were ?vritten. It is the peculiar unhavpineli of mot} churches, (bowever excellent and wdl-cor?ituted?)that tho' all !their do&rinea are generally embraced whilf? unex. plai?ed and unexamined, yet when they are brought to the tell of naturn! rei,]bn and huma;; philo.?O. , they m.eet with oppofition, doubt, anti incredulity for whtch but one reafon can be given, and that is, that being things incomprehenfib!e of themi?l?e$, they ?re rendered the more �o by the vain endearours of weak men to explain them. ! need not ve?'y much infiPc'to you, upon the clan- ger of explaining there do?rine? yourfelves, or of trulling to any particular explications of o?laers i caufe there have been in all ages, and efpeciaily in the ?r�tin.t, fo many inltances of learned, lincere, and eretying men, who Mve fhip-wreck'd their for- tune? a, well as their reputations upon this rock i and I have lcfs occafion to warn :you again!t it, becaufe there isa bill, now depen?ling in parliament, very d!ClOtllqy INTITLED, A Nil for the j%ppreffion of blaf-. i?hemy and p_rofanenejSi by which, if it pall'es, all perfons will be prohibited to ?rite or adwi?,ll), to fpt, ak upon any points of faith difagreeab!e to our re- ligion, as by Law efiablifi/d. And therefore, ?'i will only advi�e you to fupprcfs, as much as pofllble, that bufy_ fpirit of cttriofiq/, which too often fitally exert, itfeli in youthful b1?eafisl but if (not- withttandin all your non.in ui ?tivene s, the firon beams of truth will break in ufo-, your ram&, let them thine inwardly i dilturb not the pubtick peace v/ith your private difioveries andiiluminations3 no, if you have an}, concern for your welfare and Pro. fpe- rity, let Aa?sro?L� be your guide ab�olute in iohdo?-

7'erre. Filius. TERR-FILIU$, N �iI. Z)i?ce docoadus adhuc qua eenj?t Amicu!us. t-lor. Sa?uur, a,,,, ?lpril '4- T?RIL,?,-FII..IUs'? advice to aLI gentlemen/hhool-boy?, dr.s. ?o?;tinued. N POLI'rlCKS my advice is the time in R?_tUalOe? not to let your own ?an r?fon domin?r over you, and You tour obey this king, or you muli oL? that l,?g i or you tour be ofthis bar. ?y, or that ?ar?: inked of that, follow your leaders obf?ve the cue which they give you i fpcak as they f?k { a? as they a? { drink as they drink, and fw?r as ?ey fw?r: ?mplr with every thing which they comply with imd ?fcov. no fcmples which they do not difcov?, "But (flys one of you, fmartly) ! a? a Togv, "and all myfimily?ve ? Tou?zs? mygrandfa- "ther ]o? his eftate a?in? OL[vea CROMWELL "my hth? was a gr?t fu?r?for King Jau?s II. "and I my fell had my head broke in d?'fen? of '.' Dr. Sacuevsueu% kfore I was eight ycar? o? "what

Terr, e-l'ilius. "what therefore have I to fearatOxvoR?? !sit not' "the fame, that it has been reprel?nted to me ?' "find, if it is, what hurt can my I?ri?ci?le? do me.- "there?" Not fo fall, (Ibegof you,) my dear littlegpit:/fre; you have too much of that mettle in you, which is ? natural to your srt., I grant ou, that at prefent your prmci?le? will not incommode you there? bur who knows how loon rome exigency or other may oI:lige them to dit?ent?with their O,vas? and their Dr. cuv.�s again ? Is it not therefore better to referve your felf fo, as to be able, with a good grace, to go into any intereft that hall happen to be uI, per- Says another o? you," I am a War ?, and have "the GovEu?v on my fide5 king G?otta� anti "his Mm?svu� will never fee their heft friends per- '? ?cuted an..! torn to piece.? for p?'ofeflingand adher- "ing to thole principles which fix'd the cro?,n upon. "u?s head, and ?'?�? iu his favour ? which have hi- "thefro defended him againtt all the attempts of his "enemies, and which alot?e are his protection agaiaet '" all their future attempts." My good lad? This is a very natural and a very reaj?nabte �up? po/ition? but as natural and rea�onable as it is? would not have you too far rely upon it, nor hazard the welfare of your whole life, upon the fironge]t obligations that any prince or any minifiry can poffible lie under to fu?port you. We. live indeed under a ?rot?ant king, antla fetof ?ohiggifio minitiers,whom I call fo, becaufe his fkn and their adminiflration were brought about, un- der God, by the fl:ruggles, the fufferings, and inde- fitigable application of that Pa?rr: we have his own royal word from the throne too, What ke will

N �IL %.er j?rget tho�e pertons * who difiir, guifhed ?V their zeal upon this From all which we had the greateft reafon in the world to ho?e, that, having with the utmo(t difficut- �y, and ,?ven not without tiringlog our lives ?nd our efl,.?tes in danger, accomplifh'd our defires? and efta- blifh'd a PuoTes:at?.'?, KIs? to reign overus,we enould have all tho/? gr?eva?ces redreffed, and all thofi? d/f- eouragemv?t? removed, which we dreaded in a K?v?. and for which a!one the Puovesa'.? c?sf?o? was ju?ly undertaken, ftrenuoufly pur�ued, ?r:d n? length glorioufly comf, leated. What uf thi? nature has been done, I leave every one to)udge5 but I am lure, there is o? Tm? left ?;r,lor% and t?at is. the j9curi.g to thoy? ?rfons, who fiic,',k,i ze,,louj7y for the t>refi?t government, beforeit was eflab!!fl:'d, tkofi common rights and privileges, wh:?b. now it is efiablifh'cl, his maj?y's worii-affea- ed fubjec'ts e,.j6_v above them.---1 mean the �ION OF THE UNIYERSITIES, For, tilt this is done, to cal[ your fell a Wm? at Oxvo?.. or to a& like one, o(to lie under the fut- picicn of being one, is the time as to be attainted and cttt,?an,'d3 you will be difcourag'd and brow-bea- ten in your own college, and difqualified for prefer- ment in any other5 your company will be avoided, and your character abufedi you will certainly Iofe '),our D�?utt, and at Ia(t,, i?erhai?, upon rome ?re- tence or other? be expelld. Why this Rzro.s?v?oe of the univerfities has been 1 ) thus long cle:ay d, feveral reaions have been affign d, l:ut whether any of them are the true ones, is very much to be doubted. Some impute it to the multi- 1Sicity of affairs which have, from timeto time, en- gag'd all the application of the government, ever fince his �i mj m mm See hi? majttty's ftrlt �i?eeda to his parliament,

N �xr. erre-Filius. his majelty's acceffion $ whish is ?ivdom. --. Others fay, that the government would willingly' re,ore them to their iuty b?ir means, and therefore gives them time to w?r o? the virulence of their di?em- per? which is impo?ble, m any good phyfician may ?udg? ff their carl. ? som? again ar? fo wicked, or "?11y5 a5 to talk sf private compa&s and flipulation, between the un?ve?fities and the min?ryi but amini. flry mt? be very weak indeed to fleer themflirts, fiipul?tiou, to be railed at all the year roung as as their ?er; ?hich&?s the abfi?rdity g&ch fi(picion. ?he m?m?rs9f thTunive?ty themfelve? ?em to attobutt ?t to th?s only, (wig.) that the go. v?nment is afraid to meddle with them; to fuch a heighth of boldnefs are they come: and I leave it to thoie who govern us, to judge what fort oi puni?- ment fo in?olent a chargetie,ryes. !f this be our care, we havebrought our ?Ives to a fine condition indeed; we have at an immenfe co? a?d trouble got our necks out of one yoke, to put them into a worfe: but b!effed ? god, it is not quite fa bad with us yet? torie$, and _?acabites, and we know, mak?it the gr=te?art of fieir reli?on to be led b the holes, md c?ol d by the ebr , but a W.?=?s. P?s=-am?u? mm?ry ?s fuch ? mon- ?r, as I hope even this age, fruitful a? it i? of mon- ?ers, will never produce ! The ?higg? denomination 0?es its birth to the expalfion of tyrants. an? tlxe extir?ation of tyranny. efpeCia!ly of ecd?fiieal ?ranny, which is the mo? ?ie?ou? of all evils, ?caufe it includes in it the fer- vitude both of body and foul, and feizes at once upon our confciences and our eltates, which ?i?iI ?rann? does not. Whoever therefore, in any age, has a?ed upon this glnOrious principle of &livering mankind Dom a d o??re?on, is a W. i ai in which numar ?% N??and B?sw?c?, ?ine forthwith mo? B ? di?i?

lO N O XXXIi, di?tioguifh'd Luigi and roethinks it isa fortof trea- fort againtt a gov.ernment, which is eftabliOn'd upon Wmo?s?i, to turinRate, that thty are afraid of ?ro.voking a paltry n? or t?o of pedants and humoR. I have been pretty long, mff lads. upon this point', which I think a vcrlrmsterial one. I will conctudc it thus. Whatever private reafons there may be why the univ?rfitits are not yet reformed, benot too noify, and ?oi]terous for the rt?nt gowrnm. mt, (however in- wardly concerned for its l?rofpenty,) till you hear TERR.FILIU$. N O XXXIII. -- St quid nov,jti , eFtius i?b, Oa#Zdu? im??rti i fi n?n, hi? uttre mat#to. Hor. Wsn?ss ? a?c, M 9, ?. T� u it ?- F ? t. su s'? .driving, ?. to#tlnmJ. H g R E ?e ?il! two or three more pointu; upon w.h?ch I I:�Ii�r� my advice will not be ?mproper. . . The ?rR of there, which I fl?all men? S�ssoss of the uuiwrtit?i ? morg e. fpeci?lly. to

Terre-Filiuy. the MZGISTP. ATES and Ssszous of your own col. leges. There is no �ociety in the world withoutj?dal- mosgers and tale. bearerf, who make it their chief bufmefs to fetch and carry idle tlories of their bet. ters; a vice too confpicuous at oxj?rdt which abounds with this fort of men, who run poking into every corner of the town to pick up little cainre- hies a ainf? their tutors and governors, and make g. them their evening entertainment over a tankard of ' COL/?, and a pipe of tobacco. Whenever you hear any thing of this nature, let it go !n at one ear, and out at the other? never re- port It again, nor make any enquiries into the truth of it, but implicitly believe it to be a/ye, and fwear roundly that you know it to be �o. I have often keen this method ?ra&is'd with great fuccef? 5 for it im- mediately circulates amongf? the grave o?6 that ruth a do?or was the fubje& of di�court? in ?h ?om?any upon fuch a night, and that fucb ? one de- ?nded'his chura&er again? all the re?? of the pany.---Where?s, if you liRcn to any of theti? re.. ports, and run goffiping ,about with. them from one to another, with ?hat dye think, Jack, I heard la.l? night of do?or fi?ch a one ? Or, I'//tellyou ?hat, Tom, but ?e fi?re ?ot to tell any bo?ly agaiu, &c. I fly, if you do thus, you m?y depend upon it tha?: it will in?hllibly come to the do8or's ears 5 that will be looked upon as the original authors, not the reporters only, and will unwarily treafure up to your �dves vengeance againf? the day of vengeance. Leave no tto? ?mtutucd to infinuate your fclve? into the fayour of the H?.,?u, and pnior-fellows of ?oour refpecqive colleges 3 what I have fi?d, in the tegoiug paragraph, if duly obferved, will mightily conduce College

erra.Filius. N O XXXli!, conduce to this. Whenever you appearbefore them, conduc2 yourfdves ?ith all �pecious humilityand de. raurenefii convince them ot' the great veneration you have for thdr perfons, by (peaking very 1ova, and bo?iag to the ground at ever) ?rord ? wherever you meet them, jump out of the way with your cap? in your hands, and give them .the'whole ttreet ,o walk in, let it be as broad as xt will. Always j?em afraid to look them in the face, and make them believe that their prefence 1trikes you with a fort of awe and confufion: but, above all, be very conltant at C,^Prr. i never think that you los? too much time at Prayers, or that you negle?2 your fludies too much. whillt you are lhewing your refpect to the thurch. I bye heard indeed that a former Puzm?r./?v of St. )eoL?'s college, (a whimfical, irreligiou? old .fel- low,) would frequently jou his ?udent? for going conltantly three or .i?ur times a day to cha[?d, and lingering away their time, anti robbing their parents, under a pretence of f?rving God ? But as this is the only inflance I ever met with of fuch an Hzt?u? it cannot overthrow a general rule. maticks, ethick,, h?oq, and fuch-?ke la- udiea? but read the lathes, the ?tho&x Favazus I mean, (for eyre rome of the Fa?eus have ?mhentieks,) md learn from thole primitive old g?tleme? what a pack of a?s and blockheads TILLOT80e, ano Buu- ?zv, a?d Hoan?v, and F?te?wooo, and the re? of c? modern upflarts =e, w? compared with ?e ?nt Lum?au?es of thole antirot times. ?notker thing very proper in order to grow the fivourites of y?r H?aus, is fir? o[ a? to?ake your ?elves the ?vourites of theD FoovMr.?, conc?nin? whole di?i? and gran?ur I ?ve ;pokm N ? foF. met l?aFer.

N O [] You mutt have often heard, my lads, of the old vPerOVerb, Logo me, and l?ve my dog: which is not r forei n in this cafe l for if you exp? any fa- Y g vour ?om the mailer, you mu? ?ew great ref? W his ?ant. Have a particular regard how you fpeak of thof? gau&things which flutter aMut oxford in pr?igi- ous numbers, in rummet time, called To?,esi take ?re how you refle& on their parentage, their condi- tion, thdr virtue, or their beauty i ever remembrNg t?t of the Poet, Hell has no Fury like a Woman fcorn'd, E�pecia!ly when they havefpiritual bravoea on their /ide, and old lecherous bully-backs to revenge their caule on every audaciouscontemner of genus and her altars. Not long ago, a bitter lampoon .was publifhed upon the moPe celebrated of there eracoat- roe ors? as �oon as it came our, the town was In an uproar S and a vcry {ivere fentence was pawed upon the au. thor of this anonymous libel: to difcovcr whom no }?oains .were �pared? all the aiCg?a?a, ill. n.,tur'd fel- ws m the univerfity were, one after another, fuf'pe?qed upon this occafion. At lall, I know not how, it was peremptorily fixed upon one; whether .:?t?, or not, I cannot fly; but the parties offended -refolved to make an example of.brae body for fuch an enormous crime, and one of them (more enraged than the reit) was heard to declare, that, right or wrong, that impudent ?oundre! (mentioning his name) fhould be exp:.lled, by G--d; aud that SHE had intereft enough ?'ith the PRI!S/nEI,:T and 8E?to?t Fr-LLOWS of his college to get his buffnet5 done. Ac- cordingly, within ayear after this, h?. was (aimoil unasdmoufly) exbelldfrom his fellon,.[htL, in the pre- fcnc?

4 'err.$'iliut. N ' xxxi L fence of rome of the perfort, injured, wlao came thither to fee the execution. Wdix, {utm fatinn# ?liena perJoule tau##m, ,/a, the Thefts pitch'tl upon by the ezdudlng for the ,,,?,?r,;,/a,?t?r to moralize u/on, in a lick exercif= upon thi occatiou i ana a,. a vry wholefomemaxim, ileaveit, my link lads, to your �e. rious meditation. I have but one thing more to mention to you; which is, not to give into that foollib pra&'ice, fo common at this time in the univerfity, of running u?u tick, as it is called. Raw, unthinking young men, havingbeen kept/hort of money at ?hool, and lent, per;ups, to the univerfity with a fma!l lowance, are notwithttaMing firangely flufhed with the change of their condition, and care not how ex- tnvagant they are, whilff they can fupport their ex- travaganele? upon trufi ? e�pecially when they have numberle.? examples before their eyes, of perfons in as mean circumttances as therot'elves. who cut caring figure in filk-g?ns, and boris it ?bout toun in lace ru?te?, and flaxen rye. wigs. They never confi- d? t?r they ?ay at lm? cent. ?er cent. for their cre- dit i and that the expence of one year's living in this mann?, wilt amount to as much as their parrots cm a?ow them ?or five or f? i nor that the ?ntinual dunnings and infoImt menaces of t?ir cr?itors at the ?d of three. otzar y?s, at farther, will mak? them w?y of their lives, a?aid to walk abroad, ?d unruly at home; that it will, at length reduc? ? fe?w?ips to f??tion, and themfelves to mifery md rm. ? How tomy hoH?l young men ?ve ?en ruined in this mmn?, cut ?ort in the mid? of their phi- 1ofop? mq?ks, md for ew a?erw?d? rinds-

N O xxxxz. 'erre-Filu. ed unable to recover themfelvesout of their incurn.; brances, fo as to puriue their fludies again with cheerful heart, and without interruption? It is a merry laying, which they haveat OxvoaD; when any tradefreon is grown rich. by truf?ing the fcholars, that his F?uTa has made him vohde. But I have one yeafort in particular for e?utioning you againft this pra&ice; for, if it thould be your misfortune to become obnoxious to theg0v?rni?g part of the univerfity, or of your own colleges, and they' flmuld find out, that you are involved in deb. t ? to ?et rid of your troubkfome company, they w:11 hal.

oo your creditors upon you, and either force you

to abandon the univerfity, or to change your college for a gaol, confinin you to rigorous g more

vdL, and to fl2orter commons.

Such thin� aff'ure ou, m lads, as ill-natured ?, Y as they maylevin, have been 7one? and (as anobl? Lord ?aid) what ha: been, you know, may be, My Wnoz.?. Ax)wcv., in a few words, is thi?: Let your own interea, abflra&ed from any whim.? �caI notion} of confcience, honour, honefly. or juflice, be your grade; conCult always the. ptefent humour of the pl?-ce, and comply with it; make your felveu popular and beloved at any ratel rant, roar, rail drink, wh--e, pray, fwear, unf?ear, for{'wear? do any t.hing, do every thing that you find obliging; do nothing that is otherwife; nor let any fierations of right and ?rong flatter you out thole �ourfe?, which you find molt for your advan- tage. I have onl?y to add, that if you follow this ad- vice, you will fpend your days there not only in. peace and plenty, but with applaufe and reputation. i} you have any licret good qualities, they will be pointed out in the mol? glaring light, and aggra- vated in the molt �xquifit� manncri if you-fi?ve

Terr,e-Filius. N O era' fo many ?ly o?es, they will be either palliated, or jefuitieally interpreted into good ones. Whereas on the cont?y, if yo.u derpile a. nd reje& there whole.. rome admonxtions, v?olence, dxbe?, and an ill name, will be the rewards of your fb//y and obflinaey; it w?i avail you nothing, that you have enrich'd your minds with all fort, of ufeful and commendable ?o?ledge ? aM that, a? to vulgar morality, you have preferred an unf?otted chara&er before men': theti things will rather exafperate the holy men againit �ou, and exdte all their cunnin and artifice for our dettru&ion; the karl/railtie?, humanity is prone to, will be magnify'd into the groflitt of. all wicked- ne?s; and th, heft agtions, our nature z? capable of, will be deNfed and viiifled away. And now do, even a$ it ?all j?em giod unto you, Farewell.

7Ferr,e-_l;'ikius. 17 I TERR_-FILIUS. N �XIV. ?- ' ,:am p.'rfe?mus hoturn, �5'i quis Arif?otelem fimulem vel Pittaeon emit, l?t jubet archetyI?o? plute?m firyarc Cleanthas. Jtlw; SATURDAY, May E T W E E E N two and three months ago, I took a trip to Oxvt?RD, where I continued incoff for rome days 3 and as ! thought it might be the laff tim? that I fl?ould ever fet my feet upon that learned and religious ground, I re�oived to fee every thivg there, which was ettcemed curious and worth obfervation. Accordingly, I went with two or three Friends, who were members of the univerfity, to the laura, (vulgarly called the N'ick-nackatory,) to the new l)rinting-hou,,?, and the theatre ? at the latt of which places the fair young l?d), who keeps the door (and who is fiid to come of a good fatal!y) fhewe,:l that antiquated mac!.ine, where my predeccXors, of witty mimory, gained fuch immortal reputation. It cannot be thou ht tirange, that i rome- what chagrined to behold that noble ttru&ure, in which our family have �o eminently dillinguiff. ed them.

Tevre.�ilius. N? XXXIVo themfelves for the entertainment of multitudes, and the cotre,ion of vice, apvro?riated to the merce- nary ufe of main:airiNg the baflards of a fuperan- hunted ab:rtine. When we had f:tisf.'d our cu, iofit� as to the�e pubhale buildings, we wtnt our circuit'to all the coI- leges, and bw every thing ?n them. which was markablei as, the new {t?dr.?ngles a: c:hr?g Gkurcb and Uaiver ,t Golle es i the new chapel, .nd the ne? fine attar-[t,ce ? ? Seubi and the Devtl over coin i but as Sr.]olm sconce afi?:rd? us ment, I took an exa? jou?naI of the curiofities met with the?, and will make them the fubjc? this ?y s puff. We went in at the Bach-gatt. and walked thruugh the ?ovc, which is very pleafret i bur looking my right {:and, as we wen? flowly a?ong, I mi?d !he oid Ba?-Court, where I have h?d many ? game Fi'es, when I w?sa youn man I a?kedoneotm? friends, who was a fellow of that college,how it to ? pulled down i who to'd me that the prs?dent ?ving, fome time ago, a mind ?r a fummer-hea? in his garden, to ? built at the expence of the col- leg% demoli? it for the tike of the ?ones, which w?e to f?e for a foundation to this new pro- je?ed ?ifice; though it was pretended to & done to ?mt the fcho?s from lingring away their time, and neglecting their ?adies; but afterward:, the fel- lows denying to ?ant as much money for the build- ing of this fumm?-bou? as the ?r?dent demanded, {which rome p?p]e fly was t?o bundred punS,) the def? w? drop, ?d the fiones were app?ed to anoth? ufe. Then we w?tinto the Batebtbr's Gvovt? and the the M,fler'?gatden, but law nothin?markable t?re, five o?y that they w?c ?kc to but vcr? ?rom

N ? xxxv. 7'err,e-Filius. x From thence we went into the inner quadrangle, which my friend told me wai built at the role charge of archbi?op L?u?, who was form?ly prudent of this college i in confide/orion of which munificent beneli&ion, and his other great /e/vices to the church and nation, the reverend Dr. Du?x?s?, his worthy fucceffor, has eau?d a publick oration to be annualiy made to his memory on the tenth of ]? nuaq, which was the day ot his This quadranale is an hindfome piece of building, only too low, it being but one ?ory high, except the garrets i for which this tea/on is traditionally handed down to uq? vi=. that the old ffua&angle wa? no higher, and/he mode? archbi?op fa?d? he ?ould not overlook his found=. When we had looked round this qua&t?ngle, my friend, the fctlow, askc.t me whether I would fee the libraq, which was jut[ by, or fee the re? of the college firfi ? i chore the la? i and tb ?om thence went into the &apd, which is adorned with a n?w altar-piece, and an organ, but the upon the communion taNe are too froall, and want to & ne? caR, which my fiiend told me was ?o be done, as loon as they could get any body to pay for it; wh?eupon I couid not tbr? recommendinga method which is pra?is'd abroad upon the time cation. One of the holy candlefiffks at a church in ?erp being ?olen away, the dimenfions of it are chalked out upon the wall, and under it are placed words in L?tin to this efii&; If ?ny per/on, wh o coOi?ee i? burthened ?ith any grievous?n, wi?eome the lame. A gentleman of my acquaintance told me tha{he fiw t?is at ?nt?erp about h?f a .year ago. But to return to my account: in the rhapel are feveml cariou? epitaphs and Nfcriptiom, two wher?

7'erre-Filius. xxxxv. of I was wonderfully delighted with, and therefore I will give them to the publick. The firIt is upon one Mr. R?c?aD who w? E?ed in a L?t Wz?, wkch is as fol- lows. a? r SErvO B?:LLO D?v?s, Du?us?u� vaocatu$, .,4 $?!Ro BI?LLO riomen 6" omen babes, The other is upon a fit old gentleman, who(my friend told me' loved ?, bottle ?er v'cll, and never failed to take one every night; but, being a flo? walker, his companions uf?d always to fend him to the tavern hair an hour beI3re them i in a!lufion to which his friends, when he died, put only this in- �cription upon him, PK/EIVIT. The next place my friend thewed me was the C�?.t?a ? which is a large new ?rick vauit? and rtms all the length of the Ha?u, under which it lies? he toid me that the Fz?ows valued them?lves for ha- ving the ? tingle and double Cot? in the univer- fity ? to convince me of ?vhich he pegg'd feveral buts, md gave me a glat? of each to t?e? which? I mu? fly. was excellent ale indeed. From the C?su we went to the Co? uo? Roost, ?twe?n whi? there is a firm and con,ant alliance? it i5 a large handrome room, and, asI am to]d, is the f?e o? a ?=t deal of learning, and a'great many Th? we fiw the ?refident's ?ables and coach.hou?. u?n which, I ask'd how many hotres Mr. uz?z drove with ? when, to my furprize, I was in- form? that he nev? did keep a Coxcu ? ba? the? told me, fiat the college built this cvach.kou? for h?, upon a profpc& wNch, as it was fag he on?

N �ix/. Terre. Filius. had of marrying a rich Wmow, who�e name I have quite forgot. Then we went back to fee the L x u u a u v; but as we ?re going through the old ffuadrangle, my ?iend pointed up to the turret over the gate, and told me that there the co?egeflo?k_was kept ag?n? any loWes which jt might fu?n i but it is generally fuf?e?ed. that if any occafion ?ould oblige them to open the Cuzsz (ofwhich the ?urfar and fever? other? have a key) the rims depofited there would fill very ?ort of what tome perfonsfuppofe to be there. On &.e top of this turret there is a little hole thro' the battlemints, ,,,hich, it is fiid, on? of cannon-?ot made, when he befieged Ox?rd. The LIbRaRY Of St. ]?hn s Co?eg? ls looked u?- ?n as one of th? gr?e?curi?ties in the univerfit?, and alwa[s ?ewed to firangers as fuch; it is composed of two long rooms, which are called the inner and outer libraries; the Iatter of which is filled with a gr?eat coll?ection of v?aluable books, particularly, the works of antient? writers, such as fathers, commen- tators, ?casuists, school-divines, controvert?ists, meta?physicians, and mytholog?ists, besides other less consideta- ble authors, as wits, ?poets, and hi?storians, who st?and at the upper end of the room, in a class by themselve?s, which is called the LING'RING CLASS; among?st which (having the curiosity to take down several of these trifling volumes) I found the bish?op of ?Peterborough's hi?story of Engl?and, with a most? impudent insult upon the learned author, writt?en upon a blank leaf at the beginning of the first? volume, an?d continued there for several years, which, out of regard to the president and fellows of that college, who permitted it to stand there, I will not transmit to poster?ity. We then went into the inner? room, which is famous for the m?anuscripts, archives, and curiou?s trinkets

Terre. Filius. N O xxxlv, kets, which it contains i the roof[ remarkable of which are as foilows l St. ?tohn the BaptiPt's thigh. bont; The skin of a lamb, which gas ye?d i? Port? M?dow (ju? ? Oxfora)with? legs, ?ubd. d Sta?0rd?re almansek, ia w?od. t? ?ti?e family ff the Symes, and given to tha tol kge ? ?idow Sym? ff Oxvouu. d e?d4 Pmd?, dead. 8?al larg? fio?es, taken out of �bu?ek's ma?. ?th? large fi?e, taken ?om bi?ob K,so, ? a xol? ea?, ?ith a ?al o? th? tob 4it, g?tu ? the r?er? or. Ds?au?z. 8?era! ?e m?-?ks upon ve&m, adorned ?th leners 4 g�nd other gaudy ;ol?un, ? al) ?itb ?u;es reFe?i?g Father, ?n, ?d Holy Gho?, iu ? $yflem of the Chine? religion, refitten #?on the ? rk ff a tree in unintelligible ?h?ra?ers. ?fine ?iSure (exa?ly to the ?e) ff K?g the F?, done with ? pen, containing a? the Pillres ? ? legible hand ;--of which thee ?goea this me- morable ?ory, (,i?.) that King CarRots the cond ?ing at St. ?ohn's Co?ge. and'f?ing this pi&ure of h? fither, begged it of the colkge? and yomis'8, in return, to grant them whatew reque? they would make; which they con.ted to, gave ?e King the pi&ure, and reque?ed his maje?y to give it them again, But the mo? v?uable piec? o? antiquity there, or N the whole world, is The geneal?cgiical pedigree of the $'rtlART$, de- monltrating tir divine hereditary right to thc? kingdoms, in an uninterrupted line from AD?,M to King

NO xxx.. Terr, e. Filius. 'King � H.,,/R L ? the Fir? j ? which I wonder has not yet be? printed for the utter decifion tMt controverfy, ?d the confutation of the ?rorer. ! alfo fi?v out of a window in this li&aq the three fimous trees, which fpring from one root, a?d have Rood there undecay'd ever fince the foundanna of the college, wNch ?according to tradition) cationed. TERRaE-FILIU$. N o XXXV. Vifi?m Britannos Ho�?itibus feros. Hot, May Othing ought to be more cultivated and cftccreed more ticred in fchools of li- terature, than tivility and good manners ? without which, learning is but a very aukward and difagreeable accompli?. merit. 3. fcholar of unpolite and boorifh converf?t- tion, is, at belt, like a diamond before it comes into the lapidary's hands, oi intrinfick value indeed, but fo mu'ch difguifed by the roughnefi of its outfide? t'hat few people can difcover its worth. ! am afraid that our country will never fhake off the jul:amy, which it has long lain under, of being ?rce and i?um? towards firang?ns in which the greateFt

�4 ;evr,e-ilus. N �v greatel Hint oF goog manner$ contiffs, and in xv? mo? n?tions ?cel us. We are naturflly of a furly, m?ofe tempt; and as f? as I an find, education, which impr?es other people, makes u? xvor? for thisbmti? tem? of mind is no wherein Enghnd fo ?nfpi?s as m our U?VZZSlTXZS, which are fi? with a ?owd of ehurl? and ?edant$, wM, ?hg full of fiem?Ive? dffpik all fie world ?des i ?d kick and fpum at all ?a?ers who h- ?m? u?n their territories, looking upon them a? /pies ?d mf?mer?, I w? on? at a coffee-houfe in ox?rd when a ?orei?er ?me in, ?nd f?g a ?e d?or fitting by the fire-fide, appr?ched and ac?ed him in m hand- rome mmn? in Latin, telling him that he was a ?k ?ger ? that he cou? not f? Engli?, ould ? gl? to hol? rome converhtion with n?m con- c?g the ?iwfi?, which he came to ?e. The doffor, for ?w?, ?ve him every now and then an ugly ?ok, ? if he was afraid of his ?cket, and coldly r?ly'd to all the g?tleman fiid or asked, etiam domme, or non ?mine, ayfir or no fir, without giv?g him any fifisfi?ion in what he dellred to ? inform'd of i ? ?he m? while fll the company was whifpering and ?mning, and ?ming at him; Who is that impu- dent f e? tkere ? flysone; D?n him /flys another,, ?y bis affurag?e? I belieze, he is an H?ovzR?u. fitsaft he v?t away with aRoni?ment in his rice, furpri- z?, no doubt, to find a place, which he had heard fo much renowned for I?ning, fill? wi& fuch ?.?eaded n?ices and myerend katttntats. But the mo? flagr?t inffance of their depo?ment to fira?gers hapsned a?ut three or four years ago, when iome german and french gentlemen, belon?ng to B?n Bothmar, cameto fee theuniverfity. They ?a? not b?n there long before a pop?r fcandal wa? invented and reported about town? th!t there grot!emro ?d, at fmh a time, ? in)oh ??Ia?e,

N o xxxv. Terv.�)lus. (for the belt lya,a are al?ays particular,) drnn?e dam. ?ation to the univerfity in a bumper, and kitl'd a poor drawer, by forcing him to drink kingG?o?o?'s health upon his knees, agai?fi his canfcience ? whic? were t?o equally heinous crimes. This ?ory xeas?mme- they could not walk the ?reets without bein? diately known in every corner of the unis?erfity, anti tickly infultcd, having continually, when the?ffvent out of doors, a mob of B?c<-Co?xs at their heals, crying, down ?ith thvm ? there ?e the rafcals, that drank d.?mnation to the ?ni?'e?y ; which continued for ?ver? days. At la?, as they were going thro' ?ll. souls Co?ege one afternoon, feveral jovial-blades,' who were fitting there over a pipe and a bottle, ] 'urn ed out of the window, and peltin them out ?J P g ? of the college with large ?ones, followed them to ? their lodgings, and ?id ?fore the houi? ?o or three '_? hou? to?et?er, crying out, ,l--n a? ?articular? F?t?c? and H?ov?$ ? and t;vcaring, that th 9' ?ould have their bkod, b,fore ?ent ? The next day the gentlemen (hearing upon what account they were thus inhumanly treated, ing confcious to them?lves' that thevalid not deftrye it) went to Dr. Dob/bn, pr$3!ent of T?vy college, who ?s at that time Pro.vice.cha?ce?or,and acquaint- ed him withthe outrage committed upon theffbythe fcho]ars, and upon what pretence; at the time time they all took an oath that none of them? nor any in their company did, at any time, dri?k damnatioa to t?e uni?'eqi?, or any words to that efl?&; and therefore demand? htisfa&ion for the affronts the r had received: but they x.vere told by that ?ortt 7 ma. gi.?rate, that, in all probability, the gentlemen were i?; liquor, '(a very e?cufible thing in the univerfity ?r they would not have been guilty of loch a p?eee of rudeherS $ and therefore it would I? hard to puni? them for it Thus were they d?niffcd without Vo?. H. C

26 Terre.FIus. N �xv. retra_ation, ' even that common one of having their ?ardon ask d. If this was not a futilelent fpecimen of thelrbru- tality to STRa?c�RS, I could produce, out of their own hittorians, various inttances of an implacable Oirit always prevailing amongtt them againll aliens ?f all/brts, even .?ews, /'up/fit, and the belt of churchmen: but I forbear to do it, being/?nfiblethat many people will fly they ought to be commended, initend ofridicul'd, fer what I/hould alledge and pro. v? againll them; it being the great and diftingui/hmg charaSerittick of a true-born Church-of-England-man,. to love none but his own rsuntry, and his own re Neither do I find that thet? trencher.caps are more ?olite to their own dear country. men, than they are to ]breig?ers, or make a whir the better figure in the englifl? beaumonde than in the memoirs of travelkrs ? they fuck in four dogmatical principles as loon as they come to college, and being, for the firf? years? obli. ged to rubmir to the flarched 1sedantry and caprice of J?periors, they expe& the time formalities, and thetime adu!ation, when they come to be of the famefiandi?g, which they piid themrelies; in fhort, pride, l?etulsn. 9', and ill-breeding, are the fir8 and !aft leftohs which they learn at the univerfities. To what elfe can it be imputed, that �o many of ?ur country e#rates and vicsrs are jult fuch ill-man. ner'd downs as thole they preach to, unfit for the converfifion of the town, the court, or ofany civi- liz'd affembly ? They know nothing of the world, and it would be very well if the world knew no- thing of them; they have mean, groveling, vulgar fauls. and yet we may obl?rve in tt?ee?raa?eVr?:yveP)et?a: tiful leven'of pride and ambition; tisfied with the refpe& which is paid them, any more than they are with their tithes and wage,. Lln- onfcionable wretches !who, unlik all other tr?def-

N O xxxv. Ter,t-$Ihts. met;, cape& at the fame time your hats, and your raoney too. It cannot be deny*d that there are, amongfl: the clergy, �ome as well bred, 'candid, and aecomplifh'd men; of as fine fenfe, as noble principles, and 1- ibera! Imowledge as amongR the laity, though notj? ma- ny: but it rnuf[ alfo be confefli:d that they owe n'one of thefe advantages to their academical eru-. dieion, ftri&ly confidered, but either to a generous? innate temper of mind, which clefpiles all reittaints in the purfuit of truth; or ell? to convetfition with the polite, and the ttudy.of men, having firIt quit- ted thole muddy fountains of ill-nature and fat. l? knovledge. DoCtor $ww?e !fays, (if the pro/eg! for the vancement of religio? be his) "That if no advan- ?' tage of knowledge can? be had from thorn places., "(meaning the univerfities) the time there/'pent "at be? utterly loft, becau�e every orna.,r?,ntal part "of education is ?etter taught niCewhere. I am glad to find that the fair ladie? of ?'ngland have, of late years, fo much altered their opinion of the gentlemen of the black robe, and of an uni- ?'erfit� education. In days of yore, which were days of ignorance, barbarifin, and �uperttition, thing w?$ thought fo engaging and agreeable amongIt them as an hand�orne young d?rki for which I coald give three or four reaibns i but one will be �tffficienr. The clergy enjoyed, at that time, all that forereign ?lmitude of power, which their mouths water enioy no,v; and therefore their would fuffer none to be ?ve? drefi'd, or we//fed, or to talk commo? Innf e, but themfelvesi a good dinner was called pam- pering the fiefl? .; a good .fuit of doathes, or a clean faire, was pride, and taking too much care of that vile Tabernacle of cla?, the body i and all freedom of couverfatioa was here.?, and the wor. k?gs of car.

Terre-Filius. N xxxv. r?! re 53nI by which means they kept the poor laity, m great meafure, out of female affe?:ions, and engroflM them to them?Ives. But we have long fincg ihaken off our yoke, ?nd ?mongft other bleffings, which we owe to the fvrmation, I fl?all always elleem it no fmall one, that we may now be as fmug and as fleck, and every way as well qualified to keep the ladies com- Fany, without going to the univerfity, as with my, I think it cannot he deny'd that we have much the atlvantage t?f them? nothing being more common than hear a i'mart ?lamfel re- primand a young �prig of!earning for his rudeneii thus i it is jnfl like your O x v O?D manners. An Oxford fctiolar, in the mouths of molt wo- men of fenfe, is only another word for a wild, ill-brtd, aukward ?nimal; and whatever conquells they might formerly boait of? the chief fayours the recei?'e now are from their laundre es y . .'./]i and bedmakers, or from their daughters, who are the T o.? s 'r s of the tmiverfity, and the only objeeq, of their gallantry. ^11 the conclarion, which I &fire to clraw from this paper, is, that our univerfi'ty froarts are not the fine? gentlemen in the world. TER'

Terre. Filius. z9 TERR,-FILIU$. N o XXXV'I. , ?... lionos erit louie {uo?lue P o1?o. Virg. ? 0 Wr. E D 6 E has been repret?nted', by many profound adepts in l-1ierogly- pbicks, under the figure of a bearing various kinds of fruit, (which, I fup?o? was firff eaken from the fa- mousTu?e of the K?OWLI?DO� ofgood and evil. in the garden of g D g, i) and I remember, wheri I was an idle ?chool-bo�, that infteud of minding. my left'on, I was wonderfully delighted with ga- zing upon th, at learned tree, fo accurately delineated in my ir.//y, grammar, with feveral little boy? abo?t it, rome climbing up, others fitting up,on the boughs? and others ftanding upon the groui.cl, with their hats up to catch the- a?plts from thole' above. Thi? philofop?hica! apfle. tree (which i? certainly the choiccft fruit-tree in the world) is naturally of. �more fouthreu extraSion, and would not be re concil'd to our cold northreu climate, �o as thriv? or come to any tolerabl? pcrfec'l'ion, till of late ?ears? I thiak ! may fix its ara in c ? .:?.?.,

o Terrt-Filus. N�v

the Eighth'$ re{gn, when, with h?s, it may' be fiid to come fir? into Engla?:d? ?or tho' it wan known here long before that time, and tho' �eve- ral gentlemen, who delighted in gardening ?lanti?, endcavoar'd to ?aife it with prodigious hour and care, yet it t:evcr grew kindly, nor produc'd any thing but/bur crabbed at;if, even not tho? two famous ones at 0 x F o u/? and ,, a ? D o �, till they were new graj9d at thcRe/'0r- matio?; after which they flourifh'd for many years extreamly, aucl furnifh'd the whole nation with eat quantitie? of the molt beautiful aacl figred fruits of all forta. The two famous trees, before mention'd, grew into fuch teat repute, that a fin le graft from one ? g g o., ?hem cott an hundr?d, tvoo hundred, or three hun- dred t?omds, according to the quality of the perfort who bought it, (which is thh way of dealing at tho?e two t?late?) and few noblemen, gentlemen, and fnbfianfial freeholders were without one of them about their hou/;s. i? i? ' '?'?-? (almo? to increelibility) how rna?. ny different kind? of .?.?ples oz;e of thel? trees bore at the fame time, which took their names from the reveal arts anti fc?entes which they re?re�en- ted. There was the theological at�le, the medicinal. apple, the law a?Ie, the mathematical ap,fle, the aflro?cmical a? le. the e0 raphial apple? the loglong ? g,g a?Iole, the ,,netalohyfical apple, the rhetorical apple, the muffcol ap?ie, the poetical apple, the natural thilofphy apple, the moralehil'13phy apple, the gram- marian apple, and abundance of other forts of lefa valuable a�p:es, which it would be endleti to enu- . I muf? not forget to mention that fome iil-mean-

v.g perfort did, long ago, privately ingraff upon

two of'the main branches of the tree a errur ' el, fie and. a fiditio? al?ple ? which/hot up and fl:iread

?h][ �V I. Terre. Fifius. with fuch luxuriancy, that, unlef? timdy Iopt they will endanger the whole T rt z Ever tinct that time, (the Reformatto?O and long before, great numbers of people go every year OXFORD and Ca?asa?oz to eat the (as other people go to T v t4 n a ? nt; E and B a to drink the W a a' ass,) for which there are four

_feeaJ3m, which they call terms s but it is to be

rv'd, that wherea.? the waters are allow'd promif- cuoufly to both foxes, the app/es are permitted to be eaten by none but men, they being too cious and flrong a food for female digeltion; yet �ome women have violent inclinations to them, and, like their g,:eat-grandmother E v �, wit! c:op an app!e? when they think no body fee; them, or P?�al one out of their brothe,'s pockets, when they come from the umverfity orchard. Concerning the �everal virtues of there academica? apples, I beg leave of my reader, as I profefi my fctf a phi!o?l?hical coffermonger, to make a few oblerva- tions. The,.th. eological apple, when it was firit brought over htthdr? was a t?n6fl: excellent, whol�ome, and deliciou; fruit, pleating to the eye, and agreeable to the 1tomach; it debauch'd no body's eonltitution. naufeated no body's appetite, depra?t'd no body'u underltandin?, and plunder'd no body's pocket: But, in lengSh of time, the whole plantation being enarofi'd by one kt of .me?, they made it their bushel}, like othe'r monopolizers, to make their com. modity parce, in order to make it dear; and havml? poifon'd all the natural growth, made ufe 9f h?..bedt, and other ?rcing inventions, to Faire juf? frutt ?ough to ferve their cuRomers, who now con fiRed chieBy of bumouri& and old men i by there methods they vimted the original ,p?, sad r?d?'d, what was at firR ?ksfant and

Terrx. Filius, N �v falutary, eftentire to the tafte, aad �urfeiting the body. . The medic.'?d apple and the la? apple w?e like- wife orig?ally v? ufeful ?uits; but, I am affaid? t?t they re romething degenerated? fince their The logical a?ple, the metaphyfical appk, and the grammaria? apple were always, by themfelves, very d7 jqune; but, when they ar? mixed u? in a pye, they feve very well to corre& the t?rtnefi or leviff of other The natural hil?phy a? le, <fl the moral fi?Q apple are ?rfe&ly ?ne ]r?tt, and yet (what iivery 'firange)are very little vflued? infomuch tha? they commonly hmg upon the tree till they rct. or are blo?'n ?n by the The ma:L'?matic?t ,??fk, the ge?raphical a?ple, ?d tt?e afiro, omical a?ple relilh very well to a good ?te? bu? there are fo few of thole in thi? cor- rupted age, that they are genesfly defp?f?. The rhetorical apple, ?he poetical a?pte, and the ?t?cal ap#e are $ret& eating enough for young people; but to others they ?e no mo?e than Hav?g givea m account of this flupendou$ T u z ?, aM the r[?it which it rs, I proceed to the methods by Mch ?erg one mu? qualifI - ?;m?,f to eat ? it. Tie riche? d this frost bein? upon the wp of tSe tree, ? high ladder, with a certain number rau?ds, placed ar a due diflacce ?om each other, is fixed up :gain? it, ?d no ?rffon, who hungers

fie; tee a?p;es ? kno?le&e, is permitted to run

up as fait aa Ee can to the top of the tr(?but mu? pr?cee? by de?rte$ 6ore one round to another,. in a regul? ?anner: he mu?, for the thrge or fi? )'?rs, w?it upon the ground, under the tree, =d ?e content to have them h<ded down to him

N xxx,. 'erre-Rilius. 3 by his fuperior$, at the expiration of which, and after the performance of a fe?' ceremoni?t, he allowed to mount the fir? round, upon which he muff continue three or ]?ur years more? and then he mounts another, and fo on, till he has reached the top of the laa'deri but he mutt remember, in mou?ting, to fhew the utmoff ref'p�Oe to thole abo.ve him; otherwife they will tread upon his fin- gets, kick him off the ladder, and not fuffer hin? to mount again. Neither would I have the world 6elieve, from what I have laid, that all perfons, who have gained thisfv. mmit, are immediately endowed with a per- fe& tatte of learned fruit i for many men Irave na- turally fo vicious a palate, that tho' they make one particular apple the ttudy off thdr whole lives, they thall die without knowing half {o much of the matter as a fiuiterer's :?pprentice at fiotks-madeet: otker?, when they are got up into the tree, amidt? plenty anti variety, are curſt with ſuch a wanton appetite, that they cannot be content without {ting of every fruit they tiei .whkh makes ?;uch an hodge-podge in their l?ellies, that tho' they have eaten of every diOn, yet they can judge of none: othera Rick to one or two forts of fruit, but then they cram them down to that excefi, that the either fuffeit themfelves, or drop aficep, and tumbl{ down from the tree. I will conclude with obtYerving, that |t is pity ſuch a glorious tree fhould ever come to decay at leatt as long as the art of man-can preferve it and yet it is at pre?nt, by the mifmanagement and .negle& of the perfons appointed to look a?er xn a very declining and ruinous condition: it is to be hoped therefore, fince it is of ſuch infinite let- vice-to the nation, that the Kt u ? or the !:', L ! A M E N T will interpole in this mattea', and fend, ?own proper perfons, who underlhnd tree?, to ?e- C jr vie,,,,,

Trre.Ftus. N �vo. view it, m?l take all nec�fl'ary meafur�s to ret?orc it to its ancien? rigour. POSTCRIPT. Letters from Oxford fly, That on funday the. feventh of this initnut May, Dr. D � ?. s u ? � prea- ched an excellent fermon upon 14 o L x ?: � s s o P L t ?, ?, from the�e words,/?e ye boly,m be is holy: And on the furday ]bllowing the reverend Dr. HoL?. preach'd as good a formort againfc C o v ? T o v s- TERRE-FILIUS. N �ViIo �--dst?it Dem Hu?c quoque Funcm. F?d. Th� Motto to M?sT'SJournal of ?aturday la!?; !-/enever faone/? men qu.a. rreI among tl?emf?lve?, there never fa:ls to be a f& of villains who lie upon the watch, to perver? it to their own treacherous and defrru&ige purpo�es? with inRance$ of this the hiftories of all nations ab9und? ?d none ?_?g tim tl?c of o?r own.

N o xxxv,. erre-Filius. It is allow'd by all impartial perforts, who have any tolerable notions of liberty,?nd the ?nglifi? eon- ?itution, that the?and which was made by the then honourable boue o commons aRainff Kin? C?RLES the ?rfl, was juff and well grounded? they were ?a- triot?, the/ were true E?gli?men, and behav'd like honeff rqr(?tative? of their country, when t?ey beheld the deareft rights of it ju? upon the of being facrificed to tyrannical coun?ls and arbi- trary power. But there laudable proce?ings of the p?rllamen? were, in length of time, ?d by the implacable ani m?ties of different parties, made ufe of by a fe?. abandon'd wretches, to perpetrate the mo? afroniX- ing and execrable vilNnies.- I will mention but one in?ance more, and that ?ill pretint among? u? The late South-fin diredora, their aiders, abettors, and confederates have, by their unexampled mirma- nagement and corruption, brought univerfal calami- ty upon the nation, and upon themfclves the uni. verfal refentm?nts of their f ellow-fubje?s; all heart are fill'd with indignation again? them, and all months with clamour and eompl?nt; they have rouz'd up the genius of an injur'd people, and arm it with vengeance and fury; mo? of the Ounties and Boroughs in England ha?e. in their feveral peti- tiota, expreflM their abhorence of there mipreants, and demanded jugice and rdiefl the ze vigoroufly putruing them thro' all their dark labyrinths and lurking holes; and the K ? ? ? hin,?lf has been gracioufly pleas'd to join with his opprei- fed rubieS, in proteeing again? fuch PZR? ? cmos It is remarkable that the Wn?os have been more ?1ous ?d a&ive u?n thi? occafion tMn the ja- co?zs? which ha? made the latter fondly ima- gine, that we are at la? conting into their mealurea,

3 6 Terra-Filius. N O xxxv.. and bet?in to entertain new hobs that the prefent ?l?ra?ed ttate of affairs, and the uneafmefi of the m?le will incline them to a vhange, and draw I ? . them into the intereft of their l?pijh idol. I have received repeated informations from Ox- voat?, that this unhaI?y mii?rriage is the darling to?ick of all their convertition and furnifties their pulpits, their coffee-hout3s, taverns, and common room_? with inexhauttible matter of railcry upon the ?q?nt government i they do not, as they o condo',e with their fdlow-fubjeec? upon thls me- lancholl]y profpe?, but t?k� a feetee il!-natur d plea- fare in the mi?ry of their country, out of revenge to tho#, whom they cal! the authors of i?. I ?ve likewith obtirv d, that of late the Chevalier ?s been mention'd with an air of importance in ?ur news-papers, a? if he were really time-body =el rn=y froart hints have been given to make people believe that there are certain private treaties carrying on between feveral I?o?i3 I)otent?tes in his favouri one of whom, we are told, has varitten letter to the Chevalier de St. George5 the purport =vh?reof is not yet kno?vn. From all which it is pretty plain, that the to'ires (whole name I thought woul& have been, long before now, l:uried with their hopes) think to make a good handle of. our un?brtunate divifions and diltrac?iom. They ?magine that we are grown defperate and deiiri?us under our prefent dit!reli? a.nd that we will join with them in anlt m?ures, tl? mad fit is uWa If there had been any room to cloubt of this, the renown'd Mr. M? ha? taken au effe?ual me- thud, in hi? lalt fatura�'s weekly ?ournol , to con- vince us of it l by which we may:perceive that he think? the patlqons of the people are rie enough . for the alarm, and that there' is no nine left to dally and rrmra?le the tbifil?ai hc therefore open'd hi? min?i

N o xxxv. .frankly to us, anti &dar'O, that, n?xt to ]3e;n g Crlr?is?, ? the fl?, he d?r'd to fle the That there wi? men may no longer continue their mi?ake, I hy hold of this opportunity to lure them, (in the name of ;I1 confidering W n ?.? s) that ?e cannot concur with them in this parucu- far; that we haYe as bad an opinion of the P ?ZSD?, anO as gooda one of King G?o?,?swe had ?efore the fitaI8outh.? fcheme was t?t our re?ntments extend only to the ?r?8ors and their accompli?es? that we &fire to ? no R?0s, bat that of ?eabh, and erek}? andbib/irk bapbin?; that we balieve all there .things can be R?sToa?n to us only by the continuance of P?OTZSZa? Succuss?os; and that therefore we will not be banter'd out it by FXLS? vile irony, ?d rafcally double entendre. We affure them, t?t we will nke the King's royal word for it, that he had no ?nd in bringing the? misfortunes upon us. and that he is flncerely concern'd for our relief? we therefore can, by no means, bhme him, for what he could not help, and from w?ch he is willing to deliver us. . Neither cm we po?bly apprehen? ho? R?STO,?ON, which good Mr. M?sr fo ?rnefily &fires to ?6 will, in any meafure, contribute to our advantage; we are grievoufly at a loft to un- &r?and how a va? ad?ition of ne? debts (which muff inevitably be the confequence of this ?i?'d- ?ar bl?g) will ?fe us ?om thole we already groan un&r, unlefi the old one? are to be w]p'd' off make room for the ?e?v ?es, which many of us fl?ould not like at alii we are likewife at a �?r?cdve how the Church of ?ngland (as ill fhe is prefent)will be in a whir better conditio,, under a i?01?(h ?ur/?g fatherD and we cannot lot our lir�i!?dp cloubting, whether the

err.Filius. N o xxxv. D,,R'S entry into LONDON WO?d faire SOUTH-SEA even Fuckermore, we fly, that it ?a? alway? been e?m'd a good maxim amongff us t=o ?ils to thu? the lea?i that we think even totert? much prefernble to bondage i that we rather dine at a cook s ?op upon beef? ?d ?orter, ? tug at an oar, or rot m a dark ginkNg dungeon ? ?d ?d ra?er have our pocket? }ist'd by a ?w rogui? ?oc}.jo?ber?, than put on5 re, yes under the power of arbitaq $?ons and }N=tli we declare, t?t ?e &fire only ju?ice upon thole who have plunder'd us, and have no evil intentions again? out K?s?, whom we are re- (olved, with our lives and fortunes, to prot? }tom ?e m?ice of his enemies. I hope tMs declaration will undeceive thole men, ,vho, becaufe?me v/us ?re diFcontented with the p?f?t po?e of a?ir?, think that we will r?n all thdr lengths to in=?uce tynnny, (upe?Rition, and impo?ure. We w? not,?u? our faces are a little fcratch- ?d, knock o? o?n brains our, to prevent the? ?a?ing. As to the ?fonaI chara&er oF the man whom I have ?fore mentioned, I ?alI fly but little, fince every body knows that he is only the tool of a party, and publifhes whatever any mad malecontent fends himi but a 3urnt ?hild, they ?y, dreads the iO? and roethinks it is the molt unaccountable ttu. l?idity and l:ool-hardinef?, for any man,?afrer he had receiv'd exemplary punifhment for an o?ence of the fame nature, to publirn a libel �o impudent and bare-faced, that even his frivad. s and ;ve//-?/fhe,.? are afl?amed to vindicate it. But ?f he loves dripes and im?rifi?ment, much good may they do him! Meari

N .�? xt. Terr?e-_Filiu?. ?'9. Mean while, let me congratulate mir country an the zeal, which the honourable hotq? of amidIt their vigorous prolocution of fra. t?d and ruption, have unanimo?y fl?ewn for the honour o�' th? King and his family, by feafonably animad?'er- ting upon ?, vill?n?us libel, which tends to exaf?e- rate the minds of the peo?le? .and to rob us of the. only b!effng which we have to fupport us our prefent calamities. TERR?.FILIUS. N O XXXVIIL ratio fiudiorum i? C?s?,a?- tamurn ! Juveni A V IN G confidered the cont?qencei of Mr. MI?T'S ?ifhts for a ?Io?, thould they take effe?, with relation to publi?k credit and n?tional hal?inefii I beg leave of my reader to offer a few more teaforts, why I cannot come in- to this phemei ?nd if in thefe ! fhould appear timething more fdfifh than in my former ones, I fay m my. deftace, that I canuo? help agreeing with

4o 2'ere-Ftlms. N �vr. an ,? excellent writer upon a like occafion, that it i? ira o?t7?ie /?r any ma? to be fincerel dc/irous of ?. Y {or thankful for)a?:y Rzsa'o?,?o?, in ?vhicb hit own interell (?hich i? included in the interell o/the publick)/? not in jam_, more cor?cern'd. Now I cannot, after the matureff deliberation f;.ncl out one in{lance in which the a?ceffon of the 1;retender to the croton of theti realms would pro- mote my own private intereft, but quite the con- trary. My fpiritual intereft it cannot, becaufe I have confeientioufly abjur'd him, and I am �onfcientioufly periha&d, that he has no manner of right to theft ingdoms; and it cannot promote my temporalintereft, bccaufe, in all Iikelihood, th,e halter, which is now preparing for my adverj?ry s neck, might then unhappily 6e flipt about my own. ' l?ut fuppoiing the belt, that a gracious ac? of in- &mn"tr (which rome of his friends would ?s v;?th) ?ould ?mmed;ately pals upon th:s glori- ou? turn of aftfirs, and fare me, amongl? ten thou- find of my fetlow-fubje&s, from the gallo?vs? yet I fhould be terribly afraid of other con/?quences, which, tho' not equally fatal, would involve in f'everal difficulties. i am, in the firft place, very apprehenfive ?hat if this imaginary monarch ?ould return in triumph to St..?.,.?zs ?, he would begin his rcin with takin J . g. g away the liberty o� tht Puts$, which. is one of the mot? valuable liberties of an I::nglifl?mani we know that in all I)o?ifh countrie? there i? no fuch liberty allow'd5 that in l?,gland it has been �ufipen- dect in po?ifl, and ?ot?i.[hly-a?_?ed reisns; and that of hte, wheneve? the friends of thisattat�d ?igot h?ve been u?petmolt, they l?ve confiantl/?deavour'd, See Bi?op ,W?a?'O's fermon before th? houfe of lords?, ?pon the

N? xxxvtzz. Terre. Filius: tho'in vaio, to deprive u? of it for ever. I can- not therefore fo much as hope that h? woukl con- tinue to us this inet!imable bitfling, unlefs I could Cuppole, (againt? which fuppofition 1 have two or three private fcruples in m mind that, u on hi, �Y ) arttoni here, he would turn a good l)rotefiant, and a found member of .the ehur?k o/' England, as ay laro eflat31ifl?'d3 of which the liberty of the Pu�?s is the greatell fupport, My judicious adverfmy cannot wonder ?t my zeal for the liberty ?f the Pr?Ess, /inet he has told the world, that I make nvo hearty mea.ls a. upon thi? one article of our prefent ccnlhtunon. I have al�o a feldoro-feeli?g l'br an honeit focie?y of tradefmet?, to whom every aut&r ha:., or ought: to have, a natural affec'tion. t?e 3ool.?lle. ? of Lon- don and Wettminflerl who, I fear, would be real: fufferers, and many cf them intirely ruin'd bygthis antkluated rewv'd I'cheme, which would inPallL bly make a dreadful havock in mo? of their Shops, and condemn to the unmerciful flames raft multitudes of.falling books in all ficulties, which have been written, durivg theft latt thirty year?, againIt his (pretended) majelty, and his (repute?l) fither. The copies of book? are to the/h men as good as !a?ded eftares, and defcend in the fame manner from generation to generation5 they are equally conver- tible into money, to let up their forts, and portion their daughters i I cannot therefore, without horror, think upon the mi[i:ry and confufion which would be brou ht upon the�e peo le, if this aecur.fi'd ro- 'e?/hou!d �ucceed, which would de�1oofi them of their top,es ?s well as their books. I was t?nfibly affe&ed with the concern of one o?.thi? profeflion, (more honelt than wife) who,. h?ying read tke- famous RI?$TOR?WlON cam?..

Terrt. Filiu. N came to me IaPc week, and ask'd me, with tears in his Eyes, ISrhether I thought there .ILlas ! fiid he, 0 c ther? i? leggin, g ; you know, Sir, my ?bole depen. da. nce the copy of-.- and I am .luff now I, rtntmg another edition of it, I ho I need not ufe any ar ments to convince my brother writers of the wh?ggijh clati oftheeffe&s of this popijh reftoration, they have often reprefented them to their readers in the .molt glaring colours, and cannot therefore. h. elp perceiving them th:mfelves. If they have the bo?,,cls of parents in them, and are not the moll unnatural wretchez upon earth, the? canno.t bear the thoughts of ieeing their ?retty i?e dragg d flong the ftreets to a pots!fh pik: of faggots. ?d confumed amidit: the infults and conclamation.? of a rathal;y Mob. I am lure, for my part, I would rather bear any' thing this world could lay upon me, than live to tie my favouri,e boy T�uu. 90vh? he is grt?wn up t,o a vo:'ume, and handsomely d? eli d in a �uit of calve ?. leather cloa:hs, finely erfibroidered) lugg'd out of nurfi Francklin's l?,op, and u?d in this barbarou= manner. find yet this I mull fee, i? ! live to fee? what I am quite tick of mentioning. This brings to my mind another evil con?quence, which would give me rome uneafineli i for, as my works would, in fuch a cafe, l?e dellroy'.d, fo the deftgn of them would alfo be frailrated, the R?- formation of the univerfities, which I have �o much at heart, would then be entirely laid aftde, and the op?reffors of the mufe? would be {ecured in. whatever a&s of tyranny they fhould pleafe to com- mit. At pre?nt, indeed, under a i?rotefi?nt govern- ment, this neceffiry undertaking is for a while fuf- ?nded, and the engines of peffecution are per- mitted

N ? xxxviIi. 7'err, e-ilim 43', reitted to work on, till a more convenient oppor?. tunity offers it fell to our governors to crulh them: But violence will not always find Tolemion ? the mo,'t extenfive M.ercy may be wearied out with continual provocauons? and if the forbearance ot the magittrate is long exercifed in vain, he has afrooral to fttppiy that defe&. Whereas, ihould a popifl? idolater become our king, all the grievances and corruptions, which we now complain oL would be fo far from being redretIM and reformed, that new grievances and new corrup- tions would be fuperadded to there i tyranny and op- ?.?ellion would grow every day more infolent, and every evil, which priefi-eraft and bigotry could in- vent, .would be ef?ablifl?ed in our The difcouragements and hardfifips, which the Wmas meet with at Oxvo?, for cfpoufing the ?re/?nt government, are nothing in comparifon th6fe which they would !hffer under a gover?mtnt ';vhich would join with the univerfitie$ againCt them 'they now loti: their degree?, their ]?11o?,fl?t?t, their; i?t,refl, and all the common pri?,ilege, of focie; ty--- But what is the toii of theti temt?ral goods to what would bffal them under an arbitrary government, the/ors of their religion, and the hon. dage of their fouls? Perhaps it will be objefed, that the unverfitt?s, and Oxford e�pecialI , would' have very little favour to expe& from one, whole reputed father was de- prived of his crovon principally by their means, and whom himt?If they have fo often folemnly ?'ured. I confe?, (for no body can deny this,) that thej3 ?nffrve obediene gentlemen did, indeed, make a !?ttl� ? trip in their allegiance at the R?vor.?XlO?, by op- ?ofing king J.?M?Sl bu? their have t?verely repented of th:?t rranfa&ion with tears, contrition, and-rebel- lion i they/?ave p?oued, they have drunk, they have- prayed,

44 Terrae.�lius. N? xxxv,x. prayed, and (w, ith their adyocate Mr. MnT) they hay: earneff, ly wire t? for a RESTORATION. If it fhou!d b? ask'd firther, ?hy th? continue to �wear a?:d abjure? I anfwer in the words of afe?0? of ?. ?oh?'s college, ?i?. that they may hold their ? 'd ?, kte ra? whigsoatoftheir plac% and be m a ?etter co?dition to firve their lord and rentier K?NG J?s the third. For there r?ons I believe that' the ChEvalier would freely ?rdon all their ? offences, and gracioufiy recfi?e them into has flyour; which is one gpod ar?ment why nil whigs ?o?d not receive him into the:r flyour. Zafi.? I h?ebyen'er my prote?ationagain? inch a Rrsvou?v?o?, out of the lincere refpe& w?ch I lmve for that num?ous body of Coffee.ho?[e p91i. ticinns and ?lebeian ?e?s-mo?gers, who iuh:-,?t :hh ifle, the brighthers of who{k parts, and fie g?ibne? of whole tongue? wou? be lo? to the world, und? any other g?'emment but this. King Cnxu?s the?cond iSue? a proclamation a ain? thefe .pping? g fmoaking flarelinen, and would not {uffer Ds long. fi?ded, but infeior Cubic&s, 1o a? him in the admi- ni?ation of his affairs; and I am afraid that his fup? ?d ?ephe? would fbllow his royal e?ample here. in, ?ould it eve be in his power, and fupprefi the liberty of the To?u?, ? well as the liberty of the Pu?ss 5 bo?h whi? we? at prefent, like freeborn �?l?men, enjoy in the utmo? latitude: nothing i: more ?mmon than to hnr the weightie? concern? of the rotion de?t? in the? publick a?emblie: by young ratling debauchees and eld dogting kumour?s? to hnr prime mincers of flare accufed of i?orancu md mi?ma?ement by city ?r?ticts, ?d la?er; clerks ? ?d tg?e the king himfe:f fum?on'd ?fore this awful tribunal, and condemned by there able counllors, as a peron if adv/d. and one who I? n?tbing of our la?s.

N o xxxvno Terre-FiIins. 4 Let no body' think that I am fpeaking azaint? the true-born Engl}jq?man shberty to cenfure great menand iudge o5 ?ublirk a?air?; allberry which i ray,If fre- quently take, to fhew the fingulafity of ?y parts, and The profoundneff ofmy judgment ? efpecmll in oints. . .Y P ., which are generally approved, and m vohtch all partte? agree. For all the�e reaf'ons, I hope that I fhall be exC cu{id from entering into a ]?heme, which, as have proved, tends to the deltru&ion both o? my body and my �ouli and into which i cannot en}er, without draw?g upon my fe? the imputa. tion of an abandoned villain, as well as an egregious In a few word?; if ju?ice cannot be executed upon the deftfoyers of our country, without firing in rebellion again? K?s? Gzo? sand if there is no way to relieve us Dom the calamitie? which the SOUT?-S? has brought upon us, but by ?nding for a popifl? ?rete?&r, I will not blu? to declare that ?e ?unot ?ve too many Scn?s in the n=ion. TER-

4 6 TERR-FILIU$. N �IX. /-/? Tibi erupt .,firees.--.-- Mong? all the various arts and fciences which are taught at our univerSPies, the antient art of ?u?,m? ha5 been always reckoned fo confidetable, that the two learned riflers ha?,e had almol? as xvarm contells concerning their fuperiority in this branch of learning, as concerning their antiquity and ?ecedence. I wonder the author of the art of PuNlq?lg(; does not mention the uni?'erfitie? with more particular re�peO: upon this occaflon ? fince they have always Been its fond hurling mothers, and brought it into that flouri%ing flare, in which, amidtt the decay of other forts of l?rning, it at prefent continues. It is a 'fufficient proof how much this 1tupendous art was formerly tkidied at the univerfiries, that all fermons, before the Reftoration, are embe}ifl?ed in every page with great numbers of the moll exqui- fire Puss i and a man, who was not blefs'd witla �this happy talent, could not make a popular preacher, x?or .get any preferment i for cur wife forefathers

xxxx. erre.�iiiu. 47 j!?udged of the merits of men by their abi}ifies in thig art"icular ? and we_ have a famous ftory of a m0ii adous and long-headed king, who gave a n thole times, two bifho?rieks at once for a .?_ffalis Rex, tolls Grex ? the common: people born row 7h?ir fafl?om ?nd their opinions rom-th? court. and therefbre it ,s no wonder that a punning mo- narch produc'd a race of punning and ?un-admirh?e liege �ubje&s:. plain fenfe was efteefia'd nont?n? from the pulplb which rung with ambiguities and double meanings; the oor firmer was mi hti] , �P g Y awaken d to h? _duty by a pretty i0u?, and often- time? owed his fairorion to a quibble or a drum i the devil wa? jefled out of his dominions, ?nd heaven was crouPled with religious and Indeed tlae pro&ice of' i?unnlng in the [?uI?it at prefent fomewha abated; Dr. S o ? a' vi bering, think, the loft Ieamed divine that is eminent-for his fpiritual doking to five louis. But it i? not yet wholly difu?:d; e�pecially when the pervert?ne�s the times will not permit the good man to ddi- yet his meaning l?l?inly and ex�li�ite? to hi? congre- gation. Thu?, the reverend Mr. Whartra on the z9th of ?ay, x ? x9, toki us in a very emphaticaI manner, ?batjufli?e, (,amongft other great-.wonders which Ferf3rms) RESWORE'Vii all things, and I have heard of another orthodox parrot, who chot? for his Text, (which, by way' of preamble, he tokl us was the ?,ord of God,) Jolts the third, and the �From hence it appears, that Poesn? is not in. t?rdy bani?ed from the tulp?t, it being frequently made u�e of, on great emergences, to fecure the f_un/?ior? in the execution of their d?ty, and even �ometimes l?Ureiy out of waggery and wanton- $om.e

Terr, e-Filis. N �xx. Some per�ons have alle?g'd v? pofitivdy, in ?indi?rion of the derg? herein,? that this art is o? divine inffituuon, and have produced ft. v? in?ces out of the old and new t?amtnt, to ?rove their a?etion? but, as it is not the proper ufine[s of .laymen to decide in there cdfes? ! wi? l?ve ?t to the determination of the pro?er But, altho' it is not quite fo common in the ?ul- ?is ?s it has ? ?ormerly, ne? did this f?cetious Mrt (and I x? I could fly the time of fll other arts) flouri? in fuch perf?ion as it does in pri- ?ate clubs and merry meetings; ?here it heightens fie pielutes of coaverfition, ?ves us a quick to theto?, a flavo? to the ,wine, and a rdi? the ?oyment of our ?iends. ?ow ?y long ?mmer day? and minter even- hgs ?ve I fpent at oxvouu m this witty and dd?ghfful manner? How wa? I ple?, tho' I was no gr?t art? my fetf. to h? my jovial compa- nions difpIay their ambiguom capacities againR one anoth? ? W?t a fmfible plylure was it to be- hold the ?eere? wit ?ndi? aMut in fo hvi? mann? ?? 0 ? Oxrouo ? thouBriti?s p?adife ? what nvi?g delights do? thou ?ur forth to thy chil- dr? XV?t egregious ch?rem ha? thou to of? ..- Zt hac dim meraini? jurabit. I was acquainted with two gentlemen there, ve- ry ingenious in this.way, who ufed to aflbrd me abundance of ente?ta,nment ? they'would pun and repsu, in feverat lange_ age? upon each other, and be 'nning with_ the a:hurch, would go on without gl . . any hefitauon, m an uninterrupted line of quibbln. tilt they brought it to a ?,heel-barrow, or any other word, wb. ich the corn?any fhould mention. 'I'o

N O xxxIx. Zerr-Fiiu;. ' To .?y more upon this fabjecq:, with rehtlon to the umverfities, would be very im?ertincnt ? what I have �'fid already may be thought needle�s? the world have been long ?go convinced of tk, eh. dex- terity in this particular, not only by l?ertons daily coming from thence, who di(?ingaifh thern�eNes in it with great applaufe, but alfo by the publication o? a very popular book calI'd the Oxvor? J Eszs, which has met with that univerfal fuccefs from ?ne pubhck, that ?t ju?t? deferyes. As a f.upplement to this book, I will divert my re?der w?th a few more je&, 6ut!s, and t?u?s, of a later date; and I do hereby authorize and impowet ihe proprietor thereo} to add then: to the next edi- tion ?f that incomparable colic&ion' in conformi- ty to which gracious commiffion,! ?all take care to relate them in the time ftile and method, as near as I can. ,d Su?Idement to the OxvoaD Je/?s, A man, who ]iv'd just by a pound in Oxso?t? and kept an ale-houfe, put upon his fign there words (vim.) ,zlle ?ld here O the POV?Di which thduced a ereat many young ?udcnts to go thither out of -curqofity to bu? liqn-or, as they thought, by ?eight hearing of which, the vice. chancellor ?nt for the ?landlord to puniZ him according to fiatute, which prohibits all ale-hou?e-keqers to receive fchohrs in- t'o their houfesl bu't the fellow being apprehenfive what he was ?nt for, as Coon as he came into the vice.chancellor'?lodgings, fell a fpitting =bout the room l upon which the vi,.e. thanrdlor ask'd him in an an r tone, vhat he merest Sir_ fays the fallow, t am tome to clear my tiff Clear '/ourkl? sirrah t flys the vtce-chante&r ; but ?e? t&t you fi?ouW cIear yot:r ?m another ma?ner thq fay that you fell ale by th? ?und. No, mated, D

50 7rre-Filius. N �x. ?r. Vi'c?.ehantellor, replies the fellow, I don't. Don't ym, fays the zice-chanullor again, hovo rio you then? ?.} we//, re lies he, I humbl thante ou, Mr. ?ite. -7 P ? y chnncellor i J?ray hou, do you, 6tr ? Get you $one? flys the vice-chnncellor, for a ra?ali and turned.him down llair?. 3,way went the fellow, andmeeting with one of the proctors, told him that the vice. chancellor deftred to fpeak with him immediately; the wo?tor in great halle went to know the vtce. chancellor's commands, and the fellow with him, who told the vite-cha?cdlor,when they came before him, thtt here he was. Here he is ! fays the zice- chtu:cellor? Who is here? 8it, fays the impudent ale. riotsf e-littler, you l?ad mego for a Rafcal i and lo! I have brought you one--But the poor fellow paid dearly for his jolts i his litenee was taken away, and he was committeA to the cafile ' A formal fellow oft tart-hall going to fee an ac. quaintante of .his at Baliol College made a thouf and firapes and cringes; upon which? hid his fi'iend, Lord, To,el, thou art jufi like a tree. How j3 the other. Why be?aufi, flys M, you are fb full yottr Bo?s, i.e. B?ws. 3. learned dizint, of Lincoln college, feeing a ve- c 1touc 1 in in the Hi h. Street, when the ry lug y g ;g . new church was building, a?ked a friend of his, whether that hone wm brought all at once? At another time the fame learned perfon having oblerved that a young fchohr of the time college, ?lao lay over his bean, came fre9uently down llair,?, ?ent to .his tutor and told him, that fuch a pupil was the idleit young fell.?w.in c?ege3 f0;, fly! he, I an? ?re ?ohtre be gors tnto bit? room once, tomes out ten times. A young fellow of Ztdiol college having, upon rome difcontent, cut his throat very dangeroufiy the' Mas??t of the college t?at his firvt'tor to tl:e .,J?tte?-?ok to ftonco.�that is, fine) lfim fiwe fi?il.

li?g?; aM, fays ?he do?or, tall him the next time he ?un his thm?t, I'll fconce him When Dr. M?? was vice-cha?e?ov, the mous Dr. 8acheverel (who was then mailer ff vot? agfin? romething which ?au?de? would have carried? upon which fiysMaunder, mag?ev, tu. um?ffragium n0nl?lT j that is, air, your vote ?on't ?o ? 8achevere! reply'd, m?g?er, vke-canee?arie, me- um fu?agium h?bet tot v?n?s quot tuum ? that is,Mr. wiee.e?ance?or, my vote has as FzaT as yourt. A famous preacher of Corpus Ohrifl? college had prepared a tickling fermon to preach bette the univerfity, in which he wa? very ?vere upon the ?ldiers, Who were thin quarated in OxFon? and called red the devil's liveqi bat, by nilflake, he ?reached it upon a ?arbt day, when the ?iee-chan. ?or, and all the do? go to church in r?d. A gentI?man commoner of gr. John's walkin? nne ?e grove belonging to that college, upon a o?1 moon-3iny night, fpoke to his friend in the fohowing manner; ?at ?e ?alking is here =i? that there 't?s no Sun, thin ?e mig& a? da Ion b Moon-li he. When T?a?-F?r?us 'firff ?me o? ?8 wa?, ubti&'d but once a week, rome gentlemen of St ohn's college were'fpeaking ofitt ?im?, 'tb weakly, i.e. ?eekly malice. ?he reverend Dr.D?rzv?z having lately pr=ch? an excellent t?rmon, againtt the bifftop of before the univerfiey, a gentleman of Chrifl5 Church wa, heard to fly, that he thought th? Do?or was to be a plaude? or, added h% the bi?o ought . D = TER-

Terr, e.[iIius. TERR.,E-FILIUS. 1% 0 XL. a'ed multi mortales, dediti ventri, atque fomno, v?- doll, baculti?lue, vit?m, ficuti peregrinantes tran. fiere, quibu$ profee%, c?trk hamram, torpus vv luptati, anima oneri )Salt. eomm ego vitam mot. tem?im juxt? ?flumo; quoniam de utra?lue filerut, $alu?. .??LL our latt news Papers mention tk following article, ?iz. They ?rite from ?Foa?, that Dr. Pudfey, one of the finlot fe?s ff Maudlin co&ge, diea th? l?fi ?eek, aged near an hundrd Tearc. %is ?=es me an opportunity of difcourfing ? what I have flways thought one great error the in?itution of mo? collegesi which I will with on17 tiffs prefice? That I ?ope no body will think I defi?, in wMt I ?l fly, to refle& on the de?afed old ?ntleman before ment?n'd; of whom I new heard ?y ramher of evil i but, on ?e con. tory, one circumfiance, which w?l be fiways memb?'d to his honour, vi=. that he was one o{ t? ?Fe Mlo:vs of ?ud? college, who oppos'd king ? ?,is the ?cond, whm he world have obtruded ?p?h 'r?a?t upon them in ? mNtrary manner.

N xt. Terr,e.Flhs.' 5 The origin. al defign of eMowing college?, wa? undoubtedly this, to fupport fuch perforts ?s could not bear the charges of a learned education them- ?t?es, till they were able to fl?ift in the world, and ?ecome ferviceable to their county ? for this realbn ali?hdar$ and fe?a?s (of mo? colleges at lea?) are obliged to take an oath, that th? are not worth fo much ?er antram de ?roprio? in mine colleges more, and in rome Iris; but in all col!e?e? the m?anin g the oath is the fame, ?Ixat no perfort fl?a]l have the benefit of the foundation, who can live without but this oath, hke other oaths, is commented away, and interpreted fo loofely, that, at prefent, it does- not exclude perfons of]0ur or five hundred. pounds- If therefore colleges wer? ?ounded (as beyond contradition they were) For the maintenance and education of indigent perfon?, till they were in a ca- ?city of mai?taininz themfelve?, and no loneer ? think it would have ?een prudent in the Found%r? of ?hefe focietie? to have tuffer'd no perforts to be tows of their colleges above Fucl? a term of years; at the end of which it might be prefum'd that they would be able to provide for themfc.'.ves in three. pro- ?on or.other? fuppol? the term were limited to te.? or t?elw years i a man of tolerable parts and o? a common apprehendon, might in that time, qualify himfall for almo? any buffhers in the world. The advantages which wouI? flow, from fuch a ?mitation, to learning and the commonwealth are b palpable, that at the bare mention o5 it, no body can be at a 1ofs to perceive them i it woul? inevi- tably quicken the fucce?on of fellows, encourage their indufiry, and fupply the nation with, at leai?? twice the number of perfons, fit to ferve in all emplo?m?ts, which the univerfitics do at prolent.

Teme-Filius. N � can think of only this objec'iion?which can be rnzcle againll what I have laid, that/?veral of ff.e molt enlarged capacities, and the molt wearied ap?-lication, might. upon fuch a foundation, el:her throvgh want o? friends, or the prevalence ot ?h&ion, I:e reduced to ?eggaty, by being obliged to qait tkeir felloroflJiI:s (which are, perhaps, tl?cir AL?-) at the expiration olC fi.?ch a term. Tl:is cbiec'Fo,?, at f?rtt light, h:s rome .weigh: it; but if we examine k throug0.,y, it ?s not co::t]dera!:ie as it li:ems3 for what law, what go- ve?nmer. t d?d ?hc attar man ever flame, whicfi w2? not attended with ;brae inconveniencies? we w[II not be content with any model ot foelevy, b?t w?z.t i; a:.'?lu?dy Ferfz?, we ma continue in a q.'e of a?.rchy, ts far a? I can fee, to tt? The be:? way to judge of two fchemes. is t0 compare t?:em toge:h r, wi:h the advantages difadvantages, whicq gllo?v ?om ?ch ot thc?:?. The advantages which wou{d acrue to ?ociety from a lira;ted fou?d,?t?on are undeniable? and the difadvamage, which I can apprehe?:d from it, is that which I have mention'd, =rid flared in its utmo? ?mgth. Let us th, refore, on the other hand; conli- der what adv'ntages and difidvantages arife to the rublick from the prefent e?abli?ment of tM weS?t;es. When any perfon is thorn fellow of a college, he immtdi:.tdy becomes a freeholder, and is 5ettled life in ?fe and plenty l provided only that he con. forms himfell to the ceremonies and ?pricex of p12ce, which ve? few will ?ick at, who delight ihch on indolent and reclufe fia=ei a( fire, indeed,he is oblig'd ?o perform rome infignificant, fuperficial excercifes, =rid to get a few queflions and anfwers t}?e fcicacts by rote, to qualify him for hi? ?ut ?vhen thOq ue obtain'd, he wa?es the te? of hi? da,'3

N xr. Terre-Filits. days in!uxury and idlene�e enjoys himtill, and is elco. el to the worl? 5 for a [e?iar fe?a? of a cdlege live? and mouldersa?ay in a lupine and regular couple of ?ting, drinking, fleepin , and cheating the l?ff this was not the original mtenuon of the ? but an unfore?en corruption of po?erity, ou ht to be regulated if it was theft intention, deere know pub ?. obliged to to whether the ick is them ?br eRablifi?ng fuch nur?ries of drones and ca- t?rpi?er$, to prey upon it ? It is ?ot only tbandalous. but dangerous for any nanon to encourage idlenefs? ufelcfs members of locicry ?e commonly hurtful mcmbers l fuch is tM depravity of mankind? th,?t when they have nothing elfe to do, they will be plotti,?g of mirchief. As humble as the hermit may appear in the cell, his brea? is often big with deep deligns, and though he fixes his eyes upon the ground, he is perhaps contriving in his heart the downfal o? mighty emperors, and the overthro? ot flouri?ing kingdoms. In many colleges thefigo?i?, ?e B con?derable,; that no pre?rmgnt'can ?empt (ome perfons t? leave. them; they prefer this monaflick,and (as they call it) mireglife to any employment, in which they woulg he obli ed to take ?ome ?ins, and do pine good. .g . If therefore the time obje&ion ?,ould return,that' tt ?ould be very hard to find fiveralingenio.s gentle- men a flarving; ?hick ?ouhl fie the care ff they mu? ?uit their fego?fl?q, at any fixed per,od ff this, at !ea?, mu? be allowed me, that no pedoa ou ht to hold his e?wflJi, after he has refufed g . fi t , - my other preferment of an higher value. How contrary to this is the praOice of Oxvo, n Not content with over-grown fellowff?ip$ for life. md college-o?ces, they.have lately found out a me- thod of augmenting them with good livings, which. ?cording tofiatute$ and prffcription, are u?tenable to?er. They feem apprehenfive by thi,, that thei? D q ?oun-

Tevr,e-Filius. N �:ounders benefac't-ion will grow too diffufive, and are wiI!'ng to check the torrent, offi?cteffi'on, wh:?cl? is like to pcu? in upcn tl:em. Dr. WxL�,w:'.o for his meekneff bears the name of 3;ofes, l.as t?ecn two or three years in pofl'effiBn the co?ege, and his eminent vobity? the fi?tute is difpm?d with, aud he uow holds them together. ?. M?lvius, u?n this, ?id he would give his vote, tlnt every fi?ior-fe?o?r in the college have a h?ing t?cked to his fiqk?fii? for which gave this r?on, that .e mi2h,? not ?e obliged to eo??,?ny ?#h a ?arcel o? youn? u?fi?rt ma?ers. Under this h?d, I w?tl'menfion another con'up- tion in the univerfities, which clogs the fucceffi?n of co?l%es, and is grown very enormous. When ? ccl!h?e-l?vb[z falls, the perfon chofen to fucceed (w}?o is ufea?ly the fi?ior-feYom of the college, if he reruns it, the utxt fiaior) is allowed a year ?f?r? (as it i? .-u.a ? th? eM of which he muk refi? either his living or his fe?o?fiip, as he thinks Ee?; but, at prefenr, feveral perfons make ufe of this indulgence to pocket up a little money: they accept of livi?:gs, which they do not intend t6 keep at?y long? than one y?r; wt?en, having received the re?,enues of t?,at year, they throw it up to the next, who p?rhaps does the fame. I have heard that, a certain college in Oxro, o, it was a common thing ?er a l& ing to defccnd in this manner from the fenior fel;o= to the junior of fll5 every one had a y?r's grace, and a y?r's income, till it came down to the ]a?. who was obliged m &rye it. But this was taken notice of, and flopt in that college. in other colleges it is flill pra&ifed i Dr. Bu?svo? ofSt. Jmm's has k?t a bring in this manner almo? a v?r, and &figns ?ortly to throw it up; unlefs the c6}lege will di?<fe with his holding it with his re!- 1owjhip

la?j?ip, as ir?the ca? of Dr. W we can as yet affert nothing pofitivdy. I have nothing to i;?y againft allowing a year of Grace i but roethinks.if, upon tryal, the pedbn pre-. fented to a living does not like it, he ought noi to rink a ye.?r's revenue.. What I have fiid upon' this ?ubjccq: will, ! balieve, have little effe& ? but I am lure that it ia jutt and reafonable. TERRE-FILIU$ N o XLL .--?4nnorur? dem�nta raeorum lit roemini, 0 meminiffe .?uvat..-- St-atiu?;


t?nd you this tragi-comi%!paeket,?n; raining a literal account o? t6me o? m 7 unive[fity adventures, and hope 'twill be welcome, as it comes from a zea- lous �onfiitutionvr. To cut thort my preamble, I wa= one of tliot? ?hig gentlemen-�?m. raoner? whom the t4?fi-Saxons had a huge mind to D ? hav?

7'erre. Filiu;. N �i hav.e knock'el o'th' head, if general Pu. ev�R?s lea- fomble aflil!ance had not fpoil-t their longing. The admirable concluc"t of that gentleman in fur. prizing and quelling a city fo univerfilly difaffe?ed, will, no doubt, in rome future unproltituted, un- garbled. hilto?y of a l?ebe!l?n, meet with its due encoreram; for my part, tho' I verily believe I owe my life to him, I dare not attempt it. Your filerid Mr..a//s]/, or his �-iend Daniel D--oe, or his reverend friend the author of the Scourge (that ether true born ?nglifl?man !) or the reverend Dr. 2?--r of Cfir?.Cburth col!ege in Oxj?rd, was pleas'd to fay, That next to hayin beheld Cm?ls'r in the flefh? he woukl wifh to tie g the R?-sxoR,xIo,. I would not willingly comment on a blafphemous, as well as traiterous expreffion. i can't however help flying, that one could not, in the world, have feen a more lively emblem of the Rqi,ttion, than was to Ire feen at the time of that General's march into Off0rd. Far be it from me to fFeak lightly of that great, that d, reaclful day !-- Let their whipping Colonel, alarm d in his bed, running away hill naked, and calling o.n the walls and monks of Mt, ooat�s to ?elter h?m ? let the Scut. rs, who,/?cure (as they thought) and triumphant in their guilt, laid themt?Ives tlown to reft, in hopes of a a?, di trent kind o ri. ting, when awakened by the K,ng's trumpets, tell us how great were their tenors ! Let the loyalifls declare how unexpecqed, how ravi/hiug was their joy!--aM I if, all be excuxqd the eom[,arifon. Some time before this joyful entry, three I?. men of the eSonflitutio? Club were forced to ?.t few of us kept the field, and, by the afliltance o[ �ome honeit captains, withflood, confronted, and got the. better of our aclver?ies. For 'tis an old obfer- yatio-_,? aM what mid� $o?e can all ?glifhrae? �owardss

N o x L Terr,e.Flius. cowards, that an Ox?oRt? BULLy iS ?all creaturt? in ?e ?orhI the m 0 eafi9 frix?nd, ' That doughty and renown'd knight, Si? It, s, with two or three afroelates, yentar d inde? to kick a d?enting miniver out of a cogee-houfe ab?t this time, and were old dogs at a tr?fonable bum- ?er; but the? t?ey had no reli? for cold i,n in t?ir bell/es--Tho, o my connienee twould hayedone era. no manner of harm, their guts being gone a very fir j<rney, and (if we may believe the proverb) in a much higher fituation.? However, as PISKY flys, m?thinks i ?ould [ain fe? th? ;?g, le of the p=ppies, to. bt the better And now the Fcene was altered. We cou]d walk. the ?reets without fear o} beingfioned, had no oe- ealion for pocket-p?ok, and, t?nk$ to the Cottiler:,. might no? and ?Mn drink the ?ng'i hnlth, out being fined for it. One only inconvenience remain'd; ?eaufi in titud? w{ kept company with o?cer?, (lels confer- tat md?d in metaph?fick,,) bt?t men of ten more fence, =utfi, loyalty, and g?d br?ing themfelves, our aca&mit?l in{uifitors gave us the de nomination and deuce of R?kes, and mem?r$ the red-coat dub. Rakes! Be it �o---One agteeabliyreffe8ion at leaf?' they we can. mak.e, that whilfi were wickedly pre-' varicatm with heaven, dubbin Sir Cos to ateroar a' Government, wh:eh they had fWorn to maintain, and bringing do?? their grey heir? ?ith perjury to the' grave i we, m the midit of' perticution, in our ten? der years, in the bloom of ou.r youth, boldly di- ftinguifhecl our feNes by a rehgious regard to our:. oaths, king, and country. Thus, pardon. the ex- preClion,.

prefllon, we Rakes were meriting paradit?, and the reverends--I won't name it --in this world, be it the pillory.--I grieve to fly that rome o[ them have met with other forts of preferment. B. C? ittr ?CADE?IICU?f; ors ?ht Genfleman.commoner's m?tri?ulation. Eing of age to play the fool, With muckle glee I left our fchool at ttoxton:.. .?nd mounted on an eafy pad, Rode with my mother and my dad tO Conceited of my parts and knowledge, � They enter'd me into a college t'?idem. The mallet took me firft aftde, $hew'd me a fcrawl, I read; and cry'd Gravely he lh6ok me by the flit, � And wifh'd me well.--we next requefl: a Tutor. He recomenOs a llaunch one, who ? l'erfiFs caufe had been his Co- ?' -zdjutor.

To fee this precious flick of wood, I went (for fo they dcem'd it good) in fear, Sir; And found him fwallov?ing loyally Six deep his bumpers, which to me feem'd queer, Sir. He bade me fit and take my gifts, I anfwer'd, looking like an afs, I, I can't, Sir. Not drink ! m you don't come here to pray ! The merry mortal Said by way of anfwer. 7'0 pray, Sir! Nora m?y lad, '!is well, Come! here's our friend $ach--ell! here's Trappy ! I-Iere's Ormo;:d! Marr! in t'hort So many Traitors we drank, it made my Crani- um na?py. find now the company difmiit With this Same lociable prieft, or fellow,. I fatlied forth to deck my t, ack With loads of Tuft, and gown of blacl? I'ru?dla.. My back ecquipt, it was not fair, lvI)? head ihould '{'cape, and fo as Square A cap ! bought, my skull to �creen, Of cloth without, and all within of pafie.baad. When metamorphos'd in attire, More like a parson than a fquire th' had dref? me 3 I took my leave with many a tear O.f ?ohn our man, and parents dear, who. blelt me,

Terre-Fi!ius. N �r, The mailer fiicl they might be!i?ve him, $o righteoufly (the Lord forgive him !) he'd govern. Iqe'd ?hew me the extreamelt love, Provided that I did not prove too Rubborn. So far, fo good -- but now/'re. lb fees Began, (for fo the cullom is,) my ruin, Frefh �ees! -- with drink they knock you down;. You fpoil your cloaths i and your new g?wn you �?ue m I fcarce hatl fiept --at fix-- tan tin ?he bell goes- ?rvitor comes in, gives warning; I wifb'd the �coundrel at old nick., I ?uk'd, and went to prayers danm'd tick chat morning. One who could come half drunk to ?ray'r They fiw was entered, and would �wear at random; Would bind himfdf? as they had done,. To 1tatutes, tiao' he could not un- dcrlland 'era. Built in the form of I?idgeon?ye, 'A ?oufe * there is for rooks to lie and rooec in.. Thither to take the oaths I went, Mir Tutors con/deuce well content to trult in. Tl'idr

Their laws, their articles-of grace

Forty, I' think, (five haig a' brace,)

was willing. To {'wear to; {'wore, engag'd mir foul, And paid the f;vearing-broker whole ten j? illt)? g Full ball a pound I paid him down, To live in the mof? p . d town o' th' nation: May it ten thoufind cott Lord l'hy;? For never forwarding its vif- itation. Terre. Fikius; 6.? TERRjE-FILi US. N �[. �um.p?r fit, ut qui Ga?z:)?us ?cademiti? honefiari cuf?iunt, eorum etiam diligentia, in cult? ingeni Oxon Smut. S' univerfi7 D?ea?-�s are fuppofed'to the badges of learning and merit, there ought to be rome _qualifications requifite to wear them, befiiies/'--y, anclWr---rt, and i?aying a multitude of fees i which feem to be the three principal things indited upon ia{our uniqv.?rfities. Indeed,

64 Teme-F?kius. N �_ Indeed, they ha_v,e long, tedious orms, which they �,!I exercifes, thro which every can&date for a gree mutt ?ali, before he is invetted in the convoca. tion-hou_/e: but, by the fame rule that the ,vulgar etteem him a deep febolaf, who has gone thro thel? forms, they may e?eem the city b?$oats, who took/./fie m Bunhill-fields gallant foldiers and ex?e, ?ienced leaders. There fcholatlick exerci�es may be divided into four branches, viz. di./jutation,, freauentin pubhd: le&?res, examinations. anti det.� a.ons. I have explained the manner of their dtfputatio?: in a former paper, and have fhewn them to bc nothing but the repetition of longflring? of thre.?d- bare fyliogi�ms upon rome ridiculous, obfolete, and unedif} ing quellions in Iogiek, metqhyfick?, andre&o! d?vinity, which a lere?-man can d% a? well as the oldell closer in the univerfity. It is alfo required, by fidrote, of all ?andidam, that they have been confiant hea.. of the i?ubtkk le?!um in thole faculties, in which they ?!and for deg.. ? for inthnce, every candidate for the degree o{ batd?dov o arts is obliged for one v?hole ear, from this firft entrance into the tm?verfity, to be �ent at the grammar leglure twice every week, on Wu?rday? and Irriday?i and_at the rhet_orit?l legtm_e on M?nda)'s and WhurJda)'? ? after the end of the year, 'fill he is ?rdinted to his Ds?t?., he i? obliged " to attend the 1og. eal kaure every Monday ?nd Whu?f- da. ? and the mora!-pbiloj3?by l?ure every Tuefda_ and ?Fridayi and from the end of hsj?e0nd year? untfi one whole year after he has taken his batchelor's degree, he is obliged, according to the Savitiay ftatutes, to. attend the geometry lec'tur? every ?t?dnefday and In otl?er degrees, the time attendance i? required at the p.&li?k ?r. in other fi�?lti�? i .for a!l which, DaD

particular places are appointed by the 1tatutes of the univerfity. I doubt not, my reader will be furpriz'd at this, after [ have complained that no qualifications fbr de- gree? are required as to the learuling of the candidates and will reaJily ask what more pmdentiaI method could pofiibly be taken to exclude all t?qu?li3'dper- forts, than this is ? But his aaoni?ment will abate, when he finds that the candidate? are fo fir from at- tending, as is ?riOly required by aatute, upon there leSures, that there are no fuch leOures read in any of the faculties, except mt?ck and poetry, as hath ?een obtbrved in a former * paper. And yet, bef6re any perfort can obtain his degree, he ts o&gcd ta fuppttcate b :he effort who ro- po!?s h?s gr?ce/for a d?pe?(ation for his non-men- d'ance at there leOure? ? thch is the mode?y of th[ Do?Js, that they negle& their duty, and oblige the ?11ows to ask ?ar?n, and pay for it. It cannot theretore be argued any where, but the eonvoeati?.hou? at Oxvo?, that a perton 5ryes his degree, becaufe he ought to deferve it; the- te? laws, when they ?come dead letters, aven0 laws and a {ual?tion, whi? is difpenf?d with, i? no. ?t?ai?atiou. Examinagon is the next te? required of every didate5 let us therefore fee whether there is an 7 thing more in this, than in the others. Theflatute? which enjoins this ceremony, begin? with this preamble, "That the congregation of Re- gent-mafiers may be the better apprm d of the learn "ing and proficienc[ in good letters ot all perfon, "who take de?rees m arts :-- It is cna?ed, that "every on% before he ia admitted to fupplicate for' , ,t his. Numb, X.

66 Terre-Filius. NO "his grace. fl?all undergo the examination of a Re' "gent.mailer. The pcrfon to be ?xami, ed is obliged; the day l?e- fore his examinations, to a?x a ?rogramm? on fore- n! publick places in the univerfi?y, figni?yieg nzme, what ?ege he ?1ongs to, and what The ?tsce ap?int? for th? examinmio.? f,oot. of t:e phces in the univerfity) the ?ar fr?m ?ine 'till et?en in the morning. during all which time tl:e candidate is oblig? to flay there i ?d :gain ?om in the afternoon. if ?e examiner thinks ?t, as long he-pleares. The arts or i%;en?et, in which the candidate is to be exam;?ld, are thofe in which, acct;rdiog to the fla. tutes of theuni"erfity, l?e is obliged to hear t?ubhck le?ures: befide? which, heis to ee oxamin'd in the Claff?s, and to return all his anfwe? as fluently and properly in Latin, as he could in his m?tker tongue. Thele examir, ersate(or ought to l:,c) appointed by the fen?orpro8or, who adminifters anontb to them to this effi:?q. "That they' will either examine, or hear exami- "ned, all candidate?, that fall to their lot? in tho�e "arts and fciences, and in thch manner a, the tta- '? tute requires. "Likewife, that they will not he prevail d upon "by intreatlea or bribe:? or hatred or friendChip, or "hopeor fear, to grant any one a teflimonium, who "does not deftrye it, or to deny i? to any one that Now this, again, looks all very air and fitisfac- . tory: but let us examine the praeqtce, not the theory ? ?he execution of the fia?ut?, and not the ttatute.; them/?Ives. The meaning of'the fla:ute ?n ordering the candi- datea to be examined in tlao�� art? md .?itn?es, in whi?

Terr,e. Filius, 67 which they were obliged to attend publick let:turet,. was (I fuppof�) to fee whether they had atteMed them diligently or not? for, if thofe lee'lures were duly kept up, and'theyoung fludents frequentedthem, their examination would l:e an eat}, task, tho' per- form'd with the utrnoft rigour, which the ftatutes require: but as theft: lectures are laid aftde, as. very few Tutors t?ke care to inltru& their ?ut?ih many thing but a little humdrum Iogirki and as very few young fellows are difpofed to ffudy more than they are obliged' to do, they h?ve found out a new mo- thod of performing this tmblick extrcife with great fluency, and very little pains. As I told my reader, that for dift?utations they have ready-made 1trings of f?illogihm; to for examination, they have the skeletonsof all the arts or fc. iences, in which they are to be examined, containing all the quellion, ih each of them, which are ufually asked upon this occafion, and the common anf?er? that ar? given to them i which in a ?veek or a l'brtnight they m. ay get at their tongue's end. -- But is this a fufli- cent mark of intrintick learning? Is this a proper qualification for univerfity degrees? -- Many afehooI- boy has done more tl?an this for hi? br,aking-u? ta.,k ! Several [ngenuom candidates have confefs'd to me, that they never ftudied an hour, nor l?ok'd into any' fyftem o? the fcienee?o 'rill a month before they were examined. l-Iow well the examiner? perform their duty, I leave to God and their own co.?fciences? tho' my. fhallow apprehenfion cannot reconcile their taking a roleran oath, that they rill not b? prevailed u[on ?y intreati?s, ?r bribes, o?: friendfl?tp, &c. with their ac- tually receiving bri?s?and frequently granting tefii. moniums to unworthy candidates, out ofper. f0nal friendfiji? and ?ottle acc?taintance,

68 Terr,e.�l;s. It is a notorious truth that moOt candidates get leave of the proc7or, by paying his man a crown, (which is cal:ed his per?ui t?e,) to choo�e their , ? own examiners, who never fait to be their old cronies and roping com?nioas. ? The quefiion therefore whether it may not ? Rrongly presumed flora h?ce, that t?e candidates expe& more fayour from there mm, t?n from ?angers; becaufe otherwith it would be throwin awa a cro?nto no ur g y p p , and if they do meet with flyour from them, whether the examiner is not ?revail'd u?o? by intrea- ties or ?iendfi?ip? It is ?fo well-known to bethecu?om forthecm?- d?date$ either to prefer ?eir examiners with a piece of gold, or to give them ? handrome e?tertainmem, and make them drunk; wNch they commonly do the night &fore examNatbn, and rometimes kee}, them till morning, and fo adjourn, Cheek by fiom their drink;ng room to the chool, where they are to te examined ?uare, whether ?t woutd not very un?atef? of theexaminer to refufe ?ny candi- date a t?imonium, who has tr?tedhim fo fp!cndi- ly or= night ? and whether he is not, in this pe=zil by bribe:? When there and rome more trifling exercifes are ?rform'd, my perfort is intitled to his bat?helor o? arts degree, pro?ided he has ?en ?ur years (or fix- teen terms) a memb? of any co?ege or ball, and no?, by his m?als, render? himfell obnoxious to the u?:iv?qO'i of which ! ?MI treat in my next paper. But though a candidate obtains his grace, and pr(o;ted to his batcbebr's (in art?) degree, and wears the habit fuitable to it i vet heis not p?operly a com- -l?t rednat, until the'Lent following, when he obliged to perform certain other exercifes, called hi? &terminations, under the penalty, that if he negle,?s ?is, the grace Nfore granted him ?1 be

N �rv,e-FiIius. 69 unIefs he meets with rome impediment, wtfich the zice. chancellor and pro,ors fl?ail approve of; in which care his determination may be deferred to the Lent following, under tl?e like penal? ? for this reafon ?ave placed determination among? the exertires x'c- quilite for a batchelor of arts The manner of this determination is as follows. ?jl perfons, that have taken their batchdot of arts degree fince the Le?v preceding. are obliged to di- fput.? twice ip one of the publick ?hools which the Cdhffors (w?om I will pre?ntly 3eCcribe) fl?all ap- point, and go ?o prayers at St. Mary's church every satur?(ay mornmg? t!?efe d4.}ut?tio?:;, which are like other difputations, are tb oxdered, that they la? all Lent-time. The Coltenors (v, ho are tvoin number) are ch? fen out of the determMng b?tchelors by the t?vo ?rotors, each p'oc7or chufing one; and their bUffhers is to divide the determiners into certain Cia/?s, and to appoint to every o?e what &bool he fl?=ll d?fpute i?; which he is to difpo:? in'Ouch a manner, tha? rome of them may come ,tp in all the/?hoob every ?onday, Tuefilay, ?dnq?,?y, Th?;?l?y, and F, iday, (excepting Holid.?ys) from the beginfling of Lent fie end of the term. For this purport they draw a tikeme (which printed and tent to every college) in which the names of fil determines are placed in feveral co- tumns; ?d over-again? them, in other columns, the days when, and the ?haoh where they are to refpond. Some of there day? are called gracious days, caufe upon them tlxe refpondent is not obliged to ?ay in the ?hoob above half the time, which u?n other d?ys are i and rome of the fehooh are e?cemed better than other, be?au? more ?rivate ? but the ?fi column and the lafl column in the f?heme (wh?ih contain t?e names of tho? who =e to come

7o Trre-Filiut. N o x ?I? the firfi day and the la/q day, and which is t? pofiing and dosgt?g) are eriecreed very fcauda- lous. The Co//d/or? theefore, having it in their power to difpo�e of all the j?hools and days in what manner they pleafe, are very confideruble perforts and great application is made to them for gracious days and gobd ?bools.? but efpecially to avoid being pored or dogged, which commonly happens to be their tot who have no money in their ?ckets. The fiatute indeed forbids the Cdle?ors to receive any prej?nts, or togire any treats; but the common pra0:ice is known to be dire&ly againIt thefiatute; every determiner (that can afford it) values himfell upoti prefenting one of the Cdle8ors with a broml ,t?iece or half a broad? and Mr, Colldtor, in return entert;uns his benefattors wah a good fupper, and as much wine as they can drink, betides gracious d,?ys, and ?ommodiou? fihoo!s. I have heard that rome Collet%rs have made por? or an hundred g?dneas of this place. This to me feems the great buffneff of determina- tion; to pay money, and get drunk. Thus I have given the reader {bme account of the exercifes requifite to a batrhelor of art$ degree i in other degreeJ the corru?tions are the time, and the exertires requifite to taking them equally neglected, or equflly infignificant. - To conclude: I hope no body will be, for the ture, furprized, when they read many empty and fl'upidvolumes, dignified in the title pages witix there iihlMous letters, .d.B. ,d.M.L.L.B.L.L. B.D. $. T. 1L &c. TER

eme. 'Filus. 71 TERRE-FILIUS. XLIII. Dq3ndit humerus jurd?que urn&no i?halanges. ,?F theeau/? of Hza?-Cau?cn be not the ve T wor? caufe in the world, it is im- pofllble that it fnould ever'fail, being fo hrongly fdrrounded with temporal en- couragements .,without, and/?cured with e?tly-imbib'd prejudice? within; wealth, titles, and dignity are its'faithful allies;and its only enemies are l?gga?ly truth and naked ho?efly. blow this minion of the multitude. (wh;ch not- withfraMing is the cur? of the multitude) is ?up- ported in all popifl? countries, and in too many pro- to#any ones, is the mdancholy theme ofnumberlefs writers; fire, fword, ariel dungeons are thedreadful executors of its bloody will and plealure; it breathes nothing but de?refiation and mifery all around it? it' b;?ds nobks in chains, and princes in links of iron. 1 do not intend to enumerate all the Itrong holds 0? this l?revailinff mob.caufe; but only (:is the defign of my ?aper !e?ds me) to point out thole advantage? which

7'errie-Flius. N �hich afire to it from the prefent eltablifl?ment of -our ur?i?aerfities. I fhall begin with the method oftak?ng which may ferve as ? ffiplSkment to what I have offer'd, in my lal? upon that rubieS. .. Iu that cl[fcourfe .I conrider'el only the ?rform'd for degrees; and endeavour'd to .prove, that ?ome f?ri&er tcl[ of merit ought to be required every candidate: but this is not the only thing to com?hin'd of 5 for as thee pcrfunc%rv exercifes of. ten confer degrees on the mot? worthldf?, who x?. ill conform to the prevailing opinions of the phce on the other hand, the fame exercifes, more ri perform'd, join'd with the ttronge? abihties, mo? unfutlied p?obity, will not intitle tbme other men to them, who think themfelves obliged to clif- lent from their brethren in points of fI?eculation or ?rac?ice. This is certainly blame-worthy in all publick nut- S' ? %vhere learning and indutlrv ought to be erl�.? o a coura,,'d confider'd abltra?lv !rom the caorices and differences of mankind in matters m govern. rnenr and religion.-- But I am to prove what I havc afterted. There is in the university of �xrouo (and, for ought I know, in C.?,?u?ut too) adreadful regif?er, cai!'d the Bt,^c?c-Boo?c, (becaufe no peffon, name is cmol!'d ?n it, cgn Land for his degree,) which the l?ro?ors, for the time [?eing, keep in their cu?o- dy,'and can put any body into it at whom, whether jufily or not,they' fha!l take offence. ?rhis was .?t tiff[ def?gn'd to punifhrefrac%ry perf.?ns and immo- ral offende?s ? but at prefent it is ma4e ufe of t6 ?rty fplren, and is illI'd up with Whigs, Confiitatio. nets, and t?a?,gorians. !?, e a? the univerfky has this rod in her hand, So ?.n? ? ,_ _ it i5 no ?onaer that High-Church triam?hs over her rnot'?3.owerful adverfaries ? nor can we be at all fur. Fri.?'d

N o Terrae-Filius. ,riz'd that Whiggifm declines with' the conflitutioJ? c?ub in Oxx=o?t?, when we behold people 1t,gmauz cl in this Blztk-Book, and excluded fro? their d.ogree} [br j3berly rejoicing ul0ol! king G?.oRia?'s birth-nigh? and drinking-hls majefly's health. ' Under the prefeni/rollors, we need be under ?o a??rehenfions5 one of whom (the reverend Mr.

.ar?l) [ have the honoiar to know, and i know him

�to be a perfort of the molt unbias'd integrity and iramoveable zeal againt! all forts of tyranny and cor- r.ptio?i he deteffs all inartrell pra&ices himfell =, and will not join with thoj}, who ddi ht in plundei' g =nd rapine3 his own hands are clean, and he will ?not communicate with the unclean! I'doubt not that his colleague deferve? the fame chara?eri �o that I am per?e?ly eafy under their idmini?ration i but in othhr left unpolluted hands, what mi�chie�s and oppreffions in the republick of learning may not Inch a terrible engine bring forth ? But �uppofing that a perfon has the good fortune ?o live thrYe or }our years in the univerlity, without incurring the di�plea�ure of either of the ?'ro?/0r.? i yet it he has difoblig'd any other perfon, who is a memo. her of the �tnvoca5on, his catb is little better ? every f?ch member having it in his power to deny an/' candidate his grate twice, without giving any reaf�fo.r it; anti if l?e can trump up any idle 1tory a. gain? ?h?:n, which is an eafy matter) he can pur h?m by .. ( ms degree for a whole year. This is the molt arbitrary method of proceeding in the world i for why fl?ould it be in the power o? any man to refufea perton his gra?e tvoi?e (which rlt�cm'd a fcandalous thing. up. on the candidate ) with- out any reafon? This puts ?t into his power to Wreak h?.? malice upon whom he leat?s, and deters all thb juntors o? the umverfiry from riffMing In opmlon . or pt ol:etllon flora their )qnivrs, who ha?/� fuch an advantage bvcr th?n.' Indeed, no perfort can deny' Vo,.. II, E any

Tcrrte-Filius. N O XLII'L _any one his grace the third time, (which he mull do, 'if he would exclude him from his degree,) without .giving a teafort: bur to whom, and in what man- ner does he give this rcafon ? Not in a fair, �rid judicial manner, before the perfon accutM; but in a private chamber, or a clof?t, to the vice-than. tellor and the-two pro,ors, who are to acquaint the next eongrega. tlon with it- Mean while, the accu- tint is not known, nor has the party acculM the liberty to difpro,e what is charged upnn himi b?t if the zic.?-cha?cellor flys that a man of veraci;? .?zir fide digress) alledges fuch or �uch a crime againR him, the congregation do not examine ther it be true, or nor ? but put it to the vote, whe- ther, taking it to be true, the candidate ought to be fufpended from his degree, upon thi: account. The vice.chancellor and pracYar$ are noe ?o much .=s oblig'd to demand the ob,]ec?r's oath; but Jf they pleafe, may take a man s bare word (provided he be a man ?f veracity) for any accufition that is l?rought before them; they are fworn ,lot to difco? ver the accufer, nor can he be difcover'd in the coT. thregation, becaufe an perfons are obliged to vahifl)er eir votes �ofdy in the proliar's ear, who goes round from one to another, and is fworn nifo not difcover any body's vote. From hence it appear? that the vice-chancel/or arid ti:e Droc7or$ have it very much in their powtr to keep any man from his degree, however inn0- cent and deferring, out of pertonal ill-will or par- Dr re/?ntmem$1 there ?]dom being wanting rome little kandal or o?her current upon every one in the univerfity, which, duly managed, will ferve the turn. We have at ?relent indeed fo ?good a vice- a:hancellor, and fuch good pro?ors, that I am lure they xvould fcorn to do any fuch thing ? but we have 'had wicked men in thole offices, (particularly in the ?mp-times) and may, perhaps, one time or other, have

N � I I'I. 7'erre. Fiiius. Zy have wicked ones aga;n; for which reafon be very glad to fee this matter ?egulated, that per... Ions may no longer be fubje& to accufitions in th?$ dark and clandeftine manner, and that the road to degrees may lie equally open to all who de/?rve them. The teafort that is commonly urg'd, in juf?ifi.. eation ot: this pra?iee of condemning a ma? without trying him, is very e. xq,aifite i for,/?y they, if the W[on [ufpeuded fhould know who did him that ill office, he would in all likelihood bear malice aga!nfl: l?im, and watch for an opportunity to revenge hm?-- ?I[: perhaps fo indeed; but why ther6fore are not all profecutions carried on in the fame fnug man- ner? or why fhould milebier eniac more in one cage finn another ? For my part, I thcufd bear ten times more malice again? a man who acculed me wrong- fully (as many 'men have been) of hor?q-fle?ling, or robbing on the highway, than agaivf? any one who accofed me of fpeaking dif?eli?ec?tfully of rome in the univerfity, or of drinking 1ome fanatical heattb. Several worthy gentlemen of' the molt ple.ntiful �,qates have been accufed ot very? h. inous cr?mes, l' fuch as murder, rapes, and the ?ke, and u?on a flit trial have been acquitted3 yet I never heard of any dreadful confequences upon this ai:count, as that the accu?r$ or tl?e withefits, in fuch ca?s, had their brains beat out, or their lunzs vink'd for it: x?hercas it; to prevent atl danger of �uch quences, the Oxvouo method was to be taken, and the a?cuj?d was not to know his accu/3., nor have the liberty to invalidate what arrj ,aciry fl?ould pieaft to alledge againR him, el:her ?pon his word or his oath, I leave the rege?.t or !on-regent mailers of Oxvo? to conrider the con- ec?ucnces. E z

76 err,e.F)lius. ?o XLIIio The ?ruth of it is, this method promotes the caufe of Hx?u-Cuvaca, and is e?a&ly a?eeabte to ecd?aflical proceedings in all countries. It is atfo of no fmall moment to High-Ohurd:, that all the places of trut3, honour, and profit it. the univerfity ate armexed to that party i lc&ures, profefforfhips, and other valuable.fine.cures, never fall to win the hearts of thole, who love plenty and ;dienelL The V--C , 's court is likewife of inettimab;: benefit to the fame cauj?i it was at firit granted to the univerfity for the ad?ranta e of the church, g

and has prov'd ever fince a conRant friend to it5 up.-

lefs for rome time under Oliver Crom,a'ell, who pre3? it into the fervice of Round-heads and Fansinks; but king fore againtt the grain, it took the firIt op- .portunity to de�ert them, and has claw'd them off ?ror it ever fincei it never fpares a whig or a presO- terian, when it gets them into its clutches5 but gripes them to death, or kicks them out of it,: tenitories. Upon a publick night, jult after king came into z?g!and? �ome ?ohigs in Ox?oun ordc?d a bonefire to be made before a tavern door, and windows to be illuminated, defigning to be nnd merry; but iramedia:ely a great mob of fcho- hrs and others came hollowing and roaring ki?,g ?s ?'or ever, down with the Usuu?,?u; they tied all the fagots away, broke the windows, committed teveral other outrages; whereupon the whigs, whofe names could be learnt, were ci:c.d into the vice-chancellor's court, and fi?,ea for com?r,.?t - ting a riot; it be:ng alledged. that ?if the), b,;a been there, or made a bonefire, there ?:ould .been 1?o riot; upon which an ingenious gent]crash told them, in a fpeech upon this occalion, that a man was riding ozer Hounflow-Heath ?as robb'di from ?hen�:, fiid he, I vodl ar.? tb,?t

N? xtto Terre. Ei'lim' 77 dmt the man voas guilty off the robber him elf, if he had not been there, the robbery voould not have been committed. The la? thing which I fhall mention, as a /'up- l?ort to the caut? of High-church in the univertiti?s, is the power they have to dikommon to?vnfmer?; whereby they keep the tradelinen in awe as as matriculated perforts; for if any fiucy blue aloron. dares to affi'ont any venerable pertbn, either by talking freely ef him, or defending the prefent Government, all fcholars are immediateiy forbid to l:ave any dealings or commerce with him, until he a.?ks bardon, and makes what other fatisfac"tion the univertity thinks fit to require. I will conclude, as I begun, with obf?rving, that norton= but its own intrin?ck and unpararcll'd urdit can offibl ever a caufi, ,? po?ver/rkl? �upported. dellroy which TERRaE

7 ? 7'err,e-Fili?is. T. ERR?-F!LIUS. N o XLIV, ?---' Demetri, ttqne Wigdli? ?..??.?? 0 U R acceptance of the indo?d will very much oblige me. As it is icyell d againff imFertinent ritilities, for fear of running into the �,me e?rors am condemning my felF, I fhall only that/-am, Sir, Com,?.mE,??s, as they are either the.mo/t obli- greaing, or molt flocking things in nature, require the diefl' wit an.d nicer Judgment, One, who has fetm the worid, knows what is truly praife-wc, r- thy,

N O x r.v. Terr,e. Filius. 79:' thy, and can in a handrome manner inlinuate to you, how fincerely he thinks you are fo, will, in all p,-o.'. bability, enjoy your good opinion as long as he lives. On the contrary, if a Pedant or a Coxcomb ' attemp,'s your commendation, the ful{ome ext,'ava-' gance of the one, and the odd ftarch'd encomiums of" the other, wou',d procure him your eternal averlion. If this be true ?n general of GomlJl?m?'nts made over a bottle or a tea-table, it is much more fo of tho? printed Douceurs .that pafs between authors. and their betters, vulgarly call'd Dedications. When. the Sv?_cx,xxoR or 'I',?'t. er? makes a valuable pre- t?nt of his works to? a Peer of the realm, all is de- cent, greah and mode,qi in the writer you fee the complete gentleman; in the nobleman the difinte- ref?ed patriot: but when a Coxcomb takes it in- to his h=d, to c,;v,;mlt !:i; eftecru for 7ou to the" lorefi, you have nothing but flowers of rhetofick, r[ooth, nothing but metaphor anti timlie; right or wrong, he compares you to whatever is bright or beautiful in the creation. l?hcebe's pale erelet'; b - (in plain I?r, glifl? the h?l�-moon) the ?lanets? ftars,. and fo upwards, have all of them _tomething or other to hy to you. ? As for the Sun, fl?ould that efcal:,e him, 'rwere a wonder. The P�?.?x, that other aukward p?rafite? pull? you down his Livy, muffers up his Cato's, his De- emJ's, and Fnbricius's? and if he can happily find' rome little hint for a cornparifon between his pa- tron end an old Roman, with a great deal of learn- ing and fett:-fatisth?ion he prov,.:s them to be at ieaft coufin-germans. The beff on'r is, that whilfl: th, is dauber is laying it on thick anti threefold, he d.aws the parallel f0 wretchedly, and paints fo little' to the life, .that they refcmble no more than the, bladt 'ro/? on his hat does the blooming one or, the' t?ee. ?s to fide, you muff not exl:,ecq: it: 'tis flat, E 4. 'tis'

Terre-�i/3s. N� 'tis na,_,feous. low, and infipid; you are invited to Chan:pa:gne, ar.d treated with curds and whey. l fi,'al] give you two or three inttancesot thor: ecclclia?ica! com[liment-mongers. The name of the fi?�t I have as enfirdy forgot, as, I doubt not, ia a tow }'ears will be ti?at of the fecond. I can, hob'ever, produce the kook, tho' at prefcnt I have it not by me' 'tisa treat? on the ,l?,ger offi?;. The soytrend author dedicates it to Sir Thom,?s ?l?yer, a no?ed man in the time ofthat pious prince King Chun[rs the ?cond,'nnd gives the living and tlie dead a bout at cudgels after the following man. ner i ?nrce a,.omm ?, m?s he? (there are his yet, "word;) ha,'e been mighty famous m the world, ?' vi=. 2boreas Meui?as, Thomas a. Beebet? and Si? "T..oma? ?1ore. 'All three, continues he? were ? .?.?,; ?,, .... ?.?,, natorio?s offenders "their Ki?:g and Counrr'?. B?t? the Sir "I addref? ,o is the true? of fubje&s, and the re. ?' ty te? o? ?rate, ms." Biers us? &e what w have had a lucky go,!fither! How unhappy were ?) poor broth? =nd 1, to be chifien'd ]ames a? ]erobo.am ? -- You'll fddom meet with a name- ?ke of cu?s worth a fa. rthing. From t?is Tom-fool proctcd we to the entided 7o,?ph. To that name no one can the ver/bc;'} of men }?ad, it; whom poet ?o imi- rites ju? thus fir,? thro the loyalty of his hear= he would fiin eoflave u, all to his King and mailer. 'Tis vtry well known that a brave and noble Lord did at the battle of Bknheim lore his in t?e caufe of hberty. This was certainly a cir- ?um?ance highly honourable for his ?:d?i?, and one that might ?e handlbmely touch'd upon in a dedication - Let us ?e how our bungler mum- bles it: even thus; he iends him his ?fi after having C?&r',t aM 8c?o',? him ?rtem, telis him, t?t he could not in one ret?e? corn

N o 'err,e-Filiu. 8:: compare him to ?neas, (in all other ref'pe&s like his Lordhip) nor apply that of Virgil,

i?z.iFtaque bello dextra,

But this, adds he, is a eircumflance in his Lorcl- fl?ip's fayour, and manifettly gives him the advan? tage. How fo? Does the loftrig of an hand prove a 'i?periority either of courage or ccnduCt.? Or did Virgil, by that expre?on, mean to compliment .g?eas for aot being ?ounded? a thing which may equally happen to the brave? o?cer, or the mo?. arrant coward ? If the tingle article of Ioling. an arm or a leg gives a man the precedence of .?eas, many a poor penhoner at Chel?a College. hath an equal right to it with his Lord?ip. In ?or(, either this wretched tranflator and bold' comp?tor with Dryden, did not under,and the common conSru&ion of h? author; or, through a poverty of invention, was obliged to delbend to the meaneft of quibbles, to furni? out a dull com- pliment to his noble patron. Another of the time growth he makes to the univerfity. An ontor of hi? dignity reflgning bison, rice, and taking leave of his very pattent and ?rtial auditors, might, one fl?ou!d think, have congratuia- lated them on the general harmony that reign'd among them, t}?e apparent reformation of man- ne?, aM va? advancement of learning, which had (of late years efpecially ?) fo evidently rai&d their univerfitgto a degree of reputation beyona that of all others. ? Not a word on't. As if he had bee? in pay to Come new in{urance-o?ce, as he waa formerly to the old play-houfe, he advilcs them to keep dabbling on in mortar, and in mo? elegant latin gives you to know, that in Oxfo.'d there are very able ma?na, and und?Randing Rene. ?tters.

In good faith, this is the only confh'u&ion I can put upon his words. When a teacher in and profelI'or in the univcrfity can find nothing to ?mmend in it but its meet outfide, its buildin one mu? have a ?rmge opm?on of zts learning. But I apF?l to his words themfdves. ?cademi,5 cre?entibm ?d?ciis, flys he, cryant illi (fi tier[ pote?) em?tio ae zirtus. This is a? he <an as to_ its ?udition or virtue; but as to its building, h? him ? Faufium quiddam ?rofe8o' fp?de?, om'mantur tot no?s ?uot?ie, d?c?imi$ temporibm (?gtice, hard times! ) furge?tia mu?rum culmina, ut fi vol men?s nIiquot eger?mus ab?ntes ab veritYate, reduces p?e hofpites zideamur, ? ratlone penitu$ diver[? ab e? qua di?um i?ud dim batur, Oxofiium quotas in Oxo?o. Portenti i?fl? h?bendum, ?mines ffui maximum pra fi re- runt ?atri? arnorein (Ang!ice, the fiiends of King George) ii?d ipfi?m od? ac defpicere quod patriam prl c?reris honefiat ? exoraat, That i5, en& ?cce? my noble auditors? wflk ard ?e?hdie?, and grotlinen, are not there fine new pginted Mrar-pieces and giffs-window,? Have nor we ee=v cha?ls, and new quadrangles in abun- dance? Now who. ?t fools and traitors can wi? ?ey werc t ett? inhabited? With this pathcfi?i inve&ive do? this voucDr for Dr. sach?Ws b!afphemous quotations at his ?)'?!, tkis right loyal ' ? cna, lain to Sir Connie P?pps, and the late lord ?olinbroke, conclude Ns immortzl [role&ion,. One can fcarce fly which i? mo? abfurd,' little malice of the ?re's fitire, or the mean- ne?'of his ?negyrick. What! are there no living ornam?ts in Oafordt fire its i?nimate, it? done ones its greateft bry? By this difcourfe one oMd rliy think The new Kru&es, y9u

N � v. Terr,e-FiIius. $ fee, a?e?his chief' topicks, and the greate. part o? hi?; he.?'.,y-con?l:,liments is wheel-barrowd from the l[,ne-kil?. Ben ?oh?, (heavens! who can name them in the �?me day ? ) heneft lien, I fay, was himfell a bricklayer, and helpt his father-in-law to build coln's-ln.?. Had he made fuch a ft?ecch as this, fi?ould conclude he had done it out of gratitude to his oI.? fijend and acquaintance the trow&' But this little f;?,i?fire owing the fira money he e;,er m.?ftcr of to the fuccefi cf a Rage play, mcm,?ry of his former bcnefacqors, fl?ou!d have gi. yen his ha:angue the dratnatick turns fi:ould have celebrated O.,qbrd for the diverting interludes in private halls; tragi-comic..i battles between reajEnand .,triflotle in her FuI:liclc fchcols; and lafl:ly an the molt excdlcnt farces lb fcequentI?, and fo well l?Crformt'd ?n her convocat?on-noufe. Thi.? in the neighbourhood of a Theatre, ' and as a conciuticn ?o a poetical lee%re, had keen Fro,. per to tt?e place and lhbjecq:. Here (alas!) he m?ght have taken rome little notice ot poor T[?RI?Y, their !vondam I'antomime. Here ke might have proved how fir, in his hamble opinion, taking the oatha to rome Kings, in diffc.liimis tempofibre, might l:e contider'd' as a downright cotned),. Above nil; ke might here have fhewn 'the near analogy be; tween thole two top ac%rs in the Sheldon and Dru: ry-lane play-h,?u??.?, Mr. ?471liam Pink?,thman, and the reverend Do?qor Del .... e i both in vogue for their oddities, both fhcetious droll lver�ons, and both (when they had wherewithal} deep Gaintiers. 'There ha:t. been tbmething entertaining in But --- Oxo?:ium quara$ its Oxonio, and -fuch old fluff! -.- Fie .for fl?ame! Are there the �ublime flights, is. this the i%,'ig?e recem i?diZlum ore of fo eminent a poet? ? 'Tis the common cant ��?vc? 7 jacobite ;:at?fter ia Oxford, After hav;ng' le,l'

7'err-�ihus. NO'x Vo led Hob and Dick a dance through half a dozen f?aci. ou? colieges, not forgetting the nick-nackato- ty by the way, he lugs them to the ale-hour.' And now what think'?, flys he ? Are not there whigs (with a ?x to 'era) predous rafcal5, to run down fuch a fine place ns ours is ? Ay, to be zure, quoth ?,b -- Fine Plezce! ? Udzooks, I believe 'tis the huge? varfity fine. Lawd, Lawd, Dick, what ?.ali's zay to our Kate,for leaving her at whome ? Hundreds of there admirers has our alma m?ter prorated herfdf by her fine gown and petticoat; lover% who knew no more of her,good or bad qualities, than poor Hob did of the Dorick or Co- rinthia? ordm when he was gaping at h? build- iago. ! ?m, I thank heaven, a5 zealous ?or the honour o5 my counny as any man living. But whcn I hear ?t exto!?d for what I am fitisfied is not n?e, i am as r?dy to give up the wrong notion, ? the igno[m[ ?e ?eedy t9 embrace, md rate to retain ?t. Now to perfi? in it, as mofr ?eopte do, el,at ours is the moo loyal and rned univerfity in the world, purely, bccaufe it hath eke flatdicfi fi?-ricks, is jufi as if one argue, tna? ??K?g of spare is the fmcere? Pro- e;;,?nt in Cor?:en,?om, becaufe the Efiurml is the ?'gefl pabco m Europe. Oxfird, I prefume, might with more ju?ice be celebrated for the conRant reftdunce of its profeWors for their affiduity, affability, communicative tcm- tchoo,s. Furs, and daily le?mes in their refFe&ive ' But as t?t would ? earring on a new fubje& mu? refer it to another pper, and ig the mean time once more fubf?ibe my fell Sir, Yours, De. Jeroboam StaMfa?t.

c ?erv?e. Filh?s? T E R R_,E-F !L IU S. N O XLV I?lacari neq?eunt, nifi haurkndum fanguinera la. m?ndaque ?'tfiera ?oflra t?r?buerimtt$. Liv. To t?e .,4utbcr of T E ? R ?.F z r. ? u s. N E part of the hiltory of' my life fills properiy under your cogniGnce? and as it is the fit'f}, arid perhaps the laf? trou- ble I fhall ever give you, I hope you will nor refu�e me a place in your paper. About five )'ears ago I was cle&ed from a publf& fchool in Lo N r,o,? to a certain college in 0 v o n ?; o1: which, according to the foundation of it, after a probation of three years, I was to be ad- mitted a?Iualfe?om; but you will find in' the quel of my care, that I was fo unfortunate as to be, or ctteemed to be, {b fingutar and m'..exarnpled in condu&, that I am the only Ferfon fox' the�e man? years,

�Terr,e-Filiu., N o '-x year?, who has forfeited his fdlo?fi,,;pJ for male-be. haviGur. It happen'd unluckily, that i was ele?qect at a time- when the northtrn feball!on was not quite extin.. guifl'.ed, ard when the pailions of all people were imqamed on one fide or the other 5 I was one of thole unfledg'd politicians, who thought my feif obliged, in this turbulent conjun?ure, to mike an oFen confeffion of my political faith; and to exert my (i:2?; as confcience. forfooth, mifguided me, in the defenceof my King and Country. My zealupon this occ',?ion wa? tb firaug u?on me, that w hiltt I continued at fchool, inflead if getting my leflisn. I us'd to hold fiequent dit?utes with feterat of my difa?%&cd �chool-fcllows, upon liberty and Fo?rty, and the prote.[tantfucc?iall which'! thought glo- rious topicks in thot? days: I was alfo a great miter of the Flying-pofi, and read multitudes ofpam- l:hlets. which were publifhed on the whi?gifh lide by which means I became tb confidetable a dieu- taut, that I thought my �dfa march for any cobire in the kingdom. Warm with,this fanatical zeal, ! went to O.x/'ord; md to a co}!ege the molt remarkable in o,:fml for as vint=,t-a zeal on t? contrary fide: this I was loon convinc'd ofi for I had not been there an hour, before King y?s the Tl.i?d, the Duke of m y Lord Bolingbroke, M.?r, and fev._q'ai other fuch-tike healths, together with co?,[5?7on to tke ufurper, (men- tionin?: hi, name) and a]iteedyrefioration to the right- ful t'eir. were propoffal in a laree comeam,, and lid.currently round the tab,e. When they came to my turn, I declined them, and deftred to be excus'd, alkdgin g, that as i was obliged in a ?O'rt time to ,?b. jure the. Pretender in ?he molt roleran manner, I could not juttify drinking his health, (much lefs his I%qora- tion) nor the health of any of his rebellious. adhe.- tests i and therefore begg'd lcav. e in his room to drink

N'"xrv, Yerre. Filius. drink' King GroRGv.: But I w?s told roundly, that it ?vas. an a?nt to the corn?any; and that I ought to drink ?vhat roes pro]?os',l to m'e. 'Thi.?, you may be lure, occafion'd a diFpute upon got vaRly the worft of' it in numbers, whatever might do in .,4rgume?t; howeve b if they confuted me, they.did not convert me i nor could they, with all their united 1ogick and lungs, make me believe, that there was no harm in lwcaring to a King whom they thought an' up?rper; nor in ab/uring, in the molt folemn terms, a pertbn, who, in their opinion, was po/l'efs'd of all the l?ight that God could invefl: him with. Thek di�?utes were renewed aimoft every night with more he?t and violence on both tides, and ex- torted ,?rorn me (in-?the fineere, indignation of my heart agaiaf[ fuch principles anti fuch prac"tices) veral warm exprel?fions, which render'd me obnoxi- ous to the gre?ter pa?t of the c?tlege, and particu- larly to the �refide?t and l>,?iov fellor?s. ! was in their language a turbulent, contumaci? ous, uogover,;able wretch, an undutiful fen of the univertityi in my own confcience an hone3 lad, a detefter o? perjury, and an unfeigned lover of King Gu_o?_ and the pr?teftant Not long at?er this,. the' fame)us centreretry tween the Bifi?op of Bangor, Dr. $nape? and others, broke out; in which,, from the beginning, I unhap- pily embark'd my fell, and with great freedom, from ume to t?me, &der d m} �entm?ents o� there matter?, which I thought to he the fcntiments of every conill'rent Protefla?t, and o� every [b?ble m? in the world. This engaged me in other difputes, with fryetel orthodc?x perfens, about Religion and the Chtarch; in. which I fired. iuft like the reft of my brethren, who defended the BtfiJop, gaining. thereby a great deal of ill-will, and a g?eat deal ol? ?a?m.ny i I.was before rut&lent, connamacious, , but; i

o�err,e-�illns. N � but nov; I was an _,/ria?, an .rnfiJd, or an nay, rome went fo f? as to call me a t?i?n. I was tefide? a member o[ the Confiitutlon-ch?a, =rid fatFOed to N the author of ?veral po,mt, and p?m?hl?ts, conrair. ing bitter refie&ions upon the e,'eri7, the u?iveOies, and the proton&r, which ?&g?avated the malignity of my chataBet, and pro- ca?d to me the htal refentments of my who now g?ve me over, as a confirm'd Reprobate, of whom they had no hopes. In this odd, unN]itick manner, did I condu? my fclg durin? the three years of my probation end tho' the ?3ad of the college was fo kind fiequently to admoni? me of the &rigor of m 7 ?ay$, and conjure me, with a tatEerly a?&ion, turn from them, and lizei yet I was tb muchblinded with cat?. co?fiie?:ce? and I know not what, that i fi:!l continu'd in oFn robeson again? the u?i. ?'e?t7 and the church, by adhering to king George ? the pr?teflant reb?ion. Mm?tation tb=efore wa? jMg'd by ?me t?em to be the only method- that could be ufed wi? fo derpotato a malady; but as all furgeons wi? not ?me into fuch feve{ o.?ations, where tEere is not the utmo? ncce?ty, it. ?as not with- out rome artifice that the Fr?&?t ?rried his point 1o well aa he did, which was not fo well as he would have done it i for tho' out of fourteen he pre,'ailed upon ten to vote a?in? me (which ma;ority enough m conference)).or he would ling?y have exclud? me, neroroe contrad?ceme, to Bia:t my reputafio, entirely i and with that intent We it'out long ?fo?e ?e day of tri? came, that ?ould let a mark upon every one w? woted ! do not, dear Tz?Y, f?d you this account in ?rd? to raffe yo? compa?oa tow=ds me$

Ngxtv. Terr.Filhss. 8 9. haps I do not ddirve it; fi?r i have t?en fo much of the world now, that I make it a doubt whe- thera man ought to be pitied for fuffering in de- fence of an?, p?rtv ?ha?ez'er. At lea?,'m y zeal in thole matters is fo much abated titace that time, that I fl?oul? have, long ago, forgiven and forgot all the hard ufige I ex?rien- ced upon Party accounts, had I only (who ought only) experienc'd it i but you (ee, that ?ur gentle? men, by fl?ewing too much candour for me, were marked out for ven?e,?nce and per?cution? nor did the tyrannical Pre/'?t Farely threat? to ?igma- tize there men, b',t has already fulfilt'd his fevere? promi?s with the fubverfion of a?cient curiores, and the violation of po;7tive One of there gentlemen having lon? ago uifl?'d himfel? b the fame ?;nc{pleg which ff?oufed, he ,armor fuffer mn?e for voting for me, than he did before upon the time account: but the. care oe the ether three is very remarkable, the? be- ing all at that time in the fayour of the Preffde?, of different opinions from me, and by their vrm- ciples Oecording to the common cuffore of world) rather prejudie'd again? me than for me: but they a?ed according to Confiio?ce, ?nd not accor- ding to Parqi they might perhaps judge too fa- yourably of me i but they judged according to the ?e? of their knowled?e? they would not their aff?ance to my ruin, for not agreeing with them in matters of f?ccula?ion and indifference nor would they believe what every ma!iciou? ? tongue reported again? me =,itkent It is worth mentioning that one of the? tbrev (thus unprejudiced in my fayour) was Dean of the college for mo? part, and efpecially the latter part of the term of my probation; that his o?ce made- him the be? 'udge Of my behaviour, how I had perform? thd and exerc?s, obferved the prayers. ' and

9o, Terrat. Filius. N � v, Im(l ?ther ru?e$ of the college; all which he de- dared I had done regularly, and without exception. B::t all this did ,'rot �atidy the reven�l prefi- elect, and tile abandoned proftirutes, his creature.'-; they thought it refle&ed upon them that I had fo good a tettimony on my fide, and were refol. red to revenge themfelves on thoik per�ons? who? in fome meafure, jufiified my charaCter, though they could not preferve my fello?,fl?ip. Within half a year after my exclulion, one of the belt livid6 which belon s to that colle e, dropt, g . g and according to 19niority, which ul?d to be the' ru!e in there cai?%'de�cen'ded to one of' there o_entle- rnen? but to {he?t that they were refolvecl t? keep, their word, they ?ave it to a reputed ?ohig (who tl?d not appear for me) r?ther than to hem; fo ?m placable is the malice of thef.e men, that to grati- fy i?, they will 1tick at nothing, not even the pre- letting of a Wi/g to a Tory. Tk, e other ?vo have been both refui?d the tefli- rnardum o? the college to recommend them for holy ord?r?, though they deferve it infinitely' more than multitude? (whom I could name)to whom they have lately granted it; indeed they refuth it to no b_.ody (though ever fo ignorant or immoral) who idolizes tkem; one of there gentlemen has fince obtained it, but the other is 1till deprived of it, and ih/fi:rs, beEdes, fevetal oppreflions of amther' nature. It is, Sir, in defence of th-.�e tinhappy gentleme., and to expo�e fuch arbitrary and inhuman mea- fures as h_a,_ve been taken again.q: them, that I give you this tr, ouSle; you will eafily t?e the hardfldt? o� their care, and dittinguifl? txtween me ((vho perhap? may ?e guilty of every thing laid to my clmrge) ?nd ;hqe who voted ?'or me, Cupporing me to be i,? CC ft?t c Whcre-

?N '� Terre. Filius. Where is the freedom of luffrages in this, or in. any other care, if pcrfons are to be brow-beaten.. by a tyrant, and told, Vote j?, if you darer I'll a ?.at k upon you, a?d talte care that you ]hall haw 50 livings, nor offices, nor pupils, nor tefiimoniums m ?r college i' Du have liberty, gentlemen, to vote m you pieaft; but look to it, I h?z.e the t?ovoer in my. hands, and ;roe be to him that dares to dif. oblig, me. This is a negative voice with a wimefsi for any !feud of a college, who has poffefFed himfell of this power, by corrupting to his own purpofis a majo- rity of the fallows, (in cotlege? where all the are upon an ?uality) or-a majoriiy of the 13nior .fdL,:v$, (in cotle?, where the adminiltration is lodg'd m their hands) is the moll .arbitrary tyrant upon earth i he bribe? one part of his fdb=ot in order to domineer over the reit, who mutt either rubmir to. I?. oppre?'d in this manner, or to be expelI'd, and. give place to thof'e that willi he care? not what does, to indttlge his pride or refentment, becauti: he knows he can do any thing with impunity, and. generally without cen�ure; t-'hr if any body com- plains of his tyrannical a&ions, to that it reache? his ears, he will make him, as the flying. is, co,n- plain for fome. parpole. This, Sir, is the care of the perfon, ct}'whom I have been �peakingi he. always keeps a majority of votes under his Kirdle i ant[ by that means com- mits all the a&s.of'?'iolence, fi'au'd,tyranny,and op- preltlon, that either hi? pride or his malice can infpJre. In the !0re/?nt initante four gentlemen are mark'd out to fall his timrice, for giving one diibbliging vote l fevcral others, who had no votes, have been. for�'d 'to bre?k .off old friendfhips, or conceal them ? To mention my name is a crime; but to write to me, or be in my company, is c??it. ali nay, it has

Teme-Filius. N o' xv. been required of one pcrfon, as a tef?, before he cou;d o?,taia his D?uEr., to dectare that he abhorr'd m? Ferfen m well as my principles. ' I am the ]ct? o;nce, n'd about this, becau{e I am ?,fo?m'd f?om h,ttory, that the time un'elenting, &m:-lifl3i?g �pirit reigns in all mo?kifh locieries, at. el becaufe it ?s a never:lafim= obfer?'ation, That as free as $riefls of_ thi, i?rt ?re in firgiving fins tomrot?ted agamfi other t?eo#e, the' nezer j$rgive any . 7 injuries nor e?o?ts u?on themfilves. I am, 2'our hearly friend and veell-roi?er?

N ?. xr?r. Terr,e ?,?uus. 9 ? TERR?-FILIUS. N O XLVI. In Cute curands ?lu$ a?ttw o?erata 7uvent#s, Hot. SATURDA�?, 7/'?/?g 2,2. A V'IN G fpokea pretty fredy in a former paFer or two, of Oxvour? man- ners, I find that I have given great of- fence to a large body offine gent!crees there, call'd S?,tuTS S one of whom re?nmands me in the following letter lately re- ceived, which is valuable t?r tkveral exprcffions, which I ha?'e ordered to be printed in a different: chars&vt. To Tt?Rm-Fl L?Us. Mr. Prate-space. you h.a'?e latcl? ?o?jo?,ed the t?.tblick, ?.otbbtg is more ]?a?:d?lour andjaucy than your charging our univerfity ?ith the ?vant ?;f civility a?,d good man�ets. Let me tell you, $tr, for all your b?ve ? wclI-brcd, accompliflVd gentlemen in Ox- FORD?

O4 7'erre-FiIius. N �oan, as any There i? Chriftendom? men that &eft as well, ?ng as Tell, dance as well, and behave every ref?ec? as well, though I fay it, as any men 'der the fun. l'ou are the firfi audacious Wit-wou'd that vt.er called Oxvoun a boorifh, uncivilly'dilate .?/nd, alerome, &?,you ought to ae ?ors'd out of all good company for in impudent ?raggi? Jackanapes: Oxvou? a boorifl? lace ! ? poor wretch ! I am orr for thy ignorance. Who wears fine, lace, or bett. er linnen than Jack F/utter? who has handj$mer t?e- wigs, or more fafhionable cloaths, or cuts a bolder bofh than Tom Paroquet? where can you find a more handy man at a Tea. Table tha? Robin Tattle Or, without 2.anity I may fay it, one that plays bet- ter at Ombre than him, who fuafcriaes himf dr a? ratroy to all fuch pim? as thou Valentine Frippery That my Readers may judge the better of Mr. Ieripper),�tter, I will 'gi?e them a'fhore .de�crip- tion of the man himfelL He is a S?m'r of the 'fn'fl rank, and i? one of thot% who come, in their academical undrefi every morning between ten and �dvt. en to Lyne's coffee-houfe ? after whi,h takes a turn or two upon the Park, or under Me,ton-g/all, whiI? the dull Regulars ate at dinner in their hall, according to flatute5 ab. out one he dines alone in his chamber upon a boL1'd chicken, or rome petti- tores5 after which he allows himfell on hour at leaft to drefa in, to make his afternoon appearance at L)?e's' dom whence he adjourns to Hamiltod? abotitfi?'?; from whence (after ?uting about the room for a while, and &inking a dranv o! citron) he goes to chapel, to fhew how genreely he &eft.es, and how well he can chaunt. Afier prayers he drinks Tea with rome celebrated Toafl, and th?n ?taits ul?on her to Maudlin Grove? or �aradifi-Ga?-

N�Terr.Filius. &?, and back again. He ?ldom eats any and never reads any thing but ?oveb and When he w?!ks the ?reet, he is eafily diflingui?- ed by a ?ifffilkgovn, which ru?le? in the wind, as he ?rut.? along; a flaxen tie-rig, or fometimesa long natural one, which reaches down below his rump? a broad bu?-cocle'd h?t, or a [quare cap o? abov? twice the ufuaI fize? ?hite flockings, thin 8pan? lea- ther hoes; his doaths }in'd with tawdry fiIk, and hi? ?irt ruffed down the bofom as well as at the ?v?s. Betides all which marks, he has a delicate jaunt in his gait, and tinelis very ph?l?,phic,lIy of elTonco. This is a tr?e &fcription of my cormfpon&nt and I leave the reader to judge, whether this is pro- perly good breeding, or ridiculous grimace, and in- conliflent co?ege ?p er There is I agree with . ? y. not, ?. Frqbe?, a deficiency of this fort of politen? Oxv?i out a man, in my opinion, may be iIl-manner'd under a filk govn, and do very uncivil ?hings, though he wears la?n ruffes., f-or inflance, why may not one of there ?e?liare? ,I fparks damn all rangers, or knock them ?o?n, (provided he has a mob to defend lfim,) as well as a ragged fe[vitor '?ver the better'bred Dr being better clad ? Or good manners eonfi? in tOs or filk fiockin?s l? That a gay fuit of doaths often hides a bad skm. and that altght ?ig lets off a dirty countenance. I am well ?ough convinced i ?t that they can hide too a Otude of ru&n 0 and i? manne.. or atone for �m. is what I never yet read either in hob true. or rb bane hil�oPky I ?ould not. formy part. pp p . . . like a kith of the bre?eh e?er the better for hawng from a red-topt ?oei nor do I think that a bro}e? head world ?mart the lets, tho' it wee to be wi?h a clouded can?.

96 Terr, e-Filis. N �. I know it is .?n bard thin to make any of my g wary readers balieve that Beaux can be .quarmfomci ?but I can affure them, upon the word and honour of an Engtifl? autl:or, that five or ]ix years ago, rome twenty or thirty of theti? Oxford froarts did ac"tually frighten tl, ree or four poor-fpi?ited foreigners, and kick a t?resbyterian /?a5o? out o? a coffee-houte. My e,?r h?ends thef marts have another very fcurvy trick. Would they be content to be fopptfh and igno- rant thernteives, (which t;:ems to be their tolcliudy and ambition) I could fieely forgive them ? but they cannot forbear laughing at every body, that obeys the flatutes, ancl differs from them i o? (as my cor- ref?onded expreffes it, in the proper diale? of the place) th:t does not cut as bola a bofh as they do. They have fi:?iy, for the molt part, very good a?5?ra?oc?i but when they walk together in bodies, as tl?,ey often do,) how impregnable are their forheads .? They point at every foul they meet, laugh very loud, and whitper as loud as th? hugh. iemme, Jack, there goe? a prig' Let us blow the pulp/up.? Upon which, they fhre him full in the rice, turn him from the wall he paffe; by, and let up an hoO.iaugb , which puts the plain, ravo ?o;'ice oat of countenance, and occa- lions great triumph amongtt there tarodry dq}e. y ?l ?toe $ . There is, I coy. leO. one thing in which theafore- fiidgorvnme? are very courtly and ?ell-br'ed; I meau lvaymg their deists' for you are not to fippote they wea?. :il th!s rich drayery at their o'?vn �ro?cr co?s and ct:argcs i all t?eSx?^?xs in Oxvo? a? e no,'. kioblemei.-', and Gcntleme?-co,n,?o,,er:,, but cb, iefly tvno cannot at3o?d to be t?-,u? =ny !o?:�than their me cers. taylor., J]2oe ma3er:, and pe?ri?ig-mal:er$ will tt�k with ekere; which, wow and ?en ia? three or four years i after

N XLV. Terr,e. Filiss. they ?ufh off', and return, likemeteors, into thefam? &lcurity from whence they afore. I have ob?rved a great many of the? tr?fitor? ?opling?, who came to the univerfit7 with their thers ru? , old country farmers) xn hnfey-,vo?fe ( y . coat,, greafy fun-burnt heads of hair, cloutcd fl?oe?, ?arn ?ockings, Sapping hats, with filv? hat-band? ?nd long muffin neckcloths run with red at the bottom. A month or two afterwards I have met them with ?ob-?ig? 'and ne? 3oes, Ox?rd-cut ? a monfi or two more after this, they appeared in dr? et cloaths and ?or ed florkings ? then in t e- rigs and rt?es? and then m fi(k go?m ? till by degrees they were metamorphofid into cornpleat S?t?axs, and damn'd the old country putts, their fithers, with twenty foppi? airs and eflicu]ations. g T?o or th?ee years afterwards, I have met ? the time perfons in gowns and ca?cks, walking with demur: l?k? and an holy leer ? lb mfy (as a learned divine Bid upon a,?nite d?e?ent a?afi?n) i? the tranfition from dancing to ?reaching, and from the green to the pulpit ? To conclude, Oxroa? daily increa?s in fine cloaths and fine buildings ? never were ?rick-layer6 t?rpenters? taylor6 and ?er?ivig-makers ?tter in- cou3a?ed there ? every day difcovers a new or a ?ew flone-?all. find 'if you will ?ill ask whether gaod manners and karmhg increafe pro- portionably, I have a very good anfwer to give )'ou--?on omni? p?umm orenet. /L In imitation of the learned Dr. Yiddes, thor of the apolcgy for the Duke of Bud:ing- k, amfljire's epitaph, in anf'.ver to a fre?-thinker, Terro:.Filim thinks fit to declare, that he wrote the letter from Valentine Zr??ery himt?!f, in order to introduce his thougtits upon this fub- je& the better. VOL. !l. F T E R 1?.?-

7'err, e-F)lius. TERR-FILIU$. N �II. ?eglet?i? urenda filix innaritur agri$. '?rE D N E 5 DAY, 7tJ?'/e 2.(?. Defign in this Paper, according to a for- mer promWe, to Fre�ent the Reader with a timple of the ttatutes of the univer. fity of Oxvonr?, with rome remark; upon them, and how they are obferved. The firfi (a) flatnee relates to term? and .-?tion?, appointing when they fhai1 begin, and wlx,r. ?ncl; it alfo appoints publide Prayers at St. and a latin ?rmon at the beg!nning of every term: all which are tolerably ob]?rv d. As is likewifi: the (b) prona, which relate? to matriculation, the 1%s, ,remonie$, and ?onditicm thereof. Ti?ere is a (?) ttatnte which requires all'fcholars to be admitted into rome rolhg, or halli and forbids them to board or lodge in any private ho 0 (with- out the fpecial leave of the chancellor or vice-ch.?n- cellor) under the penalty, that whiltt"they ?alI fo ?vard or lodge, they {hall not enjoy the privileges the Tit. Z. $eO, ?, (0 Tit. $��t. 0, (0 Tit. I?

N o 7'err,.Filius. ' 99 the univer/Y? ? and the, if they gro? contuma- cious, they fl2aI?be ?mpri)ned or 3anifl?e 4 at the dif- cretion of th? chancellor or vice-chance?or. Indeed I never knew any fcholar board ae a z?te hou? but I ?ave known them to lodge in private hau?, without richer the vhan?elior or vice. }banee?or's leave; nor did I ever hear of any l.?r's being impri)n?g or ba?ffh'd, or orherwifi nixed upon that account. The time (d) ?atute appoinrz what tore of per- fons the Tutor? fl?ould be? and ordains, that no per- ?bn ?all be a Tutor, who ha? not taken a degree in tome faculty, and is not (in the judgment of the Head of the college or ha? to which he belongs) n?an of ap?roved Iearni?Jg, ?robicy, and decere rejt- I am a?aid all the Tutors .in Oxvo? cannot ?and this ted 3 but a? the Head may pkad, that they were mi akin in their 'udgment, I cannot charge ? . .I . . . them with m a&al wolat?on o? th?s ?atute. Next to there fucc?ds a numar of (e) ?tutes concerning the ?zbli?k Le?,rt? in all ficultles3 ap-

,ointin with the utmo?exa?nefi, ?h?re they

?d, ?hen ?he fl?all read, ,h?t they ?all read, �y riley ?all read? and to ?hom they ?all read. allthere (as I have frequently obferved) arealmo? totally negle&ed; out oftven? publickle?ures, not tb0ve thre? or four being obferved at all, and they not fiatutably obfirved ? for the auditor?, ? ho long to theftme college with the le?ure?' in any ficul- ?y, do not wait upon him to the ?hool, where reads, andMck again, as they ought todo? Jr, that not one in tm goes to he? there nor do ?ey (who do attend) take d?n ?hat th F z (4) $?0;; :?. (,) Tit.?IV: Se?,, ? a? 21, q? O',?

.Teme-Filius. N �ear in varlting i neither do they (i believe) diliger, 0 read over the fame author at k?ome, vabich the 'Nick ?ofeffor w:derto?k to explain; nor are tons punifl?'d (as the fiatutes require) for any xhffe omitohS. After 'there follows mother long train gbout thking of Dtgree?, which in my papm on that [ubie?, and upon d?p?tatiom, I hare pro. ve? to ? equa?y negle&ed or ?nfigmficant. I ? therefore to the (f) fiatute, which ordain a publick a? to be kept every year. This is nov; in a m?ner quite worn o?ti for, of late, tl?e:e 'has not b? a publick .? above once in ten -?elve y?si and then only upon extraordinary' occafions, fuch as a Rff?oration, or rome of the Churrh; the Ia? that we had was upon th: ?!orious Peace in ? 71 z. an ?rx which the u?iver- j??j Dons were refolved to commemorate, even ?e ex?nce of obfer?'ing their flatutes. But they would not, however, be too pun&?l in ?rtorming their duty i and therefore ?opt -mouth of Werra-Filius (who is a ?atutable ornter ? tNs ?olemnity) having intelligmce that he de. 'iiD'd to utter iomething in derogation of the re. v=end ?. Vite-&?nte?or. To con?efs the ?uth, there is ?e (g) '}nfitle& a ftatute to &?prO Oa&m? i? the ,i3s ?e?rm'd at thq times. Which is rigidly 9?' terv'd. v?y few of m ?eceffors having . . YP . ?e8 expulfion upon thffe occafions; for ?t '?'?ed by this ?tute, that'i? any peffon ?all re- 'vile t? G?vemmtnt of the u?ive?q, or any w?te man't rqutatio?, with rOr?fhes,flo?, sented iefis, ?r o?q d?covtr an anclinafion 4 .ing it, 'l?e_am? be con, ened be?re th? vice-chansei' , I0r,

N ,�rx-Filiuso:. tot, as a difi, rber o] e the public} peace, and be pu.,- ni.[h'd as he .[hall think fit, r?ith imprilonmcnh pub-- l?c?: recantation, or expulfion. From hence let the Reader judge, what a dange- r?us poll ours is, tho' truth is never fo plainly on-, our fide. The next thtute I hall mention, is that which �.?joins the hebdomadal meeting of the ttead? of' r:?Jege? and halls, by which, "They are obliged "to a?mb!e together at forne fixed plac. e, every "Monday thro. aghout the year in vacation.time "as well as m term-time, to confult the wcI- "fire of the univerfity, and to enquire/vhether "the!tatutes av.d cuftoms of it are regularly oh- "�erved." I am afraid my friends the fculIs do not obferve this l!atute �o well as they ough.r, though it was recommended to them by that p?- ous prince (for wl?om we ought to retain fo great a veneration).King Charles the firfL � The (h) fiatgte concerning f_cholaflick Habits injoin? � all per�on? (except the forts of Lords who have rote.? inparliament) to wear doaths of a blackor dark brown colour, and to a?:oid ?rery thing that flyours of pride or luxury? part?cu!arly it forbids them to.?ar the? hair too long, or to curl it. I leave it to thole fmart? gentlemen, who frequent Lyne's co?e-hou{? in fill,-' gowns, tie.?,igs, hat?, and ruffles, (as mentioned in., my lad) whether this ttatute is duly obferved. We come now to the-(/) lhtute concerning the ref?.?c?t ?hich juniors are to fl, ero to the/dniorsi ac- cording to which every undergraduate is bound to tny all becoming deference to a b?trhelor of as by ,givieg him the ?Dper place, a, hen they happe..n. to .be in compa? together i by going out of the ?rhet? he meets t?tm ir, the fireet ? by pulling off' hi? cap F 5 (*) Tk; XIV. S�?. ?, (?) Tit. XV. Se?, z,

I02? Terr,e.Fitius. N xr at a due difiance, a? falutSng him very in hke manner a batchclot of artt is to re?pe& resfief of arts, and a m4er ?f srts'a do?or. This ?atute is ?ill obfirved by umlergraduate? w?rds the do?ors and mafier-fe?o?s of their own cdteges; but in the univerfity it is flmo? totall 7 ?fufed. There is alb a (k) ?atute that no fibular (efpe- ci,a!tr the juniors and u,dergrMu.?teO fl?a? ialeff about the city or fuburbs, nor ?e fien in flreets, n?r in the publick m?ket, nor at a war Czrfax, cared Penn[eft Bench, nor in the of dry townfm? ?r mechanicks. But if this fid- cute was ob?rv?, I &fire to know how it comes to ? that there i$ fuch a numerous body of men ? oxvouu, ca?ed Lingerers ?d Loungers. Thee is another (I) ?tute that nofiholar& what- ?ever ?l be pre?nt at the tiffam or a?es, either of the ci? or coun; which is as much fiegle?cd as ?y oI ?e re?; though I cannot ?e any great hrm in it, only that it is brnch of a fidcute. Thee are alfo (m) fiatute? to prohibit all fcho? k$? of what kind or degree f?ver, from frequent hg t,?men'? houfe: by day or by night $ an3 p?r- fi?ly ?om fiequenting any ekns, eoo?s-fl?a ?ms, or other pubhck houf? wlthm the umverfi- ty, or the predn&s thereo? in which wine, or any other liquor, or tobacco. is commonly fold, d& very ?vere ?naltics, cf?chlly if the perfun offending is a TuToR. I am at alofs to detem?ne whether the ob?rva- tion of there flatute$ is more negle?cd than they axe unr?fomble ? but this I can fly, that lithey are goo? (?) Tit. X�. $e&. (.') Tk, XV, $�&. ?. Tit,

gootl ftatutes, the young men are not the grate?' 0fi?nfiers herein. ?he laa (n) I?atute I ?all mention, and ?he bea of the whole cargoe, is that again? prohi- bi?d Gz?s? part of which I beg l?ve to quote in the very words. It ?gins in this ?dable manner: Statutum eft, uod thdar?s, cujufcun ue confii? tton?s, abfiineant ab omnt lufm gentre, ?ccunia concertatur, veluti a lufu talorum, & chartarum pi?arum, net n?n a lufu globorum tn privatis oppid,?,?o,.um areia, hortifqu? ; nec h?q?f. madi pablictx tucibm, per aatuta regni prohibith, terrier. In Engli?thus: It i? decreed that a? fchotars, of wh?tfoever con- - &ion, 3nil abfiai? from ? )rta of Game,, ?hich � are ?laf d)r Money, as Dic, and Cards b'om Bowls in the private bowling-greens or gardens 3 a? town men5 nor ?a? the be ?refint at any uch game?, a? are proh?b:td by th? lsws of the land. Such a ?atute as thi? ?ews the winore. of authors, ju?lt concluded, thae the' tol&radon of Gaming world be of the ut?o? ill eonrequence ' in a fimin?/of l?rning; tha? ?t wou?fi.mcourage the yaung ?en not only to mifpeM the? time, and: neele& the:r ?udies, but to fquander away their m0?ney, and pe?nps ?in themfelves? migh?(tho' fuch a thing is very ?likely) intice Come 0f the old ones to embezzle the publick money of the univ?fity, which is intruf?ed in their hands,. to ,gratify this def?ru&ive appetite. To fay that co?.l?:ience, or honour, or common honefly would reftrain them, is nonfenCe; .nothing can reftrain a thorough.bred Gametier; all ties and obligations give way to this agreeable itch of the elbo:?. F ,? Thi? (?) Tit. XV. $?&. 7'

Terve-Flius. N �his therefore is an excellent ftatute, I wifl? I could fly that it was tolerably obferved 5 for of In:,: years tl?e tp:r:t of Gaming has no where preva:k.a more than in o?)'grd, and (what is more remark:. ble) amongft tl,efiniors of the univerfity. I cannot indeed fly that the univetfity has had very gre.?t !offes upon this account, becaufc I do not hear tint ?e complains. But if Gaming had no other fii ccnfequcnces than the fetting of a bad example to the youth there, it ought for that reafon only to bc reftrained; for according to the poet, $i d?.mnofa �enem jurat alta, ludit e3 k?e.? 13ullatus, parvogue eMem novat arma fritillo. The fame ttatute prohit;its them nifo from hun- ting deers? hares, or ionits, with dogs of any ferrets, nets, or toils; and from carrying gm:s ,or ero?3-bows, or ufinv hawks ? which is nifo frequent,y vi(?htecl; but thi?' does not give me half fo much die? uneafine? as the 13ox and ? for what fignifi�s a little t?oachi?, or the robbing of an hm.roofl now and then, to the infinite e?til$ which. Gaming is teen every day to produce ? To, conclude5 if any one will give, himfell the troub:e to look into ferjeant lVl?I.t.�us s account of' Camtutu?-, he will find, that the fame negle& of ?atutes is co.mphine? of there, and that the fame Rq?rmation ?s wifl?'d for by all impartial judge.-', ?nd true lovers of learning. TER-

Terre-Filiu. TERR-FILIUS. N o XLVIIL_,. ?t tropius fp. ettu lacrymofi ?oemata Pu?pi. Hot, Sar uu?a?', june ?9.? To. Ta ?t a zz-F z z. z u ?, SIR? ? my ]ait I gave you, from the eond? ' ? fion of, his LeSures, a fpecimen of ML {?[ I ?1 Tr--p s polite latin, and great skill in Gore liments. Give me leave from fom? ? ?aW?es.in his?bra.mule, to furni? yon . with a few inaan?s of kis excellent Judgment ?oetry. From above five hundred blunders in that a lauded tra ed , I ?all p?ck out. three or-four PP ? Y. . the moa egregious, and take the hberty to ma? my remark? upon them. In the fir? place then? The grand Seignior is fuppofed in the play to hay, Io? ?u?a, and ?t part of his richea territorito..-. Thi, ?amefulcampaign being over? Fyrrhus, hi; Vi, ?, returns to Co?fiantinoplei where at fir?. he ia little brow-beaten i but upon his produeing a pa?r:. N hia juStcation, figa'd by the chief o?c=s of.hi,

Teme-FiIhg. army, (which if a foul of them had rcfugd to have ti?t his hand t% he had keen ttrangled on the fpot: upon this forty proof of' his innocence, ! fly) that fcol his mailer forgives him, embraces him hearti!y, and 1truts off the ltage with this prepolterous rant,

Whi/. P rrhus ?ines in arms,

, wide domiuionJ ?all the world o er-run, ?d my ?ale Cret&nt brighten to a Sun. Fain would I be inform'd by anymuffulman alive ,'except the mu{}i, whole word I won't take for a [:rat5 tin'thing} whether this be really their Iogick in the feragao. Th?s General of mine, quoth the ful- tap., could not five me a tingle town i ergo, he'll be fare to conquer me the whole world. He is not to ?e.?t a Rogue as he was reprefented to bej ergo, 11 make me a great, great Emperor. My wide dominions ]hall the =orld o'er. run, ?nd my Faie crefcent brighten to a �un. To underil-.,.nd this un in heroicks, (for Bays himfeLl never made a better) you muff call to mind that a balf-moo?J is the Turki.3 arms. hay carry that along w?th you, and let us lay the fcene in Irelsnd; which5 you know, keats for arm? an harp. Suppole then that Rod?rirk O-conner, or any other of its petty l?rinc% hrd once upon a time made himfell ?afler of the whole idarid. Shortly after the ?gli]h in. vade it, overthrow his genera131ac-�helim, and force thisttibendan monarch to keep his court knee deep in a bog. Thither goesblae-Phelim, findshis prince a liule ,4it?mnt!t.d, and in order to pacif? him, peals to his own officers whether he had been gui:ty tf the teatt mircarriage. By my oul, no! fwears his lieutenant. I am glad on't with all my heart, ,r?'ies hi?.ma?e.? i �o they buff, and are friends, and then

N �rri-Filim. thea a fix for tl?e ?orld, boy?; we'll o'er-run it all; and moreover---- buy our fdves a ne? rout of arms. For fince m. Phelim ?;uckles on his fw.o,'d, I'll make t? world acknowledge me tts lord, ,And turn my' Harp into a Harpficord. t?xit Roderick O-Conner cure But the end of this a&-is admi/able good lqnp? and rublime, in com?arifon of the end of the third, I'yrrhus is like to loft a mi?tre�s that he thought him�elf'cock-�ure of: upon this he hauls in by head and fhoutders a fimiie ttolen from the beginning of Ivlr. Dryden's ,,Ill for love, and barbaroufly murders it by way of t?araphrajL - Mr. Dryden's worcls are there. ilartents a?d prodigies are grovtn j6 pt?i#ent That they have l? their name. O?r fmitf?lNile. ?1ow'd o'er-the wanted fiafin with a t?rent. So nne e?ed, and o wo?drm$ fierce, That the wld delnge ?enook the hafie ? Ev'n of the hi?d: that ?at&'d #: men and beafi? ?re born abo?e tke tots of tree$? that gre? On tb' utm? margin $f the water. mark. Tfien ?it? ? fw?ft an eJb, the flood. dro?e ward:, It i t om uM?neatb the real herd: ?ere monfirom Pho? p?ted on the ?faken Dolphins here ?itb tbew broad Zay la?ing the departing ?aves : hard by St?-morfl?, fio?mlring in the fiimy W?'d up their hea?, a? ?'d tke ?Ze Yhis i, mute it ?, <d bnutifal to the higShe?, ?re. Wr?p'a fecond-brew?d balderda? runs thus.' ?yrrba: tdb you, that h?a-..ho? whi?

Terne.Fiiius. N o to the clouds, have fail'd him all. on a fudden5 and go?s on thus-- Mark the beauty of the language. Pyrr. $o have I heard with equal �bbing prod?ioufiy the fed voit.hdrew, - Mnd quite Sefencdef? left the Italy Zhe Dol?him, ?hicb e ?while ?ith wanton ?rlde, 8?read their broad ?s, a?d lafl/d the tide. Vain? 4ay'd ,a fuck the faithlefi flood, ?th heaving gi?s, ?d tumbled in the mud. find Wh?es, wNch with t?eir trunks the could r?ch, The waves of a man's hopes that carry his wifl?cs ? pick-back to the skies, mull be huge ones--But let that S?_have mY h�s ?hofi ?aves e'erwhile ran o'er, t ,rind to the skies my tow'ring ?oiJ'hes bore, Ren?ed? and !?ft me !?anting on the j'hore. I tNnk you againand ag.ain, m! dear? Mr.t?er- E'erwhile I read your poetry, and I'?vore, � ':r?as fucb damn'drink, I'd never read it mont. Who the devil wo?d, that ever read that cuffedline? .and Whales, that ?vith their trunks the fiars could WMt lilly dogs-are, the folks in (7reenlan,t, to live fix months in the dark, when they might fo eafily help themfelves? Let 'era but procure a large drag- mr, a wide'and might/large one, large enough to catch

N XLVIII. ?'erF,?'..?i?l?$; Ie? catch all ,the Whales about the country, and I']l bet my belt hat to a half-penny, they'll be able to know black from white the whole year round. Never talk to me about-the courfe of the fun, your �oper- nitus's, your lge?vtom's, and your God knows whole fyllems: I tell. yeu, 'tis owing, and entirely owing to the Whales, that there people live fix months i?. obfcurity: were it not for them, I don't know but they might be as bright fellows as we at Oxford. But thole abominable montters keep fiiiing and fpouting about, extinguifl? the ttars, pop-gun with their huge trunks the poor confee!lotions, and turn the milky way into a tick pout. I-Ii,v? il!a tenebro. Hence it is that ne'er a watchman in Greenlaml, o? Nova gembla, can cry--1'aft two a-dock, ?nd g. fi. ar-light morning. atnd??a?les, which ?ith their trunks the fiars coufl The ?aves of. a Grand Vifier's ho?es, .the fins of an EleFhant ? and the. horns of a Salmon, I have al: ready by me:'that new unheard-of curiofity, the t?unk of a Whale, I am promus d by a dutch sktp per againt? next $e?tember. Poor man! I am for- ry he fhould lore his labour i i?ut I am terribly afraid that I/hall be forc'd to return it upon. his hands. If it a/tua!ly reaches to.the fiars,..I don't know how to give it houfe-room; my cabinet being �ome few ttofies lower than the tower of Babel. However now'I think on't, I'll cut it out into muy- poles., ?d furnilh half the village? in llngland with dauca. ng l?olts,

xxo Terrte.ilius. N O X-L To enumerate all the abfurdities in this play, would be e?dlefs ? ! fhall inftance one more, and tb take my' leave of it. I-?ali and CuproB cut one another's throats in a dud, and both die upon the flage. So,man, the new gran,d Seignior, en uiring after them, is thus an- liver d by one of h?s Officers. Offic. Royal Sir, 'Ti12 no? roe fear'd to tell you, that your friends ./Ire ?y each other flain m tingle combat, Contending for the vifier's office. So!ym. Ha ! $.4yJt tinu ? what, ?;n hands ? 'lea, verily! anct a new blunderbuff into the bar- in. No body was by when they fought5 they 'd immediately,.as I hid before ? they had been perle& friends, and expir'd without telling any one how they came to difagree: fo that, for aught this pragmatical officer knew to the contrary, they might ?:?nkk one another about a bottle of fl/erbett, or a et of flrawberries. Hadso,man, initcad of his ha .' ?ohat fay]it th?u ? -- a?k'd him this honeit que- llion. -- Now know'f? thou They dy'd contending for the vifier's office? he muft have been non?lull, or have r?iy'cl: -- May't piefie your m_ajy, The ?rom?ter heard it all? and told m�-fo, Dixir,' in hoc v?bis t? atticare degs#tiam I Is not this /?rofe.?Tkr of ours an old dog at the drama.? Certain]! fo? iafcr?rs in poetfir, and orators m

N �t v ? ? ?. Terr?e-�ilius. ? ? ?: p----t, ?o place can vie wit,h Oxf. or.d; and to come even with this gentleman, Ill pu:lom, as well' as he, from Mr. Dryden, and conclude with this l?rayer: On all their party may this ?;leffiug light, To talk like R.--ny, and like Tr--p to write. I.am? S I R, leour$) ?C, JEROBOAM. TERRJE-FILIU$. N�Xo.

l/it bonus eft ?tuiJ ?

confulta P? ?au?, etui l?ge?, jura?!ue?rvat. tohn', college at Oxford is a foe!ety, r which I have f9 great a.veneratmn, that I take all oppartunities of tran�mit- ting to p. oflcrity every thing that i, cu- rious or memorable concerning it. What I:have at prel?nt to communicate, is the ,a&.?tcr,.wlaich the venerable .?ou!1der of that co!- leg?

Terr,e-Ft7iu. N o XLI? lege, Sir Thomm White,?nt to hisfd/2ws and j%olar,; which is fo full of godly exhortations and fatheft 7

tile&ion, that I think it cannot be a difagreeable

terrainmerit to any of my virtuous readers. ?a Mr. P R E St t? Z? T, the Fellows.and Scholars. of st. Jom? B.?,?.?i?r Cd]ege, in Oxon. Mr. Prdident, with the Fellows a?d Scholars, "1 Have me recommended unto you, even flora " the very bottom of my hea:t, deftring the Ho.'y "?/%q may reft Won you, until the end of the "world ? and deftring ?Imi htv God, that ever ? "one of you may time one another as brethren5 and e You to a??ly ?'our learnin, and fo "I fhall? defir ....... g_ . . ?' doing, God .fl?all give you his hiefling both m tiffs "world, and m the world to come. And iurther- "more, if anyflrife or variance do afire among you, "I?fl?a!l.defire you, for God's love, to pacify it, a? "muchas you may i and thatdoin3g, I put no doubt "but God ]hall ble/i every one of'you. And this "fnan be the laf? letter that ever I write unto you, "and therefore I fnaI1 deftre every one of you to ,? take a copy of it for my fake. No more to you "at this time, but the Lord have you in his keep. ' "ing, until the end of the world. Written the fe- �' yen and twentieth da of ?eanua , One thoufind y ._ ry "five hundred fixty ?ncl fix. I ddire you all to pray "to God for me, that I may encl. my life .with l?Z - ,' fienee, and he may take me to hi? mcface. Ob'? .ff. nno Sstutb ? f66. �t, tat. f?t? ? z. ELIZt, Bl!rlt� rtgni ogtn.o, ? undecimo 8/t FebruariL ? me $i? Tho. ?hite, grit. derman of London, and Foun- der .of st. Joha Bapt. Coil. Oxon.

l? �X. Terre-Fifius. What a truly .primitive and chrittian �pirk is here difcovcr'd ! a.fp?tit worthy of tb d!?ufive and munb. ficent a benefacq:or! Who could more paflionate!y exprefs his concern for the wdfareofmankind, and the honour of God ? The great foul of Sir Thomas.. Wl?ite, who�e memory few dries and co,'poration? in E,xcL,?D ha?,e n?r rome renfon to ble?, breaths in every line, and proclaims the author of it to be a perfon who had devoted the whole tenour of hi? life to piety and good ?orks. I can never read it without a fort of religiomen. thufiafin ? I. fancy my fell thrown back into rome dillant, g91den age, before fraud and eorruptio? were clhb!ifl?ed amon ft men and wl:en the love ofour fellow-creatures, and the hap?inefs o[ potterity pre- vailed over all perfonal gratificatiom. Nei?er can I help being tBfuI?erfi. itiom (if it mull be ca!ld fuperflition) as to believe that the fervent zeal of this righteous man has a very fenfible eff-e&; for I muff impute the preterit flourifljing condition of that college, the brotherly. love which is to be feen.. amonger its?members, thetr great.application to learn- i?g, their hat'red of/?rife and variance, their indultry in peace-making, and above all, their d?ntereiled in- tegrity in the adminittration of ?he college, to his devout prayers, that God would blefi them, and thai; the Holy Ghofi avould reft upon them. Indeed, if there lhould ever ariti? a I'erj3n, who, whiter he enjoys the benefit of this foeiety, fhould have eitlxer the. ?.,:i//to attempt, or the power.to per- petrate -any thing contrary .to the latt dying intreaties of fo good a man, and fo mdutgent a benefactor, no name could be found equal to his guilt, and no pu- nifl?ment fuflici. ent to attone it: he mutt firlt of all, tim up his bowels againer all compaflion, and rub- due the di&ates of eonfcience and honefly; he mutt reje& the hieflag of God, which his founder be- queathed him? and defpife the affiltance of the Ho 0

N�IX, Ghofi i he mutt in?'ol?'e himtill in the Mackeft, ingra. tituric, the highell facrilege and moil: confirm d hard. neff of heart. But as no fuch infamous aba?d?n'd �er?n has yet ari/en, let us firmly hope that fuch a monfler will never ,afire; and it the time time humbly implore Almighty Go 3, that, in his great mercy, he will ei- tker t;affer no xtuch m!.9reams to fpring up among us, or defeat their attempts. We c.?nnot judge how happy the members of St. Jon:,.'s college have a/ways been under their for- mer and pre,�nt Governor?, better than byreviewing the feveral benefactions which they have received tinct the foundation of' their college, and by confidering how faithfully they have been applied. yotm carl, do&or of phyfick, in the year :602. gave one hundred pounds, to buy an Ellate of five Founds per .g. nnum, to be divided between two llu- dent fellows in divinity, who are to be nominated errcry year de net. o, at the difcretion ox* the prudent and the ten fenlot fellows. In the l, ear ? 5'8o, Walter iv/f/s, citizen and Mer- ebunt. Taylor of London, gave an annuity of riven ?ounds, risc ]billings, and eig- ht penve, to be dil[ributed amongit five indigen fchclars in divinity; which is now paid to this college by the company of' Met. ?hant-Taylors, according to the will of the tot. The Lady, Mary May gave five potends a-year, as a /tipend for a theolzgica. ? leglure in this college: but Wood flys that this benefac7ion (without mentioning ho?,) la?s been long tinct loll. Hugh bled�. citizen and Merchant-Taylor of Lon don gave, by ?rill,fifty pounds, to maint"hin onefiho- lar, for e?rer, .,,lnno ? Sir Richard Let, of Kent, derired t?vnty_ fl?illings a-year, for the maintenance of one poor �cholar, ?6?8. Geo?;ge

N?xxx. Terr,e-Filius: I I George I'alyn, citizen of Zon,don, in the year 1609. .,,ave three h?ndred t?oumls, to buy an annuity of fix- teen poun.:ls per annum, for a perpetual exhib?tmn to four poor tcholars in arts, to each four pounds a- year, as long as ?hey continued in college, or until they ?ould take the degree of batthdor in divinity. Whomas Par?dyne, citizen of London, in the yeae i6? 3. gave an exhibition of ten pounds t,er annum to three poor fcholars, (vi?,) to one four pounds a- year, and to the other t?vo three pounds a-year,to ?ch. He paid this money him?if as Iongas heliv and at his decea? gave tu, o hundred pounds, to buy lands to the time value for ever. Sir ['?iam Craven Knt. and alderman of London, gave the re?ory of Creek in Nonhampto?fldre,?nno ?6I?. Galfrd Z!?es Efq? al&rman of Loudon, dev?d by will, one hundred poun? ?nno ?obn Rixman, of MaideaheaJ, in Berk?ire, for- merly fallow ofthi? co?vge, gave one hu?red Pound,,.. ?nno x 6 z o. ?he.Iady ?evet gave one hundred Pounds,. was pard by her Executors, ?nno x 6? 3. yoh? ?uckeri&e, Bimop of z&, gave five ?ounds? to redeem certainhnds, the incomeofwhxch. was to be divided equally among a? the fellows and frholars. Sir ?;am Paddy Knr. gave, by will, t?o thou- )nd and eight hundred Pounds, for ?ipends to an ?r- gang, eight tinging. men, and four chor?ers : what was left he order'd to be apply'd to repair the organ whenever there O. ould be occafion, and to buy books for the library, excepting twenty thillings [or a fea? (called in the }tniverfity a Gaudium) upon the anni- ?e?ry day 4 his death, and twen? ?illings more O' Thi? was given Mnno Sir

Sir Robert Dg? Knt. and alderman of gave one hw:drcd pounds, which was paid by hisex- ecutors, for the up of the college, .,,Inno ?63+. George Be?;?, citizen of �onim, gave ?ne thou- fa?d [?ou?&, with which an crate was bought to the value of fif,ty pounds per ./!nnum, which was order'd to be apply d in the following manner, viz. To the t?oent fenior fellows, next to the ten/bntors , one ?ound y and one fl?illing per annum to each? betides the allow- ance of the Founder: to all the reft of the next to thc�e t?oenty, to each fourteenfi?i.?lings per an- num, and to the Probationers thirq fhillings in like manner. This was given zlm?o ? 6?.6. l{&iiiam Laud, Archbifi:op of Canterbury, betide.; the re;'enues of the new quadrang',e, which wa? tuik at his exl?nce, gave, by w:II, five hundred poun& for the u�e of the fe&?w for ever. r451liam ?uxon, Archbifiiop of Canterbury, gave riven thou?ndi?ouads, with which were bought lands to the value of three hundred and tiff t?ounds per . ?Y nurn, out of the revenues ofwh?cheveryfd/0? and fiholar, betides the allowance of the Founder, is to have fix psnnd? per annum, and the reftdue is to /?i/ssp for the ufe of the college, .,lnno ? 66;. ,Tobiat Ruffat Efq; gave ?ne thouf?nd pounds to buy an ell_ate of fifty pounds per anntsm? which he order'd to be dittributed in tl:z t%llowing manner

  • iz. To thirteen of the I?oorefi fe&ws of the. college,

who haveno ecdefiafiical pre ?rment, college-office, nor l?ur, for that year, thr?e pounds a?i�cei to the Dean of divinio'forty fhillings i and the time �um to the Dean of civil law; who are obliged to make two orations agoinit rebellion? the l?tter on the z3d of Oc7ob:r? and thef?rmer on the zoth ?f ?anuary ?o the Dean: of arts tl?ree pounds aFiecei to the mo- d?r.;tors in arts three pounds apiece i to a fellovo or fcko!ar, {or an oration on the 3oth of January, ten fl'?Iings i and in like manner to a ]e//0:v or fchotar, for

N �. Terra-�iSus. for an oration on the ?9th of May, ten fhillings; This was given, .,4nno x665'. The?e was formerl a corn laint a ain? the re Y, P. g P - tent Head for not appffing this bcnefa&ion as he ought; but it is ?ell known with how much honour he c!ear'd himf'elf from that charge. William Bell, doctor of divinity,, and :formerly' fellow of this college, gave five hundred pounds, ?lnno : 6 7 ?. Dr. Guibbon?, the famous phyfician, and formerly fellow of this college, gave the perpetual advow�on of the re&ory of Beverly in Torl,,fl?ire. It is expe&ed that the time worthy perfon, having no children, will prove a greater benefa&or when he dies and do doubt, the DoCtor fleeing how juflly they apply other legacies) will make good thdr e?pe&a- tlons. The revercM Dr. Waple, late re&or of St. pu!cbres, left alto a conliderabte �um to buy ad- vowjbns of i/v:ngs, and to maintain a catechetical 'leCture. Having given a lif? of the{? beneft&ions, I leave it to the confideration of every member of that col- lege, whether they are all fl:ill dif?ributed iu the maw her dire&ed by the refpeC:tivc benera&ors.

Teme.�iliu.. TERRaE~FiLIU$. N o L. D,?: vo;iam Coryis, vexat te55?ra Columbas. H ^ T I may keep ?he promil'? whicI? ! rome time ago made to my readers, I dcfign, in this taft paper, to give them art account of the rife, prngret?, and final difl'olmion of the co]tituticn-cluJ a club, which ought always to be remem?red with honour, both on account of the number of perfore of the greateft quality, merit, .and reputation, who were members ot: it, and of tl/eglorious oppofition which they made againft the tyrannical and difloyal powers of the univerfity of' Oxford. During the latter part of the Q?een's reign, the W!3igs and Tories in Oxford conver,'d indifferenrhr and pe.?_ceabt7, together.-DifFutes about politick? were then ti?idom heard of? names of reproach and dillinC'ion were generally laid aft.de; and the heat of party zeal feem'd to be near exunguifl?'d. The Totlet were delighted and fatisfied in enj6ying wh.at the/' .wanted i and the Whigs were not very uneafy m wan.ng what they ought to have enjoy'& As the formerof the�� were fo civilas not to talk much of xhe t'r?tender; fo the latter, with no Iefs civility laid but little about the Ele&or of

.N �rr,e.Filius. 9 But no fooner had his prefent Maief?v �ucceecl? necefirychange amongfi ?1s mim?ers, but war and de?ru?ion were denoune d again? fil Perfons, who fivour'd either the new fucce?on, or the new change: nothing was now to be &rd among tM Tories, but ?trmagant encomiums onthe Pretender, and his perjur'd adherents 3 and the moil virul?t re&ives a ainfi the Kin and his faithful g. _ . g fiiends.' All the w?t, and m?rth, and malice of the party was vented ia treafonab? lSels, longs, and lampoons upon the Government. As for the ?igs, the now- envied and hated ?hig?, as many as could ? difco- rer'd, were marked out for viaires to the revenge and fury of their adverfiries. If ever they air'd out of their colleges, it was not without danger, and hazard of their lives. In the ?reets, and all ?ublick places, they a'ere lure of being mohb'd and infulted by ?ho!� crowds of the gown'd and un- gown'd ra?le. In this condkion and temper was the univerfitv, when feveral Io) algentIemen of me? whom.captain ?homasand ?he re?'erend Mr. t ? deterve to be particularly memnon d)confidcrms that it was not lo?er poff?ble for the Whigs, tithe% with the fafety of fl?eir peffcns, or confidently with the? faith and afterion to his ma)eay, to con- verfe with the To,'ie6 agreed to ?brm ehemfe';x. es into a?ciety, which was to meet to ether once eve- . g ?y week, and to be calld the 0?' this roddy all perfops were to bq admitted who were well aad to hts Majeay king Geavge, and wer? ?ot below the degree o? a &t;helov ? arts in theuniverfity. Amongk other good effe6s which

he &blifl?mene of ffch a locitry was like to pro-

?uce, this in paaicular was chiefly intended ? to ?!tiva?e an intimacy and friendfl?ip between the Whigs, who by thi; means, would be more ca[?

Terre-Filius. N ble of afllfiing lnd fupporting one another on any occation, at?d would be more zealous and a6tive in the de{?ence of o? happy Conltitution againIt all its oppofers. Nor were the intentions of thet? gentlemen in the lealt difappointed- for both the Members of the �onfl#ution-dub, who �oon increas'd to a very con. riderable number, and the other inferior Whigs of the uni.'?.eqfity, ha.ring =11 contraded an acquaintance w?tn one another, did not fail, on every Opportuni- ty, to profet? their loyalty and :?ff-ec'lion to king George l to aWert 'his title to the crown, upon the true and rational foundation of thelate glo?ious woNtioni to confate the lye b and detect the forge. ties of the T?rie$ i and to oppofe the t?ditious attempts o?' that wicked and ab�urd faction. The univerj;Dy. as might be expe?ed, was nora little alarm'd and enrag'd at the infotent loyalty it was tti?d) of the Whigsl. ?.nd the?onflituti?n.&?b being found guilt)' of fairing this moil: e?,iI fpirit of Io?'alty in Oxford, man3' coneyantes and fcheme? ?a ere fct on foot tocrufh andextirpatethis perniciot:? �ocieW. At length a l:2Ot a?inlt the conflitutione,s wa? fecretly form d, and fucc?tullv executed on twenty eighthof May, ? 7:4. which was dis ma- jetty's birth.day. and the firit that had been eelefta.. ted fince his arrival in England. On this joyfill occafion the whole body of the �onflitution-club met together at a tavern, and ordt'r- ed the windows of the houfe to be illuminated, rome faggots to be prel:,ar'd for a bonfire. But kefore tke 13onfire could be lighted, a very nu- merous mob which was hired for that purpofe, tore to pieces the faggots, and then adieuIred the room, where the dui; was fitting, with brickbats and 1tones. All thetimet?,atthe mob was thus emp!oy'd, thedifaffe&ed fcholars, who had crowded thehouli:s aud ?ect? near the tavern, continued throwing their

their cap?, 'fcateerlng money am.ongt} the rabble, and crying out down with the to?fiimtioners; down with theWhigs ? no G--e; Jn --- s forever? Orrn?td, ?}dingbroke, d?. _ It fortunately happened that none of the conflitu. rionets were much hfirt; butit is believed that they' would all have been mafficred, if they had not fled u?n the fir? .affault, and efcaped to their colleges through the back-door of the'tavern. As Coon as it was known that the gentle. men of the club had found a way to e�capei the urnted rab- ble of fcholars and townlinen proceeded next to dif-. charge their fury upon the windows of thole few' houtes that either happened to be illuminated, or were known tobetong to. Whig i?habitants. Belldes this a Presbyterian meetmgohouie was gutted, and tlemolifl?'d, 'and fryetel other enormous outrages were committed. The next day was fpent in triumph by the Tories; for th? vi?ory they had obtain'd over the eonjtitu- tioa. elt?b. Every one was ambitiousof being thought an ac%r in the Riots, though there w. ere few of the rioters, who, 'after roaring and hooting the-night before, had voice enough left to tell oF their mad exploits. But as far as they had proceeded in their violent and rebelIious defigns, it t?:ems they had n6t yet fully accomplifh'd them; it was therefore pubX lickly given lout, that the g!orioas work which left unfinifl? rt the left night, fhould be renew'd and cornpleated the next. Accordingly, about fix of the clock in the eV'eh;; ing, the fireets were again crowded with fch?I?s and others, who for iome time went about:; town, repeatit?g the above-mention'd feditiou?crie{i till hearin th,{t �ome gentlemen of the eo.nfliitii ttor,.d#b were ?elterd m OrielCollege, ? was mecliately refohred to demo!i(h that college. Vote. II. G ?. -.

.gz erre. Fdl. N o The Orkl men, a? it happen'd, had forefi?ht enough to bar up their gates before the apl>roach%f the mob: butthis would not long have�e?'ur'd them 'from being forced ope n, if one of the gentilemen o.f ?� college had not fir!d upon the mob from window, and wormtied a gownfman of Brazen-iVoj?. 'The mob, under the terror of this dangerous and ? refitartec, retreated l'rom oriel, and con. tented themfelves for the reit of the night with breaking of windows ranfacldng the houtes of dif. featers? pulling down, and letting fire to their meet. ?i?ho?, and doing the molt extravagant mil- l that foingenious and learned amob could con- con.re. The next day the Vice-cMncellor and Heads of bottles were af?mbled in Golgotha, to conrider ot = ways and means for difcovering the authors of the tumults, and for bringing them to condign guni? merit. Without much debate it was unanimoufly refolved, that certain turbulent fcholars, called by the name of the ?ditution-dub, were the caufe of all the mifchiefs dillurbances that had happen'd: for, as the honeit vice-chancellor mo/[ wifely rea. fort'd, if the ?nflit#tio?-dub had not been at the ta- ?emthe twenty eighth of May, the mob would not have ro�e to have broke the Windows, and to do , thole things that were done ? therefore (continued thi? worthy magiRrate) the confiitutien.�l?tJ is �werable for all ihat has been done. This condufion being allow'd to be a ?:If:�vident ? the members of the confiitutim-elu6 were fmtfi?, and examined upon oath by the vice-chan- cellor. Betide, the members of the club, fiveral tiemen, who were not members of it, appear'd voluntarily before the 'vt.te-ebancelkr,/and depos d -that they happen'd to be m the 1treet when the mob affwalted-the-ronfiitution-du$i that the .gentlemen of the dub gave no manito' of Foyocauoa to the mob

N O 'err,e-ilius. xz3 rnob? and that thel? all left the tavern before ain? a.clock at night. The reful-t of there examinations and depofition, was this: both the members o[ the club, and th? neffohs who hd voluntarily depo�ed.any thing your of thole members, were put into the chancellor's court, and proceeded againf? as Rioters. ?.fcer a troublefome profecution, which la?d above a year, and put the confiitutio?.dub to more than an hundred pounds exFence, they were found guilty of: king at a tavern on the?wenty eighth of May; but were ae?tuitted of the Riot. A .full and e?a& account of the proceedings the uni.verfity in this affair, and of the many dilloyal and treafonabk praCtices, which both the grea? gownlinen, and the froall, had been guilty of, fent up * * * * * *. But * * * *. In this part of the hittory of the tonflitufiion. elub, it ought not to be omitted, that whilf? the profecu. t. i0n {va? c?t ing on in the vice-chancellor's court, the clutiful and obfequious grand Jury O f Oxfird]hir?, at the affizes for the county, mad? a formalpreterit.. ment of the confiitutiomrs. as a let of factious men, "who, fhrouding themfelve? under the �peciou? ?' name ot? the to?fiitutio?-el?, were enemies to "monar?hy? and allg00dg0vernment, and had been tM "a?thors? of all the tumult, and diforders that ha?l "happened in the city ?r county.of Ox?rd." ' No'} were the courts of ju!tice the onlr places which the eonflitutioner$ met with unjufl: and fcan dabus ufat?e: St. Mary's, Golgot?, the Theatre, ?omtio?.ho-ul'e, and/cbools, eccho'd with inve?ves andanathem�sagaint! them. Themoft fcurrilou? re- tie&ion, on them were conttantly thrown out in the Lent.n, trfis, �ermons, declamations, andall other pub- lick exercifes. Even thole graver tools, the l?-.C -.. tad P.--r?,to enliven thdr?u!lharangues, andgain th? ap?laufe o? the tabor?uate rabble, neve? f?l'd, in

their molt �olemn fpeeehes before the eon?,oeation fall. foul and heavy on the eonfiitutio?-elub. One of the I'ro?tor?, in particular, had the toodrily and good mannes to tell the convocation, that the �on?ituti?ners wera c, !-Iomuntion? n?tuiff'trn$, diis hominibu:?lu? in. ?j?," i.e. m 0 =il, ?vre}ehes, veho ?o?re bated _$y and min./it the fame time that this creature had the impudence to Fr'ate thus it was known to the whole univerfity that a Marqui,, feveral noblemens fon.?, tv.,o or three Baronets, betides a great numaocr derbymen, .and others of the belt rank and quality, raze members of the tonflitution-club. But all the bale and fcandalous methods, that hag been 'praa'is'd by the univerfity againll the �onflitu- ti?ners, were not able to difcouraae tholhgcntlemen from adhering to their duty, and?nanifelt'i?g a pro- per zeal for the honour and interell of his majeay en every occafion: theyttill continued their weekly meetingi and inllead of being weaken by op?oF/- tion, they grew flronger by it? and increared the more in number. And as their numbers increared, fo did the malice ?nd re/hntments of their enemies, whole thoughts were wholly bent upon revenge, and upon c6ntriving methods to extripate the dub, At length it was hop'el that the happy time was rome, when the ronfiirution.?!ub fhould be no more: for one * * * of Chrijq. Oht?rrh, a tool that �orm'd by nature for vile an:l vil?inous ?urpofes: i?."ing advanced to the. ?ractorfl?;p, publrickly dedar'd, that no �onflitutioner {houtd take a Degre? v?hilf? he vzas in l?ower. This corrupt and infamous rangif- t.rate had formerly been under cure for lunacy. and was now very far rehps'rl into the time diflemper Fle was naturally the molt proud anti infolent rant to his $etters, who werebelow' him in the un?. vcrfity i but thole above him the molt mean ant creeping fta?:c: he was peevifl?, lyaffionate, and re .vendeft

N �r,e. Filus. x'z,$ venegful? loofe and profligate in his morals, though feemingly rigid and tevere: in publick, a feriousand f01emn hypocrite? in private, a ridiculous and lewd buffoon: an impudent pretender to fin&ity and confcience, which he always us'd as a cloak fbr the motif unjuf?andcriminala&ions. In fhort, he wa?s fo worthle{i and defpicable a teltow, and had fo fcandaloufly over-a&ed his part in his extravagant zeal againtithe ronfiitution-club, that at the expiratio? of his pro&ovfi?ip, when he appeared as candidate for the l'ro13?r;qjip of hifiory, there were not above ten perions, betides the members of his own college, � whc? voted for him. R. ?lfeadou, eourt,. A. B. fe?,w of Mertcm coh'ege, and a member of the conflitution- aub, was put' into.the.Bl?&,13ook, and fenfenced to be withheld from his deg,? for two,year/, for be- ing in company with the ?onfiitution-club, and for drinking king Georges health in the prefence of the l'ro?tor . . Mr. Carte. y, A. B. ancl fcholarof trniverjtty. Col!ege, was put into the Binde.Boole, anti �entenced to be withheld-from his degree for one year, for being companywith the ?o?flitution-dub. Mr. Cofiard, A.B. fellow o} W'adham College, and fufpe&ed to be a member of the confiitution. dub was withheld from his degree for one year, for re- futing to fubkr?e to a paFer, in which he wa? to declar-e, that the conflitution-clv. b was a profligate and fcandalous let of' men ? and that he neither was, nor ever would be a member of that club.. G; Mr. $c, rlade, ..

Terr, e-Filius. No Mr. $t?rlack, A. B. fellow of %fu$ College ?.? a member of ?e c?fiit?ti? club ? ?-,? ,? ?; . ?f?ac'd, aM forbid to progod in ?foyming his e?erd?) for menhoning the word thmati?: he was gterwards deni? his grn% and withbald kom his degree this ? t?t wntfin'd ?nflitution. dub. . N. B. When Mr.$c?rlack waited upon Mr, the good, charitable, chriSinn.like pro&or him, that he wonder'd Mr. $curlo?k?outd dare to di�pleafe him, when it was well known teat he had an utter averflor: to every mernbcz of the cmflit,tion. du& Mr.' Ztv.?l, A. B. �ello?r of Menca College, and a member of the eonflitutica.club was withheld frm his de?ee till the end o} this ?or re?ng to riga a Dp= t?t ?ntaia'd ohs on the con?imtion.?&& Mr. Cow er, A. B. fellow of Metton Cd/ege, and member ?of was the confiitution-dub denied his grace (as it's believed) by Mr. ?*. Mr. ?eare,oft, A. B. fellow of .?lertca Cdle26 ?d a member of the co?flitutio?.club was denied ?is grace. To the pntiih and glory of this Pro&or it mut? be own'd, that there wholfome feveritieg were fuc- cefsfully applied, and karl a molt happy effe.&;' for though they had not force enough to prevail on the tcafiit#t?catrs to clilTolve their fociety, yet they cf- fex?ally detcrr'd all l?r�ons under the degree of ?. M. from becoming members of it. It happened too?

too, that fcveraI of the eonflitutioners were obliged about this time to leave the univerfity: there gentle- men .not being fucceeded by others, the club was- reduc d to a very fronil number ? however, few they were, they ftood their ground, and met toge- ther as ufual, not yet defpairing, nor much hopin? for re&els and reformation from above: fomethin? � difpirited no doubt they were, after they fer'd fuch unparalell'd injuries aM oppreOfions with- in the univerfity, and had met with fo little encou- ragement t?om without. As the eonflitution-elub about this time beyan to fieken and decay, fo it was not long after this be- fore it gave up the ghoft: the occalion of its diffo, htion fna!l be related as follows :--. A molt impudent and {editious fermon, far ex- ceedin every thin that/vii , or an fuch traiteroua . g g ? Y fcnbbler has publifts'd, was preach'd before the uni- verfity on the twenty ninth of ?fay, ? 7 ? 9. by one W--n, a fellow of Mertor? College, and the profear oj epoetry. Complaint was made of this fermon the vice-chancellor by Mr. M. eadowcourt, a fellow- of Metton college ? but the wee-chancellor re,hAng to proceed againft the preacher upon this complaint. Mr. M. lent up an account of the fermon, and of the vice-chancellor's refufil to proceed againf[ the preacher, to Mr. Secretary Craggs. After this ac- count had been laid before the Lords Juitices, their Exce!lencies order'd, that a letter fl?ould be wrote to Mr. 3/. to thank him for the commendable and becoming zeal that he had expreff'ed for the honour of his majefty, and to allure him of their hvour and encouragement. After this, he was lent for by' their Excdlencie? to London, where he was long em?loy'd in the ?rofecution of this affair, which he managed fo much to the fatisfa67tion of their Excel- lendes-, that, it is Aid, he received the Rrongelt pro. mi?, of a ,onficl?rable a? fpeedy reward. Up?

z 8 Terre.Filius. N�he ttrength of theft: promi/?$, he waited .above half a year in Zendon, and then returned to oxford. A?er his return, the tenfiitutioners never met again together, either publick!y or privately, as a club. Since the deccare of this fo?iety, Whiggifrn itiblf in oxford has alme_.lt expir'd. The Whlg 5 being now without leaders, and Without a center of unity, are ?,atter'd and broken into different parties and tic'lions 2mong themselves. Many have revolted to the Tory part.y, either out of fear of difgrace and opptcl: lion, or In hopes of academical honour and p, el?r. merits. The rel!, though they 11ill ret,ain their in- tegfity, yet they are too well convincd that they t;ught to moderate and reitrain their zeal for the bat cauti= in the world, fince the merit of fu2?ring f?r it ha? txcn their only re?oard. CONCLUSION'. i l?ve now Liened this undertaking, and I hol?e, in rome meafure, fulfilled all thole promires which I made to royreaders. when l'firlt. let out. I rub. mir what I have written to the judgment of all thole unprejudiced perfons who &fire to t?e a faithful account of' the 1tate of the uni?,erfity of oxford, at the beginning of his prefent majetly? reign: a? fuch I will venture to recommend th?s book to their peruill, and if i have ?e happincf? to obtain their good opinion, I fhall fit down very eafi, under all thot? ?arther cenfures and cahmnic$, which the republication of there papers will inevita- bly draw upon me. FINIS.

AN AP'PE, NDIX Terri Fhm' 0 ,4 L E T T E R to the Reverend ?Dr. N ?. w x o ?, ?Pr?nc?�al q� Hart-Hall; occaffon'd .by his B, entitled, Univerfity Edu.. ook? cation, ?C. -.. fatire ut vettra auCti)ritas Iv!ea: au&oritati fautrix adjutrixque fit. NewToWs Motto. Reverend $ K' R, H i L S T the foregoinl? ?'eetswere vrint- ing off, I caf? my-'eye'?pon an adve?rti�e - merit ofyou.r book concerning Lrniverfi. t? Education, O,c.lffom which general t, tle, join'd with your known zeal for our learned Mother, i expe&ed to the a full vindica?ior?o[

.q, PPEN'D IX. our atnderaital emdition i and as I apprehended that /uch an undertaking could not be carried on without interfering, in rome meafure, with what I had writ. ten, I put a Prop to the pr�8, till I had perufed your difcourfe. I .own that I was not a little difippointed in my expe?ations, and furpriz'd to find that, ttead of a general view of our ?du.eation at Oxford, as the nears-papers t?emed to pro/m?., you had put ?k r t?tf to the trouble of writing fo voluminous a upon the infuffdenty and eluj?n of one patti. cu'.arfiatute ? whereas, when you _was upon that fub. jecrt, and maintaining the cau?: of'academical fiine in fo learned-and firenuous a manner, you might certain? have taken rome other fiaturn into confide- ntion, which are equally infuj?cient for the purpot?g intended, or equally evadedin the execution; as well ? rome other praSit?s in that univerfity, full as pcr- nicious in their effe?s, full as obnoxious to confute, and therefore not leli worthy ol youranimadverfion, and the explication of' thole to whom you appeal. I could wilh that you had done this? both for m?' ?tisfa?ion, (who am very defirous to fee this mat- ter fully cleared. up) and to t?cureyour own charac- ter flora [the m?prefentations of your l?nemie? and smki?d lqeigkbour?, fo grievoufly. eomphined. of, who will not fail to make uf? of tNs opportumty to re- fleO upon you, .for confining your thoughts to Jingle.{tat?tte, which fo immediately and vifibly tend, to yourowninter?and perfond 'views: for may they not infer, as I doubt not they are ready to do, that it is not fo much the publick goM of the r. lniverfi'ty in Reneral, as private advantage, wl?ich employsyour pe?, and animates yot]'r zeal? that ifttartittall not Iolt rome of its Ftp. ils by a parti&hr accident, {which perhaps they will xefate in a different man- her, from what you have done) the world would not have been obliged with fo hborious a volume ?l=on the defetti, e?efi of a !tatere, which amidit

A P P'E-N'D I X. the complaints againl! the univer. tlty of Ox.?rd, has not been taken notice of for above there )?urj%re tYhears ?a ? This will, I fear, ? the confequence at f?eming p?rti?i}y which runs through yourbook, by complaim'ng fo ?arply of one point ofly which ageas yosr fl? and l=ving even unm?non'd all thole other grievances, corruph?n?, and defeas, which have bcea fo frequmtly ?mplfined of, and ?e? equally to require R?r?ion and Redre?. However, Sir, fince the angui? of your ?ounds, was fo very ?arp, as to make you entirely negle& the complaints of your fellow-luSters, we are notwithRandin obliged to you ev? for this in? voluntary ?rvxce, this undefign d te?mony to all the world, horn fo eminent an hnd, that the uni- verity of Ox?rd i? not fo fre from Blem?et, au rome perforts would fu e?; but, in one inCarice gg . . Iea?, dands in need of corre&?on: u?n which earlon I ?ke the liberty to return you my thanks, however you may pl?fe to accept of them, for borating my evidmce, info publick a manner, and eperating with me in this glorious uMertaking. Havin? thus paid my compliments in due and reco?niz'd y'ou for my fellow.labot?rer in the ?auk of [hat fi?ous gaive?ty, of which we have Mth had the honour to be membes? ?ve me l=v? io review your h'e book, with that ?eedom ? partiali? which be?me our common chinder R(ormers: in which enquiry asI ?all with ?=tpIe=- lure acknowledge where I agree withyou, fo I ?aH, without fmr of your refentme?t, as frmkly &dare how far i am obliged to differ m my fentiments. Your thoughts upon this fubje? were occafion'd by the fiatute, * ?hieh Fohi3its the admiffon fohohrs going from on? eo?ege or ha? to. ?otber, ?ith,

APPENDIX. ?ithaut the lea?e of thtir refitglide Governor? ?r Chancellor q'tht univer?ty f? the time ?eing, under the p?a!ty'of forty billings, for the adm?a,? of ?t? ?eOn, to be exa?ed of the Governor of tl?e to&?t or haK into ?hich he is) admitted. - You Mve, Sir, with g?t atturaq? and fome- wht more pains thn I ?nk w=e neceffa?, ex- phiu? the mean?g and d?gn of this flatutei which, in a few words, was evidently this, Wo (ecure the difcip?ne of the uni,t?ty, and prevent tht'!chohrs ?mblin ?om one college or hall to g . . ?th?, upon every fight pretence, or ?dle fllegati- on, und? fuch ?enalty, a, was then judged fu?cient for this ?d: and inde? the fiatute has been thought [o effedual, ev= fince the ?tmtion which it received ?om Archbi?op Lat?, tMt yea are the fir? perfen, as ? as Imn lmrn, who has complained, fince that time, of its deferirene. As to the main, I rodiiy ? with you, that ifthis?atute ?ould come to be ?enerMIy unob?ed, or duded, ?nd fcholars .be w? to waMer ?om one college to another, u - on ev? filly wNm, or httle d?fgu?, ?t would be of v?y bad confequmce to I?ming in general, per- hps eyre fo Md? that, as you expre? it in very flrong toms, the * Umveus?.w it leg ?ould not a ?rop? ?&ct ?r the'education afyouth. But i do not fee the 1? danger of fuch a gmer? negle? or ?luf?i for, notwit?aading all the pans you have token to prove this, an3 ?ew the ill con,quinces whkh wo? rffult from it, you bye not been able to$ pr?u? but on? inflance of its being ?vaded, 1owNg it to be tb in ?t ca?, and you feem to ?ow?ge tht eyre then, II. there =as fuch a flit madt a?ut it, ?nt you believe it =i? never b? done again; �fo, to what putpole have you put yo?

  • l'age-?. I Page ?x?. [ Ibid,

APPENDIX. fdf to fo much trouble to prevent the bad confe- ??nees of a thing, which, according to your confeffion, is never likely to h??pen again !-- How?- ever, Sir, fince you think it a point of fuch impor- tance, not only5 to the II advanceme?t of'learning, and the v/edit of. the uni?erfit),, but to the benefit of all mankind, to have this 1t&ute amended, I will con- rider your arguments upon that head !omewhat mor? largely. It �eem$ then, that in * ./lea-Term, ?'!'-?. Mr. lrilliam Seaman (by. you called t'Mlliam Seaman) of Bart-flail, having m vain applied t.o your t'elh as l'rinei?.?l, and afterwards to the !/ice chancellor for a 'dil?e?t, he was, inMi?haelmas-Term following, ad- mitted commoner in Oriel College by Mr. ?owles, in contravention to the thtute aforefiid. . What reafon Mr.. Seama? might have to &fire ha? dif?e?t, or how the matter impartially Rood be- tween you, I cannot tell, being perreedy unacquaint- ed with the Gentleman, or the 1tate of his ate, any farther than by hear-/iy ? but, taking it to be exa&!lr as you have reprefentcd it, I do not fee any gr. ound? l?r fo grievous a complaint as you have made about it ? for whatever his reafon might be for deftring to remove, it appears, by your own conceffion, that he took the regular method appoint by fiatme, to ob- tain leave ?br �o doing ? firit, by applying to you as hi? Governor i and when that failed of fuccdi, he ltruck hi? name, it feems, out of your toodeftly withdrew into the country, (feemingly un- willing to difoblige you, by going direttly to ano- ther college)and returning f�me a.f'rerwards to Ox]3rd, he applied to the !,?e.chancello?, as the cute farther direcqed i but bein fo unhap y as to �g P meet with a repulfe from h?m too, and the caufeof his deftring to remove Rill rubtilting, Mr. l?o?vles mitred

APPEND, IX. mired him into Oriel College without a di?ef?, the ablenee of the/'rovvfi and Dean, and, n?you fay, Hid the ?enalty exa&ed by the fiatute for fo doing. I ?n ice nothing in all this? even as you have r?rffmted it, fovm y heinous, tithe in Mr. Se ?r lmving your ma?, or N Mr. &?les for admit- ting him Nto Oriel Co?ege, or in the Pr?O for con. fi?ing that admi?on, as to make you exdai? again? them, in fo pub!ickand bitter ? ma=e, ofun ?dufage, negle? of fiatum, and fitting badexam?ks : for as to ?kind ufage, the Gentleman did nor ?rike his name out of your ButteT-book till he had fir? dviHy defir? a d?t? ?ain? which I do not find that ou had my r?omble obje?on ?t the ?o?g man. of h?m)ff fober, ?dmus, and we?-inclin? ? came to the uni?e?, ?tth re[pe? to ?is rooms, untainted, and innocent, and, &?mg to any ?ke; a mo? ezcell?t ch?a? of a yo?g ram, md fcarce to be ?ell'd m this cot- re?ted age! I believe fo many good qualities and uncommon virtues might have entitled him to rome- what more than a d/?e.?, even an o?time di?e?'t from any college, or houfe of learning, except Dr. ?ewton's. Your reffoning upon ?ishead is very ex- ?uifite, and amounts to this i That if a fcholar mve? well under your care, you are reIolved to keep him; and if he behaves ill, you ?//not let him �o. But to return: from hence it app?rs, that there wa? no di?e/'pegt, nor in my o inion, any i//u . p on h?s fide. in the next place,. as the flatute was ?mply'd with, and the penalty regularly paid, where is the ton_tempt af d?ipline, fo loudly complained of, or what bad example can poflibly fo!low from ob/?r- vJn theflatutes fo mbaute! in ev? articular g . ?y ?yp . You take the l?berty to ext?oflulate, in th?s place, ?vith Mr. l?owles, for doing fo irregular and unkind a thi?g? and tell: u.?,, That. he bad kimfdf b?d his

A P P E N D I X. E?lucatlon in Hart-Hall, uncler a? ?ood a Tutor, ? ?ind a friend m any man ?uld I ?ve b?n inform'ed, indeed, that Mr, was a member of?art-Hall for t?o term? which I think can hardly be called ?a=ing hh Education ther?; md i believe he will, with the utmoff lure, allow, that.he was? during that time, under the heft of men,?and the b? of Tutors, who might po?bly * ?i? h?we ?ontributed to the re?utation of ?our houfe, had he fully approved oftharn0welS?heme. ?f d?i?line, which ?ou have lately endeavour'd to effabli? there. Mr. B0?k? would indeed be very ungrateful, if did not, u?n all occafions acknowledge his oNi? tions to that ?orthy m? for recomm?ding him,' fo e?g mann=, to his deccafed f? and tron, the late learned Dr. nud?nl ?o? who? hand h? receivd his firff pre?ment in the univ?fi?, and: b I who? intereft, when d?d, he fuee?ed him that ,on?d, rable Emfioy?ent Ehieh.he now mjoys. But Iou may remember, $?, w?th w?t di?cuI- ? you parted with Mr. ?o?le? and how haply you' ?al prevailed up9n, ?th by that. excellent Tutor, =rid Dr..?ud?n h?mfelf, to grot Nm a O?t, the' they proved it und?iably to be fo much for his =antage: nor did ?ou deny this for my m?e-beha*. ?iour, or demerit in ?. ?o?le? ? but, on the con-- tracy, if what I ?ave been told be true, your =i that time was expreW? in there words: Does Dr. Hudfon thinh that I ?i? ?art ?ith the Ornament or' my Hall, to?t u? hi? little in?o.?&ra& hour. Nay, I have been farther aWur?, that you endea- ?our'd to pertwade Mr._ ?o?1? not to accept of ?ny place under Dr. Hud? in the ?odelian library, which you called ?udium =?g?m,. nor of a W?0?-

APPENDIX. fiSi? in Oriel College, of which he had afterwar& a good profpe&; but pref?'d him, in the ltrongelt terms, to return to I-Iart-I-lall? promifinghim a TutorjI?i? there, which, you fiid, fhould be better than what lae already had, or could propore to hirrffclfby be. ing Fellow of Oriel. From hence we may judge of the great you once had for Mr. Boroles; for ! prefume that you would not have courted him, even in that un- rea{omble manno'..,. to dct?rt one place which he then enjoy'd for life, and the well grounded exp. ec- tation of another, in order to become a ? precnr?om a'l?gkr ia your ?all, un]e? you had conceived a very great opinion cf his abilities? efpecially tince you tell us of your prelint Tutors, That �f you could have k?awn ?here to have j?und men of greater arts and abilities to have a ted au in the ti?l? o l youth, u?o? th? foot of that fcheme. ciptine you ?rould efiabhfls i? Hart-Hall, you ?voutd have ?urthatSd them at any rate, that your flender leortun? would have allowed you to a?rd. I wifla I could have omitted there particulars, and that I had no octorion to mention how happy Mr. Bowles once was in your citeera 5 becaufe, to rome perforts, it may carry an air of flattery, vehich I dereta, and be conttrued as an artifice to cajole my?If into his favour5 for which reafon, though I am a lieanger to the Gentleman, and have no fuch defign, I fhould have gladly c?nccaled ?ot? tender points, fo diffu:ult to be touch d upon? were I not laid under a neceff?y to di?lofi them, by your pre- lent at. tack upon his charorder, in fo pubtick ? and outragzous a manner. ? Bnt ' The T;t?r, in Ifart-Itall �0 called, from their havlng c?ch of them an dingle of it afllgncd to hi? care. ? ? Page 6 7.

ApPBNDiX, But from whence can proceed all this bitterneft, and there marks of an oppofite opinion?-- Why, all from this one unhappy flep, in admitt!ng Mr. Seaman into Oriel College -- You go on tn your expofluiatiom thus 5 But hon? came 31+. Bowles, in the abf?r?e of the Provo/t, to think that he was the proper per?n to admit this young man ? Was he Deau of the hou.13 2qo i the Dean was out of town, as well as the Pro- york Was he deputed by the Dean to aft for him in this ea]? ? No; the Dean is him/3tl e a deputy, and is ?ot k,own to depute? Was he {?nior Fellow, roho, as fi?rh, might think it incumbent upon him to at Provolt or Dean, it? matters that ?vere clear of &ubt, a?d routd not, without inconvenienre, be de- lay'd? lgo; there were other Fello?vs, b? ton, n, his fenlots: neither was this a matter of that kind. I think all thi? is �u?cicntly anfwercd airearly, by flying that, lhppofing jt to be fuch an b're- gular a?tiou as you have xet forth, yet it is not of that importance which you reprefcnt it to be, ancl is fully attoned by the payment of the nalty .. But is the c?a[e indeed fitch as you have repre?uted k ? I fear not? and mull now beg leave to tell it in a diff'erent manner, as I have often heard it related by a Fellow of oriel Col. lege, ?nior to Mr. l?owles, with this addition, That he ?vould him[?l[ have agted ju.fi in the iime man- ner, provided'he bad been in the fame eircumflan. res i which t?ems to de.� that fond imagina- tion, where you {iv. '? That you do from your re.. ry heart, believe there is not one of hat houfe would have,lone it, on any cos?deration u'hatever---- But. to 44'

APPENDIX. to come to the truth of the fad:/, which tiemsto as follows; l?tr. Seaman, haying determined to leave tt4rt. Hal.?, ?t all events, appi:I'd to one Mr. l?rooke, of Oriel. Ctllege to be hi. ? ?}e?r, and get him admitted into that co!lege i which f?id Mr. ?o0ke came to Bo?les, who was then at �upper * in the Ha//, and deftred him to admit fuch a young man commo- n= into that college i which, Mr. lionvies, purely upon the application of Mr. Brooke, accordingly did, as he had a Power to do, being, at that Time, the feni?r agting-j?l/o?v, (contrary to your pofitive affir- tion,) and therefore the pro?er t?er/b?, to do it. The Gentleman farther obferv'd that the I?rovofl here.. does ( and indeed cannot ) appoint a deputy, when he goes out of town, the Dean or j3nior I:e!lov? being t?t.,ty o� courfe. That inthis caf? theProvofland Dea,? l;cing both out of town, as you admit, and lX'lr. l?o:vles b:ing/bn!or Fello,'v, which you are defied to difprove,'-a&ed in this affair by his 't' ovon ?'ity, and t, ot by d:?utation. That it was not in thepowerof the Prov o to- move Mr. Seaman, sfter he was fo admitted, pro- vided he were inclined to do it, unlefs it were for �ome oj?nre committed in Oriel-College: and ?yet this is what you fo im?rtunately and unrea- ]3..ab) require of him. ' ! me/[ obferve, in this place, that Mr, ?t.o{, ,11edge? fiace the publication of my ?k, ?c he did not apply Mr. ?=zt, at fu?per in the ?atl, bm inthe ?tte?I jut? a?er he came ?om fup?r i?: the ?all. I do not thi? this x matter of any great ?nFo?ance ;.but fince the Gentle- man ii ple=,'d =o gqfilt upon ?t? I think my fell obli?cfi ?cor?a? to m r ?encral promif? to ?e nod? o? i?..

APPENDIX. The Gentleman fiilI farther affurecl me, that nei- ther the l'rovofl, nor Mr. Bo?Ie?, ever fiw, or had any knowledge of Mr. Seaman before he was admit- ted, nor i'?r Come time afterwards. That Mr. Bondes, in particuhr, was fo utterly un- acquainted with him, that he enter'd him by the name of ?, John Seaman, and not of William Seaman, as you ignorantly l[' alledge. That the firIt time Mr. Bo:?!es ever f?oke to /vlr. Seam?n, was on account of publ?ck exerciti? in the college, at which Mr. Boydes prefided, not a? Dean, not as Mr. l'rovofl's deputy? not as any body's deputy, but purely as/?nior Fellorv, in the)me man- ner as at the admi?on, according to the ?ommo? ?re,ice of the college. That he admitreel him, as he might have innocently done an other etlon, without an view or deft Y P . Y g o�/?rving himj?lf or ai)bbgmgyou ? but meefiy a? the requelt and Col;citation of Mr. Neitb. er did Mr. Bowies, as it was farther red, pay the forty Chillings exa?ed by the fl?tute, In any manner, either for h?m�elf, or for Mr. Sea man, as you confidently and falfly aftere; * fo? when the Vice. chancellor i?nt to Mr Bordes, to pay it, he anfwer'd that he ne=erfaro Mr. Seaman that he knew nothing at all of the matter; but re- ferred. him to Mr. Brooke, the Tutor ? who after feveraI expot%lavions, paid the money with his oror?. hands, to the ISce. chancellor. If this account, Sir, be true, (as I mull fuppo{? it: to be, till you ?rove it otherwife) with what a multitude of' falflaoods, mit?epret?ntations, and in.. juriouscalumuies does your Treat?fi abound? Such. �ide the ttsttery-i;o? of Oriel-Cortege. Page 35'

o APPENDIX. an heap of fleming prejredices, and rnani?fl bhtnders, as muft proceed, either fg;om a fttong inclination to ?erverting the trs?th, o.r-ffrrom the groffeft tgnoran'ce of the fub?ecet ?n hand! You mu?, therefore, now fuffer me to this matter a litde with you? (as you have vo2th Mr. ?wk$ * ) and to ask you, how you couid do fo u?L.h:d and unchriflian a thing, to brood over relentmerits (fo wrongly conceived) for three years together. and fit down, in fo deliberate a manner, in order to fend them forth into the world, as they now appear, with all that fl?e? of argument, ?ornp o! words, with whichyou hope to obtain dit amongt? the vulgar and ignorant? How cou!d it enter into' the heart of fo ?iota and conj?ientiom a man, to ,,.,,rite fo elaborate a performance, without any jutt reafon. ?gainlt a Gentleman,who had l?�ca an Ornament to your H.?ll, and for whom you formerly exprefl?d �o ?eat an efttern ? And tl?i.?, withcut fo much as giving him an opportunity, m a trivate manner, to juffify. his conduc"t, or ?!.?rdon, and make you reparation. Could nothi?,g hti?fy the violen�fiand it:npetuofity of )'our but ex t?n his name in timoff every a e of a . po g pg '/urge book, with you? own hard comments and un'ufi ob/?rvations? ?if you fly that yo?s did ap?ly to the Provot? Oriel College, before you begun to write your book ? yet was that fufficient for a jufi and good man to do? why was not Mr. Bowles, who makesfo cou- �picuous a figure in it, ap. plkd to, as well' as the Pro. vq,//t was he, all on a l?t?dden, grown fo inconfi, ler,?- ?le in your eyes, as not to dellrye the teal? notice or regard, even wac, en hJ?s Reputation was to be put at flake? why ought not He tikcwit;? to have heard

i P 'E N .D .I X; heard in his o?on defence, before �o terrible a charge, as that of endenvourinl to rubweft the difcitgine of tke whole Lroiverj[ty: was brought againft him ? nay, indeed, ought any man, however mean and.inco?fi- &tab!e, to be treated in this manner? You fay that .you applied to the Provot}.of Oriel thiJ matteri and what anfwer did the Pro,o? give you? Did he not tell you, as I have before let f6rth, }hat it voas not &he by his D�?,ua',???o?, but by.the Oentleman's own author'ity, as i?nior fellow. And if he Bid �o, what end ?ould'you think to �erve, by infiit- ing �o long upon this head ? why enould you? for fo many pages together, fpin out }'our .reproaches upon that'?,0rthy m'-agifirate, for confirming and ap- proving-the a?lmiff'on o{ Mr. $eamal?, for.lending hi? a?tt?or?ty, ex pofi f?c?o, and forgiving'valldity to unlau,,ful a&s, with a great deal to the fame put- pole, after you had .been told, fram his own mouth, that it ?vas not done by his Deputation, and could not but hear, after all tliofe examinations which �eem to have made, that it ?,?s not in hi: power to reverfe it ? However you may therefore at Fe]}nt to defpife Mr. Bon, les, on account ot ? your age, your finriding, more exalted talents, or { fuperior fiation in the univerfity, (which, however? a roodeft man would' not do) yet does it, Sir, become you to throw your dirt and foul language, in fo plentiful a man- ner upon One who is fo'mueh/'u?erior to you in age, as well as .in fiation, and at leait your equal in learning, probity., and religioni one who has lived j? many years, in the urnvestry, wi?h an uOotted ehara&er in e?ery refpe6t, till it was now firttof all impeached by you? Letme conjure you, therefore, by all thatis and honourable, to * dechre ?hat motive ?ould reduce ?. Vi?t. Your �x?dtulations, ?. 4?.


induce you to do a thing so extravagant, so unusual, so unchristian? --- Had the Provost of Oriel, or Mr. Bowles ever given you any such provocation, as might seem to justify your resentment of it in this manner?? Not the least in the work; nor could the justest resentment have been thus expressed with innocence -- -- ? What then could possibly excite you to so extraordinary a procedure? Here is an effect that astonishes ; a proportionable cause is so far from being assign'd that there doth not so much as any appear; matter of the greatest importance (to every good man) has been taken for a?trifle; and that which is death to the reputation of our neighbours, seems to have been sport to you.

I must, in particular, desire to know the reason why the whole load of your satire and resentment should be thrown upon the Provost, and Mr. Bowles, who do not seem, in any manner, to deserve it??and why even the name of Mr. Brooke, who was so deeply concerned in this affair, and is the only person blameable, (if there is indeed any thing blameable, in it) should not be so much as mentioned or alluded to in your whole book?

I call upon you, Sir, in the most solemn manner, as you profess yourself a scholar and a christian, to declare the secret motive which induced you so artfully to conceal his name, who was the chief instrument in this affair ; and to fall so violently upon those, who, at worst, are no farther guilty, than that they could not help it, when it was done. If you fail to satisfy us herein, I will myself examine farther into this matter, and endeavour to give the world the true reasons of such a partial and extraordinary procedure.

?Having thus examined the particular case of Mr. Seaman, with relation to himself, Mr. Bowles and the Provost of Oriel College, and, I think, demonstrated, that you have grosly misrepresented it in every particular; we will now come to the status itself, [and]

A P P E N D I X. a?cl fee whether ]tour reafons for alttriag it am more condu?ve. You begin with obf'ervin�pon Mr. Searaa?'? care, * T?at a tingle infiance fueceeding ?i? invite imitation i commoa ?raSice ?i? take a?ay ?ame $?i d?ci?line and l?ni?, in thi? pan ? the ?orld? ?i? be jut where thq were a thouf and years ago. In ort, the rum of you? tom, last, and the ?rt o} yofir whole book, ? to ?ew that this tuu is fir? of a? infu?cient, and kcondly get us conrider what you have to urge-?pon both there hea?. asto itslnfu?kney? you obfervethat oft ?i?in s, according to the ?ref?t value of money, ?s fo incon ?erable a ?enalty, that it will be but little re?ard- ed, when ?y perfon out of humour, ?evi?nefi, or [elf-inter O, ?all ? inclined to break theflatute which ought, therefore, to be enforced by fuch a farther fan?iou, as will be fu?dent to preferve from any future violatio? YOU do not mention what you would pieale to have that fih?ion be but I fuppofe, by the drift of your book, that you woula?vethepenalq made large enough to every fcholar to t?at ?ckty, into which he troll fir? happen to be admxtted; fo that he ?all bF e?ua?y ?inn'8 down to that co?ege or ha?. w?thout any ?Oitty of remgvhg to another, ?hatever reOns he may have for tt, without the con?.nt of his prefenc Governor, or the ?ite-ehanee?or of the univerfity. But I believe, and grievoufly apprehend, that ?0 c?fe?ences would follow from fuch a de,?me ?enalty. than ca.n po?bly attend thyflatut,, as in ?nds at prekntl for notwithfl?dm? your ?rgum?t, that a fcho?r will be equ?ly at li?ert t? ?emove, prowtied he can produ? a go?d rea?

-44 APPENDIX. go. doing, when the itatute is en[oreed with a firea- get penalty, and more efleeSual fine2ion, give me leave to call this only a gr"n?is dic2um i it will be in vain to tall us, that a good Governor will not re- f?_(? his difie/?t to any fcholar who has behareel well, and ?n advance hinitilf by rem?ving dire&ff begging the queflion, and imp!ymg, not on- ly that all the prq?nt Gevemors of colleges and halls are g?od men, and imparting Governorsi (whereas, perhaps, there may be one or two inl!ances to the contrary, as I {hall prove from you own words,) but it fuppofes farther, that there never was, and never will be any fuch thing as a b?d Governor, as long as the nniver#ty thnds. Perhaps you-witl reply, that fu?pofing any Go. ?emor {hould be fo unreafonable, or ?icked, a? to refuge a fcholar his d?effit, w;ho has even the juteft caufe to &fire it, yet he has I?erry to a?- peal to the Vice-chancellor, who can himfell give him leave, ?oithout the congent of his Governor: but this alfo comes to much the time; ?for how can I be fure that he ?vill give me leave, which de. pends entirely ?on what fort of a ma? the Vice- chancellor fhall happen to be i whether a jutt honeft impartial man, who weighs things with an equal batlancei or one., who will pieter the irrien?ifl?ip and good corrq?ondence of a brother Head, wiih whom he hath been long intimate, to the tingle requea of a poor unknowny0ung Lad, againf? whom, l:erha�?, the Gv?'ernor has hnjufty ?re?off, efl'ed him.. This, Sir, is fo far from being a chimerical prehenf?n, that in all ?robability, it would often be the ca?i efpedally -,?hen party runs high, and the merit of men is not decided by learnlag and induf- try, but by a certain zeal for this or that prevailing opinion. Inorder to give this argument {ome ?eight, I mull &rue you to c? youx thoughts back to the

A P P E N D I X. ?ran?l ufurpation of Oliver Cromwell, and then ask your con�cience this impartial quefiion; whether you Ao not believe, that many a �ice-chancdlor, in thole wicked Rump-times, would have combined with one of his f anaticalBrethren to opprds an honelt young Roy- al/fl, by refuting himleavetodepartfrom onecolleg-e, where he had been manifeffty ill-re'd, and go to a?o. tber, .where he had a ?rofpe& of advancing far.... ..... ?c?tner can I ag?ee w?tl? you concerning the Rea fins, which a fcholar ought to have, for leaving one foolery, and going to s?tber. In the fitIt place? I muff obierve, contrary.to the whole tenour of your book, that it may not, m ma- ny cafes? be t?roper to declare the motive of defirin . g to remove? for I may have j?ret promffes from my friends in a?other college, or private views of my own ? the divulging of which might entirely fruflratemy ovon ends, or thed,.figns of my friend?. which I believe will not be thou ht a groundleft ob- . g jec"iion by thole, who know any th?ng ot the me- thod of canvaillng for Fellowlhips or other Prefer- ments at Oxford. -But.fecondly, as it may not be ?rol)er to declare the reafons of deriving to go to another college ? fo it may be equally imprudent to dccla,e my obiecT;ims againit that, which I d?tire to leave. I rr{ay not like my Governour, and perhays for veryg00d reaj3nr: He may be a proud, imperious man, rigidly obfervant of little niceties and tr.fles in difdpline and the z. ernmentof his college? He may perhaps be a weft'- meaning man, and a goodfiholar in univerfity-lcarn. ing; but withal a Pedant, an Humoto'ifi, and by hi; affe?ation of fingularities and adherence to tilJo$? a meet T?,ra?:t. He may, b?Sdes, be not only monflroufly ?him- float with regard to his o?un oece?omy and methodo� lt?.?ng; 'but li?ewffc fo unrea?ronaole, its to VOL. IL H

A P P B N D I the time individual jlrmalfties from all thofe his power, however tl?,eir ages, conf?itutions, and appetites may difigreei He may not only demand the diree7ion of my company, {which indeed you feem to ? infit? upon your/'elf') but be fo ri id and t?rannical in this particular, that he witlgnot at- low me the converfation of my deareft ?riends, mof? intimate dcquaintancei nay, perhaps of my ?earq? Relations, or even of my own -? Then as to Diet, he may befullasoppreffvtagainin that pariicuiar; not content with relYraining me from extravagances, which are notproper, and what I can- not afford, he may force roeinto a contrary extreme, and from a ridiculous fort of reafoning, becaui? in. temj?eranee is bad for health or fiudy, confine me to a regimen of bread ?nd water i or what is little bet- ter, ef fmall beer aM ? A?vx?v--DvMvLx?s. I have drawn you a Charac%r, which is not un. like]}, to lvre?r?il in cdtegi?tt focietics ? it is a ra?er, not ?icious indeed, but tb odiom and trou131e. time ro tho/? over wl?,om it ?reftdes that I cannot help thinking it one good reafon for leaving a focie- ty, which is govern'd by fuch an odd fnmaflied creature, were any body to judge of it, but the Pur?n'as himfell:. I could put the cafe ftronger frill; and fuppofe tee Governor to be a ?0rfi man than him before defcribed, an unjuft, rapacious, pfffionate, debauchcd wretch; in every ref'pe& unfit to profide over young men, and, by his influence and example, taint their tender minds with an iuclination to the fame %'ices, I ' Pag; zod. ?t Page 76. i t E:ijoln'd in a certain ?,,// in Oa.f?rd, every Friday nitb t?eir concomitant% a? t?y a ? called, v; T. a fart$,.g brown S%ar? and a farthing bmer,

APPENDIX. ! will fuppofe again, that I am Nt into th? hands of a b?dTutor, *v oho to.'al?y negle?rh me, &esnotread a k&ure to me above once ? month, or t?o months? or a quarter ? ? ye?r i a?d the,? ?taout ?,? method or defign. You fly, Sir? you are ineli?ed to 3eliev? that this is a w U raw ca? iraIced, and you ho?e is --as a thing po?ble one, and not ye3 expe?ienee?tgy any, nor ?er like? to hqpon. Could I fufpe&b?ave ,a perfort of being ludicrous, I ?ou!d con'rue all this as meet drollvry and grimace 5 but, as the olemnit of your mein and a[pe? will not fuffer me to do th?s, ? mu? tell you, Sir, that whatever you may believe, or hope, or dream, is nothing to the purpoli i far the mfe you mention is not only po?ble, but a very common carl, already experieuced by many, and what will certainly ha?pen again. ! wonder, Sir, how you, who have lived & long in the unive?, and corn- ered the di?ipline and fiatores of other colleges nicely together, in order to make a compleatfcheme for your own, could be fo g?ofly impend upon in this ?rticular. L?ly, Sir, I think it a ?od reafon to leave my Co&ge, if, after tryat and obfervation of o?her col- leges, I do not like the d?cipli,;e and method of Edu- cation efiabli&? thee, however ?ri?ty ob?rved and to go to another, where I am convinced that I cm fooner arrive at a tolerable perfeXion of knowk?e and vatio?al learning. All theIi mu? be allow? t? be very good Rea- ?ns for leaving o?e locicry and going to another; but as it wou'.d be improper and inconfiflent with the?holav's d?5;ign to declare them to his Governor? fo I think there ought to be ?me room left for him

o change his focicty5 not, however, without pay-

H z ing ? l?age

$ APPENDIX. ing fuch a re4]?nable ptn$lty as thejIatate? at pre/?nt exa& to prev?t others flora w?derMg from one college to another, only out of ?$ntonn?, idien?, or m?ntmtnt. Thi? f?mz to me the mor? ?afonable, fince you ?!1 us t?t fiv?al O?eges m?e ?e of?icitationt, imprtuniq? acho?kdgtm$ts, and entertainments, to obtain pu?&; for if any ?11eges aoop to ;uch me? artifices to ?,t fi?lars, I am druid tht they wi? ?ndefcmd to a? m?arranta3le praSice? to &- t?in them. Nay, as go? an opinion as I have of your ?g ?et in the care of Mr. Bo?le:, (whatever Mr. Se$m?'s might be) you was undoubtedly too f?cre; for if hi? rta?m for lmving your ?a? were ?ble ?t g?8, it is im that thee eve ?ould k ? g?re?fonf? do?g. Nay, I think you was alfo a little t? f?upu?ut in the m? of Mr. ?k?h Soma- tier, (?lkd in yo? Mok, ?qeph ?omafier,). whofe

?on? for deftring a ?efft were aa follows,

I. That in Balid Co!kge, he had the promite ;of Tutor for nothing. .II. That he could live &tal?r there. IlL That a $eh#larl?ip of that houfe wot?Id be gi- ven to him loon after Ns admitlion. You have, indeed, with your uf'ual exae'tnefs, con- fidered there realohs; but you do not kern to have invflidated any of them, unIeti it be the i?cend, re- hting to the Chea?t/3 of/-/art..r-/4i?; upon which occafion you have given us, from your Buttery. Book,

rid other valuable .e/rchivts, a very elaborate rep:e-

fenration of your ?eonomy and r?gul?r manner life. But the othgr two realohs remain in their full flxength; and I wonder how you could make any demur to figning his For the?-reatbns I am againIt enforcing the tute ?ith any larger penalty, elpecially one./? largt

APPENDIX.. ?s you feem to deftre ? which, after all you have fiid to the contrary, would be binding the �cholar, like an .dpprentice, and impriffling him in on? ciety. But Szco/?m.�, you objeO',that even this infuffi.. tient, defegtive flatute is eluded, and the penalty not regularly exacted: for you fly, that it ought to be paid by the Governor himfell, into whokcollegeany ?etlon is thus irregul4rly admitted ? whereas, in the prefent care, it was not paid by the * I'rovofl of Oriel, but by Mr. Seaman himfelf. by the hands of Mr. Bovoles ? which ! have before proved to be a direr: falfi'ty: But this, with fubmiffion, is the. ?veakefi and molt childills ol?je6iion, that I ever met with from f'o learned a Pen. Does the law enquir% in any penal ?atute, by whom the mone is aid Y P the law indeed flys, that, if you break fuchafiatute, you mu8 forfeit fuch or fuch a fum ? but it does uot fay, that you fl?all not borroro it of a ?;riend, or that anoeher fhall not pay it tbr you. Thus, when any man is fin;d for a mirdemeanor, the offender obliged to produce the money, ? but, provided he does that, no body troubles h?, head out of whole pocket it comes. Betides, thi, is an objedion which can never be removed, it being impofible to find out who fuppties the money, or prevent a Fefent o{ the fame value. in a word, were the penalty of this 1!atute an hundred i?ou?ds, inflead of fort? Ihillings, it would be ttill liable to the fame evafio?i:'nay, it would be liable to it in a much higher degree ? for a avuern0r might, perhaps, think it worth his while to oft fi?illings [o eta youn man, of a ood .payfiry . g g . g eharafler and promifing Nrts, into hts college, (as you fly yourfelf, 'l' that you would purehate a good Tut,r at any rate,) whereas he world not comply H ? with

APPENDIX, with a penalty oran hundredl?ounds, or of any large fcm. But you go on, and * labour very hard to prove, that betides the penalty of forty fl?illings to be exac� �f the Head of any college or h?ll, for every iucn irregular admiff'on, he ought al/b to reftore the �cho- /at'. Indeed, you are to modctt as to own, that the 1!atute is 't' filent as to this r?flimtio# ? and if lb, why fhould more be required, than the flatute re- quires ? i:ut perhaps it is imptd d in the ftatute ? cialIy fince you fay, that the payment of the forty /hil{-ing?/s a conceffion that thejqholar was wrong? removed; and/fwrongly removed, augbt to be reftor ! ?o net tee that any fuch thing i? imply'd, or that ?ny thing fl?ould be fuppofed to be impl/d, which is not ex?ref?d, or does not at lealt appear to be i?'d. This is a ttrange way of explaining l?ena?' fiaturn.5 which I always thought fhould rather be relaxed in the execution, than flrain'd, and rn.?de more rigorous by filent meanings, and forc'd im?,'i.. ta:ic?s. We will examine this re?foning by a parat- lei care. ?kere is an a? cf Parliament, which is a natio- ?al fiatute, agai?fl bu,fing in a?y thing but woollen, u?;der a pena.?ty of five pound?: Whereas we know that fevcraI perfon$ of taft,ion are every year buried in tirmea Lace, Oc. and, upon payment of the/?e- za;ty, are fuFpotid to have complied with the and to ke fi..'e from any proi?cutiun: but, accord- i?g to ]your way of reathning, tI?e bodies, thus &r. fi, l!y 5nter?ed, ought to be taken out of their grave:, fl.?ippcd of their prohibited j?rot?ds? and v,:rapF?d up once mere in ]beeps-wool ,only: I-or, though ?b.e a6t of Pa51iament isfilent as to this, yet ,"&e Faymerit of the five ?ounds is a concefiion that the

the bodies were unlawfully buried; and if so, the breach of the law ought to be repaired.

Perhaps you will endeavour to distinguish, in your great logical capacity, between there two cases, and observe, that a breach of the university statute tends to the subversion of discipline and liberal learning, which is malum in fe; and that scholars, thus irregularly admitted, ought therefore to be restored, to prevent the ill consequences of such an example: whereas, in the other case, say you,?there can be no such pretence, it being really of no moment, either to the living or the dead, whether a man be buried in linnen or woollen any farther than as it is breach of an act of Parliament; that this is only malum per accidens; and that therefore, if they pay the penalty exacted by the law, the injury is fully repaired.

But I must beg leave to observe, that this distinction is fallacious, and a meet scholastick subtlety: For, as the statute, to prevent the scholar's removing from one house to another, was made for the advancement of good learning; so the act of Parliament against burying in linnen was made for the encouragement of the?woollen manufature, which is acknowledged, on all hands, to be the greatest support of the wealth of this kingdom; for which reason I think that one ought to be regarded as much as the other; for I conceive an attempt to injure the Publick, and defeat the prosperity of our native country, to be equally destructive, and therefore equally malum in fe, with an attempt to subvert the discipline of the university; and therefore, all examples, both of one and the other, should be equally avoided and removed.

But you go on, and say, That though the statute mention only the penalty of forty shillings and be silent as to the restitution of the scholar, yet it appears on record to have been usual to restore the scholar; at least there is one precedent for restoring the scholar, and there doth not appear to be one for detaining him.

The single instance, which you have happen'd to pick up, is of one Thomas Wyffe, who, in the year 1548. was, by the Vice-chancellor's order, restored to Mr. Man, principal of Whitehall, by John Bury, Rector of St. Mary College, into which he had admitted him in the irregular manner before mentioned.

You seem to allow, Sir, though with some difficulty, that, in this case, Mr. Bury was not obliged to pay the[2] penalty of forty shillings, enjoined by the statute, but only to restore the scholar; your inference from which is, that the Vice-chancellor, at that time, did not think the penalty sufficient, (though, by your[3] own acknowledgement, forty shillingswas then of at least six times the value that it is at present.) or that it was eluded, as it is now, or that he did it to give satisfaction to the Governor, who was injured by this irregular remove, and therefore preferr'd the restitution of the scholar to the payment of the penalty, as more agreeable to the intention of the law.

I am still so unhappy as to differ in my opinion; and?can by no means allow, that the Vice-chancellor, in 1548. ordered this restitution upon any of these accounts; but, as it is much more reasonable to suppose, did it at the voluntary request of Mr. Bury, who, upon this complaint, chose rather to restore the scholar, by way of commutation, as it is usual in other matters, than be obliged to pay so heavy a penalty: and then this instance is nothing to your purpose.

But APPENDIX. But even fuppofing ( what there is no mannes of teafort to believe)that the IteO?or of Pdoeaid thepnalty, a, well as refiored the fcholar, What s this prove ? Only that the Vice-chancellor of Oxford? in ?y84. went beyond his authority? and did an a&ion, which he could not warrant by ttatute. I hall not take any notice ofyour calling a thing ufua!, which has been once done? but youliy tber? is one precedent for reProring th? febolaf, and there doth not appear to be one or the det'ainin him. Really', $?r, I have no opportunity of fearchmg the univerfitj Regifiersi nor if I had, lhould I think it worth my while to take fo much pains ibout this matter: But allowing thi? to be true, that there is one ?retedent for refioring the fchclar, and none for de- taining him; ?all one inllanceof a Vice-chancellor', having flretch'd his power, aimoil two hundred years ago, be extended to all his fucceffors, and ax- gued into prac"tice? I mutt make one more remark upon this cat?; which is, that Thomas Wy?, take it which way. you pieaCe, was not rooted without the Vice.chan eellot's order: I prefume that you have, iu your care, appea!'d to the prefent Vice-cha-i?cellor ? and if h? thought himtill pofleffed of any fuch power to d/f- penfe with llatules, as hisprecedeffor in ? 5'48, did, he would have itTued the fame order ?o the l'rovo? of Oriel to reProre Mr. Seaman: but if he has fuch a a power, and ferules to exert it in your behalf? he is, at lea!t, equally culpable with the-?/ov0fi, and ought equally to fhare your relentments; initearl of which, Mr. Fire.chancellor receives nothing but the higher '? entomiums at your hands, and Mr. 1'royoff nothing but the feverel! reproaches. H ?' You

APPENDIX. You '-? page, that this proeetdin$ ,c,, us in the next ?zd j5 go?.t an effe?, that there doth not appear to be another iaflance of a f&o!ar admitted into another lau]} ?ithout leave from his former Governor, or ?om the ?ce-c?.celtor, till the year ?7z3. So in the courli of an hundred and feventy eight ). ears, th=e =e, accordin? to your own acknowle3?ment, but two i?q?ce?-of ?rfom admitted into other colleges without leave from their former Gown?or$ or ?om the Vice-&ance?or: In one oafe, the perfort fo admitted was r?ored, but the p?n?l? does nor uF? to ha?'e Men paid; in the oth?, the ?enalty w=exa&e8, and the perfort not r?red? which I pre- fume would ?ve been done in the latter, if the Vice- ?ancelior ?d apy ?wer by ?atute to 8o it. Your ?ne ?re?e&nt, ?=dore, is only an iaAaace of a for- ?er Vice-cMncd?r, who exceeded his duty ?efioriag the ?ho?, which was an illegal a&, untefs ?,e did it by the confeat of both lieu of _ pa?fies, in t?e tmalty; as it is very reatbnaNe to believe: ?e d?d it by virtue of his own authority, it was an u?utable a?on, and ought not to be followed by hisfucceffor?; if hedid it, notby his own power, but by a?eement of ?e pmies, then it is no prece- dent ?o your purpo?i and, as you have not bern a- Ne to ?mma e u any other b?ance, I ho? you . g ?fll not argue ?at it has been uf?l, to vetore the ?hohr, from no ?rece&nt at a?. I ?ofl? ? a?ed t? dwell fo long u?n thi? ?, if ?t w=e not made nece?y by y?u? own Fo?x ramnet of ?iting; and I hope-that I fl?all not ? ?ought red,us in fo?owing you, under whole pen a molehill infoAbly fwells into a monn- t?n, ?d * D?es be?me of the utm 0 importann. What Author in the world, exert yourfel? could, ? ? much ?dr?, and fo good a gra?e, duce

A?PENDIX. chee all the particulars and minute circum!tances of' his own life? To th?s happy talent we are oblige? for that '? agreeable account of your life in Hint Hall, "Whenever your family_ are not with you?, "which, it ]?eros, they are not fometimes for aloft "night or threeweeks together; that you hardly e- "yet fu? out of the common Refia:tory; that you "neither I1 vat the meat, nor exceed the ro or- . Y p P "uon which is �ct before theion, eft commonerithat "te? pearce a day has paid ior your breakfall, dinner, "and �upper, even when there voas ./lie in the loci- "ety, which now there is not: that you have, you "thank.God,(ana fi do I too,) as good health as any "man m England, and as good an appetite as any "metalset of the communityi and, for a con- "/tancy, had rather live in Harl-Hall, �o far as re- "hte? to eating and &inl:ing, ttian at any' nobleman's "table in Europe." Again you tell u,, with the fame facility, '? That ?' for every day, of the be? part of your life, you "have done ten fl?illmgs worth of work for troo "pencesthat ?you have been above o,;e and th??ty "years a memoer o?' this univcrfity, ---? that you "have �pent tn, entyfive of them in the Education "o? youth i ---? that you have had the honourto "prellde in Hart-ttall for tl?efe fifteenyeav? paf? --- and are now 3uPt fifty year,? of age: all pmnt? which may poffibly ti:i:m to be or-but l?ttte impor- ta?cei and indeed would be �o, did they relate to. any body !ef's confiderable than your�elfl but they �?re render d Rill more valuable by the hand which. conveys them to us i it being, in all probability,. the only method by which we could come at any certainty concerning there particulars. Before ]t Page x q.q. I This part is liable to d?fpute 3 I will only put you. i:? mind of the late inttance of PEASE and BACON. ?'o. remember what you feid, upon that occ?,ilon? vie r

k P'PE N D'I X. 13efore I quit this head s [ rnuf? take notice of tw? t?ngs, which fearn w have given you great dif- The firit is, that * rome perions, it feems, have entertained a notion,that your Ha//is no more than m Inn, o? which youare the H0fi, gnd you? fcholar? the Gu?s. I am lorry, Sir, to fly t?t there kerns to ? rome r?fon in thisno5on, howe?a m?ily you may Flare to ?t it: For do y?.not, like other ?nn-keefers, your ?viu and ?aintain yourfami- !y b? letting lodgings, au?ke?g an ordinary for comers ? Are not youlicms'd for fo doing? like other l?-keepers, ?d Ratalert of beer, though by a diffe- rent ?nd ? Ind?d? you ? Logick? and other forts o( i?ning, a? welI as ?ovifions for enting and drink? i?g; but that ?not defray fie ?ara?er of an keeper, whi? you cer?iuly ?e in all other refpefls? but o?y prov?, that you d?t in rome ?ticu?rs which your Brethrea of the trade do not. ?t:?Ou obf?ve, ?th r?tion to Mr. Beeman's ?vi? ?r Hall, that fuppofing '? a t G?emor to ? ? but m I?n-kee? md his college an Inn, and ? his ?h?s GueSs, and, asfuch, at linty tofpend �' t?ir ?.w?e they. pl?fe? yet he d?ubts, he �' wi/I iniiR upou the privilege belonging to all o- ". ther l?.leeqers, aM not fuffer them to retkon, ,' without their ?o?." I. cannot potlibl! c.onceive what this pretty obfer- vanon was brought m for; or what Imrpofe you i?tend it ?ould ferve. You have, no doubt, the fame right. with otherlnmkee?evs, tobring ina ?i!l, and dem?_ d yo?Retk0?ivg, whm you pl?; which !?onot h?t?t Mr. Sea?au, or my o?of'yo? ?u?s ev? teNfed to pay; but I ?evoyou are the only Lan?rd in town, who wo?d off? to ?ain ? ?fis by fo? ?t? they h? ?d t?k at?kon-

tPPENDI X. g,.and oblige them to fpen_ d more ot their money in bouj$, wheth? they. will or not. The next thieg which I bar but ju? take no- tice of, is your apprchenfion, that unless this flatute is farther enforced, "o? go? Mother, the univer- by ?' fity will ? * govern'd cbiMren, and by their '?. ?ok? acquaintance, jug as their ?aturgl ?rents ? are." This dreadful apprehen?on runs through your whole book, from beginning to ?'; but it is fo monRrous and groundle? a f?ppofition? ?d, withal, carries along with it fo pitiable an opinion, ?th of p?r?nta in genera, md of the Governors of th? unive}fi?, who can never furely ? fo weak, to fu?r them?l?e$ to- be g?ermd in this chi!difi? manner, that I will not infiR upon it any more. Hayin thus fredy and im artia?y given ou m _ g F.. . Y Y ?ea?ns why I ca?ot a?ee w?th you ?n the m?n article of your ?ok, wia, the ?fi?dtn? and ?n of this ta?ute, which Xou ha?e f6 much at h?rt, I ?all no? proceed to ? acquaint you, with the fame treedom, that I do agree with you te?eral partic?ars, which are occafionally hinted ?d int&f?rs'd through your whole trotiCe. Give me leave,. Sir, to p?mife tMs with a ?ort ?mentation of our unfortuna? ?, who are fig{i, almoR fingly, to R?d up in the cau? of wit- tm ?d found dOitline, again? thg united efforts o? a vicious a?d corrupt g?eration! That it ?ould ? the ?meul? hard lot of Ttrr?-Filius and Dr. ?'twton to buffet with calumny, and be? the refmt- merits of an ungrat(ul uniwerfity, ?r endsrouting

I58 A P'P E N D I X. mutt exTeS: to undergo an equal {hareof that obloquy and ill-will, which have contt:mtlv attended him in the workof Refor_rnation? efpecia?y iince you hare guard- el )'our performance, in fo cautious a manner, with went profeffions of defere?ce to thot? to whom you a[.?eal; have ufherecl in your corn laints with the P . . humblel? fubmt?'?s, and/'oftned all your mve?ive? ?vkh ingenious falvo'$ and fham-fi?p Oions. . i 0 It mull be conferfen, indeed, that our manner of writing is romewhat different? occalioned by our different tintions, charac"ters, and profdtions: You, like the inimitable Horace, touch the wound but gently, and play with your patient5 whilft I, like rougher )rr?venat? tear off the plailler at once:, and diti:over the ulcer in all its malignity. But though you have wrapp*d up your complaints (which, perhaps, our enemies will call malice) i,? deane finhen than I was able to do, and difgui�ed your intention with more artifice and fine? s yet ot:r writings both undoubtsdly a?m at the tame mark, and therefore will equ.?Ily rouze up the refentments of thofi, againft whom they are levelI'd; nay, you mutt xather expecq: a hrger portion of calumny and reproach, fince you have tickled them in a much more elegant manner, and adorned almol!every fircalm with the moll beautiful flowers of Rhetoricle and Poetry. Nay? betides this, the ftIperiority of your charac- ter? as it willhave much greater influence than mine, and gi?'e a ?re?lit to what I have before fiid upon tie lime fubjeOa, fo it will infallibly inhance your crime, and their indignation. Since? therefore, you ha,,,e condefcended fo far as to lill yourfell my ?contl, and have not difdained to tread in tie path which I thnlked out for you5 iet me conj,.tre you. for the fake of our common caut?, to Ferfcvere with conflancy and thriftinn courage in this glorious warfare, in defpite of all the clamours and oF?refiion? of our enemies. lndeed?

APPENDIX. Indeed, yqu ?em apprehenfive o? this by thole bitter complaints of part luRerings, fcatt�?red fo. plentifully in ygur book, and b.y thot? flurdy refo lutions of * qmtting the educauon of youth, if you are not redreffed; in which I think the odds are, at leaR, romewhat againt? you; --- But I muff now haltea to thole paRages, which you/?em to have copied from me, and which, out of a rmtur?laf- f?,9?0?, ! am inclined to approve. - You gave me teafort to expe& .romething of this. nature by your I'r?face ? which ?s the fineft corn l?Ofit!on, that I ever read, Of thriftinn refignation,. charity, and forgivenifs on one fide; and o1' human rej?ntme?t and g/ferity on the .other. It concludes thus? :' As I have entred into this with due ddtbe- "ratio?, with ood advice, with a clear l?ro�?et! of "its tendenc! to piety, learning and good manners "(?bkb is exat? my ?afe toy) fo I ?all think "my fill happy, if I may be permitted to proceed "in it, without any farther interruption, either from "thole who would obftru& my charity, or from .? thole who would deal away my fchblars." There are two bitter charges contained in this ?eriod: I will juft make a fhort remark upon each of them. By thole who would obffru&your charity, I �up.? pole you mean the Reftor and Fellows of Exete? College, who gave you that grievous ?pb?tion, fo often complained of, to the ineorporatton ?your ball. For m I part, I know nothing of the difpute between you i only the, it feems, the flite of the round. uvon which your ba? Rands, belones to them; and I fu ore they imagined that they had a right ?o optoft any proje? wheh mvad? ?he?r ?r?Ferty. This you ca? ? u?reafo?ble ?p?tion,

APPENDIX, becau? there did not, by it, appear to be any adva?,? tsgt to the q?o?n: fo that all q, pofitien muff be el[eemed unre?onable, where the ol)pq?rs have no vai[iJle advanttsge, or merechar ?;iew. However, I . /hall wave thI?, becaufe you will reply, that no dy ought to oppol? a ? ddign, fuch as is the erdowmmt of a coaege, u? it affe&s thdr ?ro- ?, or they have fome oth? re?n for fo doin But ?p?.?ey m?ght ?e ?us u?n th? head, T?t ?owmg the tM?m?nt of a ?ege, ?eI1 re?lat? to be a gaod ?ffgn; y? fince there is fuch a multi.de of i?egu?ritks and ? app?s by Te?a-Fi?u$ and Dr. ?e?to?, in tho? ?11 e ? ?Irea? ?or ated, it would be ridiculous g. y (tiH th? ?me of ftt?rmatiog takes place) to b?. ?or?rate any ?cond '/'our charge contained in this period, i?, of fieali?g away your ]?kol4rsi which I fuppofe, derdried to refiee't upon Oriel College, alluding to the kafe of Mr. Seaman, which I have confidered ready; and therefore/hall only remark, in this place, upon the term fled, which is alfo repeated in your book. and implies, that a ]?holar is the t?roperty the Go'vemor, under whom he i? placed; and indeed. in fome college?, which I could name, they, a?u. all? make l?ropertks of them. obferve, in the time manner, that when you fpeak of thedefenion from your Hah, you call it the $nm?l Rebd?:on and of thole concerned it, you cal', ?hem mail. ants, _difa.?tted perfons, confpirator,. and r?ngleaders in the rebeldion; which are all tern'.,s e{ually appropriated to Kings and forereign prince?, luch as I have defcribed, in one of my * paper:, the Governors of colleges and ha!ds tto be. Confb- mat to this high chara&er, you appeal to the t're-

  • V'dt Ttrte-ltil&t No. XII.

APPENDIX. ?ofi of Oriel in his royal ftile; * "Whether of the "two. he will rather difcoura?e a deputy, hisrub- "jec%'in the breach of his truK'? or a Governor, hi: ,, .d//y, in the execution of his duty ? ' However? you give us to underfland, in the ?- quel of your book, that you have happily difeove- red. this wicked Conl?iracy againft your tiered per{on and government l that you have, at l?.ngth, fuppref: fed this dangerous Robelton ?n your dominions, anc? once more eaablifl?cd your t?If upon the throne of Hart-Hall. I joyfully congratulate your majefiy up- on this occafion ? hoping that n?ne of your fubj.??s will atte. mpt to dilturb yo.ur Reign any more ? but join, wnh a loud voice, m crying, long live Dr. N�wzo?, Mo?,?ucu of HART-HaLL] It is not in ff?e leaft to be wonder'd at, that one who had thus f!rongly imagiu'd himt?lf into the po?ffion of aj?vereign diadem, fhould take it �o hci- noufly ill of any anti. monarchical perfon$ to degrade him into a aommon Inn.keeper. I mo? humbly intreat your m. ajefiy's gracious pardon for having pre�um'd to l?tee into this notion my felfi b? a? ?very man ha? a right to explain his own meaning; .I beg leave to reconcile my af{'ertion, of your be-

ng an Inn. keeper, with your. majef?y'$ firenuous

elsira to royal power, in th?s manner, �ai?;. I ac- knowledge that you are an undoubted monarch within your own wall?, under the prote&ion of Exeter college? that you enjoy great prerogatives in your l?uttery, are upreme moderator in pel; and pot?e?s an ) ;;bj$1ute authority yourOhs- over the Kitchen. I am heartily eoncerne?l that any of your ? Mllies. the Governors of colleg?$ and halls, fhould fo t?x neg- le& Page r? l?ou? b?ok? l?age 45-

neglect their obligations to conscience and oaths, as to withdraw their artifice to the support of your darling Scheme; but you will do well to consider, that violations of the most solemn treaties and engagements are, in these our days, no rarities in sovereign princes.

I shall now come to the Book it self, and point out several passages, in which you seem to have couch'd some Truth, and a great deal of Satire.

Concerning your opinion of the Heads of colleges, you deliver your self thus,[4] "If it should be ask'd why the university, if they had not thought this penalty (of forty shillings) sufficient in 1634, did not increase it? I answer, that this might not then be thought necessary, because the Heads of houses, the immediate judges of the reasons offered for removing from one house to another, being, together with the Chanceller and Proctors from that very time, by a particular statute then made, united into an amicable Body, at once impower'd and obliged to meet weekly[5] in order to deliberate about whatever might concern the honour and interest of this famous feat of learning; it could hardly be conceived possible, that, in any future age, any of the Heads of houses themselves, should so utterly disregard the conscience of their duty, the dignity of their station, the familiarity of their friendship, the peace of the university, and the reputation of their respective societies, as to be guilty of the breach of this statute, had there been no penalty annex'd to it."

I hope, I need not comment upon this passage, nor use any arguments to prove that this complicated charge against the Heads of houses, which you A P P E N D I X. you fly, in the year z63a e. could hardl), ?e ca?eived ?offible? is a&u. ally fixed upon one tif the pre{ent Heads, for admitting Mr. ,5'eaman: how reafonably this charge is fixed upon that rvorth Governor, . ;Y . leave the reader to judge from what I have upon that fubjec"t i but Rill this is a proof, how exa&ly, generally f?eaking, re a?ree in our opi- nion of the Heads of coiled:es and ?alls. This grievous chargo is Rill further pre?i'd againt? the Heads of colleges in this florid manner; "? If "Govern. ors of tbcieties /hall, in defiance of "this flatute, not fcruple to admit irregular young "men, who are willing to be at the expence of "Jbrty/?illings, ..--? farewell the only �ecurity of "obedience to the 1ocalfiatutes of every foe;cry in "the univerfity. Ti?e heft difpo/d cannot be "regular in any locicry: they will be overborn by. "the raj?idity of the fiream, and whiri'd i?to the "?hcirc/ing edd, and funk promit?uoufly with eve- "ry thing the molt mfigmficant an contemptiNc. "And fo farewell the difcipli?e of this famous uni~ ', You go on, 1till firther to accufe them ofT heft =nd piracy, in there words: �reat numbers, "who were !:ound for tl this Port, have been inter- "cepted and carried off to another, and many of "them juft at their very entrance into it. Falfe "colours have been hung out: Fayours have been "promis'd, which were never beflovo'ds and ?ho- "larfl?ips have been given to tho�c who were un- "der a fiatutable incapacity to receive them. Dung "m?n are feared, Parents manag'd, $cheolmafiers "are made welcome, and l'iracy infi:f?s there ?' �eas."

i64 APPENDIX. Betides this gratrd charge againf[ d/Hutds colleges, you are particuhr]y hard upon j?mt them i who, I cannot help obfervin? are the mof?

  1. nexeeption?ble. I have already fully-confldered the

barbarous manner, in which you have treated the worthy Dr. Carter, Prayoff of Oriel Collegej I will now quote a paf?ge, which feems to bear equal- Iy hard upon the late ]earned Dr. Hunt, mailer of BalM, by char in him with strut. y, in giving Mr. Somatier the fihdarfidp before mentioned in deftlace of the fidtUrfS, by which he was not qu4tiffd to receive it. How juf?Iy you do this, ?Yam not able to judge, being perfe&I', unacquain- ted with Mr. $omafier's * age, or : fiatutes


th? that college. You take occafion to fill foul, in the time oblique Manner, on that moff ingenious and able Tutor, the fevererst Mr. ?tor. e$ of Baliol, uFon account of infiru&ing Mr. Somatier for ?othing.----- " 4 c One "thing I would alfo fu to _ ggeft Parenui that ! he- "ver had any thin? done for me ]?r nothing, which "did nor, in the d, fhnd me in much more than "the full valued sad that, for the mof? ?rt, that "which coils little, i.s ?rorth left."--.- After th[? /?roke, comes a falw m your uf?al manner. --" I '? do not fly thi? to derogate from the charaCter "of the Gentleman, who ha, fo cheaply'offered "his �ervic% beesure he hath the reputation of a "pbolar, and of a man of patti, and, I believe, "deferverily: but the more worth)' he is to be ' I am credibly informed, fines the firff edition of this book, that you a&uall}, mifreFrefented thisGentleman'? =ge, and quoted a f?lf� regiRer, which you have thought prsl?r to corrc?,-i? fom? copies, with

APPENDIX. "pr?i]?, on the account of hi? a?;ilitle6 as a Tutor, '? ?he more ! blame him, if whiiR he was himf? "unh?t, he hath not doubt? to intere? "in the unju? re?ntments of his pied: and, whilfi "he was a member of.fo ?ri)ing a f?iey, and "had Co acceptable a charage b as m?ght entitle ." him to as manf tupik, ?s h 3 -pl? out of the "wide world, fie hath fubmstt? ?o fo m?n an "art, upon ? unv?t? a motiwe? in order fo ".?eafe Ns ?rge Wlotk out of my fm? Dg" ' ! am crediN? informed, b? the by, that ?th ?ms of this char? =e abfolutely fulfil ?or fir?, Mr. Somatier s remo?sl from Hart-HaR was not done at the &fire of Mr. ?u, but Colely br ?e motion of his own Rt!?ti?m; and, feeondly', ?t ? has, ever ?ce his ?mi?on into ?1, mn?ndy pfid the time Wutor?gt, whi? oth= ?holan do. As we ? along, I ?nnot o.git one p?ge, which, though it does not immdiate? ?ncem el- their yo? argument or mine, f?ms to be worth ?b?ation for ?ts rubtime expreflion, and m?ta?ho- mat el?nee. S?akmg of one of your Schol='s Reafons for ?avinff your Ha?, and going to Trini?Co?egt, caufeShey had a fine ?arden there, which he ? would ? of advmtage to hi? health, you make this curious reflefion. "? I do ?kno?J?ge it is a very fine Garden. "I quefiion wMther there are .finer Evergreens in "my garden in Europe? than in that of Trinity "CoReget but I would ha?e him conrider, that the "proper ufe of that fine Gzrden is not to crmte "in ?hilofi&ers an ap?tite to Elegance, but "gort'h t6 ?oung men the advmtage of Education: "For

i66 APPENDIX. "For tho�e fi?e ?ughs could not have been fo beau- "tffully formed, if they had not bee.n * obedient "to the bmder's well, and �uffered with patiencc "the amputation of every luxuriant and fuper. "fluous branch, in confidenc? that all this art and "care, and feeming feverity of the pruner, would "contribute to the improvement, and to the "tafton of the ldants." But to return: 'ou go on to chilire your .'her Heads in this oblique manner: --?. * ,c It is �' the duty of Governors and Tutors to take care "that they (the flatutes and r?le$ of every locicry) "be neither ?artially exeueted by themfelm? nor "dif?uted or eluded by others." We come now to another paffige, where, upon fuppofition of this flatute's being eluded, (as you vretend to prove it is,) you launch out, even with- out you ?fua? forthings, in this extraordinary man- her: ? ---- ? Every Order, either ot the Gover- "nor or Tutor, however agreeable to the intention "of the ttatutes, or �uppofecl to be necetliry ?rom "the very nature of education, would ,be cavilled �' at, dilputed, negligently obferved, or difobey'd at "pleafure? every Exereitq, a flight, deferire, per- "funflrory, formal performance; the general stud?, "wifimut method or &riga, defultory, fruitle�d ? "the tz?rtirular Leaare, not before perufed, not at- "tended to, nor afterwards conlidered, nor digefled, "nor remember'd ? the Dif?utations, a ?mp!e [trmg "of five or fix fyllogifms, writ down in a fcrip of "pal:?. 5 div.?e fervtce, a dropping of the fociety in- "to the Chapel, one after another, from the begin- ', ning of the prayers to the end, molt- oftenfive to �' God and mm i the ?vhok Converfation fo free from "

APPENDIX. "bdnntry, as not to re]ate to ltar?in?, the trifling "produ&of leud plays, newa-pa?ers, and pamphlets. "And, 0 grief ofgriefi ] the confciou�nef} o� their "own lo? parts, foot �cholarfhip? and other defe&$ "woul.d be fo far from fuggefiing to them the "propriety of'modefly and humility towards their ?' governors, that, in proportion to their leaden "rance, and infuffYcien?, their im?mdenre, and in. "filenee would abound. And this would be the "precious treafure, wherewith the univerfity would �be able to pr' efent the publick. "---- All this is fo agreeable to what I have obt3rved concerning the exerei?s, fludies, le&?res, difputntbns, brayers, and conver?tion of that univerfity, (as any body may be convinced, who will gi?e himfelf the trouble to read my * papers on thole Cubits,) that you almolt �eem to haveflolen the whole paragraph from me.----You o on in this ironical manner: "To be lure tkey are excellently well. prepared to "adorn any fiation with ability, fideht 7, and ho- "hOUr ! To be lure the neceflity of fubmi?ou to "the civil magifirate, and of obedience to the "laws of their country, is fo well impreg'd upon "they% that if there were no-penalties "their own re!te&ions would always keep them "in awe, and make them always f?udious of the "peace, and abftinent of the property of the mean- "e'ft mere. her of the commubiry ! 'To be lure, "ter hav:ng read fi much philofipky, and made "the thoughts of their own mortality Jb fatal- "liar to them, nothing lefs can be expected "of them, than a contempt of the work?, re- ',, a rio?neff );?aation to the divine will, and fl of "lite, as if to-morrow was to be the init day of ' it!" I Vide Terr,?-Filiuq N � Xx, xxxv, xlii. T P=ge ?o 4.

AP P END I X. I can call the htter part el? this paragraph no other than a lampoon upon the dii?ildine of that whoie univertity ? nay, fo bare-fac'd a one, that (contr,ar? to )/our ufual gravity) it comes up to a meet tunere You feem to be �o fond of this talent at Ridicule, el-at, having O. arted theconcdt of an undergradu?te'? lacing like an a?entite, (which you etymologize in ?a very accurate manner) you ,proceed to bur!efque the I'rofeffors .of liberal fcicnoes, (not, I fear, w?thout having a Farucular eye upon the Clergy_,) a? well as the nedleft: olr merit in the univerfity, in this �evere manner: *" Nor, indeed, can you fee the necef- "fity there is to learn his malter's art, in order to " it; for fuch, you have obferv'd, is the �' genersl ..Z?egard to fiholsfii,k merit, and rich the "ha. ppy &fierenee between a [bholar and a mecha. "as&, that a fihdar may ./?t up, without having "ever learnt his trade, and often have better buji- "neff, .than he that hath greater sk//l." In the next paffige, which I fnall cite, you to have work'd up a very high encomium upon y?urfllf? with your ufual fiverity upon your thren. Having.to?d us how ingenious cholar? ou hr ro . h refpe? their Tutor for t/ie 1tnSnefs exercit? them, you conclude thus: �hey will rather value ', him the more, for that he hath not fo regarded �' his care, as to be remi�s in his duty ? and hath "the kor, efly and the courage to perrevere, and to ,' equal, in the midtt of innumerable temptations to ".in&lunge and partt?!ity." ?-.OW'

APPENDIX. However, Sir, you might defign this, it is fo fe.?able an obfervation, that I cannot help drawing one inkrenee from ib .v&. that it is not �ufficient for a good Governor to thy in vindication of every thing he does, that he has the authority of thefiatutes on his fide ? but he ought likewith to execute them equ.?lly and ?.,npartidl/, both in the d,f?enfition of avour$, and the infli&ing of?u?i?ments? for we $5_, know, that ff allthe flucutes were to be put rigoroufl), in. execution, above half the member? m' every c?ety mutt be expelled 5 but, as a good Governor is lap- pored to a& like a good King, and impartially execute jufiice with merq, it is altooft as unjufi and unequita- 'hie to-fur?end the rigour of the tta. turestowards?me, and exert it againll othsrs, as ?t would be to either without, or agaie# any fuch authority.---- I wifh you could prevail upon the I'refid:nt andFel- loro? of a certain college (�ome of whom are your intimate friends) to lay this confideration ferioufly to heart! In another phce, fpeaking of univer]Tty degrees, how exa&iv do you and I jump in opinion, concern- ing thole h[?nour? ? "?" Surely, ];,y y?u, there ', is rome error in this conceit; and becau.? alegreen

  • ' fi..ppol� education, they are o?ccn mijL?ken by pa.

a' rents ./3r education." You are Lill more f,:vere upon your l?rethren the Clergy, and feem to condemn their darling pri- vilege of pluralities in this artful and very acute manner:- .- , "Where is the neceflity that He, ,' who will never delCr=e ere Livi*lg, fl?ould have "t?o; which rome l,ave doubted whether the molt "exalted merit could innocently cn.}oy ? is not on "Living feficient to [:egle?? orl.?�artfh enough to "expel!i: himfell to ? Or? rnuft he needs have Vo?,. !l. 1 "to

APPENDIX. "to tsie notice that he hath neither j3?riety, nor �' gr4vity, nor Furlrace, to delirve their good opi- ni?i nor?rimfn? to invite the? con? ?cel "nor abil? t? ?fi$? their ?ruples ?" ?vNg ?tg condemned rome of your Brethren Dr )?it?gmd im nun?g fchol?s into their col. leges, md prof?'d your own mnocente m th?s par- ?lar, you c?m m wifi t? following period, which I ?ot lu?dently admire for th'e e!ega=e ? the ?i?, as well as ?e poignancy of ?e?tire, �"I pro? (thu?you begin,) as often ? I think "of things, w?ch I do every day, ? almo? "ev?y hour of?eh day of my life, !am a?oni?- "el, t?t any Tea?h? q ?hd?pky ?uld him?lf "? fo ?leaned? as not to know t?t ?&m is 55o?fuchmnfcendent mod?yand 3eau?, andfo ?ble of?dng extreme delight to the happy pffeffor of her? ?t ?e is full worth}' tobe defir'd "with impatience, md fou h' a?er with care, . g . and "?un? with ?ff?, md ?efi'd with endear- "?t, md ought not to folicite adm?ers, nor "o?u& h?f:lfu?n them, le? b[o erfons of difi "?ment, ?e ? dff??d fo? her ?dncfi, "a?adon, md her vanity." As to the Tem?er?te ofour academical Lads, you ?p?fi yourfelfin t?s hypotheti=l manner: ? '? .If, inR? offl?riety, which keeps the ?nfi?tutton cool a? clan, and the mind vigorous and a?ive, �'md livdy? md fit for ?n? the o ever yg y �" to a p?lick ?oufe, and ?m a relu?ance to ? . . "the l? d? of mtem?ce? become mtghty "to mingIcing &kk, and fu? the Jove of it "fiduoufly to fieal upon them, in/}nfitqy to grow "up with them, dil they habitually deftre it, long "for

APPENDIX, ?' for it, hanker after it., are uneafy without it, and "at fall, carry this mean, pernicious, finful habit "along with them to their refpeOive ]?ttleme#tt, "when they go abroad into the world?6,,v." with a great deal more to the fame p.urpot? which it would be needle?, and too obnoxJom,'even for m, to repeat. The next point, in which you leem to imitate me, is concerning the Smarts, of whom you f_IX'ak thu, {agreeably to what * I have obferv'd upon thoik Gentle- men) ? "To wt, arfine eloath6 is not to be an oran. "merit to a fociety: an unity and. ffmplicity ofd. refs, of '* materials, if not grave, certainly not gay, ?s more "l?enteel, more manly, more fuited to the 1tudious "li'�e, more ex?rettive of a mind intent upon learning, "a?c! inquifitiveafter knowledge: and of a contempt "of what the effeminate and alliterate are wont to "admire."--- Again you fpeak to the tame effe&: "finery, in an Umv?s? amongIt t?holars, in "a fi:holar, and while he is profefl?dly "of thole improvements which adorn the mind, "is? even in a per/on of fortune, an irafro fiery, if "not m abfurdity, So that thi= tort or' mertt, ii- it "entitles him to any refpe? from his merrer who �' doaths him with it, or from his =altt who ttrips "him of it, cannot ?ntitle him to any from his G0- ? ?y?lOy. ?' You go on againl! the pre?nt �xtrzv?gance oftLe

  1. ?i?rfity in the fame excellent man,mr,

-J-" Neither is it to be an ornament to a fociety, "tofi?d a g7/eat deal of moneyinit, in cofi',y treats "and entertainments: for frugality, which is fobca' "and tem ewe, which avoids as well cardifs a ? .. . nd "unnecefliry, as vtc?ous and yam expences, ?bat I Page ? P?ge ?7f.

x7z APPENDIX. "there may be always wherewith to be jufi and "good and ?ra?ce?t, that there may be no alii. "er$6, nor tem?tati.on to do mean or ?vickedthin?s "throagh nec?ty, :s one great part of univerfi9 "?a!uc?ition." This is all very true, and an excellent obl?rvatio,n, in general; but I hope it is not particularly levelt d at any of your Brother Heads, for refuting you a place in their Pu:vAvs JusTos and Cas?Ls. --You pro. ceed thus: ?'" All our academical inttitutions have thi; "view: they all tend this way: a plainne? of diet "made acceptable by' evening fobfiery and early ?', frog; and this, in amoderate portion atfiatedtimes, is the univerfil rule of this place; and is of fingu. "lar ufe, whether it be confider'd as an help to the "cvntem�1ation of the fiudious, or as a pre?rvative "of health to the fedentary, or as a guard to the "iur. oc?ce of youn men, whole paffions are prel- �g "ling ?ritb force upon them: for any young Gen- �' fieman, therefore, to diflipate a ?reat deal "in fo needlefi, faimproper, and cu- lpablean expence', "betaufo he is rich enough to afford it, or ?ain enough ,' to affeO? it, and thereby to introduce into there places "of education a reluSance to corn I with the "methods of hfe here propos'd an'] requlr'd; a nicety �' and tkga?e in eating and drinkingi difpofitiors "to luxury and idlen?5, and the naturul confequence5 �' thereof,'is not to adorn a focicty, but to "it? is to hinder any body elfe from beinganorna- "ment to iti an'? the way to entitle him/elf, not to "his Governor's efttern, but to his very great dif- "pleaCure." I cannot, Sir, fufl?cientl� apphud/this elaborate dechmation againfl the pro tqPn'e'sand delieac lately introduc it into oxford i an enormity of fuch lanai con- Page 17?.

A P P E N D I X. con{iquence, that unlefs it be in rome manner time- ly check'd, it may, in all probability, totally de- Kroy the univerfity itfel�. But I mull nifo beg leave to obferve, that there ought to be a ration on the other hand: and that even frugAllt! ma?' be-carried to an excefi. As therefore 1 can- not approve of the luxu7 and intern?rance of Ibme? fo 1 mu? equally condemn the ?dantick ri- goat and abfli,?ence ot other$; for as it is not pro- er, in tMfc places, to indulge upon ve?n and dmon, u on 3ur und),, champaigne and Rac?, on one hand; fo I think the?e ought to be rome- thing alto? d betides freak-beer and a?olt-dum?linvs, on the other. Nay, the mcet?e? before mennone& taken in a moderate degree, tend to infpire the ge- nius, and e?,iven the ima?ination5 whereas nothin? can be expe&ed from only rot-gul fma? beer, an? h?vy but . apple-dumplings, ?upi,lity, fleeinet, and in,Mente. And yet I am affured that a certain learne? HeM, who feems to have no fma? opinion of hi? management, has lately e?ablifl? thi? Regimen, and ordered it to be Rri?ly obferved by all with- in his dominions i from whence it is conjeSured, that the ?me worthy perfort is the author of famous tre?tife lately publiC'd, an? entitl? a ned ?rtat?on upon the excelknee, dignity, ? ti?uity of Dumpling, with ? word u?on Pudding. For my prt? I am again? all zxtreams, efpecially on the ?in?h.begy fide, which I do not think can be of an? advant?e either to a mau'? health, or his genius5 but, on the contrary, firm- ly believe that a Lad may thrivo full a? well, an8 th 0 logi?i as glibly in a college? where th? eat and &ink like Ohr?ians, as in any S?t B?g B?tt whatf?ver. I woMer that you did not, unS? tNs h?fl, q?int us ?ith that wife ?j?ion. which I ?

APPENDIX. bye caut?d to ]?e promulgated within your nions, aglinf[ the confumpfion of Tea and Coj?ei a talhionable vice, which tends only to/quandring aw?y mone , and mifi din t? rnorning; (as you once ingenioufly expre/? d ?t) nothing more. can be expe&ed fiom thole JEIXTfiCt/L?.R CONF.? You go og, and are very prolix in cenfuring your Brethren, the Iqead? o[ bourns, for their $le? of. young ?ablemen? and Gentlemen-commoners? coremmid to their care, ?uf? in the time manner which I hare * done? only allo_wing for your u?u- al fairo's and d?uifi.,. tt would be too tedious to quote all you paffi?es to this effe&; ffpecially confiderlng that my-letter is already fw�lled much beyond its intended length ? i will therefore on- ly give the reader a timpie or two, and Co con- clude. I-Iar[ng toId us how a Governor ought to be- bye towards perfons of a f?iOerior rank, ]tou pro- reed thus: "? But a G?.t?o,---- will no? be fo bari, as, "in conjun&ion with grooms, and footmen, ?ncl "nurfes, and 4 refugee tutors, to [hew his refpe& ? to them, by admiring their fertune, or theie birth, and thereby cmrupl? their minds with faire "notions of greatneff i or by flattering them in their "j$1ie?, or t-heir ?iee$; or by ?iting himfelt; to "their irregsdar apFetitra." Again you fpeak of- them thus:

'? ? By this means they will be

'.' in t? vey place of their education, thol?

APPENDIX. "notion? of them?lves and others, which they had, "in a good meafure, learned bette they came to "the U?vtRSmr." Once more you fly:" # A Governor, therefore, "in the exec?tio? of the fiatutes. can neither "dentl?t nor iufily make any ,litrenee, between "thor6 who-are flyled Gentlem?n. commoners, and "thole who are call'd timply CommonerJ, who are "not unfrequently of the/arne family with thole "of the fi,p?rior order, very often of as go?d, and "rometimes better. A Gentleman-commoner hath "a foul to be rived as well a jir?'itor, and is under "fame obligations to religion and ?irt?e. A Gentle- "man-commoner owes a duty to his country, and "hath no more title to be u.?l 0 to ?r, than anl? "other per13n, to whom he would thiff off" the "licence, and the qualilqcation? to ?rve it." I}' any one can deny'that this is an indirdt ban- ter, exactly in .the Newtoninn manner? upon the method of treating Gentlemen-commoners at Oxford, as well as upon thbli G?ntkrnrn th?mfelv�?, I muff confefs that I have no judgme. nt in hnguage, and will rather gi?,e up my atI'ertaon, than endeav9? to prove it. I have now gone through my ob?mratiom upon this extraordinary TreatiIe? and, though I could produce divers other paffiges out of it to the time effe&? yet, 1. believe, th0fe already cited will thought fuffiaent to demonffrate that you have, in almo!t every particular, covertly efpOufed m caufe, and fought under my banners. Na�? in rome point?, you have exceeded the r?odd which I laid down, and urged your refentment .f?rther than i can juffifyl particularly with _rehuon to the Gentlemen of Oriel and Btdid Colleges, in which I 4. you

176 APPENDIX. you have by far out-done me: for I will defy the worft of my enemies to ?.x,,r one inttance where I have, in fo bitter a manner, inveigh'd againfi any Gentleman, for no other reafon than pure- ly to wreak a litde t'?leen, and be/patter the I do not fay that you dej,r'gned to tkrve me in this fighal manner; for, as lobrevved at the begin- ning of there remarks, the i?fi?t?'ciency and elufion of one particular ttatute, in which you fancy your tilf aggrieved, tiem to be the burthen of your whole i?ook, from beginning to end. ^11 your comphints turn upon this head; but, in the great hurry of your zeal, there is �carcely an enormity in the univerfity? which you have not ]ugg'd in as a cont'equence of this infuffi'cienq or cluff'on, though they evidently flow from other caufis. Thus we may juftly fay of your book, without prejudice or partiality, that you/&m to be edly m the wrong, in your main pofition, as well as in the fa&s which you have brought to fupport it, and inadvertently in the right in almolt every Perhap,, after all, you will objec�at I have mirinterpreted 7our thoughts, and deduced conl'e. qwuences which never cntred into your heart5 to hich putpole you will quote a great many plm- fib!c purges out of your I:ook. It ma 7 be lb,, in- deed ? but, even in that care, I can fee no reafon that I have to ask your p,'u'don, fince, however? ! may ,have injured your thoughts, I am lure that i have not wrefted your veor?ls, which are evidently on my faie, whatever your heart may be; nor are you the firit who has really wrote a satire, whil? he was intending a Panegyric& But however this :,.-as brought to pati, whether ?rittingly or urmittingly, i am certainly obliged to }:ou for t?ing up the cudgels in my defence,

APPENDIX. and becoming my ?o'-adjutor? at a time, when thought that every body had deferred me in the cauf? of virtue and R?formati?n..I have long boured by my /'elf under the weight of calumny upon this account i and it is very kind of you 1tep in, e?,en thus late, to my relief, and tak? half of the burthen upon ),our �elf. The only re- turn that I can ?romife to make is, that as you lm, ed. efpi/?d the comforts of eafe, plenty, and tranqmlity? to fupport me i fo I will, upon all oco carlons, (as far as truth and reaj3n will allow me} fxcrifice my time, and even my reputation to tirve you: at prefent I can do no more than affix the ,gum of what you have written, with there Re- marks upon it, to the end of my book on the fame fubjecq:, that they may live together to all polterity, and be mutual aid, and juttifieations of each other. ' I con}eft, Sir, I am at: a 1o�s to j. udge whethe? the univerfity, affembled in tonvocation, will think fir to return you their thanks, in due form, ?or the pro?Ol you have made to them? or, order your book to be burnt, as a libel upon their tute$ and dicit?line? but I [hall impatiently wait for the iffue of their contultations, having the jufle.? teafort in the world to expect, that m perfor- 'Y. . mance will meet with the fame fate, whcthe? be for its honour, or for its difhon?ur. Our cafes, Sir, are to exa&ly parallel, that I have borrowed a pall'age out of your book, entitled, gn(verfity Education, for a motto to T?rr?-Filim: again, part of your ?otto �ervcs full a? ?p?ofite- ly for an head-Feice to this ,'lpi?endixi and I mutt take the liberty to tondudt in the tame manner that you eond?del which I chufe to do? becaut? the words are exae"tly applicable to my care. well as yours, and are far more fg#rati? and me. t??horieal than I can fupply. I ?' * "For

17g A PPEi DI X. ?" For there f?r years that I ha?/e undertak? "tl?e Reformation of the t?o unive?ties, I have "?med to my gf to have N< ?alking through "a large field of } Briars and Thorn% in hopes "of arriving at a beautiful country beyond it; of "which, at my firff ?tting out, I'thought I had "a yet n?ar prot?&' but, goM God ! with w?at "weaq fieps, w?th w?t bardflru?le, w?th what "exueme h?z?rd of 1ofing ev?y Rag of cloaths ' off my back, ?ve I tofi'd and fweat, to get "thro?h tNs horrid brake t the thicket impene- "trable t the p?th untrod! I have been teiz'd, "p??!ex'd, prick'd, firatch'? torn, wounded, di?- "gur'd I No f?n= have I been able to d?mgage "my fell on one fide, than I have been entangkd "on the other. In the mid? of this perplexity ? and di?efi, nothing kept up my fp?nts more, than an =rne? dq;?e of do:rig the good ?at "was tcfo? me i a thorough ?eOafion of the "[ncrefiSdn? of Perfe?erance, ?d an utter con- "t%mpt"of the unr?Oneble opp?tion I met with: "for I confidered that it =oti onl t ?om Briart "and ?t,. which, however the? might ? p?- s' mirted, for a w?e, ? triumph in ?ctain?g a "little Page zc6, Alluding to ttmt pafl?ge in our. excellent tiaatiler, eartb? at ?an ?i?g f?tb Jut weeds, nettle?, bramble{, ?9. feco? ? of ?c ?rI of ?an. This ?11e?my ? ?ed by rome ?rfons, ro contain a fecret fa?e ?on ? gentSmen ct E?t? college, v{?. Mr. ?hra,

APPENDIX? x7? "little of' my fleece, would never be able ef?ually "tO obltru? my paf?ge to that fine ?sfiu%. ?' thole dd?tiou; fireams ! pant?d afte. [ ,;m, $ I R, Tatar m?fi thankful Fellow. Laborer, TEK1DE-FILItJ?. POST.

5POSTSCRIPT. Would not willingly let any part your argument, with regard to the fin. tute in difpute, pati unob/hrv'd; and for that teafort, have thought fit toadd a word or tveo? by way oi: p?}ript, to the foregoing Remark.s. The only ige.?, which you.?em to haveleft, fo;' &{irin an ammdment of this ttatute, is, that the g r?;alty of ortv Ihtlbngs by the alteration in the va- lue of money, is much left confid?rable nora than when the fiatute was firjt made. I have notpretend- ed to deny thisi for I know it to be true. But I think tl?at I have, in a great meafure refuted your arguments upon this head, and ?roy'd, that the ter- rible contequences which you draw from it, and fo ttrongl?r Frognofficate, ?,iz. tile t?tal f. ubverfiou of academical difiolin? , will, in all laroba?itity. ne?er come to Fati i for, in the cafe? both of Mr. Seaman lnd Mr. 8ornaj]er, (which I hope ?you will not in. /ill upon any longer) yo.u do not pretend that they went away ?,ithout a?kmg for a d.?efft i nor that they ask'd for it either out of voantonnq}, or to ?./}at? trom the difiiptSne of your l-lall: finee ot vn, you fly, that he wasfiudious and ?vell-inclinedi and you do not offer to fly any thing to the trar)' of the other; and betides there t?o, yo.u lave not bc?n able to give any other inltance, m .the �ourfe o! ont hundred and fevtnty eight year?.

POSTSCR. IPT. You fly this diminution of the penalty is a * mir- chief ?vhicb time b?s introduced. How. great a chief it is, I mu? I?ve ?e reader to jud?, after what h? b?n /?d: but if yaa had ?en pl?f? recollea fame other ?atutes, you might have em- ?Ioyed your time to much better purpo?, in letting f?rth the tea! and gri?ous m?hie? which time introduced, by the alteratioa in the value of money particularly in the flatute relating to grand cam oun- ders, which'?is grown fo burthenfame, that it keeps feveral gentlemen from taking their degrees; or in the flatutes of tveral calicos, which oblige the fellow? to f?ear that they are not worth five pounds per annum de ?raprio, and thereby involve many them in the guilt of perjury. By Vqofing a red'-re? of thef grievances, you w?Id have d?e a honour to the univ?ty, al well as tr? firrite to ramkind, inRead o?' among us with idle complaints, founded upon imaginary grievances? carrying on your o?n fanciful and ridJealous ? wi? detain you no longer than to put you mind, that = you have thus grofly lhe whole matter, and tMreby injured feveral wor- thy gentlemen, y9u ought, as a ??(eff? of leaning and chrifim rdi ;on, to ma? t?m fame repam- g . - tion, by publickly asking thetr ?ardan, as well' as offeO fo?; ??ologj t? thi publick ?r hav?g imbed upon it in fo egregtous a m?ner.

THE INDEX: A .(publick) at Oxf?r? �ome account of ?t. . I. ? ?ought expe&ent to have notre of late, the 1tatutc concerning it, H. x oo (into t?c tmi?) fomc account of it, attended wida of Itare. ttall, whit, II. aal?tg.e':Tree, (philofophic?t) an account of it, .IL a?l?le'Dumpiinga mjoin'd in a certain ha? In Ox- �?i?em'?% ctymologWd by Dr. Heu,te?, 1I. a?riJtotle, thcdeferencc paid to him at Oxford? I. a greater man than Locie, I. xx'c?mmeu?l to all yotmg ,d?t!t.e#

INDEx. ,?rt/des.(of religion)fub?/rib'd, without knowing it, farther proved, I. I. aslrts decline at: Oxl?rd, 1. 26 althanaf?s recommended to all young men, II. ?lyl? (Dr.) abuf}d at Oxford, I. B l?eartrofi (Mr.) de. niedhis Grate at Oxford, II. �,n. yohnpn a Brt?t??r II. Bi?ops, threaten to getTe?-,itiua fuppre?'d ?la,h Boo?. what, a [entlemaq of ?,rton Co?g, put into jot &inking kmgGeorg,5 'h, I. a large account of that a?ir, I. a farther account of the fl?t} ?lunder ('Squire) a member of OrZngnti?, I. fome account of him an? his fon, ?ou}e?halus (Sir) h?s exploits at Ox?rd. II. Bowlei (Mr.) admits Mr. Seaman into Orid Colkge, b.o?r r?ted by Dr. ?t?. H. _.. how eReemed by him formerly, �n?ont (Dr.) reprimanded for h? im?ence red' unch?itablme? I. Bsb3le (Stamf?d) m ac?unt oe it, L �s?ck'?-?ave, news ?)m. thmce, I. ?u?ar3?) go? a ?ggmg ?u ?me colicget, I.

INDEX. Ca?mbddge, its di�pute with Oxford, about Feee. dense I. 40 itsgenealogyandfevetalnames, I. 4z the time negle? of fiatutes there, II. 1 o4? Ca?taber, a SI?$nifb rebel, founder of Cambridge, I. 4I C?rter (Dr.) abufed by Dr. Newton, It. rael ? &c. Cartey (Mr). put into the Black Book, and for what, I[. xx? Cheer (b?op of) upbrai& the univerfity ?r not r?din I ?p, I. ? ; how anfw? d by Dr. ?ougb, i$. Gbonk? Feei?nm (a Mo? fo ?11cd,) tome ob?r- vau?s upon ?t, I. ? z G?ig , ?e ?nt of it at o ord, . . C??n (h?, N?ory) the money got by itsimpref- Clodins ($nal?fim, an old Sabine farmer, !. y? CdleRen (Academical) dercrib'd, d: 6 9 fion embezzled, I. xS. how excufed, I? ?o his Finting.b?ufi, tome account f it, i, Ill ef.a7 at oxford, its definition, lb. �?m?m?nt?, a difl'ertatioa upon them., II. 78. Ora?#rd?n (Grand) the fiatme conc?nin? them ought to be amended? �[. ?8? whom it becomes, I. ? oz Confiitution. the intention of endowing them, II. realohs for leaving one, and going to fi?fi. the mof[ uncommon thing in tte world

INDEX. �onfiitution.�Iub at Oxford, rome account of it, I. how look'd upon by the univerfity, L a large account ofitsrife, pro rel?, g and diffohtion, !I, infulted at Ox?rd, II. profecutecl in the vice-chancellor's court, II. preenreel by the Convoratbn (Oxford) their defign Con, vocation filenced, Cofiard (Mr.) put into the Illark Book, and for what, II. grand jury of II. ?2? I. y? I, 8-- Cowper (Mr.) denied his Grace at Ox�ord, II. Coxcomb, his method of complimenting, Ii. Craftus (Dr.) I. ?4 6. Carl (Mr.) his account of the oxford poetical , I. receives a letter of thanks from them: I, Deetee (at oxford) againIt all r?fifianee of princes in King Charles IFs reign, 1. 3o Broken thr?ul?h the very next rei?, 1. Dedic.?tions, mPtances of rome, II. Degrees the method of taking them, !!. 6+. 7 z f?atute? relating to them, II. }oo Dr. Newton's opinion of them, II. I6 9 Detaune (Dr.) a pun upon him, II. yl compar'dwithMr.Penkethman, II. 83 Determinations at Oxford, the manner of them, II. 69 DiretIort

D/fi?#fi?a?, an ?ccount of t?m, what, Do?, ?ed at the appearance of of the sosah-sea, cornpar d wlth the l-lead: of ?,o, llegesatOffora? I. 6; preach d againt! at Oxford, I. ? 74 II. 77 II, 7o Ttrra- Filim, Dragoolssfent to Oxford, to prevent thei rifing in rebd!io? I. (Argumentatwe) an account of it, I. (Dr.) his refpe& for his man Thomas, !. 7z and inflance of it, turns tyrant, . _ t ?; complained of by Ds fellowl, LI ? 74. fom?fartheraccount ofthat matter, I. x 7 6 E Zch?eation at Oxford, rome account on it, I. 4� of noblemen, how negle&ed there, I. .lrmbezzli?g (public[: benera&ions) the viiell of all fraua,, . I. frequently comphmed of at Ox?rd, I. fddom without reafon, an inflance of it in the care of Clartndon'$ hi. lIory. how excu/M, ?xambsaeion (publicIt) how performed, .l?xercifis necefl'ary for degrees. II. 6f trx-----ter college, new.s from thence,. �actravaganct of the umv?'fity condemn'd,

INDEX. lraufiui (Dr.) his fpeech in Gdgotba, I. t;? his refpe& for his man, I. 7x

Fen (Mr.) Dr. Lime. KiMs fcrvant, a great favourite

of his mailer, I. ? ? Fe?ws, of colleges, an account of them, II. Y3 Fleetwood (bithop) tome obfervations on his book called Chronicon preciofi?m, I. ? z Dotmen of the Oxford headq f0me account of them, Foppery (academical) a &fcription of it, I 9at 2Free-Thinker? Terr?'xvilius one, 1. 9 Free-Speaker which is called daring and impious at Oxjbrd, Ierippe?y (Valentine) his letter to his character, Terra-Filius, tl. 93 lI. 9+ G? 6amlng, the flatute againft it, II. the wifdom of it, lb. 6---d?r (Dr.) preaches agalnil Terra-I*ilius at Ox- obfervations upon it, I. ?entl?mtn-?ommoner?, how negkOed at Ox[ord, i. 47 confirmed by Dr. 1genston, 1I. ?74 his matriculation, a poem, II. 60

'gg I N D E X. George (King) a gentleman of Merton. Cdlege put into the Black Book, for drinking his health, I. 3z and obliged to plead the benefit of the nexe a? o[ grace. to obtain his d?gree, I. lb. a large account of that affair, I. t z 3 &o. his title, I. 76 infulted by a progtor in his fpeech, I. 80 and in mof? [ermo?s, declamations, &c. I. ib. ?rficularly in a germon prcach'd by Mr. the oath of aI/egiance to him often evaded at Ox?rd, I. ? 5, 94, ?oo Golgotha, at Oxfor 4 rome account of it, I. 5'9 news from thence, I. 175' Guit3?ons (Dr.) a benefac2or to at. ?eohn's-College, !ta3its (l?hol?fiick) the tlate concerning theml ]I. ?o? Hart-Ha//, the method of living there, II. I?eads, of colleges compared to the South-Sea di- rerors, I. 6? the charge againf[ them, ii67 ou ht to be examined, 68 g the definition of one, their method o? keeping ramkind in ignoo rance, I. the chara?er of one, II Dr. Newton's opinion of them? II. x6z h';gI?4%urcb, how tup?orted, I[. 1 I-li./to?y (�l?rendon'O the money got by its imprcf- fion em?z?k? I. ?9 how cxcuf?!; I. 20

INDEX, ttolt (Promor) his treatment of Mr. Meadowcourts for drinking king G E O R G ?s health, I. ?2?', ?c. 1tougb (Dr.) anfwers the bifhop! of Cheer about not reading ?afi, I. Humour, rome thoughts upon it, governs the.world,.. Terr,?..F'ilius under ?ts influence, I. lb. dangerous to princes, i. reaj3n the tell of it, I. ?o?' ltuat (Dr.) abufid by Dr. 2?t?toa, II. 5?efls (Oxford) a fupplement to that book, ?e----s College, news from thence, x7 7 informing, commonly thought diflJonoura?le, Ignorance, how promoted at Oxford, I. Intereft governs the world, I. ]ohn'? Co?ge. (St.) the prudent of it affronted by one of my predeceffors, I. vhdimted, I. news from thence, I. ?n account of the rarities th=e, a ? of t?ir benelations, II. George, his title, I. 76 L) Laud (Ardabifhop) rome account of him, I. 4z Letlures at Ox?rd an account of them, [ yx how negle&ed, I. 5.+. I i 65. Ihtutes relating to them, }I. 99 Let.

INDEX. Litreft, from ?eolra $? to Terra-Filim, I. from I.R. I. from l�lethes, I. 5113 from N..?. lI. from Valratine Ieril?pery , II. 93 L/tm-K//n (Dr.) rome account of him, i/ 7 his refFe& for hi? man lrer 6 i./,. inflaaes of it, ?ogick? the earlell art in the world, I. s t 3 how attained, . . ' Zandon-?ournal, his incroachment upon I. /.oya/t.r, much boaltecl of at OxtSrd , I. 28 efpecially when preaching up rebellion, I. what memt by that word, I. ?9 in what tin? Oxford is remarkable for _ l?ydt. y, ?. I. ibme mark? of' ?t, I. ?o, ? ? Zynt's Co?t-Houfi, news from tl?ce, I. ?7 6 l{ag?ates of the univerflty, how to behave to- wards them, II. 31nil,, on? from Oxford, I. ?'zary s (St.) news from thence. I. kl?, the ftatute for flying it, how evaded, I. upbraided with it by the bifhop of Chefier at the royal vifitation of Maudlin-College, Matrkldatiam, rome account of it, I I. attended with l?er)?ry, . the abfurdity of it in one in?ance, I. Mandie,

INDEX. ?aurlee, (Mr.) prohibited to preach within the pre- cin?qs of the univerlity, . I. 88 bleadowr?rt, (Mr.) his proceedings agamtt a j?di- tious ]}tmon preached at: Ox?rd �by Mr. Wh--//, I. 88 mfultecl. by the V7ce-Cb.--.r upon trot account? I. 9? lXXt int 9 the Blmk,,ttook for drink!rig king George s health, and with* held from his degree, I. xz.? large account of that a?r, I. ik? pleads the all of grace and obtains his degree, I. ?+o Mt7/er, ($erjeant) his remarks upon Cambridge, }tillton, a remark u?n him, I. 99 I. ?o 4. Wliivim (Dr.) JI. 5'6 rome account ? him, i. ?? ? the Journalifl, abufes Terra-le?Va?s, I. ? 3'6 incroached trpoa by the !;ondon-.7ournd, obfervations upon his reftoration firther ob�ervations upoia it, its commendation, l,Io&rat?r in dif?utations, his buffntis, I. ?$7 joumat, iL ?6 It. ?9 I. ?? I. ?,? Ne (Dr.) remarks upon his book entitkd Unl- vaer.#t,v t?ducation. &c. I!. ?2 9 angry with the prayoft of Oriel and Mr. Bovoles, and why, II. ? 33 hut without teafort, II. ib. fatrifles fiefs, II. 137 expoltulated with by Werra-?ilius, II. 14o rnif-

INDEX. mi�reprefents the ca/? of Thomas Wyffe, 1[. his method of living at Hart-Hall, II.: 5'5' his age, II. how long he has been at the univerfity? II. lb. how long he has prelided in an inn-keeper, angry with being called fo, but jufdy, joins with Terr?e-Fi#m in the of the univerfities, iI. x 5'7, x 75' his falvoes, compared to Horace, Hart.Hal/, II. lb. II: I5'6 I[. lb. I!. ?b. reformation II. ?yg I[. lb. his complaints, I[. z5'9 oppofed by the ReFlor and Fellows of Exeter, College, II. a monarch, Ii. his opinion of heads of colleges, 1I. x6 his obfervation upon the garden at Trinity. College, lI. ? 6 5 his opinion of the excrcifes, fludies, le?ure;, difputations, prayers? and converfations of the univerfity, II. ? 66 refie&s upon the profif?rs of liberal fcience,, II. 368 his opinion of eniverfity degrees, II. i69 condemns pluralities, II. his account of the temperance obferv'd at the univerfity, II. his o?.inion concerning the [marts, condemns the extravagance of the univer. fit)', ? II. prohibits Tea ?n8 Coif}e, !I. ?74 s:eni?tes his brethren for their negle? of nobkmen and gentlemen-?ommo?,er:? 11. ib

INDEX. K?vt0?; oppof'cd by/?riars and thorns, �cratch'd in ,, molt wofu| iI. z78 manneh II. iti. called upon by Terra-Filius to ask pardon of thole whom he has injured, II. z8 x ?'?oMemen, how negle&ed at Oxj?rd, I. 47. II. ?74. (Benjamin) his letter to his mother, ftopt at the poff-office, I. 6o proi;eed/ngs thereupon, I. 6? O? Oaths, how they ought to be taken; taken to ilatutes, which were neve t?en, I. ib. thole of allegiance and fuprema?, how evaded at Oxford, I. lb. the ill ufe of oaths at Oxford, _!. 94 Opponent in difputafions, his bufinet? 1. Ordinanti?, rome account of it, I. the fhtute concerning it, I t. Oriel College befieged by the mob, I. O?en, the rebel, entertained at OxlSrd , I. lb. inlilts great -,umbers there in the t?retender,s caufe, I. ib. a member of Ordinantia, l. Oxj?rd (l?rofiff_or)a ftory of one, I. z 7 OxJ?rd noted for fall;on, I. for .q?rreh, riots, and law-�uits, I.

rs dffpute with Cambridge about preoeden?$?

I. 39 its genealogy,, and feveral names, I.' its founder, itS. its Heads com?ared to South-sea Direc7ors, is a great dmirer of Vo?. IL K

INDEX. Ozfird, its behaviour to firangers, !I. for what to be commended, Oxfird lefts, a fupplement to that book, II. P# (Dr.) his refpeOc for his ?#tler? I. 7?2 ?anegyrieles of great me? ??ar, I. ?y? method of tom?lim?t?g, II. 79 ?etbm? (?.) compued ?th Dr. D--l--he. a full account of it.

PoliticIts. Terra-?'ilius's advice upon it,
Popery, how maintained inl?ngland,

Vofiing at Ox?rd, what, II. I'trjury, unavoidable at Oxfird, . I. the guilt of it transferred by hgh-dmreb priefis to the im_poj?rs o7 the oath, I. 1 the impolition oftequry at ox.{brd farther proved, I. 94. Philatethes, his letter to Terra-l?i!ius, I. 98

Phil?j3?hy, its bufindsto enquire after truth, I,

l'hiio]bp,Si?al Popery at Ox?rd, I. Hura&ies, ?ndemncd by Dr. Neboton, II. l'oetical Club at Oxford, an account of it. I. rome of thear produS?ons., I. l?etry (l'rofe?r of) rome account of hm, I. preaches a treafonable fermon, I. II. II. 7 �retedence, great dif?utes about it between Oxford and Gainbridge, 3'refdrm (of St. 7ohn', Co//ege) affronted bylgne?o9f ' my predeceffors, I. ?indicated, I. (the liberty of) afterted. II.

INDEX. l'rctend?r, his health publickIy drunk at Oxj?rd, a known promoter of his �au? prei?med to a doaor9 degree there upon the day of the ?ng's coronation, ?rlnting-bot? (claremtoas,) rome account of it l?rooqors (Academical) their power, the charac�of one, i?rofi]OSr, a 1to, y of one at ox?rd, I, 5'7 II. 7z 1'I, ?2 4 I. 2 7' an account ot the Ox3rd profef/brs, !. particuh?iy of the l?o.?tical l?rofef?r, I. obl?r?tions theret?pon, ib. ?anning, iu gr?t reputation at oxford? ii. 46 a ?mple ef Oxfird ,?.?rrd. r, at Oxjbrd, an account of them, I, g6 R? Reafin, the tell of humour;

Rebellion, in Hart-HalL

?6o Refitmarion, ,vanted at Oeod. Rdigio?, wrapt up in hard names, Werra-Filius's advice upon it, II. R?fian?e of princes condemn'd at Ox?rd, by a publick &eree, !. ? o RO?dent in difFutations, his bufine?, I. R?oration of the ?retender wi?ed fo? by Mr. ?, iI. T?rra?ili#s's rea�ons al?ainlt it, _ IL from his d?re?, and for I!.

INDEX. ?itb (Mr. l?kk?r?ag) hi? contel[ with Mr. Wharton; 8ckdars, the property of their governors, l[. ?6o $c?ool-aoys, Ttrra-leilim's advice to them, II. ? decline of hte years, at Ox?rd, I. =6 upon great mtn, the popularity of them, I. Saturnallan leaits, romething like an oxford Scurloclt (Mr.) pluck'd, and for what, II. Sej,?nus, tl:e refpe8 ?id to his servants, i. 7 $eamw? (Mr.) removes from Hart-8a?. l I. &rmon, ? feditious one, preach'd at o?ford, on the ?9th of May, ?7z9. I. proc?ings thereupon, I. 88. ?m?rt (Oxf?g) the charaO? of one, II. Dr. ?7e?ton's opinion of them, II. $m?k?ius, the ?ff b?k except the bible, I. 8nap?ius Cloditts an olfl Sabine farmer, I. z 8cm.5/;'cr (Mr.) his ca?, II. x48 (Dr.) a great?punfftr, II. 8?ud;-Sea D?8or? compared with Heads of col- lege$, I. 6 the ch?ge againff them, I. 6? (yobn) his lett? to Terr?-Filitts, I. ? z $ta.9Zord univerfityvies with filat at Ox?rd, I. 66 8t,?n?rafi yerobo.?m, h/sietter to Terra- Filiut, II. 78 8txtqmen, of?l parries, ought to prore& theirf rich&, I. 7? ?at?tes of the univerfity ought to ? alter'd, contradi?oor, inconfit?entfiatutet, how ex?ufed, I. r?' for flying marl, lao_w evaded, ib, $ta-

|Statutes, a ſample of the Oxford ſtatutes, and how obſerv’d, |II. 99 |- |Statutes, ought to be equally adminisſter’d, |II. 169 |- |Steele (Sir Richard), his deſcription of univerſity logick, |I. 116 |- |Strangers, how uſed at Oxford, |II. 23 |- |Strings of Syllogiſms, an account of them, |I. 115 |- |Stuarts, their pedigree, from Adam demonſtrated, |II. 22 |- |Swift (Dr.), his ſaying on the Education in univerſities, |II. 27 |- | | |-

|colspan=2 |


|- |Taverns, ſcholars prohibited by ſtatute from frequenting them, |II. 102 |- |Taylor (Biſhop), his opinion of forbidding the publication of books, |I. 97 |- |Temperance (Academical) |II. 170 |- |Terra-Filius, ſome account him, |I. 1 |- |Terra-Filius, the reaſon for his long ſilence, |I. 4 |- |Terra-Filius, affronts the preſident of St. John’s College, |I. 3 |- |Terra-Filius, is commonly expelled, |I. 4 |- |Terra-Filius, put to ſilence at Oxford, |ib. |- |Terra-Filius, a Free-thinker and a Free-ſpeaker, |I. 9 |- |Terra-Filius, ſome farther account of him, |ib. |- |Terra-Filius, a letter to him from John Spy, |I. 22 |- |Terra-Filius, preach’d against at Oxford by Dr. G–r, |ib. |- |Terra-Filius, his obſervations upon that ſermon, |I. 23 |- |Terra-Filius, has a great reſpect for all heads of colleges, |I. 26 2'?rr?-?iliut, h,s papers proh,b?ted by cellar of Oxf?r?l, . I. the f? of ? ale-bou?-ke?er m .?g, , ?s pap?s t?eat? d to bafupprc?d by a let? to him ?om ?. a lett? tohimfrom P6ilnlet?, L influenced by humour, 4is defence, i?. ?o of his pa?s b?t at Ox?rj, ?is advice ?o t?e ftbool-?,t of Srit?i?, 1L gees incog to Ox?rJ, II, obRrva?ionsupon ?'sjoam?, I1. h? r?ons again? r?ori?g ?r, II. ?hc ?amre con?ing ?m, II. too hi? remarks u?n ?. Ne?ton'? b?, �?, Dr. D?e?s man, a ? a ?amt? a? k?ing ? ?g ?n?le? L ?s ?u?ont conc?nmg the, I. 't66 the c??r of one, I. ?viee how to ?avemE?dsthem, II. o?e ?? for Imping t?m, ?.?dG. ? ?. 8o

i N D E X. -199 Ir--p (Mr.) and upon his Poetical Prde?tiom, Ii.. 8? remarks upon his play called .d&nra#!e Trinit 7 collge, their fine gnr&n, and Dr. l?ewteffs refl�&ions upon it, ]I. z6S. 2'ru? (going upon) cautions againi? it, . II. l? Truth onght not to ?3e fpoken at all ttme?, a fal�e maxim, I. 6 big with mif?h?ef'and fa!3od, ?. men blamed for f?eaking truth? I. efpecially amon?f? the elergy? i?' has atendency ?.dtheifn?, -- i. g .?tors, what they fhould be, II. 99 V4 rice-�b?cdlor of ox.?nl, prohibits .I. $6 ?efut?s to proceed a. cc?rdmg to ttatute againfi a ?dltious f?mon I. commandgd to do it by tie fecre, tary of Rate, 90 but prevaricates, infults Mr. Meado?conrt, his behaviour to that gentleman his .court.. H.. of the umverfit?es how m?e?re?tea at O?ord I. why �lay d, IX. ? chm?: IL

! D E X. but ?, . I. re?ched f? the wmt of it by the _ ?op of ?er, I. ? s??] ? opinion, not com- w?r ?ni? p?e-worthy m m ! v?fiV, (?t?mf? vi? with that at s? by Terr?-?ilim, N. ?rtm (Mr.) Freaches a treOn?k fermon at O,v- j?rd. I. $:. an abfira& of it, i& an account of the proceeding againit it, .I. 88 Made prdideat of ?e Oxfird po?tx? club, 9Y?nJm, what, ,,. ' (S?r,.r?. ? 0 ?d?. of st o?tl?s U? it, II. (Pr?or) Ms ?ntm?t of?.y?a?toun ' for &i?g ?;.- Ge?ee'? ?vat?) ?me ??unt of ?s f?h in ?olg?ha, I. 6z rome ac?aat of his man yohn,? I. f?on at O?d. I. 8a

! N DE X. their power, I. to6 the barl effeOr? of the women at Oxford, ib? farther explained. ' I. ? 64. the llatute againfir keeping them company I. x65' KingCharle?I. his inftru6tions againIt I?hem x66 (Thomas) his care mifre?retinted by Dr lVa?ton,

B 0 0 K $ lately ?tinted fir R. Ftsccxs, under Tom's Coffee-!-Ioufe iu Ruffcl-Streeb Covent-Garden. I. p O E/? 8 on Several Occafions. DecI{catecl to the reverend Dr. Dtr.?u?E, prefident of st. John5 o?ge in O?rd. By N. A?a?sz, ;ome time of the fame college. The third edition. Price t ?. II. The Brid& Gene?: A poem, ? to memo? of his Grace Jot?s duke of Infcrib'd to the right honourable Wtrr?= End C,?oca::. By N. ?zmunsz. Price ? s. III. Strepbon's R?en,ge: a Satire on the Ox?rd T?fls. lnfcrib'd ?o the Author of Price t s. IV. Occultis ?ritanni,: An heroi-panegyrical poem on the uni?erfity of OOrd. Illutirated ?ith divers ?utihl 'fimil= and ufeful digre,ohs, PEce x ?. V. a Difconrfe of the Grounds and R?ons t?e Chsi?ian Rdigion: h two parts. The fir? �ontainm? rome confid?ffons on the quotations made flora ?e old m the n? te?ament, and tieularly on the prophecies cited from the forms, and f?d m ? fulfi?'d ? the htt?. ?he fecond, containing an examination of the fcheme advance?l by Mr. r4?/fl0n, in an e/fly towards teltoting the true text of the old tellament, a?d for vindicating the citations thence re:de in the new tellament. To which is ?refixet an apology for f?ce &?bate, and liberty of writing. Price 4 s. 6 d. . Vl. An hiltorii:al and critical Effiy on the thirty' trine Articles of the Church of ?ngland: wherein it is ?lemonitxated, that this chufe, Wh? church l?as l?r?o' to &tree rite? md ctrenmit;, and a?th?rit. y in

not a part of the irt!cles, as they_were el!abhih'd by ac't of parliament m the x ? th of. i?liz. or agreed �onby the convocationsof l?'6z and t?'7x. Price4?, VII. The Game of ,,,..6)t?adri?lt: or, Ombre. by ?Four: with its efiablifl?'d laws and rules, as it is now play'd at Court. To which is added, The Game of,.?uintil!e: or,' Ombre by Five. Price ? ?, ViII. $1tAK�Sl,�?ag Reltored: or,. a Specimen of the manlr errors, as well committed as una. mended bl? Mr. Po?,?-, in his/ate edifi.o?. of.this poet; &figned not only to.corre? the t?xd editions' but to reRore the true reading of $bnlttfl?tare in all the editions ever yet publifh'd. Price 6 ?. IX. The Lives and moR remarkable Maxims of' the ant;eat Phliofoph?s. Tranflated from the Wrench of the famous archbffhop of Can?r_q, author of 2'el#?cbm, ?t. by th? reverend Mr. it. Herbert, Prite z ?. 6 d? X. A corn lent ?.1tem of husbandry and gardenin ; . P Y g ?hewml?, x. The�everal new and advantageous ways of tilling, planflag, manuring, ordering, and impro- vin? of'ill forts of gardens, orchards, meadows? paft?'es, com-Iands, woods, and coppices; as nifo of fruit, corn, grain, pulfe, new hays, cattle, fowl, bears. bees. filk-worms, fifb, and fi?h-ponds. z. The pro ?llicl?s of dearth, forcity, plenty, tickn?, heat, cold, fi'oR, fnow, winds, ram, haft, and thunder. 5' The interpretations of ruttick terms; with an count of the feveral inikuments and engine? ufed in thi? profettion, and exac'} draughts thereof ca- graven on copper: The whole co!le?ed from, and containing what ?s moil valuable in all the books hitherto written on this fubje6t. With many new experiments and obfervations. t?y J. Vebolridge ,?.vo. Price 6 s. XI. The Oxbrd Mifcellany; confiRing of the followm? poems, vt?. ?. Stre?h? ? Revenge, a tire on ?'h?Oxj?rd toatt?. z. The ?rt of Beau_?. 3' 'x'ne

- The Oxford ?Critick, a fitire..4..Several Odeg ' ? I-I?,?, M?rtt?l, md ?an?, m?i.tated.. To a maiden hdy, who prefers her cat to-all mankind. Oa the power of mufick. On the de?th of Dr. Gatt,& Flirti!/a? or, the C uet. The Maiden's . oq Dream. Advme to an arrogant Prude. To the thors of the foregoing poem. The Adventure of ?e lV!?qu?e? Mrs.//----- On Mrs, d?nt's being ?!1 o? �ever. An EpiRle to Sir R---- $----, oeafioned by the Edipfe. On the ?ot? Saylie.- The Chara?r of'. an happy The Arrow; in imitation of Mr. ?l'rior's Dove. Oa Pride. With �eve/alot. herOdes, Satires, Songs,. md Tr?a?tions.. ?.y.:Mr. /'_oH's Worms ?d a n?'w Song on ?e. ?fquerade. & ?gb?s ox??'Z?it?f?/?i?i ?mg ? Imimion of the ??t? ??i?i,-? Pi? ofDmnkeaae?. ?. The Speedily ?ll 3epuM?ed, (On the fame Letter and Paper with T?iv.?t?-Fzzxus, and by the fame Author,) ?., EssAYs on the vices 'and follie, of the times; confilling of fe!e& Papers? formerly publith'd in. PAsqui? and' the 1.36?x>oN Jo.v.?r?; m which feveral caflratiom are reitor'd, .arid feveral int. erpolatiom :/re retren- ched, which were ommed and adde?t, with- out the author's knowledg%' i'n th{?ir firR pubhcauon? of which fome.accoun� thall given in a general Prrfaci.

  1. Vide, his Antiquities, p.166.
  2. Page 53.
  3. Page 32.
  4. Page 33
  5. Vide my paper No. XXIX. concerning the Ordinantis.