The American Cyclopædia (1879)/Austerlitz

Edition of 1879. See also Battle of Austerlitz on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1936706The American Cyclopædia — Austerlitz

AUSTERLITZ, a town of Moravia, in the circle and 12 m. E. of Brünn on the Littawa river; pop. about 2,400. It owes its celebrity to the battle won here by Napoleon over the united Austrian and Russian armies, Dec. 2, 1805. After the capture of the Austrian general Mack at Ulm, Oct. 17, and the occupation of Vienna by the French, Nov. 13, the Austrian and Russian forces were concentrated near Olmütz, and under command of the czar advanced upon Napoleon, whose forced were ranged in a semicircle having its centre near Brünn. The allies chose their position wrongly; and Napoleon, perceiving their error, ordered an instant attack, and routed them after a most severe contest. The allies lost about 30,000 killed, wounded, and prisoners. Austria was compelled to make the peace of Presburg; the emperor of Russia to return to his dominions; and the campaign ended leaving a large part of central Europe subject to Napoleon. The news of this disastrous battle is said to have hastened the death of William Pitt.