The American Cyclopædia (1879)/Berzsenyi, Dániel

Edition of 1879. See also Dániel Berzsenyi on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1867927The American Cyclopædia — Berzsenyi, Dániel

BERZSENYI, Dániel, a Hungarian poet, born at Hetye, May 7, 1776, died at Nikla, Feb. 24, 1836. A volume of his lyrics entitled Versek appeared in 1813, embracing the best specimens of that kind of poetry till then published in Magyar, among them the stirring national ode “To the Hungarians” (2d ed., 1816). He also wrote æthetical and philosophical essays. In 1830 he became a member of the Hungarian academy. A complete collection of his works was published in Pesth in 1842.