The American Cyclopædia (1879)/Ainsworth, Robert

Edition of 1879. See also Robert Ainsworth (lexicographer) on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2421906The American Cyclopædia — Ainsworth, Robert

AINSWORTH, Robert, an English teacher and scholar, born in Lancashire in September, 1660, died in London, April 4, 1743. He taught private schools in and near London, and early retired with a competency. His only claim to remembrance is his English-Latin and Latin-English dictionary, commenced in 1714 and first published in 1736. It was edited and reprinted many times, in 2 vols. 4to or folio; and abridgments of it were used in nearly all English and American schools till near the middle of the present century, when it was generally superseded by more accurate works.