The American Cyclopædia (1879)/Charlotte (Virginia)

Edition of 1879. See also Charlotte County, Virginia on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1546567The American Cyclopædia — Charlotte (Virginia)

CHARLOTTE, a S. county of Virginia, bounded S. W. by Staunton river; area, 550 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 14,513, of whom 9,613 were colored. The surface is hilly. The Atlantic, Mississippi, and Ohio railroad crosses the N. end, and the Richmond, Danville, and Piedmont road traverses the county. The chief productions in 1870 were 75,194 bushels of wheat, 194,260 of Indian corn, 118,931 of oats, and 1,964,736 lbs. of tobacco. There were 1,035 horses, 1,715 milch cows, 2,506 other cattle, 3,223 sheep, and 7,224 swine. Capital, Marysville.