The American Cyclopædia (1879)/Baden (towns)

Edition of 1879. See also Baden bei Wien and Baden, Switzerland on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1372806The American Cyclopædia — Baden (towns)

BADEN. I. A town (anc. Aquæ Pannoniæ) of Lower Austria, on the river Schwechat, 14 m. S. S. W. of Vienna; pop. in 1869, 10,433. It is a favorite summer resort as a bathing place, having 13 hot sulphur springs. The town has also dye works, and steel, brass, furniture, and other manufactories. II. A town of Switzerland, in the canton of Aargau, on the Limmat, 13 m. N. E. of Aarau; pop. about 3,000. Its hot sulphur springs were well known to the Romans, who built a castle upon the site where the city now stands. The hottest and most celebrated of the springs is called Verenabad. The rocky heights on each side of the river form a portal through which the Limmat runs. Before the gorge was formed, the country above must have been a considerable lake. The railway passes by a tunnel 800 feet long under the castle hill. Baden from the 15th to the beginning of the 18th century was the seat of the Swiss diet. In the town house of Baden Eugene of Savoy, who acted as representative of the emperor of Austria, signed the final treaty of peace terminating the war of the Spanish succession, Sept. 7, 1714.