The American Cyclopædia (1879)/Göppert, Heinrich Robert

The American Cyclopædia
Göppert, Heinrich Robert

Edition of 1879. See also Heinrich Göppert on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1629729The American Cyclopædia — Göppert, Heinrich Robert

GÖPPERT, Heinrich Robert, a German botanist, born at Sprottau, July 25, 1800. He studied pharmacy and medicine, and has been since 1831 professor of botany and medicine at the university of Breslau. He has published many important works on botany and fossil flora, including Ueber die fossilen Farnkräuter (Breslau, 1836); Die Gattungen der fossilen Pflanzen verglichen mit denen der Jetztzeit (Bonn, 1841-'2); Index Palæontologicus (Stuttgart, 1848-'50); Ueber die fossile Flora der silurischen, der devonischen und untern Kohlenformation (Jena, 1860); and Ueber Structurverhältnisse der Steinkohle (Breslau, 1868). His private collection of specimens of fossil flora is considered the finest in the world, and the botanical garden and museum in Breslau have become under his management model institutions.