The American Cyclopædia (1879)/Baden-Baden, Ludwig Wilhelm I., margrave of

The American Cyclopædia
Baden-Baden, Ludwig Wilhelm I., margrave of

Edition of 1879. See also Louis William, Margrave of Baden-Baden on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1373021The American Cyclopædia — Baden-Baden, Ludwig Wilhelm I., margrave of

BADEN-BADEN, Ludwig Wilhelm I., margrave of, a German general, born in Paris, April 8, 1655, died at Rastadt, Jan. 4, 1707. Louis XIV. was his godfather. He served first under Montecuculi against Turenne, and then under the duke of Lorraine. At the siege of Vienna by the Turks, in 1683, he threw his forces into the city, and by a brilliant sally effected a junction with King Sobieski and the duke of Lorraine, who had come to its relief. In 1689 he defeated the Turks at Nissa, and in 1691 at Salankamen. He also took an active part in the war against France in 1693, and after the death of Sobieski in 1696 aspired to the crown of Poland; but the elector of Saxony was preferred to him. He again commanded in the campaign of 1702, in the war of the Spanish succession, and took Landau, but was subsequently defeated by Villars at Friedlingen and at Höchstädt. He built the famous lines of Stollhofen from the Black Forest through Bühl and Stollhofen to the Rhine.