The American Cyclopædia (1879)/Marathon (county)

Edition of 1879. See also Marathon County, Wisconsin on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

2616078The American Cyclopædia — Marathon (county)

MARATHON, a N. county of Wisconsin, bordering on Michigan, and drained by the Wisconsin river and its branches; area, 6,048 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 5,885. It has a diversified surface, extensive pine forests, and numerous small lakes. The chief productions in 1870 were 35,327 bushels of wheat, 76,482 of oats, 22,164 of potatoes, 8,385 of peas and beans, and 2,843 tons of hay. There were 273 horses, 1,331 milch cows, 2,754 other cattle, 1,482 sheep, and 1,215 swine. Capital, Wausau.