The American Cyclopædia (1879)/Coffee (Georgia)

Edition of 1879. See also Coffee County, Georgia on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2914941The American Cyclopædia — Coffee (Georgia)

COFFEE. I. A S.E. county of Georgia, bounded N. by the Ocmulgee river, S. W. by the Allapaha, and intersected by the Satilla and its branches; area, 1,000 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 3,192, of whom 678 were colored. The surface is level and sandy. The Macon and Brunswick railroad touches the 1ST. E. corner, and the Brunswick and Albany railroad passes through the S. part. The chief productions in 1870 were 49,022 bushels of Indian corn, 19,949 of oats, 45,996 of sweet potatoes, 15,845 Ibs. of rice, 42,366 of wool, 261 bales of cotton, and 12,231 gallons of molasses. There were 403 horses, 3,925 milch cows, 10,384 other cattle, 16,036 sheep, and 12,779 swine. Capital, Douglas.