Edition of 1879. See also Newaygo County, Michigan on Wikipedia; and the disclaimer.

1882916The American Cyclopædia — Newaygo

NEWAYGO, a W. county of the southern peninsula of Michigan, watered by the Muskegon, Marquette, and other streams; area, about 875 sq. m.; pop. in 1870, 7,294. The soil is fertile. The surface is nearly level and mostly covered with forests of pine, sugar maple, &c. The county is traversed by the Big Rapids branch of the Chicago and Michigan Lake Shore railroad, and by the Grand Rapids, Newaygo, and Lake Shore line. The chief productions in 1870 were 37,438 bushels of wheat, 10,385 of rye, 42,378 of Indian corn, 25,999 of oats, 66,746 of potatoes, 5,877 tons of hay, 8,726 lbs. of wool, 109,064 of butter, and 46,298 of maple sugar. There were 784 horses, 1,007 milch cows, 2,084 other cattle, 2,940 sheep, and 1,997 swine; 2 flour mills, and 11 saw mills. Capital, Newaygo.