The American Cyclopædia (1879)/Christian (counties)
CHRISTIAN. I. A S. W. county of Kentucky, bordering upon Tennessee; area, 704 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 23,227, of whom 9,812 were colored. It is watered by a number of small streams, several of which flow for 2 or 3 m. through subterranean channels. The soil in the southern and level part of the county is productive; the northern part is hilly, and its wealth consists chiefly in forests and mines of coal and iron. The Evansville, Henderson, and Nashville railroad passes through the county. The chief productions in 1870 were 242,980 bushels of wheat, 778,533 of Indian corn, 65,577 of oats, 2,353 tons of hay, 155,725 lbs. of butter, 28,727 of wool, and 5,384,137 of tobacco. There were 3,923 horses, 2,777 mules and asses, 3,325 milch cows, 5,004 other cattle, 11,942 sheep, and 26,561 swine. There were 6 grist mills, 5 saw mills, 1 distillery, 2 manufactories of furniture, and 4 of saddlery and harness. Capital, Hopkinsville. II. A central county of Illinois, bounded N. by Sangamon river, and intersected by the S. fork of that stream; area, 675 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 20,363. It has a generally level surface, diversified by timber lands and fertile prairies. It is traversed by the Illinois Central, the Indianapolis and St. Louis, and the Springfield and Illinois Southeastern railroads, and the St. Louis division of the Toledo, Wabash, and Western. The chief productions in 1870 were 522,401 bushels of wheat, 1,883,336 of Indian corn, 383,821 of oats, 86,161 of potatoes, 22,964 tons of hay, 193,572 lbs. of butter, 63,247 of wool, 21,040 of honey, and 31,322 gallons of sorghum molasses. There were 9,229 horses, 4,470 milch cows, 7,991 other cattle, 15,585 sheep, and 35,015 swine. There were 2 manufactories of agricultural implements, 3 of bricks, 5 of carriages and wagons, 1 of sashes, doors, and blinds, and 7 grist mills. Capital, Taylorsville. III. A S. W. county of Missouri, drained by James river and branches of the White; area, 500 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 6,707, of whom 114 were colored. The surface is undulating or hilly; the soil in the valleys is fertile. Timber is plentiful. The Atlantic and Pacific railroad passes through the N. W. extremity. The chief productions in 1870 were 56,574 bushels of wheat, 216,185 of Indian corn, 45,260 of oats, and 16,132 lbs. of tobacco. There were 2,601 horses, 1,826 milch cows, 2,815 other cattle, 7,071 sheep, and 14,847 swine. There were 3 grist mills, 4 saw mills, and 2 wool-carding factories. Capital, Ozark.